JessikaBottiani,Ph.D. Associate KEYQUALIFICATIONS Content Expertise. Building the capacity of schools and community organizations to implement effective, culturally‐sustaining interventions, policies, and practices to prevent youth violence and promote mental health among historically marginalized youth. Specific knowledge in areas related to supportive school discipline and discipline disproportionality, equitable school climate, cross‐cultural competency, and cultural adaptation of evidence‐based maternal mental health interventions. Strategy Development and Support. Applying research and best practice in the areas of group decision‐making facilitation, strategic planning, data‐based decision‐making, and fund development to promote organizational sustainability and achievement of mission‐driven goals. Research and Evaluation Methods. Implementing observational, quasi‐experimental, and randomized designs to assess the effectiveness of interventions and impact of policy and practice changes. Skilled in the development, implementation, and validation of observational and self‐report instruments as well as use of latent variable and multilevel methods to appropriately analyze complex data utilizing Mplus and HLM software. Coaching, Training, and Technical Assistance. Developing staff workshops and professional development activities related to enhancing equitable treatment and cultural inclusion of diverse groups through individual and institutional change. Specialized knowledge in motivational interviewing techniques and evidence‐based coaching models to promote movement along stages of change. Additional experience in building nonprofit program evaluation capacity. Program Management. Managing nonprofit federal and private fund development as well as philanthropic responsive grant‐making investment portfolios. EDUCATION 2014 Ph.D. , Mental Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 2008 M.P.H., Maternal and Child Health, Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 2001 B.A. in Comparative Literature, Smith College, Northampton, MA PROFESSIONALEXPERIENCE Associate, 2014 to Present Community Science Gaithersburg, MD Responsibilities: Management and supervision of project tasks; technical quality control over assigned research and evaluation activities; design and administration of interviews, focus groups, and surveys; complex data organization and analysis; report writing for diverse audiences; proposal development. 1 Sample of Current Projects: Research Team Member, National Resource Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention, 2014‐present. The National Resource Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention, a partnership led by the American Institutes of Research (AIR) and funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers resources and technical assistance to states and local communities to come together to prevent youth violence. The Center Evaluation Team (CET) at Community Science identifies and collects data on measures of the core capacities needed to achieve the Safe Schools Health Students (SS/HS) and Project LAUNCH goals, as well as measures of the statewide infrastructure required to support state and local collaborative actions; provides real‐time feedback for continuous quality improvement for the Center’s work and larger field; and tests the logic model and facilitates mid‐course adjustments to optimize impact. Research Team Member, JourneyStart Cross‐Cultural and Linguistic Competency Assessment, 2014‐present. Conduct psychometric and other analyses on data collected through JourneyStart, a research‐ based, computer‐assisted cross‐cultural and linguistic competency assessment and action planning toolkit funded through the Small Business Innovations and Research (SBIR) funding mechanism offered by the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). Research Fellow, 2010‐2013 Double Check Cultural Proficiency & Student Engagement Project Johns Hopkins University (JHU) & Sheppard Pratt Health System, Baltimore, MD Responsibilities: Contributed to grant writing to successfully obtain Institute of Education Sciences, Development and Innovation (Goal 2) funding for the project; developed and revised measures of cultural proficiency administered during the 3‐year project; examine data to assess psychometric properties, including exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses; contribute to design of a teacher professional development on cultural proficiency; collect qualitative data from teachers and administrators in individual and group interviews. Trainer, 2011‐2013 Maryland Safe and Supportive Schools Initiative Baltimore, MD Responsibilities: Aided in revisions of an observational measure of school climate; trained and calibrated observational data collectors; collected observational data at schools. Scholar, 2010‐2013 Johnson & Johnson Community Health Care Program Philadelphia, PA Responsibilities: Translated research knowledge into practice in partnership with a community‐based health care organization. Built their in‐house capacity to design and implement the monitoring and evaluation of the grant‐funded interventions. Aided in the cultural adaptation of evidence‐based interventions to respond to the needs and build on the strengths of African and Caribbean immigrant and refugee children and their families in Philadelphia. Consultant, 2009‐2013 Sierra Health Foundation Sacramento, CA Responsibilities: Review grant applications and make funding recommendations. Research Assistant, 2007‐2013 Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence Baltimore, MD Responsibilities: Conducting literature reviews, contributed to manuscript writing, coded data from social information processing vignettes, contributed to grant‐writing. Research Intern, 2007 Center for the Social Organization of Schools Baltimore, MD Responsibilities: Aided in database management tasks for a project examining early warning signs of 2 drop‐out in Baltimore City Schools; contributed to research briefs. Research Assistant, 2007 ‐ 2008 Center for Injury Research & Policy, JHU Baltimore, MD Responsibilities: Contributed to the development of a new website communications strategy to translate and disseminate the center’s research. Research Assistant, 2007 ‐ 2008 Mothers and Babies: Mood and Health Research Program Georgetown University and JHSPH Baltimore, MD Responsibilities: Conducting qualitative analyses of a perinatal depression intervention video; documenting protocol of cultural adaptation of an evidence‐based intervention to a local Latina population in D.C. delivered at Mary’s Center, an FQHC. Program Officer, 2008 – 2009 The California Endowment Sacramento, CA Responsibilities: Responsible for developing project workplans, including objectives, outcomes, timelines, and evaluation benchmarks; conducted due diligence research, site visits, and monitoring and evaluation activities to advance mission; composed and defended monthly funding recommendations to a statewide, peer review Community Health & Elimination of Health Disparities goal team (average grant amounts from $150,000 ‐ $400,000); engaged community partners in coalition‐building, capacity‐building, and health policy advocacy activities. Program Associate, 2006 – 2007 The California Endowment Sacramento, CA Responsibilities: Responsible for managing grants portfolio of approximately $850,000 annually in tandem with Senior Program Officer; composed monthly funding recommendations to a statewide peer review team; provided technical assistance and resources to grant applicants and grantees. Institutional Giving Manager, 2003 – 2006 Edgewood Center for Children and Families San Francisco, CA Responsibilities: Responsible for managing grants portfolio of approximately $850,000 annually in tandem with Senior Program Officer; composed monthly funding recommendations to a statewide peer review team; provided technical assistance and resources to grantees. Research Assistant, 2002 National Research Center on Asian American Mental Health, University of California, Davis Responsibilities: Administered experimental assessments for Cultural Dimensions Project. ACADEMICPOSITIONS Teaching Fellow, 2013 Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, Undergraduate Program in Public Health Studies Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD Responsibilities: Awarded competitive fellowship to develop course syllabus and lectures for Youth Violence Prevention: A Public Health Approach. Taught semester‐long seminar to advanced Public Health majors. Teaching Assistant, 2010‐2013 Mental Health Department Bloomberg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD 3 Responsibilities: Guest lectured, graded written assignments and exams, provided in‐person student tutoring and assistance for Introduction to Mental Health Services and Social, Psychological, and Developmental Etiology of Mental Disorders. PROFESSIONALAFFILIATIONS Member Society for Prevention Research Member Society for Research on Adolescence Member Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness AWARDS&OTHERACCOMPLISHMENTS 2009‐2014 US Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences Training Fellowship 2013 Gordis Teaching Fellowship 2010‐2013 Johnson & Johnson Community Health Care Scholar REFEREEDJOURNALARTICLES,BOOKS,ANDBOOKCHAPTERS Bradshaw, C. P., Bottiani, J., Osher, D., & Sugai, G. (2014). Integrating Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Social Emotional Learning. In Weist, M.D., Lever, N. A., Bradshaw, C. P., & Owens, J. (Eds.). Handbook of School Mental Health: Advancing Practice and Research (second edition; pp. 101‐118). New York: Springer. Bottiani, J.H., Bradshaw, C.P., Rosenberg, M.S., Hershfeldt, P.A., Pell, K.L., Debnam, K.D. (2012). Applying Double Check to Response to Intervention: Culturally Responsive Practices for Students with Learning Disabilities. Insights on Learning Disabilities, 9(1), 93‐107. §Zmuda, J.H., & Bradshaw, C.P. (2012). Social and emotional learning and academic achievement. In Hattie, J., & Anderman, E.M. (Eds.), International Handbook of Student Achievement. New York: Routledge. Bradshaw, C. P., §Zmuda, J. H., Petras, H., Schaeffer, C. M., & Ialongo, N.S. (2012). Trajectories of aggressive‐disruptive behavior. In R. J. Levesque (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Adolescence (pp. 2996‐3003). New York: Springer. Le, H. N., §Zmuda, J., Perry, D. F., & Muñoz, R. F. (2010). Transforming an evidence‐based intervention to prevent perinatal depression for low‐income Latina immigrants. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(1), 34‐45. Bradshaw, C.P., §Zmuda, J. H., Kellam, S. G. & Ialongo, N. S. (2009). Longitudinal impact of two universal preventive interventions in first grade on educational outcomes in high school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(4), 926‐937. Manuscripts Under Review Bottiani, J.H., Bradshaw, C.P., & Mendelson, T.M. (under review). Racial inequalities in experience of school support among Black and White high school students. Debnam, K., Pas, E., Bottiani, J.H., Cash, A.H., Bradshaw, C.P. (under review). An examination of the association between observed and self‐reported culturally responsive teaching practices. 4 Bottiani, J.H., Bradshaw, C.P., & Mendelson, T. (under review). Fostering equitable school support through improved school organizational health. Manuscripts in Preparation Bottiani, J.H., Bradshaw, C.P., & Mendelson, T. (2014). Examining the school discipline gap as a moderator of racial disparities in student connectedness and social emotional health. Manuscript in preparation. Bradshaw, C.P., Debnam, K.D., Bottiani, J.H., Pas, E. Reinke, W., Herman, K., Rosenberg, M. (2014). Coaching teachers to reduce disproportionality through cultural proficiency: Preliminary impacts of the Double Check model. § Jessika H. Bottiani, née Zmuda PRESENTATIONS&WORKSHOPS Bottiani, J.H., Debnam, K., & Bradshaw, C.P. (2014, March). Equitable School Support: An Approach to Reducing Racial Disparities in Student Engagement and Social‐Emotional Health. Oral presentation at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Conference, Austin, TX. Bottiani, J.H., Debnam, K., & Bradshaw, C.P. (2013, June). Enhancing Teacher Cultural Proficiency through Improved Measurement: Exploring the Factor Structure of Cultural Proficiency Continuum Measures. Poster session presented at the Society for Prevention Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. Bottiani, J.H., Bradshaw, C.P. (2013, June). Understanding the Schooling Experiences of Children of Immigrants: The Role of Discrimination, Psychological Adjustment, and Academics. Poster session presented at the Society for Prevention Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. Bottiani, J.H., Debnam, K., Larson, K., & Bradshaw, C.P. (2012, December). Enhancing Teacher Cultural Proficiency to Bridge the Discipline Gap: Measurement Challenges in the Evaluation of Intervention Effectiveness. Poster session presented at the Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities (sponsored by the National Institutes of Health), National Harbor, MD. Bottiani, J.H., Waritay, O.R., & Fonseca‐Becker, F. (2012, December). Preventing Obesity among African and Caribbean Immigrant and Refugee Children in Philadelphia: A Multisectoral Effort to Measure Effectiveness. Poster session presented at the Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities (sponsored by the National Institutes of Health), National Harbor, MD. §Zmuda, J. H., Bradshaw, C. P., & Eaton, W.W. (2011, June). Predicting substance use and depression in young adulthood: examining the role of adolescent depression. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, D.C. 5
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