~~u$ Jodhpur National University The University has been established by the Jodhpur National University, Jodhpur Act, 2009 of Govt. of Rajasthan and is recognized as per Sec. 2(f) of the U.G.C. Act, 1956 Narnadi, Jhanwar Road, Jodhpur Ph. No.: 02931-281551-54 Website: www.jodhpurnationaluniversity.com • Fax NO.:02931-281416 • Email: [email protected] ~ Faculty of Medicine & Health Jodhpur Dental College General Hospital Date: 02.09.2014 Ref.No. JDCGH12014-20151.2.2.·lS . ~ To, ( The Secretary Dental Council of India, Aiwan-E-Galib Marg, Kotla Road, New Delhi -110 002. , /· .. r-; l\.. "J' .> ~~: . '._ [{ / i '- <61101' ~. . .~ 11o 1 __ {( \ \ L./ Sub:- In respect to your office letter No. DE-MDS(Studetns)-2014/5700 dated 2ih Aug. 2014. Sir, As per your No. DE-MDS(Students)-2014/5700 dated 2ih Aug. 2014 it is being informed to your esteemed office that the we had twice send the list of MDS students admitted in session 2014-2015 by 30th May 2014 Ref. No. JDCGH/2014-15/1597 and Oyd July 2014 Ref. No. JDCGH/2014-15/1739. However, in reply to the recent letter we are resending the list of MDS students (session 20142015) third time. Kindly acknowledge. Also, the list of MDS students is displayed on Jodhpur Dental College General Hospital website which is constructed I prepared as per the norms set and guided by the Dental Council of India. Thanking you, (Dr. P.K.Agrawal) Principal PRINCIPAL .o1lPUa DENTAL c: :! LEO. GENERAL BOSPIT"'L •••• war Road. 8oranada. IODHPUR-342001_' 4L JODHPUR DENTAL COLLEGE GENERAL HOSPITAL I - YEAR ---MDS~ STUDENTS MAY 2014 - AS - ON - 31 --- S. No. Name of the Student Father's Name Speciality -- - - - - 1 Dr. Chinmay Vyas Sh. Madhukar Vyas 2 Dr. Bhupesh Gandhi Sh. Sunder Lal 3 Dr. Gyan Prakash Bhardwaj Mr. C. P. Sharma Conservativgz Dentistry & Endodontics 2 Total No. of Students Admitted under Govt. Quota: - ------ 3 Total No. of Students Admitted under Management Quota: - ------- SC/ST/OBCI -- % age of marks Merit No. GEN/Others Gen. 12 obtained in CET 62.25% ".- University's Regn. I Enrolment No. Whether eligible as per eligibility criteria Date of Admission I {'\o. JU08MH40 I0 17 .~ norms prescribed by the State Govt. Whether the eligibility criteria prescribed by DCI its regulation has been followed if not reasons therefor v ' YES -- ~ YES -- I.1V YES -- 26.05.2014' Gen. 13 62.06% ~'- JNU-2014-0135 2205.2014' Gen. Gov!. (PC-Pre. PG - Sub-Category Category Govt. I Management Conservative Dentistry &~ Gov!. (PC-Pre. PG' Endodontics conservative Dentistry &' Endodontics Gov!. (PC-Pre. PG' - 102 59.56%/ JNU-2014-0370 . 27.05.2014 Total No. of Students Admitted:- 03 4 Total No. of Students Admitted under NRJ I foreign I PIO Quota: - ------- 5 Total No. of Students Admitted under General Category Quota:- 03 6 Total No. of Students Admitted under SC Category :- ------ 7 Total No. of Students Admitted under ST Category:- 8 Total No. of Students Admitted under OBC Category :- ------ 9 Total No. of Students Admitted under Other :- ----- \0 Total No. of female Students Admitted:- ------- UNDERT AKING This is to certify the admission in MDS Course, is per sanctioned admission capacity and no excess admission has been made. As per record available with the college, the information given above is correct in case it is found incorrect of false, [ shall be liable for action in event of submission of any incorrect or false information. c.....+ ~--o---<? (Signature ~lfIfjtmiMIwith Seal) onRM3 D' . ORNER ;klaawa' I, ''-lDH P;.: \~ r ,: ("Ol.,L_ r\L . -••a.d&, U2()(}1. ~ JODHPUR DENTAL COLLEGE GENERAL HOSPITAL I - YEAR MDS STUDENTS AS ON 31 - MAY 2014 S. No. Name of the Student Father'S Name Category Govt. I Management Speciality 1 Dr. Priyank Rai Mr. Inder Mohan Rai Oral Surgery / Govt. (PC-Pre 2 Dr. Harshita Mathur Mr. Deepak Mathur Oral Surqerv / Govt. (PC-Pre. PG) 3 Dr. Jeet Bhagde Sh. Prakash Oral Surgery Bhagde I PG) Govt. (PC-Pre. PG) % age of marks University's SUb-Category SCIST/OBCI Merit No. GEN/Others Regn. obtained in CET Enrolment No. I Gen. 94 71.07% /' JNU-20 14-0032 Gen. 107 63.00% /' JUOSMH40 I027 Gen. 137 60.00% / JNU -2014-0137 Whether eligible as per eligibility Date of Admission 28.05.2014 criterja ~, V 26.05.2014'''tr 22.05.2014 I norms prescribed by the State Govt. J '/ Whether the eligibility criteria prescribed by DCI its regulation has been followed if not reasons therefor YES -- YES -- YES -- Total No. of Students Admitted:- 03 2 Total No. of Students Admitted under GoV!. Quota: - ----- 3 Total No. of Students Admitted under Management Quota: - ----- 4 Total No. of Students Admitted under NRJ I foreign I PIO Quota: - ----- S Total No. of Students Admitted under General Category Quota:- 03 6 Total No. of Students Admitted under SC Category:- --- 7 Total No. of Students Admitted under ST Category:- ----- S Total No. of Students Admitted under OBC Category :- ---- 9 Total No. of Students Admitted under Other:- --- \0 Total No. of female Students Admitted:- 01 UNDERTAKING This is to. certify the admission in MDS Course, is per sanctioned admission capacity and no excess admission has been made. As per record available with the college, the information given above is correct in case it is found incorrect of false, I shall be liable for action in event of submission of any incorrect or false information. ) Q'&-9o.-Q.. (Signature ..-o~ o~..,.itM with Seal) JIM)","UR DFNiAL COt.L!Ol? OV',:I'''' ~'0SP!T"'L Ib"'llw~' i~ .,d. B,)ranada, ~OOH PU R -342 00t. ~ ~ JODHPUR DENTAL COLLEGE GENERAL HOSPITAL I - YEAR STUDENTS - 31 ~ MAY 2014 ~ --- AS - ON --- -- MDS ---- S. I/o. Name of the Student Father's Name Speciality 1 Dr. Narzi Mr. Kamal Parekh Prosthodontics , 2 Dr. Shailee Jain Mr. Mahipal Jain Prosthodontics I Total No. of Students Admitted :- 02 2 Total No. of Students Admitted under Govt, Quota: - .----- 3 Total No. of Students Admitted under Management Quota: - ------ 4 Total No. of Students Admitted under NRI I foreign I PIO Quota: - ------ S Total No. of Students Admitted under General Category Quota 6 Total No. of Students Admitted under SC Category:- 7 Total No. of Students Admitted under ST Category 8 Total No. of Students Admitted under OBC Category :- ------ 9 Total No. of Students Admitted under Other 10 Total No. of female Students Admitted:- t- - - Category Govt. I Management Govt. (PC-Pre. PG) if' I Govt. (PC-Pre. PG) - - Sub-Category SC/ST/OBCI GEN/Others - - % age of marks Merit No. obtained in CET Gen. 158 66.81% / Gen. 166 69.54% University's Regn. I Enrolment No. JNU-2014-037I / JNU-2014·0106 Date of Admission Whether eligible as per eligibility crile~ia I norms prescrlbedby the State Govt. ~ 23.05.2014 ~ 27.05.2014/ ~ YES -- YES -- 02 ------ i- ---- i- ---- 02 UNDERTAKING This is to certify the admission in MDS Course. is per sanctioned admission capacity and no excess admission has been made. As per record available with the college. the information given above is correct in case it is found incorrect of false. I shall be liable for action in event of submission of any incorrect or false information. c:::;..--~_---o~ (Signature of Principal with Seal) MINCII'AL <OD"PUR DENTAL COLLIMD OENF R A l HOSPIT.\L .aaw&r Road, 8oranada, InOHPUR-34200L ~ Whether the eligibility criteria prescribed by DCI its regulation has been followed if not reasons therefor ~ JODHPUR DENTAL COLLEGE GENERAL HOSPITAL 1- YEAR MDS STUDENTS AS ON - 31 MAY 2014 Whether S. No. Father's Name of the Student Name Category Speciality Govt. I Management % age of marks Sub-Category SCiST/OBCI Merit No. GEN/Others obtained University's Regn. CET Enrolment per eligibility Date of Admission I in No. eligible as criteria I norms .> prescribed by the State Govt. Late Sh. Rajendra 1 Dr. Gourav Solanki Singh Solanki I OMRD Govt. (PC-Pre. Mr. Shailendra 2 Dr. Charu 3 Dr. Nitin Kalla Total No. of Students Admitted :- 03 2 Total No. of Students Admitted under 3 Total No. of Students Admitted under Management 4 Total No. of Students Admitted under NRJ I foreign I PIO Quota: - -------01 Maheshwari Maheshwari OMRD Mr. M. R. Kalla Govt, Quota: ManaQement J OMRD ManaQement PG) OBC Gen. Gen. 212 - 74.25% r 62.75% ;" 67.42% / Quota: JU08MH401016 24.05.2011 JNU - 2014 -0125 ~ 27.05.2014./ Total No. of Students Admitted under General Category Quota Total No. of Students Admitted under 7 Total No. of Students Admitted under ST Category:- ------ 8 Total No. of Students Admitted under OBC Category :- 01 9 Total No. of Students Admitted under Other :- ------ 10 Total No. of female Students Admitted SC Category:- i- has been followed if not reasons -- YES -- YES -- :- 01 in MDS Course, is per sanctioned with the college, the information admission capacity and no excess admission • has been made. given above is correct in case it is found incorrect of false, I shall be liable for action in event of submission of any incorrect or false information. C7 __""-'<.. ...-.o~ (Signature of Principal with Seal) ~RINC'PAL OOIt~ DENTAL COLL_ GENFRAl ROSPIT ••L IllUUJWar Road, anranad&, tODHPUR-34200l. ~o/ therefor YES ----- UNDERT AKING by DCI its regulation - 02 5 This is to certify the admission \~ 26.05.2014 ' the criteria prescribed - --------- 6 As per record available ~ JNU09MH401016 Whether eligibility ~ JODHPUR DENTAL COLLEGE GENERAL HOSPITAL 1- YEAR MDS STUDENTS AS ON - 31 MAY 2014 S. No. Name of the Student Category Govt. I Management Speciality Father's Name 1 Dr. Sushil Choudharv Sh.RaienderChoudharv Orthodontics/" Govt. (PC-Pre 2 Dr.Animesh Mutha Sh. Sohan Mutha Orthodontics" Govt. (PC-Pre. PG) 3 Dr. Kirti Bahar Sh. Surendra Orthodonticsi' Govt. (PC-Pre. PG) Bahar Sub-Category SC/ST/OBCI % age of marks Merit No. GEN/Others OBC I Gen. 4 Gen. 154 obtained in CET University's Regn. I Enrolment No. 64.S6% ". JNU-2014-0144 59.50% ; JUOSMH40 I004 PG) I 61.56% JNU-2014-0136 Whether eligible as per eligibility crttenia Date of Admission I V YES -- I. YES -- V YES -- 23.05.2014 ~ 26.05.2014 27.05.2014 ~ Total No. of Students Admitted:- 03 2 Total No. of Students Admitted under Govt. Quota: - ------ 3 Total No. of Students Admitted under Management Quota: - ------- 4 Total No. of Students Admitted under NRI / foreign / PIO Quota: - -------- 5 Total No. of Students Admitted under General Category Quota:- 02 6 Total No. of Students Admitted under SC Category:- 7 Total No. of Students Admitted under ST Category :- ------ 8 Total No. of Students Admitted under OBC Category :- 01 9 Total No. of Students Admitted under Other:- 10 Total No. of female Students Admitted:- ----- --------- 01 UNDERTAKING This is to certify the admission in MDS Course, is per sanctioned admission capacity and no excess admission has been made. As per record available with the college, the information given above is correct in case it is found incorrect of false, I shall be liable for action in event of submission of any incorrect or false information. j C7--~..-o~ (Signature ~tIiiefiiIllIwith 'CII)M?U'P T"~ '-Jj A.l. Ol\NF •••• ~ - r'L Wll tODH Seal) C'Ot.I._ .• ;0 .: da, "...Q 001. .~ norms prescribed by the State Govt, Whether the eligibility criteria prescribed by DCI its regulation has been followed if not reasons therefor Federation i of 1-.ivate Medical & Dental Colleges of Rajasthan Private College Pre-PG Dental Examination -2014 List of Candidate alloted to Jodhpur Dental College S.No. Name Father's 12 SUNDERLALGANDHI 1152 CONSERVATIVE JODC 13 320 13 C. P. SHAJYvfA 1186 CONSERVATIVE J,oDC 102 267 102 1332 ORALMEDIClNE JODC 212 221 213 1170 ORAL. SURGERY J{?DC 94 271 96 1199 ORAL SURGERY JODe; 107 26S W7 3 GYAN PRAKASH VY AS LT. RAJENDRA PRIYANK RAI ~ank 321 BHlJPESH 5 Marks 12 2 GA URA V SOLANKI No JODC MADHUKAR 4 Merit College CONSERVATIVE CHINMA Y VY AS BHARDWAJ Branch 1112 1 GANDHI r Roll No Name , SINGHSOLANKI . INDER MOH~ RAI 6 HARSHITA 7 JEET Bl;lAGDE p"RA l( A.SlH £HAGDE 1290 ORAL SURGERY JODC 137 257 \3:a 8 ~NIMESH SOI-lAN MUTHA 1179 ORTHOOONTlCS JO:DC 4 326 4 9 SUSHIL CHOUDHARY RAJENDRA CHOUDHARY 1101 ,oRTHODONTICS JODC 1 329 I 10 KIRl'IBAHAR SURENDRA MHAR 1317 QRTHODONTICS JODC 154 252 154 11 SHAU,EEIAlN 1389 PROSTHODONTICS J~DC 166 246 166 12 NARZI 1398 PR.OST'HODONTICS JODC 158 251 158 DEEPAK MATHUR MA.THUR ~ ..•. MUTHA . MAHIPAL JAIN KAMAL PEREKH ,i ~ "'f • • 101101 Prh·;.te M~. &Dental ~oUeges of Raja¥h:~ o .",0', . ~~
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