
Commercial farmers, wives, sons and
daughters killed on their farms are listed.
Farmers that died while on service are
marked KIA or KOAS.
The first victim was Mr P. Oberholtzer of Melsetter in 1964, then
Babs and Johannes Viljoen of Gadzema were shot in 1966. From
1973 between five and seven farmers were killed each year, until
the rate escalated from 1976:
Mr R. Abbot, Odzi, 10/4/78.
Major Ernest C. Addams, Odzi, 14/8/74. KIA near Madziwa.
Mr L. Ashby, Mzingwane, 7/7/76.
Mr J. Ashworth, Umtali, 18/1/78.
Mrs K. Backe-Hansen, Matetsi, 9/9/76.
Mr D. C. Bagnall, Headlands, 14/3/78.
Mr D. A. Baker, Macheke, 18/8/79
Mr A. Barclay, Gwanda/West Nicholson, 12/8/77.
Mr D. Barclay, Ayrshire, 7/12/77.
Mr Solomon Hertzhog Barnard, Cashel, 6/12/77.
Mr R. A. Barton, Melsetter, 6/4/77.
Mr David Patrick Bashford, Karoi, 24/12/76.
Mr B. S. Bassett, Rusape, 19/8/79
Mr A. Bathhurst, Karoi, 24/12/76.
Mr C. P. Beale, Nyamandhlovu, 27/6/79 .
Mr A. Beamish, Horseshoe, 2/11 /78.
Mr R. Beamish, Sipolilo, 1979.
Mr J. A. Bennett, Shamva, 23/12/78.
Mrs M. Bennett, Shamva, 23/12/78.
Minor Bennett, Shamva, 23/12/78.
Minor Bennett, Shamva, 23/12/78.
Mr Basil Beverley (71), Chiredzi, 26/12/1979.
Mr P. Bezuidenhout, Nuanetsi, 14/2/78.
Mr W. Bezuidenhout, Gazaland, 20/12/78.
Mr K. H. Bicknell, Selous, 10/4/78.
Mr I. D. Black, Odzi, 17/5/78.
Mr Dennis Doughty Bleasdale, landmine Chipinga, 1979.
Mrs Bleasdale, landmine Chipinga, 1979.
Mr H. Blignaut, Doma, 20/4/78.
Mr J. Blignaut, Ayrshire, 17/6/77.
Mr O. Bordini, Shamva, 31/7/78.
Mrs E. Botha, Gazaland, 6/6/78.
Mrs S. Bother, Somabula, 18/7/79
Mr P. Bouwer, Tengwe, 13/7/78.
Mr B. Brakenridge, Gadzema, 6/1/78.
Mr B. Brakenridge (son, 15), Gadzema, 6/1/78.
Mrs S. Brakenridge (senior), Gadzema, 6/1/78.
Mr C. Brent, Marula, 20/10/78.
Mr P. J. D. Breytenbach, Headlands, 25/6/79
Mr M. Brooke-Mee, Gwelo, 30/3/79.
Mr L. L. Brooks, Darwin, 19/3/79.
Mr Matthew “Matt” Charles Thomas Brooks (23). Rutenga, serving with
PATU, 5th June, 1977. KOAS
Mr I. R. Brown, Sipolilo, 28/3/79.
Mr Walter Barclay "Scotty" Brown, Hartley, 12/11/1979.
Mrs Hazel Sheila Brown, Hartley, 12/11/1979.
Mr A. P. Burger, Matetsi, 12/6/77.
Mr D. Burton, Lonely District, 25/5/78.
Mr N. Campbell, Marandellas, 23/5/76.
Mr C. A. Capell, Shamva, 9/3/77. KOAS.
Mr David Aston Carshalton, Gazaland, 27/8/76.
Mr M. J. Chance, Bindura, 15/5/79.
Mr C. Chapman, Melsetter, 22/5/77.
Miss Kathleen “Kathy” Chesworth (19), Figtree, 14/8/77.
Mr E. Claasen, Odzi, 29/9/77.
Mr M. D. Cleave, Juliasdale, 1/5/79.
Mr C. M. Cloete, Filabusi, 31/10/76.
Mrs M. Cloete, Filabusi, 31/10/76.
Mr Pieter Jacobus Cloete, Centenary, 8/8/78.
Mr V. Conlon, Mazoe, 11/1/79.
Mr D. Cookson, Centenary, February 1977.
Mr Jopie Fourie Coomans, Cashel, 6/12/77.
Mr D. L. Courtney, Mrewa, 6/4/78.
Mr Bernard Couve, Shamva, 6/6/73.
Mr G. Crane, Goromonzi, 19/3/79.
Mr K. Cremer, Gazaland, 18/8/78.
Mr W. P. Cremer, Bindura, 26/1/77.
Mr D. I. Crombie, Macheke, 8/8/78.
Mr Paul Elliott Crouch, Ayrshire, 17/12/76.
Mr A. Cumming, Matetsi, 5/11/76.
Mrs S. A. Cumming, Norton, 7/1/78.
Miss S. C. Cumming (15), Norton, 7/1/78.
C. J. J. Davies, Umtali, 20/8/78.
S. L. J. Davies, Gwaai Valley, 26/7/76.
D. de Coupelay, Macheke/Virginia, 4/6/78.
A. de Nadai, Mayo, 21/8/78.
B. J. Dean, Melsetter, 30/9/77.
C. A. Delaney, Melsetter, 30/9/77.
D. Dodd, Ayrshire, 6/4/77.
Mr J. S. Donald, Umtali, 26/4/76.
Mr S. Donnelly, Karoi, 21/6/78.
Miss J. Douglass, Melsetter, 22/8/78.
Mr H. du Plessis, Gazaland, 28/1/79.
Mrs F. M. du Toit, Gutu, 23/7/78.
Mr Denzil William ("Billy") Scott Dunn, Shamva, 13/9/77.
Mr B. L. T. Eastwick, Centenary, 17/8/79
Mr S. Edridge, Wedza, 11 /9/79.
Mr S. Eggersglusz, Sinoia, 9/10/1979.
Mrs V. Eggersglusz, Sinoia, 9/10/1979
Mr I. J. Eksteen, Inyazura, 11/1/79.
Mrs J. M. Eksteen, Inyazura, 11/1/79.
Mr T. H. Elton, Cashel, 19/5/78.
Mrs Annet “Ann” Margaret Evans killed by a landmine on Ironmine Hill
Road, Tokwe, 1/11/79.
Mr P. H. Fairbanks, Gazaland, 2/9/78.
Mr F. Falzoi, Karoi, 12/6/78.
Mr G. Farge, Gazaland 24/10/76.
Mr H. Fenzel, Melsetter, 16/4/78.
Mr E. Fletcher, Centenary, 17/2/74.
Mrs B. Fletcher, Centenary, 17/2/74.
Mr T. V. Forbes, Mount Darwin, 23/4/73.
Mr F. Forward, Sinoia, 16/9/79.
Mr F. N. J. Fourie, Tengwe, 14/8/78.
Mr H. Franken, Selukwe, 17/7/78.
Mr B. T. Furber, Gwanda, 16/4/79.
Mr D. A. Galloway, Melsetter, 24/10/78.
Mr Kenneth “Ken” Cecil Gifford (41), Chipinga, 6/7/78.
Miss N. Glenny (Baby), Melsetter, 29/9/77.
Mr D. R. C. Greef, Plumtree, 15/5/77.
Mrs M. A. Greef, Plumtree, 15/5/77.
Mr T. Greyvenstein, Mayo, 16/9/76.
Mr F. A. Grobler, Matopos South, 17/6/78.
Mrs A. E. Grobler, Matopos South, 17/6/78.
Mr P. J. Gunn, Middle Sabi, 5/10/78.
Miss M. Habig, Gazaland, 6/6/76.
Miss L. Habig, Gazaland, 6/6/76.
Miss Y. Habig, Gazaland, 6/6/76.
Mrs R. Hacking, Odzi, 8/1/79.
Mr E. J. Hards, Shamva, 10/4/78.
Mr T. Hartley, Headlands, 8/7/79
Mr J. Henry, Gazaland, 31/12/77.
Mr P. L. Hanson, Melsetter, 20/10/77.
Mr H. T. J. Hastings, Shamva, 11/3/77.
Mrs M. H. Hastings, Shamva, 11/3/77.
Mr Andries Daniel Herbst, Karoi, 27/10/1977. DOAS
Mr A. A. Hess, Karoi, 25/5/78.
Mr A. Hill, Wedza, 26/6/77.
Mr J. R. Hill, Tokwe, 11/12/78.
Mrs M. Hofmeyr, Fort Victoria, 6/7/79.
Mr K. F. Hogg, Fort Victoria, 19/6/79
Mr H. Holstenberg, Melsetter, 20/10/77.
Mr Jannie Holtzhausen, August 1979. KIA
Mrs A. C. Horton, Nyamandhlovu, 29/8/77.
Mr W. Houston, Inyanga, 14/3/79.
Mr P. Hovell, Mazoe, 13/1/79.
Mr A. V. Howe, Umvukwes, 24/6/75.
Mr J. E. Hudson-Beck, Melsetter, 12/8/76.
Mr T. Hulley, Tengwe, 23/2/79.
Mr R. C. Hunt, Melsetter, 20/10/77.
Mr H. J. Hurley, Centenary, 21/12/77.
Mr D. B. Hutchinson, Lalapanzi, 29/12/78.
Mrs D. I. Hutchinson, Lalapanzi, 29/12/78.
Master B. Hutchinson (6 yrs), Lalapanzi, 29/12/78.
Master V. Hutchinson (3 yrs), Lalapanzi, 29/12/78.
Mr D. C. James, Gwelo, 27/4/76.
Mr J. M. Jeffreys, Marandellas, 7/7/79
Mr L. M. Jellicoe, Centenary, 4/2/73.
Mr L. M. Jellicoe, Centenary, 9/7/78.
Master I. Johnson, Umvukwes, 26/12/77.
Mr J. D. Jordaan, Odzi, 17/9/79.
Mr A. Joubert, Wedza, 30/3/73.
Mr G. D. Joubert, Ayrshire, 22/12/78.
Mr Basil John Stuart Kearns, Bindura, 15/4/79.
Mr P. Kenchington, Mid-Sabi, 3/2/79.
Mr R. D. Kennedy, Mzingwani, 7/5/79
Mrs I. Kleynhans, Centenary, 24/1/73.
Mr P. J. O. Knight, Doma, 17/5/75.
Mr T. F. Koen, Centenary, 2/2/78.
Mr Deryck P. Lamb, Cashel, 11/9/79.
Mr M. Langeman. Melsetter, 22/1/77.
Mr S. Le Vieux, Chiredzi, 7/2/78.
Mr P. Lentner, Shamva, 18/2/79.
Mr R. J. Liebermann, Marandellas, 4/6/78.
Mr J. H. C. Liddle, Bindura, 1/10/78.
Mrs M. E. G. Liebenberg, Shangani, 11/4/79.
Mr Warwick Powys Lilford, Karoi, 9/11/77.
Mrs Caroline Rosalie Luckraft, Odzani, 1/11/1979.
Mr I. D. W. MacGiles, Penhalonga, 21/7/79.
Mr D. H. MacKay, Melsetter, 1/1/77
Mr D. Guy MacKenzie, Shamva, 1/2/77. KIA
Mr Michael Males, Selous, 10/10/79.
Mr T. Margarson, Gwelo, 15/11/78.
Mrs L. M. McFedden, Plumtree, 7/9/76.
Miss S. G. McRoberts, Shamva, 11/3/77.
Mr F. J. Mee, Inyanga, 26/10/78.
Mrs M. A. Mee, Inyanga, 26/10/78.
Mr H. M. Meyer, Plumtree, 29/9/78.
Mrs E. L. Meyer, Plumtree, 29/9/78.
Mr D. Moorcroft, Bindura, 15/12/78.
Mr Solly Moritz, Gatooma, 5t/12/79
Mr K. Mrowic, Que Que, 25/5/78.
Mr G. I. Murdoch, Selous, 18/6/77.
Mr D. S. Muir, Mount Darwin, 13/5/78.
Mr G. J. Muller, Centenary, 25/12/78.
Mr G. J. Myburgh, Mayo, 26/1/77.
Mr P. S. Naude, Centenary, 21/10/76.
Mr S. P. Naude, Somabula, 17/10/76.
Mr F. J. Nel, Tengwe, 23/11/77.
Mr A. C. Newman, Melsetter, 15/10/76.
Mrs Y. Nicol, Gazaland, 17/3/78.
Mr J. D. Nicholson, Nyamandhlovu, 25/5/78.
Mr M. Nielsen, Karoi, 17/12/76.
Mr C. D. Northcroft, Shamva, 20/12/77.
Mr "Piet" Johannes Andries Oberholtzer (45), was stabbed while
returning home in the evening at a makeshift road block at Biriwiri near
Melsetter, 4/7/64. His wife and daughter were unharmed. (The name
Petrus was used in the initial press reports but Pieter is used in articles
written in Melsetter)
Mr C. Ogilvy, Shamva, 13/9/77.
Mr Charles Hugh Olivey, landmine in Melsetter, 15/5/78.
Mr F. J. Oosthuizen, Gwelo, 26/9/78.
Mr J. E. Oostindien, Macheke, 15/8/79.
Mrs W. Palmer, Mrewa/Mtoko, 19/10/76.
Mr J. F. B. Payn, Matopos South, 21/9/78.
Mr N. G. Payne, Bindura, 26/1/77.
Mrs F. I. Pearson, Selukwe, 28/12/78.
Mr T. M. S. Peech, Macheke/Virginia, 13/7/78.
Mr K. Prinsloo, Chiredzi, 16/4/77.
Miss L. A. Philips, Insiza, 12/7/77.
Mr F. Pitcher, Bindura, 14/6/76.
Mr P. Potgieter, Doma, 9/7/78.
Mr F. Pretorius, Nuanetsi, 18/4/78.
Mr N. H. E. Prince, Tengwe, 23/3/78.
Mr R. W. G. Puckrin, Insiza, 30/10/78.
Mr Peter Purcell-Gilpin, Headlands, 4/3/79.
Mr A. Purcell-Gilpin, Headlands, 4/3/79.
Mr W. E. Read, Gatooma, 15/1/78.
Mr W. A. Reinsford, Nyamandhlovu, 10/8/79
Mr J. Reyneke, Gazaland, 8/3/78.
Mr P. J. Richards, Gwanda, 27/11/78.
Mr E. A. Richardson, Belingwe, 24/3/77.
Mr A. J. Ritson, Selukwe, 6/8/77.
Mr J. Roberts, Penhalonga, 22/4/78.
Mr A. Robertson, Gwelo East, 21/8/77.
Mr Charles Albert Rosenfels, Kezi, 24/4/79.
Mr D. C. Rosenfels, Marula, 8/2/79. KIA.
Mr Ian Rosenfels, Marula, 29/3/78. KIA.
Mr P. Rouse, Centenary, 18/2/74.
Mr N. J. Royston, Karoi, 18/2/78.
Mrs E. M. Rushmore, Myamandhlovu, 6/9/77.
Mrs M. O. A. Scott, Gwelo, 7/2/79.
Mr L. R. Shakespeare, Karoi, 23/8/77. KIA.
Mr Robert Leslie Smallman, Melsetter, 11/9/78.
Mr J. Smit, Beatrice, 30/1/79.
Mrs C. Smit, Beatrice, 30/1/79.
Master A. Smit, aged 2 years, Somabula, 18/7/79
Mr R. M. Smith, Insiza/Shangani, 28/7/76.
Mr P. Snyders, Vumba, 9/10/75.
Mr J. Souter, Nuanetsi, 23/1/79.
Mr Trevor John Speight, Umvukwes, 18/7/1979. KIA.
Mr D. M. Stacey, Karoi, 9/3/73.
Mr A. Stander, Nuanetsi, 22/2/78.
Mr H. Stander, Nuanetsi, 5/8/78.
Mr A. Stander, Beit Bridge, 15/8/78.
Mr J. U. Stanley, Tengwe, 5/4/78.
Mr S. J. Stander, Beitbridge, 19/6/79
Infant son Grant P. Starling, Mtepatepa, 30/3/79.
Mr C. A. Steyn, Cashel, 4/4/78.
Mr F. C. Steyn, Cashel, 18/12/78.
Mr P. Steyn, Odzi, 13/2/79.
Mr Maxwell Stockil, Nuanetsi, 13/12/1979.
Mr V. Stockil-Gill, Marandellas, 27/10/74.
Mr J. Stopforth, Gwelo East, 23/9/77.
Mr J. N. Strydom, Headlands, 9/3/78.
Mr J. Strydom, Inyanga, 2/2/79.
Mr G. Swartz, Gazaland, 12/4/78.
Mr R. Swemmer, Macheke/Virginia, 3/6/78.
Mr E. Swanepoel, Melsetter, 22/8/78.
Mr J. K. G. Syme, Melsetter, 13/9/78.
Mrs Helen A. Syme, Melsetter, 13/9/78.
Mr Ivan Charles Taylor (30), abducted from Chipinge 1978, died in
Mozambique in 1979.
Mr James Fraser Thomson (35), 19/12/79.
Master C. C. Tilley, Mashonaland South, 11/1/78.
Miss C. C. Tilley, Mashonaland South, 3/9/78.
Mr C. C. Tompson, Nuanetsi, 14/2/78.
Mrs V. E. Trinder, Nyamandhlovu, 3/9/79.
Mrs H. Turner, Gazaland, 9/1/79.
Miss S. Turner, Gazaland, 9/1/79.
Mr O. P. Valentine, Melsetter, 12/8/76.
Mr M. A. van Aard, Macheke/Virginia, 30/1/78.
Mr S. P. van Blerk, Headlands, 26/5/78.
Mrs G. van Blerk, Headlands, 26/5/78.
Miss L. van Blerk, Headlands, 26/5/78.
Mr S. van der Merwe, Nuanetsi, 15/2/79.
Mr J. J. F. Van Maarseveen, Cashel, 4/12/77.
Miss M. A. van Reenen, Macheke/Virginia, 15/9/78.
Mr J. J. F. van Vuuren, Matopos South, 22/5/76.
Mr M. J. van Vuuren, Matopos South, 22/5/76.
Mr R. C. Vassard, Chipinga, 12/5/79.
Mr B. Vermeulen, Headlands, 11/1/78.
Mr Johannes Hendrick Viljoen (39), Shot in an attack on Nevada Farm,
Gadzema, 16/5/66. Originally from Umtali.
Mrs Johanna “Babs” Viljoen (36) née van Zyl, Gadzema, 16/5/66.
Mr K. D. Viljoen, Melsetter, 1/10/77.
Mrs E. A. Viljoen, Melsetter, 1/10/77.
Mr D. J. Vincent, Centenary, 3/4/73.
Mr E. Volker, Arcturus, 5/8/79.
Mr J. l. S. Vorster, Melsetter, 23/1/78.
Mr D. Ward, Mazoe, 23/6/78.
Mrs S. Watkins, Nuanetsi, 29/12/79.
Mr G. West, Gazaland, 12/11/76.
Mr E. Ronnie T. White, Gatooma, ambushed 5/12/79 and died 6/1/1980.
Mrs C. J. Willers, Gazaland, 10/6/78.
Niss L. Wilger, Nyamandhlovu, 3/9/78.
Master M. Wilger, Nyamandhlovu, 3/9/78.
Mr B. H. Williams, Inyati, 3/8/78.
R. S. Williams, Inyanga, 17/1/78.
N. Willis, Shamva, 14/2/74. KIA.
J. F. Wolfaard, Nuanetsi, 9/2/78.
J. Wright, Odzi, 10/9/77.
Mr C. A. S. Young, Melsetter, 29/4/75.
Mr S. Ziegler, Marandellas, 16/1/78.
Commercial farmers and families killed on
their farms after 1980 (by date):
Mr Abraham Barend Roux, Victoria East, 1981.
Mrs Margaret Roux, Victoria East, 1981.
Mrs Helen van As, Victoria East, 1981.
Philip (Helen's grandson), Victoria East, 1981.
Mr John Patrick Franklin, Mutare, 1981.
Mr Brian Dawe, Chinhoyi, 26/4/1982.
Mr Phil Ellman-Brown, Nyamandhlovu, August 1982.
Mr Hilton-Barber, Filabusi, 1982.
Mr Benjy Williams (71), Turk Mine, 31/12/1982.
Mr David Bilang (24), Turk Mine. Abducted 31/12/82 with his
grandfather Benjy Williams.
Mr David Walters (26), Nyamandhlovu, 31/12/82
Master Sean Walters, Nyamandhlovu, 31/12/82
Master Michael Walters, Nyamandhlovu, 31/12/82.
Mr John Hearne (18), Nyamandhlovu, 31/1/2/82.
Mr Gerrit Malan, Rusape, 1983.
Senator Paul Savage, Gwanda, 1983.
Colleen Savage (daughter), Gwanda, 1983.
Mr Barry Brooke, Glendale, 28/5/1983.
Mrs Diana Brooke, Glendale, 28/5/1983.
Mr Ian Brebner (39), Figtree, 13/6/1983.
Mr Joe Phillip van Vuuren, Matabeleland, 5/11/1983.
Mr Trevor Smith, Matabeleland, 1983.
Mr Charlie Loxton, Kezi, 23/12/1983.
Mrs Rosie Loxton, Kezi, 23/12/1983.
Miss Julie Loxton (20), Kezi, 23/12/1983.
Mr Tony Loxton, Kezi, 23/12/1983.
Dr Peter Gradwell, Plumtree, 28/12/1983.
Niece (15) and friend (9), Plumtree, 28/12/1983.
Mr Ian Birchall, Marula, 24/5/1984.
Mr Jack Ehlers, shot while fleeing from ambush, Nyamandhlovu,
Mrs Joy Ehlers, shot while exiting from ambushed vehicle,
Nyamandhlovu, 23/10/1985.
Mr Dahlia Gasporini, bayoneted when visiting a neighbour,
Mr Mark Sommer, shot and struck with axe, Nyamandhlovu.
Mr Victor Argyle (40), ambushed in his Land Rover, Shangani,
Mr Allan Dicks (70), Somabula. 9/5/1987.
Mr Roy Futter (46), Somabula. 9/5/1987.
Mr Tys Lourens (40ish), Somabula. 9/5/1987.
Mr Glen Williams (48), Somabula. 9/5/1987.
Mr Roy Dabbs, Gweru, 19/5/1987.
Mr Andy MacDonald, Figtree/Marula, 18/8/1987.
Mrs Nettie MacDonald, Figtree/Marula, 18/8/1987.
Mr John Norvall, Nyandhlovu, 26/8/1987.
Mr Brian Hubbard, Gwanda, September-October, 1987.
Mr Stirling, Falls Road.
Mr Dick Bawden, Turk Mine.
Mr Stratford, Umguza.
Mrs Stratford, Umguza.
Granddaughters Taverners, Umguza.
Mr Dando, Shangani.
Mr Futter, Somabula.
Missionaries were targetted by dissidents with 16 deaths documented at
Umzingwane on two farms early on 26th November, 1987. All victims had
been hacked to death.
Those killed at the Olive Tree Farm were Jerry Keightley (40), and his
wife Marian Keightley (39), their daughters Gay Deborah (16) and
Glynis (14), and their 18-month-old son, Barnabas. Another
Zimbabwean, Penelope Sarah Lovett (28), and two Americans, David
Emerson (35), of Osakis, Minn., and Karen Sharon Iversdahl (32), who
was reported to be from Montana, were also killed.
Those killed at the New Adam Farm were David Marais (35), a South
African; his wife, Katherine Marais (34), and their son, Ethan (4). Also
killed were Robert Hill (38), and his wife, Gaynor (27), and their 6week-old-old son, Benjamin; Hazel Russell (46), and Jean Campbell,
a Briton. Laura Russell (13) escaped.
Farmers who were killed post 2000, or who
died from injuries, from Farm Invasions,
theft or unknown motives (by date):
Mr David Stevens (49), Murehwa South, Saturday, 15th April, 2000.
Mr Martin Geoffery Olds (43), Bubi-Umguza, 18th April, 2000.
Mr Allan Stewart Dunn, Seke, 7th May 2000.
Mr John Weeks (65), Seke, 14th May 2000.
Mr Tony Oates, Zvimba North, 31st May 2000.
Mr Willem Botha. Seke. 23rd July 2000.
Mr Henry Swan Elsworth (70), Kwekwe, 12th December, 2000.
Mrs Gloria Olds (68), Bubi-Umguza, 4th March, 2001.
Mr Robert Fenwick Cobett. Kwekwe. 6th August 2001.
Mr Terrence "Terry" Ford (55), Mhondoro, 18th March, 2002.
Mr Thomas "Tom" Bayley (88), Mount Hamden. 1st May 2002.
Mr Charles T. T. Anderson* (44), Glendale/Mazowe, 2nd June, 2002.
Mr Pieter Silverton, January 2004.
Mr Ole Sunde (66), Banket. 6th February, 2005.
Mr Donald "Don" Stewart (68), Norton. 26th November 2005.
Mr Phillip Tenant, 1st April 2006.
Mr Mike Campbell (79), Chegutu, “falanga” torture on 29th June, 2008.
Died on 6th April 2011 without recovering.
Mrs Mary Austen (74), Kwekwe, November 2008.
Mr Bob Vaughan-Evans (late 70s), Gweru, 3rd July 2009.
Mr Ray van Rensburg (76), Gweru, 15th July 2009.
Mrs Sophie Hart (75), Kadoma. 29th August 2009.
Mr Kobus Joubert (67), Chegutu, 26th October, 2010.
Mr Lourens Abrams Korsten, assualted 31st December 2010, died 28th
February 2011.
Mr Colin Zietsman, Mvurwi. 2nd September, 2011.
Mr Keith Nicholson, Banket. 14th September, 2011.
Mr Bobby Ervine, Guruve. Assaulted on 12nd October 2011, passed
away in hospital 8th April 2012.
* The man who shot and killed Charles Anderson four years previously
was sentenced to death by the Zimbabwe High Court in 2006. 31 year old
Munetsi Kadzinga was given the death sentence by high court Judge
Bharat Patel after he was convicted of the 2002 murder. The South
African Mail and Guardian newspaper reports that Kadzinga claimed in
court that he had been told to carry out attacks on white farmers by
senior government officials, including Minister John Nkomo, who ran the
Home Affairs ministry at the time. But the judge dismissed the claims and
said there were no extenuating circumstances in the case.
"About 18 white farmers were killed in violent takeovers of their land
while almost all of the country's 620,000 permanent and seasonal farmworkers were driven away from their homes" John Worsley-Worswick, the
head of Justice for Agriculture, a Harare-based lobby group, said.
Together with dependents, those workers accounted for two million
people, he said.
Extortion and targetted attacks:
A new wave of intimidation replaced the farm invasions and theft. Five
murders were commited in the past four years within a 40 km radius as
farmers are expected to pay large amounts of extortion money to political
The tragic and very brutal murder of Malcolm Francis and his daughter,
Catherine, on a farm to the north of the country highlights the fragile
nature of life without the rule of law. They were attacked in the evening
of 10th May, 2014 in Guruve when walking the dogs. They survived from
axe wounds for several days before succumbing in hospital.
Gwebi College of Agriculture
Graduates from Gwebi have excelled in their chosen fields and become
industry leaders. Tragically a number are amongst those who have paid
the supreme sacrifice and are tabled:
Robin Stanley Hughes
David Aston Carshalton
Paul Elliott Crouch
David Patrick Bashford
Warwick Powys Lilford
Matthew Charles Thomas Brooks
Denzil William Scott Dunn
John Barry Whitfield
Charles Hugh Olivey
Kenneth Cecil Gifford
Pieter Jacobus Cloete
Robert Leslie Smallman
Arthur Stockwell Topham
Robert James Gash
James Firman Murphy
Basil John Stuart Kearns
Charles Albert Rosenfels
Trevor John Speight
Martin Geoffrey Olds
18th October, 1973
27th August, 1976
17th December, 1976
24th December, 1976
19th January, 1977
5th June, 1977
13th September, 1977
6th February, 1978
15th May, 1978
10th July, 1978
8th August, 1978
12th September, 1978
7th November, 1978
15th February, 1979
28th February, 1979
17th April, 1979
24th April, 1979
18th July, 1979
18th April, 2000
Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe/Remembrance/Roll of Honour on
website in June 2014.
Contributions from Adrian Haggett.
Emails and social media.
Gwebi College Echoes 1979
Acknowledgement is made to the research and networking
carried out by Colin Lowe in Livingstone, Zambia. Colin is making use of
his connections with other graduates from the Gwebi College of
Agriculture in order to make this list more complete.
An email I had received from Colin in 2014 inspired me to commence this
©Steve Bennett
1st February, 2015
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