Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (IA-II Division) Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 110 003 Industry-2 Sub: 28th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee for Industry-2 to be held during 1st – 2nd December 2014 at Conference Hall (Indus), Jal Wing, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran, Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi – Reg. *** The project proposals, as mentioned in the enclosed Agenda for 28th meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee for Industry-2 Projects scheduled to be held during 1st to 2nd December 2014 will be considered for appraisal. The followings may be noted:1. The project proponents applied their on-line application should submit the Form-1, feasibility report alongwith other requisite documents in original, duly signed by the company authorized signatory, well in advance before meeting to Ministry’s project section or utmost at the time of presentation, without which the proposal will not be considered. 2. For the purpose, the documents such as Form-1, Pre-feasibility report, approval from concerned department/states, compliance of existing EC, Environment Impact Assessment Report, public hearing report, queries subsequently raised by the Ministry, if any, and your para-wise comments thereto etc., in accordance with Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 are required to be forwarded to the Chairman/Members of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-2) including details of the court matters/Orders of the Court pertaining to the project if any. Accordingly, I request you to forward a copy of each of these documents - Hard and Soft Copies (CD) to the Chairman/members of the Expert Appraisal Committee by speed post so as to reach the members well in time at least 5 days before the meeting. 3. All the documents including the hard copy of the presentation material should be legible and printed on both sides on ordinary paper. In case the members of the Expert Appraisal Committee do not receive the proposals by, the Committee will not consider the project. 4. The Project Proponent or his or her authorized representative /consultant should avoid delivery of documents by hand and seeking meeting with Chairman/Members. Members are also requested to discourage/ avoid the meeting by the PP or consultants. 5. Further, it is requested that the project proponent or his/her authorized representative should attend the presentation meeting of EAC. They may also depute senior officers from the company (preferably not more than two representatives) who can make a presentation on their behalf on the salient features of the project, the related environmental issues, proposed Environmental Management Plan and also respond to the queries/suggestions of the Committee. 6. Any changes/modification with respect to the Agenda, Venue etc., would be indicated in Ministry’s website. You are also requested to keep track of the status of your project from the Ministry/s Website i.e., 7. Kindly send a brief write up to the undersigned and members of the committee. Brief should be in word format covering summary of the project, process, product, environmental sensitivity of project location and important features like proposed management of wastewater, air emission and hazardous waste (maximum one page, or may include the product table wherever feasible in word format) and also the name of the accredited consultant with the Sl. No. in the QCI list in 7 days after uploading the Agenda. These issued be sent by e-mail to the following addresses: [email protected] [email protected] LALIT BOKOLIA Additional Director (IA-II) & Member Secretary (Industry-2) DRAFT AGENDA FOR 28th RECONSTITUTED EXPERT APPRAISAL COMMITTEE (INDUSTRY-2) TO BE HELD DURING 1-2nd DECEMBER , 2014 VENUE: Indus Hall, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan Aliganj, Jorbagh Road, New Delhi -110003. Time Meeting to be held on 10: 00 AM : 28.1 Opening Remarks of the Chairman Time 28.2 : 10: 00 - 10: 30 AM Confirmation of the Minutes of the 26th Reconstituted Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-2) held during 29th – 30th October, 2014. 1st December , 2014 1st Session: Time: 10.30 AM 28.3 Environmental Clearance 28.3.1 Molasses based Distillery (45 KLPD) at Village Nimbal (BK), Tehsil Indi, District Bijapur, Karnataka by M/s M. S Patil Sugars Ltd.- reg. EC J-11011/391/2012 28.3.2 Grain based Distillery (60 KLPD) alongwith Cogeneration Power Plant (3.0 MW) at Village Mahanad, Block Polba-Dadpur, Polba, District Hoogly, West Bengal by M/s Alpine Distilleries Pvt. Ltd- Reg. EC 28.3.3 Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex at Village Hullati & Alloli, Taluk Haliyal, District Uttaru Kannada, Karnataka by M/s EID Parry (India) Ltd. F.No.J11011/336/2012-IAII(I)- Reg. EC 28.3.4 Cogeneration Power Plant ( from 15 MW to 38 MW) and inclusion of Molasses based Distillery (60 KLPD) at Ambalika Nagar, A/P Jagdamba Factory, Taluka Katjat, District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra by M/s Shri Ambalika Sugar Pvt. Ltd. File no. J– 11011/35/2014-IA II (I) – reg. EC Lunch Break: 1:30 – 2:00 PM 2nd Session: Time: 2.00 PM Reconsideration for Environmental Clearance 28.3.5 Manufacturing of Organic/Inorganic & Specialty Chemicals at Jhagadia, District Bharuch, Gujarat by M/s Panoli Intermediates Pvt Limited (Unit-VI) F.No.J11011/168/2010-IAII(I) 28.3.6 Expansion of Synthetic Drug AP(656 TPA to 1268 TPA) and R&D Products (5 TPA) at Plot No. 89A/B, 90, 91, F10 & 80, Village Pologround Industrial Estate, Tehsil and District Indore, Madhya Pradesh by M/s Ipca Laboratories Ltd. – regarding EC 28.4 Terms of Reference (TOR) 28.4.1 Expansion of Refinery capacity from 7.5 MMTPA to 8.0 MMTPA by CDU-I revamp (from 3.3 to 3.8 MMTPA) & VDU-I revamp (from 1.5 to 1.7 MMTPA) at Haldia Refinery, District Medinipur, West Bengal by M/s Indian Oil Corporation Limited (F. No. J-11011/302/2014 IA-I(I))- regarding TOR 28.4.2 Construction of additional Storage Tanks (capacity 16626 KL)Mounded Bullets, LPG Bottling Plant at Port Exim Park area, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh by M/s East India Petroleum Pvt. Ltd (F. No. J-11011/265/2014-IAII(I))– regarding TOR 28.4.3 Proposal for Sugar (5000 TCD) Molasses/Sugarcane Juice/Sugar beet based Distillery (60 KLPD), Grain based (45 KLPD) and co-generation 29.5 MW at Village A/p Pande, Tehsil Karmala, District Solapur, Maharashtra by M/s Vitthal Refined Sugars Ltd. (F. No.J-11011/107/2014-IAII(I) )– regarding TOR 28.4.4 Expansion of dyes & dye intermediates (capacity 5.0 MT/Month ha. ) at Plot Nos 19, 20, 21 & 17 B2, Phase-I, IDA, Village Jeedimetla, Mandal Qutubullapur, District Rangareddy, Telangana by M/s Symed Labs Limited- Unit-3 (F. No. J11011/277/2014-IAII(I)) – regarding TOR 28.4.5 Expansion of dyes & dye intermediates (capacity 28 MT/month ha. at Plot No.73/C/4, IDA, Anrich Industrial Estate, Village Bollaram, Mandal Jinnaram, District Medak, Telangana by M/s Panicare Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd (F. No. J11011/280/2014-IAII(I))– regarding TOR 28.4.6 Expansion of Pesticides and pesticide specific intermediates (excluding formulations (capacity 205 MT/month ha. at Plot No.A2/236, GIDC, Village Nandesari, District Vadodara, Gujarat by M/s Sabari Chemicals Pvt. Ltd (F. No.)– regarding TOR Time: 4: 45 PM 28.5 Any Other Items 28.5.1 Revamp of Ammonia Plant for changeover of feedstock and fuel from Naptha to NG/RLNG and reduction of specific energy consumption along with debottlenecking the capacity of ammonia-urea plants, changeover of fuel from FO to NG/RLNG in the utility boiler as also debottlenecking the capacity of NPK plant A & B alongwith product mix change at Zuari Nagar, Goa by M/s Zuari Chemicals Ltd (J11011/217/2008 IA II(I))– reg extension of EC 28.5.2 Proposed 1000 TCD Sugar Plant, 31.5 MW Cogeneration Plant and 300 KLPD distillery at Gulbarga, Karnataka by M/s Shree Renuka Sugars Ltd.(J11011/979/2007-IA II(I))- reg amendment of EC 2nd December, 2014 (Day 2) 1st Session: Time: 10:00 AM 28.6 Environmental Clearance 28.6.1 Bulk Drugs and Intermediates Manufacturing Unit at Sy.No.227, 228, 137 (136), Shabashally (V), Shivampet (M), Medak District, Telengana by M/s Almelo Chemicals Pvt.Ltd. F.No.J-11011/63/2014-IAII(I)- reg EC 28.6.2 Proposed Resin Manufacturing Unit at village Sampa, Tehsil Dehgam, District Gandhinagar, Gujarat by M/S Vince Decor Pvt. Ltd. J-11011/379/2013-IAII(I)regarding EC Reconsideration for Environmental Clearance 28.6.3 Pesticide Manufacturing Unit at SP 3-7/B, Keshvana Industrial Area, Tehsil Kothputli, District Jaipur, Rajasthan by M/s Agro Allied Ventures Pvt Ltd F.No.J11011/261/2012-IAII(I) reg. EC 28.6.4 Expansion of organic Chemical Manufacturing Unit (7.1 MTPM to 84.1 MTPM) at Survey No. 318 to 322, Kankar na Muvad, Village Derol, Taluka Kalol, District Panchmahal, Gujarat by M/s Stellar Chemical Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. (F. No. J 11011/190/2010-IA II (I))- reg EC 28.6.5 Expansion of Synthetic Organic Chemical (Bulk Drugs & Drugs Intermediates-11.0 MTPM to 37.0 MTPM) Manufacturing Unit at Survey No. 47, Hadmtala Industrial Area, Rajkot Gondal Highway, Taluka Kotda Sangani, District Rajkot, Gujarat by M/s Sam Finechem Limited J-11011/746/09-IAII(I)– reg. EC Lunch Break: 1:30 to 2:00 PM 2nd Session: Time: 2:00 PM 28.7 Terms of Reference (TOR) 28.7.1 Expansion of dyes & dye intermediates (capacity 45 MT/month ha. Sy.No.637, 660, Village Bonthapally, Mandal Jinnaram, Dsitrict Medak, Telangana by M/s Panicare Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd (F. No. J-11011/279/2014-IAII(I))– regarding TOR 28.7.2 Expansion of Technical grade pesticides (capacity 900 TPA to 3000 TPA) at Plot No.SP-9 (D-1), RIICO Industrial Area, Village Khushkhera, District Alwar, Rajasthan by M/s HPM Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd (F. No. J-11011/286/2014-IAII(I) – regarding TOR 28.7.3 Pesticides and pesticide specific intermediates at Sy.No.1277,& 1319 to 1324, Village Nandigama, Mandal Kothur, District Mahboobnagar, Andhra Pradesh by M/s MSN Laboratories Ltd Unit-II ( F. No. J-11011/283/2014-IAII(I)) – regarding TOR 28.7.4 Expansion of Molasses based Distillery (capacity 50 KLPD to 100 KLPD) at Gut No.398, 399, 400, 423, 424, Village Chitali, Tehsil Rahata, District Ahamadnagar, Maharashtra by M/s John Distilleries Pvt. Ltd J-11011/289/2014-IAII(I)– regarding TOR 28.7.5 Expansion of assembly unit by adding Poly Urethane Foam (capacity 3700 TPA) at Plot No.3/p.10, Sector-10. IIE, SIDCUL, Ranipur, Haridwar, Uttarkhand by M/s Autofit Pvt. Ltd J-11011/325/2014-IAII (I)– regarding TOR. 28.7.6 Modernization/Expansion of Bulk Drugs and intermediates (capacity 17.48 TPM to 26 TPM) at Plot NO. Phase-I IDA 19 to 28, Phase-I IDA, Village Pashamylaram, Tehsil Patancheru, District Medak, Telangana by M/s Satyadeva Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd J11011/257/2014-III (I). – regarding TOR28.7.7 Exploration & Test production of Coal Bed Methane in Block TL-CBM-2008/IV, Talcher CBM Block, Odisha, by M/s Essar Oil Ltd (E&P Division) J-11011/317/2014IA II(I)- reg TOR 28.7.8 Expansion of Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing from (Existing 7.5 TPM + Proposed Phase-I 30.0 TPM + Proposed Phase II 37.5 TPM) at Plot Nos. 262,263,264,269,270 & 271, Phase II, IDA Pashamylaram, Mandal Patancheru, District Medak, Telanagana by M/s Suven Life Sciences Limited- reg TOR J11011/337/2014 IA II (I) 28.7.9 Isolated LPG storage facility (2 x 16,00 MT) at Bharana Vilage ,Gujarat by Petro Tankages India Limited 28.7.10 Proposed Synthetic Manufacturing unit at Plot no. IP-13 P, Part-2, KIADB Industrial Area, 1st Phase, Kudumalkunt (Village), Taluka Gowribidanur, district Chikkabalapur, Karnataka, by M/s RACES Pharma Chem. (India), Pvt. Ltd.- reg TOR J-11011/342/2014 IA II (I) 28.7.11 Proposed Expansion for Manufacturing of Synthetic Organic Chemicals at BLOCK NO. 82/B, SURVEY NO. 106, 107, 114, 1677/1 & 1677/2 Postkarakhadi, Taluka Padra, District Vadodara, Gujarat by M/s Ami Life Science reg. TOR. J11011/345/2014 IA II (I) *****
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