z/OS Introduction and Workshop Job Control Language (JCL) © 2012 IBM Corporation © 2009 IBM Corporation Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you should be able to: •Understand purpose of JCL •Understand JCL JOB, EXEC, and DD statements •Understand relationship of program file name to JCL DDNAME •Locate JCL professional manuals, documentation, and online help 2 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL, Job Control Language Computer code that tells the operating system what to do. Job Control are the best words describing JCL. The word "Language" in JCL could easily be replaced by "Syntax" or "Commands" or "Statements". JCL tells the computer what program to execute. JCL provides a mechanism for the program to read input and write output to requested physical resources. 3 © 2012 IBM Corporation Job Control Language JCL 1 2 JES spool 6 JES z/OS 3 4 5 Printer 4 7 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Program Data JCL submit JCL requests program Program loaded JCL allocates resources needed by program Resources provided to program Program writes output to JES Spool Output to printer as requested © 2012 IBM Corporation View JCL job output written to • JES spool 1 JES spool 2 z/OS JES TSO SDSF 1) TSO logon using SDSF panels to view JES spool output 2) JES spool output displayed on screen 5 © 2012 IBM Corporation View JCL job output written to: • MVS Data Sets • Unix files 2 1 z/OS JES TSO ISPF Data Sets Unix files 1) TSO logon using ISPF panels to view program output on disk 2) Data displayed on screen 6 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL (Job Control Language) z/OS written application programs include internal file names which are opened for reading and writing during execution. The program hard coded file names are only names that are not associated with any physical resources. JCL associates the program file name with physical resources such has disk data set names or unix file names. JCL is used to process programs in the background (aka 'batch') and to process programs in the foreground (aka 'started task'). JCL submit will result in batch processing of one or more programs. JCL start will result in foreground processing of processing program. 7 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL syntax fundamentals and execution Job Control Language (JCL) instructs z/OS as a result of "submit” or "start “ command. JCL is easily identified by // in column 1 and 2. JCL is uppercase unless text is enclosed in quote marks such as unix file names. Every batch JCL job must contain: JOB statement EXEC statement JOB statement marks the beginning of a batch job and assigns a name to the job. JCL started tasks do not require a JOB statement EXEC (execute) statement marks the beginning of a job step, assigns a name to the step, and identifies the program or procedure to be executed in the step. Every batch job and started task has at least one EXEC statement. 8 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL – Job Control Language Job Control Language (JCL) is a sequential collection of 80 character records beginning with // which the operating system reads and interprets JCL is used to • Assign name and authority level • Assign resources (programs, data, etc.) and services needed from the operating system to process a task JCL can be viewed as a list of statements to be ‘submitted’ for background (batch) processing or ‘started’ for foreground (started task ) processing 9 © 2012 IBM Corporation Minimum JCL batch JOB example: //MYJOB JOB // EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 JCL batch job example with stepname of STEP1: //MYJOB JOB //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 JCL batch job example with multiple steps: //MYJOB //STEP1 //STEP2 //STEP3 10 JOB EXEC EXEC EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 PGM=IEFBR14 PGM=IEFBR14 © 2012 IBM Corporation Job Control Language //MYJOB JOB 1 // EXEC PGM=IEBR14 1 2 JES spool 4 JES Reader z/OS 1) 2) 3) 4) 11 3 IEFBR14 JCL submit JCL requests program Program loaded Output written to JES spool © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL DD statements In addition to the JOB and EXEC statements, jobs may contain one or more DD (Data Definition) statements used to identify and characterize the program input and output. Example: //MYJOB //STEP //SORTIN //SORTOUT //SYSIN //SYSOUT JOB EXEC PGM=SORT DD parameters DD parameters DD parameters DD parameters JCL keyword DD is preceded by a 'DD name'. The above JCL example has 4 'DD names', SORTIN SORTOUT SYSIN SYSOUT 12 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL DD statements program input program output //MYJOB //STEP //SORTIN //SORTOUT //SYSOUT JOB EXEC PGM=SORT DD parameters DD parameters DD SYSOUT=* 1 2 JES spool 6 JES Reader z/OS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 13 3 4 5 Program Data JCL submit JCL requests program Program loaded JCL //SORTIN DD JCL //SORTOUT DD JCL //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* © 2012 IBM Corporation Symbolic references to files z/OS normally uses symbolic references to files (data sets) rather than actual file names. The use of symbolic references provides a naming redirection between a data set-related name used in a program and the actual data set used during execution of that program. 14 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL Referenced DDNAME PAYROLL (program) OPEN FILE=XYZ READ FILE=XYZ ….. CLOSE FILE=XYZ JCL //STEP1 EXEC PGM=PAYROLL //XYZ DD DSN=DIV1.PAYROLL DATA SET DIV1.PAYROLL JCL is used to connect program file name to a z/OS physical resource such as a data set name, unix file name, JES spool, printer, network device, etc. //STEP1 EXEC //XYZ DD PGM=PAYROLL results in open file=xyz DSN=DIV1.PAYROLL is xyz content read by the program DD is abbreviation for Data Definition XYZ in this example is a program file name XYZ in this example is also known as the JCL DDNAME 15 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL Referenced DDNAME PAYROLL (program) OPEN FILE=XYZ READ FILE=XYZ ….. CLOSE FILE=XYZ JCL DATA SET //STEP1 EXEC PGM=PAYROLL //XYZ DD DSN=CORP.PAYROLL CORP.PAYROLL JCL enables ability for same program to read a different z/OS physical resource without changing the program source code 16 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL DD statements DD 'parameters' reference z/OS controlled resources such as unix file name, data set name and data set status Examples: 17 PATH=‘/unixpath/filename’ <<<< unix file name reference DSN=DATA.SET.NAME <<<< data set name reference DISP=(start,end,abnormal_end) <<<< disposition status of data set © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL DD DISP=values (resource disposition) DISP=( 18 start ,end [NEW] [OLD] [SHR] [MOD] [, ] [,DELETE ] [,KEEP ] [,PASS ] [,CATLG ] [,UNCATLG] [, ] ,abnormal_end [,DELETE ] [,KEEP ] [,PASS ] [,CATLG ] [,UNCATLG] ) OLD SHR NEW MOD resource exists and exclusive use is requested resource exists and may be shared with other requestors resource must be created, a new allocation data set exists and records to be added at the end, or new data set DELETE KEEP CATLG UNCATLG PASS delete resource when program completes keep resource when program completes update catalog system to locate data set in the future update catalog system remove location of resource pass the resource to a subsequent JCL step © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL DD (Data Definition) statements The program opens DD names as input, output, or both. The program has an internal file name that will match the JCL DD name. This association allows different data set names or unix file names to be used by the same program without changing the internal program file name. When JCL batch job executes, the system writes output to the system controlled JES output queue, data sets and/or unix files as directed by the JCL DD statements 19 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - What is ‘batch’ processing? Much of the work running on z/OS consists of programs called batch jobs. Batch processing is used for programs that can be executed: With minimal human interaction At a scheduled time or on an as-needed basis. After a batch job is submitted to the system for execution, there is normally no further human interaction with the job until it is complete. 20 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - What is ‘started task’ processing? A started task is typically a workload used for interactive processing such as a transaction processing environment. The operating system consists of numerous started tasks. A started task will typically remain in the system until some action is taken to stop the task. 21 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - What is JES? Job Entry Subsystem In the z/OS operating system, JES manages the input and output job queues and data. JES handles the following aspects of JCL processing for z/OS: Reads JCL job into the operating system Interprets the JCL (variable substitution, etc.) Schedules job for processing Controls job output processing 22 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL, JES & Batch Processing IT U S E R A C T IO N S D e t e rm i n e th e n e e d and c h a ra c t e ri s t i c s o f th e J o b C re a t e th e J C L S Y S T E M A C T IO N S J E S i n t e rp re t s JC L and p a s s e s it to z /O S in itia to r S u b m it th e J o b z /O S m anages e a c h s te p o f e x e c u tio n S y s te m M essages U ser v ie w s and i n t e rp re t s o u tp u t 23 J E S p ri n t s o u tp u t J E S c o l le c ts th e o u tp u t a n d i n f o rm a t i o n a b o u t th e J o b © 2012 IBM Corporation Fundamental JCL statements 24 The 3 basic JCL statements: 1) JOB statement who wants to process work 2) EXEC statement what program or procedure will be used 3) DD statement what are the program inputs and outputs Other useful JCL statements: − PROC and PEND statement execute a JCL predefined procedure − INCLUDE statement − IF – THEN – ELSE – ENDIF provides JCL conditional processing include predefined JCL statements © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - Basic syntax J C L m u s t b e u p p e rc a s e F o r w a r d s la s h in c o lu m n 1 a n d 2 N a m e ( 1 - 8 c h a r a c t e r s ) f o llo w t h e s la s h e s S p a c e s e p a ra to rs / /J O B N A M E J O B / /S T E P N A M E E X E C / /D D N A M E DD / /* c o m m e n t - u p p e r o r lo w e r c a s e / * . .. . e n d o f d a t a / / . . .. e n d o f J C L 25 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL – example //MYJOB JOB 1 //MYSORT EXEC PGM=SORT //SORTIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=ZIBM000.JCL(AREACODE) //SORTOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * SORT FIELDS=(1,3,CH,A) /* MYJOB is the jobname MYSORT is the stepname SORTIN is program input SORTOUT is program output SYSOUT is system output messages SYSIN is control or data program input 26 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - procedures (PROC to PEND) //MYJOB //MYPROC //MYSORT //SORTIN //SORTOUT //SYSOUT // PEND 27 JOB 1 PROC EXEC PGM=SORT DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SORTDSN DD SYSOUT=* DD SYSOUT=* © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - procedures (continued) //MYJOB JOB 1 //*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* //MYPROC PROC //MYSORT EXEC PGM=SORT //SORTIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SORTDSN //SORTOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* // PEND //*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* //STEP1 EXEC MYPROC,SORTDSN=ZIBM000.JCL(AREACODE) //SYSIN DD * SORT FIELDS=(1,3,CH,A) 28 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - procedures – PROC statement override //MYJOB JOB 1 //*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* //MYPROC PROC //MYSORT EXEC PGM=SORT //SORTIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SORTDSN //SORTOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* // PEND //*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* //STEP1 EXEC MYPROC,SORTDSN=IBMUSER.AREA.CODES //MYSORT.SORTOUT DD DSN=IBMUSER.MYSORT.OUTPUT,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=SHARED //SYSIN DD * SORT FIELDS=(1,3,CH,A) 29 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - Specifying a data set disposition: DISP is an operand of the DD statement DISP indicates what to do with the data set (the disposition) at step start, end, or abnormal end (if the job fails) DISP helps to prevent unwanted simultaneous access to data sets, which is very important for general system operation. 30 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - Using the DD statement DISP= operand DISP=status DISP=(status,normal_end) DISP=(status,normal_end,abnormal_end) where ‘status’ can be – NEW where ‘normal_end’ can be: – OLD DELETE – SHR KEEP where ‘abnormal_end’ can be: – MOD PASS DELETE CATLG KEEP UNCATLG CATLG UNCATLG 31 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - Creating a new data set New data sets can be created through JCL by using the DISP=NEW parameter. For a DISP=NEW request, you need to supply more information, including: A data set name, DSN= The type of device for the data set, UNIT=3390 or UNIT=SYSDA or UNIT=SYSALLDA If a disk is used, the amount of space to be allocated for the primary extent must be specified, SPACE= If it is a partitioned data set, the size of the directory must be specified within the SPACE parameter 32 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - Continuation and concatenation Needed to overcome the limitations of the 80-column punched cards used in earlier systems. 33 • Continuation allows a JCL statement to span multiple records. • Concatenation allows a single DDNAME to have multiple DD statements. © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - Continuation and Concatenation Continuation //JOBCARD JOB 1, // REGION=8M, // NOTIFY=IBMUSER Concatenation //DATAIN DD DISP=OLD,DSN=MY.INPUT1 34 // DD DISP=OLD,DSN=MY.INPUT2 // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=YOUR.DATA © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL - Utilities z/OS includes a number of programs useful in batch processing called utilities. Utilities provide many small, obvious, useful and often critical functions. Some examples of system utilities: IEBGENER Copies a sequential data set IEBCOPY Copies a partitioned data set IDCAMSWorks with VSAM data sets IKJEFT01 Run any TSO workload in batch SORT Data sequencing and formatting 35 © 2012 IBM Corporation JCL and Utilities Documentation MVS JCL User’s Guide MVS JCL Reference DFSMSdfp Utilities z/OS Concepts Reusable JCL Collection 36 © 2012 IBM Corporation wikipedia.org 37 © 2012 IBM Corporation Unit summary Having completed this unit, you should be able to: Understand purpose of JCL Understand JCL JOB, EXEC, and DD statements Understand relationship of program file name to JCL DDNAME Locate JCL professional manuals, documentation, and online help 38 © 2012 IBM Corporation
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