REC EIVED JUL 0 7 ~t~ COlnmon\vealth Trustees, LLC. 8601 W estwoo d C enter Drive, Suite 255 Vienn a, Vir ginia 22182 Phone: 703 - 752 - 8500 Fax: 703 - 752 - 4300 July 1, 2014 County of South hampton Va PO BOX 400 Courtland, VA 23837 Re: Donald 8. Moyer a/kla Donald 8. Moyer, Jr. and Regina A. Moyer 22460 Homestead Lane Franklin, VA 23851 Tax ID: 77E 1 SE3-72 Our File Number: 48267 Dear County of Southhampton Va : Pursuant to Section 55-59 .1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia , as amended , please be advised that the appointed Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction the above referenced property on July 23, 2014 at 12:45 PM . The sale will be conducted at front steps of the Main Entrance to the Circuit Court for Southampton ; located at 22350 Main Street, Courtland , VA 23837, as specified in the enclosed advertisement. Enclosed please find a copy of the advertisement of sale as published in Tidewater News which contains the terms of sale and a copy of the executed Substitution of Trustee. Sincerely, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC Via certified mail, return receipt requested and first class mail. Enclosures 20 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE 22460 Homestead Lane, Franklin, VA 23851 By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated June 15, 2004, and recorded at Instrument Number 040002535 in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court for Southampton, V irg inia, securing a loan which was originally $154,000 .00 . The appointed Substitute Trustee, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at front steps of the Main Entrance to the Circuit Court for Southampton ; located at 22350 Main Street, Courtland, VA 23837 on: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at 12:45 PM improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of ALL THAT certain lot or parcel of land lying, situate and being in Franklin Magisterial District, Southampton County, Virginia, known, numbered and designated as Lot No. 72 on plat entitled "Subdivision Plat Showing Portion of Section Two and Section Three Scottswood Owners and Developers-E.M. Scott and E.M. Scott, Jr.", dated July 7, 1977, and made by S. V. Camp, III and Associates, Certified Land Surveyor, Courtland, Virginia, duly of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Southampton County, Virginia, in Plat Book 12, at page 90, and incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, said lot being more particularly described in accordance with said plat as follows: Beginning at a point on the West side of Homestead Lane at a point where an iron pin is driven into the ground , a corner for Lot No. 73 and the within described lot; thence continuing along Homestead Lane N 24 degree 29' 36" W 90.00 feet to a point where an iron pin is driven into the ground; thence continuing along Homestead Lane in a northerly direction on an arc 25 .00 feet to a point where an iron pin is driven into the ground; thence S 67 degree 55' 32" /west 175.71 feet to a point where an iron pin is driven into the ground; thence S 25 degree 05' 30" East 122.41 feet to a point where an iron pin is driven into the ground; thence N 65 degree 30' 24" East 173.75 feet to the iron pin the point of beginning, all as shown on the aforesaid plat. , and as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold "AS IS," WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND SUBJECT TO cond itions, restrictions , reservations , easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time of sale. A deposit of $14,000.00, or 10% of the sale price, whichever is Lower, in cash or cashier's check payable to the Substitute Substitute Trustee will be required at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received in the office of the Substitute Substitute Trustee, will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale. I n the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee's fee. All other public charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the Seller's attorneys at settlement, a fee of $445.00 for review of the settlement documents. Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful.bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding. 21 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosenberg & Associates, LLC (Attorney for Commonwealth Trustees, LLC) 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 750 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-907-8000 22 1400013S6 PG .1 J ( ) 0 'JoN. 18. 14 APPOINTMENT OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES J1. THIS AP.POINTMENT OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES, made this day of ---.!~tq!~_, 20 by Green Tree SelVicing LLC, party of the first part, 8601 Westwood Center Drive, Suite 255, Vienna, VA Commonw alth Trustees, 22182, party of the second part, Grantees, hereinafter referred to collectively as ·Substitute Trustees". -=-__ iif Li1:', WHEREAS, on June 15,2004, Donllid B. MOYER alkJa Donald B. Moyer, Jr. and Regina A. MOYER executed a Deed of Trust, which is recorded in the Land Record Office of Southampton , Virginia at Instrument Number 040002535, granted and conveyed the property known as: - ALL THAT certain lot or parcel of land lying, situate and being in Franklin Magisterial District, Southampton County, Virginia, known, numbered and designated as Lot No. 72 on plat entitled "Subdivision Plat Showing Portion of Section Two and Section Three Scottswood Owners and Developers-E.M. Scott and E.M. Scott, Jr.", dated July 7, 1977, and made by S. V. Camp, III and Associates, Certified Land Surveyor, Courtland, Virginia, duly of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Southampton County, Virginia, in Plat Book 12, at page 90, and incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, said lot being more particularly described in accordance with said plat as follows: Beginning at a point on the West side of Homestead Lane at a point where an iron pin is driven into the ground, a comer for Lot No. 73 and the within described lot; thence continuing along Homestead Lane N 24 degree 29' 36" W 90.00 feet to a point where an Iron pin is driven into the ground; thence continuing along Homestead Lane in a northerly direction on an arc 25.00 feet to a point where an iron pin is driven into the ground; thence S 67 degree 55' 32" !west 175.71 feet to a point where an iron pin is driven into the ground; thence S 25 degree OS' 30" East 122.41 feet to a point where an iron pin is driven into the ground; thence N 65 degree 30' 24" East 173.75 feet to the iron pin the point of beginning, all as shown on the aforesaid pial Address: 22460 Homestead Lane, Franklin, VA 23851 Tax ID #: 77E 1 SE3-72 COMMOWWLU.TH n==uc . ,,"'.., 8601 W&STWOQO coma!),,,,,,- VrUIN.\. VlJ.C1NtA 2218:t (7D3) 752:-8500 in trust unto Samuel!. White, P.C., Trustee to secure payment of a Deed of Trust and Note in the original principal amount of $154,000.00 unto the original beneficiary therein, Countrywide Home Loans, Inc.; and, PlUNuMIU: 48267 --- P"",",N_ Mo)'tr. Daoaid &. 22460n~Unc WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust provides that the holder of the Note shall have 1 23 PG -, >' 'JuN. 18. 14 the power and authority to appoint substitute trustee(s) in the place and stead of the trustee(s) originally named therein; and, WHEREAS, Federal National Mortgage Association is the owner of the note secured by said Deed of Trust and appointed the party of the first part with authority to hold, collect and enforce the note; and WHEREFORE, in exchange for certain good and valuable consideration , the party of the first part by execution and delivery of this instrument, does hereby remove the original Trustee(s) designated in the aforesaid Deed of Trust and any successor(s) appointed prior to this date as Substitute Trustee(s) , and in lieu thereof , does hereby constitute and appoint Commonwealth Trustees. LLC as Substitute Trustees under the terms of the aforesaid Deed of Trust with all the rights, powers and duties conferred therein on the original Trustee(s) . Cow ""'"""-'" nusru:s,u.c 8&01 WUTWOOD "''''... D""'VlDOlA. VJAGll'flA T.l1B:l (703) 7'$2-8sOO Flu: HUMID: <t8:261 P";"N-""", !doyeI", Don.aId 8. P"'f"'"')'Nd- . n¢o HOI!:IClltcr.d we 2 24 PG :-> . I JuN. 18. :4 I, ATTEST : . ..__~ ----r;:; 1- ' .· 'B ;fi<9U3r Ir2{frs '. STATE OF COUNTY/CITY OF I! 1Xl.(lw By -..L"'4&'f..!.~LLf='CTJfr _ __ T itie : - -'-"''--'----'''+:LfL..!.L!..l..._ __ ' ,: 17 k.()1f73 : ss . em AJd/ns, _ ~nd I, : J fc. aJ',I.otary PubJi<; in for the State and I county afDr!lhlid , do hereby ce rtify th at ! 6 / f...(,L ../ . ~ t..::.... , who affirmed before me 'iflat sh e/he has proper . authority to execute the foregoing APPt~ment of Substitute T rustees bearing date of f 3 , 20 and hereto annexed , personally appeared I before me in the jurisdiction aforesaid, and , being duly sworn and personally we ll known to me or reasonably proven to be the persons who executed the said I A ppointment of Substitute Trustees, acknowledged the same to be her/his willful act I and deed and that of the said party of the first part, and that she/he has th e lawful Ii authority so to act on behalf of the corporation , , ecrtl1 q 50 () (' 'I I Given under my hand and seal thi .!i.dayof ----/~IA_ J Notary Public My Commission Expires: 7 ---I J -/ 7 AFTER RECORDING. PLEASE RETURN TO: Commonwealth Trustees, LLC clo Rosenberg & Associates, LLC , 8601 Westwood Center Drive, Suite 255 Vienna, VA 22182 I:, ! " , I Co.l4WO~""'EALTH TRunu.s, u.c 6601 WQTW'1lJ1l !, i I C(!'IT'ER DRNE. Sl r m:~:; VIE.NSA. \ 'IRG\SIII :tlIIA:l (]OJ) 752-85U(l FlL.E!I."U)!!ER; 48:1/)7 P"';''''~.'''''' Mo)''el', Donald B. P""",,,,'A6oJn,oo; 22460 Homer.cad lalle 3 25 McCabe Weisberg & Conway, PC PO Box 907 1 PRESORT Temecula, CA 92589·907 1 First·Class Mail "" I""" "" " U.S. Postage and Fees Paid WSO 2285874073 RECEIVED JUN 3 0 2014 20140626·84 1,1111 " '1111,,11111,1111111111'11,1111111'1111111111111""'1,11 Michael W . Johnson P.O. Box 400 Courtland, VA 23837 26 VASALEJUD 229597407 3 LAW OF FI CES McCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, LLC SU ITE 1400 123 SOUTH BROAD STREET f'lti LADELI' IIlA. f'A 19 109 (2]5)790· 101 0 FAX f2 IS,79Q.1274 SU lT E210 145 11UGUENOTSTREET NEW ROOIELI. E. NY 101«)1 SUITE 201 2'(, IIAOooN ,\ VEN UE SUITE 800 312 MA RSHALL AVENUE LAU REL. MJ) 20707 (30 I ) 490- 11 96 FAX (30 1) 490- 1568 Also servic ing The DiSlricl of Columbia WESTMONT. NJ 011101<: (1I56)1I58·70RO FAX 0156) 8511·7U20 SUlTE 20) 722 EAST MARKH STREET LEESBURG, VA 20116 191 4)·6)6·~900 (57 1)449·9)50 FAX : (lISS) 1145·2585 FAX (914) 6)6·11901 SUITE 130 DELAWARE CORPORATE CENTER I ONE RIGtlTE R PARKWAY WI LMINGTON, DE 19803 (302) 40')·3520 SUITE 2506 I II UNTINGTON QUADRANGLE FAX KSS·42S·I'JXO MELVILLE. NY 11747 ((,)1)1r 12-401l4 FAX: (85S) 114S·25114 June 26, 2014 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL and VIA FIRST-CLASS MAIL Russell D. Cotton 34 148 South Quay Road Franklin, Virginia 2385 1 Re: Foreclosure Sale of Real Property owned by Russell D. Cotto n 34148 South Quay Road, Franklin, Virg inia 2385 1 Dear Mortgagor, Benefi c ial Financ ial I Inc. is the current holder of a Note in the original amount of $ 111 ,4 19.1 4, secured by a certain deed of trust dated September 15, 2005 , executed by Russe ll D. Cotton and recorded as Instrument No. 050004004 in the C ircuit Court of COUN TY O F SOUTH AMPTON Virginia. At the request of the Lender, you are hereby notifi ed as fo llows: (a) that the Note is in de fault because o f fai lure to pay according to the terms; (b) that the entire outstanding princ ipa l ba lance and all accrued interest under the Note have been and hereby are declared immediately due and payabl e (acce lerated); and (c) that the property described in the copy of the Noti ce of Trustees' Sa le enclosed with thi s letter, wh ich secures the repayment of the Note, will be sold at publ ic aucti on in accordance w ith the terms of the Noti ce. Thi s noti ce is given on beha lf of the Substitute Trustee under the Deed of Trust. The Substitute Trustee was appoi nted by an instrument, a copy of which is attached hereto. T he sale w ill take pl ace on August 13, 2014 at 8:30 am, in fro nt of the entrance to the C ircuit Court for COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON, Virg inia, located at 22 350 Ma in Street, Courtland , Virg ini a, 23837 . [o~:t ~ 20 12-2899 1 27 If you intend to pay off your loan you must contact the undersigned at 1-30 1-490- 11 96 to obtain the most current payoff fi gures. Any such payment must be made by a certified or cashier's check or a wire transfer as stated above. Only the full amollnt due will be accepted. Should the subject property be bought back by the foreclosing entity, the owner will be Beneficial Financial I Inc. with an address of (c/o HSBC Consumer Lending Mortgage Services 636 Grand Regency Blvd Brandon, FL 335 I 0). If the property is purchased by a third party purchaser, an additional notice shall be sent only as required by applicable law. If you have any questions with regard to this sale you may con tact the undersigned directly. Very tru ly yours, McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC Enclosure Pl ease note. it you have been involved in a Bankruptcy proceeding. thi s Notice is being sent to you pursuant to applicable law. Should you ha ve any questi ons concerning whether you ha ve ongoing obligations inci dent to thi s loan, the same should be addressed to your bankruptcy 3ttomcy. cc: Michael W. Johnson P.O. Box 400 Courtland, Virginia 23837 2012-28991 28 To be published in the Tide Wafers News on Jul y 9, 2014 and July 16,2014, TRUSTEE'S SALE OF 34148 SOUTH QUAY ROAD, FRANKLIN, VIRGINIA 23851 COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON, as erroneously omitted from the foreclosing deed of trust. In execution ofa certain deed of trust dated 09/ 15/05, in the origina l principal amoun t of 111 ,419.14 recorded in the County of Southampton, Virginia, as Instrument No. 050004004, as amended by an instrument appointing the undersigned as Substitute Trustee, default having occurred in the payment of the Note thereby secured and at the request of the holder, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the bu ilding housing the Ci rcuit Court of the COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON, VA located at 22350 Main Street, Courtland, Virginia, 23837 on August 13, 2014, at 8:30 am , the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address, with improvements thereon and more particularly described as follow s: FRANKLIN MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, CONTAINIG A TOTAL AREA OF 0.966 ACRES, PLAT RECORDED IN SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY, IN DEED BOOK 40 I, PAGE 6 16. TERMS OF SALE: Nei ther the Substitute Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust wi ll deliver possession of the property to the successfu l bidder. The purchaser at the sa le will be required to pay all closing costs. Real estate taxes, water/sewer fees and other public charges will be prorated as of the date of sale. The risk of loss or damage to the property passes to the purchaser immediately upon the conclusion of the Substitute Trustee' s sa le. Terms: A bidder's deposit of ten percent ( I O%)of the sa le price or ten percent price (10%) of the original principal balance of the subject deed of trust, wh ichever is lower, in the form of cash or certified fund s payable to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of sa le. The balance of the purchase price will be due within 15 days at the office of the Substitute Trustee. Time is of the essence as to the closing date and the payment of the purchase price. Ifpayment of the balance does not occur within fifteen days of the sa le date, the deposit will be forfeited. Se ll er sha ll not be responsible for any costs incurred by the purchaser in connection with their purchase or settlement, including, without limitation, state and local recording fee s, title insurance or research, or any other costs of purchaser'S acqu isition. Trustee shall have no duty to obtain possession for purchaser. All ri sks of casualty pass to successful bidder at conclusion of bidding. The property and the improvements thereon will be so ld "AS IS" and with out representation or warranties of any kind. The sa le is subject to all li ens, encumbrances, cond itions, easements and restrictions, if any, superior to the mentioned deed of trust and lawfully affecting the property. Sa le is subject to post-sale confirmation that the borrower did not file for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to the sa le, as we ll as to post-sale confirmation and audi t of the status of the loan wi th the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower(s) entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, the sale shall be null and vo id, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the Purchaser's deposit wi thout interest. Additional terms to be announced at the sa le. Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, we adv ise you that this firm is a debt collector and any information obtained wi ll be used for that purpose. The Substitute Trustee is Surety Trustees, LLC , 722 E. Market Street, Suite 203, Leesburg, V A 20176. For information contact: Abby Moyn ihan, McCabe, Wei sberg & Conway, attorney for Substitute Trustee at 30 1-490-336 1 or WWW. ITI 2012-2899 1 29 Map & Parcel No. 106-2213 DEED OF APPOINTMENT OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE WHEREAS Russell D. Cotton did by Deed of Trust dated September 15, 2005 and recorded among the Land Records of COUNTY OF SOU11lAMPTON, Virginia, as Instrument No . 050004004 grant and convey to Keith D Freeland, Trustee, certain real estate described in said Deed of Trust, in trust to secure to Beneficial Mortgage Co. of Virginia the payment of a Promissory Note of even date therewith; and WHEREAS said Deed of Trust provides that the holder of the Note shall bave tbe power and authority to appoint by an instrument duly executed, acknowledged and recorded among the Land Records aforesaid, substitute trustees in the place and stead of the trustee(s), named therein; and WHEREAS Beneficial Financial I IDC. successor by merger to Beneficial Mortgage Co. of Virginia is the bolder oftbe Note secured by said Deed of Trust; NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the power and authority contained in said Deed of Trust, the undersigned holder of the indebtedness secured thereby does by these presents appoint SURETY TRUSTEES, LLC, a Virginia Limited Liability Company, whose business address is 4021 University Drive, Suite 202, Fairfax, VA 22030, as Substitute Trustee, under said Deed of Trust, in the place and stead of the trustee(s) named therein and also removes any Substitute Trustee or Trustees who may have been previously appointed; and the said Substitute Trustee shall have all the rights, powers and authority, and be charged with all the duties that were conferred or charged upon the trustee(s) named in said Deed of Trust. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this document was prepared by the undersigned, who is an attorney licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia. By: _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name: _____________________________________ McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, MD 20707 (301) 490-3361 Bar Number. _ _ _ __ _ _ 2012-2R991 30 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Noteholder has caused th is instrument to be signed by its duly authorized officer on this day of ,20 12, 0 e ±, rl (SEAL) By: "h CE. 'Vre .':"';' c\""<. ,"t\ Oyl\ : :U\\'S+ ''b..1-', ,-If.' 3:z-('~\ C:ES \) \ ~ ~~j (",\ STATE OF 'IlIjVlb\;2 COUNTY OFtvJ~~ On this I, day of , to wit: OC!h?hgr appeared~c.-!.. Hv~ contained and acknowledge , 2012, before me, the undersigned, personally and executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes herein e same to be the act and deed of the corporatIon named !herem, IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal. Notary Public 'A.V'! My Commission Expi Please Record and Return to: McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 800 Laurel, MD20707 (301) 490-3361 2 201 2-2R99 I 31 McCabe Weisberg & Conway, PC PO Box 907 1 PRESORT Temecula, CA 92589-907 1 First-Class Mail U.S . Postage and Fees Paid WSO 2285907852 RECEHVED JUN 1 :m ZQ1,. 20140627-84 '111111111111111,1111111'111,1111,11'111'1'1'111'1'111111 111 11'11 Michael VV . Johnson P.O. Box 400 Courtland, VA 23837 32 VASALEJUD 2285907852 LAW OFFICES McCABE, WEISBERG & CONWAY, LLC SU ITE 1400 123 SOUl'" OROAI) STR EET PI~ILAOE LI>I Il A. PA 19109 (21 51790· 10 10 FAX (2 15) 790- 1274 SUITE2 10 145 II UGUENOT STR EET NEW ROCII EU. E. NY 101101 SU ITE 800 312 MARSHALL AVENUE LA UREL. MD 20707 (301)490- 11 96 FAX (301) 490- 1568 Also servicing The Di strict o f Columbia (9 14Hi36·8900 F,\ X (914 ) 636·8901 SUITE 201 216 111\ [)I)(}N AVENUE w ESTMONT,NJ OlIlOll t1lS6) 8511·7080 "-AX 11156) 8511-1020 SU ITE 20) 722 EAST M AKKET STREET L EES OURG . VA 20176 (571)449·9)50 FAX: (IISS) )145·25115 SU ITE DO SUITE 2S(I(, DELAWAR E COKI'ORATE C ENTER I ONE R1 GIlTER I'ARKWA Y I HUNTINGTON QUADRANGLE WILMINGTON, DE ]980) (l02) 409·)520 FAX 855·425· 1980 (631)111240114 f AX : (lISS) 1I 45·2SlI4 MELVILLE. NY 11747 June 27, 2014 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL and VIA FIRST-CLASS MAIL Andrea J. Martel 32333 South Main Street Boykins, Virginia 23827 Andrea J. Martel 25A East Grove Street Middleboro, Massachusetts 02346 Brian P. Martel Jr 32333 South Main Street Boykins, Virginia 23827 Brian P. Martel Jr 25A East Grove Street Middleboro, Massac husetts 02346 Re: Foreclosure Sale of Real Property owned by Andrea J. Martel and Brian P. Martel Jr 32333 South Ma in Street, Boykins, Virginia 23827 Dear Mortgagors, Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC is the current holder of a Note in the original amount of $2 14, 172.00, secured by a certain deed of trust dated May 9, 20 II , executed by Andrea J. Martel and Brian P. Martel Jr and recorded as Instrument No. 1100011 62 in the Circuit Court of COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON Virginia. At the request of the Lender, you are hereby notified as follows : (a) that the Note is in default because of failure to pay according to the terms ; (b) that the entire outstanding princ ipal balance and all accrued interest under the Note have been and hereby are declared immediately due and payable (accelerated); and (c) that the property described in the copy of the Notice of Trustees' Sale encl osed with this letter, which secures the repayment o f the Note, will be so ld at public aucti on in accordance with the terms o f the Notice. This notice is given on behalf of the Substitute Trustee under the Deed of Trust. The 14-704241 33 Substitute Trustee was appointed by an instrument, a copy of which is attached hereto. The sale will take place on August 13 , 2014 at 8:30 am, in front of the entrance to the Circuit Court for COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON, Virginia, located at 22350 Main Street, Courtland, Virginia, 23837 . If you intend to payoff your loan you must contact the undersigned at 1-301-490-1 196 to obtain the most current payoff figures. Any such payment must be made by a certi fied or cashier's check or a wire transfer as stated above . Only the full amount due will be accepted. Should the subject property be bought back by the foreclosing entity, the owner will be Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC with an address of (c/o M&T Bank I Fountain Plaza Buffalo, NY 14203). I f the property is purchased by a third party purchaser, an additional notice shall be sent only as required by applicable law. I f you have any questions with regard to this sale you may contact the undersigned directly. Very truly yours, McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC Enclosure Please note , it you ha ve been invo lved in a Banknlplcy proceeding. thi s Notice is being sent to you pursuant to applicabl e law. Should you have any questions concerning whether you have ongoing ob li gations incident to thi s loan. the same should be addressed to yo ur bankruptcy attorney . cc: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Attention: C&L Service Corporation/Morri s-Griffin Corporation 2488 East 8 1st Street, Suite 700 Tu lsa, Oklahoma 74137 Michael W. Johnson P.O. Box 400 Courtland, Virginia 23837 14-704241 34 To be published in the Tide Water News on July 9, 2014 and July 16,2014 TRUSTEE'S SALE OF 32333 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BOYKINS, VIRGINIA 23827 COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON, SOLD SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION, IF ANY, OF THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT In execution of a certa in deed of trust dated 05/09111, in the original principal amount of 2 14, I 72.00 recorded in the County of Southampton, Virginia, as Instrument No . 1100011 62, as amended by an instrument appointing the undersigned as Substitute Trustee, default having occurred in the payment of the Note thereby secured and at the request of the holder, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the building housing the Circuit Court of the COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON, VA located at 22350 Main Street, Courtl and, Virginia, 23837 on August 13, 2014, at 8:30 am , the property described in sai d deed of trust, located at the above address, with improvements thereon and more particu larly described as follows: INSTRUMENT NO 050005188, RECORDED IN SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY, SUBJECT TO RIGHT OF WAY, RECORDED IN BOOK 68, PAG E 433.TERMS OF SALE: Neither the Substitute Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust will deli ver possession of the property to the success ful bidder. The purchaser at the sa le will be required to pay all closing costs. Real estate taxes, water/sewer fee s and other public charges will be prorated as of the date of sa le. The risk of loss or damage to the property passes to the purchaser immediately upon the conclusion of the Substitute Trustee ' s sa le. Terms: A bidder' s deposit of ten percent (I O%)of the sa le price or ten percent price (10%) of the original principal balance of the subject deed of trust, whichever is lower, in the form of cash or certi fi ed fund s payable to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of sa le. The balance of the purchase price will be due within 15 days at the offic e of the Substitute Trustee. Time is of the essence as to the closing date and the payment of the purchase price. If payment of the balance does not occur within fifteen days of the sale date, the deposit will be forfei ted. Seller shall not be responsibl e for any costs incurred by the purchaser in connection with their purchase or settlement, including, without limitation, state and local recording fee s, title insurance or research , or any other costs of purchaser's acquisition. Trustee shall have no duty to obtain possession for purchaser. All ri sks of casualty pass to successful bidder at conclusion of bidding. The property and the improvements thereon will be sold "AS IS" and without representation or warranti es of any kind . The sale is subj ect to all li ens, encumbrances, conditions, easements and restricti ons, if any, superior to the mentioned deed of trust and lawfully affecting the property. Sale is subj ect to post-sale confirmation that the borrower did not fil e for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to the sa le, as we ll as to post-sa le confirmation and audit of the status of the loan wi th the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower(s) entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, the sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser' s so le remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the Purchaser' s deposit without interest. Additional terms to be announced at the sa le. Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, we advi se you that this firm is a debt collector and any informati on obtained will be used for that purpose. The Substitute Trustee is Surety Trustees, LLC, 722 E. Market Street, Suite 203 , Leesburg, V A 20 176. For informat ion contact: Abby Moynihan, McCabe, Wei sberg & Conway , attorney for Substitute Trustee at 301-490-336 1 or www. 14-704241 35 Map & Parcel No. 112A 5 BKI-II DEED OF APPOINTMENT OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE WHEREAS Andrea J. Martel and Brian P. Martel Jr did by Deed of Trust dated May 9, 2011 and recorded among the Land Records of COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON, Virginia, as Instrument No. 110001162 grant and convey to Donald E. Lee, Jr. , Trustee, certain real estate described in said Deed of Trust, in trust to secure to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as Nominee for New American Mortgage, LLC the payment of a Promissory Note of even date therewith ; and WHEREAS said Deed of Trust provides that the holder of the Note shall have the power and authority to appoint by an instrument duly executed, acknowledged and recorded among the Land Records aforesaid, substitute trustees in the place and stead of the trustee(s), named therein ; and WHEREAS Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC is the holder of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust; NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the power and authority contained in said Deed of Trust, the undersigned holder of the indebtedness secured thereby does by these presents appoint SURETY TRUSTEES, LLC, a Virginia Limited Liability Company, whose business address is 722 E Market Street, Suite 203 Leesburg, Virginia 20176, as Substitute Trustee, under said Deed of Trust, in the place and stead of the trustee(s) named therein and also removes any Substitute Trustee or Trustees who may have been previously appointed; and the said Substitute Trustee shall have all the rights, powers and authority, and be charged with all the duties that were conferred or charged upon the trustee(s) named in said Deed of Trust. 14-704241 ~. . " , .0:: : 36 • REF:14-704241 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tpe NOleholder bas caused this instrument to be signed by its duly aUlhorized officer on this ~ day of ~v/I,...L../ ,2014 . ~:k".W;;r!~~L_C____ (SEAL) Thomas Fisher / Vice Preside nt STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ERIE , 10 wit: On this fa'll> day of ~e. , 2014 , before me, the undersigned, personally appeared 7l;omo:; 6'sh and executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes herein contained and acknowledged the same to be the act and deed of the entity named therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal. /V)~ rn IY1 II .J-. I ..LLd-!ASJI. ~. l.!.JI ~ d Notary Public M (0 Ie /'1. J0c.Tid7Jsh Nicole M Mcintosh 01 MC6256195 Notary Public. Stale 01 New York Qualified in Erie County . My commission expires FEBRUARY21sl, 20ik1 My Commission Expires: 2/21/20110 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this document was prepared by the undersigned, who is an attorney onwealth ofYirginia. licensed to practice law in the Co Name: Abby K. Moynihan, Esq. McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC 722 E Market Street Suite 203 Leesburg, YA 20176 (30 I) 490-3361 Bar Number. 79686 Please Record and Return to: McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, LLC 722 E Market Street Suite 203 Leesburg, V A 20176 (301) 490-3361 14-704241 2 37 , • I",ECEIVEO JVI, 2 4 201ttl RECEIVED JUN 2 4 2014 SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.e. ATTOR N EYS A N O CO UN S ELORS AT LAW Virginia, M aryland, W est Virginia, and W ashington, D.C. 5 0 40 Corpor ate W oo d s D ri v e , S u i te 12 0 VIRGI N IA BEACH , VI RGINI A 23 46 2 (75 7) 49 0 -92 8 4 FA X (7 57 ) 497- 28 0 2 June 23, 20 14 THIS NOTICE IS BEIN G PROV IDED P U R SUlJ~T TO VIRGINIA CODE 15.2-979 Chief Administration Officer P.O. Box 400 Courtland. VA 23837 Re: Trustee ' s sale of May 6, 2014 Dear Sir/Madam: Sam uel!. \"'hite, P.e. acted as trustee/substitute trustee in conducting a sale on the below referenced property. Pursuant to Vi rgin ia Code 15.2-979 please fi nd the encl osed pieces of information: 1. Street address of th e Residential Property: 14223 Tucker Swamp Road, Zuni, VA 23898 2. Properry owners: George R. Hurd le 3. Name and contact information of the person filing the notice: Sam uell. \Vhite, P.e., 5040 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 120. Virginia Beach, V A 23462; Phone: 757-4909284 4. Name and address of all owners holding the property as a result of the sale: Branch Banking and Trust Company, P.O. Box 2027, Greenville, SC 29602. Should you require additional informati on please contact our office at the address listed above. S.t\MUEL 1. WHITE, P.C. 38 ATLANTIC TRUSTEE SERVICES, L.L.C. 580 East Main Street, Suite 600 Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Telephone: (757) 321-6454 Fax: (757) 625-5959 'RECE/VED JUN Z 3 2014 June 20 , 2014 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Michael W. Johnson, County Administrator P.O. Box-400 Courtland, VA 23837 RE: Prior Owner: Catherine B. Pittman and Thomas K. Pittman Property Address: 22246 Scottswood Drive, Franklin, Virginia 23851 Our File No.: 108100 Dear Mr. Johnson: This is to advise in accordance with Section 15.2-979, of the Code of Virginia, that a foreclosure sale of the referenced property was conducted on May 07, 2014.The grantee named in the Trustee's Deed is Christopher N. Howell, whose mailing address is 32685 Barnes Church Circle, Newsoms, Virginia 23824. This notification is provided on behalf of Atlantic Trustee Services, LLC, Substitute Trustee. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. Very truly yours, Atlantic Trustee Services, LLC. President 39 ! ';: . , . RECEIVED JUL 2 1 2014 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Marissa J. Levine, Mo, MPH, FAAFP State Health Commissioner John J. Aulbach II , PE Director, Office of Drinking Water DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF DRINKING WATER Southeast Virginia Field Office JUL 1 7 2014 830 Southampton Avenue Suite 2058 Norfolk, VA23510 Phone (757) 683-2000 Fax (757) 683-2007 NOTICE OF VIOLATION SUBJECT: Water SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Kingsdale-Moseley Waterworks PWSID No. 3175461 Ms. Shanda Harper Kingsdale-Moseley Waterworks 4240 Portsmouth Boulevard # 177 Chesapeake, VA 23321 Re: Failure to Distribute Consumer Confidence Report Dear Ms. Harper: This is to advise you that the Kingsdale-Moseley waterworks may be in violation of federal and state drinking water regulations known as the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Rule. According to our records we have not received a copy of your 2013 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), and we do not know if you distributed it to your customers. The rule requires owners of community waterworks to distribute the CCR to customers by July 1,2014. If you have already prepared the CCR and delivered it to your customers, please send us a copy. If you have not prepared the CCR or delivered it, please do so at once. You may be able to avoid further enforcement action if you immediately deliver the required CCR to your customers and send us a copy. We ask that you do this as soon as possible. The CCR Rule also requires that a certification statement be signed and submitted to the state by October 1,2014. We have not received a Certification Statement from you. We would request that you submit the certification form along with the copy of your CCR. A certification form is enclosed for your use. Please let us know if we can assist you in any way. Sincerely, ~L~ Renee S. Hall District Engineer TDIRSHlbjm Enclosure: Certification Form Na'}l'Y Welch, M.D., Acting Director, Southampton County Health Department pc: ~ Michael W. Johnson, County Administrator, Southampton County V.D.H. - Office of Drinking Water R:\D ISnOB\Southampton County\Kingsdale Mosley\NOVs\20 12 08 Kingsdale Moseley CCR NOV.docx V 'f. DHVIRGINIA IJ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Protecting You and Your Environment WWW.VDH.VIRGINIA.GOV 40 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINJIA Mari ssa J. Levine. MD, MPI I, FAJ\FP Stale Il calth Co mmissillner Juhn J. Au lhach II . PE Director. O lli cc of Drink ing Water 830 Southampton Avenue DEPAR TMENT OF H EALTfI OFFICE OF DRINKING WATER Southeast Virginia Field Office Suite 2058 Norfolk, VA235 10 Phone (757) 683 -2000 Fa x (757) 683-2007 JUN 2 7 2014 NOTICE OF VIOLATION SUBJECT: Water SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Southampton High School PWSID No. 3 175740 Mr. Ricky Blunt Director of Auxiliary Services Southampton County Public Schools P. O. Box 96 Courtla nd, Virginia 23837 Re: Exceeding the Primary Maximum Contaminant Level for Total Coliform Bacteria Dear Mr. Blunt: This notice is to advise that you may be in violation of § 12 VAC 5-590-380 of the Waterworks Regulations for exceeding the Primary Maximum Contaminant Level (PMCL) for total coliform bacteria. Our records indicate that water samples collected and anal yzed during the month of May 2014 exceeded the PMCL for total coliform bacteria. Of nine samples collected during May 2014, three indicated the presence of total coliform bacteria. As stated in § 12 V AC 5-590-380 of the Waterworks Regulations, the PMCL for total coliform bacteria is the presence oftotal coliform bacteria in no more than one sample per month. Required Actions Public Notice: According to § 12 VAC 5-590-540 of the Waterworks Regulations this is a Tier 2 situation. You are required to notify consumers that the total coliform PMCL is exceeded, as follows: • You must provide a notice to consumers within 30 days of receipt of this notice. • Your notice to consumers must be posted in conspicuous locations throughout the area served by your waterworks, or mailed or directly delivered to the persons served by your waterworks. • If your waterworks serves consumers who would not be reached by your posted, mailed, or hand-delivered notice, you must also use other distribution methods to provide notice to these consumers as well. For example, such persons may include those who may not see a posted notice because it is not in a location they routinely pass by. Examples of other methods include (but are not limited to) publication ofa notice through a company newsletter, or by E-mail to staff or students. • Posted notices must be posted for a minimum of seven days even if the violation has been resolved, and must remain in place as long as the violation persists. • You must repeat distribution of the notice every three months, for as long as the violation persists. /V"' DHYtRGINtA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Protecting You and Your Environment (J WWW_VDH.VIRGINIA_GOV 41 Mr. Ricky Blunt [JUN 2 7 2014 Page 2 SUBJECT: Water SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY Southampton High School PWSID No. 3175740 Draft Notice: Attached is a draft notice for you to distribute to consumers. You may use this notice as is, or modify it to better meet your situation, as long as the information is accurate and the notice contains all of the required elements and mandated language. If you decide to change the notice, we suggest that you contact this Office to verify that your proposed changes meet the requirements of the Waterworks Regulations. Public Notice Confirmation: Within ten (10) days of completing public notification you must provide this Office with a copy of the notice you distribute, along with signed certification of the distribution completion date and methods used. Failure to distribute public notice and report to the Virginia Department of Health may be a further violation of the Waterworks Regulations. A public notice completion report is enclosed for your use. Follow-up Actions: The distribution system should be flushed and chlorinated. All taps must be opened to ensure that the entire distribution system, including any dead ends are flushed and chlorinated. In addition a total of five routine samples must be collected during June 2014. If the June sample results are satisfactory, the waterworks may resume collecting two samples per month during July 2014. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 113 . Sincerely, ~J~ Renee S. Hall District Engineer RSHlbjm Enclosures: Public Notice Public Notice completion report pc: Dr. Nancy Welch, Acting Director, Southampton County Health Department .,-Mr:·Michael Johnson, County Administrator, Southampton County V.D.H. - Office of Drinking Water \\OdwsevfoldislrictlDlST20BlSouthampton CountylSH High SchoollSAMPLINGRESULTSINOV'slPMCL NOV June 2014.docx 42 eft RECEIVED JUL 0 7 1014 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Marissa J. Levine. MD, MPH , FAAFP Stale Health Commissio ner John J. Aulbach II, PE Director, Office of Drinking Water DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFlCE OF DRlNKING WATER Southeast Virginia Field Office 830 Southampton Avenue ~lIil e 20SR Norfolk, VA23510 Phone (757) 683-2000 Fax (757) 683-2007 JUN 2 7 2014 SUBJECT Water SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY - Boykins-Branchville PWSlD No. 3175100 Mr. Julien Johnson, Director Southampton County Dept. of Public Utilities 24283 Old Bridge Road Courtland, VA 23837 Dear Mr. Johnson: The revised Bacteriological Sample Siting ReportlTriggered Source Water Monitoring Plan for the subject waterworks, received on June 10, 2014, has been reviewed by this Department. The original plan was approved on April 5, 2010. The plan has been revised because one of the original sites (17287 Pittman Road) is no longer accessible. This letter is to advise that following our review the revised site located at 17219 Pittman Road meets the requirements of the Waterworks Regulations and is therefore approved. A copy of the revised plan stamped "approved" is enclosed. The enclosed Report refers to the use of SITE lD NUMBERS to identify approved sampling locations. Please use the Site lD number, or code number, on the bacteriological form submitted with each sample. Identify repeat sample locations by changing the last digit in the number to a U for samples collected upstream of the original sample location, a D for samples collected downstream of the original sample location and an R for the repeat sample at the original sample location. For example: Original sample Repeat sample at same site Sample collected upstream Sample collected downstream Repeat sample collected elsewhere code number = 010 code number = 0 I R code number = OIU code number = 0 I D code number = 0 I E Using these code numbers will help you (and us) keep track of the required bacteriological samples in accordance with the regulations. V,'" U DHVIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Prateding You and Your Environment WWW.VDH.VIRGINIA.GOV 43 Mr. Julien Johnson 'JUN 2 7 2014 Page 2 SUBJECT Water SOUTHANWTONCOUNTY Boykins-Branchville PWSID No. 3175100 If we may be of any assistance to you in implementing the Bacteriological Sample Siting Report and Triggered Source Water Monitoring Plan, please contact Ms. Renee Hall, District Engineer, extension 113. Sincerely, Original signed by Daniel B. Home Daniel B. Home, PE Engineering Field Director RSHlDBHfbjm EnclOSljry/ '"Mr. Michael W. Johnson, County Administrator, Southampton County pc: Dr. Nancy Welch, Acting Director, Southampton County Health Department V.D.H. - Office of Drinking Water R:IDISTIOBlSouthamplon CounlylBoykins·BranchvillelSAMPLINGPLANSlRevised BSSR-TSWMP AL 6-20 I4.docx 44 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA M ari ssa J. Lev ine, MD, MPH. FAA FP State Health Commi ssioner John J. Aulbach 11, PE Director, Office of Drinking Water DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF DRINKING WATER Southeast Virginia Field Office .JUN 2 6 2014 SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY SUBJECT: Water Darden's Mill Estates PWSID No. 3175282T 830 Southampton Avenue Suite 2058 Norfolk, VA 23 51 0 Phone (75 7) 68 3-2000 Fax (75 7) 683-2007 Mr. Davis C. Magette, 1Il 620 Carrington Drive Weston, FL 33326 Dear Mr. Magette: Enclosed please find Temporary Waterworks Operation Permit No. 3 I 75282T, issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Health, Office of Drinking Water with an effective date of June 17,2014 that will expire on June 17,2015 or at any time upon written notice of termination from the State Health Commissioner. This permit is your authorization from the State Health Commissioner to operate the subject waterworks located in Southampton County in accordance with the Waterworks Regulations. The permit contains conditions with which you must comply or risk formal enforcement action for noncompliance. These conditions represent actions that are necessary and required in order to protect public health. This permit is not transferable. This permit does not suspend, minimize, or otherwise alter this owner' s obligation to comply with applicable federal, state, or local laws and regulations or permits. You will note that the permit indicates that this waterworks has a design capacity of 35,200 gallons per day. We look forward to your cooperation in the maintenance and operation of this public waterworks. If you have any questions concerning the permit, please do not hesitate to contact me at the number noted above. Sincerely, ~)JJ-f Renee Hall District Engineer RSHlbjm Enclosure pc: Nancy Welch, MD, Acting Director, Southampton County Health Department ~ichael W. Johnson, County Administrator, Southampton County Mr. Henry Ghittino, DEQ - Tidewater Regional Office V.D.H. - Office of Drinking Water R:\DlST20S\Southampton County\Dardens Mill Estates\OPPERM&DESC\Davis Magette Temp Permit\Transmittal Letter 2013 .doc)( ,V/' 'I DHVIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Protecting You a nd Your Environment WWW.VDH.VIRGINIA.GOV 45
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