Giuseppe Greco – curriculum vitae

Giuseppe Greco
curriculum vitae
Jaffalaan 5
2628 BX Delft
The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 152783469
H +31 (6) 29806493
B [email protected]
Nov 2013 Post-Doc, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) - Faculty of Technology,
-Nov 2016 Policy and Management (TPM) - Department of Values, Technology and Innovation
- Section Ethics / Philosophy of Technology.
Research Interests
Proof Theory, Dynamic (Epistemic) Logic, Modal and Substructural Logic.
2005-2011 Ph.D. in Mathematical Logic and Computer Science (LoMIT) at the University
of Siena - Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences - Department of
Mathematics ‘Roberto Magari’
Jan 13, 2011
Ph.D. Thesis’s defense
Saturated Logic (in Italian)
Franco Montagna
Giovanni Sambin, Francesco Paoli
Abstract Saturated Calculi, a generalization of standard sequent calculi, are introduced and
studied w.r.t. the cut-elimination theorem.
Grade excellent
1996-2002 Master in Science of Communication at the University of Siena - Faculty of Arts
and Humanities - Department of Sciences of Communication
Dec 11, 2002
Master Thesis’s defense
Semantical Paradoxes, Non-Well-Founded Sets and Graphs (in Italian)
Gabriele Usberti
Duccio Pianigiani
Abstract After a large survey of the ‘solutions’ for semantical paradoxes proposed in literature,
the focus is on treatments using non-well-founded axiomatic set theory.
Grade 110 cum laude
2013 Dynamic Epistemic Logic Displayed, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop Logic, Rationality and Interaction 2013 (LORI-4), Lectures Notes in Computer
Science, vol. 8196, Springer, Editors: Huaxin Huang, Davide Grossi, Olivier Roy,
Co-autors: Alessandra Palmigiano, Alexander Kurz.
2013 Saturated Logic: its Syntax, Logica Universalis - Special Issue in memoriam of A.
Lindembaum: Scope of the Logic Theorems, Editors: Jean Yves Beziau and Stan J.
2014 A Proof-theoretic Semantic Analysis of Dynamic Epistemic Logic, Special
Issue on Substructural Logic and Information Dynamics, Journal of Logic and
Computation (JLC 13-56), Co-autors: Sabine Frittella, Alexander Kurz, Alessandra
Palmigiano, Vlasta Sikimić.
2013 Multi-type Display Calculus for Propositional Dynamic Logic, Special Issue on
Substructural Logic and Information Dynamics, Journal of Logic and Computation
(JLC 14-03), Co-autors: Sabine Frittella, Alexander Kurz, Alessandra Palmigiano.
2013 Multi-type Display Calculus for Dynamic Epistemic Logic, Special Issue on
Substructural Logic and Information Dynamics, Journal of Logic and Computation
(JLC 13-77), Co-autors: Sabine Frittella, Alexander Kurz, Alessandra Palmigiano,
Vlasta Sikimić.
conferences and workshops
Jul 29, 2013 Dynamic sequent calculus for the logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge,
Topology, Algebras and Categories in Logic (TACL), Nashville.
June 6, 2013 Dynamic Sequent Calculus for the Logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge, Colloquium on Logic and Epistemology, Ruhr University, Bochum.
Apr 18, 2013 Dynamic Epistemic Logic Displayed, Algebra and Coalgebra meet Proof Theory
(ALCOP), Utrecht.
Apr 6, 2013 Saturated Logic: its Syntax, 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logic
(UniLog), Rio de Janeiro.
Sep 14, 2012 A display-style sequent calculus for Public Announcement Logic, Workshop
on Lattices and Relations, Amsterdam.
Feb 10, 2014 Proof Theory for Dynamic Logics, Séminar Logique et Interactions, Marseille.
Oct 25, 2012 Epistemic updates on algebras, and display-style sequent calculi for dynamic
logics, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRa), Amsterdam.
Jun 8, 2012 Sequent Calculus for the Logic of Public Announcements, Colloquium on
Mathematical Logic (CML), Utrecth.
Dec 13, 2012 Tutorial on Gentzen and Display Calculi, Department of Computer Science,
guest lectures
Oct 10, 2012 Display Calculi, Introduction to Proof Theory, Graduate Program in Logic, Institute
for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), Amsterdam.
Feb 2014 Teaching assistant, Informatietechnologie en Waarden (Information Technology
-Apr 2014 and Values), Master course, Technology University of Delft.
Feb 2013 Teaching assistant, Wiskundige logica (Mathematical Logic), Bachelor course,
-May 2013 University of Amsterdam.
Workshops and seminar organization
Feb 2014 Applied Logic Seminar, co-organizer, Technology University of Delft.
-Dec 2014
Sep 12-14, Workshop on Lattices and Relations, co-organizer, University of Amsterdam.
Post-doc experiences
Feb 2012 Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), University of Amster-Apr 2013 dam, Supervisor: Alessandra Palmigiano.
Academic visits
Feb 7-14, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale, University of Marseille, Host: Sabine
2014 Frittella.
Nov 12-23, Department of Computer Science, University of Leicester, Host: Alexander Kurz.
Dec 3-16, Department of Computer Science, University of Leicester, Host: Alexander Kurz.
Summer school partecipation
Jul 24, 2013 Topology, Algebra, and Categories in Logic (TACL), Department of Mathe-Jul 27, 2013 matics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Invited speakers: Grigori Mints, Lawrence
Moss, Francesco Paoli, Peter Selinger.
Aug 26, 2007 Associazione Italiana Logica e sue Applicazioni (AILA) - Società Italiana di
-Sep 1, 2007 Logica e Filosofia della Scienza (SILFS), University of Milano, Gargnano del
Garda, Invited speakers: Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini.
Sep 3, 2006 Associazione Italiana Logica e sue Applicazioni (AILA) - Società Italiana di
-Sep 9, 2006 Logica e Filosofia della Scienza (SILFS), University of Milano, Gargnano del
Garda, Invited speakers: Alessandro Berarducci, Alessandro Andretta.