UNIVERSIDADE EDUARDO MONDLANE TERMS OF REFERENCE Participation of UEM Delegation in a Joint UEM-ISP Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, on the Scope of the Swedish continued research cooperation with Eduardo Mondlane University Dates for the Meeting: 3 – 4 of November, 2014 Place: Sweden, Sctockholm, Radisson Blu Park Hotel 1. The context Swedish support to Mozambique commenced immediately after Independence in 1975. With a focus on the development of indigenous research capacity, later broadened to include institutional capacity, Sida´s Department for Research Cooperation (Sida/SAREC) has collaborated with EMU since 1978. Continued training at postgraduate level, both in Mozambique and abroad, research laboratories and libraries consistently equipped, makes EMU the Mozambique’s main centre of higher education and the only university with major research programs at postgraduate level in a larger number of disciplines. The overall objective of EMU while undertaking the research cooperation with Sida, during the period of the agreement 2011-2015 is to further strengthen the role of the Eduardo Mondlane University for higher education and for national research system through support to research, postgraduate training and development of institutional capacity for research management. The support focuses on: i) collaborative research and postgraduate training; ii) local postgraduate research training programs; iii) improvement of research environment; iv) strengthening research management capacity; v) library services. 1 2. Objectives of the Meeting i) Evaluation of the current UEM-Sweden Program 2011-2015; ii) Discussion and agreement on mechanisms for better management of the Program; iii) Discussion of findings and recommendations from the Mid-Term Self-Assessment of the UEM-Sweden Program, performed in June 2014, at UEM; iv) Overview on preparation of the next phase of Swedish support to UEM. 3. Expected Outputs of the Meeting i) To identify good practices and bottlenecks and define measures and respective actors for improvements of the implementation of the Program; v) To get feedback for improvements of the individual Programs activity plans and budgets for year 2015; vi) To draw Milestones for follow-up of recommendations from the Mid-Term SelfAssessment of the UEM-Sweden Program, performed in June 2014, at UEM; ii) To have an understanding of the steps for preparation of the new phase of the Swedish support to UEM and to draw strategies to be followed by the parts; iii) To liaise and strengthen the relationships among the participants of the meeting; 4. Members of the UEM Delegation N/O Name 1 Ana Maria Mondjana 2 Carlos Lucas* 3 4 5 6 7 Unit/Position Academic Vice-Rector/Supervisor of Management Team of UEM-Swden Program/ Head of Delegation Director of Cooperation/General Coordinator of UEM-Swden Program Departure from Maputo Arrival (back) in Maputo 1/11 6/11 25/10 6/11 * Travels on 25/10 to participate in PhD defense of his student Fabião Manhiça in Gothemborg and to have meetings with Uppsala and Stockholm universities. Scientific Director Bettencourt Capece* 31/10 7/11 Internal Audit Director 31/10 7/11 Dionísia Tembe* Finance Directorate – Finance Officer 31/10 7/11 Basílio Malipa* Cooperation Office Program Officer 31/10 7/11 Vasco Manjate* Faculty of Agronomy - Coordinator of Program # 1 “Land use and Agricultural Technologies for Sebastião Famba* 31/10 7/11 Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development (LASD-MOZ)” 2 N/O 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Name Unit/Position Departure from Maputo Arrival (back) in Maputo Faculty of Veterinary - Coordinator of Program # 2 “Impact of Zoonotic Diseases on Public Health 1/11 6/11 and Animal Production in Mozambique” Faculty of Engineering - Coordinator of Programs José da C. Francisco* # 3 “Technology Processing of Natural Resources” 1/11 7/11 and # 21 “Master of Science in Food Technology” Faculty of Engineering - Coordinator of Program # 4 “Integrated Water Resources Management – Nelson Matsinhe 1/11 6/11 Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of IWRM for Sustainable Development is Southern” Faculty of Science - Coordinator of Program # 6 João Munembe* “A global Research Programme in Mathematics, 31/10 8/11 Statistics and Informatics” Faculty of Education - Coordinator of Program # 7 Inocente Mutimucuio* “Development of Research Culture and Capacity in 1/11 8/11 Education” * Will depart from Sweden on 5/11 and will visit South Africa to work with students and Supervisors integrated in the Program, and return to Maputo on 8/11. Faculty of Science - Coordinator of Program # 8 “Strengthening of Biological and Oceanographic Almeida Guissamulo* 31/10 6/11 Research Capacity at the Department of Biological Sciences” Faculty of Science - Coordinator of Program # 9 Alexandre Maphossa* 1/11 9/11 “Medical Radiation Physics” * After the joint UEM-ISP Meeting of 3 and 4 oc November, will have working meetings in Sweden with Supervisors and students of the Program and will return to Mozambique on 9/11. Faculty of Medicine/ Director – Representantive of the Coordinator of Program # 10 “Maternal and Moshin Sidat 1/11 6/11 Child Health in HIV/AIDS High Endemic Area – Mozambique 2010-2014” Faculty of Science - Coordinator of Program # 12 Alberto Mavume* 1/11 7/11 “Environment and Climate Research Programme” Documentation Services/Central Library – Director – Coordinator of Program # 13 “Consolidation of Horácio Zimba 1/11 6/11 Access and Use of Scientific Information Sources in Mozambique” Faculty of Science – Deputy Coordinator of Arão Manhique* Program # 20 “MSc Program in Chemistry and 1/11 7/11 Processing of Local Resources” Faculty of Science – Deputy Coordinator of Salvador Mondlane Program # 22 “MSc Program in Mineral Resources 1/11 6/11 Management” Faculty of Science – Deputy Coordinator of Andrade Egas Program # 23 “Master of Sciences in Wood 1/11 6/11 Technology” Advisor of the Rector/ Lecturer at Faculty of Prof. Doutor Patrício Education/ Proposed Member for Committee for 1/11 6/11 Langa preparation of next phase of Swedish support to UEM Faculty of Engineering/Lecturer – Proposed Prof. Doutor Daniel Balói Member for Committee for preparation of next 1/11 6/11 phase of Swedish support to UEM Sónia Afonso * Will have meetings some days before and/or after the days of the joint USM-ISP Meeting of 3 and 4 of November, 2014, with collaborating institutions, ISP, Supervisors and students. 3 5. Agenda of the Meeting Monday 3 November, 2014 Venue: xxx (we will check the name of the hall) Time Item 08:00 – 09:00 Registration and Coffee/Tea 09:00 – 09:30 Opening session Welcome addresses and presentation of Agenda of the Meeting by ISP Welcome addresses by Sida 09:30 – 09:40 09:40 – 09:50 09:50 - 10:00 10:00 – 10:10 10:10 – 10:20 10:20 – 10:30 10:30 – 10:40 10:40 – 10:50 10:50 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:15 11:20 – 11:30 11:30 – 11:40 11:40 – 11:50 11:50 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:10 12:10 – 12:20 12:20 – 12:30 12:30 – 12:40 12:40 – 13:40 13:45 – 14:45 14:45 – 15:15 15:15 – 15:30 15:30-17:00 18:30 - Representatives from UEM (opening speech) Presentations by UEM Programs Coordinators Program Medical Radiation Physics Program Zoonotic Diseases Water Program Program Technology Processing of Natural Resources - TecPro Program Mathematics, Informatics and Statistic Program LASD Program Education Program Environment HIV/AIDS Program Coffee/Tea Program Biology Program Central Library Program Energy Program Anthropology and History MSc in Food Technology MSc in Chemistry MSc in Wood Technology MSc in Mineral Resources Management LUNCH Open discussions on the coordinators presentations (see duration of studies sub-topics in the attached table) Presentation of the recommendations and conclusions from the Mid Term Evaluation and the UEM Management response to it. Coffee/Tea Open discussions based on findings from the MTR (see structure of discussion in the table of topics and sub-topics) WORKSHOP DINNER Responsible Prof. Leif Abrahamsson Dr. Cristina de Carvalho Eriksson Prof. Ana Mondjana Dr. Carlos Lucas Prof. Alexandre Maphossa Dr Sónia Santana Afonso Prof. Nelson Matsinhe Prof. José da C. Francisco Prof. João Munembe Prof. Sebastião Famba Prof. Inocente Mutimucuio Prof. Alberto Mavume Prof. Mohsin Sidat Dr Almeida Guissamulo Dr Horácio Zimba Representative Prof. Sten Hagberg Prof. José da C. Francisco Prof. Arão Manhique Prof. Andrade Egas Prof. Salvador Mondlane MC – Prof. Daniel Baloi Dr. Carlos Lucas MC – Prof. Patrício Langa 4 Tuesday 4 November Venue: xxx Time Item 08:30 – 09:30 Open discussions on way forward for the final part of the agreement period (based on findings from the MTR 09:30 – 10:45 Role of supervisors and co-supervisors at UEM, in Sweden and South Africa other issues of crosscontinental collaboration 10:45 – 11:10 Coffee/Tea 11:10 – 11:40 Beyond 2015. What is known/unknown? 11:40 – 12:30 Discussions on beyond 2015. What is known/unknown? (see topic 8 in the table attached) 12:30 – 13:30 LUNCH 13:40 – 14:40 Postgraduate programmes at UEM (see table attached) 14:40 – 15:10 Draft Concept Note and their role in the national HE and research system 15:10 – 15:30 Coffee/Tea 15:30 – 16:30 Discussion around process for development of new proposal – UEM view and view of Swedish Collab. Institutions (see topic in the attached table) 16:30 – 16:50 Closing Ceremony Responsible MC – Patrício Langa MC – Prof. Inocente Mutimucuio Dr. Cristina de Carvalho Eriksson Sida and UEM Prof. Bettencourt Capece UEM MC – Dr. Carlos Lucas ISP Asdi UEM Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs 6. Materials to be Used The supporting materials to be used by the delegates of the meeting are the following: (i) “Specific Agreement between Sweden and the Government of Mozambique on continued research cooperation with Eduardo Mondlane University during 1 March 2011 to 31 December 2015” (ii) Programs´Activity Plans and Budgets for year 2015; (iii) Report of the Mid-Term Self-Assessment of the UEM-Sweden Program, performed in June 2014, at UEM; (iv) Report on Mid-Term Self-Assessment (v) Reports by the Management Team of the Program UEM-Sweden 2011-2015; (vi) Draft document with steps for preparation of the next phase of the Swedish support to UEM. 5 7. Reporting on the Participation of UEM Delegation in the Meeting The report on participation of the UEM Delegation in the meeting will be produced within ten (10) working days from the day of arrival in Maputo, by the last members of the Management Team, and will be presented to the Rector, the Vice-Rectors and to the members of the Management Team. Another short report on the expenditures of part of the Delegation, composed by the Management Team members and the two invited Professors members proposed for the Committee of preparation of the next phase of Swedish support to UEM, will be presented to the Finance Directorate, within five (5) days after returning to Maputo by the last member of the Management Team. Maputo, 23 October 2014 For Cooperation Office ____________________________ Dr. Carlos Lucas 6
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