ISO/TC 135 N 490 Non-destructive testing 2014-09-26 Secretariat Reports of ISO/TC 135/SCs The Second Session The 19th Plenary Meeting of ISO/TC 135 Saturday 11th October 2014 SC 2 Surface methods ISO/TC 135/SC 2 ISO/TC 135/SC 2 Surface methods Email of secretary: [email protected] Secretariat: SABS (South Africa) Surface methods Secretariat Report Document type: Other committee document Date of document: 2014-08-01 Expected action: INFO Background: Secretariat Report for ISO TC 135/SC2 Committee URL: N 444 ISO/TC 135 SC 2 N444 SECRETARIAT OF ISO/TC 135/SC2 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING – SURFACE METHODS Date: 01th Aug 2014 REPORT BY THE SECRETARIAT OF ISO/TC 135/SC 2 1. SECRETARIAT The secretariat is held by the South African Bureau of Standards, with Mr. Dion Agostinho as chairperson until end of 2016; and Mr. P.Qwabe as secretary. ISO Central Secretariat contact: Mr Charles-Pierre Bazin de Caix 2. MEMBERSHIP status as of 01 Aug 2014 P Members(23) O Members(12) Argentina (IRAM) Belarus (BELST) Austria (ASI) Belgium (NBN) Brazil (ABNT) Croatia (HZN) Bulgaria (BDS) Hungary (MSZT) Canada (SCC) Netherlands (NEN) China (SAC) Norway (SN) Czech Republic (UNMZ) Portugal (IPQ) Finland (SFS) Romania (ASRO) France (AFNOR) Slovakia (SUTN) Germany (DIN) Spain (AENOR) India (BIS) Switzerland (SVN) Indonesia (BSN) Trinidad and Tobago (TTBS) Iran, Islamic Republic of (ISIRI) Italy (UNI) Japan (JISC) Kazakhstan(KAZMEMST) Poland (PKN) Republic of Korea (KATS) Russian Federation (GOST R) South Africa (SABS) Sweden (SIS) Ukraine (DSSU) United Kingdom (BSI) 3 Previous SC2 meetings Title Date Country 3rd meeting 1985-10-29 to 11-08 USA 4th meeting 1987-05-11 to 05-21 Japan 5th meeting 1989-04-13 to 04-23 Germany 6th meeting 1994-10-22 to 11-01 France 7th meeting 1995-05-10 to 05-20 Canada 8th meeting 1997-09-20 to 10-09 France 9th meeting 1999-09-14 to 09-24 Canada 10th meeting 2001-10-01 to 10-05 Spain 11th meeting 2003-10-28 to 10-31 Republic of Korea 12th meeting 2005-10-19 USA 13th meeting 2007-10-23 Argentina 14th meeting 2010- Moscow 15th meeting 2012 South Africa 4 Published standards ISO 3057:1998 Non-destructive testing -- Metallographic replica techniques of surface examination 90.93 ISO 3058:1998 Non-destructive testing -- Aids to visual inspection -- Selection of low-power magnifiers 90.93 ISO 3059:2012 Non-destructive testing -- Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing Viewing conditions 60.60 ISO 3452-1:2013 Non-destructive testing -- Penetrant testing -- Part 1: General principles 60.60 ISO 3452-2:2013 Non-destructive testing -- Penetrant testing -- Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials 60.60 ISO 3452-3:2013 Non-destructive testing -- Penetrant testing -- Part 3: Reference test blocks 60.60 ISO 3452-4:1998 Non-destructive testing -- Penetrant testing -- Part 4: Equipment 90.93 ISO 3452-5:2008 Non-destructive testing -- Penetrant testing -- Part 5: Penetrant testing at temperatures higher than 50 degrees C 90.60 ISO 3452-6:2008 Non-destructive testing -- Penetrant testing -- Part 6: Penetrant testing at temperatures lower than 10 degrees C 90.60 ISO 9934-1:2001 Non-destructive testing -- Magnetic particle testing -- Part 1: General principles 90.92 ISO 9934-2:2002 Non-destructive testing -- Magnetic particle testing -- Part 2: Detection media 90.92 ISO 9934-3:2002 Non-destructive testing -- Magnetic particle testing -- Part 3: Equipment 90.92 ISO 12706:2009 Non-destructive testing -- Penetrant testing -- Vocabulary 5 WORK IN PROGRESS ISO/DIS 9934-1 Non-destructive testing -- Magnetic particle testing -- Part 1: General principles 40.60 ISO/DIS 9934-2 Non-destructive testing -- Magnetic particle testing -- Part 2: Detection media 40.60 ISO/DIS 9934-3 Non-destructive testing -- Magnetic particle testing -- Part 3: Equipment 40.60 ISO/DIS 12707.2 Non-destructive testing -- Terminology -- Terms used in magnetic particle testing 40.60 6 NEW ITEMS ADDED TO THE WORK PROGRAM No new items were added to the work program 7 LIAISON CEN/ TC 138 Secretariat NOTICE OF MEETING / DRAFT AGENDA CONVOCATION / PROJET D'ORDRE DU JOUR Date Reference N448 ISO/TC135/SC2 Title of / Titre du TC/SC 135/SC2 Surface methods SABS MEETING / RÉUNION Meeting dates / 7 October 2014 Dates de la réunion Host / Invitant Place / Lieu Secretariat / Secrétariat Prague Congress Centre (PCC), Small Theatre třída 5. května 65, 140 21 Prague 4 Czech Republic Tel. : Fax : P-and O-members are invited to inform the secretariat of the committee concerned, within one month of the receipt of this notice of meeting, of their intention to be represented at the meeting, the approximate number of their delegates and their need for interpretation. Les membres (P) et (O) sont invités, dans un délai d'un mois à partir de la réception de la présente convocation, à faire connaître au secrétariat du comité concerné leur intention d'être représentés à la réunion, le nombre approximatif de leurs délégués et leur besoin en matière d'interprétation. Whenever possible, the names of delegates (or observers) and the name of the head of the delegation should also be sent to the secretariat of the committee concerned at least one month before the opening of the meeting. Dans la mesure du possible, une liste indiquant les noms des délégués (ou observateurs), ainsi que le nom du chef de la délégation, devrait également parvenir au secrétariat concerné un mois au moins avant l'ouverture de la réunion. Parallel meeting(s) / Réunion(s) parallèle(s) User Notes - M odified fields Notes pour l'utilisateur (to be omitted from circulated agenda) (à supprimer pour les ordres du jour distribués) 1. The above is the basic text of an agenda. There will be occasions when this text needs to be modified/extended. See the following page for texts to use in case of: 1. Ceci est le texte de base pour un ordre du jour. Il peut être modifié/reformé selon certaines circonstances. Voir Annexe 1 pour les textes à utiliser dans les cas suivants : - late distribution of agenda - meeting venue not known - meeting venue notified later - distribution tardive de l'ordre du jour - lieu de la réunion inconnu - lieu de la réunion communiqué plus tard 2. This template is in English and French, which is the preferred 2. Le présent modèle de document est en anglais et en français selon Model__Notice_of_meeting_draft_agenda_447/Version 98.2/98-10-13 overleaf / Projet d'ordre du jour au verso Draft agenda option. Nevertheless, where the TC or SC approves, an agenda may be distributed in one language only (see ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, 1995: F.4.2) Model__Notice_of_meeting_draft_agenda_447/Version 98.2/98-10-13 overleaf / Projet d'ordre du jour au verso les préférences de la majorité des comités. Toutefois, si le TC ou le SC approuvent, l'ordre du jour peut être distribué en une seule langue.(voir Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 1, 1995: F.4.2) Draft agenda This page to be omitted from circulated agenda / Page à supprimer des ordres du jour distribués . User Notes - M odified fields - for use in the cases cited as replacements or enhancements for elements of the basic text Notes de l'utilisateur - Champs modifiés - à utiliser dans les cas cités pour remplacer ou mettre en évidence des éléments du texte de base Agenda circulated late Ordre du jour distribué tardivement Where notification is late (less than 4 months before the meeting date), P-members have the right to demand the postponement of the meeting. Consequently, in such cases the following text should be substituted for the basic text (copy and paste the text blocks). Lorsque la communication du lieu de la réunion est tardive, (moins de 4 mois avant la date de la réunion), les membres P peuvent demander de reporter la réunion. Par conséquent,, dans ce cas, le texte suivant remplace le texte de base (copier coller les paragraphes du texte). NOTE: NOTE : Due to the late circulation of this document, the meeting will be held only if no P-member is opposed. Étant donné la distribution tardive de ce document, cette réunion n'aura lieu que si aucun membre (P) ne s'y oppose. M eeting venue not known Lieu de la réunion inconnu Where — to meet the rule for distribution of agendas — not all the details of the meeting location are available, the following text should be substituted for the basic text (copy and paste these text blocks). Afin de respecter les règles de la distribution des ordres du jour, si l'information concernant le lieu de la réunion n'est pas complète, le texte suivant remplace le texte de base (copier coller ces paragraphes du texte). Secretariat / Secrétariat:SABS MEETING / RÉUNION Th Meeting dates / 7 October 2014 Dates de la réunion Host / Invitant Place / Lieu Prague Congress Centre (PCC), Small Theatre třída 5. května 65, 140 21 Prague 4 Czech Republic M eeting venue confirmed after agenda circulated When meeting details are confirmed after the agenda is distributed, a second (revised) version or a circular letter should typically be distributed giving the full details. Model__Notice_of_meeting_draft_agenda_447/Version 98.2/98-10-13 overleaf / Projet d'ordre du jour au verso Confirmation du lieu de la réunion après distribution de l'ordre du jour Lorsque l'information concernant la réunion est confirmée après la distribution de l'ordre du jour, une deuxième version (révisée) ou une lettre circulaire doit être distribuée pour fournir tous les détails nécessaires. Draft agenda DRAFT AGENDA/PROJET D'ORDRE DU JOUR User Notes Notes de l'utilisateur (to be omitted from circulated agenda) (à supprimer de l'ordre du jours distribué) 1. The following items maybe used directly as a model for the items to be included on an agenda, after deleting these user notes. 1. L'Annexe 1 peut être utilisé pour les questions à inclure dans un ordre du jour. L'Annexe 2 peut être utilisé directement en supprimant l'Annexe 1 et les détails fixes de l'Annexe 2.. 2. Where required — for example as an alternative/additional model — ISO/CS can provide a copy in electronic format (MS Word) of the last agenda on its files. 3. The text following contains fields (for use in MS Word 6) that can aid the completion of the text proposed. To use these fields: - make them visible using the command ALT/F9; - complete the entry - move to the next field using function key F11. 2. Le Secrétariat Central de l'ISO peut fournir, sur demande, à titre de modèle alternatif ou additionnel, une copie en version électronique (MS Word) du dernier ordre du jour enregistré dans ses dossiers. 3. Le texte suivant contient des champs (à utiliser dans MS Word 6) qui peuvent compléter le texte proposé. Pour utiliser ces champs : - les rendre visibles avec la touche ALT/F9; - insérer l'information - passer au champ suivant en utilisant la touche F11. 1. Opening of the meeting () Ouverture de la réunion () 2. Roll call of delegates Appel des délégués 3. Adoption of the agenda Doc. ISO/TC N 443 Adoption de l'ordre du jour Appointment of the drafting committee Désignation du comité de rédaction 4. Rapport du secrétariat : N444 5. Report of the Secretariat N444 Status of all items of the programme of work and action to be taken Follow-up on work 5.1 ISO/DIS 9934-1 Non-destructive testing -Magnetic particle testing -- Part 1: General principles 40.60 5.2 ISO/DIS 9934-2 Non-destructive testing -Magnetic particle testing -- Part 2: Detection media 40.60 5.3 ISO/DIS 9934-3 Non-destructive testing -Magnetic particle testing -- Part 3: Equipment 40.60 5.4 ISO/DIS 12707.2 Non-destructive testing -Terminology -- Terms used in magnetic particle testing 40.60 Model__Notice_of_meeting_draft_agenda_447/Version 98.2/98-10-13 Statut de toute question inscrite au programme de travail et suite à donner Suivi des travaux 6 Items for future work Questions pour les travaux futurs 7 Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting Conditions requises pour la prochaine réunion 8 Any other business Divers 8.1 Presentation: lighting in penetrant and magnetic testing particles by France 9 Approval of resolutions Approbation des résolutions 10 Closure of the meeting () Clôture de la réunion () * To be circulated * A distribuer ultérieurement Model__Notice_of_meeting_draft_agenda_447/Version 98.2/98-10-13 SC 3 Ultrasonic testing Secretariat of ISO/TC 135/SC 3 "Ultrasonic testing" our date 2014-08-26 our reference seb/eim ISO/TC 135/SC 3 N 103 REPORT OF THE SECRETARIAT OF ISO/TC 135/SC 3 TO THE PLENARY MEETING OF ISO/TC TH ON 11 OCTOBER 2014 135 IN PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION · МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ПО СТАНДАРТИЗАЦИИ · ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Secretariat address DIN e. V. Am DIN-Platz Burggrafenstr. 6 10787 Berlin Telephone Telefax +49 30 2601-2068 +49 30 2601-0 +49 30 2601-4-2068 [email protected] -2- 1) Leadership Chairman Secretary Udo Schlengermann (Germany) Martin Sengebusch (DIN) Am DIN-Platz Burggrafenstraße 6 10787 Berlin (Germany) Phone: 0049 30 2601 2068, E-mail: [email protected] 2) Members P-Members: Argentina (IRAM), Austria (ASI), Brazil (ABNT), Bulgaria (BDS), Canada (SCC), China (SAC), Czech Republic (UNMZ), France (AFNOR), Germany (DIN), India (BIS), Indonesia (BSN), Iran, Islamic Republic of (ISIRI), Italy (UNI), Japan (JISC), Korea, Republic of (KATS), Malaysia (DSM), Netherlands (NEN), Poland (PKN), Romania (ASRO), Russian Federation (GOST R), South Africa (SABS), Sweden (SIS), Ukraine (DTR), United Kingdom (BSI) O-Members: Belarus (BELST), Belgium (NBN), Croatia (HZN), Finland (SFS), Hungary (MSZT),Israel (SII), Kazakhstan (KAZMEMST), Norway (SN), Portugal (IPQ), Slovakia (SOSMT), Spain (AENOR), Switzerland (SNV), Trinidad and Tobago (TTBS) 3) Liaisons ISO/TC 44/SC 5 ISO/TC 108/SC 5 EC-Commission IIW 4) Meetings Last meeting: 2012-04-17 in Durban (South Africa) Next meeting: 2014-10-09 5) Published standards in 2012, 2013 and 2014 ISO 16810:2012 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic testing -- General principles ISO 16811:2012 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic testing -- Sensitivity and range setting ISO 16823:2012 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic testing -- Transmission technique ISO 16826:2012 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic testing -- Examination for discontinuities perpendicular to the surface ISO 16827:2012 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic testing -- Characterization and sizing of discontinuities -3- ISO 16828:2012 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic testing -- Time-of-flight diffraction technique as a method for detection and sizing of discontinuities ISO 16831:2012 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic testing -- Characterization and verification of ultrasonic thickness measuring equipment ISO 2400:2012 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic testing -- Specification for calibration block No. 1 ISO 16809:2012 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic thickness measurement ISO 12715:2014 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic testing -- Reference blocks and test procedures for the characterization of contact probe sound beams ISO 17405:2014 Non-destructive testing -- Ultrasonic testing -- Technique of testing claddings produced by welding, rolling and explosion 6) Active projects ISO/WD 5577 Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic inspection – Vocabulary ISO/DTR 16829 Non-destructive testing - Automated ultrasonic testing - Selection and application of systems ISO/DIS 16946 Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Specification for step wedge calibration block ISO/DIS 18563-1 Non-destructive testing -- Characterization and verification of ultrasonic phased array equipment -- Part 1: Instruments ISO/DIS 18563-3 Non-destructive testing -- Characterization and verification of ultrasonic phased array equipment -- Part 3: Combined system Mr Martin Sengebusch Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 3 Mr Udo Schlengermann Chairman of ISO/TC 135/SC 3 ISO/TC 135/SC 3 N 105 NOTICE OF MEETING / DRAFT AGENDA CONVOCATION / PROJET D'ORDRE DU JOUR Date 2014- 08-26 Reference ISO/TC 135/SC 3 N 105 Title of / Titre du TC/SC NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING — ULTRASONIC TESTING ESSAIS NON DESTRUCTIFS — ESSAIS AUX ULTRASONS Secretariat / Secrétariat DIN (Germany) MEETING / RÉUNION Meeting dates / Dates de la réunion 2014-10-09 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (in case of necessity, SC 3 meeting may be continued till 12:00 p.m.) Host / Invitant Place / Lieu ECNDT Prague Congress Centre (PCC) třída 5. května 65, 140 21 Prague 4 Czech Republic For more information please visit: P-and O-members are invited to inform the secretariat of the committee concerned, within one month of the receipt of this notice of meeting, of their intention to be represented at the meeting, the approximate number of their delegates and their need for interpretation. Les membres (P) et (O) sont invités, dans un délai d'un mois à partir de la réception de la présente convocation, à faire connaître au secrétariat du comité concerné leur intention d'être représentés à la réunion, le nombre approximatif de leurs délégués et leur besoin en matière d'interprétation. Whenever possible, the names of delegates (or observers) and the name of the head of the delegation should also be sent to the secretariat of the committee concerned at least one month before the opening of the meeting. Dans la mesure du possible, une liste indiquant les noms des délégués (ou observateurs), ainsi que le nom du chef de la délégation, devrait également parvenir au secrétariat concerné un mois au moins avant l'ouverture de la réunion. ISO/TC 135/SC 3 DRAFT AGENDA/PROJET D'ORDRE DU JOUR 1. Opening of the meeting (9:00 a.m) Ouverture de la réunion (9:00 a.m) 2. Roll call of delegates Appel des délégués 3. Adoption of the agenda Adoption de l'ordre du jour Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 3 N 105 Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 3 N 105 4. Appointment of the drafting committee Désignation du comité de rédaction 5. Report of the Secretariat Rapport du secrétariat 6. Report of Liaison Rapport de la liaison ISO/TC 138/SC 5 International Institute of Welding (IIW) 7. Status of all items of the programme of work and action to be taken ISO/TC 138/SC 5 International Institute of Welding (IIW) Statut de toute question inscrite au programme de travail et suite à donner ISO/WD 5577 ISO/WD 5577 ISO/DTR 16829 ISO/DTR 16829 ISO/DIS 16946 ISO/DIS 16946 ISO/DIS 18563-1 ISO/DIS 18563-1 ISO/DIS 18563-3 ISO/DIS 18563-3 8. Items for future work ISO 18563-2, Non-destructive testing Characterisation and verification of ultrasonic phased array equipment - Part 2: Probes Questions pour les travaux futurs ISO 18563-2, Non-destructive testing Characterisation and verification of ultrasonic phased array equipment - Part 2: Probes 9. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting Conditions requises pour la prochaine réunion 10. Any other business Divers 11. Approval of resolutions Approbation des résolutions 12. Closure of the meeting (latest 12:00 p.m.) Clôture de la réunion (12:00 p.m.) _______________________________ ___________________________________ * To be circulated * A distribuer ultérieurement SC 4 Eddy current methods « Non-destructive testing – Eddy current methods » ISO/TC 135/SC 4 Date: Doc. Number: 2014-08-06 N 140 Assistant: Françoise BERTHOU Direct line: + 33 (0)1 41 62 84 86 franç[email protected] Your contact: Cyrielle FOURNIER Direct line : + 33 (0)1 41 62 85 05 [email protected] Report of ISO/TC 135/SC 4 secretariat for the 19th ISO/TC 135 meeting to be held on 2014-10-08 FOLLOW UP For information 2 1 ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 140 Chairman and Secretary Chairman Robert LEVY (France) re-appointed as Chairman for 2013-2015 (ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 137 refers). Secretariat Cyrielle FOURNIER - AFNOR 11, rue Francis de Pressensé 93571 Saint-Denis La Plaine Cedex FRANCE Phone : + 33 1 41 62 85 05 Email : [email protected] 2 Participation table "P" Members : 24 Argentina (IRAM) Canada (SCC) Austria (ASI) China (SAC) Germany (DIN) India (BIS) Italy (UNI) Japan (JISC) Netherlands (NEN) Poland (PKN) Kazakhstan (KAZMEMST) Romania (ASRO) South Africa (SABS) Sweden (SIS) Ukraine (DSSU) Iran, Islamic Republic of (ISIRI) Korea, Republic of (KATS) Russian Federation (GOST R) United Kingdom (BSI) Belgium (NBN) Norway (SN) Spain (AENOR) Finland (SFS) Portugal (IPQ) Switzerland (SNV) Hungary (MSZT) Serbia (ISS) Thailand (TISI) Brazil (ABNT) Czech Republic (UNMZ) Indonesia (BSN) "O" Members : 13 Belrarus (BELST) Malaysia (DSM) Slovakia (SUTN) Trinidad and Tobago (TTBS) 3 Internal liaisons None 4 None Bulgaria (BDS) France (AFNOR) Organisations in liaison with ISO/TC 135/SC 4 3 5 ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 140 Date of meetings 2005.10.20 (Colombus) - Report ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 109 6 Standards published under direct TC responsibility Reference Document title Stage EN ISO 12718:2008 Eddy current testing - Vocabulary Confirmed in 2012 EN ISO 15548-1:2013 Equipment for eddy current examination - Part 1: Instrument characteristics and verification Revised and published in 2013 EN ISO 15548-2:2013 Equipment for eddy current examination - Part 2: Probe Revised and published in characteristics and verification 2013 EN ISO 15548-3:2008 Equipment for eddy current examination - Part 3: System characteristics and verification Confirmed in 2012 ISO 15549:2008 Eddy current testing - General principles Confirmed in 2012 7 Work programme under direct TC responsibility None 8 None Standards under direct TC responsibility under 5-year review NOTICE OF MEETING / DRAFT AGENDA CONVOCATION / PROJET D'ORDRE DU JOUR Date 2014-08-06 Reference ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 139 Title of / Titre du TC/SC NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING – EDDY CURRENT METHODS ESSAIS NON DESTRUCTIFS – METHODES PAR COURANTS DE FOUCAULT Secretariat / Secrétariat MEETING / RÉUNION 2014-10-08 AFNOR (FRANCE) 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Host / Invitant Place / Lieu Prague Congress Centre (PCC) ECNDT třída 5. května 65, 140 21 Prague 4 Czech Republic For more information, please visit: P-and O-members are invited to inform the secretariat of the committee concerned, within one month of the receipt of this notice of meeting, of their intention to be represented at the meeting, the approximate number of their delegates and their need for interpretation. Les membres (P) et (O) sont invités, dans un délai d'un mois à partir de la réception de la présente convocation, à faire connaître au secrétariat du comité concerné leur intention d'être représentés à la réunion, le nombre approximatif de leurs délégués et leur besoin en matière d'interprétation. Whenever possible, the names of delegates (or observers) and the name of the head of the delegation should also be sent to the secretariat of the committee concerned at least one month before the opening of the meeting. Dans la mesure du possible, une liste indiquant les noms des délégués (ou observateurs), ainsi que le nom du chef de la délégation, devrait également parvenir au secrétariat concerné un mois au moins avant l'ouverture de la réunion. Parallel meeting(s) / Réunion(s) parallèle(s) ISO TC 135 SC 4 N 139 Notice of meeting - Draft agenda of ISO TC 135 SC 4 meeting on 2014-10-08 in Prague.doc/Version 98.2/98-1013 Draft agenda overleaf / Projet d'ordre du jour au verso ISO/TC 135/SC 4 DRAFT AGENDA/PROJET D'ORDRE DU JOUR 1. Opening of the meeting (4:00 p.m.) 1. Ouverture de la réunion (4:00 p.m.) 2. Roll call of delegates 2. Appel des délégués 3. Adoption of the agenda Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 139 3. Adoption de l'ordre du jour 4. Appointment of the drafting committee 4. Désignation du comité de rédaction 5. Report of the Secretariat 5. Rapport du secretariat Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 140 6. Results to consultation on new proposals to be developed Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 138 7. Presentation of "Non-destructive testing Equipment for eddy current examination: array probes characteristics and verification" Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 141 Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 139 Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 140 6. Résultats de la consultation sur de nouveaux sujets à développer Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 138 7. Présentation du projet "Essais non destructifs – Appareillage pour examen par courants de Foucault. Caractéristiques des capteurs multiéléments et vérifications" Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 4 N 141 8. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting 8. Conditions requises pour la prochaine réunion 9. Any other business 9. Divers 10. Approval of resolutions 10. Approbation des résolutions 11. Closure of the meeting (6:00 p.m.) 11. Clôture de la réunion (6:00 p.m.) * To be circulated * A distribuer ultérieurement ISO TC 135 SC 4 N 139 Notice of meeting - Draft agenda of ISO TC 135 SC 4 meeting on 2014-10-08 in Prague.doc/Version 98.2/98-1013 SC 5 Radiation methods Secretariat of ISO/TC 135/SC 5 "Radiation methods" our date 2014-08-28 our reference seb/eim ISO/TC 135/SC 5 N 267 REPORT OF THE SECRETARIAT OF ISO/TC 135/SC 5 TO THE PLENARY MEETING OF ISO/TC TH ON 11 OCTOBER 2014 135 IN PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION · МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ПО СТАНДАРТИЗАЦИИ · ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Secretariat address DIN · Burggrafenstr. 6 10787 Berlin Telephone +49 30 2601-2068 +49 30 2601-0 Telefax +49 30 2601-4-2068 [email protected] -2- 1) Leadership Chairman Secretary Prof. Uwe Ewert (Germany) Martin Sengebusch (DIN) Burggrafenstraße 6 10787 Berlin (Germany) Phone: 0049 30 2601 2068, E-mail: [email protected] 2) Members P-Member: Argentina (IRAM), Austria (ASI), Brazil (ABNT), Bulgaria (BDS), Canada (SCC), China (SAC), Czech Republic (UNMZ), France (AFNOR), Germany (DIN), Greece (NQIS ELOT), India (BIS), Indonesia (BSN), Iran, Islamic Republic of (ISIRI), Japan (JISC), Korea, Republic of (KATS), Netherlands (NEN), Poland (PKN), Russian Federation (GOST R), South Africa (SABS), Ukraine (DTR), United Kingdom (BSI) O-Member: Belarus (BELST), Belgium (NBN), Croatia (HZN), Finland (SFS), Hungary (MSZT), Israel (SII), Italy (UNI), Norway (SN), Portugal (IPQ), Romania (ASRO), Serbia (ISS), Slovakia (SOSMT), Spain (AENOR), Sweden (SIS), Switzerland (SNV), Trinidad and Tobago (TTBS) 3) Liaison ISO/TC 44/SC 5 4) Meetings Last meeting: 2012-04-17 in Durban (South Africa) Next meeting: 2014-10-11 in Prague (Czech Republic) 5) Published standards in 2012, 2013 and 2014 ISO 19232-1:2013, Non-destructive testing -- Image quality of radiographs – Part 1: Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators ISO 19232-2:2013, Non-destructive testing -- Image quality of radiographs – Part 2: Determination of the image quality value using step/hole-type image quality indicators ISO 19232-3:2013, Non-destructive testing -- Image quality of radiographs – Part 3: Image quality classes ISO 19232-4:2013, Non-destructive testing -- Image quality of radiographs – Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables ISO 19232-5:2013, Non-destructive testing -- Image quality of radiographs – Part 5: Determination of the image unsharpness value using duplex wire-type image quality indicators ISO 5579:2013, Non-destructive testing -- Radiographic testing of metallic materials using film and X- or gamma rays -- Basic rules -3- 6) Active projects ISO/NP 21432, Non-destructive testing -- Standard test method for determining residual stresses by neutron diffraction Mr Martin Sengebusch Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 5 NOTICE OF MEETING / DRAFT AGENDA CONVOCATION / PROJET D'ORDRE DU JOUR Date 2014-08-28 Reference ISO/TC 135/SC 5 N 266 Title of / Titre du TC/SC RADIATION METHODS MOYENS UTILISANT LES RAYONNEMENTS Secretariat / Secrétariat DIN (Germany) MEETING / RÉUNION Meeting dates / Dates de la réunion 2014-10-11 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m (in case of necessity, SC 3 meeting may be continued till 12:00 p.m) Host / Invitant Place / Lieu ECNDT Prague Congress Centre (PCC) třída 5. května 65, 140 21 Prague 4 Czech Republic For more information please visit: P-and O-members are invited to inform the secretariat of the committee concerned, within one month of the receipt of this notice of meeting, of their intention to be represented at the meeting, the approximate number of their delegates and their need for interpretation. Les membres (P) et (O) sont invités, dans un délai d'un mois à partir de la réception de la présente convocation, à faire connaître au secrétariat du comité concerné leur intention d'être représentés à la réunion, le nombre approximatif de leurs délégués et leur besoin en matière d'interprétation. Whenever possible, the names of delegates (or observers) and the name of the head of the delegation should also be sent to the secretariat of the committee concerned at least one month before the opening of the meeting. Dans la mesure du possible, une liste indiquant les noms des délégués (ou observateurs), ainsi que le nom du chef de la délégation, devrait également parvenir au secrétariat concerné un mois au moins avant l'ouverture de la réunion. ISO/TC 135/SC 5 DRAFT AGENDA/PROJET D'ORDRE DU JOUR 1. Opening of the meeting (9:00 a.m) Ouverture de la réunion (9:00 a.m) 2. Roll call of delegates Appel des délégués 3. Adoption of the agenda Adoption de l'ordre du jour Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 5 N 265 Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 5 N 265 4. Appointment of the drafting committee Désignation du comité de rédaction 5. Report of the Secretariat Rapport du secrétariat Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 5 N 267 6. Status of all items of the programme of work and action to be taken ISO/NP 21432 7. Items for future work EN 16407-1, Non-destructive testing Radiographic inspection of corrosion and deposits in pipes by X- and gamma rays – Part 1: Tangential radiographic inspection EN 16407-2, Non-destructive testing Radiographic inspection of corrosion and deposits in pipes by X- and gamma rays – Part 2 : Double Wall radiographic inspection Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 5 N 267 Statut de toute question inscrite au programme de travail et suite à donner ISO/NP 21432 Questions pour les travaux futurs EN 16407-1, Essais non destructifs - Examen radiographique de la corrosion et des dépôts dans les canalisations, par rayons X et rayons gamma - Partie 1: Examen radiographique tangentiel EN 16407-2, Essais non destructifs - Examen radiographique de la corrosion et des dépôts dans les canalisations, par rayons X et rayons gamma - Partie 2: Examen radiographique double paroi 8. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting Conditions requises pour la prochaine réunion 9. Any other business Divers 10. Approval of resolutions Approbation des résolutions 11. Closure of the meeting (latest 12:00 p.m) Clôture de la réunion (12:00 p.m ) _______________________________ ___________________________________ * To be circulated * A distribuer ultérieurement SC 6 Leak detection methods ISO/TC 135/SC 6 ISO/TC 135/SC 6 Leak detection methods Email of secretary: [email protected] Secretariat: JISC (Japan) N277 SecReport 2014 Document type: Meeting report Date of document: 2014-05-26 Expected action: INFO Background: Committee URL: N 277 ISO/TC 135/SC 6 N 277 Non-destructive Testing/Leak detection methods Our Date: 2014/05/26 Secretariat Report of ISO/TC 135/SC 6 Leak Detection Methods for ISO/TC 135 Plenary Meeting October 11, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic Secretariat address: Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection (JSNDI) MBR99 bldg. 67 Kanda-sakumagashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0026, Japan Phone: +81 3 5821 5101 FAX: +81 3 3863 6524 Email: [email protected] 1/3 1. Membership Registered members of ISO/TC 135/SC 6 as of 28 May 2014 are as follows: P Member: Argentina (IRAM), Brazil (ABNT), China (SAC), Czech Republic (UNMZ), France (AFNOR), Germany (DIN), India (BIS), Indonesia (BSN), Iran, Islamic Republic of (ISIRI), Italy (UNI), Japan (JISC), Korea, Republic of (KATS), Poland (PKN), Romania (ASRO), Russian Federation (GOST R), South Africa (SABS), Sweden (SIS), Ukraine (DTR) 18 countries O Member: Belarus (BELST), Belgium (NBN), Hungary (MSZT), Netherlands (NEN), Norway (SN), Portugal (IPQ), Slovakia (SUTN), Spain (AENOR), Switzerland (SNV), Trinidad and Tobago (TTBS), United Kingdom (BSI) 11 countries 2. ISO International Standards published No ISO Standard was published in the reported period. 3. ISO Draft International Standards submitted to voting procedure No DIS was submitted to the voting procedure. 4. ISO Committee Drafts / Reinstate No CD was submitted to the voting procedure. 5. ISO Working Drafts / Systematic Review No systematic review was carried out in the period since the last TC 135 plenary. 6. Chairman and Secretary There is no change in the chairman and the secretary of SC6 at present. 7. Preliminary Work Items (pending matters) 7.1 Terminology on leak testing (Proposal of EN 1330-8 as NWI) After SC 6 prepared the Preliminary Work Item of terminology on leak testing (SC 6 N 250 including about 160 definitions of term prepared by 4 experts from France, Germany, Italy and Japan), SC 6 has long been inviting experts to the activity to make the PWI proceed to NWI. However SC 6 failed to find 5 experts from P-members, which is the requirement of ISO Directives. On the other hand, ISO 9712 uses a lot of terms related to leak detection in the training syllabus without authorized definition of each term. This may result in the inconvenience for the engineers involved in leak testing and SC 6 has to establish the definition of terms as fast as possible. 2/3 Therefore, SC 6 changed its policy on establishment of leak detection-related terminology from the reinstatement of PWI (SC 6 N250) to the proposal of EN 1330-8 which is supposed to be the base of the training syllabus, with the consent of experts currently in charge, and requested to CEN/TC 138 and its WG 6 in this April, to propose EN 1330-8 as NWI of SC 6. CEN/TC 138 accepted SC 6 request and is asking the member bodies of CEN/TC 138 through CIB with target date of mid-June 2014. When the result of the CEN CIB is favorable for NWI proposal, EN1338-8 will be proposed to SC 6 as NWI, and SC 6 will start CIB within SC 6. The latest information will be reported in the ISO/TC 135 plenary in Prague this October. 7.2 Method for helium leak testing In the former SC 6 meeting in Buenos Aires in 2007, Germany and Japan expressed to submit the draft standard (EN by Germany, and JIS by Japan) to replace ISO/CD 12724-1: “Testing for leaks using the mass spectrometer leak detector (MSLD) or the residual gas analyzer (RGA) – Part 1: Leakage measurement using the mass spectrometer leak detector or residual gas analyzer in the hood mode” which was submitted by USA, then P-member of SC 6. SC 6 secretariat received JIS but not EN. Upon receiving these materials, SC 6 will start the preparation of ISO standard for helium leak testing. 8. Other works of leak detection-related standards 8.1 Works related to ISO 9712 The training syllabus of ISO 9712 includes not only helium leak testing but also other kinds of leak testing method. It is preferable that these leak testing method are defined as International Standard. SC 6 secretariat would like to promote member bodies to propose these methods. SC 6 members are kindly requested to propose the leak testing method established as their national standard and included in ISO 9712 for the draft for international standard. 8.2 Helium leak testing calibration standard (NWI proposal by CCM.P-K12) International collaboration of CCM.P-K12 (Consultative Committee for Mass and related quantities, a division of Bureau International des Poids et Mesures) is carrying out the calibration of helium standard leak by participating countries. At present 13 countries have established the system to calibrate helium standard leak (China*, Czech Republic*, France*, Germany*, India*, Italy*, Japan*, Mexico, Russia*, Singapore*, Spain, Taiwan, USA*, *: country participating in CCM.P-K12). SC 6 contacted CCM.P-K12 secretariat and offered them to propose their calibration method as International Standard. However, their response was not so favorable to propose to ISO. As the calibration of helium standard leak is essential for helium leak testing, SC 6 will continue contacting them, aiming at the proposal of their calibration method as NWI. Takeo Tsuchiya/Secretary, ISO/TC 135/SC 6 3/3 ISO/TC 135/SC 6 ISO/TC 135/SC 6 Leak detection methods Email of secretary: [email protected] Secretariat: JISC (Japan) N276 Agenda 2014 Document type: Meeting agenda Date of document: 2014-05-26 Expected action: INFO Background: Committee URL: N 276 ISO/TC 135/SC 6 N 276 Non-destructive Testing/Leak detection methods Our Date: 2014/05/26 Draft Agenda for the Meeting of ISO/TC 135/SC 6 2014-10-07, Prague, Czech Republic 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Roll call of delegates 3. Adoption of the agenda: ISO/TC135/SC6 N276 4. Appointment of the drafting committee 5. Report of the secretariat 6. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting 7. Any other business 8. Approval of resolutions 9. Closing of the meeting Takeo Tsuchiya/secretary, ISO/TC 135/SC 6 (Email: [email protected]) Secretariat address: Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection (JSNDI) MBR99 bldg. 67 Kanda-sakumagashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0026, Japan Phone: +81 3 5821 5101 FAX: +81 3 3863 6524 Email: [email protected] SC 7 Personnel qualification SECRETARIAT OF ISO/TC 135/SC 7 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING - PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION CANADA (SCC) Postal Address: PATRICIA A. WAIT CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD OTTAWA, CANADA K1A 1G6 July 25, 2014 Tel.: (819) 956-0777 Fax: (819) 956-5740 Email: [email protected] ISO/TC 135/SC 7/N 255 REPORT OF THE SECRETARIAT ISO/TC 135/SC 7 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION 1. Membership 1.1 "P" Members (33): Argentina (IRAM), Australia (SA), Austria (ASI), Belgium (NBN), Brazil (ABNT), Bulgaria (BDS), Canada (SCC), China (SAC), Czech Republic (UNMZ), Finland (SFS), France (AFNOR), Germany (DIN), Hungary (MSZT), India (BIS), Indonesia (BSN), Iran, Islamic Republic of (ISIRI), Italy (UNI), Japan (JISC), Kazakhstan (KAZMEMST), Korea, Republic of (KATS), Malaysia (DSM), Netherlands (NEN), Norway (SN), Philippines (BPS), Poland (PKN), Romania (ASRO), Russian Federation (GOST R), South Africa (SABS), Sri Lanka (SLSI), Sweden (SIS), Ukraine (DTR), United Kingdom (BSI), United States (ANSI). 1.2 “O” Members (9): Colombia (ICONTEC), Croatia (HZN), New Zealand (SNZ), Portugal (IPQ), Slovakia (SOSMT), Spain (AENOR), Switzerland (SNV), Thailand (TISI), Trinidad and Tobago (TTBS). 2. Liaisons 2.1 Internal: ISO/TC 17/SC 19 – Steel ‐Technical delivery conditions for steel tubes for pressure purposes ISO/TC 108/SC 5 ‐ Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines ISO/CASCO 2.2 External: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Committee for Non‐Destructive Testing (ICNDT) 3. ISO International Standard published ISO 9712:2012 Non‐destructive testing ‐‐ Qualification and certification of NDT personnel ISO/TS 11774:2011 Non‐destructive testing ‐‐ Performance‐based qualification ISO 20807:2004 Non‐destructive testing ‐‐ Qualification of personnel for limited application of non‐ destructive testing ISO/TS 22809:2007 Non‐destructive testing ‐‐ Discontinuities in specimens for use in qualification examinations 4. Work items 4.1 4.2 ISO/WD TR 25107 Non‐destructive testing ‐‐ Guidelines for NDT training syllabuses Stage 20.20 ISO/WD TR 25108 Non‐destructive testing ‐‐ Guidelines for NDT personnel training organizations Stage 20.20 ISO/DIS 18490 Non‐destructive testing ‐‐ Evaluation of vision acuity of NDT personnel Joint standard with CEN under the Vienna Agreement, CEN lead Stage 40.60 Working groups: WG 9 ‐ Revision of training guidelines INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION ISO/TC 135/SC 7, NON‐DESTRUCTIVE TESTING ‐ PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION 16th Meeting ISO/TC 135/SC 7 N 254 DRAFT AGENDA 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Roll call of delegates 3. Adoption of the agenda Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 7 N XXX 4. Appointment of the drafting committee 5. Report of the Secretariat Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 7 NXXX 6. Status of all items of the programme of work and action to be taken 6.1 Results of Systematic Review – ISO/TS 22809:2007 Non‐destructive testing ‐‐ Discontinuities in specimens for use in qualification examinations Resolution 3‐2012: SC7 suggests to CEN TC138 to adopt ISO TS 22809 as a replacement for CEN TS 15053 thus permitting a further harmonised document to support ISO/EN 9712:2012. There is a requirement to review ISO/TS 22809 in 2013. 6.2. Report on ISO/TC 135/SC 7/WG 9 – Revisions of training guidelines 6.3. Report on ISO/DIS 18490 Non‐destructive testing ‐‐ Evaluation of vision acuity of NDT personnel Joint standard with CEN under the Vienna Agreement, CEN lead 7. Work items on which no progress is being made ‐ Status and action to be taken No items. 8. Items for future work 8.1 Development of a guideline for training of digital radiographic testing The International Institute of Welding (IIW) Commission V recommends the development of a guideline for training of digital radiographic testing on the basis of the IAEA document “Training Guidelines in Digital Industrial Testing” or existing USA MAI training structure, and incorporate this in the ISO/TC 135/SC 7 work programme on radiographic testing syllabus and prepare a revision of ISO 9712 9. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting 10. Any other business 11. Approval of resolutions 12. Closure of the meeting SC 8 Infrared thermography for non-destructive testing ISO/TC 135/SC 8 ISO/TC 135/SC 8 Infrared thermography for non-destructive testing Email of secretary: [email protected] Secretariat: KATS (Korea, Republic of) N 073 SC 8 secretary report for Prague meeting, October 2014 Document type: Other meeting document Date of document: 2014-08-13 Expected action: INFO Background: For your information. Committee URL: N 73 ISO/TC 135/SC 8 N073 2014-08-11 ISO/TC 135/SC 8 Infrared Thermography for Non-destructive Testing Report of ISO/TC 135/ SC 8 Secretariat 1. Secretariat The Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) holds the secretariat with Dr. Seungseok Lee as chairman and Prof. Wontae Kim as secretary. 2. Membership 2.1 P Members (12) Australia (SA) Brazil (ABNT) China (SAC) Czech Republic(UNMZ) France (AFNOR) Germany (DIN) India (BIS) Indonesia (BSN) Japan (JISC) Korea Republic of (KAT) United Kingdom (BSI) Ukraine(DSSU) 2.2 O Members (9) Argentina (IRAM) Belgium (NBN) Canada (SCC) Croatia (HZN) Italy (UNI) Romania (ASRO) Spain (AENOR) Iran (ISIRI) Switzerland(SNW) 2.3 Liaison-ISO ISO/TC 108/SC 5 – Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring – Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines 3. ISO International Standards ISO 10878:2013 Non-destructive testing – Infrared thermography – Vocabulary 4. ISO Final Draft International Standards No ISO drafts were circulated. 5. ISO Draft International Standards No ISO drafts were circulated. 6. ISO Committee Drafts ISO/CD 18251-1 Non-destructive testing – Infrared thermography – System and equipment – part 1: Description of characteristics was circulated from 2014-07-08 to 201409-08 for vote and comments 1/2 . 7. ISO Work Item(s) 7.1. WG 1 – Terminology and vocabulary ISO 10878;2013 Non-destructive testing – Infrared thermography – Vocabulary was published on 2013-10-02 and WG 1 was disbanded on 2014-05-13. 7.2 ISO/AWI Projects: DIS limit date due in 6 months (development track rules) on 2014-07-06 and extended until 2015-09-10 ISO/AWI 10880 Non-destructive testing – Infrared thermographic testing – General principles ISO/AWI 18251-1 Non-destructive testing – Infrared thermography – System and equipment – part 1: Description of characteristics ISO/AWI 10881 Non-destructive testing – Thermography – Guidelines for examination of electrical installations 7.3. Working groups: 7.3.1 WG 2 NDT-IRT-General principles ISO/WD 10880 Non-destructive testing – Infrared thermographic Testing – General principles 7.3.2 WG 3 NDT-IR-System and equipment ISO/CD 18251-1 Non-destructive testing – Infrared thermography – System and equipment – part 1: Description of characteristics 7.3.3 WG 4 NDT-IR-Guidelines for examination of electrical installations ISO/WD 10881 Non-destructive testing – Thermography – Guidelines for examination of electrical installations 1/2 ISO/TC 135/SC 8 ISO/TC 135/SC 8 Infrared thermography for non-destructive testing Email of secretary: [email protected] Secretariat: KATS (Korea, Republic of) N 074 Final Agenda for SC 8 meeting in Prague, October 2014 Document type: Meeting agenda Date of document: 2014-09-11 Expected action: INFO No. of pages: 2 Background: For your information. Committee URL: N 74 ISO/TC 135/SC 8, INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY FOR NON‐DESTRUCTIVE TESTING ISO/TC 135/SC 8 N 074 September 05, 2014 AGENDA 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Roll call of delegates 3. Adoption of the agenda Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 8 N 074 4. Appointment of the drafting committee 5. Report of the Secretariat Doc. ISO/TC 135/SC 8 N 073 6. Status of all items of the program of work and action to be taken 6.1 Report on ISO/TC 135/SC 8/WG 2 Results of ISO/WD 10880 Non‐destructive testing – Infrared thermographic Testing – General principles 6.2. Report on ISO/TC 135/SC 8/WG 3 Results of ISO/CD 18251-1 Non‐destructive testing – Infrared thermography – System and equipment Part1: Description of characteristics 6.3. Report on ISO/ TC 135/SC 8/WG 4 Results of ISO/WD 10881 Non‐destructive testing – Infrared thermography – Guidelines for examination of electrical installations 7. Items for future work 8. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting 9. Any other business 10. Approval of resolutions 11. Closure of the meeting(04:00 PM) SC 9 Acoustic emission testing ISO/TC 135/SC 9 ISO/TC 135/SC 9 Acoustic emission testing Email of secretary: [email protected] Secretariat: ABNT (Brazil) ISO TC 135 SC 9 N097 Prague Meeting Notice Draft Agenda Document type: Meeting agenda Date of document: 2014-07-09 Expected action: INFO Background: Committee URL: N 97 NOTICE OF MEETING / DRAFT AGENDA CONVOCATION / PROJET D'ORDRE DU JOUR Date 2014/07/04 Reference ISO/TC 135/ SC 9 – N 097 Title of / Titre du TC/SC ACOUSTIC EMISSION TESTING Secretariat / Secrétariat ABNT MEETING / RÉUNION Meeting dates / Dates de la réunion 2014/10/09 01:00 PM to 06:00 PM Host / Invitant Place / Lieu ECNDT Prague Congress Centre (PCC) třída 5. května 65, 140 21 Prague 4 Czech Republic For more information please visit: P-and O-members are invited to inform the secretariat of the committee concerned, within one month of the receipt of this notice of meeting, of their intention to be represented at the meeting, the approximate number of their delegates and their need for interpretation. Les membres (P) et (O) sont invités, dans un délai d'un mois à partir de la réception de la présente convocation, à faire connaître au secrétariat du comité concerné leur intention d'être représentés à la réunion, le nombre approximatif de leurs délégués et leur besoin en matière d'interprétation. Whenever possible, the names of delegates (or observers) and the name of the head of the delegation should also be sent to the secretariat of the committee concerned at least one month before the opening of the meeting. Dans la mesure du possible, une liste indiquant les noms des délégués (ou observateurs), ainsi que le nom du chef de la délégation, devrait également parvenir au secrétariat concerné un mois au moins avant l'ouverture de la réunion. Parallel meeting(s) / Réunion(s) parallèle(s) 1. Welcome to delegates and opening (01:00 PM) 2. Roll call of delegates 3. Adoption of the agenda N 097 4. Secretary activities report 5. Working Groups activities reports: 5.1. WG 1 - Metal Materials; 5.2. WG 2 - Composite Materials; 5.3. WG 3 - Leak Detections; 5.4. WG 4 - Acoustic Emission Technology. 6. Debates on active projects: 6.1 New work item proposal on Acoustic Emission Inspection on cranes; 6.2 ISO 18249 DIS voting results; 6.3 ISO 18081 DIS; 6.4 ISO 12713 – Systematic review. 6. Any other business 7. Approval of the resolutions 8. Closure of the meeting (06:00 PM)
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