April 2014 Sa s katc he wan Ar ch er y Ass oc iat io n In c . J O P P r o g r a m o n t h e R i s e … We n e e d your help !! SAA’s Junior Olympic Program is on the rise. Three years ago we registered 563 youth archers in the JOP program. Today we are please to see the program with 940 participants. We can attribute this to the many dedicated club level parents and coaches who volunteer to lead young archers toward their archery goals while encouraging improvement along the way. In particular the position of JOP Coordinator is key to the success of the program. The SAA is aware that there will be an opening on the Board of Directors this summer and we would like to encourage members to think about becoming a volunteer. If you are interested in supporting young archers and would like to learn more about the job duties involved, please contact: Upcoming Shoots Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong. ~UNKNOWN~ Inside this issue: JOP Coordinator needed ! 1 Provincial Judges needed ! 1 Upcoming Shoots 1 April 6—Provincial Indoor Target (FITA) Championship Respect in Sport 2 Lethbridge, AB SAA Scholarship 2 Find a Club in your area with a JOP program: April 19-20— Canadian Indoor 3D Championship Be Informed 2 http:// www.saskarchery.com/ JOP.html Prince Albert, SK Donation Form 3 Moosomin, SK Summer Games 4 July 12-13— Provincial Outdoor 3D Championship By-laws & Policies 5 Delisle, SK Preferred Hotel 5 July 19 — Provincial Outdoor Target (FITA) Championship High Performance 5 July 20— Provincial Outdoor Field Championship MAP Grants 6 Lac La Biche, AB SAA on your mobile 6 Boosting your Performance 6 Why be a member? 7 Sask Sport Assessment 7 Volunteer 7 SAA Merchandise 8 SAA’s JOP Coordinator http:// www.saskarchery.com/ contact.html With Junita Fawcett’s forethought and hard work as JOP Coordinator she has ensured the management process is outlined clearly for her predecessor. Prince Albert, SK April 5—Junior Olympic Program May 17-18— Canada Cup August 1-10— Canadian Outdoor Championship We need your help !! PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS MAY BE IN JEAPORDY !! PROVINCIAL JUDGES NEEDED—ASAP! Local Judge tests Archery Judges within clubs are required to successfully complete questionnaire exercises to be accredited as Local Judges. The purpose of these exercises is to help Local Judges become familiar with the rules, common safety practices and procedures used in Canada so they can advise club members and help ensure the safety and fairness of club events. The exercises are intended to assist the Judge to explore and become familiar with the Archery Canada rulebook. They are not intended to simply be answered without exploration of the rulebook. Local Judges must complete those tests listed below that are assigned by their respective Provincial Judge Coordinator. Judges in clubs focusing solely on target or 3-D need not complete all. Once completed the Provincial Judge Co-ordinator will evaluate the answers. A normal pass mark is 80%. http://www.archerycanada.ca/en/judging-and-rules/164-local-club-judge-tests Contact: John Cannon for more information [email protected] April 2014 Invest in Saskatchewan’s y outh archers, D o n a t e To d a y ! The Respect in Sport program will be used to train coaches, sport personnel and sport The Saskatchewan Archery Association Scholarship Fund setup through Sask Sport and the Sports Legacy Fund supports youth members who are going on to pursue a post secondary education. leaders to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, harassment, abuse and neglect. This may be the single most important training sport leaders can receive to create a safer, healthier, and more positive environment for our athletes! The program can be accessed by coaches, officials, team leaders, board members and staff. By supporting youth archers in their educational goals, we give them the opportunity and financial leverage to continue to pursue their passion for the sport of archery. Easy Step by Step Instructions: Our youth are ambassadors for the sport and the leaders of tomorrow. • Visit the website https://sasksrc.respectgroupinc.com • For Username and Password, please use your first and last name as entries for the username and no spaces should be included. • When you have completed the registration Thank You for Supporting Youth Archers M o r e i n f o r ma t i o n : h t t p : / / w w w . s a s k a r c h e r y . c o m/ S c h o l a r s h i p s . h t ml • Select the appropriate language or • Read Program Instructions • Click to start the Activity Leader Program (Program Content). Re-Access: • Return to website https://sasksrc.respectgroupinc.com • Enter your username and password (username and password are case sensitive) • Select • Click to select your next module. Complete Program: • Once you have finished the program, you will receive an email stating congratulations on completing the program along with a certification number. • Print off your certificate, which is transferable to many sports. Register a New User Submit BE AN INFORMED MEMBER VISIT SASK ARCHERY ONLINE FOR IMPORTANT NOTIFICATIONS BYLAWS POLICIES & PROCEDURES BOARD CONTACTS CLUB INFORMATION SHOOT CALENDAR FORMS / LINKS RESULT/ RECORDS JUNIOR OLYMPIC PROGRAM HIGH PERFORMANCE PROGRAM and MORE http://www.saskarchery.com/ April 2014 Level 2 Coaches Needed for 201 6 Summer Games !! The SAA is beginning to prepare for the 2016 Summer Games. We will need Level 2 coaches in each of the districts. If you are interested in coaching a team please contact: SAA Coaches Coordinator, Shelley Smith District Teams Team Lakeland - Pr ince Alber t, Nipawin, Melfort Team North - LaRonge, Cumberland House, Pelican Narrows, LaLoche, Stony Rapids Team Parkland Valley - Yorkton, Melville, Esterhazy Team Prairie Central - Warman, Humboldt, Kelvington, Fort Qu’Appelle, Outlook Team Regina - City of Regina Team Rivers West - North Battleford, Lloydminster, Rosetown, Biggar, Kindersley, Meadow Lake Team Saskatoon - City of Saskatoon Team South East - Weyburn, Estevan, Whitewood, Broadview Team South West - Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Assiniboia, Maple Creek http://saskgames.ca/summer April 2014 Beco me familiar with the new S A A B yl a w s & Policies & Procedures!! In 2012 the SAA Board of Directors, during the process of moving bank accounts to Saskatoon, were obligated to review their corporate paperwork, procedures and bylaws. Legal advice and counsel was obtained and has played a major role in drafting the new SAA by-laws. The major by-law changes included: •Clarity with respect to the definition of members; •Changes to election of Directors and the appointment of Officers & Coordinators; •Clarity around required quorum at meetings; As with all by-law amendments, approval is required by vote of its membership. This took place in July and December 2013. •Updates to allow for electronic communications; Please follow this link to view a full document containing the new by-laws. The SAA Board of Directors will strive to have an annual review of their by-laws & policies. http://www.saskarchery.com /SAA_BYLAWS-revised_2013-12-07-FINAL.pdf •Revisions to ensure compliance with the Nonprofit Corporations Act; Preferred Hotel Rates for SAA Members THANK YOU to Sherry Loose of Swift Current for taking the initiative to contact hotels in multiple communities and securing preferred hotel rates for SAA members. Please support these hotels when you are attending a shoot. A valid SAA membership is required to receive the outlined rates. For details of hotels and rates and locations visit the SAA website: http:// www.saskarchery.com/ ShootDates.html Thank you to Karen Webb for your expertise in understanding the “Act” and her patience and explanation to the many questions we fired at her ! HIGH PERFORMANCE PROGRAM The goal of the High Performance Program in to ensure this tradition continues and to give archers who wish to compete on an inter-provincial, national or international level some of the skills necessary to achieve that goal. General Criteria: •High Performance Program is open to all Sask. Archery Members aged 21and under in good standing provided they meet all the criteria listed below. •Although no minimum age is in effect, program members must compete at a minimum of cadet or age appropriate distances (whichever is greater) and vertical triple face 40cm targets for indoor season. •Minimum score requirements from ONE of the following categories (cadet or age appropriate, whichever is greater) has been achieved or is realistically able to be achieved in the next 12 months at a nationally registered event. More Information: http://www.saskar cher y.com/HighPer for mance.html Did you know : Respect in Sport deadline for Coaches is October 31, 2014. For more information: http:// www.saskarchery.com/ We need Director of Shooting and Judges for all Provincial Sanctioned shoots. If you are able to fill one of these roles, Contact John Cannon [email protected] SAA is changing its year end to April 30th to improve reporting and to fit better with the mandatory timeline of holding an AGM within 3-4 months after the fiscal year end. If your club is not compliant with SAA policies and procedures regarding club affiliation YOUR MEMBERSHIP IS IN JEOPARDY ! Have the conversation with your club board to ensure they are collecting, submitting and reporting all members of your club to the SAA. More information regarding club affiliation membership, refer to Article 3.4 in the SAA Bylaws http:/ www.saskarchery.com/ SAA_BYLAWS-revised_2013-12-07-FINAL.pdf A RCHERY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ! ! W E’ VE G ONE M OBILE ! ! HTTP: / / M. SASKARCHERY. COM/ Member Assistance Program (MAP) Grant PURPOSE OF MAP: The Membership Assistance Program (MAP) is intended to support members of the Saskatchewan Archery Association with development and improvement of archery programs at clubs and communities in Saskatchewan. Additionally, MAP will support archers by providing greater access to facilities, competition and training. Funding for MAP is provided through the Saskatchewan Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation and is derived from proceeds of lottery ticket sales in Saskatchewan. ELIGIBILITY: All members of affiliated clubs applying for a MAP GRANT must be members of the SAA. To be eligible to apply for MAP, affiliated clubs must collect and submit all SAA club affiliation and membership fees to the SAA by the application deadline. Strength Boosts Performance Successful preparation for archers must include tuning up and getting the "archery muscles" in shape for the rigors of bow season. Shooting a bow, just like any other sport, is a total body activity that involves the muscles of the legs, trunk, and upper body, all working together to execute the shot. To illustrate this point, try drawing a hunting bow while sitting with your feet lifted in the air. You will notice that not only must your shoulder muscles work harder than normal to pull the bow back, but your stomach and back muscles, which are normally stabilized in part by planted feet, must kick in fiercely to stabilize your trunk. Muscle preparation for archery should involve strengthening these three levels for optimal performance. Training all of these archery muscles to work together to produce a smooth clean shot is the goal of practice. In addition to strength training, it is important for athletes to perform activities that are specific to their sport. For archers, what better way to train your muscles for archery than shooting your bow! You should shoot often but never overshoot to the point that you become fatigued and susceptible to injury. Archery is clearly an athletic event that, like any other sport, requires coordinated muscle power for optimum performance. 7 Reasons to become a Member !! Being a member of SAA has its benefits; SAA Members are eligible to: 1. Compete at Provincial Championships 2. Compete to achieve Provincial Archery Records and Canadian Archery Records 3. Become a member of the Junior Olympic Program (JOP) in member clubs where there is a youth program 4. Receives automatic liability insurance coverage through Archery Canada 5. Eligible to receive funding to attend national and international competitions 6. Eligible to become a member of the High Performance Archery Team 7. Access to preferred hotel rates at select hotels in Saskatchewan and Alberta SASK SPORT ASSESSMENT RESULTS FOR SASK ARCHERY: Every 3 years we have an assessment with Sask Sport and are graded based on our programs and performance over this time period. The result of that assessment is below. With new accountabilities to Sask Sport the SAA Board of Directors will begin evaluating our programming and developing a strategic plan that fits within the assessment framework. Final Grade: The assessment of your Sask Archery resulted in an overall grade of “C”. A detailed “Assessment Scoring Summary” which outlines the grade and scoring results for each performance area can be found online at: http://www.saskarchery.com/boardinfo.html V O L U N T E E R w i t h S A S K A R C H E RY ! People volunteer for a wide variety of reasons, especially wanting to help others. But it's also OK to want some benefits for yourself from volunteering. Instead of considering volunteering as something you do for people, begin to think of it as an exchange. Consider that most people find themselves in need at some point in their lives. So today you may be the person with the ability to help, but tomorrow you may be the recipient of someone else's volunteer efforts. Your Motivations Think about how much you receive when you give and consider why you want to volunteer. You may have several different reasons. Here are just a few of the many possible motivations identified by other volunteers: to share a skill/ to get to know the community/ to demonstrate commitment to a cause/ to be challenged/ to learn something new/ because you were asked/ to test yourself / to build your resume/ to be an agent of change/ to assure progress/ to feel good ….. You will probably have some special reasons of your own. The Saskatchewan Archery Association Inc. is accountable to its funding partner (Sask Sport) and obligated to run its business in cooperation with the Non-profit Corporations Act. The Board of Directors manage the business of the SAA and are governed by the association Bylaws as well as Policies and Procedures set forth by their predecessors. When looking for volunteers we rely on our members and member clubs to host provincial competitions, to fill vacant positions on the Board or to serve as a Judge or Director of Shooting at a provincial shoot. We also welcome the parents of youth archers event if you are do not shoot yourself. What better way to learn about the sport and opportunities for your children than from the inside out ! Without volunteers the SAA will not be able to deliver the programs that are currently running. WE WOULD LIKE YOU ON BOARD—PLEASE CONSIDER BECOMING A VOLUNTEER! Contact any member of the Board if you are interested http://www.saskarchery.com/contact.html SAA MERCHANDISE SAA Merchandise Order Form Item # Team Jersey ? Qty. Jersey Size Price each Subtotal Yes / No Sask Archery Jersey XS— 2XL $65.00 ea $70.00 ea Sask Archery Jersey 3XL — 6XL $20.00 ea Sask Archery Hat Sask Archery Pin $5.00 ea Order total: 5% GST Shipping: Total: Name Address Method of Payment Check Money Order Phone Signature Forward Completed form by mail to address shown below Coreen Scott SAA Program Coordinator 2533 Royal Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7J0X64 Phone: 306-955-2684 E-mail: [email protected]
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