PSG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE COIMBATORE – 641004 POLYMEET 2014 EXTERNAL PAPERS SELECTED PAPERS FOR PRESENTATION ON 08.02.2014 MECHATRONICS S.No Name of the college 1 Thiagarajar Polytchnic college 2 Murugappan Polytechnic College 3 Kongu Polytechnic College Year & Branch 3rd year E:robotics 3rd year Production Engineering 3rd year DER Topic Auomotive Mechatronics Networking in Industrial Automation Networking in Industrial Automation Name of the student Mr.I.Mohammed Farid Mr.S.Sabareesh Mr.K.Muralikrishnan Mr.M.Hariprasath Mr.M.S.Karthik Mr.T.Gobinath COMPUTER NETWORKING S.No Name of the college 1 Thiagarajar Polutechnic College 2 Kongu polytechnic college A.V.C. Polytechnic College 3 4 VSVN Polytechnic College 5 Thiagarajar Polytechnic College Nandha Polytechnic College 6 Year & Branch 3rd Year DCN nd 2 year DCE nd 2 Year DCE 3rd Year DCE rd 3 Year DCE Topic Name of the student Green Computing Green computing Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Bio-Inspired Networking Bio-Inspired Networking E-Mail ID Karthi .V Nivetha.K [email protected] [email protected] Kalaivani.R Jagadeesh.J [email protected] [email protected] Mohanam.K [email protected] Malini.G N.Prakash V.Senthilnathan [email protected] [email protected] Balasubramaniam.S.K. Sabarishankar.M Umamaheswari.S Saranya.V [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of the college Kongu polytechnic college Kongu polytechnic college Nandha polytechnic college Nandha polytechnic college A.V.C polytechnic college Sri Krishna polytechnic college Year & Branch rd 3 Year DIT Topic Google glass 3rd Year DIT Green IT 3rd year DCE rd 3 year DCE rd 3 year DCE rd 3 year DICE Google glass Green IT Google glass Recent trend in information technology Name of the student Abirami.M Sindhu.S Muthusamy.J Vinoth kumar.G Manimekalai.M Vidhya.M Dhivya.L Nithya.M Harivarthini.V Aarthi.S Naveen prasad.S ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of the college Government polytechnic college for womens,Madurai Thigarajar polytechnic college Thigarajar polytechnic college P.A.C Ramaswamy Raja polytechnic college, Rajapalayam. P.A.C Ramaswamy Raja polytechnic college, Rajapalayam. Nandha Polytechnic College, Erode. Year & Branch 3rd year DICE Topic Name of the student Latest trends in industrial automation Padma priya.N Gayathiri.D 3rd year DEEE nd 2 year DEEE Latest trends in industrial automation Intelligent sensor Ranjith.R Thangavel.R Dinesh kumar.S Parameshwaran.M DEEE Electrical Safety Kamalakkannan.V Hariharan.K DEEE Electrical Safety Gomathi Shankar.M Sundar Rajan.T 2nd DEEE Electrical Safety Prem.M Priyadharsanan.C TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY S.No Name of the college 1 Thigarajar polytechnic college,Salem. 2 Thigarajar polytechnic college,Salem. 3 Thigarajar polytechnic college,Salem. Year & Branch 3rd year Textile Technology 3rd Year Textile Technology 3rd Year Textile Technology Topic Name of the student Development in fiber testing instruments A.Udhaya S.Yasinbi Development in fiber testing instruments M.Manjunathan C.Santhosh Kumar Eco friendly textile processing D.Karthi S.Karthick 4 Thigarajar polytechnic college,Salem. 5 Thigarajar polytechnic college,Salem. 6 GRG Poltechnic College,Coimbatore. 7 Annai JKK sampoorani ammal polytechnic college 3rd Year Textile Technology 3rd Year Textile Technology 3rd Year Textile Technology ` Eco friendly textile processing End breakage reduction in ring spinning Eco friendly textile processing Eco frendly textile processing N.Navasakthi Priya C.Nithya E.Santhosh Krishnan M.Ebinesan D.Suganya M.Suresh John Joshua P.Ramesh Anandhakumar.R Rajaprasath.P COMPUTER ENGINEERINGS S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of the college Sri Ramakrishna polytechnic college A.V.C Polytechnic College A.V.C Polytechnic College A.V.C Polytechnic College Thiagarajar Polytechnic College Srinivasa Polytechnic College Year & Branch rd 3 Year DCE 2nd Year DCE 2nd Year DCE 3rd Year DCE 3rd Year DCE 3rd year DCE Topic Name of the student Security of Open Source Software Content Management System Content Management System Security of Open Source Software Security of Open Source Software Nithyarajshree.N Nagarathinam.S Security of Open Source Software Vinoth Kumar.S Sikkanthar.N Archana.M Keerthana.A.T. Sutharsan.S Vigneshwaran.R Priya.G Emily Victoria.S Yoganathan.M Manickam.K ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING S.No Name of the college Year & Branch Topic Name of the student 1 P.A Polytechnic college 2 P.A.C. Ramasamy raja polytechnic college Vellaichamy Nadar Polytechnic College P.A.Polytechnic College 3 4 5 6 Thiagaraja Polytechnic College Thiagaraja Polytechnic College 3rd year DECE 3rd year DECE 3rd Year DECE nd 2 Year DECE 3rd Year DECE 3rd year DECE Recent trends in MEMS Guna Sekar.S Karthic Kumar.P Machine Vision N.Durgadevi G.Ramalakshmi Recent Trends in MEMS N.Arulprakash D.Kandavel Wireless Communication in health care Recent Trends in MEMS S.Rajasekar M.Naveen Kumar M.Suganthi R.Sathish Machine Vision K.Naveen A.Priyadarshan AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of the college P.A.C ramasamy raja polytechnic college Thiagarajar polytechnic college Srikrishna Polytechnic College Muthayammal Polytechnic College N.V.Polytechnic College Year & Branch 3rd year D.Mech. 3rd year Production Engineering DICE DAE 3rd Year DME Sri Ramakrishna Polytechnic College Topic Name of the student Recent trends in engine development Green vehicles Laxminarayanan.K Kannan.M Green Vehicles S.Gopinath B.Cheleamparason S.Dineshkanna K.Gowthamraj Recent Trends in Engine Development Future Car Future Cars Karthikeyan.G Sivaprakash.Y M.Gopi B.Lingeshwaran M.Yashik Kumar C.Arunkumar APPAREL TECHNOLOGY S.No Name of the college 1. Annai jkk sampoorani ammal ptc Year & branch Topic Fashion retailing and visual merchandising Name of the student V.Danapal P.Tamil selvan MECHANICAL ENGINEERING S.No 1. Name of the college Thiagarajar Politechnic college Year &branch Mechanical engineering Name of the student Dinesh Kumar.V Kadhir.P 2. Thiagarajar Politechnic college Nithya.S Saranyaa.R.V 3. 5. P.A.C.Ramasamy raja polytechnic college P.A.C.Ramasamy raja polytechnic college P.A.Polytechnic college 3rd year Civil 3rd year Mechanical 6. Sri nallalaghupolytechnic college 4. 3rd year Mechanical 3rd year Mechanical 3rd year Mechanical Pandi durai.M Jagadesh kumar.S Sundar.R Roomanivel Ramesh.C Vijayraj.J Charan raj.S Annamalai Samy.S INTERNAL PAPERS SELECTED PAPERS FOR PRESENTATION ON 08.02.2014 Department of Computer Networking S.NO NAME OF THE COLLEGE YEAR & BRANCH TOPIC NAME OF THE STUDENT 1 PSG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE 3RD YEAR GREEN COMPUTING S.RAGHAVENDRA SUKAN BIO-INSPIRED C.VIGNESH NETWORKING I.ROBERT ETHICKAL HACKING AND CYBER SECURITY J.MOHAMED ISMAIL DCN 2 3 PSG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE PSG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE 2NDYEAR DCN 1st YEAR DCN R.NITHYA J.PRITHIVIRAJ Department Foundry Technology PSG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE 2nd year Overview of Veera ragavan.S DFT aluminum &its Hari Prasad.M alloys Casting defect analysis Naveen raj 1 2 PSG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE st 1 year DFT 3 PSG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE rd 3 year Casting defect analysis DFT Sriram.R Karthick raj.S Chithambara thanu.V.R Department of Textile Technology 1 PSG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE 3rd year DTT 2 PSG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE 3rd year DTT 3 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year DTT Development in fibre testing instruments Kousic.S Vignesh.N Eco friendly textile processing Mariyappan .R End breakage reduction in ring spinning Sugmar.P Sripradha.V.M Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 1 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year DECE 2 PSG polytechnic college 2nd year DECE Recent trends in Savitha.K Govarthan.B MEMS Machine vision Hemanath kumar.K Ranjith kumar.S 3 PSG polytechnic college 2nd year DECE Wireless communication in health care Harsath.M Khailash.S Department of Mechatronics 1 2 PSG polytechnic college PSG polytechnic college 3rd and 2ndyear mechatronics 3rd year and 2nd year mechatronics Accident alert Dinesh kumar.M and investigation Manju.R using vehicle Pavithra.M black box Rohith sabari.S (project) Smart railway Rani priya.T Asok kumar.E safety system Hari pranesh.N (project) Karthick.N Srinath.N 3 4 5 PSG polytechnic college PSG polytechnic college PSG polytechnic college rd Murugesh kumar.K Rohith sabari.S 3 year mechatronics Wireless sensors and their application 3rd year Mechatronics Industrial Dhirajkumar.R Networking Yuvaraj.R Automotive Mechatronics Deepakraj.R Sadham hussain.S 2nd year mechatronic Murugesh kumar.K Department of Computer Engineering 1 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year DCE 2 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year DCE Security of open source software Navina.S Radhay.M Content management system Deepika.G Buila radhika.J 3 PSG polytechnic college 2nd year DCE 4 PSG polytechnic college 1st year DCE 5 PSG polytechnic college 1st year DCE Content management system Gokila.R Pavithra.J Security of open source software Kathiresan.A E-mine web mining approach Dharani.G Tejaswini.V Dharani.M Department of Mechanical 1 PSG polytechnic college 2nd year Mechanical Intelligent transport system Ragul.R PSG polytechnic college 2nd year Mechanical Intelligent transport system Ajith kumar.A Kirubakaran.B PSG polytechnic college 2nd year Mechanical Intelligent transport system Vishnu kumar 2 3 4 PSG polytechnic college th 4 year Mechanical Special welding kandasamy.E Hari harasubramanian.K Logesh.P Parthiban.V Ranjith.R 5 PSG polytechnic college th 4 year Mechanical Intelligent transport system Paranthaman.V Prithivirajan.C Siva kumar.P 6 PSG POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE 2nd year mechanical Micro machining Boopathy raja Mithun subramani Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1 PSG polytechnic college 1st year DEEE Electrical safety Kannan.M Jayanathan.S.A 2 PSG polytechnic college 2nd year DEEE 3 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year DEEE Industrial automation Intelligent sensor Azeez mohideen.M Dhamodaran.G Swathi.B Krishna priya.S Department of Mechatronics 1 2 PSG polytechnic college PSG polytechnic college 3rd year mechatronics Wireless sensors and their application 3rd year Mechatronics Industrial Dhirajkumar.R Networking Yuvaraj.R Automotive Mechatronics Deepakraj.R Sadham hussain.S C.Palaniappan G.Yogeshkarna 2nd year mechatronic s 1st year mechatronics Rohith sabari.S Murugesh kumar.K 3 PSG polytechnic college 4 PSG polytechnic college 5 PSG polytechnic college 2nd year mechatronics 6 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year Mechatronics Wireless sensors and their application Wireless sensors and their application Automotive Mechatronics 7 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year Mechatronics Automotive Mechatronics K.Dinesh H.Sulthan Irfanul Haneef R.Gowresh N.Hari Pranesh 8 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year Mechatronics Automotive Mechatronics E.Asokkumar N.Srinath G.Dhinesh kumar D.Ponbalraj Department of Apparel Technology 1 PSG Polytechnic college 2nd year Apparel technology Fashion retailing and visual merchandising K.Amritha D.Gayathiri 2 3 PSG Polytechnic college PSG Polytechnic college 2nd year Apparel technology Fashion retailing and visual merchandising S.Vishnu Sneha 3rd year Apparel Fashion retailing and visual J.Lino Christy Y.Thiruchunaiselvi B.Gayathiri 4 PSG Polytechnic college technology merchandising 3rd year Apparel technology Fashion retailing and visual merchandising Vaishnavi.A Indhumathi.P 5 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year Apparel technology Virtual garment desining Rushitha.S 6 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year Apparel technology Speciality garment Indhumathi.P Khaja mohiddin.K Department of automobile engineering 1 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year Recent trends in engine development Sanjeev.S Roshanuallas 2 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year Green vehicles Antony Mathew.P Thulasr sekaran. N 3 PSG polytechnic college 2nd year Green vehicles Sowmya.S Vignesh.G 4 PSG polytechnic college 2nd year Green vehicles Harishni.J Vishu.R Arjun.P 5 PSG polytechnic college 2nd year Recent trends in engine development Ashok kumar. S.S Subash chander.S 6 PSG polytechnic college 2nd year Future cars Shatheesh vettri vel Information technology 1 PSG polytechnic college 3rd year Google glass Aanantha hariharan.J Saravana kumar.R SELECTED PROJECTS FOR EXIBITING ON 08.02.2014 Department of computer networking S.No NAME OF 1 YEAR TOPIC NAME OF THE THE COLLEGE STUDENT PSG polytechnic college DCN NEW RAVINDRA TECHNOLOGIES IN BIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION MUNIFATHIMA 2 PSG polytechnic college DCN REAL TIME PRANESH PROCESSING IN VIGNADEEP ECG SIGNAL IN MOBILE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING S.No NAME OF 1 YEAR TOPIC NAME OF THE THE COLLEGE STUDENT PSG DCE RFIO BASED POLYTECHNIC ATTENDENCE COLLEGE USING ZIGCEE M.HARIPRIYA R.SASIKALADEVI PROTOCOL 2 PSG DCE TRANSLATION POLYTECHNIC SERVICE IN COLLEGE ANDROID S.PREETHI A.KALPANA DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING S.No NAME OF THE YEAR TOPIC COLLEGE 1 NAME OF THE STUDENT PSG LIBRARY BOOK POLYTECHNIC PICKER COLLEGE A.ANISH MARK AVINASH CHETHRI NITHIN GURUNG 2 PSG SAMRT HORN RAMEESH RAJ POLYTECHNIC AND DOOR C.PRADAP COLLEGE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR VECHICLES MOHAMED RIZWAN DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL S.No NAME OF THE COLLEGE YEAR TOPIC NAME OF THE STUDENT 1 PSG POLYTECHNIC IIIrd year COLLEGE INTELLIGENT K.BAHARATHI REVERSE MURUGAN BREAHING M.GOWTHAM SYSTEM S.KANNAN S.MOHAMED NIZARUDEEN S.PRADEEP 2 PSG POLYTECHNIC rd III year COLLEGE AUTOMATIC BABY CRADLE S.SATHISH KUMAR N.PREM KUMAR R.RAGUL M.SARAVANA KUMAR S.VISWAJITH MINONG MAIO Department of Apparal technology S.No NAME OF THE COLLEGE YEAR TOPIC NAME OF THE STUDENT 1 2 PSG polytechnic college PSG polytechnic college 3rd year 3rd year Value addition Nandha for knitted kumar.M garments by Reshma.S Indian traditional and ethnic designs Rushitha.S Development of sport wear using bi-layer knitted fabric Lino Christy.J Indhumathi.P Rahini.K Department of Mechatronics SI.NO NAME OF YEAR TOPIC NAME OF THE THE COLLEGE STUDENT 1 PSG polytechnic college 3RD & 2ND year Accident alert Dinesh and kumar.M investigation using black box Manju.R Pavithra.M Rohit sabari.S 2 PSG polytechnic college rd nd 3 &2 year Smart railway safety system Rini priya.T Asok kumar.E Hari pranesh.N Kathick.N Srinath.N Murugesh kumar.K 3 PSG Polytechnic College 3rd Year PLC controlled filter reactor for a sugar factory K.Dinesh V.Prabhu G.Meran ganesh ram Department of textile technology SI.NO NAME OF 1 YEAR TOPIC THE THE COLLEGE STUDENT PSG polytechnic college 3rd year Effect of truck Sitharrth.R.S density on Aiswarya.S comfort characteristics 2 3 NAME OF PSG polytechnic college PSG polytechnic college 3rd year 3rd year Shripradha.V.M Vignesh.N of interlock Sathishkumar.N jacquard double layered knitted fabric. Analysis of Akashaya.S structural and Jawahar comfort Lavanya.S characteristics of shocks knitted fabrics Senthilnathan.P Nano finishing on textiles Kamalnaath.S Sugumar.P Kousic.S Prakash.R Ramya.R Department of information techonology SI.NO NAME OF 1 2 3 YEAR TOPIC NAME OF THE THE COLLEGE STUDENT PSG polytechnic college PSG polytechnic college PSG polytechnic college 3rd year 3rd year 3rd year Level based anti-proxi system in manet Aravind kumar.M Android Sathish kumar.M Mareswaran.N application for Charulatha.P PSG polytechnic college Privacy presentation and data mining Sharan kumar.M Kannan.L
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