GROOM blades hair and grooming Colouring Botox & fillers Massage Teeth whitening Sienna x spray tan Waxing/intimate Hand & foot care Pamper & wedding packages Gift vouchers available Tel: 0117 9860181 8 Temple Street, Keynsham Bristol BS31 1EG [email protected] THE MENS ROOM MALE HAIR AND GROOMING MEN’S ROOM MALE GROOMING 102 March 2014 Barbering Colouring Traditional wet shaves Waxing/intimate Sienna x spray tan Facials by [ comfort zone ] Massage Hand & foot care Microdermabrasion Botox & fillers Teeth whitening Hopi ear candles Pamper & wedding packages Gift vouchers available OFnFg 0 0 . 2 £ Barberi is any with 1 WINE STREET, BRISTOL BS1 2BB ∙ TEL: 0117 927 3317 317 7 Service rt adve INFOTHEMENSROOMBRISTOL.CO.UK WWW.THEMENSROOMBRISTOL.CO.UK th The One Stop Beauty Shop GIF T AV VOUC AIL HE AB RS LE Come to a salon where youu matter from Waxing to Relaxingg Call today 0117 956 0808 8 ŚĂŶĚĂŐZŽĂĚͲ<ĞLJŶƐŚĂŵ–ƌŝƐƚŽů 'LJŵƚŝŵĞƚĂďůĞŶŽǁĞdžƚĞŶĚĞĚƚŚƌŽƵŐŚƚŚĞĚĂLJ 39 Victoria Street, Staple Hill, BRISTOL OL BS15 5JP [email protected] Open Mon until Sat Pedicures & Manicures Waxing & Threading Jessica Geleration Jade French T: 078176 28846 E: [email protected] No Joining Fee All members get FREE induction and programmes Fitness Classes Sports From £19 per month Tel: 0117 916 1034 March 2014 103 Bristol Sports Centre Bristol Sports Centre, a new and exciting Martial Arts and Strength & Fitness Gym. Located in central Bristol by Cabot Circus. The Martial Arts Gym was started by Luke Boulton-Major and Mohammed Ibrahim. Both 2O\PSLF7DHNZRQGR&RDFKHVIDFHGDSUREOHPÀQGLQJVXLWDEOHYHQXHV for their growing classes. They decided to create one of the biggest SXUSRVHEXLOWPDUWLDODUWVZHLJKWVDQGÀWQHVVJ\PFHQWUHVLQWKH6RXWK West. +DYLQJDIXOOZHLJKWVDQGÀWQHVVVXLWHWRFRPSOHPHQWWKHDWKOHWHV WUDLQLQJLVLPSRUWDQWDQGSURYLGHVWKHORFDOFRPPXQLW\ZLWKDJUHDW DIIRUGDEOHSODFHWRWUDLQDVZHOODVGLVFRYHULQJVRPHRIWKHFRROHVW sports around. Facilities: 0DOHDQGIHPDOHFKDQJLQJIDFLOLWLHV )UHHZHLJKWVDUHD 5HVLVWDQFHPDFKLQHV &DUGLR0DFKLQHV 6WXGLR VTIWRIVSDFHDOORZVIRU2O\PSLFPDWWHGULQJV &OXEVWRUDJHVSDFH Opening Hours Mon, Tues, Thurs 07:00 - 22:30 Weds 07:00 - 22:00 Fri 07:00 - 21:00 Sat 10:30 - 19:00 Sun 11:00 - 17:00 Your Pearly Bright Smiles Contact: 07940 066665 Teeth Whitening Parties ffer! Speciaetlh WO hitening Party Book a Laser Te on (normally £120) rs e p r e p 0 6 £ r fo for FREE ost goes ople and the him um of 4 pe Min 7KLVLVDSHUIHFWZD\WRJHW DOOWKHJLUOVWRJHWKHUIRUDIXQ ÀOOHGHYHQLQJ 104 March 2014 Bristol Sports Centre - The People’s Gym Gym membership only £14.99 per month No contract, No Joining Fee. Simple! SPECIAL OFFER Join online for only £10.99 per month for 3 months £14.99 per month thereafter on a rolling membership, offer expires 31st March 2014 You will find a whole host of combat sports filled with motivated combat athletes here making a true Martial arts training centre in Bristol. To name a few classes Olympic Taekwondo, K1 Kickboxing, Karate, Krav Maga, Traditional and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Capoeira and non combat such as Yoga, Kettlebells, Circuit Training, and many others. Gym membership does not include classes. Your Goals - We can help! VËFunctional Fitness VËWeight loss VËNutritional guidance and diet plans VËStrength and stamina building VËIncrease flexibility VËTraining for an event, eg Half Marathon Bristol Sports Centre Unit B, Dean Street Bristol BS2 8SF [email protected] Contact us today: 07590 383287 March 2014 105 Unique Hair )XOO\TXDOLÀHG+DLUGUHVVHU DQG([WHQVLRQ7HFKQLFLDQ £30 off SUHERQGHGKDLUH[WHQVLRQV DQGIUHHZHHNPDLQWHQDQFHFKHFNZKHQ SUHVHQWLQJWKLVOHDÁHW Contact: 07940 066665 106 March 2014 March 2014 107
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