PASCHIM GUJARAT VIJ COMPANY LTD. Circle Office (O&M) M.G.Road,Azad Chowk Junagadh Phone No:- 0285-2622167/2622176 Fax No 0285-2657695 E-Mail [email protected] "Save Energy For Benefit Of Self & Nation" Date : Ref':- SEJND/T-2/TN-87/ [email protected] PRO No. 8438 dt. 11-09-14 The Separate Sealed Tenders are invited for Following particulare by following Office:TENDER ESTIMAT WILL BE ED COST EMD RS. OBTAIN RS. FROM & SENT TO LAST LAST DATE OF DATE OF ISSUE OF ACCEPTA BLANK NCE OF TENDER TENDER Sr. No PARTICULAR 1 HIRING OF DIESEL DRIVEN CLOSED BODY JEEP “EARTIGA, HONDA MOBILIO OR EQUIVALENT” A.C. FOR CIRCLE OFFICE JUNAGADH FOR ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT.(24 HOUR) FOR ONE YEARS. 499000.00 5000.00 Junagadh Circle 19-09-14 26-09-14 2 Awarding contract for Hiring of Semi closed body with Career Jeep for Two S/Dn. Under City Dn. Junagadh on Annual Rate Contract basis Purpose for redced to T&D 400000.00 Loses. Work done like maintenance & Chccking Activity (12 Hours per day basis) 4000.00 Junagadh City 19-09-14 26-09-14 3 Hiring of Closed body Diesel Car (Indica Vista or Maruti Swift) for Executive Engineer city Dn. Junagadh 330000.00 on Annual Rate contract basis (12 hours per day basis) 3300.00 Junagadh City 19-09-14 26-09-14 498000.00 4980.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 498000.00 4980.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 498000.00 4980.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 498000.00 4980.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 498000.00 4980.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 499900.00 5000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 499900.00 5000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 499900.00 5000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 200000.00 2000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 100000.00 1000.00 19-09-14 26-09-14 450000.00 4500.00 19-09-14 26-09-14 4 5 6 7 8 9 Erection of HT/LT line and Trans. Centre for New Capital, HVDS & Other new scheme work in JunagadhR S/Dn. jurisdiction. [2nd attempt.] Erection of HT/LT line and Trans. Centre for New Capital, HVDS & Other new scheme work in Bhesan S/Dn. jurisdiction Erection of HT/LT line and Trans. Centre for New Capital, ND/SI & Other new scheme work in Bhesan S/Dn. jurisdiction Erection of HT/LT line and Trans. Centre for New Capital, HVDS & Other new scheme work in Visavadar1 S/Dn. jurisdiction. [2nd attempt.] Erection of HT/LT line and Trans. Centre for New Capital, HVDS & Other new scheme work in Visavadar2 S/Dn. jurisdiction. [2nd attempt.] Maintenance work of HT,LT Line & Transformer & Fixing of 1Φ & 3Φ New Connection,Meter Replesh & DTC Meter for Visavadar-1 Sub.Div. [2nd attempt.] 10 Maintenance work of HT,LT Line & Transformer & Fixing of 1Φ & 3Φ New Connection,Meter Replesh & DTC th Meter for Visavadar-2 Sub.Div. [6 attempt.] 11 Maintenance work of HT,LT Line & Transformer & Fixing of 1Φ & 3Φ New Connection,Meter Replesh & DTC Meter for Bhesan Sub.Div. [2nd attempt.] 12 Maintenance work of HT,LT Line & Transformer & Fixing of 1Φ & 3Φ New Connection,Meter Replesh & DTC Meter for Junagadh-R Sub.Div. [4th attempt.] 13 14 Replacement of failed Dist. Transformer under Bilkha S/dn. [9th attempt.] Replacement of failed Dist. Transformer under Bhesan S/dn. [4th attempt.] Junagadh Division -1 Junagadh Division -1 112-09-146:34 1&[Date]6:34 PMC:\Users\hrmakwana9237\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary PMC:\Users\hrmakwana9237\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Internet Files\Content.Outlook\12CC8Q9Q\Tender Files\Content.Outlook\12CC8Q9Q\Tender Notice Notice 87.xlsTender Notice 87.xlsSheet1 87.xlsSheet1 Sr. No 15 16 PARTICULAR Hiring of vehicle with tower ladder for attending consumer complaint and faults for Visavadar-1 S/Dn Urban areas. On One years rate contract basis (for 24 HRS per day basis) Work. Hiring of vehicle Diesel Driven Mahindra Bolero camper Utility for Visavadar-1 S/Dn. Head quarter Dhebar On One years rate contract basis (for 12 HRS per day basis) For MMT Work. TENDER ESTIMAT WILL BE ED COST EMD RS. OBTAIN RS. FROM & SENT TO LAST LAST DATE OF DATE OF ISSUE OF ACCEPTA BLANK NCE OF TENDER TENDER 450000.00 4500.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 400000.00 4000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 17 Turnkey based work of fencing around transformer center. For Junagadh-R S/Dn Under JGY Feeder T/C. 400000.00 4000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 18 Turnkey based work of fencing around transformer center. For Bhesan S/Dn Under JGY Feeder T/C. 400000.00 4000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 19 Turnkey based work of fencing around transformer center. For Bilkha S/Dn Under JGY Feeder T/C. 400000.00 4000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 20 Turnkey based work of fencing around transformer center. For Visavadar-1 S/Dn Under JGY Feeder T/C. 400000.00 4000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 21 Turnkey based work of fencing around transformer center. For Visavadar-2 S/Dn Under JGY Feeder T/C. 400000.00 4000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 22 Providing & Fixing of XLPE Indoor Out Door Cable Kit ABCL, Out Door Cable Kit & Streight Joint Kit for our 300000.00 Verious Sub Division under Junagadh Rural Division as per Our Annual Requirement 3000.00 Junagadh Division -1 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 23 24 25 26 27 E/O HT, LT, TC work of Shapur subdivision for capital work E/O HT, LT, TC work of Vanthali subdivision for capital work E/O HT, LT, TC work of Mendarda subdivision for capital work E/O HT, LT, TC work of Manavadar-1 subdivision for capital work E/O HT, LT, TC work of Manavadar-2 subdivision for capital work 490000.00 4900.00 490000.00 4900.00 490000.00 4900.00 490000.00 4900.00 490000.00 4900.00 28 Maintenance of HT, LT, TC of Vanthali Sub division 490000.00 4900.00 29 Maintenance of HT, LT, TC of Shapur Sub division 200000.00 2000.00 30 Maintenance of HT, LT, TC of Mendarda Sub division 490000.00 4900.00 490000.00 4900.00 490000.00 4900.00 200000.00 2000.00 200000.00 2000.00 490000.00 4900.00 31 32 33 34 35 Maintenance of HT, LT, TC of Manavadar-1 Sub division Maintenance of HT, LT, TC of Manavadar-2 Sub division Replacement of transformer for shapur sub division Providing/Replacement of meter of Vanthali sub division E/O HT, LT, TC work of Mendarda subdivision for HVDS work Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 212-09-146:34 2&[Date]6:34 PMC:\Users\hrmakwana9237\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary PMC:\Users\hrmakwana9237\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Internet Files\Content.Outlook\12CC8Q9Q\Tender Files\Content.Outlook\12CC8Q9Q\Tender Notice Notice 87.xlsTender Notice 87.xlsSheet1 87.xlsSheet1 Sr. No PARTICULAR TENDER ESTIMAT WILL BE ED COST EMD RS. OBTAIN RS. FROM & SENT TO Junagadh 490000.00 4900.00 Division -2 36 E/O HT, LT, TC work of Shapur subdivision for RE work 37 Hiring of pack body diesel driven vehicle on 24 hours per day basis for RE work of Manavadar-1 sub division 425000.00 4250.00 38 Replacement of transformer for Manavadar-1 sub division 200000.00 2000.00 39 Replacement of transformer for Mendarda sub division 200000.00 2000.00 40 Replacement of transformer for Vanthali sub division 200000.00 2000.00 41 Disconnection work for Vanthali sub division 200000.00 2000.00 42 Providing / Replacement of 1& 3 phase meters of Manavadar-1 sub division 100000.00 1000.00 43 Numbering of Pole for Manavadar-2 sub division 100000.00 1000.00 375000.00 3750.00 375000.00 3750.00 375000.00 3750.00 200000.00 2000.00 450000.00 4500.00 450000.00 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Hiring of Tower ladder vehicle on 12 hours per day basis for Shapur sub division Hiring of Tower ladder vehicle on 12 hours per day basis for Manavadar-2 sub division Hiring of Tower ladder vehicle on 12 hours per day basis for Mendarda sub division Providing HT cable box & underground cable labour work for all sub division of division no. 2 Hiring of Diesel driven close body vehicle Tata Sumo, Armada, Bolero, Utility, Qualis, Trevera, and Cruser for P Patan S/Dn for RE work and other installation checking work On One year rate contract. 24 hrs per day. {6th attempt } LSTC Pipe Type Earthing work AT 66 KV Sub stations Under Veraval Division (4th Attempt) Providing Earth Terminals at consumer premises under PRABHAS PATAN S/Dn.(3rd Attempt) Erection of HT/LT Line and Transformer center under RE Scheme for PRABHAS PATAN S/dn.(3rd Attempt) Erection of HT/LT Line and Transformer center under RE Scheme for Talala S/dn. (2nd Attempt) HVDS scheme work under 11 KV JAVANTARI FEEDER OF ANKOLWADI S/Dn. (2nd Attempt) LAST LAST DATE OF DATE OF ISSUE OF ACCEPTA BLANK NCE OF TENDER TENDER 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 19-09-14 26-09-14 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 4500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 300000.00 3000.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 450000.00 4500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 450000.00 4500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 450000.00 4500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 Junagadh Division -2 54 HVDS scheme work under 11 KV VADODARA ZALA FEEDER OF PRANCHI S/Dn. (2nd Attempt) 450000.00 4500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 55 HVDS scheme work under 11 KV BHERALA FEEDER OF PRABHAS PATAN S/Dn. (2nd Attempt) 450000.00 4500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 56 Hiring of Additional Diesel Driven Closed Body Vehicle Tata sumo, Armada, Bolero, Utility, Qualis, Travera & Cruser for under Veraval Divisional office engineers for installation & checking and other activities on annual rate contract basis for 24 Hrs. per day (2nd Attempt) 450000.00 4500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 312-09-146:34 3&[Date]6:34 PMC:\Users\hrmakwana9237\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary PMC:\Users\hrmakwana9237\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Internet Files\Content.Outlook\12CC8Q9Q\Tender Files\Content.Outlook\12CC8Q9Q\Tender Notice Notice 87.xlsTender Notice 87.xlsSheet1 87.xlsSheet1 Sr. No 57 58 59 60 1 2 3 4 5 PARTICULAR TENDER ESTIMAT WILL BE ED COST EMD RS. OBTAIN RS. FROM & SENT TO LAST LAST DATE OF DATE OF ISSUE OF ACCEPTA BLANK NCE OF TENDER TENDER Hiring of Diesel Driven TOWER LADDER Vehicle Tata sumo, Armada, Bolero, Utility, Qualis, Travera & Cruser for PRABHAS PATAN S/dn under Veraval 350000.00 3500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 Division on annual rate contract basis for 12 Hrs. per day (2nd Attempt) Providing and fixing of 1.2 meter high fencing with cement pole complete work for all subdivisions under 250000.00 2500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 Veraval Division Erection of HT/LT Line and Transformer center under 450000.00 4500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 RE Scheme for Ankolvadi s/dn Erection of HT/LT Line and Transformer center under 450000.00 4500.00 VERAVAL 19-09-14 26-09-14 RE Scheme for PRACHI S/DN Tender Fee for individual tender Sr. No 1,To 60 in above particular is Rs.1000/ in person,(Add rs. 50/if required by post against each tender for eachindividual particular which is non refundable and can be paid in cash or By D.D.(of Nationalized Bank) in favour of PASCHIM GUJARAT VIJ CO.LTD. payable at above respective Offices mentioned in above Last column only. Blank Tender copy can be obtained during working days from 10.30 hrs. To 15.00 hrs.And on last date of issue it can be obtainup to Time 13.00 hrs. from respective offices mentioned in above last column.. Last date of Issuing of Tender is dt 19-09-2014 up to time 13.00hrs. Last Date of Acceptence of EMD by cash at respective Office Dt 26-09-2014 up to Time 13.00 hrs. Or Tender can submit the D.D.(of Nationalized Bank) of EMD amount along with the Tender also.Tender without paying of EMD will not be considered Last Date of Acceptence of Tender Dt . 26-09-2014 Time 15.00 hrs. 6 Opening of Tender(If Possible) dt 26-09-2014 after 15.00 hrs. Post only at respective Office mentioned in aboveLast column PGVCL will not be responsible for delay in post(Courier/Hnd delivery will not be acceptable. (A) The BlankTender document for above description of work will be issued to those Contractors who having the P.A.N number ServiceTax No and Provident fund No From R.P.F.C (B) The Blank Tender document for above description of Supply will be issued to those suppliers who having Sale Tax Registration Certificate (c) The Experience certificate of Execution of similar order during Last Two Years & Copy of above required document are necessary to produce with written application for issuing of Tender.Tax and other duties/Taxes where ever applicable as per prevailing rule of Government will be deducated from the Party'Bill. (D) PGVCL reserve the right to issue.Not to be issue/Accept/Reject any Or all the Tender without assigning any reason. 7 8 Other terms and conditions and specifications are available in tender document. The Tender document for above Sr 1,2,3,15,16,37,44,45,46,48,56,57 ARC for Vehicle) Party may be produced the proof like R.T.O. passing,Taxi passing Insurance & other necessary document within 10 day after receiving Order.Vehicle must be on the Name of Person who wants to give Vehicle on Hiring Basis. Superintending Engineer (O&M) PGVCL.Circle Office Junagadh 1 2 3 4 5 C.C.TO. The Executive Engineer City/(O&M)PGVCL Division Office Junagadh City,Junagadh No-1.2 & Veraval The Account Officer(Exp) PGVCL Circle Office Junagadh The Assistant Secretary (Est) PGVCL Circle Office Junagadh The Notice Board PGVCL Circle Office Junagadh The Deputy Engineer(Civil/IC) PGVCLCircle Office Junagadh 412-09-146:34 4&[Date]6:34 PMC:\Users\hrmakwana9237\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary PMC:\Users\hrmakwana9237\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Internet Files\Content.Outlook\12CC8Q9Q\Tender Files\Content.Outlook\12CC8Q9Q\Tender Notice Notice 87.xlsTender Notice 87.xlsSheet1 87.xlsSheet1
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