CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Published three times a year Issue no. 88 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Editorial Note The Torphichen Kirk Communications Team comprises: The Minister, Rev. Sandi McGill, Mark Sterrick, Tom Preston, Sylvia Forshaw and John McCulloch, (editor). Avonbridge Church of Scotland is represented by Eddie Ireland. This team determines editorial policy for the magazine. Letters, articles and other submissions are welcome but may be edited for reasons of space, style, readability or content. When submitting drawings or photographs, please bear in mind that the magazine is printed in black and white. The decisions of the Kirk Communications Team are final. Views expressed in the Magazine do not necessarily reflect the policies of Avonbridge Church, of Torphichen Kirk or of the Church of Scotland. We encourage the open exchange of thoughts and ideas as a basis for finding common ground. Items for inclusion in the next (August 2014) issue of the Kirk Magazine should reach the Editor by Sunday 6th July 2014. All submissions are very welcome, but, where possible, please provide electronic copy on email, memory stick. Typed or printed copy is preferred to hand-written material. Subscriptions: The Magazine is provided free of cost to all Members of Avonbridge Church of Scotland and Torphichen Kirk, but people living elsewhere and wishing to receive the magazine by email may give their email address to the Editor – there is no charge for this. Alternatively, a downloadable version of the magazine is available on the website, (see below). Minister: Rev. Sandi McGill, The Manse, 5 Manse Road, Torphichen, EH48 4LT. 01506 676803. [email protected] Avonbridge Joint Session Clerks: Hazel Moskal 01324 861376 1 Osbourne Cotts, Standburn & Sandy Waddell, 01324 861303 Craigavon, Avonbridge Torphichen Session Clerk: Website: Charity Registrations: Magazine Editor: Issue no. 88 May Rae, 30 Johnston Avenue, Uphall, EH52 5PP, 01506 854636. [email protected] SC 007454, Avonbridge Parish Church of Scotland; SC 021516, Torphichen Parish Church of Scotland John McCulloch, Kinnen Dell, Westfield, Bathgate, EH48 4NJ; 01506 653095; [email protected]. 2 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Contents A Word from our Minister A Prayer for Peace Avonbridge Session Report Avonbridge Parish Register Avonbridge Congregational Board Report Avonbridge Fabric Report Avonbridge Finance Report Torphichen Session Report Torphichen Parish Register Torphichen Kirk Congregational Board Report Torphichen Kirk Finance Report Presbytery Report Involvement in Worship in Torphichen 12th Annual World Championship Clootie Dumpling Competition Fairtrade - Bananas Congratulations Activity Pages Mug-Hugs Traidcraft Torphichen Village Coffee Mornings Torphichen Twin+ Group Torphichen Summer Nights Easter Worship Calendar Dates for your Diary Regular Events and Supported Groups Avonbridge Church Directory Torphichen Kirk Directory Cover Picture: Fraser Holman April 2014 3 Issue no. 88 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 11 11 13 14 15 19 22 22 23 25 26 26 28 31 32 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen A Word from our Minister Sandi McGill Dear Friends I wonder at this point how you are getting on with your “giving up for Lent”. I had a lovely conversation with a villager on Pancake Tuesday about how spiritual a time they find the season and was inspired by what they seek to achieve for their own life in these weeks. It’s April now and I hope you have experienced many blessings. But, For Easter, why don’t you consider giving something else up for the loveliest gift that you can find. An hour of your Sunday to reflect on how we have come to have available to us life in its fullness through the cross of Christ? During Lent, we in the Church have been focusing on some of the passages of the Christian Scriptures which have created the contours of the landscape of Christian Faith. We have journeyed through the creation of humanity in all its wonder and non-glory, the formation of the nation of Israel as God calls his people out of slavery and into a vision of Eden restored and the prophetic vision of peace and justice that God gives for the building of the Kingdom (the renewed Eden) in the World. On Palm Sunday we leave the landscape of Lenten days behind and journey through the gateway into the adventure of Holy Week and the celebration of resurrection on Easter Day which fully opens the door of salvation and the promise of the kingdom to come in the world. There will be a Labyrinth in St John’s Hall during that week and if you would like to follow the path that God has made, just pop up and take some time to stop and reflect at the Landscape points. Easter Blessings ..................................................... Issue no. 88 4 Sandi April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen A Prayer for Peace Throughout the World, people are divided against one another, failing to communicate, cooperate and face problems together. Let us pray for inspired leadership to bring about better communication, cooperation and cohesiveness. ..................................... Amen. Avonbridge Session Report James White, former Session Clerk The Session continues to meet regularly and is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, 24th June at 7:15 pm for 7:30 pm in the Church Hall. The Session was pleased that Sandy Waddell and Hazel Moskal have agreed to be the Joint Session Clerks for Avonbridge. Avonbridge Parish Register Baptisms: Declan Joshua Ross Walker .................. 3rd November 2013 Craig Ross Walker ................................. 3rd November 2013 Bailey Leigh Maxwell ............................ 22nd December 2013 Profession of Faith Craig Ross Walker ................................... 3rd November 2013 Marriage: Craig Walker to Fiona Morrison ................ 19th January 2014 Funeral: Mr. Bert Wood ............................................. 5th February 2014 Avonbridge Congregational Board Report Moira Ireland, Clerk to the Board The Congregational Board has only met once since the last Chat Magazine so it was a busy evening. Hazel Moskal gave a reassuring report on our finances and told us about the repairs and April 2014 5 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen maintenance carried out on our buildings during this wet winter. She also outlined the maintenance plan for the coming year. A vote of thanks was given to Hazel for all the hard work carried out as Treasurer and acting Fabric Convener. Much discussion centred around fundraising with agreement to have a planning meeting in June/July to prepare for the Cycle Scotland event in September. Other fundraising events are described elsewhere in the Magazine: Avonbridge Fabric Report Hazel Moskal The kitchen and toilet roof has now been re-felted with no problems. The winter inspection was completed in November 2013, roof checked, gutters cleaned and repair work done. Due to the winter storms, the church required slates to be replaced – this was attended to. We also have two panels of glass missing in windows on the north side of the church – again this was due to the storms. The window has been boarded up until the glass can be replaced during better weather. There is more work required to be done to complete the requirements from the last Quinquennial report. Avonbridge Finance Report Hazel Moskal Income: The general fund brought in the sum of £12,995 for 2013. Of this, £7,425 was collected from the Free Will Offering envelopes and £995 from the open plate. This compares with 2012 when £6,152 was collected from the Free Will Offering envelopes and £1,397 from the open plate. Issue no. 88 6 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Expenditure: Expenditure for 2013 was £14,698. A Standing Order of £704.60 has be set up for ten months for our Ministries and Mission allocation. This figure of £704.60 is required to be met by the Free Will Offerings. If anybody would like to have FWO envelopes, please let me know. Also, if you pay tax, the Church can claim back 25p for every £1 that is donated. Please ask Eddie Ireland for more information. Thank you to everyone who helps in the Church to make all things possible. May God bless you all! Hazel. Torphichen Session Report May Rae, Session Clerk It is with regret that we announce the departure of three Elders from the Kirk Session, namely Mrs Lesley Orr, Mr Nigel Orr and Mrs Moira Johnston. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr and Mrs Orr for all their hard work on our behalf and for all their help and support in all areas of church matters. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mrs Johnston for her many years of service to the church especially her conscientious care to the members in her district. Mrs Johnston has also to be commended for her commitment and dedication in her pastoral care role. We would like to convey our best wishes to all three for the future. Torphichen Parish Register Death Mrs. Margaret Nisbet ............................. 15th November 2013 April 2014 7 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Torphichen Kirk Congregational Board Report Sylvia Forshaw, Clerk to the Board Our recent focus has been on events, not only to enable us to generate much needed income for the Kirk but also because the variety of events which we offer provide opportunities for fellowship and outreach. Our next event is a Quiz Night on Friday 4th April in St John's Hall. Our Stated General Meeting is to be held after Morning Worship on Sunday 16th March, when we will be looking for two members to join the Congregational Board. Torphichen Kirk Finance Report Gordon McFarlane, Kirk Treasurer Finance Update 2013. Income 2013 2012 2011 Offerings 40,466 52,396 51,855 Fund Raising 9,680 5,955 8,176 Expenditure 2013 2012 2011 National Ministry 27,654 25,420 16,859 Fabric 10,004 19,641 9,625 2013 has been quite a mixed year, on one hand costs that we can control have fallen; but on the other hand, offerings that we cannot control, have also fallen. The Art Exhibition once again brought in some much needed funds; meaning that fundraising was almost double that of the previous year. Some costs that we cannot control are The Kirk’s Mission & Ministries contribution. This increased by £2,234 in 2013 and we Issue no. 88 8 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen have again been asked to increase our contribution in 2014 by another £4,400. The main area where money has been saved is in Fabric; but as you are aware this can fluctuate from year to year due to the age of the buildings in our care. So for 2014 the Kirk is facing a decrease in offerings and a rise in some of our fixed costs. Presbytery Report Mark Sterrick Presbytery Points 1. West Lothian Food Bank: A talk by Mr Marshall Green was delivered on the work of the Trussell Trust's UK Foodbank Network. This Trust works in partnership with local churches and communities to open foodbanks in local communities. The West Lothian foodbank is run in partnership with local churches led by Whitburn Pentecostal Church. Full details, along with a shopping list of nonperishable goods can be found at 2. Religious Observance in Schools: There has been recent media coverage about the Church of Scotland’s Church and Society Council’s (CSC) statement on the change of name of Religious Observance in schools to “Time for Reflection”. According to Government guidelines, Religious Observance in schools can and should draw on the wisdom and insight of Christianity but in doing so, the person leading must be aware of the range of faith and belief in those gathered and ensure the content of the event allows everyone to participate with integrity. The CSC insists that this suggestion is not a change in any way to current practice in schools which, in the vast majority of cases, is led by school chaplains. It is in that context that the offer from the Humanist Society to work together to embed that name-change was seen by the CSC as reflecting the work it had undertaken since the guidelines had come April 2014 9 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen out in 2005. The CSC says that the name-change is not to alter practice from the current guidelines nor is it to remove faith, God or the insights of the Christian Tradition from Religious Observance; rather, it is to let those guidelines work even more effectively. There is no doubt however; that some people have struggled with the decision to make that statement and the CSC recognises that and acknowledges that this is something that the General Assembly should reach a final view on (a final decision by the General Assembly is due in May 2014). 3. School Chaplaincy: Following on from the above, Presbytery remind us that parish profiles, especially those used in a Vacancy, should not refer to a school chaplaincy role within a Parish as if it were a foregone conclusion that any minister taking up a vacant charge would automatically assume the role of chaplain for the local school. Appointment as such is the sole responsibility of the Head Teacher and parish profiles can only acknowledge that it has been the custom for the incoming minister to take up the local chaplaincy. 4. Session Clerk’s Forum: There has been a proposal to establish a Session Clerks’ Forum within the Presbytery of West Lothian and the first exploratory meeting in this regard has already taken place. 5. Energy Performance: The escalating cost of heating manses was highlighted during the debate at the General Assembly and, as a result, there is now an instruction to Congregations to include an energy performance certificate in the Manse Condition schedule. The certificates are obtained through Chartered Surveyors at a cost of between £100 to £200 and are valid for 10 years. At present they are for information only, but in 2016 Scottish legislation comes into force making any recommendation by a surveyor for upgrade mandatory. It is possible that this legislation will operate retrospectively. 6. Church Development Worker: Mr Zoltan Safrany , who is an ordained minister from Hungary and who has been living in Scotland for about three years with his family, has been appointed to St Issue no. 88 10 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen John’s Bathgate as the church development worker to the new district of Wester Inch in Bathgate (housing development on the former BMC Leyland site). His appointment to this post was recognised at a special service on 27th February at St John’s Church. Involvement in Worship in Torphichen We are eager for members of the Congregation to take an active part in our Sunday Worship at Torphichen Kirk. The following opportunities are available at present; if you want to be involved, please contact the organisers listed below. If you have other ideas or suggestions for involvement, please contact the Minister or an Elder. Choosing Hymns Innes Duncan, 01506 652169 Elspeth Gibbs, 01506 652939 Bible Readings TACO, (Kirk Band) Innes Duncan, 01506 652169 Choir James White, 01506 631917 Flowers Margaret Cockburn 01506 633288 Tea and Coffee Jean Preston, 01506 630573 Willie MacRae 01506 630348 Kirk Sound System 12th Annual World Championship Clootie Dumpling Competition Eddie Ireland This great event was held on 23rd February 2014 with a goodly entry of 16 world class dumplings. The event was attended by around 50 people who were entertained by Jock Moffat on the accordion and Rab Hunter playing the spoons. Mary Brown, our Judge from Torwood, was so meticulous in her judging that Jock had to spin out time by singing some bothy ballads. The time came for the results to be announced but Mary spun out the suspense by giving a critique on some of the entries. When the suspense was at April 2014 11 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen its highest, Mary announced the top 3 entries, crowning the entry by Mrs Nancy McComb as World Champion Clootie Dumpling. The full result was: ................................................... Mrs Nancy McComb 1st nd 2 ................................................................. Rab Hunter rd 3 ................................................................Rita Morgan Is Rab destined to be the Best Man and never the Groom as this is his second consecutive year as second? Next year……..? Then came the best bit. All 16 entries were laid out ready for sampling by the audience and whether you agreed with the judge or not the samples were enjoyed along with a cup of tea. Rita Morgan, The three winners: (L to R) Nancy McComb, (1st) and Rab Hunter, (2nd) (3rd), Our thanks to our Judge and to our musicians for the entertainment provided in an evening of fun and full bellies. Issue no. 88 12 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Fairtrade - Bananas Julia Miller Cheap bananas are threatening farmer's futures. In the last 10 years, a bitter price war has seen the UK supermarket sector almost halve the price of loose bananas while the cost of producing them has doubled. This is trapping many farmers and workers in poverty. They are the most popular and most traded fruit in the world with 10 million tonnes being produced worldwide every year. They are the fourth most important food crop in global agriculture after rice, wheat and maize, and business is booming - they generated a staggering US $8 billion in global export earnings in 2011. But the truth is that not everyone is enjoying the benefits. The millions of banana farmers and workers who grow the UK's and the world’s favourite fruit have actually seen their earnings cut in real terms. Many still can’t always afford to put enough food on the table for their families or provide the basics such as education or healthcare. The cause? Bananas are being bought and sold cheaply in the UK. Severe pressure in the banana business to keep prices low is one of the major factors trapping many banana farmers and workers in poverty. We buy most of our bananas from major supermarkets, and most of them are continually battling each other to keep their customers through a highly competitive price war. Loose bananas are a key item they price check against each other, using them, along with other products like milk and bread, to get more shoppers into their stores. So that they can offer us cheap bananas, supermarkets use their enormous buying power to keep the price they pay for them as low as possible. This can put pressure on banana farmers and workers, who sit at the end of these tough supply chains where every last penny is squeezed out. The Fairtrade Foundation is campaigning for change by asking supermarkets to do things differently and this begins with demanding that the price stickered on loose bananas reflects their April 2014 13 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen true cost and that banana farmers and workers earn a decent living. They believe, however, that supermarkets will struggle to act on their own to do this because they need to stay competitive and so are stuck in their price wars. If they’re unable to make pricing work for both consumers and farmers, they think it is time for the government to step in to help end these unjust practices. They are asking Vince Cable, as Secretary of State for Business, to urgently investigate the grave impact of unsustainable supermarket pricing and act to protect the millions of poor farmers and workers who grow the UKs favourite fruit. Sign their petition online at or pick up a petition postcard after Church/from the Traidcraft stall. • Only 1 in 3 bananas sold in British shops is Fairtrade • Every year we eat more than 5 billion bananas and spend over £550 million on them • 20p is the typical price we pay for an apple grown in the UK v 11p the typical price we pay for a loose banana grown abroad in tropical climes Congratulations To Monica Anderson Well done to Torphichen Kirk’s Monica Anderson who has secured a place in the Scottish Schools Girls’ Under-15s Football Squad. Monica participates in regular training including football camps. You can read more about her at Issue no. 88 14 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Activity Pages Easter Word-Search Competition D S C J D A P T C W L D D C P O S H E N C E B O H M D O O S J A O H N Z M H M I A Y R Q G Q B F G P E I E T M R O E A T Z B M T G B L C J A Y A H J U S A S G J A Y A J V M T C Z W J R J S S R L U D S O I J S M W A J U E A D I U G W J R I I G B R N R A L S L P A G J A G G E E M S W E O S E I M O G P J J C J G J G I M B E L E S J G E T H S E M A N E G J A L W J J J V S O V J O S E P H T C S U I T N O P K G P E T E R E M B H C S A H P A I A C T A H If you read the Gospels, near the ends, you will find the story of Jesus’ betrayal, trial, crucifixion and resurrection. resurrection. A number of names of people and places appear in this story. They are all in this wordword-search. See how many you can find. The one who finds the most will win a prize. Send your answer to the Editor. Remember to include your name, name, address and ageage-group, (primary or secondary). April 2014 15 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Bible Crossword Across 1 Thick carpet 5 Last word of a prayer 9 KJV pronoun 13 Messenger 14 A Roman emperor 15 Capital of Bangladesh 16 Seaweed substance 17 American Association of Retired Persons (abbr.) 18 Person on horse 19 Clothing (KJV) 21 Dueling sword 23 European sea eagle 24 Utter 25 Hunting expedition 29 Foreign Agricultural Issue no. 88 Down 38 Jewish calendar month 39 Computer accessory 40 Opaque gem 41 Sign of the zodiac 42 Underage 43 Layers 44 Surface to air missile 45 __ and Eve 46 Movie 2001's talking computer 47 Adjusts the wheels 49 Deface 50 Coffee brand 53 Great-grandmother of David 55 OT prophet 57 Of the sun 60 Decorative needle case 16 1 Extra tire 2 Mother of Ishmael 3 Once more 4 Seed 5 Pineapple (Gr.) 6 Meaningful 7 Be incorrect 8 Uh-uh 9 Robber 10 Held 11 Stretch to make do 12 Hearing part 15 Had by Joseph, Joseph and magi 20 Twin brother of Jacob 22 Hymn of praise 26 Biblical Greek word for love 27 Radio detection and ranging 28 Objects of false 30 City destroyed by fire 31 Dock 33 Shampoo brand 34 Perfect 35 Mother-in-law of Ruth 36 __ fide 39 In the middle of 40 Cooking fat 42 Fertilizer 43 Biblical weed 46 Smokier 48 General Ulysses 49 River 50 Florida City 51 Son of Mary 52 Sanctified 54 Place for the wicked 56 Stagger 57 South southwest April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Service 30 Canned meat brand 32 Tribe of Israel 33 Large eastern religion 36 Plague of Egypt 37 Hubbub worship 29 Popular president's initials 62 Alleviate 63 Unclean animals 64 Not win 65 Flightless birds 66 Bawled 67 Stare 68 Shoppers need 58 To be in debt 59 Mouth part 61 Digit Send your Crossword puzzle solution to the Editor by Sunday 6th July 2014 and you could win a prize. This is a very difficult puzzle so a part-completed one could well win a prize. Please remember to include your name, address and age group. Articles, Pictures, Poems, Prayers and Stories Please remember that any young person who submits a piece of prose, prayer, picture, photograph or poem suitable for inclusion in the magazine will receive a prize. The submission date for the next (April) issue of the magazine is Sunday 6th July 2013. Please remember to include your name, address and age group with each item. Competition Rules: • Please include your name, address, and your age group (primary, • • • • • secondary or adult), with each entry. Mark the envelope, (or the email subject line), with the competition name. If you wish original artwork to be returned to you, please mark it accordingly. Send or hand your entries to the “CHAT Magazine Editor”, (John McCulloch, Kinnen Dell, Westfield, Bathgate, EH48 4NJ, [email protected]), to arrive by the closing date. The decisions of the Editorial Team are final. Results will be announced in your Church and published in the next issue of this Magazine, due for issue in August 2014. Prize-Winners since the Last Issue Frazer Holman, Amalia Holman and Sky Holman all won prizes for providing pictures for the Orders of Service in December. Fraser Holman wins a prize for the magazine cover picture. April 2014 17 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Colouring in We will need a colourful picture for the Order of Service for the Easter Day Service on 20th April, when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb after the Crucifixion. Either colour in this one or draw your own and send it to the Editor by 17th April 2014 and you could win a prize. Remember to include your name, address and age group. Issue no. 88 18 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Mug-Hugs Julia Miller Michael Connarty MP was kind enough to pop in to the Big Brew Coffee Morning on the 1st March to judge the Mug Hug competition. The majority of entries came from the Adventurers, Youth Club and Twin+ Group. Most had decorated ones kindly knitted by adults and the toddlers had great fun sticking felt shapes, ribbons and buttons onto their felt ones. A few children made theirs from scratch, including one young boy who had tried his hand at knitting for the very first time. Prize-winning entries Congratulations to the following winners: Pre-school: Marcus Miller and runner up Francesca Allum April 2014 19 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Primary: Isla Ross Secondary: Chloe Dueñas Adult: Kim McCulloch and runner up Elsie Black Michael Connarty MP judging the Mug-Hug entries Issue no. 88 20 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Some of the Mug-Hug entries April 2014 21 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Traidcraft Julia Miller Traidcraft recently launched the world’s first Fairtrade marked household cleaning range: Clean & Fair. It proved to be so popular that what they thought was 6 weeks of supply sold out in just one week! The Clean & Fair range includes washing-up-liquid, multi-surface cleaner, laundry liquid and handwash, carefully developed and formulated to work brilliantly. Great performance – they've partnered with experts in eco-cleaning to develop products that really work Great for people – their famers and processors live and work in some of the world's poorest regions – the benefits of trading fair trade palm and coconut oil will transform these communities. Great for the planet – with natural, plant based ingredients and essential oils, the Clean & Fair products are eco-friendly, with ingredients processed locally by smallholder farmers working with nature, rather than destroying it. For full details on this range and all Traidcraft products pick up a copy of the Spring Traidcraft catalogue from the Traidcraft stall in St John’s Hall or from Julia Miller. Torphichen Village Coffee Mornings Julia Miller It was recently agreed to increase the suggested donation from £2 to £2.50 and this will go some way to covering the increased costs of running the coffee mornings (including electricity). The 'hosts' for 2014 are all in place and I am sure that many of them will try to find new ways to encourage us to part with our money. April will see the Gala Committee hosting and May will, as usual, raise funds for Christian Aid. Members from the congregation at Issue no. 88 22 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Avonbridge will be making us feel welcome in June and they will be making a rather radical change too: instead of starting at 10 am they plan to open the hall doors at 9 am to offer breakfast rolls to those intending to make their way down to Bathgate Gala Day. They will also be making fresh pancakes to order and will have a craft stall and children's lucky dip. There are no special hosts for the summer months as these tend to be somewhat quieter; hopefully the weather will be kind to us though so that we can make use of the Manse Garden for children's activities and so allow adults to enjoy a nice peaceful cuppa! If you are able to help at, or provide baking for, any of the coffee mornings please do get in touch. Any fundraising ideas would also be welcome! Torphichen Twin+ Group Julia Miller As expected, the autumn/winter months have been rather quiet for the twin group with some twins starting morning nursery – and of course bad weather can also be a deterrent. However, I am pleased to say that in the last month we have had 2 new families attend (including babies) and hopefully the better weather will encourage others to come along. As well as celebrating Martin and Marcus’ 3rd birthday the group have had a go at making and decorating gingerbread teddy bears (ok I made the dough but they enjoyed cutting out the shapes and then once they were baked and cool the children did the icing etc.) and in the run up to Christmas we had the Painting Café come to visit. This allowed the children to put their handprint onto ceramic items to give as gifts for Christmas and is proving a popular annual event. They also created fantastic hand and feet reindeer and spent a morning creating decorations to hang up in the hall window for one of the village advent windows. Our most recent activity was making mug hugs for the Big Brew competition; this proved a bit hit April 2014 23 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen with all the children who created some very colourful felt and button mug hugs. Our Christmas party saw 25 children attending, aged from 4 months to 15 years and almost as many adults – holding it on a Sunday allows ‘old’ friends as well as whole families to attend. We successfully played pass the parcel and musical statues and all the children appreciated the visit from Santa. I have no idea what our next activities will be; about time we had a go at making things with salt dough, perhaps some baking, hand prints …… As the weather improves we will also be looking to organise an outing or two and making use of the minister’s garden. If you know any families expecting or with twins please do let them know about the group. We meet every Thursday morning from 9.45 to 12 am. Another group meets Wednesday mornings from 10 am Issue no. 88 24 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen in the Edinburgh Room of Murieston Village Hall (beside Murieston South Train Station). Contact Julia on 01506 633995. Torphichen Summer Nights We have another exciting season planned for 2013: 27th April: The Edinburgh Renaissance Band: A group of thirteen musicians specialising in the performance of music from the period 1200-1650 with a vast array of wonderful instruments to delight an audience. 5th May: Opera Spirito: A newly formed opera quartet with an exciting range of opera classics. 29th June: Simon Thacker & Justyna Jablonska: Classical guitar and cellist. Guitar virtuoso Simon Thacker and the outstanding young Polish cellist Justyna Jablonska present Karmana. 27th July: Passacaglia: Classical Baroque trio. 31st August: Alan Reid with Rob Van Sante: Scottish Folk Duo combining open tuned lead and accompaniment guitar work from Rob, Alan's keyboard, guitar and accordion and fine harmony singing from both. More information on our website April 2014 25 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen or email us at [email protected] The Torphichen Summer Nights Music Society is a Registered Scottish Charity (Scottish Charity No. SC034344) Easter Worship Calendar th 6 April: Lent 5: Lenten Landscape – The Valley of Dry Bones: In Avonbridge CofS at 9:45 am and Torphichen Kirk at 11:15 am, (with a choral Anthem by the Torphichen Kirk Choir) 13th April: Palm Sunday: Lenten Landscape – Gateway to the Kingdom: in Avonbridge CofS at 9:45 am and Torphichen Kirk at 11:15 am. Thursday Maundy Thursday Bring and Share Meal With Agape: in 17th April: St John's Hall, Torphichen at 7:00 pm. Friday Good Friday Service: In Torphichen Kirk at 7:00 pm. A 18th April Service of Poetic Reflections on the Cross (with choral contributions from the Choir) th 20 April At 8:00 am we welcome the risen Christ at the top of Easter Cairnpapple Hill followed by rolling of painted eggs. Day: Afterwards: Bring-and-Share Breakfast in St. John’s Hall, Torphichen at 9:00 am. Lenten Landscape: Gateway to the Renewed Kingdom the Celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion in Avonbridge CofS at 9:45 am and Torphichen Kirk at 11:15 am. (With a choral Introit from the Torphichen Kirk Choir at Torphichen Kirk). The special collection is for Magina. Dates for your Diary Thursday Torphichen Primary School Easter Service in Torphichen Kirk, 3rd April (time to be advised). Thursday Musings at the Manse: an informal meeting for the Elders of 3rd April Torphichen Kirk. Details: Rev. Sandi McGill, 01506 676803. Thursday Torphichen Kirk Choir Practice: in the McCulloch house at 7:30 3rd April pm. New members welcome. Details from James White 01506 631917. Issue no. 88 26 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Dates for your Diary Friday Westfield Primary School Easter Assembly: at 9:30am. Parents 4th April and friends welcome. Friday Torphichen Kirk Quiz Night: 7 pm in St Johns Hall. Teams of 4 – 4th April 6 people, pie supper. Tickets £5 per person, £3 children available from Board members. Saturday Torphichen Village Coffee Morning: St. John’s Hall 10:00 am to 5th April 12:30 pm, for the Gala Day Committee. Details Julia Miller 01506 633995. Sunday Worship at Blackfaulds Nursing Home: 2:00 pm. 20th April welcome. Details Nan McDonald 01506 655739. All are Friday Bathgate Menzies Choir Annual Concert: 7:30 pm in St. John’s 25th April Church, Mid St., Bathgate. Tickets £7.00 from Tom or Jean Preston 01506 6305783 or John McCulloch 01506 653095. Friday Youth Club meets 7:00 to 9:00 pm in St John’s Hall, Torphichen. 25th April For S1 to S6. Contact: Eleanor Sterrick 01506 651185. Saturday Torphichen Village Coffee Morning: St. John’s Hall 10:00 am to 3rd May 12:30 pm, for Christian Aid. Details Julia Miller 01506 633995. Wednesday Torphichen Kirk Session: 7:15 for 7:30 pm in the Kirk Vestry. 7th May Agenda items to May Rae by the week before, please, 01506 854636. 11th to 17th Christian Aid Thrift Shop in Bathgate. Details to follow from May Eleanor Sterrick 01506 651185.. Tuesday Torphichen Kirk Board: meets in the Vestry at 7:30 pm. Agenda 13th May items to Sylvia Forshaw, 01506 653365, by 6th May, please. Sunday Worship at Blackfaulds Nursing Home: 2:00 pm. 18th May welcome. Details Nan McDonald 01506 655739. All are Friday Youth Club meets 7:00 to 9:00 pm in St John’s Hall, Torphichen. 23rd May For S1 to S6. Contact: Eleanor Sterrick 01506 651185. Thursday Musings at the Manse: an informal meeting for the Elders of 29th May Torphichen Kirk. Details: Rev. Sandi McGill01506 676803. Sunday The Sacrament of Holy Communion: will be celebrated in 1st June Avonbridge Church at 9:45 am and Torphichen Kirk at 11:15 am, where the Special Collection will be for Mission Saturday Torphichen Village Coffee Morning: opens at 9:00 am in St. 7th June John’s Hall, offering morning rolls for people going to Bathgate Gala Day. Hosted by Avonbridge Church. Julia Miller 01506 633995. 27 April 2014 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Dates for your Diary Sunday Pentecost, Adventurer’s Service: in Torphichen Kirk at 11:15 am. 8th June Thursday Torphichen Kirk Session: 7:15 for 7:30 pm in the Kirk Vestry. 12th June Agenda items to May Rae by the week before, please, 01506 854636. Sunday The Kirking of the Torphichen Gala Queen: in Torphichen Kirk at 14th June 11:15 am. There will be a special collection for the Adventurers. Sunday Worship at Blackfaulds Nursing Home: 2:00 pm. 15th June welcome. Details Nan McDonald 01506 655739. All are Tuesday Avonbridge Church Session: meets in the Church Hall at 7:30 pm. 24th June Details Sandy Waddell, 01324 861303. Sunday CHAT Magazine Deadline: All articles, photographs, prayers, 6th July announcements, dates, poems, stories, pictures and other material for the August issue should reach the Editor by this date. Please remember that the next following magazine will be issued in December and so all dates up to the end of November should be included in this issue. Wednesday CHAT Magazine Finalisation Meeting: in the McCulloch house at 16th July 7:30 pm to iron out any outstanding issues. A draft will be circulated by email on Tuesday 15th – if you want to be on the cc. list, please give your details to the Editor. Sunday CHAT Magazine: available in the Vestry for distribution by Elders. 20th July Sunday Worship at Blackfaulds Nursing Home: 2:00 pm. 20th July welcome. Details Nan McDonald 01506 655739. All are Regular Events and Supported Groups The following are provided by the two churches as a service to their communities. All are welcome no matter what their affiliation. Public Every Sunday at 9:45 am in Avonbridge Church of Scotland. Worship: Contact Sandy Waddell, Session Clerk, 01324 861303. Every Sunday at 11:15 am in Torphichen Kirk. Contact May Rae, Session Clerk, 01506 854636. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated at both Churches normally on: the first Sunday of February; Easter Day, Issue no. 88 28 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Regular Events and Supported Groups (20th April 2014), the first Sundays of June, August; and October and on Advent Sunday, (30th November 2014). A warm welcome is extended to all. Tea, coffee, cold drinks and biscuits are served after Worship; all are invited to stay behind for conversation and to make new friends. Worship at Once a month on a Sunday at 2:00 pm, an informal act of Blackfaulds: Worship is held at Blackfaulds Nursing Home. Please contact Nan McDonald, 01506 655739 for details. Avonbridge If you know of anyone in the Parish who is ill or in hospital, or Pastoral Care has been bereaved and would appreciate a visit or a card, Group: please contact our Pastoral Care Coordinator Mrs Jean Wilson, 01324 860105. Torphichen For young people, pre-school, 5 years and up. Meets on Adventurers: Sundays during school term-time at 11:15 am in Torphichen Kirk, and then transfers to the Community Centre after the second hymn. Contact Una Duncan, 01506 652169, for details. Avonbridge For all young people. Meets on Sundays during school termExplorers time at 9:45 am in Avonbridge Church, then moves to the Church Hall after the second hymn. Contact: Heather Stephens, 01501 751278. Youth Club Meets monthly during term-time, in St. John’s Hall, Torphichen, for everybody in Avonbridge and Torphichen parishes from S1 upwards. Details: Eleanor Sterrick, 01506 651185. Brownies: Meets in St. John’s Hall, Torphichen on Tuesdays during termtime. Please contact Margaret Cockburn for more details: 01506 633288. Parent and Meets in St. John’s Hall, Torphichen every Tuesday from 9:30 Toddler am to 11:30 am. Contact Margaret Cockburn 01506 633288 for Group: details. Twin Group: For the parents and families of twins/multiples. Thursday mornings 9.45 – 12 noon in St. John’s Hall. For more details contact: Julia on 01506 633995 or [email protected] Torphichen Meets every Tuesday in Torphichen Kirk Vestry at 2:00 pm until Senior 4:00 pm. Details: Effie Smith, 01506 652174. Citizens April 2014 29 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Regular Events and Supported Groups The Hub Café Every Thursday in Avonbridge Community Hall. An initiative of PACCT (Project of Avonbridge Church and Community Together) and the Go-For-It Fund. Coffee, Tea, Lunches, Book Exchange, Computer Corner & Training. Admin Support Services. Contact Rev. Sand McGill 01506 676803 Torphichen Choir Practice is monthly at 7:30 pm, usually on a Friday, from Kirk Choir September to Easter. New members are always welcome: please contact James White, 01506 631917 for details, or speak to a choir member. Book In St. John’s Hall, Torphichen during all Kirk events. Buy books Exchange from just 20p. Torphichen Village Coffee Mornings Are held on the 1st Saturday of every month in St. Johns Hall, Torphichen. We are always looking for donations of home baking and helpers on the day so if you can help out in any way, please get in touch with Julia on 01506 633995. CHAT: The Magazine of the linked Parishes of Avonbridge & Torphichen: is published three times a year in April, August, and December. The deadline for submissions is always the first Sunday of the month preceding publication. Contributions are always welcome and unsolicited material from a young person will win a prize. See “Editorial Note” on page 2 for more details. Torphichen Published monthly with the Torphichen News. Contains a short Kirk News: diary of Kirk events that may be of interest to the general public. Diary items should reach John McCulloch, 01506 653095 by the 15th of the preceding month. Order of Weekly, with a diary of events. If you know of a future event Service that may be of interest to Members of the Congregation, please send it by the preceding Thursday: for Avonbridge to Eddie Ireland, 01501 752020, The Steadings, Blairmains Farm, Harthill, [email protected] and for Torphichen, to John McCulloch, 01506 653095, Kinnen Dell, Westfield; [email protected]. Web-Site Please contact James White on 01506 631917. Issue no. 88 30 April 2014 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Avonbridge Church Directory Minister: Rev. Sandi McGill, The Manse, 5 Manse Road, Torphichen, EH48 4LT. 01506 676803. [email protected] Joint Session Clerks: Roll Keeper: Clerk to the Board: Treasurer: Gift Aid Convener: Baptismal Roll Keeper: Fabric Convener: Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Life & Work Co-ordinator and Pastoral Care Group: Avonbridge Explorers: Church Officer & Key Holder: Hazel Moskal 01324 861376 1 Osbourne Cotts, Standburn & Sandy Waddell, 01324 861303 Craigavon, Avonbridge See Session Clerks, details as above Moira Ireland, 01501 752020 The Steadings, Blairmains Farm, Harthill Hazel Moskal, 01324 861376 1 Osbourne Cotts, Standburn Eddie Ireland, 01501 752020 The Steadings, Blairmains Farm, Harthill Jean Waddell, 01324 861303 Craigavon, Avonbridge Tom Wilson, 01324 860105 Station House, Falkirk Road, Avonbridge Sheena Ewing, 01506 632214 7 Low Brae, Torphichen. Jean Wilson, 01324 860105 Station House, Falkirk Road, Avonbridge Heather Stephens, 01501 751278, Blairmains, Harthill; [email protected]. Tom Wilson, 01324 860105 Station House, Falkirk Rd, Avonbridge Magazine Editor: John McCulloch, 01506 653095 Kinnen Dell, Westfield, [email protected] Organist: James H White contact details as above Intimations and Order of Service: Eddie Ireland, 01501 752020 The Steadings, Blairmains Farm, Harthill April 2014 31 Issue no. 88 CHAT for the CHurches of Avonbridge and Torphichen Torphichen Kirk Directory Minister: Session Clerk: Clerk to the Board: Rev. Sandi McGill, The Manse, 5 Manse Road, Torphichen, EH48 4LT. 01506 676803. [email protected] May Rae, 01506 854636 30 Johnston Avenue, Uphall. Sylvia Forshaw, 01506 653365 Rosebank, High Brae, Torphichen. Roll Keeper: Nan McDonald, 01506 655739 Crawhill Farm, Westfield. Fabric Convener: Willie MacRae, 01506 630348 23 The Loan, Torphichen. Organist & Choir: James H. White, 01506 631917, 244 Elizabeth Drive, Bathgate Kirk Treasurer: Gift Aid Convener: Communications Editor: Gordon McFarlane, 16 Priors Grange, Torphichen, EH48 4QN; 01506 635823 [email protected] Colin Johnston, 01506 204291 or [email protected] 2 Friars Loan, Linlithgow EH49 6BE. John McCulloch, 01506 653095 Kinnen Dell, Westfield, [email protected] Safeguarding Coordinator: Sheena Ewing, 01506 632214 7 Low Brae, Torphichen The Adventurers: Una Duncan, 01506 652169 Kirkmead, Bowyett, Torphichen Youth Club: Eleanor Sterrick, 01506 651185 2 Balmuir Avenue, Bathgate Church Officer + Parents & Toddlers: Margaret Cockburn, 01506 633288 6 Northgate, Torphichen. St. John's Hall Letting Convener Margaret Cockburn, 01506 633288 6 Northgate, Torphichen. Your Elder is:…………………………………Tel.:………………… Issue no. 88 32 April 2014
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