Our ‘Our Aim aim isis Zero zero waste’ Waste Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority Corporate Plan 2014/15 – 2016/17 Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority ‘Our aim is zero waste’ Sending as little waste as possible to landfill by working with our key partners: Waste Collection Authorities Our Communities and the Voluntary Sector Our Contractor Viridor Laing (Greater Manchester) Ltd Businesses Regional, National and International Bodies To: Reduce Re-use Most Preferred Recycle Compost and Recovery Energy conversion Least Preferred Disposal in Landfill And by Doing So: Since 2003 to the 31st March 2013, we have Reduced waste arisings by 25.73% Increased recycling from 7.48% to 39.09% Increased diversion from landfill from 15.53% to 54.96% Future targets: 50% recycling and composting by 2015/16, increasing to 60% by 2025 85% waste diverted from landfill by 2015/16 Therefore Helping To Tackle Climate Change – Saving Money, Resources and Protecting the Environment We will dramatically reduce the waste we landfill and therefore the landfill gas produced and save up to 286,000 tonnes each year of CO2; we turn your waste into valuable resources, recycling and producing green energy which by 2020 will power around 50,000 homes; and we are helping Greater Manchester to be a greener place. Achieved by using ‘state of the art’ sustainable technologies and delivering our Waste Management Strategy (WMS); using our resources economically, efficiently and effectively; and providing a well-run and safe place to work with the right people with the right skills. Our Aim and Delivery CORPORATE PLAN 2014/15 to 2016/17 Following a review in 2012 of its Waste Management Strategy (WMS) the Authority produced a Corporate Plan 2012 – 2015 which set out our medium term plans to deliver on that strategy. This was updated in 2013/14 and this plan is a further refresh of that version. However, as part of the budget strategy and continuing austerity measures, the Corporate Plan will need to be fully reviewed for 2016/17 to take account of the changing pressures/demands which will lead to different models of delivering public services. For the Authority this will mean focusing only on the ‘core’ business of managing the Recycling and Waste Management Contract (the Contract), doing more with less, smarter working and improved efficiency and productivity. Waste is no longer waste, it’s a valuable resource which we need to re-use, recycle and recover energy from. ‘Our aim is zero waste’ means we will do everything we can to save resources (by preventing waste at source and recycling more) and to produce green energy. We will not landfill anything that we can use. By the end of 2016/17 we want, with the help of our citizens, to be able recycle 50% and hence to divert 85% of waste from landfill. We will do this by working in partnership with our District Councils, businesses, our Contract partner Viridor Laing (Greater Manchester) Ltd (VLGM), and crucially the communities of Greater Manchester and by: 1. delivering our Waste Management Strategy (WMS); 2. using our resources economically, efficiently and effectively; and 3. providing a well-run and safe place to work with the right people with the right skills. Our Values As well as maximising our resources, it is important that we do that in the right way, being open and transparent, challenging and changing the way we all behave. Therefore, in delivering our vision we will work to our key values: I. Partnership of Choice: We will work in close partnership with all our key stakeholders by jointly focusing on waste minimisation, recycling, and composting. We recognise that we can’t do this alone and that it is only by the collective effort of our citizens, your Council, businesses, the voluntary and community sectors and other key stakeholders that we will make a real difference; II. Community Leadership: We will help our citizens minimise waste, maximise recycling and composting and in so doing divert as much waste as possible from landfill. We will listen, communicate and respond to our citizens and key stakeholders, clearly and concisely, using plain English. We will also treat everyone fairly and equitably; III. Outward Focused: Through our work in the waste sector we will actively promote the wider impact upon the environment and promote sustainability of our approaches. In particular we will dramatically reduce the waste we landfill and therefore the methane and CO2 we produce; provide green energy to power homes and businesses and help Greater Manchester to become a greener place to be; IV. Proactive and Innovative: We will seek out opportunities to shape the future direction of the waste sector, influence national and international policy and ensure delivery of our Recycling and Waste Management Contract’s (the Contract); V. Value our People: We will train and develop our staff and recognise their achievements, actively manage performance and provide a safe and effective work environment; VI. Technically Sound: we will use our technology to recycle and divert as much waste as possible; VII. Flexible: Our solutions will respond to changing demands; and VIII. Value for Money: Our approach will ensure that our services are value for money, balancing costs and effectiveness. Key Objectives Actions and Outcomes Strategic and Officer Lead Date Key Targets Outputs Ongoing to 2016 50% recycling by 2015/16. 85% diversion from landfill by 2016/17. Increase in recycling rate and landfill diversion and decrease in methane generation. Construction delivered to milestones and all operational by March 2015. Lead Committee 1. Delivering the WMS 1.1 Delivery of the overall WMS targets 1.2 Successful Contract delivery and development (saving Resources) (a) Maximising recycling and landfill diversion DT/JL (a) Building facilities: complete the construction of facilities in 2014. (b) Making sure the Contract works: Working to ensure the delivery of the Contract and the output specification. (c) Developing the Contract further: minimising the cost of the Contract by selling spare capacity. DT/JL DT/JL JRB/DT Ongoing to end of 2014 Annual As per key targets 2013 onwards The remaining facilities to be operating by end of 2014 including the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) facility, at Runcorn. Landfill diversion: 79% in 2014/15 82% in 2015/16 85% in 2016/17 increasing thereafter. Recycling and composting: 45% in 2014/15 50% in 2015/16 and thereafter. Surplus capacity is sold to annually provide 500kt for Mechanical & Biological Treatment (MBT) and 325kt for Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). RWMO PPRC SABC RWMO Landfill diversion targets met. RWMO Recycling and composting targets met. Achieving income targets in the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and budget. RWMO Key Objectives Actions and Outcomes (d) Developing the Contract further: Working closely with Districts to increase recycling rates. 1.2 Successful Contract delivery and development (continued) 1.3 Connecting with the Community (e) Develop the services at the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs): to increase recycling, composting and diversion from landfill. (a) Agree and monitor the delivery by VLGM of the Recycle for Greater Manchester (R4GM) Annual Action Plan (and meeting the requirements of the WPEP (Waste Prevention and Education Plan), SSP (Service Promotion Plan) and SCCIP (Stakeholder Consultation and Community Involvement Plan). Strategic and Officer Lead DT/ JL DT/JL JRB/BP BP/PD JRB/BP Date Key Targets Outputs As per key targets Help Districts contribute by 2015/16 to an overall average 45% recycling of Contract waste: 2014/15 – 41% 2015/16 – 45%. 2016/17 – 45%. Increase in recycling rates and increase in landfill diversion. September 2014 As per key targets Quarterly monitoring by the SDG (C&E) SPB, PMB, VLGM, and the SABC Overall 75% diversion target by end of 2014/15. Develop site specific targets. Achieving a year on year: a) decrease in the kg arisings per household; b) increase in the recycling and composting rate; c) increase in the level of Annual landfill avoidance; Review d) % of waste prevented process – half and prepared for reyear in Nov use; e) declared avid Review for recyclers; following f) declared waste year prevention behaviour; proposals by g) R4GM unique website Jan/Feb visitors; h) R4GM brand Increase in diversion from landfill and increased recycling and composting. Higher level of recycling/reduced waste arisings. Citizens are better and more avid recyclers. Numerical targets set end June 2014, once outturn position is known. Lead Committee RWMO/ SABC RWMO SABC Key Objectives 1.3 Connecting with the Community Actions and Outcomes Strategic and Officer Lead JRB/BP (b) LIFE+ campaigns delivered to time and budget. Date Key Targets Annual Plan sign off March. recognition; i) number of visits per year including schools, community groups, public open days and outreach; and education ‘learning evidence’ that report, action or behaviour change at home. Deliver 18 of the 42 campaigns held in Periods 1 & 2. Deliver 24 of the 42 campaigns in Periods 3 & 4. After LIFE Dissemination completed by June 2015. April 2014 October 2014 Project Manager /JRB/ Steering Group (c) Introduce new models of delivery for the voluntary sector following the pilot. BP/PD June 2015 Decision at July 2014 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Set targets based on waste minimisation. Increase recycling via Charity Shops (baseline not yet determined). Outputs Lead Committee SABC Increase in recycling participation/waste prevention. SABC LIFE Communication Strategy available for dissemination throughout the European Union (EU). Refocused use of third sector to deliver ‘zero waste. SABC Key Objectives 1.4 Protecting the Environment and Supporting Businesses Actions and Outcomes Support the Greater Manchester (GM) Low Carbon Hub in delivering the GM Strategy 2013 and the Implementation plan, particularly on the Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) work stream. (This links to the priorities in the GM Climate Change Strategy and Plans) by: (a) Working with Waste Collection Authorities (WCAs) to identify opportunities for small business to access sustainable waste management services. Strategic and Officer Lead Date March 2014 (for 2015 evaluation) MN/PD Monthly March 2015 (b) Promote business reference points which set out benefits and practical ways to put in place sustainable waste management for the business sector targeted at SMEs. March 2015 MN/PD Key Targets Develop and implement the Trade Waste Partnership Group’ 12 month trial to market and develop new trade waste contracts across the partnership. Monitor and evaluate the results. Report on outcome of pilot/proposals for the medium term to the Authority. Develop by March 2014 monitor by March 2015 key business information on R4GM website, outlining key support for businesses on waste management, recycling, legal Outputs Appointment of Sales & Marketing Manager. No of new contracts and % increase. Total value of new contracts and % increase. R4GM business pages developed and implemented and increase in hits on R4GM web site Business Pages. Lead Committee RWMO/ PPRC SABC/ PPRC Key Objectives Actions and Outcomes Strategic and Officer Lead Date Key Targets Outputs requirements, resource efficiency and access to key support. (c) Work with the Cooperative Group (Co-op) to explore potential opportunities to increase recyclates. Sept 2014 Sept 2014 1.4 Protecting the Environment and Supporting Businesses Sept 2014 Sept 2014 MN/PD March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 Develop initiatives with the Co-op on: a) compostable carrier bag pilot; b) recycling event with the Co-op at Angel Square; c) investigate point of sale (till) messaging; and d) investigate Electrical Waste & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in store drop off points. Longer term: e) reducing packaging and developing alternatives; f) food waste: as possible feedstock for Anaerobic Digestion (AD) process; g) incorporate messaging/recycling into future store design; and h) closed loop recycling: Lead Committee SABC/ PPRC Wider use of compostable carrier bags. Improved recycling. Wider coverage of recycling message. Increase WEEE recycling. PPRC/SABC Packaging aligned to the four bin system. Potential additional recycling (fill surplus capacity). Wider coverage of recycling message. More sustainable Key Objectives Actions and Outcomes (d) Implement the Environmental Strategy. 1.4 Protecting the Environment and Supporting Businesses (continued) Strategic and Officer Lead MN/BP Date By 2015 Annually GM target of 48% CO2 reduction by 2020. Annually (e) Recover energy from waste only once waste has been reduced, re-used and recycled. DT/JL All facilities operational by 2015 DT/JL December 2014 JRB/DT December 2014 Key Targets source locally both packaging and recycled materials. Deliver the landfill diversion and recycling and composting targets as outlined in 1.1 (b). 16,000 HGV journeys removed from the road network. GMWDA only CO2 reductions: 2014/15 – 205,500tpa 2015/16 – 232,825tpa 2016/17 – 286,149tpa. 15,000 MWhr of electricity produced from the (Anaerobic Digestion (AD) facilities in 2014/15. 48,000 MWhr of electricity produced from Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility (TRF) in 2014/15. Carry out a feasibility study for CHP potential at Bolton (includes the potential of using heat for District heating schemes). Outputs Lead Committee solution – economically good for GM. Reduction in CO2. 325kt of waste and fuel (RDF) transported by rail in 2014/15. Reductions in CO2 PPRC/ RWMO Targets met. RWMO Study completed and business model developed. Key Objectives 1.4 Protecting the Environment and Supporting Businesses (continued) Actions and Outcomes (f) Landfill aftercare – take action to prevent pollution and minimise environmental impact on the four remaining sites so that risks to people, property and the environment are minimised and in full compliance with legal requirements. (g) Monitoring of Landcare (Manchester) Limited performance against the Landcare Management Plan. Strategic and Officer Lead DT/ MK Date Ongoing to 2015 Quarterly DT/MK Quarterly Annual Plan DT/MK Key Targets No environmental prosecutions. No incidents reported of harm to people, property or the environment from landfill contaminants. Evaluate the potential for a reedbed treatment system on two former landfill sites by 2015 (to create wildlife habitat and introduce sustainable leachate treatment capacity). No leachate outbreaks or gas migration events. Monitor site developments and the overage agreement. Monitor compliance with the landcare management plan. Outputs Lead Committee Targets met. Feasibility study completed in 2014. Reduction in United Utilities (UU) and energy costs by 2015. RWMO Sites maintained to the standard in the Landcare Management Plan. The Authority receives all overage payments due. Annual report completed by Landcare by December each year. Sites are actively managed by Landcare. Key Objectives Actions and Outcomes 1.4 Protecting the Environment and Supporting Businesses (continued) (h)Examine the feasibility of photo voltaic (solar panels) at the Salford Road site and on the roofs of the major facilities. (a) Research and development; and networking, influencing and shaping the waste agenda. Strategic and Officer Lead DT/MK Date September 204 Initial assessment completed by September 2014. 2014/15 Proactively responding to all consultations and reviewing the implications of and the implementation of European and Government’ legislation and policies within the Authority. These include the European Commission’s Review of European Waste Management Targets. Take action to ensure we implement recommendations from the Government’s 2013 review of: a) National Waste Plan for England 2013; b) National Waste Prevention Plan. To help shape and understand new developments that may impact on waste and to develop and share knowledge and 2014 1.5 Shaping what we do Key Targets MN/PD Ongoing Ongoing Outputs Business case developed. Help shape Government policy for 2014/15 : no of consultations completed and % within timescales. Outcomes of EU review support the GM waste solution. Minimum changes to both collection and the Contract, thereby keeping costs to a minimum. No of regional, national and international events attended. Quarterly Report Lead Committee PPRC/ RWMO PPRC PPRC/ RWMO/ SABC Key Objectives 1.5 Shaping what we do (continued) Actions and Outcomes (b) Review own strategies and undertake policy development to ensure they are up to date and relevant and are fully compliant with legal and statutory requirements. (c) Review of waste composition to revise priorities/inform behavioural change work. Strategic and Officer Lead MN/BP JRB/DT Date Oct 2014 Sept 2015 Key Targets Outputs experience with others by attending regional, national and international events. to SPB detailing awards, presentations, site tours and consultations. Develop a three year schedule based on need and priority. Up to date strategies and policies. Reviewed to schedule. Update Waste Composition data to reset interim recycling targets and target behavioural change resources. Assessment of % of waste recyclable and effectiveness of current collection arrangements. Ensure actual spend is to profiled budget (revenue). Ensure actual spend to profiled spend is to budget (capital). Target for budget savings achieved. Full compliance with budget timetable including quarterly Monitoring reports. Unqualified Audit opinion on the Accounts and value for money (VFM) Conclusion. Spend to budget Medium Term Financial Plan and budget savings achieved. Lead Committee PPRC/ RWMO/ SABC PPRC SABC 2. Using our Resources economically, efficiently and effectively 2.1 Managing money (a) Prudent management of the budget, delivery of the MTFP and the agreed budget savings. JRB SDT Quarterly Audit Committee PPRC Key Objectives Actions and Outcomes Strategic and Officer Lead (a) Keep the organisation under review to ensure it is fit for purpose. Date Ongoing July 2014 2.2.Improving Services SDT June 2014 Oct 2014 (a) Deliver the Asset Management Plan (AMP) and associated action plans. 2.3 Managing Assets MN/ BP June 2014 DT/MK May 2014 April 2016 MN/MK Sept 2014 Key Targets Continual review of the organisation to ensure it delivers Value for Money. Take account/ contribute to: 1. 2015/16 review of Combined Authority. 2. 2016/17 changes to bring about £200k further spending reduction target for own resources. 3. Development of the 2020 Vision. Surrender the leases for Lester Road/ Blackrod HWRCs by June 2014, as part of the budget savings. Bredbury former landfill site: develop an options appraisal and master plan for capital works improvements by May 2014. Implement by April 2016. Salford Road: develop an options appraisal for potential income generation by Outputs Organisation remains fit for purpose in relation to the Contract and the wider AGMA developments including the Combined Authority. Budget savings delivered. Governance arrangements, communication and information strategies and key processes in place. Liabilities and risks reduced. Financial benefits & efficiencies realised. Lead Committee PPRC PPRC Key Objectives Actions and Outcomes 2.3 Managing Assets (continued) 2.4 Delivering good Governance (a) Work to the six key principles of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA)/Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE) framework: i. Identifying & communicating our vision and purpose. ii. Members & Officers: defining purpose, roles and responsibilities. iii. Values of good Strategic and Officer Lead Date MN/BP April 2014 MN/BP September 2014 MN March each year SM July 2014 SM July 2014 & Key Targets September 2014, including solar power generation. Implement by April 2016. Consider linking into wider AGMA Low Carbon Hub PV proposals for procurement. Agreement signed by for the phased return of Cringle Road and Barlow Hall landfill sites to Manchester City Council Dunkirk Farm, Hyde: marketed and complete sale. Revise and implement the Corporate Plan. Approval of the Constitution at the AGM. Code of Conduct Outputs Lead Committee PPRC Capital receipt Vision & objectives communicated to all stakeholders. Revised, fit for purpose Constitution. No complaints PPRC Standards Key Objectives Actions and Outcomes Strategic and Officer Lead governance & standards of behaviour. iv. Decision making, scrutiny, and managing risk. 2.4 Delivering good Governance (continued) v. Developing the capacity and capability of Officers and Members. vi. Engaging with local communities & others to ensure public accountability (b) Provide assurance that Corporate Governance objectives are met. Date March 2015 Key Targets approved by the Authority & monitored by the Standards Committee. That the Constitution is adhered to and the risk registers are reviewed on a quarterly basis. SM Ongoing AF SM Annually Members training programme approved at the AGM. AF SM Ongoing All Members receive appropriate training to fulfil their role(s) within the Authority. (see 1.3 above) JRB/MN Annually To approve the Internal Audit Strategy, Annual Audit Plan and ensure they are completed to timetable. Outputs received by the Authority. Lead Committee Committee Audit All work Committee programmes (Risk approved by the Management) Authority. Risk registers are updated quarterly Risks are managed & process validated by Internal & External Audit. No of Members attending courses. Positive feedback from surveys. PPRC All Members receive at least one training session in addition to the induction course. Targets met. Effective Corporate Governance in place. Provide assurances Audit Committee PPRC Key Objectives Actions and Outcomes Strategic and Officer Lead JRB/LK Annually MN Annually JRB/LK Quarterly MN Sept 2014 Date 2.4 Delivering good Governance (continued) Key Targets Review the Authority’s role as a Senior Lender to the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) on an annual basis. Annually review AntiFraud and Corruption Whistleblowing and Anti Money Laundering policies. Provide quarterly reports to the Audit Committee on key areas e.g., Treasury Management. Carry out an annual Value for Money (VFM) assessment using the Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE) Framework. Outputs Lead Committee to the Authority that robust Corporate Governance in place. Endorsement by both External and Internal Audit. Audit Committee PPRC VFM assessment completed and considered by the Audit Committee. The Authority has proper arrangements in place to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources. 3. Providing a well-run and safe place to work with the right people with the right skills 3.1 Supporting our staff (a) Review and implement an annual ‘People Plan’ (http://meetings.gmwda. gov.uk/ieListDocuments.a MN BP/AF Annually (as per People Plan) Refresh the People Plan targets annually. 4% or less overall, sickness levels. People plan in place. Effective performance PPRC Key Objectives 3.1 Supporting our staff 3.2 Creating a healthy and safe work environment Actions and Outcomes Strategic and Officer Lead Date spx?CId=227&MId=1547&V er=4) (using the Investor in People (IIP) Framework) which empowers staff, identifies development needs and ‘gaps’ to ensure that the organisation has the right people with the right skills; and staff are satisfied or very satisfied with working for the Authority. (a) Deliver an annual health and safety action plan (http://meetings.gmwda. gov.uk/ieListDocuments.a spx?CId=227&MId=1547&V er=4) to ensure a safe supporting and secure work environment. On-going MN BP Annually Annually 3.3 Continuously seeking better ways of working (a) Reviewing and continuously improving the key processes, systems and administrative procedures. MN/BP May 2014 MN/BP March 2015 MN/BP Annually Key Targets Outputs 50% or more staff with 100% attendance. 100% of staff receiving staff appraisal. 90% of staff satisfied or very satisfied with the organisation. management in place, including staff appraisals. Low sickness levels. Development framework in place. IIP Silver Standard by 2017. No Reportable Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) accidents. Review and implement the Health & Safety Action Plan Annually. Develop and implement a programme of risk assessments & audits. Review IT service provision to ensure Value for Money and develop an options appraisal by May 2014. Implement IT service recommendations (may involve tendering) by March 2015. Review the Business Targets met. Full legal compliance. Lead Committee PPRC PPRC Up to date plan in place. Risks mitigated. Improved processes and systems that deliver efficiencies. Recommendations implemented. Business PPRC Key Objectives 3.3 Continuously seeking better ways of working (continued) Actions and Outcomes Strategic and Officer Lead Date BP/DA Annually MN/BP Annually BP/DA May 2014 (Review) October 2014 (Implement) Key Targets Continuity Plan annually. Identify, review, document and test all business critical systems annually. Annually review and implement both internal and external service level agreements (SLAs). Review SharePoint file structure and index; implement new file structure and update the documents Outputs Lead Committee Continuity Plan fully tested, communicated and implemented. SLAs in place. PPRC Structured indexing. Efficiency Programme and Prospects for additional savings from 2014/15 (this plan is an extract from the wider MTFP, which sets out savings targets agreed with the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA); as part of a drive to meet the spending reductions required by the 2011 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) and 2015/16 Indicative Settlement issued in Autumn 2013. Year for review 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Controllable Costs Ongoing review of cost base, including four remaining former landfill sites aftercare arrangements. ✓ ✓ ✓ Identification of further savings of £200k to meet 12.5% saving agreed with AGMA by 2016/17. - ✓ - Treasury management – take advantage of any market conditions. ✓ ✓ ✓ Asset Management Plan (AMP) – continuing proactive management of assets, including reducing costs and generating (potential) capital receipts. ✓ ✓ ✓ Maximising the utilisation of Contract assets to ensure that in so far as possible the maximum tonnage throughput is achieved and amounts landfilled are minimised (the ‘our aim is zero waste’ initiative). ✓ ✓ ✓ Continue to evaluate income opportunities for the sale of Surplus capacity. ✓ ✓ ✓ Post construction period re-financing. (Expected in 2017/18 at the earliest) - - ✓ (preparation) Post construction Contract optimisation measures implemented. - ✓ ✓ - Increase local participation in recycling to 45% (average); and ✓ - - - Potential to generate additional capacity for further sale. - ✓ ✓ Contract In partnership with Districts: Contact Details John Bland – Treasurer & Deputy Clerk Email: [email protected] Direct line: 0161 770 1747 Mark Newall – Director of Resources & Strategy Email: [email protected] Direct line: 0161 770 1744 David Taylor – Director of Contract Services Email: [email protected] Direct line: 0161 770 1742 Offices Medtia Chambers 5 Barn Street Oldham OL1 1LP
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