Predictive Power of the Assessment Center in Japan

38 International Congress on Assessment Center Methods
The Predictive Power of the Assessment Center in Japan
(from a large-scale longitudinal study)
Shinichi Hirose
More than 40 years have passed since AC was introduced to Japan. However until the presenter
conducted the full-scale validity study in 2012, there were no empirical findings whether the ACs
administered in Japan were in good shape or not.
The presenter collected longitudinal sample of more than 7,000 people working for five Japanese
corporations, including AC scores, performance reviews, and advancement records. The results of
predictive power analysis for the Japanese ACs will be presented. The comparison with meta-analysis
findings in the other countries will be discussed. The presenter will answer the question: Are Japanese
ACs superior, inferior, or comparable with other countries’ ACs, in terms or predictive power?
Also, which dimensions were key determinants for advancement? The presenter will demonstrate the
multiple evidences for this issue, too. Finally, the findings about the construct validity will be shared.
Shinichi Hirose
Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Management,
International University of Japan
Shinichi Hirose is Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the
Graduate School of International Management, International University of
Japan (IUJ). He received Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Graduate
School of Business Administration, Keio University. His experience includes
management consulting and CHRO, among others. His current research focus on the issues of I-O
psychology, especially assessment centers. In May 2014, (together with Professor Naotaka Watanbe of
Keio University) he published a Japanese translation of Assessment Centers in Human Resource
Management by George Thornton and Deborah Rupp.
Recent Publications
 Hirose, S. (2012a). Dimensional Design of Assessment Centers in Japan – An Examination of
Construct Validity – Keio Keio Business Forum, 29(1), 141-154.
 Hirose, S. (2012b). Validity of Assessment Centers in Japan (Dissertation). Unpublished.
 Hirose, S. (2011). Assessment Center Practices in Japan: A Brief History and Challenges. In N.
Povah & G. C. Thornton III (Eds.), Assessment Centres and Global Talent Management (pp. 441452). Farnham, Surrey; Burlington, VT: Gower Publishing.
 Hirose, S. (2010). Assessment Centers in Japan: A Look Back and a Look Forward. Japanese
Journal of Administrative Science, 23(3), 237-243.
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