Appendix F: Stronger Families LA Database Variables

Appendix F: Stronger Families LA Database Variables
Visit Information
Attempted Visits
Date of verbal consent
Reason client did not accept WB program1
Supervisor name
Date of Engagement
Location of Visit2
Who participated in home visit?3
If newborn not present for visit, why?4
Start time/End time
Client information
Estimated Due Date (EDD)
Last Menstrual Period (LMP)
Date of Delivery
Expected Date of Discharge
Client Characteristics
Marital Status5
Born in the U.S.?
If no, country of birth?
If no, how many years in U.S.
Primary language spoken at home6
Language client would like for services
Education & Employment
Highest level completed8
Type of Education Program currently
enrolled in9
Employment Status10
Household Income11
# of people supported by household income
Public Benefits
Is client’s family receiving any of the
following benefits?12
Information on local food resources (WIC,
Farmers’ Markets, etc)
Secondary Caregiver Information
Relationship to Baby13
Secondary Caregiver Race/Ethnicity14
Other Children in Household
Health Kids
Is the client covered by any of the following
health insurance programs?15
Medical Provider Information
Engagement Points Collected
All visits except hospital visit
Prenatal intake; hospital visit
Prenatal intake; hospital visit
All visits
All visits
Prenatal HV (27 wk/28-32 wk); All
postpartum HV
All visits except phone calls
All postpartum visits
All visits
All prenatal engagement points
All prenatal engagement points
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Intake visits
Intake Visits
Intake Visits
Intake Visits
Intake Visits
Intake Visits
Intake Visits
Intake Visits
Intake Visits
Intake Visits; postpartum 2 month phone
Intake Visits; Postpartum 2 month phone
Intake visits
All visits except RN Visit
All postpartum visits
Intake Visits
Intake Visits
Intake Visits
All Visits except RN visits
Appendix F: Stronger Families LA Database Variables
No medical Provider
Medical Providers Name
Clinic Name
Medical Providers Address
Options on emergency and/or ongoing
medical care given?
Dental Insurance16
Dental Status17
Risk Factors
Prenatal Care and Pregnancy Outcomes
Approximate date mom began to receive
prenatal care
Mom smoked during this pregnancy?
Pregnancy History18
Previous c-section
Type of labor19
Delivery method20
Birth complications for this pregnancy
Gestational Age
Birth Weight
6 week postpartum check-up21
Family Planning
Client’s current family planning methods
and satisfaction22
Infant Health Care
Child Insurance Coverage23
Insurance Care Received
Infant Medical Provider24
Client has scheduled an appointment for the
3-5 day well-baby check up25
Client has scheduled an appointment for 2
month well-baby check up26
Client has scheduled an appointment for 4
month well-baby check up
Client has scheduled an appointment for 6
month well-baby check up
Client has scheduled an appointment for 9
month well-baby check up
Client has scheduled an appointment for the
baby check up
Infant has received the recommended
immunizations for their age
Emergency Room Visits
How many times has the client been to the
hospital emergency room since the last
All visits except NICU HV
All visits except NICU HV
All visits except NICU HV
All visits except NICU HV
All post-partum visits except RN Visits
Prenatal Visits
Prenatal Visits & Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Prenatal Intake & Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
RN Visit and postpartum HV
RN Visit and postpartum HVs
Hospital Intake and All Postpartum visits
All postpartum visits
Hospital Intake and All Postpartum Visits
RN Visit, PP 2 wk HV, PP 2 month
HV/phone call
RN Visit, PP 2 wk HV, PP 2 month
HV/phone call
3-4 month PP HV, 9 month PP HV
9 month PP HV
All PP HVs
Appendix F: Stronger Families LA Database Variables
engagement point?
How many times has the baby been to the
hospital emergency room since the last
engagement point?
Breastfeeding Intent
How does client plan to feed the baby?27
If client intends on breastfeeding, how long
does client plan on breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding education or support
How is the client feeding the baby?28
Not interested in Breastfeeding
If Breastfeeding, how long would client like
to breastfeed?29
Was client helped and encouraged to hold
newborn skin-to-skin after delivery and at
other times?
Has client roomed in with baby at any point
in time?
Infant feeding education or support
Breastfeeding assistance provided
If yes, what type
Needs further breastfeeding
assistance/support after discharge
If client stopped breastfeeding, what are the
reasons why30
If stopped breastfeeding, how long did the
client breastfeed?
Home Safety
No Home Safety assessment completed
Home Saftefy Completed, No risk factors
Cockroaches, rodents or bed bugs
Possible exposure to lead due to peeling or
chipped paint
Occupational exposure to toxins
Unsafe objects/substances within infant’s
No childproofing
Weapons kept in home
Drug paraphernalia
Home Safety Education provided
Prenatal HV
Prenatal HV
Prenatal HV
All PP Engagement Points
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake & All PP Engagement
Hospital Intake & All PP Engagement
Hospital Intake & All PP Engagement
Hospital Intake
All PP Engagement Points
All PP Engagement Points
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Prenatal HV & All PP HVs
Appendix F: Stronger Families LA Database Variables
Home Safety Items given
Family made a home safety improvement
and/or childproofed the home
How does client put the baby down to sleep
most of the time?
How often does the baby sleep in the same
bed with anyone else?
What are the reasons the baby sleeps with
another person
Education provided on safe sleeping
Parent Infant Interaction
Positive mother/infant interaction observed
Education provided on bonding and secure
Depression screening PHQ-2 completed
PHQ-9 score
Life Skills Progression:
Relationship with family & friends
Mental Health & Substance Abuse
Basic Essentials (housing, nutrition,
transportation, insurance, income, child
Child Development
Pre-Literacy Activities
Is family engaging in pre-literacy activities
Child Development
ASQ completed
ASQ Not Completed
History of incarceration for mother, partner
or by people who will impact infant’s wellbeing
Hospital Referrals Bedside Services
2 month non-BS HV & 3-4 month and 9
month HV
2 month non-BS HV & 3-4 month and 9
month HV
All PP HVs
All PP HVs
All PP HVs
All PP HVs
Hospital Intake & All PP HVs
Hospital Intake & All PP HVs
All engagement points
All engagement points
Prenatal HVs, 2 month PP call, 9 month HV
2 month/3-4 month/9 month PP engagement
3-4 month & 9 month PP HV
3-4 month & 9 month PP HV
Hospital Intake
Hospital Intake
Reasons include: Don’t feel a need for the services; not in best start community; client could not be
reached; not comfortable with home visits; does not have time; negative prior experiences;
spouse/partner against it; moving to a new location; declined to state; other
2 Client’s home; medical office; home visiting office; other
3 Newborn; mother client; secondary caregiver/father; grandparent; siblings; supervisor observed;
supervisor training; supervisor staff support; other
In hospital; removed from home by DCFS; temporarily cared for by someone else; infant death;
permanently in the care of someone else other than foster care; other
5 Single; married; separated; divorced; widowed; live together/common law; other
Appendix F: Stronger Families LA Database Variables
English; Spanish; Cantonese; mandarin; Vietnamese; Korean; hmong; tagalog; khmer; unknown;
7 Alaska Native/American Indian; Black/African American; White; Middle Eastern; Hispanic/Latino
(Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central American, Other Hispanic); Asian (Asian indian;
Cambodian; Chinese; Filipino; Japanese; Korean; Vietnamese; other Asian); Pacific Islander (Native
Hawaiian; Guamanian; Samoan; Other); unknown; decline to state; other
8 No formal schooling; 8th grade or less; 9th-12th grade or vocational school; high school diploma/GED;
post high school vocational/technical training program/some college, no degree; College graduate;
some graduate school; graduate school
9 Post-high school vocational certification, technical training; college; adult school; high school;
middle school or lower; not enrolled in any program
10 Employed full time; employed part time(20-35 hrs); employed part time (less than 20 hrs); not
employed; leave of absence/disability
11 Less than $10,000; $10,000-$14,999; $15,000-$19,999; $20,000-$24,999; $25,000-$29,999; $30,000$39,999; $40,000-$49,999; $50,000-$74,999;$75,000-$99,999; $100,000 or more; Do not know; Decline
to answer
12 CalWORKS; Food Stamps; homeless assistance; WIC; SSI/SDI; General Relief; Other; None;
Decline to State
13 Biological parent; step-parent/parent’s partner; grandparent; adoptive parent; relative caregiver;
guardian; other
14 Alaska Native/American Indian; Black/African American; White; Middle Eastern; Hispanic/Latino
(Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central American, Other Hispanic); Asian (Asian indian;
Cambodian; Chinese; Filipino; Japanese; Korean; Vietnamese; other Asian); Pacific Islander (Native
Hawaiian; Guamanian; Samoan; Other); unknown; decline to state; other
15 Medi-Cal Presumptive Eligibility; Restricted Medi-Cal; Medi-Cal Managed Care; Full-scope MediCal; AIM; No health insurance; Private health insurance; other
16 Denti-Cal; Private Dental Coverage; Other Dental Insurance; No Dental Insurance
17 Client received an exam in last 12 months; client has scheduled an appointment for a dental exam;
dental referral made by WB; client received a referral from elsewhere; client opts out of dental
18 Parity (# of births); Gravidity (# pregnancies); number of living children mother gave birth to
19 None (scheduled c-section); spontaneous; augmented; induced
20 Vaginal; forceps; vacuum; c-section
21 Scheduled; not scheduled or attended; attended
22 Family planning not discussed; family planning methods currently not used; family planning
methods used, but not satisfied; family planning methods used and satisfied; education provided on
child spacing; education provided on contraception
23 Medi-Cal; Health Kids; No health insurance; Private insurance; other
24 No medical provider; medical providers name; clinic name; medical providers address; medical
provider phone number
25 Scheduled; attended; N/A in NICU; neither scheduled nor attended
26 Scheduled; attended; N/A in NICU; neither scheduled nor attended
27 Breast only; Breast and formula; Formula only
28 Breast only; mostly breast, with some formula; mostly formula, with some breast; formula; other
29 About 1 month or less; 5-6 months; about 6 weeks-2 months; 3-4 months; 7-9 months; 10-12
months; 12+ months; N/A
30 Low milk supply; latch-on difficulties; sore, cracked nipples; pain; latch-on difficulties; medical
reason; return to work; medication; lack of support from partner; lack of support from family; other