(vs | ?-\ NOTICE OF'TRUSTEE OR ST]BSTITUTE TRUSTEEOS SALE l!'-i:n Deed of Trust Date Grannr(s): Original Pryee: Deed of Trust Information: Current Mortgageez Property County: LeSill Descriptioa: May10,2005 r:{-'r\ Jr.!l! rrin r-,',- r": i'1 r-'! ']. lt Ambrosio Crranado and Carmen Granado Homecomings Financial Nefwork, Lnc' Executed May 10, zBl,recorded in the publiclecords of Bell County, Texaso in or under File No. 0001Q704 2013 SWE, LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company Bell County All fiat certain tract or land {together with all improvements fhereon, if any) sibrded in Bell Comty, Texas, being more particularly described as Lot Thirty (30), Btock Seven (7), Twin Lakes Addition in Bell Counry, Texas, as per plat of record in Cabinet A, Slide 295-D Plat Records of Bell County, Texas76513 (more particularly described in &el.oar Documenrc). Date of Sale: May 6,2QI3 Earliest Time $ale will Begin: t0:00 AM Place of $ale of Property: Designated areaby Commissioner's Court of Bell County, king the Bell CountY Courthouse. The Trustee or Substitute Tnrstee will sell the pmperly by the publie auction to the highest bi4der for cash Bt the place and date T€cified: Ttre sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within thrrc (3) hours affer that time' Ac"TIlP 4/ilLITARY sERVI#i No.TIcE The Mortgageg, whose address is: 2013- $WE, LLC, a Texas Limitd Liability Company 6101 Squthwest FwY., Suite 400 Hou$ton, T){77057 D.dted this 15I day of April,}0l4 Hester or Jo Anne Cook or Jose Martinez or Velma Marlinez Truste or Substitute Trustee 610l Sourhwe.* Fu'y, Suite 400, Horstoq fi Afier Recotding Mall To: zqfiSVE,LLC P:o. Baxzlltry_^_. ..^^ 7?057 1 lt ! (ts IL-L:l':lll n1l: r l' -, ijlit - rrl :5 r l, ll public nonjudicial foreclosure sale. Norrcn or ronncr,osunn snlr-il. Notice is hereby given of a l. Propert-v To Be * ' Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: l 517 North l2th Streel Temole. TX 76501-3342 The real property more particularly described on E!!D!tj!!] attoched hereto and made a part hereof, together with the rights, appurtenances and improvements thereto and certain other personal property as more particularly described in the Deed of Trust referenced herein. 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust (herein so called) executed by Jermaine D. Martln and Le Keisha D. Martin ("Borrower") to Julie Pettit, Trustee for the benefit of READy MORTGAGE CORP., covering the property described above. The Deed of Trust is dated May 21,2013, and is recorded under Instrument # 20130024715 ofthe Real Property Records ofBELL County, Texas. 3. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and place: Date: Mey 6,2014 (the first Tuesday of said Month) Time: The sale shall begin no earlier than 10:00 A.M or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: The sale wlll take place at the BELL County Courthouse at the place designated by the BELL County Commissioner's Court (if no such place is so designated, the sale will take place in the area where this Notice is posted) The Deed of Trust permits the beneficiary to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for another day. tn that case, the trustee or substitute trustee under the Deed of Trust need not appear at the date, time, and place of a scheduled sale to announce the postponement, withdrawal, or rescheduling. Notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and re{iled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements ofthe Texas Property Code. Such reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. 4. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the provisions of the Deed of Trust permitting the beneficiary thereunder to have the bid credited to the note up to the amount ofthe unpaid debt secured by the Deed of Trust at the time of sale. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay cash on the day the property is sold. The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Deed of Trust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Deed of Trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent ofsuch matters ifany. Pursuant to the Deed of Trust, the beneficiary has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part ofthe property. Pursuant to section 51.009 ofthe Texas Property Codg the property will be sold in 'AS IS' WHERE IS" condition, without ony express or implied warranties, except as to the (if any) provided for under the deed of trust Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the pfopeny. warranties of tltle Pursuant to section 5 1.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the ffustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by the trustee ot any substitute trustee. 5' Tweof Sale. The sale is a nonjudicial deed of tnrst lien and security interest foreclosure sale being conducted pursuant to the power ofsale granted by the Deed ofTrust. 6. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness and obligations therein described (collectively the "Obligations") including but not limited to (a) the unpaid principal and interest owing on that certain note (the "Note") dated Moy 21, 2013, in the original principal amount of $501657.91, executed by Borrower, and payable to the order of READY MORTGAGE CORP.; (b) and all renewals, modifications and extensions of the note. ; and (c) any and all present and future indebtedness of Borrower to READY MORTGAGE coRP. READY MORTGAGE coRP. is the current owner and holder of the Note and the Obligations and is the beneficiary under the Deed of Trust. READY MORTGAGE CORP. is also the current Lender (Mortgagee) Servicer of the Note. Questions conceming the sale may be directed to the undersigned or to the beneficiary: READY MORTGAGE CORP. Shanna Kolp 401 W. Presldent George Bush Hwy,Ste.l09 Attention: Richardson, Texas 75080 Telephone: (972) 421-1990, ext. 103 7. Default and Reouest To Act. Default has occurred under the Deed of Trust, and the beneficiary has requested me, as, Substitute Trustee, to conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the beneficiary may appoint another person €rs substitute trustee to conduct the sale. DATED: April 15,2014 l18SEastStreet Belton, TX 765l 3 Phone: (254) 939-1818 Assert and protect vour riehts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. or vour sDouse are servins on active If vou militarv dutv. includinq active mllitarv dutv as a member of the Texas Nadonal Guard or the Natlonal Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comoonent of the armed forces of the Unlted States. please send written notice of the active dutv milltarv servlce to the sender of this notice immedlatelv. EXHIBIT "A" 5l7 North l2th Streel Temole. TX 76501-3342 Property Legal Description The North Twenty-Flve Feet (N. 25') of Lot Three (3) and the South Twenty- Five Feet (S. 25') of Lot One (1), Block Four (4), of HAWKES ADDITIONAL, to the City of Temple, BELL County, Texas, according to plat of record in Volume 77, Page 243, of the Deed Records of Bell County, Texas. VLct& v A 49-49-6-1046248 CITTMORTGAGE, rNC. (CMD PETERKIN, CHRISTOPIIER AND DENISE 5419 DONS'IRAtr TEMPLE, TX 76502 OurFile Number: 13-013823 NCITICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on May 24,2OA1 , CHRISTOPHER M. PETERKIN AND DENISE M. PETERKIN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, as Grantor(s), executod a Deed of Trust corveying to TOMMY J. WALLACE, as Trustee, the Real Estate hereinafter descTibed, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INc., AS NOMINEE FoR FIRST NATIoNAL BANK TEXAS DBA FIRST COMMUNITY MORTGAGE in payment of a debt therein described. The Deed of Trust was filed in the real property records of BELL COUNTY, TX and is recorded under Clerk's File/Instmment Number 00023823, to which reference is herein made for all prrposes. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the paymort of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder has requosted to sell said property to satis$ said indebtodness; WHEREAS, the undersigned has been appointed Substifirte Trustee in the place of said original Tnrstee, upon contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trus! and NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ur TUESDAY, May 6, 2014 belween ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning not earlier than 10:00 AM or not later than three hours thereafter, I will sell said Real Estate at the Coun{ Courthouse in BELL COUNTY, TX to the highest bidder for cash- The sale will be conducted in the area of the Courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court, of said county, pursuant to Section $5 I .002 of the Texas Property Code as amended; if no area is designated by the Commissicners' Cour! the sale will be conducted in the area immediately adjacent (next) to the location where this Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. Said Real Estate is described as follows: [n the County of Bell, State of Texas: LOT ONE (I),IN BLOCKTWO (2), OF WEST RIDGE SUBDIVISION, PFIASE VIII,AN AMENDING REPI/,7 OF WEST RIDGE SUBDTVISION, PHASE VII, IN TIIE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PI.A.T OF RECORD IN CABINET C. SLIDE 2I7.D.PI-AT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. Property Address: 5419 DONS TRAIL Mortgage Servicer: Noteholder: TEMPLE, TX765O2 CITIMORTGAGE. INC. CITIMORTGAGE. INC. IOOO TECHNOIOGY DRIVE O'FALLON, MIS SOURT 63368 -2240 The Mortgage Servicer is audrorized to represent the Noteholderby virtre of a servicing agreemont with the Noteholdor. Pursuant to the Sewicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $51.0025, the Mutgage Servicer I [o administer any reulting foreclosure of the property securing the above referenced SUBSTI CINDY JARRARD OR JOANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR RICHARD ZAVALA. JR. c/o Shapiro Schwartz, LLP 5450 N\ r Central Drive, Suite 307 Houston. TX77092 (713)462-2565 Y>E l ?-q SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC- (SPS) JOHNSON, JENNILYN 2906 T.AhITANA DRIVE, KIIJ.EEN, TX 76542 CO].WENTIONAL NOTTCEOFTRUSTEE'SSALE :- . WHEREAS, on August3l, 2fi}6, JENNILYNJOHNSON, A SINGLEWOMAN, as Grantor(s), executed a Deed of Trust conveyilg to CALVIN C. MANN, JR., as Trugee, the Real E$ate hercinafier described, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR EQUIFIRST CIfRPORATION in payment of a debt therein described. The Deed of Trust was filed in the real property records of BELL COUNTY, TX and is recorded under Clerk's Fileilnstrurnent Number Ml6Ol Volume 6184, Page 418, to wtich reference is herein nrde for all purposes. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payrnent ofsaid indebnedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder has requested to sell said property to satisfy said indebtedness; WHEREAS, the undersigned has be€n appointed Substiturc Trustee in the place ofsaid original Trustee, upon contingency and in the rnanner ad.horized by said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on TIIESDAY, May 6, 2O14 between ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning not earlier than lO:0O AM or not lat6r than three hours thereafter, I will sell said Real Estate at the County Courthouse in BELL COUNTY, TX to the higheS bidder for cash. The sale will be conducted in the area of the Courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court" of said cornty, pusuant to Section $51.0O2 of the Texas hoperty Code as amended; if no area is desiglated by the Commissioners' Court the sale will be c'onductcd in the sea imediately adjaccnt (next) to the localion where this Notice ofTrustee's Sale was posted. Said Real Esate is described as follorr's: In the County of Bell, State of Texas: I'T FIVE (5), IN BI'CK SEVEN (7), OF SUN CHASE ESTATES, PHASETHREE IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TD(AS, ACCORDING TO TIIE PIAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SUDE T8$C, PI-AT RECORDS OF BF:T.I, COUNTY, Property Address: Mortgage Servicer: Noteholden 2906 TMAS. IANTANA DRTVE KILLEEN. TX16g2 SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. U.S- BANK NATIONAL ASSOCTATION, AS TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OFTITEASSET BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES Rrc 2O('-HE1 3815 SOUTH WEST TEMPLE SALT TA.KE CITY, UTAH 84I 15 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Noteholder by virtne ofa servicing agreemetrt with the Noteholder. Rrrsuant to autluiad ollecgfre debt mfl to the Servicing Agrement and Texas Property Code S51.0O25, the Mrxtgage administer any resulting foreclcure ofthe property securing the above referenced a lJLrf,.!-., SUBSTITT-ITETR CINDY JARRARD OR JOANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR RICIIARD ZAVAI,A, JR. clo Shapiro Schwartz LLP 5450 NW Central Drive, Suite 3(I/ Houston, TXT7O92 {fr3\62-2X;5 W(tE NOTICE OF F'ORECLOSUR.E SALE 1 follows: Property to Be Sold. The property (..property") to be sold is described as Being part of Lot one (l), Btock rwo (2), Gorden Fried Deveropment No. 2, Harkel Heights, Bell county, Texas, per plat of record in cab-inllt, bria" 35-A, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, together with all i*pr""i_i"", fixtures, and appurtances thereto, including all equipmerrt property related thereto and being more particurarly described "ia"oiirl-o"r on:B.nrii, "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. 2. lnstrument to Be Foreclosed. The insrument to be foreclosed is the deed of trust described more fully as follows: rrus! a1d security Agreerent dated December zrzoos, executed by vrsHAL PROPERTTES, LTD., a Teys limited parfnership -Jg"gor, conveying the property in trust to GHARLES r. DoyLE, ", I'ATRrEf F. DOYLE' DENNIS R BETTrsoN, DARRETL A. APFFEL or MTcHAEL J. GUARTNO, as trustees, for the benefit of rExAs FrRsr gaNr (sBeneliciary'), recorded under Volurre 5923, Page 796 and Clerk's File Iys. Deed of 056629 of the Real Property Records, Bell county, Texas. (..Deed of Trust') 3. Date, Time, and Place af Sale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and place: Date: MAY 6,2A14 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than l0:{x} A.M thereafter. or no later than three hours Place: Bell county Justice complex, 1201 Huey Dr., Belton, Texas, at the following location: In the county clerk's alcovg as curently designated by Bell county, Texas for real property foreclosnres. The Beneficiary may posgone, withdrar+', or reschedule the sale for another day. In tbat Trustl3ed not appear at the date, time, ani place of a scheduled sale to annonnce the postpoaement, withdrawal, or rescheduling. Notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosr.rre sale will be reposted and re{iled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements of the Texas Property Code. The reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. case, tlre substitute trustee under the Deed of Notice of Foreclosure Sale IJd., mongagor Texas First Bank, Beneficiary Vish-al Properties, page I of3 4. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public aucdon to the highest bidder FoR CASH, subiect to the provisions of the Deed of Trust pe-rmifting tn" n"rr"nclary thereunder to have the bid credited to the note (as defined in Section o. U"fo*Jlriilit" u*o*, of the unpaid debt secured by the Deed of rrust at the time of sale. Those desiring topwchase the Property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay their bid immediately IN CASH if their bid is accepted. The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Deed of Trust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily U" *"a" ,"i:ect to all prior matters of record affecting the Property, if any, to the extent that tley ."-ui' in tor"" *d effect and have not been subordinated to the Deed of Trust. ProspectivJ bi$;;; are strongly wged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature ana of such matters, if any. ""teot Pursuant to the Deed of Trust, the Beneficiary has the right to direct the substitute trustee sell to the Property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 5L009 of the Texas Property Code, the Property will be sold in .,as is, is" condition, without any express or implied warantieso except as to the warranties of title (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the natrue mdptryscal condition of the property. where Pursuant to section 51.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the substitute trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for condueting the sale. Any such further cond^itions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale ofthe day held by the substitute tmstee. 5. Type ofSale. The sale is a non-judicial deed oftrust lien foreclosure sale being conducted pursuant to the pox'er of sale granted by the Deed of Trust executed by VISHAL PROPERTIES, LTD,, e Texas limited partnership, as indicated below. 6. of Obligatiow Secured. The Deed Trust secures the payment the indebtednesses and obligations therein descdbed (collectively, the "Obligations') including but not limited to (a) note fNotd) dated December 2,2005, in the original principal of the of oNE MILLION flIREE HLTNDRED TwENTy-sEvEN THOUSAND AND 00i100 DOLLARS ($1J27,000.00), executed by vrsHAL pRopERTIEs, LTD., a Texas limited partnership, and payable to the order of TEXAS EIRST BAIYK and (b) all renewals and extensions of the Note. TEXAS FIRST BANK is the current owrrer and holder of the Note and Obligations and is the current Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust. amount 7. Pursuant to the Deed of Trus! Beneficiary made, constituted and appointed in writing, RONALD A. MURRAY, KYLE L. DrcKsoN, AI{GELA CARTER, ioarwn COOK MICHELLE JONES' TUTHER TOUNGATE, CINDY JARRAD, RICHARD ZAVLLZ, JR.' STE\rEN SIMMONS, KIM LEIrNE& FAYE PECHT, LILA O. PECIIT. Notice of Foreclosure Sale Visbal Properties, Ltd., mortgagor Texas First Ban\ Beneficiary page 2 of3 MICHAEL MADDING, JILL MCIIOLS' or MEAGIIAN LAMONTE, as substiture rmstees in that certain Appointment of Substitute Trustee dated March 3 2014; a" tl po*., of "*"r"i.-" saie under the Deed of Trust forthe purpose of enforcing the collection of the OUfig"ti"rr. 8. Default and Request to Act. Default ha.c 6scrx?ed under the Deed of Trust, and although dernand was made upon VISIIAL PROPERTIS$ LTD., , -i;. Iimited partnership' the default was not cured, and the Beneficiary has requested the suUstitute rrusrees to conduct this sale- Notice is given that before the sale the Benefici".y uppoint other -y substitute trustees to conduct the sale. Questions concerning the sale may be directed to the attention of Substitute Trustee, Kyle L' Dickson, c/o Murray I Lobb, PLLC, at 700 Gemini, suite number (281) 488-0630. 115, Houston, t"ru. ilasg,phone c/o Murray lLobb, PLLC 700 Gemini, Suite 115, Texas 77058 Harris County, Texas Notice of Foreclosure Sale Vishal hoperties, Ltd., mortgagor Texas First Bank, Beneficiary page 3 of3 I Exhibif A lur=Iil-fr! rfe U .H Cr* t: rffi-ElG$.ofe,rqdhf flrtb ?crr:ldrcF4celVtEhilk q6lti!!d'l{ 3tI 6t, ffif$.#i' di*lt*'aad&Eof';Eca rrE-lEEcEil "ffiE?Efr{Strffi,trffiEffi* ur irr'e5{-ldorG;fr E .Ecdru g " *,' :tlf TEr.Cl Krh s r rxt &iH#.H?E*ddtd't'Fta&a,ea'#,'p.r(Er!ag.rc rriEDur $. r?' !0' sr! w- rt'ra gifft r'.rrr fr-ff##o s4 lo r.l,r lu d*e a e 4tiiii'r4.nr r''.b 3.t6'fyy ="Sqf cp rumgd rrusilc xnr^mr t'f, b r ura Fr Dr ri, Fon' -r,*A'Eoc:*,u'a.r a. br f4&lbrrcpdCqCiq.iat€ t,tl, trlidbi a Tiavelodge, Equipment List 48 -.Microwayeiovens 40'-' ggest roo m -refiigerato rs 5&-'liUns 50 -'Fiairdryers - lroning boards - 2:1" Flat screen T\Xs 48. - TvlRefrig/Micro Armoires 48 - Desks 52 - Desk chairs 50 - Ctock nadios 5O 50 - Lounge chairs. - Ottomans 48 - Desk Lamps 73 - Nightstands 48 '50 - 75 96 50 46 24 50 - Night:stand lamps Artwork framed mirrors Queen she bed$rylattress/box springs King s2erbedslh'attress/box springj Towef shelVes 53 - Card reader door tilcks 1- ?A. cu fi Re{r.igerator/p'antry 20 cu.ft Frbezer 1 - lce machihe 2-37',LCD TV's 1 - 42" LCD TV - IndustfialWasher - Industdal Dryer 5 - S.helving units/taundry qtorage room 3 - Housekeeping carts 4 - Bfeakfast tables 16 - BreaKast chairs 1 - Dellcomputer/Business Center syites telbphone system w roorn, office, and fro.nt desk phones J - llillp 1 - UniVrdrs€itgy[i. 1 - Elliptical trainer 1 1 1 (ve I Lu, Current Borrower: MHA File Number: VA/FHA/PMI Number: ERIC DARBY, AND SPOUSE BRANDI DARBY TX-14-22188-FC VA Loan Type: Property Address: 42OI TIDAL WAVE DR. KILLEEN. TX76549 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRT]STEE SALE Deed of Trust Date: 312v2006 Grantor(s)/Mortga gor(s): ERIC DARBY, AND SPOUSE BRANDI DARBY Beneficiary/Mortgagee: Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC SYSTEMS, INC. MERS IS A SEPARATE CORPORATION THAT IS ACTING SOLELY AS A NOMINEE FOR ASPIRE FINANCIAL INC. DBA TEXASLENDING.COM Original Recorded in: Property County: Volume: 6013 Page: 251 Instrument No: 013520 Mortgage Servicer: M&T Bank is representing the Current Benefi ciarylNlortgagee under a servicing agreement BELL Mortgage Servicer's Address: I Fountain Plaz4 Buffalo, NY 14203 with the Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee. Legal Description: LOT EIGHTEEN (18), IN BLOCK FIVE (5), OF CONDOR VALLEY PHASE ONE, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C. SLIDE I84.D. PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. Date of Sale: 5/6/2014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: l0:00 AM Place of Sale of Property: THE ruSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS. OR IN T}IE AREA DESIGNATED BY T}IE COMMISSIONER'S COURT. PURSUANT TO SECTION 51.002 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. Toungate or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Richard Zavala" Jr. or Cole D. Patton or Melissa A. McKinney or Karl Terwilliger McCarthy, Holthus & Ackerman, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West 15th Street, Suite 1060 Plano, TX 75075 (-<rT+ NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BELL County Deed of Trust '. Dated:Decembe|2g,2[O| .. '. -:' '."' Amount: $91,503.00 Grantor(s): TONI L HARRIS HUNTER and VINCENT B HUNTER Original Mortgagee: FAIRWAY INDEPENDANT MORTGAGE CORPORATION D/B/AADVANTAGE HOME LOANS Curent l{ortgagee: CITIMORTGAGE, lNC. Mortg8gee Addrc6s; CITIMORTGAGE, lNC., 1000 Technology Drive, O Fallon, MO 63368 Recording lnformation: Document No. 2008{0050652 Legal Description: LOT FOUR (4), BLOCK Elcl'fT (8), MORGAN'S POINT RESORT Clry, SECTION 16, A SUBDIVISION tN BELL COUNTY. TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABTNET A, SLIDE 249-A, B & C, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNry, TEXAS. Date of Sale: May 6, 2014 between the hours of 10:00 am. and 1 :00 PM. Earl'reet Time Sale Vllill Begin: '10:00 am place of Sale: The foreclosure ssle will be conducted at public venue in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 oflhe Texas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted- CINDY JARRARD OR \A/ES WHEAT OR ISRAEL CURTIS OR PHILLIP PIERCEALL OR STEPHEN MYERS OR COLETTE MAYERS OR CLAY GOLDEN OR JEFF STANSBERRY OR JOHN SISK OR WAYNE \A/I-IEAT OR SARA EDGINIGTON OR DAVID ACKEL OR SCOTT SIA,ENSON OR JAROD HAMM OR DUSTIN EMANUELE OR RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGETA CARTER OR LUTHER TOUNGATE have been appointed as substitute Trustee(s), ('substitute Trustee') each empowered to act independently, in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust. The Substitute Trustee will selt the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. lf the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a retutn of the funds paid. The Purchaset shall have no further re@urse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attomey. NOTtcE tS FURTHER GTVEN that, except to the extent that the substitute Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to wanant title to the property under the terms of the Deed of Trust, conveyance of the Property shall be made 'AS lS' 'W{ERE lS' without any representaiionj and wsrranties whatsoever, express or imptied, and subject to all mafters of record affecting the Property- HUGHES, WATTERS & ASI(ANASE, L.L.P 333 Clay, Suite 2900 Houston, Texas 77002 Reference: 2014-01 7358 2Ol4-011358aje MYERS OR COLETTE MAYERS OR CLAY GOLDEN OR JEFF STANSBERRY OR JOHN SISK OR WAYNE WHEAT OR SARA EDGINIGTON OR DAVIDACKEL OR SCOTTS\A/ENSON OR JAROD HAMM OR DUSTIN EMANUELE OR RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA CARTER OR LUTHER TOUNGATE c/oAUCTION.COM, LLC 1 Mauchly lrvine. Calitornia 92618 Vt-s ILq NONCE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE ./ tl, ;:r" I ii BELL County Deed of Trust: Dated: March 30, 2007 Amount $110,500.00 Granto(s): AIMANDA BENNETT and CHRISTOPHER LARSSON Original Mortgagce: WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK Curent Mortgagee: CITIBANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR WAMU ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, WAMU SERIES 2007-HE4 Mortgagee Servicer and Addrcss: c/o J. P. MORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 3415 Vision Drive, Columbus, OH 43219 PuFuant to a SeMcing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the SeNiong Agreement and Seclion 51 .0025 of tf€ Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and tb administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced property Recording Information: Document No. 20074001 51 00 Legal Description: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT'A.\Mtereas, an Order to Proceed with Expedited Foreclosure under the Texas Rule Civil Procedure 736 was entered on January 8, 2014 under Cause No. 266465-8 in the 146TH Judicial Districl Court of BELL County, Texas Date of Sale: May 6, 2014 between the hours of 10:00 am. and 1 :00 PM. Eartiest Time Sale Will Begin: 1O:00 am Place of Sale: The foreclosure sale will be conducled at public venue in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale wili be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. RICHARD ZAVALA. JR- ORLUTHER TOUNGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA CARTER have been appointed as Substitute Trustee(s), ('Substitute Trustee') each empowered to act independently, in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust. The Substitute Trustee will sell the Property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the eadiest time stated above or within three (3) hours after thal time. lf the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a tetum of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. NOTICE lS FURTHER GIVEN that, except to the extent that the Substitute Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the-Mortgagors to warrant title to the Property under the terms of the Deed of Trust, conveyance of the Property shall be made 'AS lS' 'WHERE lS' without any representations and warranties whatsoever, express or implied, and subiect to all matters of record affecting the Property. HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE, L.L.P. 333 Clay, Suite 2900 Houston, Te><as 77002 Reference: 201 3-009289 JARRARD OR JO ANGELACARTER c/o Service Link 7301 N. Hwy 161, Ste.305 lrving, Texas 75039 TE OR CINDY OR MICHELLE JONES OR Exhibit "A" Bcinga0.261rretnnoflrndhltg.Uoflrt6Tdt1119.fF ?:Bl"1^lf"tlrircFinrExunrion mct bciog thc sansrs rccordcd in Crbiaa /\ ilid. f OilB, n Rlcot& oiAcU Cou*y.,T"t.q 31id 2{l' Deo6 Rccords o( Pcgc SgUl, Votrmi ptqiy-"rrrn4to Cirt$o,h,n B. t1,$dr .t...o.0"4 U lollowt rs dc*ribcd fulb norr bairg a." B."t 0.26t raid Co"ny,'rqrr; iLti * SECINI{INC rr r l/2'' iroo tqd ftxnd ir tbc Norrb nrgin of E Youry Awnuq Jdd tod Hnf-lo K' Souh linc of rlid lot 7, 1rd b:ing bc $ortwcf cone1 o[ e rncr oi trtrd coveycd to {gity.in bclni Southcrst 6c rccoldr. ud dd Orhrn Hrir u reordcd in Volrrnc-t0!3. P4: 179. uidcorrory corrrr ol rri{ t3gm tncl, fc thc Sogrbcert coracr of tbhcrGin &tedbcd lectl 02. ll, 99.1? let - &d) uirb r]rcNonb nrrgin of N ?tr 08 0,1. \[,, 99.3? f.a rrr ?t E- Ydng Avgntc. rlro South tirc sf Jrid l,.ot ? ad t ot 6, |I|d $c 3dr6 tino of sdd Lurroo mct to rccordcd in prpc bcing drc Sorrhanr cors of l,rt ?, Bloct t, Belleirc %" iron-prpc fourd, 6, sd b.in3 of |rid Catrina eorny pla rocordl, triog thc Sqdrwcst concr SfiO. f 05-e, urcq docribod lscin rbc ccnrr Souhwcot of ulcq corna thc Sorrlbwclt oflid Lgssolr for 8. ?llEltcL ii lid iii tr 8 bt I dd) E, t l0.lt flGt (N t5'27' 11' E, tIO.Nlu -ntero'f;c g. | 0f ?, of EtwL rrid tn \{itb tirra thr Eld rrid Avcauc, of Yqrrrg Nodh nlrgin Bcllailt,the Wcrr linc of reU far 6, and thr Wcn lino of 6c bnia ddcribad tr*t to r %'iroa Pipc forrnd in rn rtlcy , rrrd pipo bairg thc NonhcO corocr ol dd t ot ? , Bloch t of Bellritg tho lbnbwst conrcr of reid tor 6' sltd thc Nontrutst concr of l.id l-ursr trrt' fol thc Notd|wcrt ocasr of tha hercin dccribcd rrct: TI{ENCE, N tto 2?' dgrn$ *$ .4' b*gp THENCII !t 5tf" 54'01" E. lOl.00 f*r (S 69'51'\ar E, l$.tlla - tud) withttra Soud mr4in of nid rllcy, rbc North linc of rrid Lot 6 rnd la ?.6c Nort tirta of rsid l,uson &Bt' rld lbt Nofih finc of thc hcrcin dcacribed urat !o a '4" iron rod hud in tlp Noft line of said lat ?. s.id rod bcin3 thc Nodhscrt cotrcr of thl rbovc ncruiorcd Hdr urt. rnd iltc Northcrn cotnc of raid lrrrroa Urst' for 6c Nonbcut colu of tbc Dcr:in dc*tibcd rgct THnNcE's l9i'?.14..W.199.41 ha1370,0|'f n','09.1'fca-dcd)cmr:irrg."id !11,*iF g3 lrfc*r linc of srid ltair uast, bc E61 linc of rri6 l-rnron trcq nrd thc Errt linc of thc krcia ol [?33. dcrcribcd n rhe PLACE Up IEGINNING, cortainins 0.261 acrcs of lrod, nop t\ n' VLS tLq r-:! r-i- ''"r i'..-r-,,'l NONCE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE ll t1- BELL County Deed of Trust: Dated: August 10,2OO7 Amount: $78,818.84 Grantor(s): GLORIAJACKSON and WLBURN JACKSON Original lrortgagee: CITIFINANCIAL, INC Current Mortgagee: CITIFINANCIAL SERVICING LLC Mortgagee Address: CITIFINANCIAL SERVICING LLC, 300 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD 21202 Recording Information: Document No. 200700036902 Legal Description: SEE EXHIBIT'A" V\thereas, an Order to Proceed with baedited Foreclosure under the Texas Rule Civil Procedure 736 was entered on August 21, 2013 under Cause No. 26467$C in the 169TH Judicial District Court of BELL County, Texas Date of Sale: May 6, 2014 between the hours of 10:00 am. and 1 :00 PM. Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 am Place of Sale: The foreclosure sale will be conducted at public venue in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where forectosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducled at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. ORLUTHER TOUNGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA CARTER have been appointed as Substitute Trustee(s), ('Substitute Trustee') each empowered to act independently, in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust. The Substitute Trustee Wll sell the Property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at lhe place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stiated above or within three (3) hours afrer that time. lf the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a retum of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. NOTICE lS FURTHER GIVEN that, except to the extent that the Substitute Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to wanant title to the Property under the terms of the Deed of Trust, conveyance of the Property shall be made 'AS lS' 'W{ERE lS' without any representations and warranties whatsoever, express or imptied, and subject to all matters of record affecting the Property. HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE, L.L.P 333 Clay, Suite 2900 Houston, Texas 77002 Reference: 201 3-000952 RICHARD JARMRD OR JO ANGELA CARTER c/o Service Link 7301 N. Hwy 161, Ste.305 lMng, Texas 75039 I EXTIII}ITA ALLT?TATCERT-AIN LOTTRACTOR PARCEI. OF LqND OUl'OF ANP IJEINC A PART OFTI-IE H.}i. }'ALCH SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO, 976 AND THE LANL) HEREIN DESCRIBED BEING A PAR'I'OFTHAT CER'I}IIN'TRACT DIISCITIRED AS 2?.? ACRBS]N A PARTITTON DI'IJI] FROM H.D. WOFI.()RD I:'I'AL'rO EA('II OTI{ER, SAID DEED BF,INC OF RE(NRD IN VOI-UME 5I4. PAGF,5O.1. DF.FID I*CORDS OF BELL COUI,JTY. TDil\S. BECINNINC AT A POINT IN THE CF.N'I'L.R OFLI]'TLE ELJI' CREEK FOR TI{E SOUTHEAST CORNER OF III.S AND.I'Hfl SOUTHEASTCORNER OF SAID I}ALCH SURVEY.'I'HENC}I WI'TH 'I'IIF. TENTF,R OFTHESAID UTTLE ELM CREEK'NID PRINCIPAI- Ct'ORDS OI: WIJICIt N RI: AS FOLtrCIWS: N. 2 DEG 52'E., 149,1 EEgf AND N. sfi DliC. 38'8.. t$4.7 FEET i'o ,\ POINT W]TTI TTIE IT.TTERSIjL*IIO.\* OF FARi{-'TO.MARKLT RC)AD NO..I]IJ. THUNCU S. 76 DEC.56'W..5{ITi.? I.ljET WI'I'H'T'HE SOUTH LINE OF FARM.TO. MARKET ROAD NO. 43$ TO ITS INTERSECTION WrH ]}IN SOIJTH I.INE OF THI1 SAID 2?.? ACRE TRACT, AN IRON FIPE lN A t;t:.NCt, t.tNE FOR -fl ili t\r()s-rWESTERLY CORNER OFTHIS. THENCE S. ?2 DEC. 34'L..44J.6 I-EEI' WII'I-I THE SAIDSOTIIHLINEOF THET7,7 ACRETRACT TO THE PLACE. OF tsEGINNINC. coNTAININc 1.29 ACRES oF IAND. sAvE A).tD EXCEpT: BEtNc rl.2o or- oNr: ACRE OF LAND, MORE OR I qSS, SAME BE|N$ OUT OF AND pART OF Tt.tA.l CERTAIN I".29 ACRE TRACT OUT OF TH E I{. I]. BA IrI I SU RVUY, A IISI'IIA('I' NO, 976. W}IiCH I.29ACRES WAS CONVEYED B}'J,H. WOFFORD. bI'UX OLNN WOFFORD 1'O WILBURN JACKSON, JR BY WARRANTY DEEII DATED JULY 14. 1962 RECORDED I|f VOLUME S52, PACE ?70 Oi: THE DEID R'JCORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. V/II]CH O.?O OF ONE,,\(.]RE IS I\,I(}RE PARII(]TJLARI.Y DESCRIBED AS FoLtowS: BECINN|NC Nf A potNT tFl'r'il{r. Ct1N.ft1;t {)F t.tTt.t.n ELM CREEIq .sATD POINT BEING IN T}{E SOLII'I{ RICTIT OF WA}'OF LXIS'{.I].{(; TM4f8, SAID POINTAL9O I}EIN(; S. IJ I]RG. 53'E.. 3.5 FEET RIC[.IT FROM CENTERUNE STATION 88 DEG 30'OF PROPOSED FM 45$.-I-}IENCE DOWN SAIT) bLM (NEEK S. 20 DFC, 20'W.,30.J3 FEETTO A POIN'I'IN TI{E SOTITH RICi{.{ OF wAY OF PROPOSED FM 43E, SAID pOtNT FEINC S I j DEc. .rj. li., r,il FLFT f..tt()}/t CENTERLINESTATIOIri g8 DEc. 13' oF pRopos[D FM r3$: sourH Rrcm'oF wAy LINE Or pROpOsF-D irur +rt S- ?6 Tl t[N{.8 wl]1 | DF.G. {)7'\\,_. ll:.rj Fr1h,-f TO A PON'I OFCIJRVATURF.; THENCE AtOl.rC A CURVL TO l.t{E W AND S ri7 DEG 4E MIN W AT'I'HE BLGINNTNG ,UP ErIU. RESPE(TIVELY. A DISlA.\(:I-: OF 245.85 FEETTO A POINT tN THr: NORTl.f I.INE OI: JACKSON TiiN (T. SAII) POIN'I Also llElNc s 2 DEc t2 MrN E FROM carrr'n:nuxri .sTn]roN .{f r)r;(;. 6i.{.r oN PROPOSED FM 4lt; ]'HENCF. wrnrl*CiSON nOX.rrr LtNb N .io D€(j {}? tvuN F 48?-3t FtFf To ]'HE PLACE OF ItECtNNtNC rrxr: coNTAtNING 0-1il oF oNr.. ACRg, MORE, OR I.ESS. (>s tzb TS# 2013-06240 Notice of [Substitutel Trustee Sale r m€mbcr of the rrmcd forccs of the Unitcd Strtes. tf vou tre or yogr soogsc is rffying milltgrv dutv. includine ective militery dutv rs e membcr of,tbe Tex$ Nrtiof,d Gurrd or thc Nttibntl.Gurrd of another strtc or 13 a m€mltcr of I rcs€rve coBpotr€nt of thc rrm.d forcrs of thc Unlt€d St tes. Dlcasc sc|td'writtcr peticG of thc active d||tv militrrv s€rvice to th,e sctrdcr of tbi$ loticc imm€dirtelv. Asscn ard orotcct voltr risb8 es on rctlve l. Dete,Timc, andPlaceofSele,. D*e: 516t2014 Time: The sale will begil at 10:00 AM or not later than three hours after that time Plrce: Bell County Justice Complex, l20l Huey l)rive, Belton, TX 76513 - Bell County Clerks Alcove to the East of Mein Entrance of the BeIl County Jurtice Complex OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COI"'NTY COMMISSIONERS 2. Terms of Sale: Cash 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed: The Instrument to be foreclosed is the deed of tnrst or Contract Lien dated l2n0?Oll and recorded in Document 201144539 reat property records of Bell county Texas, with Jermifer J. Claypool an unrnarried woman granto(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS.INC AS NOMINEE FOR FAIRWAY INDEPENDENT MORTGAGE CORPORATION..ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as Beneficiary. Property Addrcss: 903 FREEDOM CT, TEMPLE, TEXAS 76502 5. Obligetion Sccured: Deed of Trust of Contract Licn executed by Jermifer J. Clalpool ao unmarried woman securing the payment of the indebtcdms in tlre original principal amormt of $110,155.00, and obligations therein described including bul not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals ard extensions of the promissory note. Ocwen llan Servicing, LLC is tlre curreirt mortgagee of the nore and tbe deed oftrust or contract lierr. 6. Property to be sold: Ttre property to be sold is described as follows: LOTS ELEVEN (II), BLOCK THREE (3), FREEDOM VILLAGE, A SUBDIYISION IN THE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RSCORI} IN CABINET C, SLIDE 399-8, PLAT R.ECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. TS# 2013-06240 7. Mortgrge Servicer Information: The Mortgage Service is authorized to represent tk Mortgagee by virtue of a sewicing agreemeot with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agrecfilcnt and Texas Property Code g51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien secrring the p'roperty referenced above. Ocwen Loen Servicing' LLC., as Mortgage Scrvicer, is reprgenting the current rnodgage€, whose address is: C/o Ocwen loan Serviclog LLC 166l Worthington Rd., Suite llX) \ilest Palm Beach, FL 334Ut 1-682{{nO n-.,/1 ?---' ftot* brl : Cr,**t"tn^ttWcs Wheat, Stepbefl Mayers, ColetM Mayers, ClayQllden, David Ackel, Cody McDaniel, Kenny Shirey, Robert Aguilar, Ross Bandy, Travis Kaddatz, Aaron Crawfor4 Dustin Emanpele, Cindy Jarrard, Jo Arne Cook, Michelle Jones, Richard Zavala, Jr., Angela Carter, Luther Toungate, Chance Oliver, or Bret Allen" Stephanie Spurlock, l-aterrika Thompkins, Tamika Smith (Currerl Trustee) Substitute Trustee Clo Power Default Serviceg Inc. 2002 Summit Boulevard, Suite 6fi) Atlanta, GA 30319 ATTN: Trustee Departme'nt Telephone: 855427-22M Fax: (866)-960-8298 fL< 41 \ .l rl -- il i"l I l, :"' l" f: i NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE MIN No.: ofTexas County of Bell State : r0oOlZSOOOIS169043 $ s $ Notice is hereby given of a public non'judicial foreclosure sale. l, Propertv To Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT NINE (9), BLOCK ONE (l), WELLS BRANCH PHASE I, A SUBDMSION IN BELL TO THO MAp OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 69-D, PLAT RECORDS OF'BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. couNTy, TExAs, AccoRDING 2. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and place: Date: Time: May 0612014 The sale shall begin no earlier than 10;00 A.M. or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Bell County Courthouse in Belton, Texas, at the following location: the area designated by the Commissioners Court of Bell County, Texas, pursuant to $ 5l .002 of the Texas Properfy Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place (if no such place is so designated, the sale will take place in the area where this Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale is posted). The deed of trust permits the Mortgagee of Record to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for another day, ln that case, the trustee or substitute trustee under the deed of trust need not appear at the date, time, and place of a scheduled sale to announce the postponement, withdrawal, or rescheduling. Notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements of the Texas Property Code.'The reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. Pursuant to section 5 I .009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in "as is, where is" condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title (if any) provided for under the deed oftrust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property. Pursuant to section 5 I .0075 of the Texas Property Code, the mrsrce reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by the trustee or any substitute trustee. 3. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest biddor for cash, subject to the provisions of the deed of trust permitting the Mortgagee of Record thereunder to have the bid credited to the note up to the amount of the unpaid debt secured by the deed of trust at the time of sale. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay their bid immediately in cash if their bid is accepted. will be made expressly subject to any title matters sel forth in the deed of trust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the propeffy, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that The sale M0423620 - NotofforecloSale.tbr - Rcv. I0/042013 has been released ofpublic record from the lien ofthe deed oftrust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. lf the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attomey. Type ojlSale. The sale is a non-judicial deed of trust lien and security interest foreclosure sale being conducted pursuant to the power of sale granted by the Deed of Trust executed by Tommy Ray Staggs and wife, Karen S. Staggs. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust is dated April 23, 2004, and is recorded in the ofTice of the County Clerk of Bell County, Texas, in/under Volume 5359, Page 48, Ofticial Public Records of Bell County, Texas. The deed oftrust provides that it secures the payment ofthe indebtedness and obligations therein described (collectively the "Obligations") including but not limited to the promissory note in the original principal amount of $126000.00, executed by Tommy Ray Strggs, and payable 1o the order of Guaranty Residential Lending, Inc. Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registratlon Systems, Inc, ("MERS"), (solely for Lender, as hereinafter defined, and Leoder's successors and assigns), the Lender being Guaranty Residential Lending, Inc. as a nominee Current Mortgagee of Record: Green Tree Servicing LLC whose address is 7360 Kyrene Road, Tempe, A285283. 6. S. Default and Reque,st To Act. Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the beneficiary has requested me, as Substitute Trustee, to conduct this public sale. Notice is given that before the sale the beneficiary may appoint another person substitute trustee to conducl the sale. 7. Sent by: Jeffry B. lrwis Robertson Anschutz Vefters 10333 Richmond Avenue, Suite 550 Houston, TX77A41 DArED I tltq /r* c/o Robertson Anschutz Vetters 10333 Richmond Avenue. Suite 550 Houston, TX77042 Phone ; 713-98G'9500 R40421620 . NotOf!'orecloSale. for - Rcv. lilMnUl3 F-s 4\ ::' ': a', NOTTCE OF FORpCLOSURE SALE MIN No.: FHAA/A State of Texrs 100052550315339605 Case No. :49-49-6'1 12597 0 s $ County of Bell s Notice is hereby given of a public non-judicial foreclosure sale. L Prooertv To Be Sotd. The property to be sold is described as followsl 12 OF LEON HEIGHTS SUB-DIV, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COUNTY TEXAS, ACCORDIN6 TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET'''Ail, SLIDE 239-A OF T}iE PLAT RECORDS OF Bf,LL COUNTY' TEXAS. LOT ? IN ELOCK ftUnrn, BEL| 2. Date. The. and Place of Sale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following Date: Time: place: date, time, and place: May 06, 2014 The sale shall begin no earlier than 10:00 A.M. or no later than three hours thereafter' Bell County Courthouse in Belton, Texas, at the following location: the area designatedby the Commissioners Court of Bell County, ^Texa$, pursuant to . place where foreclosure sales are to take $ 5l:002 of the Texas Property Code as the plaie (if no such place is io d6signated, the_iale will rake place in the area where this Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale is posted). The deed of trust permits the Beneficiary to poshone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for another iav. In that case, ihe trustee or substitut6 ruitee under the deed oftnrst need not appeai al the date, of a scheduled sale to announce the postponement, withdrawal,. or reschedulurg. titie. ina ptace 'the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will_be,reposted and retiled In accordance wlln Notice of the posting and filine reqrii"-"nir of the Texas Property Code.'The reposting or refiling may be after the bate oiiginally sJhedirleo for this sale' pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the propeffy will be sold in- "91 is, -where is" (if any) iondition, without uny .*preri or implied w'ananties, excepi as'to the warranties of title piouia"a hor under th!, de;d;itrust.'Prospective bidders aie advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property' pursuant to section 5 1 ,00?5 of the Texas Property Code, the trustee reserves the right to set furthe.r reasoniUtu conditions for conducting the sale. Ariy such further conditions shall be announcecl before biOOi"glJopCned for the first sale oTfte day heldby the trustee or any substitute trustee. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash,.subject-to permitting the,Beneficiry,tl:fgl':lllg:*:"lld credited to the e unpiiO debt seiured by tlre deed of trust at the time of sale' umr"nioi tt "Ttrusi iffiffii'F.iii'"?i!a ;#66;h; bid Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay their immediately in cash if their bid is accepted' The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the deed of tnrst, but prior nrosoectiue UiAaei. aie i,[minaLd itrit Uy lawihe sale will necessarily be made subject to.all piop"rty, irany, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and ;;il5;;;i;r;Jin"ltffit" RA04l072l - NotOfforecloSale.for - Rcv' lOlO4DOl3 ofutst. The sale shall not cover any part ofthe propeny that ofpublic record from the lien ofthe deed oftrust. Prospective bidders are strongly have not been subordinated to the deed has been released urged to examine theapplicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no furlfier recourse against the Mortgagor, the Moftgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. 4. ). Tvpe of Sale. The sale is a non-judicial deed of tnrst lien and security interest foreclosure sale being conduited pursuant to the power of sale granted by the Deed of Trust executed by Angela M. Spence, an unmarrled woman. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust is dated March 04, 201 1, and is recordsd in the office of the Texas, in/under Instrument No.20ll-8037, Volume 7766'Page 581, Officlal Public Records of Bell Counry, Texas. The deed of trust provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness and obligations therein described (collectively the "O!ligqt!olt!:) iniluOing but not limited to the promissory note in the original principal amount of $122,9?8.00, executed by Angela M. Spenc6, and payable to the order of Primesource Mortgage, Inc, I Teras eounryelefi-f trell County, Corporation. Original Mortgagee; Mortgage Electronlc Reglstratio_n as Sy_stems, inominee f6rlender, ai hlreinafter defined, and Lender's Inc. (r'MERS'r)'(solely successors and assigns), the Lender being Primesource Mortgage, Inc.. Current Mortgagee: Flagstar Bnnlq FSB whose address is 5151 Corporate Drivg Troy' Mr 48098-2639. 6. Default andReouest To Act. Default has occurred under the deed oftrust, and the beneficiary has @stee,toconductthispublicsale.Noticeis.giventhatbeforethesa|e penon trustee to conduct the sale. thd beneficiary may appoint another substituie Sent bv: Jeffrv B. Lewis Roberison Airschutz Veners 10333 Richmond Avenue. Suite 550 Houston, TX'17042 DATED ''{- l.{-t4 Jarrard and/or M Hester, Substitute Trustee clo Robertson Anschutz Vetters 10333 Richmond Avenue, Suite 550 Houston, TX77042 Phone: 7 I 3 -980-9500 RA04 | 072l - NotOfForecloSale.for - Rev. lU04n0l3 (t-sqq .-. NOTTCE OF FORECLOSURE SALE MIN No.: FHA/VA Texas County of Bell State of I 000525502527 46622 Case No. :49-49-6-107 69 14 $ $ $ Notice is hereby given of a public non-judicial foreclosure sale. l, Propertv To Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT FOUR (4), BLOCK FOUR (4), WTLLOWBEND-FTRST UN|T, AN ADDITION TO THE cITy oF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 303-4, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 2. Date. Time. and Place of Sale, The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and place: Date: Time: May 06,2014 The sale shall begin no earlier than 10:00 A.M. or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Bell County Courthouse in Belton, Texas, at the following location: the area designated by the Comrnissioners Court of Bell County, -Texls, pursuant to $ 5l:002 ofthe Texas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take itace (if no such place is s'o d6signated, the sale will take place in the area where this Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale is posted). The deed of trust pennits the Beneficiary to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for another day. ln that case, t'he trustee or substitutd truitee under the deed offrust need not appea.r al the date, time, and place of a scheduled sale to announce the postpoiement, withdrqwa!. o1 rescheduling. Notiie of ihe date of any rescheduled foreclosure saie witl be reposted and refiled in accordance wilh the posting and filing requirements of the Texas Property Code.-The repostiog or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. Pursuant to section 5l ,009 of the Texas Property Code, fhe property will be sold in "as is, where is" condition. without any exDress or implied w-ananties, excepi as to the warranties of title (if any) provided ior under tha de;d of trust. ?rospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property. Pursuant to section 5 I .0075 of the Texas Property Code, the trustee reseryes th-e right to se t further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Ariy such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale oTthe day held by the trustee or any substitute trustee. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highesr bidder for cash,.subject to iEe provffirrs of the degd.of trust.p€rmitting thd.Beneficiary.thgryqd9r.f9lry: tL" 919 credited to the not6 up to the amount of the unpai'd debt seEured by the deed of trust at the time of sale. Those desiring to purchase the properfy will need to demonstrate their ability to pay their bid immediately in cash if their bid is accepted. The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the deed of trust, but prospective bidders are r6mindld that Uy lawihe sale will necessarily be made subject to-all prior hatt'ers of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and RA04 I 7 I 40 - NotOfforecloSale.for - Rev. I Ol04 nOl 3 '),. have not been subordinated to the deed of ffust. The sale shall not cover any pail of the property that has been released ofpublic record from the lien ofthe deed oftrust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. Ifthe sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return ofthe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further reqourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attomey. 4. Tvpe of Sale. The sale is a non-judicial deed of tnrst lien and security interest foreclosure sale being conducted pursuant to the power of sale granted by the Deed of Tntst executed by Melissa Justice and Jesse Justlce, wife and husband. 5. Obliglrtions Secured. The Deed of Trust is dated April 24, 2009, and is recorded in the office of the Coudty Clerk of Bell County, Texas, in/under Instrument No. 00015781, Officlal Public Records of Beil County, Texss. The deed oftrust provides that it secures the payment ofthe indebtedness and obligations therein described (collectively the "Obligations") including but not limited to the promissory note in the original principal amount of $102,366.00, executed by Melissa Justice nnd Jesse A. Justice, and payable to the order of High Point Mortgage Corp, a Texas Corporation. Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, tnc. ("MERS'i), (solely as s nominee for Lender, as hereinafter defined, rnd Lender's successors and assigns)t the Lender being High Point Mortgage Corp, a Texas Corporation, Current Mortgagee; Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ("Mf,RS"), (solely as a nominee f6r Lender, as hereinafter defined, and Lenderts successors and asslgns), the Lender being Flegstar Bank, FSB whose address is 515l Corporate Drive' Troy' Ml 4809&2639. Default and Request To Act. Default has occuned under the deed of tru.st, and the beneficiary has r-queited me, aJ Substitute Trustee, to conduct this public sale. Notice is-given that before the sale the beneficiary may appoint another penon substitut€ trustee to conduct the sale. Sent by: Jeffry B. Lewis Robertson Anschutz Vetters 10333 Richmond Avenue, Suite 550 Houston, | TX77041 DATED +II.\ II+ Hester, Substitute Trustee c/o Robertson Anschutz Vetters 10333 Richmond Avenue, Suite 550 Houston, TX 77042 Phone: 7 I 3-980-9500 RA04 17140 - NotOfforecloSale for - Rev lOIO4nOl3 ?LSq b NOTTCE OF FORECLOSURE SALE MIN No.: ofTexas County of Bell State I 0001570005846205E $ $ $ Notice is hereby given of a public non-judicial foreclosure sale. l. Proeerty To Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT ls, BLOCK 7, SAGf, MEADOWS PIIASE l,4ry4P_PITION TO THE CITY OF fnfvfi-1,n, nnl,l CbUV1Y,TEXAS ACCORDII\|6 TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINEf C, SLIDE 3498, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 2. place: Date- Time. and Place of Sale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and Date: Time: place: May 06,2014 mi:sule ititt begin no earlier than 10;00 A.M. or no later than three hours Sen County Courthouse in Belton, Texer, at the following location: th9 fl"u desigrated-bv the Commissioners Court of Bell County, Texas, pursuant to s jt-.OOjof tie Texas Property Code as fte place where foreclosure sales are to take itace fiino such place is do d6signated, the lale witl take place in the arpa wherc this ir{otice of Substitute Trustee's Sale is posted)' The deed of trust permits the Mortgagee of Record to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for ai the another day. In tiffisa; ttti t*itei or substitute rustie uirder the deed of trust n€ed not app€ar i"trJouteo sate to announce tle..postponement, with*Pwal, or resch€dulqg. Noiice of ine Oite ;i iltfi;i[auieO torectorure sale wili be reposted and refiled in accordance with tft" potti"g *a it1;i1g *ilir"*ints of the Texas Property Code.-The reposting or refiling may be after the ilate originally scheduled for this sale' il;l'fu;';Atff;i; pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the propery will be sold in "as is, where isn implied w'arrairties, eircepi as-to the warranties oftille (if any) iondition, t"inoui--i "*p.esJor provided ior unAii tft! aiia oftrust. itrospective bidders aie advised to conduct an independent investigation oftle nature and physical condition ofthe property' pursuant to section 51.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the trustee reserye's.theright to set further before rcasonaiife conaiiioni foi conducting the sale, Ariy such'further conditions shall be announced LiOOliiils opened for the first sale oTthe day heldby the tustee or any substitute tnrstee' 3. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted asa public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to ;?tt"silenqiqi"g o,dMo.t-gagee of Record ihereunder to have the bid noie up t" ttri a-o,intof theinpaid de6t iecured by the deed of trust at the time of sale' credited to the "iiit;-d""d lfiFi;ii;fiffi Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay their bid immediately iii cash if their bid is accepted- The sale will be made expressly subiect to any title matters set forth in the deed of rusq but prior nrospective bidd;;;;dminOla ttrit Uv lawihe sale will necessarily be made subject to.all a:ffecting ttrJpiop"rtv, if any, to the extent that thei remain in force and effect and irave not U""n suUordinar;d ro ihe beeibftruii. The sale shall not cover any part ofthe property that il#ili;;td RA042E3 | 5 - NotofForeclosale.for. Rev. 10/041201 3 ofpublic record from the lien ofthe deed^oftrust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine thaapplicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. has been released set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a retr,rm of the deposit paid. The Purchaseisball have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. If the sale is 4, 5. Twe of Sale. The sale is a non-iudicial deed of tnrst lien and security interest foreclosure sale being ffid pursuant to the powei of sale granted by the Deed of Tnrst executed by Lestle D. Dickerson, rn unmarrled woman, Oblisations Secured. The Deed of Trust is dated September 30' 2005, and is recorded in the ofTice Bell CounW, Texas, in/undei l)ocument Number 044821, Volume 5852' offiTounffiof issc023. Oinclat Public Recordi of Bell-Counry, Teras. The deed of tnrst provides that it secures the"payment of the indebtedness and obligations thirein described (collectively the-"ObligationJ') inclirOing but not limited to the promissory note in the original principal amount of $l3l'117.00' executedby l,eslie D. Dlckers6n, and p4ygblg to 0re order of Countrywlde KB Home Loans, A Countrywide Mortgage Venfures, LLC Series. Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ("MERSrr)'(solely as inominee f6rlender, ai hlreinafter deflnCd, and Lender's successors and essigns)' the Lender being Countiywide KB Home Loans, A Countrywide Mortgage Ventures' LLC Series. Current Mortgagee of Record: Nationstar Mortgage LLC whose address is 350 Highland Drive, Lewlsville' TX 75067. 6. Default and Request To Act. Default has occurred under the deed of trusq 4nd 4e beneficiary has ffi$ee,toconductthispublicsa|e.Noticeisgiventhatbeforethesale conduct the sale' the beneficiary may appoint another person substituie tnJstee to 7. Sent by: Jeffry B. Lewis Robertson Anschutz Vetters 10333 Richmond Avenue, Suite 550 Houston. TX77042 DATED L+ I Iq I I+ ter and/or Hester, Subrtitute Trustee c/o Robertson Anschutz Vetters 10333 Richmond Avenue, Suite 550 Houston, TX7'7042 Phone: 7 I 3-980-9500 RAO4283 I 5 - NotOfForecloSale.for' Rev. l 0/04120 t 3 6,<4p NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AIYD NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMAIION: Dade 0l/25/2007 JENNIFERRBARNETT OriginalMorsiagec: MORTGAGE EIECIRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLETY AS NOMINEE FOR EIRSTNATIONAL BANK TEXAS DBA FIRST COMMUNTTY MORTGAGE, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Granto(s): OriginalPrircipal: Recordi4glffumcicr: $164,870.00 Instrurctrz0{J70m04,2gl Property Corrrty: Bell Property; LOT TEN (10), rN BLOCK THTRTEEN (r3), OF TTMBER RrDGE ESTATES, P}IASE THREE BEING A REPLq,T OF DEERWOOD ESTATES, LOTS 40,49,69, 76,81-86, BLOCK ONE, DETENTION FACILITIES, AND 101.668 ACRES OF TFIE ROBERT CUNNINGI{AM SURVEY A-I58, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TTIE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, Reported Address: MORTGAGE SERVICING sLrDE 32{ & D, PLAT RECORDE OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 5608 HUNTERS RIDGE TRAIL, KILLEEN, TX76Y2 t I' C INFORMA'IION: The Mo4gage Servicer, if not the Current Morqgagee, is representing the Current Mofigagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servici4g CurffiMortg;agee: WellsFargoBank,N.AMffeage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N- ACurrent Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mo1sage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: DdeofSale: Sale: Place orf Sale: Time of Trcsday,the6tr day ofMay,20l4 AMorwithin&re 10:fi) hours thereafter. AT THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO TI{E EAST OF TItr MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 12OI HLIEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS inBell County, Texas, or, iftheprecedingzreais no longerttre desiguated arca, attfu. irea most recently designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Stfistitute Truste{s): $&stifiile Trustee Aililress: CourtRichard 7anla. Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungde, Cristina Carnarata, Sammy Hooda, Mchael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanre Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act 1rtE41 Dallas Parkway, Suite tt25, Dallas,'fX75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described propefy in tnrst to secure payment of the Note set forth in the abovedescribed Deed of Trusq and WHEREAS, a defauh undertlre Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was r€ported to not have been cured; and all sums scured by such Ded of Trust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and auy prwiotsly appoimed Sub$in te Truste has been removed and Richard Zavala, Jr- or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michellp Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Samrny Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suaru or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell frre Property to satisfy tlre indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the underigrcd law firm has been requested to provide ttrese notices on behalf of the Current Mortgage, Mo4gage Servicer and Substinre Trustees; NOW, TI{EREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN of the foregoing matters andttrat: 1. The maturity of tre Note has accelerated and all sums secued by the Ded of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Richard Zavala, Jr. orCindy JarrardorJoAnreCookorMchelleJones or AngelaCarterorLutherToungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burrs, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substiflrte Trustee will sell the Properfy to the highest bidder for cash on the date, tttheplace, and no eadier than the time s€t forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal iryedircnts to tlre sale oftlre Properry and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to tbe excent trc sarre are still in effct and shall not cover any property h ftat has been released from the lien of the 4. No warranties, express or Dd of Trust. irrplied includiag but not limitd to the irylied warranties of merchantabihty andfitness th a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except Grantols warranties specifically au;thorized by the Grantor in fu Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS', purchasers will buy the propety "at the purchaset's own risk" aad 'laf, his peril", and no representation is made conceming the quality or nature of tifle to be acquired- Purchasers will reeive whatever int€rest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any lieru or int€rsrb of any kind rh4t may suwive the sale- Inferested persons are encouraged for to consult counsel of their choice prior to padicipafing inthe sale of the propertyVery truly yours, Buckley Madole, P.C. 9980-N-7886 2146893451 PG1 POSTPKG fusqs NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Darf: 02/25/2008 OTigiNAI Grantor(s): MICHAEL K. HAYNES, A MARRIED MAN MoTtgiagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR ACCESS NATIONAL MORTGAGE. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Original Principaf: Reccding Informdiqr: Property Cormty: property: Reportcd Adilress: $196,886.00 Instrumem 2fi)E-{n009383 Bell BEING LOT NUMBER FIyE (s) IN BLOCK NUMBER FOUR (4) 2ND REPLAT OF CLMPS OF CANYON CREEK, BLOCKS 5 & 6, PI{ASE Itr, A SUBDWISION IN TI{E CTTY OF TEMPLE, BELL COTINTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TI{E PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET "A", SLIDE 89-A OF TTIE PLATRECORDS OF BELL COLINTY, TEXAS. 2517 CANYON CREEKDRwE, TEMPLE, TX 76502 MORTGAGE SERYICING IhIFORMAIION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Morgagee, is represmting the Current Mortgagee purswrnt to a Motgage Servicing Agreement. CunetrMotreagee: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Scrvicer: WellsFargoBank, N. A. CurrcntBerdciry: WellsFaqoBank,NA Mm$;age Morgage Servicer Address: 347 6 Stattriew Boulevard, FortMill, SC 297 15 SALE INFORMAITON: Time of Place of Sale: Sale: l0:fi) AMorwithinthre hours thereafter. AT TIIE BELL COUNTT CLERK'S ALCOVE TO TI{E EAST OF TI{E MAIN ENTRANCE OF TI{E BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX 1201 HUEY DRWE, BELTON, TEXAS in Bell County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the designated Na, atthe aea most rtrenrly desigpat€d by tt€ Bell County Commissioner's Court. Richard Zaval4 Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, AlexanderWolfe, Suzanre Suae orAdamWomack, anyto act Substifite Trusfiee Address: 143d1 pellas Parkrn'ay, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 Substitute Truste(s): WHEREAS, the above-narned Grantot preriously conveyed the above described property in trust to seflre payment of the Note set forth in tre abovedescribed of Trusq and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Ded of Trust was declared such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums scured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be irnmediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Truste andanyprwiously appointed Subsriffie Trustee has been removed and Richard Zavala, Jr- or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anre Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Cafter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Qatnerata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suare or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appoi*ed, as Substitute Trustes and requestod to sell *re Property to satis$ trre indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undenigned law firm has been requestedto provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mo4gagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitrre Trustees; NOW, TIIEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of tlre forgoing matters and that: 1. The matwity of the Note has been accelerated and all sums secrned by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Richard Tavala, Jr- or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Micblle Jones or Angelia Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarara Sammy llooda, Michael Burns, A-lexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to highest bidder for cash on tlre date, at ttre place, and no earlier act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Propefly to than the time set forth above inthe Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will bqin within thre houn after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any lqal irryedirreffs to tk sale ofthe Property and to any exceptions rreferenced in the Deed of Trust or ap'pearing of record to the exrcm the sanre ime still in etrect and shall not cover any properry ttrat has been released from tlle lien ofthe Deed of Trust. 4. No warranties, express or irplied fucludiry but not limitdto the inplied warramies of merchantability and fitness for aparactlar purpose shall be conveyed at tbe sale, save and excqt the Granfols warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The propeay shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasen will buy the property "at the purchaset's olvn risk" and "at his peril", and no rrepresentation is made conceming the quality or nature of title to be acquird. Purchasers will rceive rrfratever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or inter€s8 of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persolui are encouraged to consult cousel of their choice prior to participating in fte sale of the property. Dd tk Very truly yours, Bucklev Madole- P.C. 9970-N-8589 2146908540 PG1 POSTPKG F,s 41 NOTICB OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 07 /28/2006 Grantor(s): TEDALVIS BoYD OriginalMortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,INC.' SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR COI]NTRYWIDE K3 HOME LOANS, A COUNTRYWIDE MORTGAGE VENTURES, LLC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OriginalPrincipat $158,630.40 Information: Book Page Instrument 035542 Property County: Bell i Recording Property: Reported Address: LOT 6, BLOCK 2, SAGE MEADOWS PHASE III, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE 13A, BELL COTINTY, TEXAS. 423 STARVIEW ST, TEMPLE, TX76502-5085 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. CurrcntMortgagce: THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE CWABS, INC., ASSETBACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006.17 Mottgagcseivicer: SpecializedLoanServicingLLC CurrentBeneficiary: THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE CWABS, INC., ASSETBACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-17 Mortgage ServicerAddrcss: 8742 Lucent Blvd, Ste 300, Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 SALE INFORMA'TION: Date of Sale: Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 2014 Time of Salc: 10:00 AM or within three hours thereafter. Place of Salc: AT THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY JUSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS in Bell County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the desigrrated area, at the area most recently designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Substitqte Tnrstce(s): Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitate Tnrstee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described properfy in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS. a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Richard Za,tala, Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisff the indebtedness; and WHnnnaS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters and that: L The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all sums sesured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Janard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust. 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitress for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's waranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The properfy shall be offered "AS-IS', purchasers will buy the propefiy "at ihe purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of the property. Very truly yours, Buckley Madole, P.C. 9462-N-1022 2146914692 PG1 POSTPKG fus t06 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEBD OF TRUST INFORMATION: Darc: 07 /26/2004 Original Grantor(s): Mortgagee: JONH R HURST, AN UNMARRIED PERSON MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FORAMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Original Principal: Recording Inforrnation: Property County: Propcrty: RcportcdAddrcss: $47,920.00 Instrument 033195 Bell LOT EIGHTEEN (18), BLOCK S, EXTENSION CASTLE HEIGHT ADDITION, KILLEEN, BELL COTINTY, TEXAS AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINETA, SLIDE IIO.C & D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 1605/1607 DUNCANAVENUE, KILLEEN, TX7654l MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Sewicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. CurentMortgagce: Green Tree Servicing LLC Mortgage Servicer: Green Tree Savicing LLC Current Beneficiary: Green Tree Servicing LLC Mortgage ServicerAddress: 4250 N. Freeway, Fort Worth, TX76l37 SALE INFORMA'TION: Datc of Sale: Tuesday, the 6th day of May' 2014 Time of Sale: 10:00 AM or within three hours thereafter. Place of Sale: AT THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVB TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTYJUSTICE COMPLEX, 12OI HUEYDRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS in Bell County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the desigrrated area, atthe area most recently desigfrated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Substitr*c Tmstce(s): Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jarrard ot Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Vy'omack, any to act Substitute Tnrstce Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original t'rustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy J arrard ot Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camar:ata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Svarcz or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisff the indebtedness; and WffingeS, the undersigrred law firm hal been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; Mortgagee, - *NOW, rrmnnnonr, NoTIcE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters andthat: by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be 1 . The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all sums secured immediately due and PaYable. 2. Richard Zavala,fr. oiCinay Janard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, to Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any place, and no earlier act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Properfy to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the tfuee hours within will begin sale The this notice. of section Information Sale in the than the time set forth above after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in any properV the Deed of Trust or ippearing ofiecord to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover Trust. Deed of of lien the the from that has been released 4. No waranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particului p.rrpor. shall^be conveyed ai the sale, save and except the Grantor's_warranties specifically will buy the authoiized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered "AS-Isu, purchasers quality or property "at ihe purchaser's own risk" and "at his periL', and norepresentation is made concerning the in the, have assigns and Grantor's Grantor interest nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever persons encouraged are Interested the sale. may survive kind that of any interests property, subject to utty liens or io cbnsult counsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of the property. Very truly yours, Buckley Madole, P.C. 9s50-N-161 1 2146920043 PG1 POSTPKG -/ i,,-L-> | o I NOTICB OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DBED OF TRUST INFORMA'TION: Date: 05/18/2009 PHILIP A. HANSEN AND WENDI R. HANSEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE OriginalMortgj^gee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,INC., SOLELYAS NOMINEE FOR FIRST NATIONAL BANK TEXAS, DBA FIRST COMMUNITY MORTGAGE, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Grantor(s): Orisinaf Principat: Recording Infor:nation. Property County: Property: $229,837.00 Instrument 2009-000195 10 Bell BEING 3.329 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, OUT OF THE F.L. MUDD SURVEY, ABSTRACT 557, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, DESCRIBED BY METES UA''. AND BOUNDS ATTACHED HERETO IN EXHIBIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A TRACT OF LAND IN BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, PART OF THE F.L. MUDD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 557, AND BEING THE SAME TRACT DESCRIBED AS 3.329 ACRES IN A SPECIAL ASSUMPTION WARRANTY DEED TO RONALD CAREY RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NO. 2OO8.OOO2M39, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF REAL PROPERTY OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. THE BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN HEREIN ARE EXISTING CALLSAND RECORD CALLS. A T/2" IRON ROD FOUND IN THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY 2484 BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE PEDRO F,M. LINE OF BEGINNING AT VARELA, SR., ET UX TRACT RECORDED IN VOLUME 6158, PAGE 159 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE CAREY TRACT, FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIS. THENCE N. 70 DEG. 32' 53" 8.,743,61FEET WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE VARELA TRACT TO A 1/2' IRON ROD FOUND BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE JOE HORD 20 ACRE TRACT RECORDED IN VOLUME23O9, PAGE 651 AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE CAREY TRACT, FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THIS. A I/2" IRON ROD SET IN THE THE NORTH LINE OF AN IN AND WEST LINE OF THE HORD TRACT THENCE S. 18 DEG. 20' O5'' E., 195.3I FEET TO EXISTING 1.511 ACRE PASSAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT RECORDED IN VOLUME 2309, PAGE 651 BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE BALANCE OF GUY VICK 3.58 ACRE TRACT RECORDED IN VOLUME 540, PAGE 241, THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A 0.412 ACRE PASSAGE EASEMENT HEREIN DESCRIBED, AND THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE CAREY TRACT, FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THIS' THENCE S. 70 DEG. 32' 53" W,, 741.35 FEET TO A I/2" IRON ROD SET IN THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF F.M,2484 BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE BALANCE OF THE VICK TRACT, THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PASSAGE EASEMENT, AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF Tr{E CAREY TRACT, FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THIS. THENCE N. 19 DEG. OO' OO- W., 195.28 FEET - BASE BEARING WITH THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF F.M.2484 TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 3.329 ACRES OF LAND ACCORDING TO MY SURVEY AND MY CALCULATIONS. TOGETHER WITH A PASSAGE EASEMENT DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS AND SHOWN ON ATTACHED SURVEY PLAT. BEGINNING AT A 1/2" IRON ROD SET IN THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF F.M. 2484 BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE CAREY TRACT FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIS. THENCE N. ?O DEG. 32' 53" 8.,741.35 FEET TO A L/2" IRON ROD SET IN THE WEST LINE OF THE HORD TRACT BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE CARBYTRACT, FORTHENORTHEAST CORNER OF THIS. THENCE S. 18 DEG. 20' 05" E,, 24,24 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE EXISTING I.5I1 ACRE PASSAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT BEING A COMMON CORNER OF THE HORD TRACT, THE T. GROSSMAN 20 ACRE TRACT RECORDED IN VOLUME 2123, PAGE 39, AND THE RUTH M' SPITZNAS 5.990 ACRE TRACT RECORDED IN VOLUME 4357, PAGE 723, FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THIS. THENCE S. 70 DEG. 32' 53" W., ?40.91 FEET TO A 3/8" IRON ROD FOUND IN THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF F,M, 2484 BEING THE NORTHWEST 9970-N-8570 2146905378 PG1 POSTPKG CORNER OF THE SPITZNAS TRACT AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE EXISTING 1.511 ACRE PASSAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT, FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THIS, FROM WHICH A 3/8" IRON ROD FOUND BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SPITZNAS TRACT BEARS S. 19 DEG. 21' 38" E., 295.69 FEET (S. 17 DEG.'l', 32" 8.,295.68 FEET). DEG. 22' 55" W.,24.23 FEET WITH THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF F.M,2484TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 0.412 ACRE OF LAND ACCORDING TO MY SURVEY AND MY CALCULATIONS. THENCE N. 19 THE BEARTNGS OF THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE OF THE TRACT DESCRIBED AS 3.329 ACRES IN A SPECIAL ASSUMPTION WARRANTY DEED TO RONALD CAREY RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NO. 2OO8-OOO2M39, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF REAL PROPERTY OF BELL COIINTY, TEXAS. Rcported Addrcss: 157 DIRT ROAD, KILLEEN, TX76542 MORTGAGE SERYICING INFORMATION : The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. CurentMortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A' Mortgage Sen'icer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. CurrentBcncficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, N'A' Mortgagc ServicerAddrcss: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC29715 SALEINFORMATION: Date of Time of Place of Sale: Sale: Sale: Tuesday, the 6th day of May,2014 10:00 AM or within three hours thereafter. AT THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY JUSTICE COMPLEX, I2O 1 HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS in Bell County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the desigrrated area, at the area most recently designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Substitute Trustec(s): Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Janard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camatata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act snbstitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, suite 425, Dallas, Tx75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in ffust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the above'described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was reported to not have payable; and been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediately due and removed and been has Trustee Substitute previously appointed WHEREAS, the original Trust.. and any Toungate, Luther or Carter or Angela Jones Michelle or Anne Cook Jo or arrard Richard Zavala,Jr. or Cindy-J act, Cristina Camar'ata, Sammy-Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to and have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisry the indebtedness; the Current of behalf on notices provide these to requested haibeen firm law wfiinneS, the undersigned Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; - -NOW, rHgneFoRE, NoTICE IS HEREBY GMN of the foregoing matters and_that: l. The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and PaYable. 2. Richard Zivala,ft. oi ilnAy Janatd or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, any to Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, place, and no earlier at the date, the on for cash bldder highest to the Property the will sell Trustee act, as Substitute three hours than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within after that time. in 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale of the Property and to any_exceptions referenced cover any properfy not shall and in effect still are the same extent the to ofiecord appearing or of Trust Deed the that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust' and fioress 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability specifically the,Gralto{s_warranties except and save sale, aithe conveyed purpose shaflbe particular for a UAS-IS*, purchasers will buy the authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered quality or property "at ihe purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril-", and no representation is made concerning the assigns have in theGrantor's and Grantor interest whatever reciive will Purchasers nature of title to be acquired. liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged propelty, subject to ""y counsel of their choice priot to participating in the sale of the property' io "b"t"tt Very truly yours, Buckley Madole, P.C. 9970-N-8570 2146905378 PG2 POSTPKG 6,s loz-. NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S S,ALE Matter No.: 004627-TX Date: April 1, 2014 County where Real Property is Located: Bell ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR: FREDDY D. CHRISTOPHER. JR. JOINED PRO FORMA BY HIS WIFE. LAURA FERNANDEZ ORIGINAL MORTGAGEE: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR SWBC MORTGAGE CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS CURRENT MORTGAGEE: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC MORTGAGE SERVICER: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC DEED OF TRUST DATED 612120ll. RECORDING INFORMATION: Recorded ort 616120ll as Instrument No. 201 l-00018669 SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY (LEGAL DESCRIPTION): LOT SEVENTEEN (17), BLOCK SIX (6), EVERGREEN, PHASE 1, HARKER HEIGHTS, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D. SLIDE 155-8 & C. PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 5/6/2014, the foreclosure sale will be conducted in Bell County in the area of the courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court, pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place. If no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. The trustee's sale will be conducted no earlier than 10:00 AM, or not later than three (3) hours after that time, by one of the Substitute Trustees who will sell, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the unpaid balance due and owing on any lien indebtedness superior to the Deed ofTrust. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC is acting as the Mortgage Servicer for NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC who is the Mortgagee of the Note and Deed of Trust associated with the above referenced loan. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the Mortgagee, whose address is: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC 350 Highland Drive Lewisville, TX75067 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Properfy Code $51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property securing the above referenced loan. Page 1 of 2 / Matter No.: 004627-TX Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is serving on active militarv dutv. including active military dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comDonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv military service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. By: //&"- Substitute Trustee CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. OR ANGELA CARTER OR LUTHER TOUNGATE OR PAUL A. HOEFKER OR OLGA S. PANCHENKO Return to: PITE DUNCAN,LLP 4375 Jutland Drive, Suite 200 P.O. Box 17935 San Diego, CA92ll7 Fax #:619-590-1385 tr"( \oj NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Matter No.: Date: 005064-TX April 1,2014 County where Real Property is Located: Bell ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR: SANTOS QUIROZ AND SHERRILL QUIROZ, HUSBAND AND WIFE ORIGINAL MORTGAGEE: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR EXTRACO MORTGAGE, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS CURRENT MORTGAGEE: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC MORTGAGE SERVICER: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC DEED OF TRUST DATED 12114/2007, RECORDING INFORMATION: Recorded on 1212012007 as Instrument No. 2007-00053636 IN BLOCK Two (2)' oF TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE BELL COUNTY, TEMPLE, IN CITY OF THE FLORINE TERRACE. TEXAS. BELL COUNTY, OF RECORDS PLAT I2I.A, SLIDE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY (LEGAL DESCRIPTION): LOT TWELVE (12)' NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that on 51612014, the foreclosure sale will be conducted in Bell County in the area of the courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court, pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place. If no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. The trustee's sale will be conducted no earlier than 10:00 AM, or not later than three (3) hours after that time, by one of the Substitute Trustees who will sell, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the unpaid balance due and owing on any lien indebtedness superior to the Deed ofTrust. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC is acting as the Mortgage Servicer for NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC who is the Mortgagee of the Note and Deed of Trust associated with the above referenced loan. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the Mortgagee, whose address is: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC 350 Highland Drive Lewisville, T){75067 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property securing the above referenced loan. Page 1 of 2 Matter No.: 005064-TX Assert and protect your rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is servins on active military dutv. includins active military dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. By: 1/&"- Substitute Trustee CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. OR ANGELA CARTER OR LUTHER TOLNGATE OR PAUL A. HOEFKER OR OLGA S. PANCHENKO Return to: PITE DUNCAN,LLP 4375 Jutland Drive, Suite 200 P.O. Box 17935 San Diego, CA92ll7 Fax #: 619-590-1385 YLE laY NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Matter No.: Date: 005340-TX April9,2014 County where Real Property is Located: Bell ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR: NATILEE R. BELLE AND ANDRIA S. HICKMAN, BOTH SINGLE PERSONS ORIGINAL MORTGAGEE: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS CURRENT MORTGAGEE: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC MORTGAGE SERVICER: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC DEED OF TRUST DATED 8123/2004. RECORDING INFORMATION: Recorded on 813012004 as Instrument No. 037326, in Book 5469Page29l SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY (LEGAL DESCRIPTION): LOT NINE (9) AND TEN (10)' IN BLOCK FOURTEEN (14), OF WEST RIDGE ESTATES,IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 194-A & B, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 516/2014, the foreclosure sale will be conducted in Bell County in the area of the courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court, pursuant to Section 5 I .002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place. If no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. The trustee's sale will be conducted no earlier than 10:00 AM, or not later than three (3) hours after that time, by one of the Substitute Trustees who will sell, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the unpaid balance due and owing on any lien indebtedness superior to the Deed of Trust. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC is acting as the Mortgage Servicer for NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC who is the Mortgagee of the Note and Deed of Trust associated with the above referenced loan. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the Mortgagee, whose address is: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC 350 Highland Drive Lewisville. TX 75067 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property securing the above referenced loan. Page 1 of 2 Matter No.: 005340-TX Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States.. If v9u are or vour snouse is servine on active military dutv. including active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of Muaid the United Staiei. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelY. By: //&"- Substitute Trustee CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. OR ANGELA CARTER OR LUTHER TOUNGATE OR PAUL A. HOEFKER OR OLGA S. PANCHENKO Return to: PITEDUNCAN,LLP 4375 Jutland Drive. Suite 200 P.O. Box 17935 San Diego, CA92117 Fax #:619-590-1385 Vt S lot NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Matter No.: 006027-TX Date: April l, 2014 County where Real Properlry is Located: Bell ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR: HENRY DARCUS AND QUISHA DARCUS, HUSBAND AND WIFE ORIGINAL MORTGAGEE: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY LTD. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS CURRENT MORTGAGEE: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC MORTGAGE SERVICER: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC DEED OF TRUST DATED llll9/2010, RECORDING INFORMATION: Recorded on 1113012010 as Instrument No. 201042652, in Book 7680 Page 646 SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY (LEGAL DESCRIPTION): BEING LOT NUMBER SEVENTY-THREE (73) IN BLOCK NUMBER THREE (3) OF FINAL PLAT OF BRIDGEWOOD ADDITION. PHASE III AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KTLLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET "D'', SLIDE 197-B & C OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 516/2014, the foreclosure sale will be conducted in Bell County in the area of the courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court, pursuant to Section 5 1 .002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place. If no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. The trustee's sale will be conducted no earlier than 10:00 AM, or not later than three (3) hours after that time, by one of the Substitute Trustees who will sell, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the unpaid balance due and owing on any lien indebtedness superior to the Deed ofTrust. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC is acting as the Mortgage Servicer for NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC who is the Mortgagee of the Note and Deed of Trust associated with the above referenced loan. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the Mortgagee, whose address is: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC 350 Highland Drive Lewisville. TX75067 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property securing the above referenced loan. Page L of 2 Matter No.: 006027-TX Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is serving on active military dutv. including active militarv duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. By: //&"- Substitute Trustee CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. OR ANGELA CARTER OR LUTHER TOUNGATE OR PAUL A. HOEFKER OLGA S. PANCHENKO Return to: PITE DLTNCAN,LLP 4375 Jutland Drive, Suite 200 P.O. Box 17935 San Diego, CA92l17 Fax #:619-590-1385 OR {L< tob ,: NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE I I Matter ') No.: 0l1738-TX Date: April l, .t 2014 County where Real Property is Located: Bell ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR: GREGG N. PETERSON AND SARAH L. PETERSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS COMMUNITY PROPERTY OzuGINAL MORTGAGEE: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. (MERS) AS NOMINEE FOR ALACRITY LENDING COMPANY. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS CURRENT MORTGAGEE: FIRST AMERICAN MORTGAGE TRUST MORTGAGE SERVICER: Dovenmuehle Mortgage, Inc DEED OF TRUST DATED 211812009, RECORDING INFORMATION: Recorded on2/2412009 as Instrument No. 2009-00006455, in Book Page The subject Deed of Trust was modified by Loan Modification recorded as Instrument 2Q09-22446 Book 7184 Page 56 and recorded on06ll8/20Q9 SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY (LEGAL DESCRIPTION): LOT TWELVE (12), BLOCK TWO (2), POST OAK ESTATES, A SUBDIVISION IN BELL COTJNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 71-8, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 5rcn014, the foreclosure sale will be conducted in Bell County in the area of the courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court, pursuant to Section 5 I .002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place. If no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. The trustee's sale will be conducted no earlier than 10:00 AM, or not later than three (3) hours after that time, by one of the Substitute Trustees who will sell, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the unpaid balance due and owing on any lien indebtedness superior to the Deed of Trust. Dovenmuehle Mortgage, Inc is acting as the Mortgage Servicer for FIRST AMERICAN MORTGAGE TRUST who is the Mortgagee of the Note and Deed of Trust associated with the above referenced loan. Dovenmuehle Mortgage, Inc, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the Mortgagee, whose address is: FIRST AMEzuCAN MORTGAGE TRUST c/o Dovenmuehle Mortgage, Inc 1 Corporate Drive Suite 360, Lake Zurich IL 60047-8924 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the propeny securing the above referenced loan, Page 1 of 2 Matter No.: 011738-TX Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or your spouse is serving on active militarv dutv. including active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. /M,*- Substitute Trustee CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR RICHARD ZAVALA' JR. OR ANGELA CARTER OR LUTHER TOUNGATE OR PAUL A. HOEFKER OR OLGA S. PANCHENKO Return to: PITEDUNCAN,LLP 4375 Jutland Drive, Suite 200 P.O. Box 17935 San Diego, CA92ll7 Fax #: 619-590-1385 (us to+ C&S No. 44-13-3654 / VA / No Ocwen Loan Servicin g, LLC NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is serving on active military dutv. including active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv Date of Security Instrument: September 02,2011 Grantor(s): John H. Foster, a single man Original Trustee: Network National Title. Inc. Originat Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee Mortgagee: Corporation a Division of Mortgage Investors, its successors and assigns for Amerigroup MOrtgagd ) Recording Information: Clerk's File No. 201l-00032032, in the Official Public Records of BELL County, Texas.l' CurrentMortgagee: MortgagelnvestorsCorporation Servicer: Ocwen Loan Servicing,LLC, National Association whose address is C/O I100 Virginia Drive Fort WashingtOn, PA 19034 Pursuant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mortgage Servicer is Mortgage authorized to ref,resent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Section 5 1.0025 of the Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe referenced property. Date of Sale: 0510612014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 AM The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours after that time. any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. If the sale is set aside for Legal Description: lOr nr,fVbN (11), BLOCK SEVENTEEN (17), JASPER HEIGHTS ADDN., 6TH EXTENSION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TIIE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORI) IN CABINET A, SLIDE Z}O.D,PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY' TEXAS. Place of Sale of Property: The foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioneri Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. Carter, Cindy Jarrard, Michelle Jones, Luthet Jr., Mary M. Speidel For Information: Codilis & Stawiarski, P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 450 Houston, TX 77 060 I (281) 925-5200 c/o Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions 7301 N. State Hwy 16l. Ste 305. Irving, TX 75039 trs bq C&S No. 44-13-4453 / Conventional / No Ocwen Loan Servicin g, LLC NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or your spouse is serving on active militarv duty. including active militarv duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. Sender is: Codilis & Stawiarski. PC. 650 North Sam Houston Parkwav East. Suite 450. Houston. Texas 77060 Date of Security Instrument: Grantor(s): Ernest H Sheesley And Tricia Ebert, Husband And Wife Original Trustee: G. Tommy Bastian Original -il :. j June 16, 2006 :l .J .::,,r'- -) : Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Greenpoint Mortgage Fplrding, 'J -'i Mortgagee: Inc its successors and assisns Recording Information: Vol. 6109, Page 567, or Clerk's File No. 029565, in the Official Public Records of BELL j County, Texas. Current Mortgagee: U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for Greenpoint Mortgage Funding Trust Mortgage Pass-Through Certifi cates, Series 2006-AR4 Servicer: Ocwen Loan Servicing,LLC, National Association whose address is C/O 1661 Worthinglon Road Suite 100 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Pursuant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mortgage Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Seruicing Agreement and Section 51.0025 ofthe Texas Property Code, the Mongage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe referenced property. Date of Sale: 05/06/2014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 AM The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Legal Description: LOT ONE (l), IN BLOCK ONE (r), OF RYAN ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF NOLANVILLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE 103-A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. Place of Sale of Property: The foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 ofthe Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or ifno place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. Cindy Janard, Michelle Jones, Luther Jr., Mary M. Speidel Jo Anne Cook. Toungate, Richard For Information: Codilis & Stawiarski. P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 450 Houston, TX77060 | (281)925-5200 c/o Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions 7301 N. State Hwy Irving, TX 75039 l6l. Ste 305. fr,c toq C&S No. 44-14-021I / VA / No Bank of America, N.A. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or vour snouse is serving on active militarv dutv. including active military dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active duty militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. Sender is: Codilis & Stawiarski. PC. 650 North Sam Houston Parkwav East. Suite 450. Houston. Texas 77060 Date of Security Instrument: May 14,2009 Grantor(s): Leevon J. Ritter, a married person joined herein by Jamie Lynn Ritter Original Trustee: Tommv J. Wallace Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., as nominee for First National Bank Teryfs DBA First Communify Mortgage, its successors and assigns Original Recording Information: Clerk's File No. 2009-00018120, in the Official Public Records of BELL County, Texas.; Current Mortgagee: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Mortgage Senicer: Bank of America, N.A., National Association whose address is C/O 7105 Corporate Dr Plano, Tx 75025 Pursuant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Section 5 |.0025 ofthe Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized 10 collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe referenced property. Date of Sale: 0510612014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: l0:00 AM The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Legal Description: LOT SEVENTEEN (17), BLOCK FIFTEEN (15), CLEAR CREEK ESTATES, PHASE I, KTLLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 193-A, B, C AND D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. Place of Sale of Property: The foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. Toungate, Richard Zavala For Information: Codilis & Stawiarski, P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 450 Houston, TX 77 060 / (281) 925-5200 IV Cindy Janard, Michelle Jones, Luther Mary M. Speidel c/o Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions 7301 N. State Hwy Irving, TX 75039 l6l. Ste 305. fuEtto C&S No. 44-14-0456 / VA Bank of America, N.A. /No NOTICE OF TRUSTE.E'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is serving on active military dufv. including active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve 650 North Sam Houston ParkrvaV East, Suite 450. Houston. Texas 77060 Date of Security Instrument: January 3 I, 2000 Grantor(s): Shine A. San Agustin and Jamie K. San Agustin, husband and wife Original Trustee: Tommy J. Wallace Original lVlortgagee: First National Bank Texas DBA First Community Mortgage 1 J t. i Recording Information: Vol. 4148, Page 382, or Clerk's File No. 003662, in the Official Public Records of BELL County, Texas. Mortgagee: THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK' AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF CWMBS INC., CWMBS REPERFORMING LOAN REMIC TRUST, Current CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2OO5-RI Mortgage Servicer: Bank of America, N.A., National Association whose address is C/O 7105 Corporate Dr Plano, TX 75025 pursuant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Section 51.0025 of the Texas Properff Code, the Mortgage Sewicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced property. Date of Sale: 05/06/2014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 AM The Substitute Trustee will selt the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours after that time. the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. If Legal Description: (ls), rN BLocK oNE (r), oF BRooKHAVEN suBDrvISIoN, PHAsE oNE,IN THE CITY oF KILLEEN. BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C' SLIDE 156C, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. lor rnrdEN Place of Sale of Property: The foreclosure sale wii be conducted in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. For Information: Codilis & Stawiarski, P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 450 Houston, TX 77060 I (281) 925-5200 Jr., Mary M. Speidel c/o Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions 7301 N. State Hray 161. Ste 305' Irving, TX 75039 Fusrrl C&S No. 44-14-0489 / Conventional Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing /No NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. including active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. Sender is: Codilis & Stawiarski. PC. 650 North Sam Houston Parkwav East, Suite 450. Houston. Texas 77060 Date of Security Instrument: July 03, 2006 Angel A Rodriguez Sr, a married person, and Jill A Rodriguez, signing pro-foima to peildct lienrl Grantor(s): only , Original Trustee: Original Mortgagee: successors and assigns ' G. Tommy Bastian r.l i_- 1 -j :) ,.i : I Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., as nominee for America's Wholesale Lender,: its Recording Information: Yol.6l2l,Page 046, or Clerk's File No. 031340, in the Official Public Records of BELLI County, Texas. Mortgagee: THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS CWALT, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2006.25C8, MORTGAGE PASSCurrent THROUGH CERTIFICATES. SERIES 2OO6-25C8 Servicer: Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing, National Association whose address is C/O 15 South Main Street Suite 401 Greenville, SC 29601 Pursuant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mortgage Seruicer Mortgage is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Section 5 1.0025 ofthe Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe referenced property. Date of Sale: 05/06/2014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 AM The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageers attorney. Legal Description: LOT THIRTY (30), BLOCK SEVEN (7), THUNDER CREEK ESTATES, KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C. SLIDE 244.D & 245-A. PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. Place of Sale of Property: The foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. Jo Anne Cook, Angela For lnformation: Codilis & Stawiarski, P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 450 Houston, TX77060 I (281)925-5200 c/o Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions 7301 N. State Hwy 16l. Ste 305. Irving, TX 75039 VL< \ (-?- C&S No. 44-14-0721/ VA / No Bank of America, N.A. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. including active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. Sender is: Codilis & Stawiarski. PC. 650 North Sam Houston Parkwav East. Suite 450. Houston. Texas 77060 Date of Security Instrument: Grantor(s): July 15, 2010 Alisa Dobbin, an unmanied woman l Original Trustee: Original Mortgagee: Randall C Present r j Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., as nominee for DHI Mortgage Company LTD,, l, its successors and assigns rl Recording Information: Clerk's File No. 2010-25866, in the Official Public Records of BELL County, Current Mortgagee: Bank of America, Texas. , ) ' N.A. I Mortgage Servicer: Bank of America, N.A., National Association whose address is C/O 7105 Corporate Dr Plano, Tx 7 5025 Pursuant to a Seruicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mo(gage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Section 5 1.0025 of the Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced property. Date of Sale: 05/06/2014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: l0:00 AM The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Legal Description: BErNG LOT NUMBER FIFTY-NINE (59) rN BLOCK NUMBER SEVEN (7) OF FINAL PLAT OF BRIDGEWOOD ADDITION. PHASE III AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET ''D'" SLIDE I97-B & C OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. Place of Sale of Properfy: The foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. Cindy Jarrard, Michelle Jones, Luther Toungate, Richard ZavalaIr., Mary M. Speidel For Information: c/o Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions Codilis & Stawiarski. P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 450 Houston. TX 77060 / (281\ 925-5200 7301 N. State Hwy 161. Ste 305. Irving, TX 75039 J Vue \ t3 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: I COUNTY OF BELL ) ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF TIIE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTTVE MILITARY DUTY.INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF AIIOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. WHEREAS, by that certain Deed of Trust dated MAY 13, 2005, executed by FRANK O. CONDE, AN LINMARRIED MAN (the "Grantor"), to DON LEDBETTER (the "Trustee"), recorded in INSTRUMENT NO. 036261, Volume 5798, Page 088, REAL PROPERTY Records, BELL County, Texas, reference to which is hereby made for all purposes, Grantor conveyed to the Trustee that certain real properly hereinafter described, ("the Proper{y"), which Deed of Trust secures the payment of that certain $76,000.00 promissory note ("the Note") therein described; and WHEREAS, RHS-WIP INVESTORS, LLC, the Mortgagee, whose address is 840 S. Rancho Drive, #4-572, Las Vegas, NV 89106; and WHEREAS, the undersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in the place of the Trustee in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, default has occurred under the terms of the Note and Deed of Trust, and the entire unpaid principal balance and all accrued but unpaid interest owing under the Note has been accelerated and is now wholly due, and the owner and holder of the Note has requested the undersigned to sell the Properly in accordance with Section 5 I .002 of the Texas Property Code and the terms of the Deed of Trust, in order to satisff the indebtedness evidenced by the Note and secured by the Deed of Trust. NOW, THEREFORJ, NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, MAY 6, 2014, that being the first Tuesday of said month, between 10:00 o'clock A.M. and three (3) hours thereafter, the undersigned will sell the Property at BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO TI{E EAST OF TFIE MAIN ENTRANCE OF TFIE BELL COUNTY JUSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS 76513, OR AS OTT:IERWISE DESIGNATED BY THE COLTNTY COMMISSIONERS'COURT OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, as the area where such sales are to take place. The Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. The Real Property is described as follows: BEING ALL T}IAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 0.99 ACRE, SITUATED IN THE T. HUGHES SURVEY, ABSTRACT 385, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR ALL PURPOSES. EXECUTED as of APRIL 14"2014. ARD ANGELA CARTER AND/OR JOANNE COOK LE JONES AND/OR LUTHER TONGATE AND /OR CINDY JARRAD AND/OR zuCHARD ZAVALA. JR AND/OR STEVEN SIMMONS AND/OR KIM LEITNER AND/OR FAYE PECHT AND/OR LLO O. PECHT AND/OR MICIIAEL MADDING ANDIOR JILL NICHOLS AND/OR MEAGFIAN LAMONTE, Substitute Trustee 1305 West Magnolia Avenue, Suite A Fort Worth, Texas 76104 Tjh/rhswip/cond el 10687 9. | lnos/ lls 1 {$L$III frlSg CENTR.AL TOF O GRAPTITC,SERVI CE I1ONALD E. OWINGS, RPLS P.O. BOX 1801 254-e3e-3700 FAX 2&-e39-3931 sEfrbN, TX 70s13 II{E'IES ANI} BOI]NDS DESCRIPTION 0.99 ACRE OF'LAND Being all tbat certaintract of lancl containing 0-99 Acre, situated in the T. Hughel furvey, to John Abstiact 385, Bell Counly, Texas, and being the sarne fiact of land conyeyed Real of Records parsons in a dcetl rucordei inVoiume 563i,Page 4, Offrciat Public ii"p"rry g;fl County, Texas, gnd teirlS more particularly delcribed 1 folloivs: BEGINNING land at a 1" ironpipe foUnd, being the southrvestcomef of atract of 4629, Page conveyed to Dorrnan K. ao? iermifer M. Havins in a deed reoorded in Volume n-orth rigbton the being 540, OfTicial Public Records of Real Property, Belt county, Texas, tract; of-way l;,,e ofEast Big Elm Road, for thl southeast corner oftho hetein describecl line of said TI-IENCE N 710 44' 59'' w - 150.0t' Qtecord N ?10 59' UD al0ng the north of a tract of corn€r southeast rigtrt-of-way, to a 3/8" ironrod folulcl, being the southernmost 3 175' Volume in inirr ,onr,"y"a to Ernie Bulls in a Conlract of Sat" and Purchase recorded Page3TT,Omriot Public Records of Real Property, Bell Countl', Texas; to TI-IENCE N 150 2g' a2,, E - 283.80' along rhe boundary liue of said Bulls tract, tract; iron rod found for tbe northwest corner of tfie herein described THENCE S 74o 10, 10, E to a 3 /8" iron rod to.*.*. $t aw' 150,00', continuing along the boundary line of .said Bulls traug said Havins {mct; lh.r"r.l:;,..l,.lryrl.{ - line of THENCE S 15" 2g' lV - ZlO.ta; lnecbid'.290.+o') (Bearing Base) a10:rg tbe west ;"id rl;,i* i.o"t, to *h" POINT Of nnef,mXING and containing 0.99 Acre of Land' -( I ,lE <) v-< i I ; t 'Unit \c ir! rlc-: \f i-' \' F\.. -f' 'C) c) 55a a I -i :'a 'Date:,May'f1;'2005 @ Ronalci'Il. Owing"s -?r ..€ GJ ;, i: A{b =ii . i -:.. c:,:? ii: rn|9 {; ilit I !{r .= -i r' ili;: = F,I '?t .o .\4 !54 od N .'-\ fro ,? OJ :J j .. 2 o1" 2:Fi'l'brNo. 13408 EXHIBIT a co t\o :. .:, a) |-. €LstrLt ATTENTION SERVICE MEMBERS: Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of tAndreana Fleming the United'States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the 201 South 29th Street Temple, Texas 76504 Our file #0114-230F Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, or if you have recently been discharged from ective military duty, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on May 30, 2008, Andreana Fleming executed a Deed of Trust conveying to R.J. Daniel, a Trustee, the Real Estate hereinafter described, to secure Cornerstone Mortgage Company in the payment of a debt therein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded in Instrument Number: 2008-0002351I in the Real Property Recoi& of Bell County, Texas; and ,': WHEREAS, The undersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in the place of said original Trustee, upon tle contingency and in the .uilr", authorized by said Deed of Trust, the street addtess for the substitute trristaes is 1'1!6 W. Gray, Houston, Texas 77019; and . - WHERf,AS, Default has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly -due, and $e -l i I ) I owner and holder ofsaid debt has requested the undersigned to sell said property to satis! said indebtedness. : i NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that on Tuesday, May 6,2014,the foreclosure sal"_*!llrb. i conducted in Bell County in the area designated by the Commissioners Court, pursuant to Section 51.002 of $te the Texas property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place. If no place is designated by posted. The was Sale of Trustee's the Notice place where Commissioneri Court, sale wi1 be conducted at the trustee,s sale will be conducted no earlier than l:00 PM and must be concluded within three hours of such starting time. Said sale shall be to the highest bidder for cash. Said Real Estate is described as Follows: In the County of Bell, State of Texas: BEING LOT NUMBER ONE (1) rN BLOCK NUMBER TWENTY-TWO (22) OF FREEMAN HEIGHTS ADDITION, TO THE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD tN VOLUME 98, PAGE 501, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY' TEXAS' Trust. Bank of Bank of America, National Association is the mortgage servicer for the mortgagee of the Deed-of granting Bank of America America, National Association and the mortgageJhave entered into an agreement mortgage as Association, National America, of Bank mortgage. National Association authority to service the -r"ruicing (the "Servicing Mortgagee the with agreement u under the Mortgagee is representing servicer, Agreement"). it ,ru111J of the Moigagee is Bank of America, National Association' Pwsuant to the Servicing debt associated Alreement, Bank "of America, Nation-al Association is granted authority to collect and service the National of America, Bank Code, Property Texas the of 51.0025 Section Under of Trust. Deed with the property covered byAssociation, as mortgage servicer, is authorized to administer any resulting foreclosure of the servicer, Bank of mortgage the is c/o address The Mortgagee's Mortgagee. the Deed of Trust on behalf of the America, National Association, Po Box 940335, Simi Valley, cA 93094-0335. paid. Ifthe sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a retum ofthe deposit attomey' Mortgagee's the Mortgagglor the purchaser shall have no-furth"t recourse against the Moltgagor, The Cindy Jarrad' Notice sent by: HARVT,YLAW GROUP P.O. Box 131407 Houston, Texas77219 Tel.: (832) 922-4000 Fax: (832) 922-6262 Trustee, or Michelle Jones, Successor Substitute Trusteer or Richard ZavalarJr., Successor Substitute Trustee' or Angela Carter, Successor Substitute Trusteer or Luther Toungate, Successor Substitute Trustee' or Phillip Pierceall, Successor Substitute Trustee' or Israel Curtis, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Wes Wheat, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Stephen Mayers, Successor Substitute Trustee' or Colette Mayers, Successor Substitute Trustee' or Clay Golden, Successor Substitute Trustee, or David Ackel, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Cody Lon6 Successor Substitute Trustee' or Kelly McDaniel, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Ross Bandy, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Travis Kaddatz, Successor Substitute Trustee' or Aaron Crawford, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Kenny Shirey, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Robert Aguilar, Successor Substitute Trustee' or Kelly Ferris, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Dustin Emanuele" Successor Substitute Trustee A'< \\E NOTTgE OF FORECLOSUR& SALE Notice is hereby given of a public nonjudicial foreclosure 1. sale. ;: :l ' 'l Property To Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: personal or otherwise) described in the Texas Home Equity Deed oi Trust (Cash Out - First Lien) (as hereinafter defined), together with the rights, appurtenances and improvements thereto, including, but not limited to, the All property (real, '*tp'op.'[email protected] the event, any property encumbered by the Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash Out - nlrsf t-ien; has been released by Lender (or its predecessor in interest), then said released property shall be excluded from the property sold at foreclosure. 2. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and Place: Date: TuesdaY, MaY 6,2014, Time: The sale shall begin no earlier than 10:00 am or no later than three hours thereafter. The sale shall be completed by no later than 1:00 pm place: The sale will take place at the Bell County Courthouse at tbe place designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court' The Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash Out - First Lien) (hereinafter described) permits the Lender thereinaftei described) to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for Deed of another day. In that case, the trustee or substitute trustee under the Texas Home Equity sale to Trust (Cas[ Out - First Lien) need not appear at the date, time, and place of a scheduled of any rescheduled announce the postponement, withdrawal, or rescheduling. Notice of the date posting and filing the with foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance be after the date requirements of the Texas Property Code. Such reposting or refiling may originally scheduled for this sale. 3. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest - tttr provisions of the Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash out bidder fot rurtt, the First Lien) permitting the Lender to have the bid credited to the note up to the amount of at the time unpaid de6t-secured 6y the Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash out - First Lien) of sale. *@to Those desiring to purchase the property on the day the propertY is sold. NOTICE OF EORECLOSURE SALE -Paee 1755.3 85 I will need to demonstrate their ability to pay cash The sale witl be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash Out - First Lien), but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash Out - First Lien). Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. 4. Type of Sale. The sale is a nonjudicial Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash Out First Lien) lien and security interest foreclosure sale being conducted pursuant to the power of sale granted by the Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash Out - First Lien) (herein so called) executed by Berdie Mae Hemphilt and James Thomas Hemphill (whether one or more, the "Grantor"), for the benefit of Green Tree Servicing LLC as Servicer for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Trustee on behalf of Lake County Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-HE1 ("Lender"), covering the property described above. The Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash Out - First Lien) is dated on or about even date with the Note, and is recorded in Volume 4246, Page 566 of the Official Public Records of Bell County, Texas. - 5. Obligations Secured. The Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash Out - First Lien) providesThat it src"iri the payment of the indebtedness and obligations therein described (collectively the "Indebtedness") including but not limited to the unpaid principal and interest owing on that promissory note or installment contract-security agreement (the "Note") dated on or about Auguit 1, 2000, in the original principal amount of $25,480.00, executed by the Grantor (or one of t-hem;- and payable to the order of Lender, and all renewals, modifications and extensions of the note. Lender is the current owner and holder of the Note and the Indebtedness and is the beneficiary under the Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash Out - First Lien)' or to the Lender: Questions concerning the sale may be directed to the undersigned Green Tree Servicing LLC as Servicer for Wells Fargo Bank, behalf of Lake County Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-HE1 1400 Turbine Drive Rapid City, SD 57703 Attn: Daniel Alfonso Telephone: 800-544'8056 x5 5947 Fax: 866-210-6192 N'A. as Trustee on 6. Default and Request To Act. Default has occurred under the Texas Home Equity Deed of Trust (Cash Out - First Lien), and Lender has requested me, as Substitute Trustee, to conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale Lender may appoint another person as substitute trustee to conduct the sale, Armed Forces Notice. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active mititary duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the 7. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 1755.385 - Paee 2 National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. DATED: April4, 2014. Rfan S. Foster, Substitute Trustee Higier Allen & Lautin, P.C. 5057 Keller Springs Road, Suite 600 Addison, Texas 7 5001 -6231 Telephone: (972) 7 I 6-1 888 Fax: (972) 716-1899 ***PLEASE FAX ALL COMMTJNICATIONS REGARDING THIS MATTER TO THE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE AT 972-716-t899 (FAX), NOTE THE SUBSTITUTE TR.USTEE'S NAME ON YOUR COVER SHEET AND CONTACT THE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE AT 972-716-1888 (PHONE) TO CONFIRM RECEIPT. PLEASE ASSUME YOUR FAX HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED UNTIL YOU VERBALLY CONFIRM RECEIPT THEREOF WITH OUR OFFICE. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR COOPERATIONI*** NOTICE O4'FORECLOSURE SALE 1755.38s - Page 3 EXHIBIT ''A'' LOT NO. (s) rN BLOCK NO. (6) OF TEL-GrN HEIGHTS ADD. TO THE CO TEMPLE, BELL CITY, TEXAS, ARC TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 401, PAGE 3 OF THE DR. OF BC TX. ILOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE -Paee 4 1755.385 ffi Filed ffiffiffiffiWRIGINAL cAusE No. 256-436-C IN RE: ORDER FOR FORECLOSURB CONCERNING: $ IN THE DISTRTCT COURT 809 E. Irvin Avenue Temple, Bell County, Texas 76501 $ BELL COLTNTY, TEXAS I I $ $ UNDERTEX.R.CIV.P. 736 $ $ and $ $ GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC AS $ Servicer for WELLS FARGO BAIrlK, $ AS TRUSTEE, on behalf of LAKE COUNTRY$ MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2OO5-HE1 $ N.A. $ Petitioner, $ $ TTINAL ORDER 169th ruDICIAL DISTRICT GIL'J\TING PETITIONIERIS AI'PLICATION FOR EXIILDITED EpRECLOSURE UNDER TEX. R. CrV. PROC. 736 Came on for consideration the application of Green Tree Sersicing LLC as Servicing for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A, as Tnrstee on behalf of Lake County Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-HEl (hereinafter Petitioner) for Order for Foreclosure pwsuant to Rule 736 of tbe Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. The oourt is of the opinion that said application should be GRAI'ITED' The eourt finds this is an ir remproceeditrg; that the Application filed by Petitioner complies rvittr Tex. R. Civ. Proc' 735 and 736; tbat specifically: l. Rule 736.8ftX1) - A monetary default under the Texas Home EquifySecurity Instrument exists. Respondent is in default on its obligation to Petitioner in that payments have not bsen made when due and owing pursuant to the terms of the Note MOTIONrOnnnr crv. PRoc.730 W:\1755\385\final-order,wPd Page I CLOSUREUNDERTEX. R. *f,sil ' t'l\ ';i.., and Security Instrument, 2. Rule ?-36.8ftX2) - The property is to be foreslosed is commonly known as 809 E, Irvin Avenue, Temple, Texas 76501. The legal description of the Property is atteched as Exhibit A hereto made a part hereof for all purposes. 3. Rule ?36,8(bX3) - Respoodents are Berdie Mae Hemphill and James Thomas Hemphill whose last knowu addresses are I Berdie Mae Hemphill: 809 E. Irvin Avenue, Temple, Texas 76501. James Thomas 4, Hemphitl: 809 E' Irvin Avenue, Temple, Texas 76501. Rule 736.8(b)(4) - Texas Home Equity Security Instrument was duly recorded in the Official ReaI Propertry Records of Beli County, Texas, under Volume 4246, Page 566, of the Plat Records of Bell County, Texas. The Court finds that Respondents, Berdie Mae Hemphitl and James Thomas Hemphill were served with oitations on March t5,2Ol3 as required by Rule 736.3. Respondents' response due date was April 29,20!3,tbat Respondent failed to answet, and that the Petitioner should proceed with foreclosure of the ?roperty under the terms of the security instnrment and Texas Property Code Section 51,002 and Tex. R. Civ. Proc.735 and 736, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERBD, ADJIIDGED AND DECREED thAt thE PEtitiONET proceed MAY with foreclosrue under the Security Instrument and under Tex. Prop. Code Section 51,002 of the property located at 809 E, Irvin Avenue, Temple, Texas 76501 and described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A'' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART FIEREOF FOR ALL PURPOSES. ffiT oRDER FoR EXPEDITED FORECLOSURE UNDER TEX. R. PROC.730 Wtl755\385\firal-order"wpd Page2 clv. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Petitioner will attached a copy of this Order to the trustee or substitute trustee's foreclosure deed. sIGNED thisZgaarof tnat .,zotr. .(\-- -B,o^J,*. N, G&"""^J JUDGE PRESIDING APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ENTRY REQUESTED: HIGIER ATLEN & By: State BarNo. 1 Maris E. Matocha State Bar No. 2 5057 Keller Springs Suite 600 Addison, Texas 75001-6231 Telephone: (972) 7t6-1888 Telecopy: (972)716-1899 ATTORNEYS FOR PETITIOMR After Recor.d i ns. Pleas-e. Bgtqrn Richard A, MoKinneY Higier, Allen & Lautin To : soiT KeUer Springs Road, Suite 600 Addison, Texas 75001 D ctv. PRoC.730 Wil?55\385\fural-order.wPd Page3 ronBclosuRE UNDER TEx' R' ' 'roT NO. (5) IN BLOCK NO. (6) OF TEL-GIN HEIGI{TS ADD. TO THE CO TEMPLE, BELL CNTY, TEXAS, ENC TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 4OI, PAGE 3 OF THE DR OF BC TX' Borrower: MHA File Number: Current NATASHA MOORE, A SINGLE PERSON ws ttt TX-13-20903-FC VA/FIIA/PI\{I Number: LoanType: Property Address: '-'l- VA 3900 TECOVAS SPRINGS CT, KILLbEN, TX ?6549 ?l rt r t Tlt- - '- it ill 1,,:a 1 ,, D t..- /\ NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE Deed of Trust Date: r0/5t2006 Original Beneficiary/IUortgagee: Grantor(s/l[ortgagor(s) : NATASHA MOORE. A STNGLE PERSON Current BeneficiaryMortgagee: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,INC. MERS IS A SEPARATE CORPORATION THAT IS ACTING SOLELY AS A NOMINEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS.INC. Property County: Recorded in: BELL Volume:6228 Pagez 241 Instrument No: 2006-000491 80 Mortgage Servicer: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. is representing the Mortgage Servicer's Address: 7105 Corporate Drive, Plano, TX75024 Cunent Benefi ciaryllvlortgagee under a servicing agreement with the Cunent Beneficiary/Tr4ortgagee. Legal Description: LOT NINETY-SIX (96), IN BLOCK TWO (2), OF GOODNIGHT RANCH ADDITION' PHASE I, IN iHE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE 7I-A & B, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COLINTY, TEXAS. Date of Sale: 5/612014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 AM l20l HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS. OR IN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT, PURSUANT TO SECTION Place of Sale of Property: THE JUSTICE COMPLEX, 5I,OO2 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. Luther Toungate or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Richard Zavala, Jr' or Cole D. Patton or Melissa A. McKinneY or Karl Terwilliger McCarthy, Holthus & Ackerman, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West 15th Street, Suite 1060 Plano. TX 75075 Vve Current Borrower: SCOT'T W. FRENCH, JOINED FRENCH MHA File Number: TX-14-21824-FC tt+ IIEREIN PRO FORMA BY HIS SPOUSE. DEBORAH A. VA/FHAPMI Number: Loan Type: Property Address: r,',._-:,1 f":l-1 :t VA IIO4 ESTELLE AVENUE. KILLEEN. TX 7654I.0000 t''!', f-) I tt /.'^, li NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE Deed of Trust Date: Grantor(s/lllortga gor(s) tUr4/200r : SCOTT W. FRENCH, JOINED HEREIN PRO FORMA BY HIS SPOUSE. DEBORAH A. FRENCH Original BeneficiaryMortgagee: Current BeneficiaryMortgagee: Nationstar Mortgage LLC MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,INC. MERS IS A SEPARATE CORPORATION THAT IS ACTING SOLELY AS A NOMINEE FOR COI.]NTRYWIDE HOME LOANS.INC. Recorded in: Volume:4538 Paget 219 Instrument No: 038953 Mortgage Servicer: Nationstar Mortgage LLC is representing the Current Benefi ciaryllr4ortgagee under a servicing agreement with the Current Beneficiaryllt4ortgagee. Property County: BELL Mortgage Seryicer's Address: 350 Highland Dr, Lewisville, TX 7 5067 Legal Description: LOT TEN (10), IN BLOCK TEN (10), OF KILLEEN HEIGHTS, SOUTH TINIT OF FIRST SECTIONS, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 130-8, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COLINTY, TEXAS. Date of Salez 5/6/2014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 AM Place of Sale of Property: THE JUSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS. OR IN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT, PURSUANT TO SECTION 5I.OO2 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. Luther Toungate or Cindy Jarrard Angela Carter or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cole D. Patton or Melissa A. McKinney or Karl Terwilliger McCarthy, Holthus & Ackerman, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West l5th Street, Suite 1060 Plano, TX 75075 weltg Current Borrower: MHA File Number: SFIARON LLOYD, A SINGLE WOMAN T){'-I4-22257-FC ( VA/FIIA/PMI Number: FHA Loan Type: Property Address: ":,',-l:: 14OI SOUTH 4IST STREET, TEMPLE, TX 76504 ll1.r Deed of Trust Date: 7/r0/t998 Original Benefi ciary/tlortgagee: COL]NTRYWIDE HOME LOANS. INC. Recorded in: Volume:3826 Tn: i':n ! r, Grantor(s)/tlortga gor(s) : SHARON LLOYD, A SINGLE WOMAN Cu rrent Beneficiary/lVlortga gee: BANK OF AMERICA. N.A. Property County: BELL Page: 209 Instrument No: 023927 Mortgage Senicer: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. is representing the Mortgage Servicer's Address: 7105 Corporate Drive, Plano, TX-75024 Current Beneficiary/\4ortgagee under a servicing agreement with the Current BeneficiaryMortgagee. Legal Description: BEING LOT NUMBER ONE (l) rN BLOCK NUMBER THREE (3) OF SUNSET ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN VOLUME 61 I, PAGE 560, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. Date of Salez 516/2014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 AM Place of Sale of Property: THE JUSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS. OR IN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT, PURSUANT TO SECTION 5I.OO2 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. Toungate or Cindy Jarrard Angela Carter or Jo Anne Coo br Michelle Jones or Richard Zavala, Jr, or Cole D. Patton or Melissa A. McKinney or Karl Terwilliger McCarthy, Holthus & Ackerman, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West l5th Street, Suite 1060 Plano. TX 75075 Yv n1 i- ATTEllTl0t{ SERVICE MEMBERS: ASSERT All0 PROTECT YOUR BIGHTS AS A iIEMBER (lF THE ARiIED FORCES (lF THE UITITED :::- STATES. IT YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERYIilG :.a) III ACTIVE IIIIITARY DUTY, IilCtUDItIG ACTIYE MILITARY DUTY AS A TTIETTIBER OF 'l .-.1 "t THE TEXAS IIATIOIIAL GUARIT OR THE TTATIOIIAT l i! \J GUARD OF ATT(|THER STATE OR A MEMBER OF A RESERVE ,1 COiIPOITEIIT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UilITED STATES. PTEASE SEIID WRITTEII I{OTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY iIILITARY : SERVICE T(l THE SEI{DER OF THIS I{OTICE IIIIIIEDIATEIY. IIOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, MICHAEL L. R()ILINGS, J()INED HEREIN PR() FORMA BY HIS WIFE, REBA L. ROLLINGS defivered that one certain Deed of Trust dated DECEMBER 28,2007 , which is recorded in INSTRUMENT N0. 2008-00000416 of the real property records of BELL County, Texas, conveying to the Trustee(s) therein named the real property therein described, to secure the payment of a Promissory Note in the principal amount of $102,047.00 payable to the order of CITY BANK M0RTGAGE, to which reference is hereby made for a description of the Promissory Note, the terms and covenants of the Deed of Trust, and the property therein conveyed; and WHEREAS, default, as same is defined in the Promissory Note and/or the Deed of Trust, has occurred and the outstanding indebtedness on same is now wholly due; and WHEREAS, the undersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in place of the original Trustee, upon the contingency and the manner authorized by the Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, B0KF, N.A., a national banking association dlb/a BANK 0F 0KLAH0MA, as successor in interest by merger to BANK 0F OKLAH0MA, N.A., the Mortgagee, or the Mortgage Servicer, has instructed Substitute Trustee(s) to sell real property described in the Deed of Trust in order to satisfy the indebtedness a secured thereby. il0TlCE lS HEREBY GIVEI{ that on Tuesday, MAY 6,2014, beginning at 10:00 AM, or not later than three (3) hours after that time, a Substitute Trustee(slwill sell, to the highest bidder submitting cashier's check, certified check or money order, the following described real property: BEING L()T NUMBER SEVENTEEN (17)IN BLOCK NUMBER ONE (1)()F THE TONESOME BOVE SUBDIVISI()N, IN THE CITY ()F KILLEEN, BELL C()UNTY, TEXAS, ACGORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET "C", SLIOE 185.8 OF THE PLAT RECORBS OF BELT COUNTY, TEXAS. The sale will occur at that area designated by the Commissioners Couft of BELL County, Texas, for such sales (0R AT THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE LOCATED AT THE JUSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DRIVE). il0TlCE lS FURTHER GIVEII that the address of BANK 0F OKLAH0MA, N.A., the Mortgagee 0r Mortgage Servicer, is 7060 S. YALE, STE 200, TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74136. Pursuant to the Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to administer a foreclosure sale. The name and address of a substitute tlustee is Michael J. Schroeder, 3610 North Josey Lane, Suite 206, Ganollton, Texas 75007. A Substitute Tlustee is authorized by the Texas Property Code to $et reasonable conditions for the foreclosure sale. Dated: APRI[ 14,2014. _{ t, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE(S) MICHAEL J. SCHROEOER OR ATIIGELA CARTER OR LUTHER TOUNGATE (]R CINDY JARRARD ()R J() ANNE COOK OR MICHETLE JONES OR RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. FILE N0.: 80K.1408 PR0PERTY: 4500 L0Rl DRIVE K|IEEN. TEXAS 76549 MICHAEL t. R()LLINGS NOTICE SENT BY: MICHAEL J. SCHROEDER 3610 iloRTH JoSEY LAl'lE, SUITE 206 CARROLLT(II{, TEXAS 75007 Tds (9721 394-3086 Fax: (9721 394.1263 (a<tw r_-r! r_i-\ NOTICE gT SUBSTITUTE TBU.$TEtr'S SALE Bell County Texas Home Equity Security Instrument L*., Dale of Security Instrument: August 30,2006 Amount: $42,079.80 Granlor(s): Alberto S. Hernandez, Jr. and Marla J. Hernandez Original Mortgagee: CitiFinancial, [nc. Cunent Mortgagee: CitiFinancial Servicing LLC, a Delaware limited Original Trustee: Jane Sisson Mortgage Servicer and Address: CitiFinancial Servicing LLC 300 St. Paul Place Legal Department - lTth Floor Baltimore, MD 21202 liability oompany Recording Information : Recorded September 8, 2A06, under Instrument No' 041882 Volume 6186 Page 161, Bell County, Texas A COPY OF THE LEGAL DESCzuPTION TS ATTACHED HERBTO AS EX}IIBIT A' AND INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE AS THOUGH FULLY SET FORTH HEREIN. Legal DescriPtion: Date of Sale: May 6,2014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 A.M. in the area designated by the Bell County Place of Sale: The foreclosure sale will be conducted place where to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property-Code.as the Commissioners Court by the Commissioners Cotrrt' the foreclosures sales are to take place, ot ii "o O*t is designated of Trustee's Sale was posted' sale will be conducted ut ittt place where the Notice t*J; sale and Forecloswe sale was WHEREAS, Bn Order to Proceed with Notice of Foreclosure in the 169th Judisial District court of entered on August 26,Il:3,under cuut. No. ZO+,Sq0-c, Bell CountY, Texas; 0003?4-00026s The undersigned has been appointed as Substitute Trustee(s), each empowered to act independe-ntty, in the place of saiO Original Trustee, upon the contingency and in the manner authorizef by said Texas Home Equrty Security Instrument, The Substitute Trustee will sell the Propeily by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time state above or within three (3) hours after that time. If you Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. are or your spouse is ser.ving on active military duty, including active military duty as a a member of tfie Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as please send States, United msmber of a resera€ component of the armed forces of the written noticr of the active iuty mititary service to the sender of the notice immediately' Trustee(s) may bind NOTICE IS FURTHER CIVEN that, except to the extent that the substitute of the Texas Home terms the and obligate the Mortgagors to warrant titie to the Property under IS' 'WHERE IS' Equity security lnstrument, conveyance of the Property shall be madp 'AS and subject to all without any representations and warranties whatsoevel, express^ or implied, the Pwchaser at reason, any for matters of record affecting the Properfy. If the sale is set asido pwshaser shall have no further the sale shau be entitledinly to a ,.to* of funds paid, The Attorney' recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's H,XECUTED in multiple originals on April 4'2014' WaS, Panchenkoo Angela Carter or Lutlere Totngaten Substitute Trustee(s) c/o Pite Duncan, LLP 4375 Jutland Drive, Suite 200 P.O. Box 17935 San Diego, CA' 9217'l -0935 MORTGAGE SHOULD BE COMPLAINTS REGARDING THE SERVICING OF YOUR SENTToTHEDEPARTMENToFsavTNcsANDMORTGAGELENDING'26a|NoRTH CONSUMER HOTLINE IS LAMAR, SUITE 201, AUSTIN, TX 78705. A TOLL-FREE AVAILABLE AT 877 -2'I 6.5 550 000374-000265 l:xhibit *A" pART Or TH8. JpJllt OUMMINGS SURVEY' ABSTRACT NO 178' lN ntrr'ro R ronrroru oF THAT CERTAIN cALLEo 18 AcRE ANCI ALBETI' HERNANDEZ, NtcHoLAs HERNAN'EZ TaAcr orse*r*Eo ri n'o?nn ro ttt VOLUMS 574, PAGE 561 oF THE OEED RECORDS nfcbnn pABLO HEnNANCIez, br PARTICUIARLY DESCRtBED 8Y MErEs ANo $'l,qJ-.oRE oF 6€rr eouNry. lN rHE NORTH RIGHT IRON n6D iHCH r ara $sciN'l'e 0.45 Acn$S, BCING A BELL couNry. ruxod nr'l'u rrlii'nrln sou'a$ ns rou-sw!; As LlrrLE MExrco R'AD' 'OUND noADwAY KNowN oF wAy oF A nELL cdufrrv l,txryItryEg TRAcr ANo BEtNc rHE sourHwEsr .'AME BcrN6 r*e soiliH"iriuE or s*n rg A*RE ASRE TRACT DESCRIBEo lN A oEEo To CSfiHER oF THAT cglrinrr.r Cnfu-ent.qg4 Or REcoRD lN vo-LUME 185' PAGE 184 oF ALVTN $ARen nnp wirE, nogre cnnc!{ AND IFlNGTHE SOUTHEAST CORNER fl.{E OrFA rsficonns'cF Be LLeouNTy. *sxAS FOUND, EEING THE SOUTHEAST fRON of" l.f,lts TnAC"r,.FROrr'f wllcH n il: INOH 71 DEG_I1 MrN 58 SEC EAST A sourn qs,r qe.1ns' fnncl nilfe c$RNfR or sAt0 o wtrH rHE NoRrH OtBECrloN. DtsrANcE OF 71.e4 ri:Li. iiie'licE rN n WESTERLY B€ING.THE sourH LINE oF sAlo RlcHr oF wAY or sni6 LrrrG rtrExrco ioAo, sArueFEET) NORTH 71 OEG l1 MIN 58 w' oog 1s A9RE TRAST tnecdnfi bet-r or N zr oEC ROD sET' EEING rHE lRoN lNcH A io 5tB $Ec wEsT, A OlSTAtiCe oiizi,rO FEET TRAcT DESCRISED lN A soUTHEAST CoRNER oF THAT CERTAIN CALLEO lt2ACRE 329 0F THE DEED PAGE 711, DEED TO LUAIANO OAnCrn or necono lit voLutvte CoRNER OF THls SOUTnwEST iXg ierrtre nXO RECORDS OF BELL COUNfi, TEXAs FOUND lN MoNUMENT cAp TRACT, FROM WHtcH;COnps Of ENGINEERS BRASS A olsrANc€ wEST', sEc MIN 5s r r tiD'eG coNcRETE, MARKED W'{13-6 BEARS; NOciH ACRE 18 SAl0 OF 7s0.19 FEET, THENCE tN A NORTHen[VOrneCrrON, CROSSING o N 19 DEc w' TRAcr wrrH THE EAsT LINE oF sAro r'rz aCie rnncr tnecoRD CALL FEET TO'A 5/8 17{'05 210 FEET) N9RTH rabgO 48 MtN 02 SEC InSr, A DISTANCE-OF TRAcT' FRoM WHICH A tNcH tRoN RoD sET, BETNG THE NonTHwribicoir.ren oF IHls AcRE TRAcT 60 pENNy NAIL FoUND, BETNG rxe NoniHElsi conNen of sAlD 1/2 AN rEEr' MlfcE lN 57 BEARS; NoRTH 18 DEG 48 MrN 02 sec enbi, a orsianCE _or 35.37 So-uT;l-76.oEG TRAcT, ncne EASTERLv DtREcloN, coNTtNutr'ro ncn-oss'sAioia BEING THE io n sre tNcH lHoN RoD SET MtN ss s€c EAsr, A otsTANcE oF ss.66 BEING FO-UNo' NAIL 60 PaNNY n NoRTHWEST cORNER OF THIS TRACT, ;RoM virrCH 02 i#i MIN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF $AlD 1/2 ACRE TRACT BEARS|-NORTH 18^9Fji.48 DIREcTIO]'i'^EASTERLY sEc EA$T, A DTSTANCE OF 3s.32 FEET. f[eNCe rN AN A coNTtNUtNG AcRoss sAtD 18 AcRe rneCi sOuin 76 oEG 57 MIN 5e SEc FIS--I 0 d94 sAl0 sF tlNg wcgr rug lN DI$TANCE OF 05.66 FEET TO A 5'8 INCH IRON ROt) $gT A 1€ AcRE TRAcT AND BEtNc THE NqRTHEA5T eopltg& oF rlldlnnbT, rltclM qfllcx txeh tnCIN ttoo FouNn. Bpilc r|"1€ NCItlTl{ws$T conNf:tl clr sair: b "q-o 19.r15,,TaAoT lN A BEAR$; NOllTl-t l0 OEG 4t1 MtN 00 $[e r:AST, A t)lSTAl"lCf OF r ti'tO t'Urt TtlENC{: sourH&nly nlRusTlor.t, coNrtNt,lNc ncnoss sruo ra le ne rrr4ir,yv1.1tl Iti[sr$t LlH6 QF SAIS 0,4S{ ACRS TnAeT {R[COF.0 CALL Or; $ 10 nec 40 MrN w' 3o7,).f.!''' SOUTH 10 OE6,{s h4nt o0 $Ec w€sT. A alsrANc€ oF 185.48}eer To THE POINT oF STGINNIi'TG, EONTAINING O,d5 ASRE$ OT LAND, fis bq NOTICE OF FORECLOSIJRE SALE 1 . Propaty to Be Sold. The property to be sold is descri bed a fol lorvs BEING LOTS NUMBER ONE (1) AND TWO (2) lN BLOCK NUMBER TWO (2) of H.A. BROCKER SJBDIVISION REVISED OF BLOCKS 5, 7 AND PART BLOCK 3, HEIGHLAND ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN VOLUME 621, PAGE 241, OFTHE DEED RECORDSOF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 2. InSrurnent to be Forclosed. The inSrument to be foredosed is the Ded of Tru$ ddrd O5126t2006 and recorded in Book 6099 F4e762 red propety recordsof Bdl Co:nty, Te<as 3. Date, Ti me, and Dde Plre of Sale. The C e is scfreduled to be hd d d the folloirri ng dde, time and place Og0d2014 Tirne Thedewill begin no ealier than 10:@ AM or no lder thar three hourstheredter. Plae: Bdl Conty Courttpuse Tere, d the follorving locdion: THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTMNCE OF THE BELL COUNTY JJSTICE COMPT-EX, 1201 HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TE(AS OR AS DESGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSilONER'S OFFICE. or as designded by the County Commi sdoners Court. will be mrduded a a public adion to the highest bidder for cdr. RrrsJat to the deed of tru$, thernotg4ehe therigtrttodiredtheTruSeetosdlthepropety inoneormorepaodsancUortosdldloronly patof the 4. Terms of Sale Tte sde property. Rrrsrat to sedion 51.009 of the Te<a Propety Code the property will be sdd in AS lS, WHERE lS condition, without ary o(press or impied warantieg e<cept as to the waranties of title if any, provided for under the deed of trud. Rogective bidders ae dvised to mndud an indepandent invedigdion of the ndure and phydcd condition of the prop€rty. nwily Progclive bidders ae reminded thd by latry the Ce will be mde $tiect to dl prior mdters of remrd dfeding the property, if ary, to the odent thd tley rerndn in foroe and dfed and hare not been $bordinded to ttte deed of tru$. Tfrc sde $dt nct cover ary pat of the prop€rty tH ha been rdeced of prtbtic record frorn the lien of the deed of tru$. Prospedive hridders ae drongly urged to e<anire the +plic$le property rords to ddermine the ndure and o<tent of $ch mdterq if any. lf the sde is sd aide for aty reason, the furcfiaer d the sde *rdl be eltitled only to a rdum of the d€podt pdd. The R:rchaser $dl hare no further recourse agdnst the Mortg4or, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's dtornq. 5. Obligations Secured. Tfre Deed of Trust e<eanted by EMMITT D JACKSON, provides thd it srres the paymertt of the indebtedness in the origind prirrcjpd mount of $49,982.00, and obligdions therdn de$ribed irrcluding but rpt limited to (a) the promissor-y note ard (b) dl rerwds and e<tensions of the note. U.S BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR SFRINGLFAF MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 20'12.2, BY, STATE FINANCIAL SERVICES - SFRINGLFAF, INC., D/B/A SPRINGLEAF FINANCIAL SERVICES OF TEXAS, INC., FORMERLY KNOWN AS AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICE$ lNC., AS SERVICER. is the current mortg4e of the note ad ded of tru$. 6. Ddault and Requed to Act. Ddanlt he occuned under the deed of truS ad U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR SPRINGLEAF MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2U2-2, BY, STATE FINANCIAL SERVICES - SPRINGLEAF, INC., D/B/A SFRINGLEAF FINANCIAL SERVICES OF TEXAS, INC., FORMERLY KNOWN AS AMERICAN GENEML FINANCIAL SERVICES, lNC., AS SERVICER. obt.ined a Honre Equity Foredosrre Order from the 146th Di$rid Court of Bdl Cdrty m 1?/1U2013 under Canse Tru$ee condud this sde pursrant to the Court's Order ad notice another peren slbdi ttfie tru$ee to condud the d e 't300@30682 918 N 14THST TEMFI.E. TX 76501 LATHAM. RON BEDFORD OR MICHAEL W. ZIENTZ c/o AVT Title Services LLC 13770Nod Rod#801529 Ddla, TX 7538G1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE ISSERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR ASA MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THISNOTICE IMMEDIATELY. fustt NOTTCE OF FORECLOSURE l. SALE Property to Be SoliL The property to be sold is described as follows: :r l BEING LOT NUMBER 8 IN BLOCK NUMBER 18 OF SUNFLOWER ESTATES, PHASE THREE, ,q,N EONTTTO]'I iO THE CIry OF KILLEEN, BELL COI.INTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD I}.{ CABINET ''D'" SLIDE 8O-A OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. ) 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 03/31/2009 and recordedrin Document 2009-00013241 real property records ofBell County, J Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place of Sale- (.) i | Dg!p: 05/06/2014 h9: BIaCA: The sale will begin no earlier than 10:00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Bell County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Fursuant to section 5 L009 of the Texas Properfy Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property. - Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed oftrust. The-sale shall not cover any part ofthe property that has been released ofpublic record from the lien ofthe deed oftrust. prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nahue and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. 5. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by ALEXANDRA M OLIVARES AND MATHEW A. HUDDLESTON' providei that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal arnount of $102,148.00, and obligations iherein described including butnot limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note' U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust. 6. Default and Request to Act Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mprtgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee y4yuppo:g0*o,[her person substitute trustee to conductthesale. l3-000093-520 25OI HYDRANGEA AVENUE KILLEEN. TX 76549 *mr,<aWr* JOHN LATTTAM, JOHN W. LATHAM, BRETT ADAMS, MICHAEL LATHAM, RON BEDFORD ORMICHAEL W. ZIENTZ c/o AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE T]NITED STATES.IF YOU ARE OR YOIJR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY,INCLTJDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARI} OR TI{E NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF TIIE ARMED FORCES OF THE T]NITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SEI{DER OF TITIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. Vtsb+ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE l. PrupeW to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: BEING LOT 8 IN BLOCK 4 OF HYMESA ESTATES, PHASE FIVE, KILLEEN, BELL COUNry, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET "B", SLIDE 32I-B OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. ] 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 12102/2009 and recorded in Document 2009-00047657 real property records ofBell County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, ond Place of Date: 05/06/2014 I!gg: The sale will Sale. i ; begin no earlier than 10:00 AM or no later than three hours .i j thereafter. ,' " Place: Bell County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DzuVE, BELTON, TEXAS OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms ofSale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed offtust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 5l.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe properly. will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released ofpublic record from the lien of the deed oftrust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, ifany. Ifthe sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return ofthe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attomey. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale 5. Obligations Secured The Deed of Trust executed by MATTHEW S. MENDOZA AND ALISSA J. MENDOZA, provides it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $123,600.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. PLANET HOME LENDING, LLC is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust. that 6. Default and Request to AeL Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. . LATHAM. BRETT ADAMS. THAM. RON BEDFORD OR MICHAEL W. MICHAEL ZIENTZ c/o AVT Title Services. LLC JOHN LA I,l-00O00G680 4219 FRONTIER TRL KILLEEN. TX 76542 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, T){75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES.IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY,INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR TIIE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. n-s bg NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE l, Propefi to Be Sold The property to be sold is described as follows: I LOT NINETEEN (I9), BLOCK EIGHT (S), SADDLERIDGE ESTATES, PHASE ONE, AN ADDITION .rO TUF{ITV'bP KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABII.TET O, Si'OE.T,OSA & B, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. .J 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. Theinstrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated OZtOttiOtt ana record6tin Document 20t 1-00005695 real property records of Bell County, Texas. iJ : ,-i 3. Date, Time, ond Place of Sale. Dzls: 05/06/2014 -1gg: The sale will begin no earlier than 10:00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. p!gs.g: Bell County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COLNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNry COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and./or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidden are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property. will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released ofpublic record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nahre and extent of such matters, ifany. Ifthe sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return ofthe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale 5. Obligations Secured The Deed of Trust executed by JESSICA R. SMITH AND BRIAN L. SMITH, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $128,173.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. GREEN PLANET SERVICING, LLC is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust. l4-000008-6E0 IOIO COPPER CREEK DRIVE KILLEEN. TX 76549 JOHN LATT{AIVI' JOHN W. LATHAM, BRETT ADAMS, MICHAEL LATHAM. RON BEDFORD OR MICHAEL W. ZIENTZ c/o AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas. TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF TI{E TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR TIIE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. (LCLq l. Prope@ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE to Be SoId" The property to be sold is described as follows: . - .j ,.. LOT EIGHT (8), BLOCK FIVE (5), LEN SCHWERTNER SUBDIVISION THIRD EXTENSION, PHASE ONE,ICiLLEEN, BELL COUNry, TEXAS, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET B, SLIDE 48-A, PLAT RECORDS-'qF BEI,L COUNTY,TEXAS. ] 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed, The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 12/2812005 and recorded in Bopk 5933 Page372 real property records ofBell County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place of I ,i 1 r Sale. I (.)\ wt!p: 05/06/2014 --gqg: The sale will begin no earlier than l0:00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. P!rce: Bell County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COLINTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms of SaIa The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the propefty in one or more parcels andlor to sell all or only part of the properfy. Pursuant to section 5l .009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidden are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property. will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of kust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent ofsuch matters, ifany. Ifthe sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return ofthe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attomey. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale 5. Obligations Secured- The Deed of Trust executed by JENNIFER DAU AND JEFFREY DAVID DAU, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $76,612.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. US Bank National Association is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust. 6. Default and Request to Act Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee qay appolgt appoigf another person substitute trustee to conductthesale' l/ffi04G520 2408 CROSS TIMBER DR KILLEEN, TX 76543 #Lee,- PHILLIP prfR.CEALL,ISRAEL CURTIS, WES WHEAT, STEPHEN MAYERS, COLETTE MAYERS, CLAY GOLDEN, DAVID ACKEL, CODY LONG, KELLY MCDANIEL, KENNY SHIREY, ROBERT AGUILAR, ROSS BANDY, TRAVIS KADDATZ, AARON CRAWFORD, DUSTIN EMANUELE, KELLY FERRIS, JOHN LATHAM, JOHN W. LATHAM. BRETT ADAMS. MICHAEL LATHAM. RON BEDFORD OR MICHAEL ZIENTZ c/o AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF TITE ARMED FORCES OF THE T'NITED STATES.IF YOU ARE OR YOTJR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY,INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTIIER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPOMNT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF TIIE T]NITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF TIIE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. e_e +A .: NBTICA Pf TQRE^SIO.SURF,SAI"E Notice is hereby given ofa putrlic nonjudicial foreclosure sale. I . /.. Propsrrv To Be --l iJ i,;.i Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: Lot 10, etocr< $j][tttre Cedar }Iill Additiou, Phase Trvo, in the City of Killeen, Bell Counry" Texas, according to the Plat of R.ecord in Cabinet C, Slide 26-D, Plat Records of Beli County, Texas. Date, Time. and lllace of Sale. Thc sale is schedrrlcd to be held at the following date, time, and place: Date: May 6, 2014 Time: The sale shall begin no earlier than l0:00 a.m. or no later than three hours therealter" The sale shall be completed by no later than l:00 P.M. Flace: Bell County Justice Complox, in Belton, Tex*s, at the following location: Betl Counry Alcorie to the East of the Main Entrance of the Bell County Justice Complex l20l lluey Drive, Belton, Texas The deed of trust permits the beneficiary to postrrone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for another day. In that case, the trustee or substitute trustee under the deed oftnrst need not eppear at the date, time, and place ofa scheduled sale to announce the postponement, witldrawal, cr rescheduling. Notice of lhe date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements of the Texas Property Code. Such reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. 3. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction tn the highe*t bidder for cash, subject to lhe provisions of ths deed of (rust permitting the bsneficiar-v thersunder to have the bid credited to the note up to the amount of the unpaid debt secured by the deed of trust at the tirne of sale. Those desiring to purchase the propsrty will need to demonstrate their ability to pay cash on the day the properfy is soid. The sale will he made expre*sly subject tcl any title matters set fofih in the deed of tmst, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law thc sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the ptoperty, ifany, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed oftrust" Prospective bidders are strongly wged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. 4. Tyre ofSale. The sale is a nonjudicial deed oftrust lien and security interest foreclosure sale being conductsd pursuant to the power of sale granted by the deed of trust execuled by MICHAEL A. MORGAN and wife, CASSANDRA A, MOR.GAN . The deed of trust is dated July 18, ?011, and is recorded under Clerk's File #20 I I -00028630, of the Real Property Records, Bell County. 5. Secured. 'lhe deed of trust provides that it secures the pa1'ment ofthe Oblisations indebtedness and obligations therein described (collectively t}re "Obligations") including but not limited to (l) the promissory note in the original principal amount of $92.000.00, executed by MICHAEL A. MORGAII and wife, CASSANDRA A. MORGAN, and payable to the ord€r of HOME FREEDOM RBALTY, LLC; and all renewals and extensions of the note. I{OME FREEDOM REALTY, LLC, is the current owner and holder of the Obligations and is the benehciary under ths deed oftrust. Questions conceming the sale may be directed to the undersigned. Default has occurred under the deed oftrust, and the 6. Default and Request To Act. beneficiary has requested me, as Trustee. to conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the beneficiary may appoint another person substitute fustse to conducl the sale. Assert end protect your rights as a membcr of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including activ€ military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of snother state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military scrvice to the studer of this noticc immediately. DATED April 11, t014. Gary D. Tully, 8300 Old McGregor Road, Suite Woodway, Texas 7671? Telephone: 254-77?-6525 FAX: 254-7?2-651 s CERTIFIOD MAIL NO.7OI2 MAIL 3O5O OOO2 I49I6777 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED AND BY RSGULAR fuE +t 2207 CIMMARON DR KILLEEN. TX 00000004148995 76543 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includine active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the actlve dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. l 'I Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May O6"2014 Time: The sale PIAce _-) will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COTJNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2009-6694 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with KIMBERLY R. BROWN AND TRAVIS E BROWN, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE February 13, 2009 and recorded ELECTROMC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ("MERS") AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. of Trust or Contract Lien executed by KIMBERLY R. BROWN AND TRAVIS E payment BROWN, securing the of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of S79,842.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. CITIMORTGAGE, INC. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust Obligations Secured. Deed or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWELVE (12), BLOCK TWO (2), CHIMNEY CORNERS, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 4O-C, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. CITIMORTGAGE, INC., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o CITIMORTGAGE,INC. IOOO TECHNOLOGY DRTVE O'FALLON. MO 63368 JOHN LATIIAM, JOHN W. LA BRETTADAMS. T. LATHAM, ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee C/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 I tilil lillillt ill|l il]t NOS00000004 NSTS-1SIG.rpI - (02/l 8/201 l) - Ver-3? ii i iit ui ill iit ui iit ui ]ir l ti|| ||ti l|it iit ]i ||] 48995 fue ?t 405 JAMES LOOP KILLEEN. TX 76542 00000004206942 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time:Thesa1ewillbeginatl0:00AMornotlaterthanthreehoursafterthattime. Place 2. BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE .. BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. i Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated October 20, 1998 and recorded in Document VOLUME 3883 PAGE 388 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with DANIEL CARDONA AND ERICA J. CARDONA, gTantoT(s) and MCAFEE MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT COMPANY, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by DANIEL CARDONA AND ERICA J. CARDONA, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $75,378.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDTVIDUAL CAPACIry BUT SOLELY AS DELAWARE TRUSTEE AND U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS CO-TRUSTEE FOR GOVERNMENT LOAN SECURITIZATION TRUST 201I-FVI is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT THREE (3), IN BLOCK NINE (9), OF JAMESWAY ADDITION PHASE ONE, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET 'B", SLIDE 266-A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. MAC# X78OI-OI4 FT. MILL, SC 29715 JOHN LATHAM, JOHN W. ADAMS, T. LATHAM, OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TI]RNER & ENGEL. LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 ||ilil il||il|| u] til| ti ui ii||]i l]i ui ii ii til| tif]i tiitil tiIif NOS00000004206942 NSTS3SIG.rpI - (0718/2013) - Ver37 i| fuE T< 3214 BLACKBURN DRIVE 00000004241 857 KILLEEN. TX 76543 NOTICE OF IST]BSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comoonent of the ar{ngd forcs,of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of tFis noticg. immediatelv . l. I 'l Date. Time. and Place of Sale. 06,2014 Date: May Time: The sale Place 2. t ': .I : will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. !r'' BELL COItNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COI.]NTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COTINTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. ) Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated August 02, 2004 and recorded in Document VOLUME 5454, PAGE 231 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with TIMOTHY T TOGIAI AND PAINUULASI TOGIAI, grantor(s) and CTX MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by TIMOTHY T TOGIAI AND PAINUULASI TOGIAI, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $l 18,000.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. CITIMORTGAGE, INC. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: IN BLOCK TWO (2), OF BROOKHAVEN SUBDIVISION, PHASE THREE AND REPLAT OF LOT I, BROOKHAVEN SUBDIVISION, PHASE ONE, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COI-]NTY, TEXAS, LOT THREE (3), BLOCK I, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 320-D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COT]NTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virhre of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. CITIMORTGAGE, INC., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o CITIMORTGAGE,INC. IOOO TECHNOLOGY DRIVE O'FALLON, MO 63368 t f) &l^X*,* //7 V JOHNLATHAM, JOHNW. LATHAM. BRETTADAMS. T, LATHAM, ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee C/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP | 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison, Texas 75001 I rilil llllilr ilil| il|i ri rii llllr |ii i|i iit if iit ]|lt ii t ]iii] NOS0000000424 I 857 NSTS3SIc.rpt - (02/l E/2013) - Vcr.37 li|| ]it i|l itl 7,9+t 3603 QUAIL RIDGE DRIVE 00000004261392 HARKERHEIGHTS.TX 76548 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and Drotect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or your spouse is servine on active militarv dutv. includinq active militarv dufv as a member of the Texas,National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armgd forcEibf the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this nbticti- . immediatelv. _ t-t 'ii ,:) l. '' j Date. Time. and Place of Sale. -t .'; Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place BELL COI]NTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE . ,-1 ,-.! i. -i .;J will beein at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated August 05, 2013 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2013-00035048 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with SHAMEKIA L LAWSON, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ('MERS) AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by SHAMEKIA L LAWSON, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $270,019.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. W.J. BRADLEY MORTGAGE CAPITAL, LLC. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWELVE (I2), IN BLOCK TWO (2), OF QUAIL ESTATES PHASE I, IN THE CITY OF HARKER HEIGHTS, BELL COI'NTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE 2M-D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. PROVIDENT FUNDING ASSOCIATES, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o PROWDENT FLINDING ASSOCIATES 1235 N. DUTTON, SUITE E SANTA ROSA, CA 9540I JOHNLATHAM.JOHNW. LA BRETT ADAMS. T. LATI{AM, OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison. Texas 75001 | ffil i|iir illl rif ri illl llllr l]i lri ult iIi ui ii lut ]i iit tit l]i li itl NOS00000004261 392 NSTS3SIC.rpI " (02/l 8/2013) - Vcr-37 A,e 71 43I I RIFLE DRIVE 00000004272217 KILLEEN."TX 76542 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includins acfive militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. - Date. Time. and Place of Sale. --.1 i --': :) .,'] _ -- Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE '.J will beein at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. - il BELL COTINTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED, BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document VOLUME 3711, PAGE 482 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with TOMMIE L. RODALL AND JO ANN RODALL, grantor(s) and MCAFEE MORTGAGE & December 04, 1997 and recorded INVESTMENT COMPANY, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by TOMMIE L. RODALL AND JO ANN RODALL, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $101,706.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWENTY-ErGHT (28), rN BLOCK SEVEN (7), OF HYMESA ESTATES PHASE FM, rN TtrE CrTY OF KTLLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET "8", SLIDE 32I-8, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agteement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Properfy Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. FORT MILL. SC 297I5 JOHNLATTIAM, JOHNW. LA BRETT ADAMS. T. LATHAM, OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison. Texas 75001 | ]ill llililt ull ii ti iIi llllr tii i|i ui iir ui l|lt iit i||t i|lt iit iti ii lil NOS000000042722 l 7 NSTS3SIG.rpI - (02/l 8/201 3) - Ver37 fi,e +b I506 SOUTH 9TH STREET 00000004273272 TEMPLE, TX 76504 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is seryins on active militarv duty. includinq active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a Erember of a reserve comDonent of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this 4oticQ '. immediatelv l. Date. Time. and Place of Date: May ' Sale. ' ,| ,_-_r ,:. t't ; .": 06,2014 ' i -. l Ji Time:Thesalewillbeginatl0:00AMornotlatertlranthreehoursafterthattime, Place 2. .: t! TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated April 23, 2004 and recorded in Document VOLUME 5351, PAGE 483 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with SHELIA L. THOMAS, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ('MERSU), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by SHELIA L. THOMAS, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $57,600.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT SEVEN (7), BLOCK EIGHT (8), SOUTH PARK ADDITION, TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER DEED RECORD IN VOLUME 563, PAGE I5I DEED RECORDS OF OF BELL COIINTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer lien is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the the Property referenced above. PNC MORTGAG!, A DIVISION OF PNC BANK, N.A. SUCCESSOR TO NATIONAL CITY BANK, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose securing address is: c/o PNC MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF PNC BANK, N.A. SUCCESSOR TO NATIONAL CITY BANK 3232 NEWMARK DRIVE MIAMISBURG. OH 45342 /^/"t* //r JOFN{ LATHAMJ EL LATHAM Substitute Trustee cio BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 l|||il ffi il] ilill tilii iIt iiiiiti ui iit iiili ii iiiiiii NOS00000004273272 NSTS3Slc.at - (02Il8l20l3\ -Yer37 Iti |||| l||I Vr-<a-<I8O8 KENYON ST KILLEEN. TX 76543 000000042881 l4 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servine on active militarv dutv. including active military dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send rvritten notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. 06,2014 Date: May Time: The sale Place BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COT'NTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED : ' will begin at l0:00AM or not later than tlree hours after that time. : : BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated March 03, 2009 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2009-00008718 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with JOE S. OLIVER AND JULIA C. OLIVER, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS') AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4- Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by JOE S. OLIVER AND ruLIA C. OLIVER. securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $93,000.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described LOT ONE (I), BLOCK as follows: EIGHTEEN (IS), LEON HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 239-A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Properfy Code $ is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced above. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. as 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer lien securing the Property Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: C/o JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 3415 VISION DRTVE COLUMBUS,OH43219 JOHN LATHAM, JOHN W. AM, BRETT ADAMS, T. LATHAM, OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARR-ETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP l 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite | 00 Addison, Texas 75001 Active Duty Notifications: Special Loans Unit /CHASE Home Lending Attn: SCRA/2210 Enterprise Drive lFlorence, SC 2950 I /Fax: 843 413 5433 / [email protected] flilil il||il] ilil i]ii tii i1i tili]i iiI iiflil ]]t f itfi]] NOS000000042881 NSTS3SIC.ryI. (02/lt/2013) - Ver37 l4 Ii] iti ]] lit ?us +q 25OI JASMINE LANE KILLEEN, TX 76549 00000004289807 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour sDouse is serving on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send rvritten notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of thiq,notice immediatelv L Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale ,u will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time . ! PIACE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE , ,-I BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATEDJ BY THE COLINTY COMMISSIONERS or 2. as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of SaIe. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated April 01, 20ll and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 20ll-00011546 real properry records of BELL County, Texas, with BONNIE LEE BOBBITT, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,INC. ('MERS') AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by BONNIE LEE BOBBITT, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $137,800.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT EIGHT (8), IN BLOCK NINETEEN (I9), OF STJNFLOWER ESTATES, PHASE THREE, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE 8O-A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6- Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ .0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Properfy referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing 51 the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. FORTMILL,SC29715 JOHN LATITAM. JOHN W. TTIAM, BRETT ADAMS, T. LATHAM, ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP | 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite | 00 Addison, Texas 75001 I ll|lt i1if iit ti|| ti iit iit iit iti ui iiI iit ]]t iit iit i|l iit iti NOS00000004289807 NSTS3SIC.rpt - (02/l E/2013) - Vcr-37 ||[i fus?1 4503 MAGGIE DRIVE KILLEEN,'TX 76549 000000M298048 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servine on active militarv dutv. includine active military duW as a member of the Texas Nation?I; Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed fbrcedof the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this nbtice I rl , ' immediatelv. 1. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place 2. ',''! will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. r r) BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HLIEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY TI{E COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by t}re counfy commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated March 28, 2007 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2007-00015412 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with BALMORE C VASQUEZ AND OLGA L GARCIA, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ('MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by BALMORE C VASQUEZ AND OLGA L GARCIA, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $l15,940.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to ths promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. MIDFIRST BANK is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWENTY-TWO (22), IN BLOCK ErcHT (8), OF LONESOME DOVE SUBDTVISION, PHASE THREE, rN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COLTNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 2I9-B, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Properfy Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MIDFIRST BANK, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MIDFIRST BANK 999 N.W. GRAND BLVD STE l IO OKLAHOMA CITY. OK 73118-6077 JOHN LATHAM. JOHN W. .THAM. BRETTADAMS. T. LATHAM. ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP l 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison. Texas 75001 I ]il| il]il] iliI rilt ti iit ui iit iIi ui iir iiI ]lt ii lti NOS00000004298048 NSTS3SIG.rpI - (02/l 8/201 3) - Ver37 ||it ii ]il ii l||l €Le ?t/ 24I7 SHIRLEY LOOP BELTON.TX 76513 00000004298535 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. including active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. olease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv 1. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date; May 06,2014 Time: The sale PIAce will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours aft.er that time. r ,, BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED i BY TIIE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. ' ' 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2009-00007188; AS AFFECTED BY CLERK'S FILE NO.2013-11890 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with RICHARD BAGGERLY AND RACHEL BAGGERLY, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECRTRON REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. February 26, 2009 and recorded ("MERS.) AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by RICHARD BAGGERLY AND RACHEL BAGGERLY, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $158,181.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien, 5. Properfy to Be Sold. The properfy to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWENry (20), IN BLOCK ONE (I), OF VILLAGE OF ARMSTRONG ADDITION, BELL COI-'NTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE I63.D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: C/o BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP PTX-C-32 7IO5 CORPORATE PLANO. TX75024 lr J. (ruXr** ' (./ JOHN LATHAM, JOHN W. LATHAM, BRETT ADAMS, T. LATHAM, MICHAEL LATHAM, KELLY FERRIS, PHILLP PIERCEALL, ISRAEL CURTIS, WES WHEAT, STEPHEN MAYERS, COLETTE MAYERS, CLAY GOLDEN, DAVID ACKEL, CODY LONG, KELLY MCDANIEL, KENNY SHIREY, ROBERT AGUILAR, ROSS BANDY, TRAVIS KADDATZ, AARON CRAWFORD, OR DUSTIN EMANUELE Substitute Trustee C/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP | 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison- Texas 75001 r rilil |ilililr ilt |ii ri tii lli rii iIi ii iit ui tit ii lti iit ]it lli ]i l|] NOS00000004298535 NSTS3SIC.rpt - (02/l 8/201 3) - Ver-37 Y1-( kt 759 ROLLING HILLS DR KILLEEN. TX 76543 00000004307245 NOTICE OF ISUBSTTTUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or your spouse is serving on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv duW as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice , immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date : May 06,2014 ii Time: The sale PIaCe BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF will beein at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. THE _, BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of SaIe. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2012-26754 real property records of BELL Count5r, Texas, with ruSTIN EVERSOLE AND HEATHER EVERSOLE, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC June 29, 2012 and, recorded REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS") AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by JUSTIN EVERSOLE AND HEATHER EVERSOLE, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $239,000.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described BEING LOT 49 IN BLOCK 1 as follows: OF CROSSLAND ESTATES, AN ADDITION TOTHE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COLINTY, IN CABINET C, SLIDE 324-D & 325-4 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD BELL COI,INTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. FORT MILL. SC 297I5 JOHN LATIL{M. JOHN W. LA BRETT ADAMS, T. LAT}IAM, OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitut€ Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP l 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison, Texas 75001 il]1 Iilililil ll|l| il ff iii|li ii||]i ii ui riiii iI1 NOS00000004307245 NSTS3SIG.rpt - (0Zl 8/201 3) - Ver-3? |l]iii ]iii |||| (1,<Z> 5604 ORTS DRIVE KILLEEN. TX 76542 000000043 1 872 I NOTTCE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and Drotect your rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includine active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. 'i Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date : Time: Place May ' 06,2014 The sale will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that .l : -:l ;', i,l -:l ') i) time. rj BELL COLINTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE .,J ) .; I BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED I BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the counfy 2. commissioners. i Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Inskument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated January 09, 2007 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2007-00001731 real propert5r records of BELL County, Texaso with ROBERT WORD AND HIND WORD, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ("MERS") AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by ROBERT WORD AND HIND WORD, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $148,015.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWENTY-SIX (26), IN BLOCK THREE (3), OF THE HIGHLANDS AT SAEGERT RANCH PHASE I, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COIJNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 3I2.A. B & C, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced above. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer lien securing the Property Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o JPMORGAN CHASE BANK" NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 3415 VISION DRIVE COLUMBUS , OH 43219 IOHN LATI{AM, JOHN W. THAM, BRETTADAMS, T. LATHAM, ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/O BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison, Texas 75001 Active Duty Notifications: Special Loans Unit /CHASE Home Lending Atbr: SCRA/2210 Enterprise Drive /Florence, SC 2950 I /Fax: 843 413 5433 / [email protected] flilfl ffiiii tiii tii ui tiliti iil iii||i tfii] Ii|| iiiii NOS000000043 l 872 NSTS3SIG.rpI - (02i | 8/201 3) - Ver-37 I iiiu i|l ns ?7 4907 JIM AVENUE KILLEEN.TX 76549 00000004323903 NOTICE OF ISUBSTTTUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour riphts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or vour snouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includins active miHtarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv l. Date. Time. and Place of Date: May Time: The sale Place r i' Sale. 06,2014 i-r .. ,. OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. i i I BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED I J BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document VOLUME 5237, PAGE 481 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with TRESSA STONE, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTATION SYSTEMS, INC ('MERS') AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. December 22,2003 and recorded 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by TRESSA STONE, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $118,710.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWELVE (12\, BLOCK THREE (3), CLEAR CREEK ESTATES PHASE THREE, KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 257-A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virhre of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 ,4t (r D fitt^XaH'-r* JOHN LATHAM, JOHN W. LATHAM, BRETT ADAMS. T. LATITAM, OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee cio BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison. Texas 75001 i|liiifil] ii iii NSTS3SIC.AI - (02/l 8/2013) - Ver-37 ui tii ii iil||i ii ]iiIi iiiii NOS00000004323903 l|i i||| lti ] (vs sY 5275 LAKEAIRE BLVD TEMPLE.TX 76502 00000004330064 NOTTCE OF ISUBSTTTUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or vour spouse is servine on active militarv dutv. includinq active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this noticg j immediatelv. l. :.) Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place BELL COUNTY CLERK,S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE;J will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BELL COTINTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated November 07, 2005 and recorded in Document VOLUME 5809, PAGE 530, AS AFFECTED BY VOLUME 5891. PAGE 818 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with WILUAM CRAIGAN LACKEY, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS') AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by WILLIAM CRAIGAN LACKEY, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $80,327.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT THREE HUNDRED SIXTY.ONE (36I), LAKEAIRE, SECTION II, IN BELL COLINTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 238-8 & C, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virhre of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. FORT MILL,SC 29715 PIERCEALL, ISRAEL CI.JRTIS, WES WHEAT, STEPHEN MAYERS, COLETTE MAYERS, CLAY GOLDEN, DAVID ACKEL, CODY LONG, KELLY MCDANIEL, KENI{Y SHIREY, ROBERT AGUILAR, ROSS BANDY, TRAVIS KADDATZ, AARON CRAWFORD, OR DUSTIN EMANUELE Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison, Texas 75001 | ]]t ilili i|| rii ti ift iir ift iti ui iit ui ii iit iit iIi ult iti ti til NOS000000M330064 NSTS3Sl6.rpt. (0/l E/201 3) - Ver-37 fusK6 24OI BASALT DRIVE KILLEEN, TX 76549 201 300 I 0l 0t 337 NOTTCE OF [SUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includine active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comoonent of the armed forcep of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this potice; . immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BELL COLINTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or 2. as desisnated bv the counW commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated April 18, 20ll and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 20ll-13932 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with JASON C. ROSEBURGH AND NECIA R. ROSEBURGH, grantor(s) and WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by JASON C. ROSEBURGH AND NECIA R. ROSEBURGH, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $97,100.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be SoId. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT SIXTEEN (16), IN BLOCK SEVENTEEN (I7), OF WILLOW RIDGE ADDITION PHASE TWO, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 57.A AND B. PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS, 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. FORT MILL. SC 29715 JOHNLATI{AM, JOHNW. LATHAM, BRETTADAMS. T. LATHAM. ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP I 5000 Suweyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison. Texas 75001 ||ililI]ililtiiii i tiiiifiii iii]] lufi] ti|||l] iiiii iti ||ii| NOS20l 30010101337 NSTS3SIG.oI - (02/l 8/2013) - Ver3? fu<kt 25IO EDGEFIELD STREET 20t 3001 62001 64 KILLEEN. TX 76549 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active military dutv. includins active miHtary dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send wrltten notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of thls noticc,, immediatelv. I. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place 2. -:-1 will beein at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. :-i BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THgr BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COLINTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2009-00043465 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with HEATHER L LIMA AND OTTO D LIMA, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC November 06, 2009 and recorded REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ('MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by HEATHER L LIMA AND OTTO D LIMA, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $105,112.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT ONE (1), TN BLOCK FOUR (4), OF WEST RIDGE ESTATES, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COLINTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 194-A & B, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Fursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the securing the Properbr referenced above. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Mortgage Servicer, is lien representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 4801 FREDERICA ST OWENSBORO. KY 42301 BRETTADAMS, T. LATHAM, ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison. Texas 75001 il]ililili iiiii i i]i]] fiti ui il] ii tii tif]i iIi i]itifi it| NOS20l 3001 62001 64 NSTSiSIC.rpt . (0?/l E/201 3) - Ver-37 (Le g+ 4904 CITRINE DRIVE KILLEEN. TX 76542 20130016200196 NOTTCE OF [SUBSTTTUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servinq on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comoonent of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dufv military seryice to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of 2. Sale. '::. 2014 Date: May 06, Time: The sale Place j ''"'': ' .1 i- will begin at l0:00AM or not later than tlree hours after that time. , !il i.--i BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE ;;; BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COLINTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. --i !l'l - .;i .:l .:i l ; ' 'i J. '", Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated July 07, 2009 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2009-00025366 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with JENNIFER R ARNOLD, grantor(s) and FIRST STATE HOME LOAN, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by JENNIFER R ARNOLD, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in tle original principal amount of $216,558.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWENTY-SEVEN (27), BLOCK THIRTEEN (I3), WHITE ROCK ESTATES, PHASE TWO, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D. SLIDE 35-C & D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer fnformation. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 48OI FREDERICA ST OWENSBORO, KY 4230I JOHNLATHAM. JOHN W. BRETT ADAMS, T. LATHAM, OR MICHAEL LAT}IAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison. Texas 75001 ilii Iiriiii ii ri ii iiiti iIi iiiiI i]iil| ii ui iit i||| |||l| ti l||t NOS20l 3001 6200196 NSTS3SlG.rpt - (0?l 8/2013) - Ver.37 ft-s q,q VIOLA DRIVE KILLEEN, TX 76542 309 201 3001 8800229 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servinq on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notic* , immediatelv. l. '_ Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale ,) 'il I r .,.i ;^l .) .rJ . il 'al 'J r'' l '..)_l will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. :. ! Place 2. BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THEY--I BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated May 06, 2008 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2008-00019465 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with TAIW{IL{ LASTER AND CHRISTOPHER R LASTER, grantor(s) and CTX MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by TAMARA LASTER AND CHRISTOPHER R LASTER, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $119,311.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. CITIMORTGAGE, INC. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be SoId. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT SIXTEEN (16), BLOCK FIVE (5), SPLAWN RANCH SUBDIVISION, PHASE I, KILLEEN BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE 123-C,PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. CITIMORTGAGE, INC., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o CITIMORTGAGE,INC. TECHNOLOGY DRIVE O'FALLON, MO 63368 IOOO JOHN LATHAM, JOHN W. LATH TT ADAMS. T. LATHAM. OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP l 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison, Texas 75001 | ]ilr i]i] i] tii ti i]t ui iit ii ui i] li] iit iit ui iit NOS2013001 8800229 NSTS3SIG.tpt - (02/18/2013) - Vcr-37 ii iti ||i l|tl tus gq 4402 JTM AVENUE KILLEEN. TX 76549 201 3001 8800783 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servine on active militarv dutv. includins active mi[tarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. " li Date. Time. and Place of Sale. ,r i _'l Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place i i .) .i) will begin at 10:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. -] BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE U BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNETBD.., BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Cl 2. , -j -:) Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated March 25, 2008 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2008-00012348 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with BRIAN L PRESTO AND JACQUILINE M PRESTO, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS "), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contact Lien executed by BRIAN L PRESTO AND JACQUILINE M PRESTO, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $151,182.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. CITIMORTGAGE, INC. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The properfy to be sold is described as follows: A REPLAT OF CLEAR CREEK ESTATES, PHASE FOUR, LOTS 11-16, BLOCK ISAND LOT 18, BLOCK 4, AND 19.926ACRES OUT OF THE THOMAS ROBINETT SURVEY, IN TT{E CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE LOT TWO (2), IN BLOCK TWENTY-FOUR (24), OF CLEAR CREEK ESTATES, PHASE FIVE, BEING PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 359.8, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COTJNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. CITIMORTGAGE, INC., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o CITIMORTGAGE,INC. IOOO TECHNOLOGY DRIVE O'FALLON. MO 63368 IOHNLATHAM. JOHN W. LA BRETTADAMS, T. LATHAM, ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP 15000 SuweyorBoulevard, Suite 100 Addison. Texas 75001 1 |rtil ililil ilil |ii f ||rillll ili iri llri iiit|tt f iiiti NOS20l 3001 8800783 NSTS3SIG.mI. (02/l8/2013) - Vu-37 t||lt t|i l|t|iiii| (ue eP 3205 WINDFIELD DR KILLEEN. TX 76549 201300 l 88009s8 NOTICE OF ISTJBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour snouse is serving on active militarv duW. includine active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comDonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv l. B '",:- : l 1: Date. Time. and Place of Sale. . n":- i: . t= ,; Date: May 06,2014 :) t-J '.,j Time: The sale will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. i;l 1:_r Place BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE ,-r : :. BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATEDE BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document VOLUME 5751, PAGE 586 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with JOHN M SHERLING, JR AND KIMBERLY L SHERLING, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE June 29, 2005 and recorded ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS'), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by JOHN M SHERLING, JR AND KIMBERLY L SHERLING, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $98,064.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. CITIMORTGAGE, INC. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT THREE (3), BLOCK SIX (6), CONDER VALLEY, PHASE ONE, KTLLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AS pER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 184-D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced above. CITIMORTGAGE, INC., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the lien securing the Property current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o CITIMORTGAGE,INC. IOOO TECHNOLOGY DRIVE O'FALLON, MO 63368 rA /'lf # I l-f- Xrmr..* 16 ICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TTJRNER & ENGEL. LLP | 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison. Texas 75001 | ]i iiii]t tii ti i]t iir iit Iti ui iit iit ii it t]i NOS20l 3001 8800958 NSTS3SI6.rpt - (02/18i2013) - Vu-31 ii iit ]i ii |] L we 4t I4I2 PIMA TRAIL HARKER HEIGHTS. TX 76548 201 30 I 59900541 NOTICE OF ISUBSTTTUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place 2. will begin at l0:00AM or not later than tfuee hours after that time. BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNry ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HTIEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNry COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2007-00042530 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with EDWARD F. MARTINEZ JR AND MARIA G. MARTINEZ, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE September 14, 2OA1 and recorded ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by EDWARD F. MARTINEZ JR AND MARIA G. MARTINEZ, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $135,900.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. OCWEN LOAN SERVICING LLC is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT SIX (6), BLOCK SEVEN (7), COMANCHE LAND, FIRST IJNIT, A SUBDIVISION IN BELL COI,JNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A. SLIDE I83.D. PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS 6, Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced above. OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC, as Mortgage Servicer, is 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer lien securing the Property representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o OCWENLOAN SERVICING, LLC ATTN: BANKRUPTCY DEPARTMENT I IOO VIRGINIA DRIVE, SUITE FORT WASHINGTON. PA 19034 JOHNLATHAM,JOHNW. LA . 175 BRETT ADAMS. T. LATHAM. ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/O BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I00 Addison, Texas 75001 I NSTS3SIG.rpt - (0?Jl 8/201 3) - Ver37 tii lliit ii i|ll ri tit ii ii| u] iit |lit iit ||it ui NOS20130l 59900541 iti ii til ]it it ||tl Yt-< 4 z1406 AUGUST DR KILLEEN, TX 76542 20't30177600t68 NOTICE OF [SUBSTTTUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert 4nd nrotect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your soouse is servine on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comoonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this nodegj immediatelv. I. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. .!: Date: Time: Place May 06,2014 The sale i-l will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. i ;r" (n BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE !.BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNry COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated March 31, 2005 and recorded in Document VOLUME 5675, PAGE 209 real property records of BELL Counfy, Texas, with SHERRY L EASLEY-CHARLES AND FRANK P. CHARLES, grantor(s) and WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by SHERRY L EASLEY-CHARLES AND FRANK P. CHARLES, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $63,670.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as THE FOLLOWINC DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED follows: IN THE COUNTY OF BELL, STATE OF TEXAS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT FOUR (4), BLOCK FOUR (4), STRATFORD ADDITION, RECORD IN CABINET B, SLIDE 69-8; PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virhre of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced above. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., .rs Mortgage Servicer, is 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer lien securing the Properfy representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. 8333 RIDGEPOINT DRIVE IRVING, TX 75063 JOHN LATHAM, IOHNW. LATHAM, BRETT ADAMS, T. LATHAM,ORMICHAELLATHAM Substitute Trustee c/O BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison. Texas 75001 Active Duty Notifications: Special Loans Unit /CHASE Home Lending Attn: SCRA/2210 Enterprise Drive /Florence, SC 2950 I /Fax: 843 413 5433 / [email protected] ililI ffrilillil fff ii fiii1ti iiiiii l||l| f ii iiiiiiti NOS20l 30r 776001 68 NSTS3SIG.TI - (02/l 8/201 3) - Vcr-37 ||tl (;sb3 Property To Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: Lot 4, Block 9, of Trimmier Estates, Phase One, an Addition to the City of Killeen, Bell County, Texas, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Cabinet D, Slide 95C and 95D of the Plat Records, Bell County, Texas ("Property"). Instrument To Be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is a Deed of Trust filed in the Official Public Records of Real Property in Bell County, Texas, and recorded under Instrument No. 2010-00024643, on July 9.2010. Date, Time, and Place Of Sale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and place: Date: Tuesday, May 6,2014 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 10:00 o'clock a.m. or no later than three (3) hours thereafter. The sale will be completed by no later than l:00 o'clock p.m. Place: In the County Clerk's alcove, Bell County Justice Complex, l20l Huey Drive, Belton, Texas 76513, or as further designated by the County Commissioners. Terms Of Sale. Pursuant to Section 5 I .009 of the Texas Property Code, the Properfy will be sold in "as is, where is" condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust, and will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash or certified funds. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe Property. Pursuant to Section 51.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the Substitute Trustee reseryes the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by the Substitute Trustee. Administration Of Foreclosure By Mortgage Servicer. Planet Home Lending, LLC formerly known Green Planet Servicing, LLC is the Mortgagee and is acting as its own Mortgage Servicer, with an address Research Parkway, Ste. 303, Meriden, Connecticut 06450. of as 321 Default And Request To Act. Default has occurred under the Deed of Trust, and the beneficiaries have requested me, as Substitute Trustee, to conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the Mortgage Servicer, on behalf of the Mortgagee, may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. Date: April \\ , zor+ MILLS, EMILYNORTHERN. ZOGRAFOS. ED HENDERSON. KORY MORGAN, DENISE MORGAN;$R :: ..JTHOMAS D. PRUYN Substitute Trustee 23ll Canal Street, Suite #124 Houston, Texas 77003 clo '::-1 -...) ---, -l \!- .,.J : RetumTo: Pruyn Law Firm, PLLC 231 I Canal Street, Suite #124 Houston, Texas 77003 Mortgagor: Sinkler PLF File No. 2013044 *) (;qu\ NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Date: April14,2014 Mortgagee: RobynTschoerner Loan Agreement: January 1,2012 Deed of Trust Date: January 10,2012 Grantor: Robert Scott Lathrom - " Mortgagee: Robyn Tschoerner Recording information: Clerk's File No. 2012-00001119, Official Public Records of Bell County Texas Property: Being Lot Eight (8) in Block Two (2) of the Forest Hills Subdivision, in the City of Temple, Bell County, Texas, according to the plat of record in Cabinet A, Slide 123-A of the Plat Records of Bell Countv. Texas. County: Bell County, Texas Substitute Trustee's Names: Kerry L. Haliburton, Paul Hubbard, or Stephanie E. Schwab Substitute Trustee's Address: 400 Austin Avenue, Suite 800, Waco, Mclennan County, Texas 76701 Date of Sale (first Tuesday of month): May 6,2014 Time of Sale: l0:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Bell County Clerk's alcove to the east of the main entrance of the Bell County Justice Complex, l20l Huey Drive, Belton, Texas. Mortgagee has appointed Kerry L. Haliburton, Paul Hubbard, or Stephanie E. Schwab as Substitute Trustees under the Deed of Trust. Mortgagee has instructed Substitute Trustee to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfaction of the Loan Agreement. Notice is given that on the Date of Sale, Trustee[s] will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place of Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, "AS IS." THE PURCHASER AT THE FORECLOSURE SALE WILL RECEIVE THE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY OWNED BY {02786707.DOCX/ } ROBERT SCOTT LATHROM AND WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ORAL, WRITTEN, EXPRESS, OR TMPLIED. FROM MORTGAGEE CONCERNING THE PROPERTY. AND MORTGAGEE HAS NOT MADE, AND DOES NOT MAKE, ANY SUCH REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES. THE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE DOES NOT, AND WILL NOT, MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE TO THE PROPERTY. THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AS IS, WHERE IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS. THE PURCHASER AT THE FORECLOSURE SALE WILL RELY SOLELY ON PURCHASER'S OWN INSPECTIONS OR INVESTIGATIONS OF THE PROPERTY AND THE CONDITION THEREOF IN MAKING A DECISION TO PURCHASE THE PROPERTY. ALL OF THESE PROVISIONS SHALL EXPRESSLY SURVIVE THE TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY TO PURCHASER. The earliest time the sale will occur is the Time of Sale. and the sale will be conducted no later than three hours thereafter. Notice to Grantor of Deed of Trust: Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour snouse is serving on active militarv duty" includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dufv military service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. The name and address of the sender of this notice are: Stephanie E. Schwab Naman, Howello Smith & Lee, PLLC P. O. Box 1470 Waco, Texas 76703 400 Austin Avenue, Suite 800 Waco, Texas 76701 STATE OF TEXAS )( COLTNTY OF McLENNAN X This instrument was acknowledged before me on Stephanie E. Schwab as Substitute Trustee. MARY D. TEAGUE Notarv Public B?[fE]or oorm, ExP' reos fsOryqry7' 2017 the t o+h day of April, 2014, by (vs +q VAl[IIA/PltdI Numben VA Loan Type: Property Address: 5OI2 ALLEGANY DR, KILLEEN.TX 76549 Ded of Trust Date: Grentor(s)/Illortgagor(s): 61412010 JOSEPI{ A. HENDERSON AND EBONY S. ORTIZ,HUSBAND AND WIFE Original Beneficiary/Mortgagee: Current MORTGAGE ELECTROMC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,INC. MERS IS A SE"ARATE CORPORATION TTIAT TS ACTING SOLELY AS A NOMINEE FOR DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY Beneficiary/Mortgagee: Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC .al , : ,, LTD Recorded in: Pnoperty County: Volume:7529 Page BELL 705 Instnrment No: 2010-2 1588 Mortgage Sewicer: lVlortgage Servicer's Ad dress: M&T Bank is representing the Current I FountainPlrzr, Buffalo, NY f4203 BeneficiaryAvlorlgagee under a sewicing agreement with the Current Beneficiaryfivlortgagee. Legat Description: BEING LOT NUMBER NINETY-EIGIIT (98) IN BLOCK NLIMBER SEVEN (7) OF FINAL PLAT OF BRJDGEWOOD ADDITION, PHASE III AN ADDMON TO TI{E CITY OF KILLEEN. BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. ACCORDING TO TI{E PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET ND". SLIDE 197-B & C OF TTM PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COI.INTY. TEXAS. Date of Salez 51612014 Earliest Time Sale Wilt Begin: 10:00 AM Place of Sale of Property: TI{E JUSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS. OR IN TT{E AREA DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSIONEIIS COIJRT. PURSUANT TO SECTION 5I.OO2 OF TTIE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stat€d above or within three (3) hours after that time. Luther Toungate or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Richald Zavalu Ir. or Cole D. Patton or Melissa A. McKinney or Karl Terwilliger McCarthy, Holthus & Ackerman, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West l5th Street. Suit€ 1060 Plano. TX 75075 fr-s+q NOTICE OF SUBST]TUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BELL County Deed of Trust: Dated: Jantnry 2'1,2012 Anrount: $9O,3W.OO Grantor(s): JEANETTE COOPER : Original ft,brtgagee: VILLAGE CAPIIAL& INVESTMENT, LLC l Cunent i/lortgagee: VILLAGE CAPITAL & INVESTMENT LLC i-i i Mortgagee Address: VTLLAGE CAPITAL & INVESTMENT LLC, 1 Corporate Drive, Srite 36O, lake Zurich, tL 60Of7 Recording Information: Volurne 8(89, Page 885 l-egal Descriptirxr: LOTTHIRTEEN (13) BLOCKII/IIO (2) HERIIAGE PLACE VILLAGE PHASE lll AN ADDIIION TOTHE Clry OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCO[tDll{G To THE itAP OR PLAT o,F REc,oRS lN CABINET D, SLIDE ZZ2-C PaAr RECORDS, OF BELL COUNTY,TEXAS. Oate of Sale: iltay 6, 2014 bet$,een the trours of 100O am. and 1:0o PM. Earlaest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 am Place of Sale: The fiorectrsure sab will be cmftrcfed d guHb venrc in tE area designabd by fte BELL Courfi Commissioners Court pursuart to Section 51 .002 of the Texas Pfoperty Code as ttp phce ufiee foredostne sabs are to take place, or if no place is designated by the CommissioneF Court, the sale will be corducted at the place urherc the Notice of Trusle's Sale was posfed. RTCHARD ZAVALA. JR. OR LUTHER TOUNGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE MOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA CARTER have been appointed as Subslitub Tnstee(s), (Substitutre Trustee) eacfi emponrered to act irdependently, in the place of said original Trustee, upon the corfingencty and in lhe rfianner auttprized by said Deed of Tru$. The Substitub Trustee wilt sell the Prcperty by public auclion to tE higtest btlder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the eatlbd time stated above or within lfiree (3) houts after thd tirne. lf the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purctraser at the salr shall be er*ftled onty to a retum of the funds paid. The Purchaser shatl no further recourse against the Modgagor, the Modgagee orthe Modgagee's atomey. tnve NOT|CE lS FURTHER GlVEfrl that except to the extent that the Sr.6siitute Tnrstee(s) rnay bird and obligate the Mortgagors to rvarrant title tlp Deed of Trust, oon e)rance of the Property shall be made 'AS lS' 'WHERE lS' wilhout any representailons and wananties vrrtatsoever, express or inrplied, and subiect to all rnates of record aftcting the Propefiy. to the Properg under the terms of A debtor who is seryinq on active nilihw dutv rrav haye special riohts or relief rclated to -this noti-F-qndsr federal law. includincr thq HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE, L.LP. 33Clay, Suile290O Houdon, Texas 770o2 Rebrcnce: 2O1441trX8 2014-016639aje RICHARDZAVALA, JR. OR JOANNE COOK c/o Servbe Link 2301 N- Hwy 161,Ste,3t5 lrving, Texas 75O39 LUTHER TOIJNGATE OR CINDY JARRARD JONES OR ANGELA CARTER fu< 5p NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BELL County Deed ofTrust: Dated: l.'lovember 4, 2O11 Anount $92.711.00 Grantor(s): JERRY M PEGRAM Original Mortgagee: UNITED SECURITY FINANCIAL CORP Current Mortgagee: UNITED SECURITY FINANCIAL CORP. tt/lortgagee Address: 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 360, Lake Zurich, lL 60047 Recording lnforrnation: Document No. 201 140371 Legal Description: LOT SEVEN C4, BLOCK FOUR (4), OAK VALLEY SUBDIMSION, PHASE ll, lN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. Oate of Sale: May 6, 201 PljT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 2-A, PLAT RECORDS 4 between the hours of 1 OO0 am. and 1 :00 PM- Earliest Time Sale Ullill Begin: 10:00 an place of Sale: The foreclo51ffe sale vritt be conduded at Frtilicvenue in the area Ces[nateA bY the BELL C.ounty Commissioners Court pursr.rant to Sedion 51 .002 of the Texas Propeny Gode as the place where foredosure sales are lo take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale wili be oonduc{ed at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted' RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. ORLUTHER TOUNGATE OR CINDY JARMRD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA CARTER have been appointed as Substitute Trustee(s), ('substitute Trustee') each empowered to act independently, in the ptace of said original Trustee, upon the contirgency ard in the manner authorized by said Deed of Tru$. The Substitute Trustee will sett the property by puHic auc*ion to the highes{ bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest tirne sated above or witr'in tlvee (3) hor$s afier that t*nelf the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale slrall be entitbd only to a retum of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the l\rlortgagor, the Mongagee or the Mortgngee's attomey. NOTICE lS FURTHER GIVEN that, except to the extent that the subsfiitute Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to 'WHERE lS' wanant tige to the property under tire terms of the Deed of Trust, @nveyan@ of the Property shall be made 'AS lS' without any representations and warranties wtlatsoever, express or implied, and subject to all matters of record affecting the Property. HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE, L.L.P. 3Xl3 CIay, Suite 29fi) Houslon, Texas T7OO2 Reference: n1+41ffi9 RICHARD zAVALA, J'q\ ORLUTHEFTOUNGATE JARRARD OR JO AI{III COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA CARTER clo Servbe Link 73Ol N, Hwy 161, Ste.305 lrving, Texas 75O3S) Ws 61 NOTICE OF SUBSTTTUTE TRUSTEE€ SALE BELL County De€d Ilaied: Jdy 11, ofTrust ?Il5 Arnount:$24,m.fr) Grantor(s): JOE P. DO/EL ard SELINA DCVEL Original lllbrtgagee: AMERICA'S I/WIOLESALE LENDER Bank of Ns Yofk lilelton FKA The Bank of Nenr York, as Tnnilee CI,VABS, Irrc., ASSET€ACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2(XFI8 Curent tlorgagee: The br the certificatehotCets of tne irortgagr Servi:er and Addccs: c/o SPECIAL|Z ED LOAN SERIflCING LLC, 8742 Lrrcent Btud. Ste. 300, Highlands Ranch, 80129-2386 Rirsuant b a Servicing Agreenent belrrcen the ilorsage Servber and irtor€sgee, lhe Modgage Servi:er is authorized to represent ttre ttrrtgagee, Ptrrstant to the Sewicirg Agrcemer{ ard Sedion 51.@5 of lhe Texas Property Code, the l,brtg4e SeMcer b ar.dfprized to colbct the debt ard b adrdr$sbr any r€Itku brEd6re of lhe rcftrenced propdty co Recording Infornation: Docurert No. 61 Ztr2 l-egal Descdptinn: SEE ATTACHED EXHlBlT"ff Date of Sale: Nlay 6, 2O1 4 befireen the hous of 1OS am. and 1{X) Pft. Earliest Tirne Sale Will Begin: 10:$! am Place of Sale: The breclosure sab win be cqrduc*ed at pub$c verr.p in the area despnabd by the BELL County Commissiones Coud pwsrnrt to Secfirn 51 .002 of the Texas Roperty @de as the phce urhete bredmure sales are to talc place, or if no place i8 designated by the ComnsssbnerE Coufi, the sale will be conducied at the pbce wherc the l,lotice of Tru$ee's Sale was po$ed. RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. ORLUTHER TOIJT.IGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOI( OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGEI.A CARTER have be€n appir|ted ae Subdftute TndF(s), fsutdhfe Trtded) eath srpolered 10 e{ ind€Derderfiy, in the place of said original Tnrstee, upon the contiluency and in the marner aLdtpdzed by sail Deed of Tnlst. The Subetitute Trustee will sell the Propetty by publb aucfiur to fte highes bidder for begin at the eadiest tirm c*tr at the phce and date specified. The sale will s$ated above or wilhin thrce (3) houts afrer that time. lf ttre sale is sd askle br any reason, the Pr.rctsser at the sale stnll be entitled only b a retum of the furds paftJ. The Purchaser shall have no iffther re@urce againet the Mortg4or, ttc tiortgagee or the lllortgagee's attomey. NOTCE lS FURTHER GIVEI{ ftat except b tE e)d€d tH the sub€fitute TnEnee(s) rlay bind and obligate tlP lttortsasgrs to warrant title to the firroperty under the tenns of fre' meO of Trust, oorrvelarpe of the Property sf|ail be made 'AS lS' 'WHERE lS' without arry ..pre".ntaiioro and warranties whatsoever, expre€s or irplied, and subjec-t to all rnatters of record aftding the Property. HUGHES. WATTERS & ASKANASE, L.LP. 33Clay, Suite 290O Houston,Texas 77002 Rebrence: n1+A13721 GJOANNE clo Servbe Lir* 73gl N. Huly 161, Ste.3(}5 lrving, Texas 75O39 201,H)l372lSR CINDYJARRARD MICHELLE JONES OR ANGEts CARTER LEEAL IDXSCRIPTIOI{ ENIIIXilI A * *= rr. a iiJri i;.ry; * glonc1, :1fI t^q,r! € lt1_l*g! ! ry. ro.l frr clldti-L ad b t*g t l$ td Atftc r. c'eo' nedd r v&r r tt6t, frlo*r: bla td fud prrdcubdydcs*d Bct&udn8 * r la' trqe trrbnrgr ina bch; oo 'od lerg$drm. rrrcdeG rl. rr* tT rs h^v*lr $q H nForf .f orldrn,inE rn . D. of lnd drrcr&d h r dcd r,o lmrf cf,kr-conry, irr.+ rr8 a, rx nr*u tmcr orm uua rct?, hgG ro, Drd rr ro -. !d c!n!t d; **a *; 6r rontrr* csnc' 0fr rncr rNh+trrry r - at f of y : r.rr rir*1eer|ol nrl dq 6. D.et r!. of r.td ?rfirran bor rEd tr.a a tr r*'hr ofe rne of H-drrrftd b l cra u ror rruroq cccdrl irvobil l3t+.!Ucrn ytrrb *" Couny,?rn4 3"16 TrcNGs r .r 16' t?' E - at7 t .rgpj lh cra riofdd ntibotr |ncr, ro r t !- irsuod &oru r| rbr rorrlne sr cfe rrg-oflrc drrcr$irl b r rcrr tool ra *rto. t*rCO ln yobil lfilt, ?rf tft DlCl*oai ofscl Cruuy. ta; rt€*cE rrcr, ror . Ir rlr l{ F l.f tf E. ttt-! fut S rhr ra br f * ?nb urcr, ro r lff bsr rsrl lrnf or rh rost brcfr rrg ofld decfid lr r rl:d o t&c g ur**a4 acrordtd in volncit|l, t$r ?rt Drldrlrlri of Dd cangr, rr*r+ br rbncnrrerr e.ref nr trnbdceibcdurt llcItEE t ?ll tl' lr,. a --!.?ta &tt &{ ttr tod f* cf rlc ltrCtgorrl rcl ro r l/il, bot or rh rrr|t fc ofrlH ritroGrr* fer *r rrrfrl t* olcls blrdn ;t 13.{t d,E 19{ g g uciEE torr ta lf E- tlctt i83 lf rt lp ?. tr$r f|G3 &c ab m relof lrid rilu-of-lry, rc $. lOGft Of AIO$CtBtg na cnafhg Ofio{fr ofl^r!. Tt€rrCE $d ant i 01a?a!sD hd . ?LE 5z_ NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BEII County Deed of Trust: Dated: June 22. 2006 Amount $e1,4O0.00 Grantor(s): ODIE D. IRWIN Original ltlortgagee: Decision One Mortgage Conpany, LLC Current ltllortgagee: Deutsche Bank National Trust Conpany, as Tnniee, in hust forthe regHered holders of Moqan Stanley ABS Capital I Tn6t 2(nGHET, Modgage Pass-Thtottgh Cedificdes, Sefus 2(Xb HE7 ilbrtgngee Servi:er ard Address: clo SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVGING, lNC., 3815 SwTemple Slreet, Salt take, UT 841 15 RlrEuant b a Sewhirg Agreerert bdrreen tE i/brbqe Servicer and Utorbagee, the illo*gage Sewi:er is au*prized to represent the [rbrtgagee. R.trsuant to the Servicarp AgreerEd ard Sedion 51.ffi of the Texas hperty Code, the tilortgage Servicer is any resdtirg ftrcdere of llc efrrenced plopedy adhodzed b dlect te deh ard b affir Recording lnfomation: Oocurneril No. $28747 l-€gal tlescription: BEll,lG LOT NUMBER FOURTEEN (14) lN BLOCK NUMBER Tt\p (2) OF JEFFERSON MANo,R (FIRST UNIT), AN ADDIT]ON TO THE CITY OF TEMPI-E, BELL @I,NTY, TE)(AS, AC@RDIIIG TO THE PI.AT OF RE@RD IN VOLUME 5S6, PAGE 412 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BETT COUNry, TFXAS. Dale of Sale: May 6,20l4bdweentte turs st 1OS am. ar$ 1$O Pl$. Earliest Time SaleWll Begin: l0:@ am Sale: The fureclo$Jre sale witl be corducted at puuic yenre in tlre area desbnabd by the BELL County CommissiorErs Court ttF Texas Propefty Code as lte place ufierc brcdclre sales a|e to talc place, or if no place is designated bythe Conrmiseionee Courl, tte sale will be corducled atthe phce where the l{otbe of Trustee's Sa}e uas po$ed. Place of pursuant to Sedion 51.tD2 of RICHARD ZAVALA" JR. ORLUTHER TOUTTGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA irdependedly, in the place of said CARTER have been appointed as Subdibde Tnraiee(sl FubcfiMe Trusiee') eactr errponrered io odginal Tnrstee, upon the contingency and an lhe nErner au8prized by eaid Deed of Trust. *t The Substitute Trustee will sell lhe Prop€dy by public ar.rdion to UE hbhest bilder fur cash at begin at the earliest tire stated above or within thrce (3) hqlrc alter tffi tirt. tfn place and date specified. The sale will lf the sab is set arstire br any reason, the Rrchaser at tfE sele shalt be ertlted only to a retum of the furds paid. The Purchaser shall lEve no ftnther recourse against the triodgaSor, the ilorbruee or the iiortgagee'e attorney. IIIOTICE lS RJRTHER GIVEI{ tllat, excepl to ttre edert tH llre Sr"tditute Tnrstee(s) rnay bind and obligate the Mortgagors to warrant title to the Property urder the bnrs of the fbed of Tnrs{" aoneFnae ot the Prroperty shatl be nde 'AS lSl'VVI-IERE lS' without any representaiion6 and warrariies whatsoever, express or implbrl, and subjectto all nlaiters of record aftc{ing the Propefi. HUGHES. WATTERS & ASKAMSE, L.LP. 3(}3Clay, Suite 290O Houslon, Texas 770@ Rebrerpe: 20111413514 RICHARDZAVAIA, JR. ORJOANNEC@KO] do Servioe Lir* i3{}1 N- Hwy 161, Ste.3tl5 lwing, Texas 7fl)39 2014-0l35l4SR JONES OR ANGEIS CARTER V-< E3 NO'NCE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BELL County lleed of Trust: Ilated'. ilanfi2.2so7 Arnount: $43,000.00 Grantor(s): tlrARY L TODO Original I'ibrtgagee; BENEFICIAL TEXAS lNC. Current Mortgagce: BENEFICIAL FINANCIAL I lNc. irlortgagee Mdress: BENEFICTAL FINANCIAL I lNC., 961 \llhigl Drive, Elmhurs{, lL 60126 Recordlng Infonnation: Document No. 2007-0O01 0485 Legal Description: LOT ELEVEN (1 1), lN BLOCK TEN (1O), IAKE ADDffiON, THIRD SECTION, TO THE clTY OF KJLLEEN, BELL COUNry, TEXAS, ACCORDTNG TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 1 , PAGE 17+D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY.TEXAS. IM{EREAS It ARY L TODD isdeceased. \Mereas, an Order to Proceed with Enpedited Foredosure uncbr the Texas Rule Civil Procedure 736 was entered on September 25, 2013 under Cause No. 264,59e8 in the 146TH Judicial District Court of BELL County, Texas Date of gale: May 6, 2014 between the hours of 1O:d) am. and I :00 PM. Earliet Tirne Sale l,llill Begin: 10:00 afi phce of Sale: The brecbsurc sale wilt be conductd at pLblic venue in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court purEr.rant to Sedbn 51.002 of the Texas Propefi Code as the place rrvhere furedosure sabs are to take place, or if no place is des{2nated by the Comnrisr*lners Cnrst, tte €ali rr+n * orrdrn*cC d ttn place wtrere the }lotkie of Trustee's Sale was posted. RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. ORLUTHER TOUNGATE OR C]NDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA CARTER have been appointed as Suba*ihrte Tru$ee(s), ('Subsfi'Me Trustee') each empowered to ad independently, in the place of said odginal Trustee, upon the contingency ard in tfie manner aulhorized by said Deed of TrudThe Substitute Trustee will sell the properg by public audion to the highe$ bidder for cash at the place and date specified- The sale will begin at the earliesl time stated above orwittlin three (3) hours after that time. lf the sale is set adde for any reason, ttE Purcttaser at the sale slratl be enffied onfy to a retum ot the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no fufher recourse against the Moftgagor, the lilortgagee or the ilbttgagee's atomey. NOTICE lS FURTHER GIVEN that, except to the extent that the Substitute Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to 'WHERE ls' warrant tige to the property under tire trernrs of the Deed of Tnrst, oorweyanoe of the Property sttall b.9 macle As ls' the record afiecting of all matteB to subiect and or impied, express whatsoever, wananties and withod any representatioris Property. m member of the armed forces,of th.e,lrnitsd stalgq! HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE, L.L,P. 313 Clay, Suite 2900 Houdon. Texas 77002 Refrrerce: 2013-007360 r ryrl are:or t our spouse as $eruno TOUNGATE OR CINDY RICHARDZAVALA. COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR JARRARD ORJO A ANGELA CARTER' c/o Service Unk 7301 N. Hwy 161, Ste.305 lrving, Texas 75039 ws 51 Do,:* l3O13t?056 Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active militara duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserwe component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. Notice of Trustee's Date: Trustee: APzuL Sale 7,2014 & Whitaker, P.C., 1l I I I I JuliA. Bryan and/or Steve Brischke Trustee's Address: c/o Baird, Crews, Schiller 76501 (Bell County), Tel: (254) 774-8333 '*' i" ;-ii l I ' -* - 'r i |5 i, I I 'i -: ' APR. rr' nr 4'rt, ,2''lC North Main Street, fanpfe, Texas Note and Lien Holder: Rabern Industries, LTD., a Texas limited partnership Note: Date: February 2,1989 OriginalPrincipalAmount: $50,200.00 Maker: Phifip E. Parish and wife, Faye J. Parish nVaFaye J. Duty Lender: B & H lnvestments, a Texas general partnership Deed of Trust: Date: February 2,1989 Grantor: Philip E. Parish and wife, Faye J. Parish nlVaFaye J. Duty Lender: B & H Investments, a Texas general partnership Recording information: Volume 2503, Page 669 of the Official Public Records of Real Property of BellCounty, Texas; modified in Agreement dated August 15,2002 and transferred on January 29,2014 in Document No. 2014-3247, Official Public Records of Real Property of Bell County, Texas. Property: Being Lot Number Five (5), Block Number one (l), North Hills Addition to the City of Temple, Bell County, Texas, according to the plat of record in Cabinet A, Slide 333-A, of the Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, which has a local address of 1309 North l0m Street. Temple, Texas 76501. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE 029000/50 l 09 The Property includes all improvements and buildings now or hereafter located on the abovedescribed land; and all heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment; lighting fixtures; plumbing fixtures; hot water heaters; drapes, window blinds and shades, screens, awnings, and other window coverings; carpe! sprinkler systems; built-in appliances; and any other equipment and fixtures attached to the above-described land, improvements, and buildings County: Bell Date of Sale (first luesday of Time of month): May 6, 2014 Sale: l:00 p.m., or within 3 hours thereafter PlacE of Sale: At the Bell County Clerk's Alcove to the east of the main entrance of the Bell County Justice Complex, at l20l Huey Drive, in Belton, Bell County, Texas, which is the area designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court for foreclosure sales. The Deed of Trust allows Lender to remove the trustee and appoint a substitute trustee. Note and Lien Holder appointed Juli A. Bryan and/or Steve Brischke, Trustee under the Deed of Trust. Note and Lien Holder directs Trustee to foreclose the lien of the Deed of Trust in accordance with its terms and the laws of the state of Texas Lender/'lrlote Holder has instructed the Trustee to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfaction of the Note. Notice is given that on the Date of Sale, Trustee will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place of Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, "AS IS." The earliest time the foreclosure sale will occur is the Time of Sale, and the foreclosure sale will be conducted no later than 3 hours thereafter. Prior to the foreclosure sale, Lender is permitted to postpone or withdraw or reschedule the foreclosure sale for another day. Notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements of the Texas Property Code. In addition, Lender is permitted to appoint another person as Trustee to conduct the foreclosure sale. ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BELL This instrument was acknowledged before me on APRI L BRYAN, in her capacity as Trustee. SHEITA GRAF Notrry pubuc State of Texas Conm. Epires O9/05/20f 6 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE 029000/50 I 09 7 ,Zll4,by JULI A. PREPARED IN THE LAW OFFICE OF: sag BAIRD, CREWS, SCHILLER & WHITAKER, P.C. ATTN: ruLI A. BRYAN l5 North Main Street Temple, Texas 76501 www.bcswlaw.com NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE 029000/50109 BellGounty Shelley Coston County Clerk Belton, Texas 76513 lnstrument Number: 2014-00012056 As Recorded On: April 07,2914 Parties: PARISH PHILIP To Recordings Billable Pages: 3 E Number of Pages: 4 Ex PARTE Comment: ( Parties listed above are for Clerks reference only ) " Examined and Charged as Follows: " Recordings ************ DO NOT REMOVE. THIS PAGE lS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT *****!r*r*r*' Any provision herein which restricts tho Sale, Rental or use of the described REAL PROPERTY because of color or rac€ is invalid and unenforceable under federal law. Record and Return To: File Information: Document Number: 2014-00012056 Receipt Number: 200267 Recorded Date/Time: April 07, 2014 02:10:33P User / Station: G Gomez - Cash Station I hereby ceiily 0Et thE instumfft Records in Eoll wil fled on h0 BAIRD CREWS SCHILLER & WHITAKER PC 15 N MAIN ST ATTN MARY ANN TEMPLE TX 76501 1 dato and tin€ sbmpad hereon and was dLdy rud€d in h€ Real Prop€rty Couly, Teras srdtercodoo A tl n,rrii."rcr"k lNhlXVh* fussa NOTICE l. Property to Be SEE Otr' FORECLOSURE SALE Sold Theproperty to be sold is described as follows: EXHIBIT -A' 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 1l/1612011 and recorded in Book 7993 Page real property records ofBell County, Texas. 888 3. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. ps!&: 05/06/2014 Igqg: The sale will begin no earlier than 10:00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Placg: Bell County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COTINTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DRTVE, BELTON, TEXAS OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms ofSale; The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of tnrst, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part ofthe property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied wananties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed oftrust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nahrre and physical condition ofthe property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine tie applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a renrm ofthe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attomey. 5. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by CHERRI L SCHRICK AND THERESA M DAVIS, provides that it secures the payment ofthe indebtedness in the original principal amount of$118,170.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. U. S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust. Deloult and Request to Act Default has occurred under the deed oftrust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. 6. l4-000008-520 8IO OAKHILL DR KILLEEN. TX ?654I JOHN LAT , JOHN W. LATHAM, BRETT ADAMS, MICHAELL: THAM, RON BEDFORD OR MICHAEL W. ZIENTZ c/o AVT Title Services, LLC I 3770 Noel Road #80 I 529 Dallas, fi 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF TTTE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF TITE ARMED FORCES OF THE TJNITED STATES, PLEASE SEI\il) WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF TIIIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. I -J iI ;; S6E.n*{ *ff !|,;"lst* k,3't t$a.:J tLnfrni lk s tt$ rtr *ril a,l$"rt I $*8 &xg. ftr&l t*rei$.{ rtl!' r {hdl|* *,rr,/ t,&erur '.iL t*r, dd t* bd ktft *osr*Df Dr4q r? ;f lrr srrri'rn* &*for*d t x tt r tsrr{d t }- G tttl dDd *l*, {lh*, L tt$lr- r;f-r *q*r L \^&l6f $fd hF 6g Uoef S,xtr.g rsr{r. --'aI. qf }.{* {$ $f_. ahg-tii r* ti* 4"sqenat i} & tl ry*ac :il|r i*, gHL :f?:J t Y{iq {rr-*-J L.l':ln* til*(, fi& #,l}Gd *!{s* rftl[ {erry" !lx** ** f*tksrs **i.q'b t *Gcri$r{ $ ttld$ *r $'tio *:*;*i&t*t *r gr rrql*pl dei**.j'r* i*,**d*khmr g}friltq';{*"xv.}{ lr :ug ,-" nt.rS itrc?n . klc .t* *jl t"ar"* * r dr* S.$ ran xl'. cel.*}ri * ..lr:$r* t td|trfir! r*rrm*l &. ffM.n{*r es hi!6r rrvD|* :fki }rqrfu, *S *dtcdx, s#" &rtr aesncinar* dfd**rak t|{gfiC: i @ ttt'?at t,llB.:Ul &,.L r;& f* ,r.r*rr*iu, if e&t lrn ,-*-r i..1$.. ,t,c;tr{f E * or ti) lt"J !&r.r$.t..*tri*;r*t F{r* ato* w! *'&i€ttr.nt{(nE,€&f{, la.r,t:}, r.ri ilnw $e *.*.S l * $! $* s*w {f **ltl& k *s* tt* $rt *r*r Jt ird tr} lo'r **A *( ib $fi .E**GiQirW, &6*isi.:iral "tS*€ * A P ]||ry ,t|*,- t}$ *rrsf:*tr* l{gry"{fwr *xl jfrst S** **:*xs',* ran },}*thr*.e., li* d &r, tlsr' stf'. s e rg{ni {d l!{'.i* *r, i,rr* t}c rds ertr r: {6ig ?* ?rru sd Lh. ei.rt <rxrrr 4 x.K t.li sarr ?r,q :i4lh+\; Gr flc. ciig rtl I,r g.y.rar * d Hd i. il trb rril d f* mr*Kf &h*:&xr l* r0:*f II*$* f"sya &r r tert {#n r$ rs dt t f l*$.31 h*& nE * t-Idt *rca 9$ *e* + .'b s|h qair ;f E:tl *.fit :iHF *t tf&q* $* #*rn *d fqdhF *rbrr *rir$" r*ffilin b ** Ctt rf*fc{s. k3" d.lstd y {hb*;rs S" **fr$a"A, k' X$*G** sf.*# t4S. )?rrr'#tf Smx*rd**rffii ;;"W.ii 3i, *ft l{l\i?; 1p/* $i{t $.r&te& trrrs*{rsleder *ill6d.}.'!* rtnr *rd x& *r rx".;ilet*, Fari'r_ti(6tfi* }ryiia -bfir *fbtr, 5 | !'ier ;${r+r^lt rr {tr&h.?q.*r rt$.r: {".il r**r 'r*..l'd *d rl*;,i*xi $f*, rrfrr-ihr.r *ralsln"nrig *c rgtxc_wClael** 'lr ?,iff r*cr tr** ca*qri r lur*,- t*" $.rt ** +*u,*r. **rea. g 6rA. Jr' **pri *, vrk&n :: C, PGrLi. (*e** r8*t $iF*r{s t!"s**" txt_ir.ldi r*l m:q1 sr cl t'fi} }6s €ibl* fl}ct "!{K $t$i:.t tt"..lf er Sf : *rSl.,::e*.bat .$r:r&*c*$ed{OSrbsrrr.rqtbrS{. l|Irt'I&$ld q h*ia$rl{ 4F"S-ry !b c{-ela}i: l{! Ea*+ r.r &r rcd.r:rr ";nb|q:l.era &:[it }|'' }{{r. lrfi! relt* ;.s:t:&* Gq,{,1":$lfltrturl.'*!-od*t*#fi} xs&d$6gn** Igy*\t;t!5{S0,t'e+i$"{:,.rfi!r& r*il.\*srti'tciidsrf*erhrnri&"ii}rt}ri-:*r,"lildlr ocft. I*.: {rt rS t i? rcr :qdd {i} I *ff &*t *rrrtr r*4!, t*+ !r[ lt t&& €rii$,$Sf ?trt*r *if n$S t"ll essr ;#*ltl ** *;S *"tsr ",rjr&l'*c*l &*o &s * *n}S r$*.j** {t "}* ffi& . "t*i*fi$ *" *S! }.f; *"?& l'!*.t* *ll. s#ti f$ uE&rn*r ceb s$ xr-r *-.r ri f* lkN' .*lra 3d 'j,f t:* e s+x tx*sr*{?t|s;tw "s r$ tir$T .tr s$r.Lrrr$K, rw*!&; 1g.r *f l$* I ^5 ##;d,* s - - "- 't "" WS 5L NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE l. Property to Be Sold- The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT NUMBER SEVEN (7), BLOCK NUMBER THREE (3), OF HAYNES ADDITION, IST EXTENSION & REPLAT OF GRIFFIN SUBDryISION, KILLEEN, BELL COUNry, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET "A", SLIDE I3-A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COTINTY, TEXAS. 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 0111912005 and recorded in Book 5601 Page 208 real property records ofBell County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place of Sale DzE: 05/06t2014 fu: The sale will begin no earlier than l0:00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Bell County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DRIVE. BELTON. TEXAS OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms of Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of kust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and./or to sell all or only pan of the property. Fursuant to section 5l .009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the proper['. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, ifany. tfthe sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return ofthe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attomey. 5. Obligations Secured The Deed of Trust executed by JANAVIA Y. PRELOW AND ERIC D. PRELOW, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal arnount of $46,997.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the trote. OEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS OF THE VENDEE MORTGAGE TRUST 2OO8-I is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust. 6. Default and Request to AcL Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Tnrstee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. JOHN L l4-000r9G570 3806 PEAKS KILLEEN. TX 76543 MICHA . LATHAM. BRETT ADAMS. LATHAM, RON BEDFORD OR MICHAEL W. ZTENTZ c/o AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES.IF YOU ARE OR YOTJR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTTVE MILITARY DUTY,INCLT]DING ACTTVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF TIIE ACTryE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. I :: CJ ?>s 5+ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE l- Property to Be SoId- The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWO (2), BLOCK THREE (3), LANTANA HOMES ADDTTION, PHASE rr, AN ADDTfiON TO THE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COLINTY, TEXAS. ACCORDING TO TTTE MAP ORPLAT RTCORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE I3-8, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed- The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 0l/30/2006 and 261 real property records ofBell County, Texas. recorded in Book 5962 Page 3. Date, Time, and Place of Sale fu19: 05/06/2014 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 10:00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. PI3CA: Bell County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COI.]NTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms ofSale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part ofthe property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed oftrust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition ofthe property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of nust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongty urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent ofsuch matters, ifany. Ifthe sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a retum of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. 5- Obligations Secured The Deed of Trust executed by HORTENCIA Z SIFUENTES-VILLANUEVA, provides that it secures the payment ofthe indebtedness in the original principal amount of$87,260.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. is the curent mortgagee of the note and deed of tust. 6. Default and Request to AcL Default has occurred under the deed oftrust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substinrte Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. OHN W. LATHAM, BRETT ADAMS, MICHAEL LA , RON BEDFORD OR MICHAEL W. ZIENTZ c/o AVT Title Services. LLC JOHN LATT{A t+o00264-s70 508 EAST VICTORY AVENUE TEMPLE. TX 76501-0000 13770 Noel Road #801 529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTIIER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SENI) WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. '_.: (.. ) Ai_ Vvs 5g jqa:trjf3 *M Drrc* OOE L2tr_37 .'" nA ''l',r (.':!r-u il' -ucrl-' tlouNTY, It COUNI' ULLHI('l -'' NOTICE OF FORECLOST'RE SALE l. hoperty to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWO (2), BLOCK THREE (3), LANTANA HOMES ADDITION, PHASE II, AN ADDITION TO THE CIry OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY. TEXAS, ACCORDTNG TO THE MAP OR PLAT RECORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE t3-8, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 2. Iwtrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 0l/30/2006 and recorded in Book 5962 Page 261 real property records ofBell County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, ond Place of Sale, Detc: 05/06n014 Iigg: The sale will bcgin no earlier than I 0:00 AM or no later than three hours thcrcafter. PlgCg: Bell County Courlhouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COUNW CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COLINTY ruSTTCE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DzuVE, BELTON, TEXAS OR AS DESICNATED BY T1IE COTJNTY COMMI.SSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. ol Sale. Tlrc salc will be conductcd as a public auction to thc highcst biddcr for cash. Pursuant to tlre deed oftrust, the mortgagce has thc right to direct thc Trustcc to scll the propcrty in onc or more parcels and/or to scll all or only part ofthe propcrty. 4. Ternts Pursuant to section 51.009 of thc Texas Property Codc, thc property will bc sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any cxpr€ss or implicd wan'anties, exccpt as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for underthedeedoftrust.Prospective bidders are advised !o conduct an independent investigation ofthe narure and physical condition of the property. Prospective bidden are reminded that by law the sale will ncccssarily be madc subject to all prior matters ofrecord affecting the property, ifany, to the extent that they remain in force and cffcct and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of thc propcrty that has bccn released of public record from the lien of thc dccd of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine ths applicablc propcrty rccords to dctcrminc thc nature and extcnt of such matters, if any. 5. Obligations Sccured. The Decd of Trust executed by HORTENCIA Z SIFUENTES-VILLANUEVA, providcs lhat it securcs the paynent ofthe indebtedness in thc original principal amount of$87,260.00, and obligations therein described including but not timited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all reoewals and extcnsions of the note. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust. 6, Default and Request to Act. Default has occurred under the dccd oftrust, and fte mortgagee has requcsted a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale . Noticc is given that beforc the sale thc mortgagce may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. / :JOHN W. LATHAM, BRETTADAMS, r4.(m264-570 5Ot FTST VICTORY AVENUFTEMPLE TX 7650I{n) M RONBEDFORD OR MICHAELW. ZTENTZ 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX ?5380- I 529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE TS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLT'DTNC ACTTVE MILIT.A.RY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF AI\OTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO TTIE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. STATEOFTEXAS $ )-; cor.lNrY oF $ l^t,|/baP*\ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on rhis day personally appeared JOHN LATTIAM, JOHN W. LATHAM, BRETT ADAMS, MICHAEL LATHAM, RON BEDFORD OR MICHAEL W. ZIENTZ, as Substitute Trustee. known to me to be the person whose namc is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and who acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Givenundermyhandandseal ofofficethis AFTER RECORDATION RETURN dayot 2014. ofTexas Mrcki€wolfzientz&Mm4p.c.'tt L'(fl 1 , a i$.&:r"-*i?-"Jty* ill) Dalh& Tcxs 75254 6 MICHAEL R. rrar\ :ublic, Stat{of Texas . 4v ilon"rmission/E xpires April 05,2015 BellCounty Shelley Coston County Clerk Belton, Texas 76513 Instrument Number: 2014-00012037 As Recordings Recorded On: April07,2014 Billable Pages: 2 Parties: SIFUENTES VILLANUEVA HORTENCIA Z To Number of Pages: 3 EX PARTE Comment: ( Parties listed above are lor Clerks reference only ) " Examined and Charged as Follows: " 15.00 Recordings Total Recording: 15.00 !r*****r***rt **r**if***** DO NOT REMOVE. THIS PAGE lS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT REAL PRoPERW Any provision herein which restricts the Sa|e, Renta| or use of the described federal law' because of color or race is invalid and unenforceable under Record and Return To: File lnformation: Document Number: 2014-00012037 JOHN LATHAM / MACKIE 14160 NORTH DALLAS PKWY PARKWAY OFFICE CENTER STE Receipt Number: 200255 Recorded Date/Time: April 07, 2014 125Q:Q8P User / Station: L Mulcahy - Cash $tation 3 I horgry conity hat [is instument tvas tl€d m h€ dat€ and tine stanped DALLAS TX75254 hetm ard w6 dr8 rwdd in h8 Real PropertY R€cords in Boll County, Texas ;lltffiti.,- 0t*co-- 9OO n-<54 -'; ioRE , ".-'_::_:-_j. fA ir *-sr ,l.i':. ,- Doc* OOOI.?OEA ! ,1','"+l I/' ' A.: rr.,r -.,*r:^ _.,:.* CtiUNTy, fl NOTTCE OF FORECLOSURE S1LE l. Property ro Be Sold. The property to be sold is described SEE as fotlows: FOR RECORQ ,.,F|_LED /\--.i-bi:.9-OtCfoclel--itr EXHIBIT -A" 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust recorded in Book 7993 Page real property records ofBell County, Texas. 888 3. Date, Timc, and Place rl,$fl A/t of Salc. os/o6t2ot4 Date: aAHBf lfO@r Prtuq hSt,* couNry cLEn( BEt_r_ couNw, fx Iloe: The sale tlaCe: Bell County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAJN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COTJNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMSSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by rhc County Commissioners Court. will begin no earlier than | 0:00 AM or no later than three hours thercafter. 4.TermsofSale. The salcwill beconductedasapublicauctiontothehighestbiddcrforcash. Pursuantto the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part ofthc propcrty. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code. thc property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties oftitle, ifany, providcd lor underthcdeedoftrust.Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthc nature and physical condition of the propcrty. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters ofrecord affecting the property, ifany, to the extent that they rcmain in force and effect and havc not been subordinatcd to thc decd of trust. Thc sale shall not cover any part of tbe property that bas been released of public rccord from the licn of thc deed of trust. Prospcctive bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable propcrty records to determinc the naturc and cxtcnt ofsuch matters, ifany. 5. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by CHERRI L SCHRICK AND THERESA M DAVIS, provides that it secures the payment ofthe indebtedness in the original principal amount of$l 19,170.00, and obligations thercin dcscribed including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of thc notc. U. S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is the current mortgsgee of the note and dced oftrust. 6. Deluuh and Requesl to Act. Default has occurred undcr thc deed oftnrst, and the mortgagee has requcsted a Substitutc Trustee conduct this salc. Notice is given that bcfore the sale the mongagee may appoint anorher person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. t+00rn08.520 IIIOOAKHILL OR M KILLEEN. c/o Di 765.II A BEDFORD OR MICHAEL W. ZIENTZ AVT 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, fi 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR TI{E NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT oF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTTCE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. STATEOFTEXAS. colJNry oF 0v lliaata< $ S - llJ.U ),r/n'\)\ BEFORE ME, the undersigned aurhority, on this day personally appeared JOHN LATI{AM, JOHN W. LATHAM, BRETT ADAMS, MICHAEL LATHAM, RON BEDFORD OR MICHAEL W. ZIENTZ, as Substitute Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and who acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein.qxpressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office 1r;5 AFTER RECORDATION RETURN' M*kiGwolfzientz&Mun,p.c. PsrbPay Officc Ccntff, Suilc 900 '" 0 *if"l.1Tl"''11i1'** / (ra- Aay of $'l W I. MOODY " ltar\' 9'.rbli State o{ Texas sion ExPtres 5, 201 5 , lor"tl6rt tP{Fl !t.t3€ }Safr tlU{; ilCfiS &t s (t3i l{: ku rltrrl s 3ct &r9 ltnr trb*Fr {, $. J. t}CF Srrry. .r!*na iir. tt{, }rG 6c fra frft. {lr:'bf *;:? r,1 { lrt €lii-tslA tra r-*-r :'urqrt c :. : TcEr' 116 r3r, Obc,i !. ftlrr. sf r*r L. \'ifie:r lfi,\ hll 64 Dol Ex.rib r,'r''-lUIrF-L-.rI. a! l(rAlil. Sfr(:t {, i:t.ral}Xlrfildirt C Wdctntrri OF]lt t. V..(.-.rr. oatfiE', ie !':b:o ll{€ ltnc S!5, nc.j k.rG rf Et[ Ccqa.. E*x+ d bob$,z^r *s-&.bt*rsh{r?tt:r** tsGliD(r'Jf,l*tt't r;:ir;lrdlthex{ er 6rlr.atlorf4}a'e.l'qg QyetCrf tlil }i'il(e, itt?.)d $c iq?q qrqr od.rd ilrrr"&* !** tr tla t rrnrr ga t*.{ a{6 tct s{rF ccsrz}ig llt:t&* r. l{.*4 {r$oGf & D.Ei#-dGttt.n$, fftrirt }d}& lltllrs .;f lai h:pig" Ols tu6r. Iq, rt dtur!*t &rOc cGrOrtE lf!gllCS'8.?{F gt' l.t.r ?:-lni li:l 3.l n'.( $ry e.a.F.l a* Qq or r# ld r{r&fgiu, cf $U -..tr* tro..i.l!&* *,qjr!.t Ea rd 4$ r, mr* ?tl :l ,} :ls,t1[l{s3!.eqrt b gf; &r.{'. ita }' xr*rcf r{rT.xn i\t, rd &l aoal ca$*r Jlt}it f,$ lnr cu& e( ale ddr X,, UES tb* c r.u ? r:r €firrdtEtw 'i&il.{: * tJt s' re4 w- !*} o6:c&rtsl, :rg!".glchu sn" itrsJ t*|ta 5J 6 ...t r! rrr:ki,' lit:r { er| ner' rv', rn, c.rrner {rj rrt'g *r, 7u" *c srrb rer r:.}!rl t!* :vJ r d tlar oj: t,;Gr qa rat. 0 .!: urs !ri, 4f-ati q tE rreu g.$ lr qr".:le F af raa f fl r:lt :*.t rr* &lu fr*r *r r tir! d*l*g h dt vi tlnlt 6-! rs I t-UF F T$Tr d.^+q ti* 4 * r:B 8Ar IStr EAl{ lL r' $.h qne"q Gll s: isrt Dd Qa Gd rrrr r- S-<yi;rr Srrtrr ga.*Alt**rbe Cbr olXdlc-llcr. Crc,ut 9 r}ili:g B. tftila.A, nrxgr.ercffi* C"4r. :ir'4, ilt !! 8rA rFtrE .f Sirt:fi,: -. :.Dlf. y ft ttr tt'.t?o W* tFi fS &{. \rt$ {.!. ja{wrr! lk rird$.ifl ar{ E?d rrl ir r|t;.irnp rr r.'1t{,S\r,jF ?etb-fbrtt tf{l4oa n r !. lor;iu{ror{s a ctr.,r,lf,.lqr fu.U G.il r;.r io-.ld 'h rc.$ cE a;i.rd $gb e*#r-1s.q rrdJcr,. biG r!,: rdr:a c-sr Cl c*rr 3.ft rr:r grr a, tt*.o-rr. gri ..r ,y'ro..lr*o,r, C. Ee;-i*.; i, V:*r.. :ll0, pl6t?.!.ltfutler-x..*i tA& s.rcto :rl1r" t:qry, 1i1: (b4 *sg nr rl srf* :€$n 6itir lrgt $tF({.c n-,#r:,fyi w,q"tg**li: arl-ii tto }rt'r llrrarorrd q al esril:ryB{ilrrt L| dd$o* t{L E ,L? ctrc{o.t}ollrtr&4 r: {Io *arr,rr-rtft( s53t *€t l(,a, bcrg 'trr{rr* afle :Art:t.ht dr€.r,!llrnrtrEf "y'.t4rltptr:agsr of SOtcq, f!0lrrlU g d{| Df 's{fa G3r{i !rt.'$}J,;rs !b11g,.{sgd*ch.<,llrrrfa.{ijrtd*.:Ill,|ddts ogitt Ita: Gl .|d t ? rbr '14ru r .Jf irr r6jr r.*t arr rrt ar ui, ,aruJ*!?<..!rf ril t15 L.Ji .lr rrrga('j.o r:J .ro:r -rinld'l-c{ fxr i.ic .n rrf} ta.:3.rt }fu q* 6f $g, sji }." ,Sf.S J.!t eri rlr rydxdl citlg ct ,nA *r tf ;ril rr* lttr .tlrc a}t & :rr*rrr,r Bcd qil tlg. Irrl ..,r re tgtgr..X g$$-*lir{, rqid:!$ a&.J !:* $lal lt{i:l{Cl; n. I ; ; , I fx/,/,/ 'f/' Bell County Shelley Coston County Clerk Belton, Texas 76513 ililil|il|il|ililililililililrililtilililtilu] !iltffi uilililililtil 70 201 4 0001 2038 Instrument Number: 2014-00012038 As Recorded On: April A7, 2014 Recordings Parties: SCHRICK CHERRI L To Billable Pages: 3 Number of Pages: 4 EX PARTE Comment: ( Parties listed above are for Clerks reference only ) ** Examined and Charged as Follows: Recordings '* 19.00 Total Recording: 19.00 *IT*********t DO NOT REMOVE. THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT ************ Any provision herein which restricts the Sale, Rental or use of the described REAL PROPERTY because of color or race is invalid and unenforceable under federal law. File Information: Document Number: 2014-0001 2038 Receipt Number: 200255 Recorded Date/Time: April 07, 2Q14 12:50'.08P Record and Return To: JOHN LATHAM / MACKIE 14160 NORTH DALLAS PKWY PARKWAY OFFICE CENTER STE User / Station: L Mulcahy - Cash Station 3 I llereby c€{Sy Recrrds h &il hat tiis insuum$t w6 fld on DALLAS TX75254 hs dalo and timo stamp€d hereon and was duly rurd€d h h€ Real Property County, Toxas ShetlevGosror re[countycrert A tt lJWIhWu- 9OO Wcub lIOttCB Of SUnStttUtn tRUStpn'S SAL,E - ; : : ' , , , ijjii ,4'/ DATE: =_-f=_-- { ,r,.r,l _ '. l- '. I ;,\ ij: lir ,2014 DEED OF TRUST: Date: July 1,2013 Grantor: MPHOUSE FT HOOD,LLC Grantor's County: TRAVIS Beneficiary: THREE BROTHERS INVESTMENTS, INC. Trustee: Substitute ALBERT J. HEINRICH. JR. Trustee: ROBERT E. BLACK, ALBERT J. HEINRICH, JR., and REGINA BUTTROSS. or anv of them Substitute Trustee's Address: ROBERT E. BLACK 500 W. l6th Street, Suite 120 Austin, Travis County, Texas 78701 (sr2) 477-1964 ALBERT J. HEINRICH, JR. 408 West lSth Street Austin, Travis County, Texas 78701 (sr2) 322-9s50 REGINA BUTTROSS P.O. Box 5396 Austin, Travis County, Texas 78763 (s12) 320-0888 Recorded in: Document No. 2013-00028952, Real Property Records, Bell County, Texas PROPERTY: Being all of Lot 4 and apart of Lot 3, Block 1 of North Side Addition, an Addition to the City of Killeen, Bell County, Texas, according to the Plat of record in Volume 230,Page 638, of the Deed Records of Bell County, Texas, and a portion of a 12.0 foot wide Alley West and Adjacent to Lot 3 and 4, Block 1, North Side Addition and being more particularly described in Exhibit o'A" attached hereto. DATE OF SALE OF PROPERTY (first Tuesday of month, between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.): 6th day of May, 2014. PLACE OF SALE OF PROPERTY (including county): County Courthouse of Bell County, Belton, Texas, at area designated by County Commissioners for said sales. The earliest time at which a sale will occur is 1:00 p.m., provided the sale must begin at such time or not later than three hours after that time. Because of default in performance of the obligations of the Deed of Trust, Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified to satisfy the debt secured by the Deed of Trust. Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or vour spouse is serving on active militarv dutv. including active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv services to the sender of this notice immediatelv. a#/ /aet/" BLACK ROBERT E. 500 W. t6th Street, Suite 120 Austin, Texas 78701 (srz) 477-1964 STATE OF TEXAS couNTY s oF lf r, , .,; t, $ s This instrument was acknowledged before me on 2014. bv Robert E. Black. RB/ALREYTS iIOTARYRJBUC StbdTo6s CotTm. Ee. (nf2!f2017 the4.lh day of (lpl ,'f , / EXIIIBIT OA" FIETD NOTES for a tract of land ln BeIl County, Texas, part of the Hadden O'NeaI Survey ABSTRACT No. 545 and the Land herein described being all of tot 4 & e part of L,ot 3, Block 1, Northside Addj.tion an addition to the City of Killeen, being of record in Volume 230, Page 538, Deed Records of 'Bel-L County, Texas, and a porti-on of a 12.0 foot, wide alley r.ilest of and adjacent, to Lot 3 and 4, Block 1, Northside RddiCion, and being all thaL certain tract described in a srrap around Deed of Trust of Record in Volume 2089, Page 237, Deed Records of Bell Countsyr Texas. BEGINNING at a la" iron rod found at the intersection of the we'st right of way of North Eighth Street with the south right of way of Nairmy Road, being the northeast corner of Lot 1, for the northea$t coxner of this THENCE S. 16 deg. 30' 00" W., 69.85 feet (PIaL S. 1-6 deg-_J0'W.,) with the west right of way of North Eighth Street to a 5/8" iron rod found, in the east line of Lot 3, for the southeast corner of this. THENCE N. 70 deg. 55r 51',f W., L49.5? feet to a 3/8" iron rod set in the center lind of said al.ley for tbe southwest corner of this' THENCE N. 15 deg. 27. 03'E., ?0.04 feet (Plat N. L6 deg. 30'8.') a 3/8" iron rod set in feet with the c6nter line of said alleyr -fortothe northwest corner of Road, Nairmy of tft"-"o"if, iiglti oe ""y this. E'rl 53' 46" 8., t49.63. feet (P1at S. 7L deg' THENCE S. 7O deg. = OF PLACE the to Road of wai of right with the {a_irmy ranct' contalning 0.240 acres of BEGINNING'"ooih based on the west right The bearings for the above descripti-on are on the plat of Northside as- shown of way of ttorth Elghth street, 230, Deed Records of Bell 638, Page Addition as recordEh in vorurne CountYr Texas. P;-< l"t NOTICE OF SUBSTTTUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BELL County [bed of Trusl: FILED F{jR Dated: May 2O,2O11 ["r Amount: $172.352.00 Grantor(s): DANIEL J FEDOR and KARA A FEDOR Original Mortgagee: UNITED SECURITY FINANCIAL Current Mortgagee: UNrTED SECURITY FINANCIAL Mortgagee Address: 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 36O, Lake Zurich, lL 60047 Recording Information: Document No- 201 1-1 8356 Legal Description: LOT TEN (10), BLoCK ONE (1), BELLAIRE NORTH, AN ADDITION TO THE CnY OF TEMPLE' BELL COUNTY. TEXAS, ACCORDINGTOTHE IVIAPOR PLATOF RECORD INCABINET A, SLIDE 1@-D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. Date of Sale: May 6, ?014 between the hours of 1O:0O am" ard 1:S PM- Earliest Time SaleWill Begin: 1O:m am Place of Sale: The forecloswe sale witt be coyducted at putclic venue in the area dcignated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by tf€ Commissioners Court, the sle will be conducted at the place where the Notice otTrustee's Sale was posted' RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. ORLUTHER TOUNGATE OR ONDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANcEtA CARTER have been appointed aE Substitute Trustee(6), ('subsnute Trustee') each empowered to act independently, in the ptace of said original Trustee, upon the cor*ingency and in the rnanner authorized by said Deed of Trust. The Substitute Trustee will sett the Property by public auction to the highest bidder ior cash at the ptace and date sPecified. The sale will begin at the earliesi time slated above or within three (3) hours after that time' tf the sale is set aside for any reson, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to s retum of the funds paid- The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against tfre Mortgagor, the ilortgagee or the Mortgagee's attomey" NOTTCE rs' rURTHER Gl\rEl{ trIal, ertxrpt to lte Grrt€rt lM t}re $ubstitrte Tru$eg{s) nFy bind and obligate the Mortgagors to warrant title to the Property under tire terms of the Oeed of Trust, conveyarrc€ ol the Property shall be made 'AS lS' WHERE lS' without any rept sentationr and warranties rafratsoever, expres,s or implied, ard subjEct to all mafiers oJ record affecting the Property. oi the active dutv militarv service-to ths sender ol this notice. I-IUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE, L,L.F. 333 Clay, Suite 29O0 Houston,Texa8 77OO? Reference: 201 4-.0'l 4486 RICHARDZAVALA, C,oOKOR MICHELLE JONE.S OR JARRARDOR JO A ANGELACARTER c/o Service Link 73Ol N. Hwy 161, Sle.306 lrving. Texas 75O39 (>sb2NOTICE OF SUBSTTTUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BELL County Deed otTrust: r;t! i:[-1 I t L-r.. r.-' Dated: Augrd 1,2O1O Anount: $146.569.00 l{jif [-l;:L;Ljitli -3 r;; ffl L-la Grantor(s): DEREK HORNE ard JESSICA LEE HORNE 201 Original t\,lortgag€e: IMORTGAGE.COM, lNC. :0*g Curent l/krrtgagee: CITIMORTGAGE, lNC. Mortgogee Address: CITIMORTGAGE, INC-, 1000 Technology Drive, OFallcn, MO Recoding Information: Document No. 20J &291 30 Legal Description: LOT 166, ELOCK 4, YO\wEtl RANCH, PHASE ONE, AN ADDMON TO THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL @UNTY. TEXAS, ACCORO'TIG TO THE PIAT TI'EREOF RgcoRoeo rN cABrNEr D. sltoEs 27&B AND 27rc. BELL COUNTY.TEMS. Date of Sals May 6, fi4 behircen the lpurs of 1O:0O am" and 1:& Plll. Earliest Time Sale Will Begin; 10:0O am place of Sale: The forecloeure sale will be corducted at public venue in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuanl to Sec{ion 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place wbere foredswe sales arc to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissionarc Cou4 the sale wilf be conducted al lhe place wlere the Nolice otTruslee's Sale vyas pos{ed. RICHARD ZAVALA. JR. ORLUTHER TOUNGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JA ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGEIA CARTER have been appoin ed as Subditl*e Trustee{s}, ('lsubstihrte Tn stee) eac*r enpo,lered to act independent y, in the place ot said original Trustee, upon the contingercy and in lhe rnanner authorized by sEid Deed of Truei. *ll The Substtute Trustee will tho Property by public asction to the highesl bidder fior cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within thfee (3) houF afferthat tirne, lf the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a relum of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recounse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee orth€ Mortgagee's attomey- NOTICE lS FURTHER GIVEN that, excepl to the exted that the Subslitute fruetee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to warant title to the Property under tlrc tenns of ttre Deed of Trusl, conveyance of the Property shall be made 'AS lS' 'WHERE lS' without any representations and wanar*ies whatsoever, exBres or implied, and subject to all rnatters of recod afiecting the Property. A_debtor who is servino on active militarv dgtv rnay lave special riotds.or relief elated to lhis notice under fEjeral law. incfudino the servicejo the sender of this notic€. HUGHES. WATTERS & ASKANASE. L.L.P. 3B3Clay, Su'rte 29S l'louslon, Texas 77WZ Reference: 2A13410€74 TE OR CINDYJARRARD OR JOANT*E c/o $ervice Unk UIAHELLE JOI,IES 7301 N. Hvqy 161, Ste.3ffi lrving, TExas 75039 2013-0109rl4aje O,I1 ANGEIA CARTER 5 I02 TROY VIEW COURT TROY.TX -l 201 3016980377 r 76579 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour snouse is serving on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dufv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv 1. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place 2. will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COI"JNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of SaIe. Cash. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated September 27,2006 and recorded in Document VOLUME 6209, PAGE 358 real property records of BELL County, TCXASO With ALICIA DAWN MATHEWS AND STEPHANIE ANN HOKE AND CHRISTOPHER M. HOKE, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, fNC., ('MERS") AS NOMINEE' 3. mortgagee. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by ALICIA DAWN MATHEWS AND STEPHANIE ANN HOKE AND CHRISTOPHER M. HOKE, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $73,014.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK' 4. N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWENTY-SIX (26), rN BLOCK THREE (3), OF HTLLSIDE ESTATES, PHASE THREE, IN BELL COIINTY, TEXAS' ACCORDINC-fO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 253-C,PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virfue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL. SC 29715 r[!r LATHAM, MICHAEL LATHAM, KELLY FERRIS, PHILLIP l.LAlftAM,r\llLnA-b|-Lr\rnArvr,NDL!r.DR^ro'f ADAMS, T. BRETT ADAMS, LATHAM, IIREI"I JOHNLATHAM,JOTtfW.LATHAM, PIERCEALL, ISRAE'CURTIS, wEs WHEAT, STEPHEN MAYERS, COLETTE MAYERS, CLAY GOLDEN' DAVID ACKEL. CODY LONG. KELLY MCDANIEL, KEN}{Y SHIREY, ROBERT AGUILAR, ROSS BANDY, TRAVIS KADDATZ' AARON CRAWFORD, OR DUSTIN EMANUELE Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL' LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison. Texas 75001 ltillililliillllillllllllllllllllllillllllllllllillllllllillllllllillllllllllil||l NOS20130l 69803771 NSTS3SIG.pt - (08 10212013) - Y et-36 5 -29OI JACK RABBIT ROAD BELTON,TX 76513 20130169806287 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is serving on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National the United States. Dlease send rwitten notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale will begin at 10:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. PIACC BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated October 05, 2005 and recorded in Document VOLUME 5860, PAGE 220; AS AFFECTED BY VOLUME 5900 PAGE 8ll real property records of BELL County, Texas, with DAVID a CRUZ AND VIVIAN a CRUZ, grantor(s) and CASCADE FINANCIAL SERVICES, morrgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by DAVID Q CRUZ AND VIVIAN e CRUZ, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $113,223.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT EIGHT (8), SHAW BRANCH EAST, PHASE 3, BELL COUNTY. TEXAS, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 363-A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. YEAR:2005 MAKE: FLEETWOOD MODEL: SILVER RIDGE SERIALNUMBERS: 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK. N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL.SC 29715 PIERCEALL, ISRAEL CURTIS, WES WHEAT, STEPHEN MAYERS, COLETTE MAYERS, CLAY GOLDEN, DAVID ACKEL, CODY LONC, KELLY MCDANIEL, KENNY SHIREY, ROBERT AGUILAR, ROSS BANDY, TRAVIS KADPATZ AARON CRAWFORD. OR DUSTIN EMANUELE Substitute Trustee l--"i-" c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP :" i- 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 ,.._ i-r^j iTt'i*- r" : i- t"-, r-:.': F -r'i |-rl (= i:: ia'l l- -- r\) A -ril '. :i ry i:: \lJ flilil ||]il] i] tii ti ti||]i iiiii iiit tiii] l|iflllt tiiiitit NOS20r30169806287 NSTS35lG.rpt - (08/02/201 3) - Ver-36 lil itl 5"2 NOTICE OF STJBSTITUTE TRTJSTEE1S SALE BEIL Counrty lleed of Trust: D*d:April5, 1995 Amq.rnt @,350.00 GrantorG): DI0SY BITTNER ard .lOFltl BITINER trgind torQrg*: Cuneril lorngqe: iICAFEE ITIORTGAGE & INVESTMENT COMPANY CITII{ORTGAGE, lNC. Iorlgag* Ad*oss: CIThTDRTGAGE, ll,lC., 1OOO Techm@y Drive, Recording ffinndon: Vohrp CfFe[cr, lrO 63368 3305, Pags 341 rogd D3scrlpcqr: LOT TWENTY (2O), BLOCI( $xrEEN (16), ROSE AIDmON, 3RD UNIT, Kltt EEN, B€LL COt PER PLAT OF re@RD NCNA' |N CABI}.IET A SUDE 272-D, PLAT RF@RS OF BELL COI,NTY, TD(AS- Ileb of Seh: ltlay 6, 2014 behreen ErlHTturr Sabffitl Pltco of S.b: The prrslra{ b Sedirn by tte tte ]Eurs of t0:fl) NTY, Tp(AS AS arn. and 1:OO PM. Begh: tOSanr brcdcue * wil be asxlrclod d pl$|ic vsr.re in lhe dea d€{i(f}aH by Sre BE-t Corrily Commlrsianers Cor.ut Tens Property Code as the pbce rihore fuedoswe s# ae to tal<e place, or if m flm is dasignaH s* will be conducted d tle pb wtsa fE Notice of Truslee's Sab ms posied. 51.{X)2 of tte Cdnntsddss Cdr( the RICIIARD ZAvALA" JR. ORLUTHER TOUNGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JO Al.tNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR AITIGELA CARTER (Subsiifute Trusfiee') b€€tt appoiriled as Sr.Ssfihrte €mpovcr€d b acn indeperderfly, in the place of said ori;itd Trusbe, Lpon the cordin$ncy ard in tE nrarrrer ar.dtrorized by se*, D€€d of Trust tm The Sdslitile Tntsbe begin at ttrc fru*{s), $dll s€t t|e dr Ptopedy by pr6|nc ardbn b t|e hbhost Udder or wi0rir thre (3) tows afier that time- eailrsi tirc sHed &one br dr d the place and date sped6ed. lf t|e * is set asiCe fc any reason, lie Purd|aser d lhe sab st|a[ be er*i[ed d*y to a ]€fi.rn d lhe frinds pa0d. l]re m ft.rlherrecourse againsf t|e ilorEager, the t{ortgagm ortF lforEege's attorney- The sab will Purcfraser shall have faOfE€ lS FURTHERGhTEI lhd, exceptbtre e:dsr{trttre SubsttUde Tnr#e(s) nraybird anO obtbate the l'torsaggs to wsrrant titb to lhe Ropeily wder t|e tsrns of t|e Deed d Tnrs( conwyanco of Ap ftopelty sha[ be made 'AS 1S' WHERE lS' without any EFessntal*ns and rvarranlbs whatsoever, expr€ss or funpf.td, ard s|&ied to a[ r#rs of reoord #aing the property. A d€t or u,ho b syiln on adivt mlitary d*y rnav haye sEial riot*s q r€Fef .dated b lhis rdi:e lrxbr fu&rd brr. inc&rdino th€ Ssvi:ensnbes Civf Ref,dAd 15O U.S.C. aoo. Sedbn 501 e{ seo-}- and sffr hw- ftrcftrdiro Sedlrr 51.015 Teras Ptomfiv Cod€. Aceert HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKAI{ASE, L.L.P. 33ilCray, Srdb29(X) l-lousnon, Texas 77d)2 Refs.sr: 2(X3{I)9216 RCH/qRDZAVAIJA. JR. ORJOANNE COOK OR doSeryha Unk 7301 N. l+ny 161, Ste.305 lwing, 2013-{xD2l6SR Tex6 75039 "': :-: r) .- "-;'t .'; :l:r-' T1 !-n w N) J l],*i *i () t ,i -,, i-- : -: -ri ---d i-.,-' U :i-, " " l--c..:,:. -:: r-)': d1 ii "- 5.\ NOTICT OF ACCELERATION AI.ID NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 0t/16/2408 Grantor(s): DORA FRANCES WILLIAMS, A SINGLE PERSON OriginalMortgagee: URBANFINANCIAL GROUP,INC. OriginalPrincipal: $114,000.00 Rocordingldormation: Instrument200&00003176 Property County: Bell Property: BEING 0.129 ACRE OF LAND, AND BEING THE WEST ONE-HALF (W 1/2) OF LOT FTVE (s), OF TI{E JACKSON'S ADDTTTON, AN ADDTTION TO TrrE CITY OF BELTON, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TIIE MAP OR PLAT OF RICORD IN VOLI]ME 50, PAGE 82, DEED RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN FIELDNOTES ATTACHED HERETO. FIELD NOTES FOR 0.129 ACRES OF LAND AND BEING THE WESTERLY ONE IIALF OF LOT 5 OF TI]E JACKSONS ADDITION ACCORDING TO TIIE PLAT OF R-ECORD IN VOLUME 50, PAGE 82 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BELL COIINTY, TEXAS AND BEING THE LANDS HELD BY CONNIE ELAINE SIMANK TRUSTEE OF THE DORA FRANCES WILLIAMS R-EVOCABLE TRUST UNDER DEED OF RECORD AS INSTRUMENT 2OO7.OOOOI179 OF THE OFFICTAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF REAL PROPERTY IN BELL COL]NTY, TEXAS. SAID 0.129 ACRES BEING SHOWN ON TIIE ATTACHED PLAT AND DESCRTBED AS FOLLOWS. BEGINNING AT A I/2 INCH IRON ROD PLACED AT THE SOUTITWEST CORNER OF LOT 4, THE NORTT{WEST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF TI]E ABOVE REFERENCED ADDITION IN THE EAST LINE OF HUGHES STREET (PLATTED AS SURGHNOR STREET) AT A pOrNT S le DEGREES W 300.0 FEET FROM TItr INTERSECTION OF TI{E SAID EAST LINE OF HUGIIES STREET WITH TI{E SOUTH LINE OF AVENUE D FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TI{E HEREIN DESCRTBED TRACT OF LAND, TIIENCE S 70 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 45 SECONDS E 75.00 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 5 TO A I/2 INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP 4029 FOUND FOR TIIE NORTIIEAST CORNER OF TI{E HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND, THENCE S 19 DEGREES OO MINU'TES OO SECONDS W 75.00 FEET TO A I/2 INCH IRON ROD PLACED IN THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 5, THE NORTH LINE OF A 15 FOOT WIDE ALLEY ACCORDING TO T}TE ABOVE REFERENCED PLAT FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TIIE HEREIN DESCRTBED TRACT OF LAND, THENCE N 70 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 45 SECONDS W 75.00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 5 TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD PLACED AT ITS SOUTIIWEST CORNER IN THE EAST LINE OF HUGHES STREET FOR THE SOUT}IWEST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND, TIIENCE N 19 DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS E 75.00 FEET ALONG TI{E WEST LINE OF LOT 5 AND THE EAST LINE OF THE SAID STREET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ReportedAddless: 509 S HUGHES STREET, BELTON, TX 76513 MOR.TGAGE SERVICINGINTORMATION: il,._, r' , i::, . :* a,: 't-.:' , -' .: . ' = 'I X u = :_: ! i.;i < H ?:: O ) The Mo4gage Servicer, if not 'he Current Mo4gagee, is representing the Current Nfuyqgag@urs[4nt to a Morrgage ServicingAgrcement REVERSE MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS,INC. Mortgage Servlccr: Reverse Mo4gage Solutions CurrentBcncficiary: REVERSE MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS,INC. Mortgage Senvtccr Aditrcss : 2727 Spring Creek Drive, Spring, TX 77373 CunentMortg;agee: SALE .-=, :: INFORMATION: Date of Sdc: Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 2014 Timc of Sale: 10:00 AM or within three hours thereafter. PIACC of SaIe: AT TI{E BELL COTJNTY CLERK.S ALCOVE TO TI{E EAST OF THE MATN Suffitute Trustce(s): ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COTJNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS in BeX County, Texas, or, if the preeding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently d€signated by the Bell County Commi$i6nsfg Court. Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Richard Zavala, Jr. or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camar:ata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act ' Sob"rl*r. Tnrstce Addrress: 14841 Dallas Parknray, Suite 425, Dallas, Tx75254 WIIEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to seqre payment of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WTIEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sruns secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any prwiously appointed Substitute Trustee has ben removed and Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Richard Zavala, Jr. or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to i!ct, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisS the indebteilness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagee, Mo4gage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters and that: 1. The maturity ofthe Note has been accelerated and all srrms secur€d by the Deed of Trust have been delared to be 2. 3. 4. imnediately due and payable. Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Richard Zavala, Jr. or Angela Carrer or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camatatz, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womaclg any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than tlre time set forth above in the Sate Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that trme. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any properfy that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust. No warranties, express or implied, induding but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered UAS-IS', pwchasers will buy the properry "at the purchaset's own risk" and nat his pcd", and no representation is made concenring the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interesB of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel oftheir choice prior to participating in the sale ofthe property. Very truly yours, Bucklev Madole- P.C. Our File Number: 74-02752 NamE: BRIAN H. DOCKERY, A MARRIED MAN, AND KAREN BONET, HIS WIFE F-E NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on BRIAN H. DOCKERY, A MARzuED MAN, AND KAREN BONET, HIS WIFE, executed a Deed of Trust conveying to TSI TITLE COMPANY OF TEXAS, INC., as Trustee, the Real Estate hereinafter described, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,INC., ACTING SOLELY AS A NOMINEE FOR QUICKEN LOANS, INC., in the payment of a debt therein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded under County Clerk Number 2012-19018, Volume 8165, Page 377, in the DEED OF TRUST OR REAL PROPERTY records of BELL COUNTY, TEXAS; and WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder has requested to sell said property to satisfli said indebtedness; WHEREAS, the undersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014 between ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning not earlier than 10:00 AM or not later than three hours thereafter, I will sell said Real Estate at the County Courthouse in BELL COLINTY, TEXAS to the highest bidder for cash. The sale will be conducted in the area of the Courthouse designated by the Commissioners' Court, of said county, pursuant to Section $51.002 of the Texas Property Code as amended; if no area is designated by the Commissioners' Court, the sale will be conducted in the area immediately adjacent (next) to the location where this notice was posted. Said Real Estate is described as follows: LOT NINE (9), AND LOT TEN (10), IN BLOCK TWO (2), IN MORGAN'S POINT RESORT CITY, SECTION 5,IN BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A. SLIDE 245-C, FIAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. Property Address: Mortgage Servicer: Noteholder: 8 W WICHITA LN BELTON, TX76513 QUICKEN LOANS INC. QUICKEN LOANS INC. IO5O WOODWARD AVE DETROIT. MI48226 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Noteholder by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Noteholder. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe properfy securing the above referenced loan. ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICE NOTICE Assert and orotect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou or vour snouse is servine on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. WITNESS MY HAND this day, March 10,2014. Cindy Janard, J Richard Zavala, J{ Cooke, Mii-h-elle Xones, Angela Carter; or Luthdr Toungate, Substitute Trustee Marinosci Law Group PC Marinosci & Baxter 14643 Dallas Pkwy, Suite 750 Dallas, TX75254 (972) 33r-2300 ',-l i.l ' Our File Number: 13-15392 Name: GEORGE CZEMERYNSKI. AN UNMARzuED MAN 5-{P NOTICE OF TRTISTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on JULY 25,2008,GEORGE CZEMERYNSKI, AN UI,IN4ARRIEO fr4aN, executeA an Adjustable Rate Deed of Trust (Texas Home Equity Conversion)/Security Instrumenf!@Ydylng 0 ApAff 82 POLUNSKY as Trustee, the ReaI Estate hereinafter described, to EVEFSANK REVERSE MORTGAGE LLC, in the payment of a debt therein described, said Deed of Trust/Security Instrument being recorded mder Count Clerk Number 2008-00031989, in the DEED OF TRUST OR REAL PROPERTY records of BELL:COUNTY, TE)QIS; and WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder has requested to sell said property to satisfr said indebtedness; WHEREAS, the undersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust/Security Instrument; and NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on TUESDAY, MAY 6,2014 between ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning not earlier than l0:00 AM or not later than three hours thereafter, I will sell said Real Estate at the County Courthouse in BELL COUNTY, TEXAS to the highest bidder for cash. The sale will be conducted in the area of the Courthouse designated by the Commissioners'Court, of said counry, pursuant to Section $51.002 of the Texas Property Code as amended; if no area is designated by the Commissioners' Court, the sale will be conducted in the area immediately adjacent (next) to the location where this notice was posted. Said Real Estate is described as follows: LOT NUMBER SIX (6) IN BLOCK NUMBER TWO (2) OF ROLLING HILLS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS' ACCORDING TO THE DEDICATION AND PLAT THEREOF OF RECORD IN THE DEED RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AND SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENTS AND RESTzuCTIONS AFFECTING SAID PROPERTY, OF RECORD IN BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. Properly Address: 3605 DELNORTE BLVD Mortgage Servicer: TEMPLE, TX 76502 CHAMPION MORTGAGE, LLC NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC d/b/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY 350 HIGHLAND DRIVE Noteholder: LEWISVILE.TX75067 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Noteholder by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Noteholder. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $51.0025,bhe Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe property securing the above referenced loan. ACTTVE MILITARY SERVICE NOTICE Assert and Drotect ye11 rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou or Your sDouse is includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or ffitv. ttre Nationat Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United WITNESS MY HAND this day, March 10,2014. Richard Zavala, Jr., Angela Carter, or Luther Toungate, Substitute Trustee Marinosci Law Group PC Marinosci & Baxter 14643 Dallas Pkwy, Suite 750 Dallas, TX75254 (972) 33r-2300 _5-+ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE l. Propefi to Be SoId The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT THIRTY-EIGHT(38), IN BLOCK THREE (3), OF BRIARWOOD ESTATES, PHASE TWO, IN THE CITY OF HARKER HEIGHTS, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 7-A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. , , i,i ::-] :, 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated I l/08/2008,and recofoed finl Document 2008-00046205 real property records of Bell County, Texas. : ; .- ?_i, 3.Date,Time,andPlaceofSala ;,: ,-'. De!g:05/0612014 !99: The sale will ': begin no earlier than 10:00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. : . :: ; tti ',--'r :) :: :'l : i."'.) , .: r\) .-. !t4qg: Bell County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO TI{EIEAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY JUSTICE COMPLEX. I2OI HUEY DRIVE. BELTON. TEXAS OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms of Sala The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and./or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 5l .009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property. will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent ofsuch matters, ifany. Ifthe sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a retum ofthe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale 5. Obligations Secured The Deed of Trust executed by STEVEN W CAMPBELL AND JENNEL[ES J CAMPBELL, secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $216,150.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. GREEN PLANET SERVICING, LLC is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust. provides that it Act Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint qnother person substitute trustee to 6. Default and Request to conductthesare. JOHN 13_00003r-680 6I?PATNTBRUSHDR HARKER HEIGHTS' rx 76548 /^&t* LATH.&,lOnr.iW. LATHAM, BRETT ADAMS, MICHAEL LATIIAM, RON BEDFORD OR MICHAEL W. ZIENTZ c/o AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES.IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTT!'E MILITARY DUTY,INCLT]DING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. 5-B NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE l. Property to Be Sold The property to be sold is described as follows: BEING LOT 5 IN BLOCK 9 OF TRIMMIER ESTATES, PHASE ONE. AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KILLEEN. BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET ''D'" SLIDE 95-C & D OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 2. Instument to be Foreclosed The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated O8/21/2009.and rgcordedr{n Document 2009-35347 real property records ofBell County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place of SaIe. Date: 05/0612014 -4q9: ii .{.)Cl 'il '-l The sale will begin no earlier than 10:00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. !$g9: Bell County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE fO iflE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNry ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DRIVE, FFLTOT\T, TEXAS OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. or as designated by tfid County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms of Sala The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only pan of the property. Pursuant to section 5l .009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property. will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, ifany. Ifthe sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return ofthe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale 5. Obligations Secured- The Deed of Trust executed by TARALYNN J. JACOBS, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $173,050.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. GREEN PLANET SERVICING, LLC is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of tnrst. 6. Default and Request to AcL Defallt has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. t l3-000082-680 ?03 LEO LANE KILLEEN. TX 76542 MICHAEL LATHAM, RONBEDFORD ORMICHAEL W. ZIENTZ c/o AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas. TX75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED F'ORCES OF THE I]NITED STATES.IF YOU ARE OR YOT]R SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTTVE MILITARY DUTY,INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE T]NITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. vl r uvtv^IvauD, LOH& TIMOTTIY 1610 !\L. \LlVU,' vvltvDtaltvl\& Our File Number: 13{14014 oAKCFIASE TRArL TEMPLE TX76502 NOTICEOF TRUSTEESSALE 6-q ,; 1'-';-:l ': I q ,.-,i i'-nf l! i1 ?; WHEREAS, on April 2o,2olo,TIMorI{Y Lot{R, A SINGLE pERsoN, as cranto(s). exseuteda Deodbf conveying to VERDUGo TRUSTEE SERVICE CORPORATION, as Tmstee, the Real E*ate troein##hescfrUeO,io MORTGAGE ELECTOMC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,INC.,AS NOMINEE FOR CITIMORTGAGE,INC. in oaymsrt of a debt therein described. The Deed of Tnrst was filed in the real pro'perty reords of BELL COUNTY, TX and is recorOeO und€r ., Clerk's Filey'Inskument Numb€r 20IG14389, to which reference is herein mtxte for all 6, purposes. , WHEREAS, default has occurrei in the payrnent of said indebtdness" and the sene is now and holder has requested to sell said p,roperty to mtisfy said indebtedness, wholly due. and the owner WHEREAS, the undersignd has been appointed Substitule Trustee in the place of said original Trustee> upon contingency and in the manner artrhorized by said Ded of TrusL and NOW, TIDREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on TUESDAY, May O, A)14 between ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning rpt ea'lier tlrm l 0: 00 AM or not httr tfltrl fuee hours thereafter, I will sell said Real Estate at the County Courthouse in BELL COLINTY, TX to the highest bidder for castr. The sale will be conducted in the area of the Courthouse designated by the Cornmissiomrs Court, of said county, plrrsrant to Section $51.002 of the Texas Property Code as amendeq if no area is designated by the Commissioners' Cour! the sale will be conducted in tlre area immediately adiacent (next) to the location where this Notice of Trusteds Sale was posted. Said Real Estate is described as follows: In the County of Bell, State of Texas: TIIE ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER (PROPMTY TAX ID#) FOR TIIE REAL PROPERTY IS 000033-23.62, LOT TWENry-T}IREE(23} BLOCK FIVE(5} TTIE OAKS AT WESTWOOD, PTIASE trI, A SUBDIVISION IN TTIE CITY OF TEMPLE, BFLL COUNTY, TEXAS,ACCORDINGTOTHE MAP ORPLATOF RECORDIN CABINETC, SLIDE 322{,PI.ATRECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS Property Address: 1610 OAKCIIASE TRAIL TEMPLE.TX76502 Itdortgage Servicer: CITIMORTGAGE INC. Noteholder: CITMORTGAGE.INC. IMOTECHNOI,OGYDRTVE OT'ALLON, MSSOURI 6336V224O The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Notetnlder by virtrre ofa servicing agreement with the Noteholder. Purnrant to the Servicing Agreemort and TexasProperty Code $51.0025, theMortgage debt and to adrniniser any resrlting foreclo$rc ofthe Foperty securing the above referenced SUBS TR ANGELACARTER TOUNGATEOR JOANNE COOK OR MCHELLE CINDYJARRARD JONES ORRICIIARD ZAVALA, JR. c/o Sh4iro SchwaE, LLP 5450 NW Central Drive, Suite 307 Houston, TX77A92 (7t3Y62-2s65 5-tp CIIMORTGAGE INC. (CMI) GIRTLEY. TERRELL LYNN 2612 REDFERNDRIVE HARKER HEreHTS- TX vA 49-49{-1096880 GrrFileNumber: l34l$n 765.18 NOTICE OF TRIJSTEE S r:tr r:i ":n?. ].':':'::.}t"r' n. r 1 --"r,t'n t \ ': ,:.1 ':1 SALE WHEREAS, oO Decembor 2 g, MA}.TERRELL LYNN GIRTLEY, JOTNED MREIN PRO IONi'AA TiV ruS WIFE, I-ATONYA GIRTLEY, as Grantods), exacuted a Deed ofTrust cmveying to EDWARD KERSHNE& as,Trust€e> the Real of Estate hereinafter described, to SWBC MORTGAGE CORPORATION in payment of a debt therein described. The Deed '' . Trust was filed in the real property records of BELL COUNTY. TX and is recorded under ClerlCs File/lnstrument ldrmber 200949438, to which refer€nc€ is herein made for all purposes. WHEREAS, default has occurrcd in the payment of said indebtedness, md the same is now w4rolly due, and the owner and holder has requested to sell said property to satis$ said inde,btodne*s; WHEREAS, the undersigned has beqr appointed Substinrte Trustsc in the place of said original Trustee, upon contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust and NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS IIEREBY GrVEN that on TUESDAY, May 6 2014 between ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning not eulier than 10:00 AM or not later thm three hours ttereafter, I will sell said Real Estate at thc County Courthouso in BELL COUNTY, TX to thc highest tidder for cash. The sle will bc sonducted in the area of the Courthouse designated by fhe Commissioners Court, of said county, prrsrant to Sectio $51 .002 of the Texas Property Code as amended; if no area is designated by the Commissioners' Court, the sale will be conducted in the aroa immediately adjacent (next) to the location where this Notice of Trustee's Salo was posted. Said Real Estate is described as follows: In the Cornf of Bell, State of Texas: T.OT 16, BLOCK 6. SKIPCHA MOUNTATN ESTATES, PHASE TWENTY THREE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF HARKER HEIGHTS, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PI-AT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET D, SLIDE 1838 & 183C, PI.AT RECORDS, BELL COIINTY' TEXAS. Property Address: 2612 RED FERN DRTVE IIARKER HEIGTTTS, TX 76548 Modgage Servicer: Noteholder: CITIMORTGAGE, INC. CITIMORTGAGE,INC. IOOO TECHNOLOGY DRIVE OFALLON, MISSOURI 633 6A2240 with the Noteholder Pur$rant to The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represant the Noteholder by virtre of a servicing agreement debt a7< [o authorizea Serviogr\s Mmtgage the Code Proporty and Texas Servicing Agreement the $51-0025, 91otle{tlte administeraiyresrltingforeclosreofthe propertysecuringtheabove referencedl€{ it n /1 I)n Lfl tt ANGETA CARTER€IB/LUTHER TOUNGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JOANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR RICFIARD ZAVAi-A., JR, clo Shapiro SchwarE, LLP 5450 NW Contral Drive, Suite 307 Houston, TX77092 (713)462-2565 . 5-ll NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BELL County D6od ofTrust: Datedr January 19,2004 Amount $85.350.00 Granto(s): CURTIS CANTY and LOSETTA CANTY or|g1na||l|ortgagee:AMERtGRoUPMoRTGAGEcoRPoRATloN,ADlVlsloNoFMoRTGAGElNyESToRs CORPORATION CurrEnt tortgagoe: EVERBANK to.tsgoo Addrets: EVERBANK, 301 WEST BAY STREET, JACKSONVILLE' FL 32202 Recording tnformation: Document No. 003085 Legal D$crlptlon: LOT T\,ENW (20), BLOCK THREE (3), TANGLEWOOD NORTH ADDITION, SECOND UNIT, HARKER HE-IGHTS, BELL coUNTY, TEXAS, As PER PLAT oF RECORD tN CABINET A, SLIDE 299C, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY,TEXAS. Date of tlale: May 6,201,+ between the hours of 10:00 am. and 1:00 PM. Earlleet Tlme Sale Wlll Begin: 10:00 am Place of Sale: The foreclosure sale will be conducled at public venue in the area designated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Seclion 51.002 ot the Texas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place i3 designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. RICHARD ZAVAIA, JR. OR LUTHER TOUNGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGEH CARTER nave been appointed as Substitute Tru6tee(s), ('substitute Tru6tee') eacfi empowered to act independently, in the place of sald original Trustee, upon ihe contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust. The Substitute Trustee witt seil the Property by public auction lo the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stat€d above or within three (3) hours afier thal time. paid. Th€ Purchaser shall have lf the sale is set askJe for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds no further re@urse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. NOTTCE lS FURTHER GTVEN that, except to the extent thai the subslitute Trustee(s) may bind snd obligatg tll: Mortgaqors,to warranl title to the property under the terms of the De€d of Trust, @nveyance of the Property shall be made 'AS tsl 'WHERE lS' without any representaiioni and wananties whatsoever, express or implied, and subiecl to all matters of record afiecttng the Property. HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE, L.L.P 333 Clay, Suite 2900 Houston. Texas 77002 Reference: 2014414525 2Al4-014525aje TE OR CINDY JARR,ARD OR JO ANNE COOK OX MTCHELLE JONES OR ANGSLACARTER c/o Service Link 7301 N. Hwy 161, Ste.305 lrving, Texas 75039 5-lt rj,'rl!l l?': vA49494-tO67l6' CITIMORTGAGE. INC. {CMN NEV/TON. DEANC. 381I BOLIVAR DRIVE KILLEEN. TX 76549 Our File Number: 14-015141 NOTICE OF TRUSTDE'S SALE WHEREAS, on September 26, 2008, DEAN C. NEWTON, A MARRIED MAN JOINED HEREIN BY SUSANNA A. \IEWTON, as Grantor(s), executed a Deed of Trust conveying to DENNIS P. SCHWARTZ, as Trustee, the Real Estate hCrCiNAftEr dCSCribEd. tO MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC,, AS NOMINEE FOR FAIRWAY INDEPENDENT MORTGAGE CORPORATION D/B/A ADVANTAGE HOME I,ANS in par;rnent of a debt therein described The Deed of Trust was filed in the real property records of BELL COLNTY, TX and is recorded under Clerk's File/Instrument Number 200&0004&183, to which reference is herein nnde fo all purposes. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payrnent of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder has requested to sell said property to satisfy said indebtedness; WHEREAS, the undersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in the place of said oniginal Trustee, upon contingency and in the manner authoized by said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS FIEREBY GMN thatonTl-IFSDAY, May 6 2014 between ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning not earlier than 1000 AM s not later ttnn three hours thereafter, I will sell said Real Estate at the County Courthouse in BELL COINTY, TX to the highest bidder for cash- The sale will be conducted in the area of the Courthouse desigrated by the Commissioners Court, of said county, pursuant to Section $51.002 of the Texas Pr<rperty Code as amended; if no area is designated by the Commissioners' Cour! the sale will be conducted in the area immediately adjacent (next) to the location where this Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted Said Reat Estate is described as follows: In the County of Bell, State of Texas: (11), OF TONESOME DOVE, PHASE 5, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN. BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE P[.AT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, SUDE 133.8 & C, PI-AT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. roT sD( (6), IN BTOCK ELEVEN hoperty Address: 3811 BOUVAR DRIVE KILLEEN,TXT65I9 M-tgap Servicer: Noteholder CITIMORTGAGE INC. CITIMORTGAGE INC. 1OOOTEGINOTCGY DzuVE oFAu-oN, MISSOURI 6336A-2240 Pursuant to The Mmtgage Servicer is authoized to represent the Notehcdder by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Notehcrlder' a1d to d,ebt tgicollectfe authoized Servicefrs the Mo*gap Code Property and Texas $51.0025, Oe Sewicing agreement administer any resulting foreclosure o[ the prcperty securing the above referenced SUBST ANGELACARTER ERTOUNGATEOR CINDY JARRARD OR JOANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. c,o Shapiro Schwartz. LLP t150 NW Central Drive. Suite 307 Houston. TX77O92 (7r3)M2-256s 1-l t- l '', hzl4 J FHA 492-8171308-703 OrrFileNtmber 14414539 CITIMORTGAGE, INC. (CMT) EDOUARD, KTYANNA L AND FRITZ D. 63OOMELANIE DRIVE, KtrI-EEN. TX 76542 NOIICEoFTRUSTEESSALE r-" !-':-\ -.i,.,! ---na a' - \,'t ' I i-: :' wHEREAS, m Septembor3,2OOr, KIyaNNeL EDOUARDAI{D rRITZ D EDC|{JARD;WIFEANDHUSBA}ID, as Granto(s), ex€cut€d a Doed of Trust c@veyfug to RAl.lDAIl- C PRESENT, as Tnrstce, the Real Estate bereinaftel desc_ribod, qOMPANY Io MORTGAGE ETTCTRONIC REGISTRAiION SYSTEMS, INC.. AS NOMINEE FOR DHI MORTGAGE LTD in paymort of a d6r thercin described. The Ded of Trust was filed ia the real property recods of BE L CO.INTY""TX ' qihich refereoce is herein made loi all PurPos€s. anA is rccorded under Clerk's Filo{ostgment Number 2008{003?608, to WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, and lhe same is now wholly due, and the ownor and holder has re4restod to sdl said property to satisfy said indebtedness; WHEREAS, theundcrsipedhastem appohted SrbsitrteT$stee in rbeflace of said uiginal Trusae, upott contingency and in the manner authorizd by said De€d of Trust' and f.fOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS IIEREBY GrVEN that on TUESDAY, May 6' Zl14 betweat ten o'clockAM and four o'clock pM and beginning not eartier tha 10:00 AM or tot later tran tbree hours th€roafter, I will sell said Reat Estat€ at The sale will be conducted in the area of the the Ccnrnty Courthorse in Bn'r-r gclurNly, TX to rhe highest bidder for CourthouJe desigrated by the Commissisrers Conr! of said camty" pnrrstd_to Secticn $5 I .002 of the Texss Property Code as adjacent amended; ifno aiea * aesipated by ifte Commissioners' Court tlre sale will be conducted in the area immediately (next) to the location wtere rhis Notice of Tnrsbe's Sale was posted said Real Estate is desoribed as follows: Ia lhe county of Bell, stare ofTexas: - eh. BErNG ISTNUMBERONE (l)rN BLOCKNUMBERFTVE (s)oF SAVAI.INAHHEIGF{TS, PHASEII AN ADDITION TO THE CIry OF <TTTTE'N. EELL CEINTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PI-AT OF RECORD TN CABINET "D". SLIDE I48-B & C OF THE PIAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY' TEXAS. 6300 Property Address: MEr-Al.[E DRIVE KIr r.FFN, TX 76542 CITIMORTGACE.INC- Mortgage Servicer Noteholder: CITIMORTGAGEINCr OOO TECI{NOI-OGY DRT1IE 63 36&2240 OFALLON, MISSC{ JRl agreemeat wrth th€ The Mortgage Servicer is authorizod to repr€s€ot fie Nc*ehold€r by viratc of B s€rvicilg to tlre Servicing Agraoment md Ter(as Pfop..ty Coa. SS f .OOa5, rhe Mutgagp Servicer If{thodzd ?lect referenced Sove the prrycrSr seorring ofiSe foreclosrfc isrlting adrninister Notehlder' Pursant to *fO**U iy S TOIINGATEOR A}TGEI-ACARTER JONES ORRICH,ARD ZAVIJA JR, ORWES WHEAT OR ISRAEL CURTIS OR PHILUP PIERCEALL OR STEPHEN MAYERS OR COLETTE MAYERS OR CI-AY CiOLDEN OR JEFF STANSBERRY OR JOHN SISK OR WAYNE WHEAT OR SARA EDGINGTON OR DAVID ACKEL OR SCOTI SWE'NSON OR JAROD FIAMM OR DUSTIN EMMANUELE clo Shapiro Schwarfa LLP 5450 NW Central Drive, Suite 307 Houston, TX77W2 rHEsrArEoF {7r3]r'l62-2s6s -TFVI* conrrvor&L BEFOREME, Pubtic in md for said County and Stare, cr this day perscrally appeared Tru$e, knovin to mo to be dre pelson atrd officer rxihose name n.t ru u*"5rrted the same for the pmrposes and consideratims J*" therein expressed, in the capacity th€rein sfiated 201.p MvITANDANDsE^ALoFoFFI"X+ d-v"f ; w;04f\ 5-\\ VA **LOAN_AGENCY-I3AN-NUM**t OurFile Number 1441533. CIT IMORTGAGE, I}TC. (CMT) BEERS, ROBERT J. AND KIMBERLY 2202 CI)OKE DRIVE' KILLEENI, TX76543 a:" lt(rTICE OF TRIiSTEES SAI,E a:l ::l '.'-'l ' t: WHEREAS. on (Xtober3l, 1998, ROBERTJ. BEERS ANDKIMBERLY A. BEERS, HUSBANDAND'WFE, as Granror(s), executed a Deed of Trust conveying to DAVID L RICKE& as Tnrstee, the Real Fstate hercinaft€r describp{ to. AMERIGRoUPMORTGAGECORTRATIONA DTVISIONOFMORTGACEI}WESTORS CORPORATIONiLPEY4CNTOf a &bt therein described The Deed of Trust was filed in the real property records of BEll- COUNTY, TX anil i.s rpsoded"EnderCIe*'s File/InsEurrent Nurnber G9361, to which reference is brein ma& fu all purposes. WHEREAS, defaolt has occurred in fte payment of said indebtedress, and and holder has requested to sell said property to satisfy said indet*odness; ite same is now wholly due, and the owner WHEREAS, the undersigned has been appointed Sub8titub Trustee in the $ace of said origiDal Trustee, upctr contingency and in the manter authoized by said Deed of Trust; and NOW THEREFORE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN rhat6 TUESDAY, May 6, 2O14 befween ten o'clock AM and forr o'clock pM aa6 beginning nd earlier than lOtrO AM or nd later than tlree hours thereafter, I will sell said Real Fstate at of the the County Co*rtho.se in sgit- cl3uNfy , TK to rhe higfrst tid&r fcr cch. The sale will te cuducted in the area Courthouse designated by tte Commissioaers C(ilrr( of said county. pu8uant to Sectim $51.S2 of the Texas Property Code as anpnded; if no area is designated by the Commissioners' ccrrt the sale will be cmducted in the area inunediately adjacent (next) to the location whele this Ndice of Trusteeb Sale was posted Said Real Estate is described as follo,s: In the County of Bell, State of Texas: (I? IN BI'CK NUMBER FIFTEEN (15)OFC0PPERFIELDADDITION, zr'rpgrfrxsloN' KIIIEEN' BELLC0LINTy' TD(AS' ACCoRDINGTo iui,n-ar onREcoRDIN CABINET A" suDE3s}-D OFTI{EFI.ATRECORDS OF BELICOUNTY' TEXAS. BEING I-OT NUMBER SDffEEN (IO AND I-OT NIIMBER SEVENTEEN 22O2 COOKE DRTVE Property Address: ICr.rFFN, TX76g3 CITIMORTGACB INCCITMORTGAGE INC. Mortgage Servicer: Notehdden IMO TECX.INOI.OGY DR.TVE OFALI-ON. MISSO{JRI 633ENq servicing agreement wi0r the Noteholder' Pursuant to The Mortgap Servicer is authuized to represeot th9 No_tehdd€r by virtue oi a authcrized to cdteTlhe-ebt a;td to s"aF--T nop&ty Code 95tqa51.rhe lrd-tC"F tre Servicing Agt"toot aOminister aiy isutting foredcure of tre propeAy s€curing &e above rcferenced -JiG SUBSTITUTE LI'THER TOUNGATE OR ANGELA CINDY JARRAITD OR JOANNE COOK OR MICHELI; JONES OR RICHARD ZAVALA, JR' do Shapiro Schwaru, 5450 NW Central Drive, Suite 307 Houston, T){7?AY) IIP Qt3W2.45 THESTATEOF COUNTYOF {KTXA( Retl ME tlrerein expessd in a r the capity day personally appearyd Notary ?ublic in and fcr said comty and statq on this persor ad officer whose nane ^substitrts Trustee, known to lrp to be the to ne that he execued fte same fortlre purpmes and considerations therein stated r rr GMN ITNDERMY HAND ANDSEALOFOFFICE 20_11 d.y"r '?/[&r[L\ My cornmissim exPires Type or Print Nanc of NotarY Augusl 03, 20 I 6 ^:1- (e< rE I5O4 FERNDALE DRIVE KILLEEN, TX 76542 0000000419509s NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assefr and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servine on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. olease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. 2. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 12OI HUEY DR. BELTON.TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COI-INTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Termsof Sale. will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated July 01, 1999 and recorded in Document VOLUME 4037 PAGE 757 real property records of BELL County, Texas, With DIANNE J. JONES, gTantoT(s) and FIRST NATIONAL BANK TEXAS DBA FIRST COMMUNITY MORTGAGE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by DIANNE J. JONES, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $51,574.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modificationso renewals and extensions of the promissory note. CITIMORTGAGE, INC. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT THIRTEEN (I3), IN BLOCK SEVEN (7), OF PERSHING PLACE ADDITION, SECTION THREE, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COTINTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 266-D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNry, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. CITIMORTGAGE, INC., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o CITIMORTGAGE.INC. IOOO TECHNOLOGY DRIVE O'FALLON, MO 63368 JOHNLATHAM, JOHNW. LATHAM, BRETTADAMS, T, LATHAM, ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP | 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison. Texas 75001 I llil illril ilt rffi til ill ilil illl ilri ii ui r]i ir ii lit ]it illt it NOS00000004195095 NSTS3SIC.rpt - (02/l E/201 3) - Ver-37 i l||l Vtgtb 2704 TERRY 000000041 96424 KILLEEN.'fX 76543 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is servine on active militarv dutv. including active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date : Time: Place 2. May 06,2014 The sale will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BELL COUNTY CLERK,S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COIINTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated 30, 1995 and recorded in Document VOLUME 3384 PAGE 665 AS AFFECTED BY VOLUME 3570 PAGE 24 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with VINETTA L. RABB AND MICHAEL D. RABB, October grantor(s) and PNC MORTGAGE CORP OF AMERICA, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by VINETTA L. RABB AND MICHAEL D. RABB, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $67,830.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be SoId. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWENTY-TWO (22), BLOCK NINE (9), FINAL PLAT CEDAR HILL ADDITION, PHASE I, KILLEEN, BELL COTJNTY, TEXAS AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C. SLIDE I2.A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 5l'0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. FORT MILL. SC 29715 JOHN LATHAM, JOHN W. LA . BRETT ADAMS. T. LATHAM. OR MICHAEL LATIIAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison, Texas 75001 ffiil i]i|| iiiil| ti iii]i ui iti ui ii ui ti] ii iiiil NOS00000004196424 NSTS3SIG.rpI - (02/l 8/201 3) - Ver-37 ti|| iti ti ll|t (es (+ 4309 PAINTBRUSH DRIVb 00000004206876 KILLEEN, TX 76542 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and orotect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour snouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comoonent of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place 2. will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document VOLUME 4548, PAGE 231 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with TERI L. BROWN AND KEVIN E. BROWN, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC November 28, 2001 and recorded REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ("MERS'), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by TERI L. BROWN AND KEVIN E. BROWN, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $121,380.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The properfy to be sold is described as follows: (il), BLOCK ONE (l), SUN CHASE ESTATES PHASE THREE, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C. SLIDE I85-C. LOT ELEVEN PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virhre of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. FORT MILL, SC 297I5 JOHNLATHAM, JOHN W. LA BRETT ADAMS. T. LATHAM. OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENCEL, LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison, Texas 75001 lllllllllllllllll]liiilllllllllllllllliiiiiiili||]i1]iii1iitiiiitilit NOS00000004206876 NSTS3SlG.rpt - (02/l 8i201 3) - Ver37 €L< tQ I IO JORDAN LOOP NOLANVILLE,TX 0000000421 1389 76559 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servine on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. 2. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale witl begin at 10:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. Place BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COI-]NTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2009-00045484 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with PAUL L RICHEY, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION November 23, 2009 and recorded SYSTEMS, INC., ('MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by PAUL L RICHEY, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $81,617.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. THE VETERANS LAND BOARD OF THE STATE OF TEXAS is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT SIX (6), IN BLOCK ONE (I), OF NOLA}N/ILLE ESTATES, FIRST REPLAT, IN THE CITY OF NOLANVILLE, BELL COIJNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 373.C, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. CITIMORTGAGE, INC., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o CITIMORTGAGE.INC. TECHNOLOGY DRIVE O'FALLON, MO 63368 IOOO JOHN LATTIAM, JOHN W , BRETT ADAMS. T. LATHAM. OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 I tilt i]i] u] tii ti ui fit iit iti ui t]i lli ti|| iii||] iit NOS0000000421 1389 NSTS3SlG.rpt - (02/l 8/201 3) - Ver-37 i||t ||it ii l fus tq I906 GALAXY DRIVE KILLEEN, TX 76543 0000000421 7 r 0s NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and orotect vour riphts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. 2. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated June ll, 2010 and recorded in Document VOLUME 7525, PAGE 217 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with GERARD LIONEL ROCHELEAU AND SAJEE K. ROCHELEAU, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS'), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by GERARD LIONEL ROCHELEAU AND SAJEE K. ROCHELEAU, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of 577,000.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. THE VETERANS LAND BOARD OF THE STATE OF TEXAS is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT ELEVEN (11), BLOCK SEVEN (7), EVENTNG HOLLOW ADDN. FIRST EXTENSTON, AN ADDTTTON TO THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COLTNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 89-D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer fnformation. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. CITIMORTGAGE, INC., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o CITIMORTGAGE,INC. IOOO TECHNOLOGY DRIVE O'FALLON, MO 63368 JOHN LATI{AM. JOHN W. LA . BRETTADAMS. T. LATHAM. ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison. Texas 7500'l I tilil ilil||t ilr tilt til ilf iit t||i iri ui ii ili tfl lli NOS0000000421 NSTS3SIG.rpt - (02/l 8/201 3) - Ver37 7 f l||t f iit lti ll] l 05 Vr-< Y-o 608 PATTON ROAD 000000042428t4 KILLEEN,'TX 76541 NOTICE OF [STJBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includinq active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place 2. will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated 31, 2007 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2007-00005459 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with MARIA WORDEN, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION January SYSTEMS, INC. ('MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by MARIA WORDEN, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $69,903.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. MIDFIRST BANK is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT TWO (2), BLOCK FOUR (4), HILLCREST ADDN., KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE I27-A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced above. MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MIDFIRST BANK. as lien securing the Property Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: C/o MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MIDFIRST BANK 999 N.W. GRAND BLVD STE I IO OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73118-6077 JOHN LATIIAM, JOHN W. LA , BRETT ADAMS, T. LATHAM, MICHAEL LATHAM, KELLY FERRIS. PHILLP PIERCEALL, ISRAEL CURTIS, WES WHEAT, STEPHEN MAYERS, COLETTE MAYERS, CLAY 6OLDEN. DAVID ACKEL, CODY LONG, KELLY MCDANIEL, KENNY SHIREY, ROBERT AGUILAR, ROSS BANDY, TRAVIS KADDATZ. AARON CRAWFORD, OR DUSTIN EMANUELE Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 SuweyorBoulevard, Suite 100 Addison. Texas 75001 flilil ||1il] ililii ti tii ui tiIiIi ui ii|||li ii tifIii] tiiii] NOS00000004242814 NSTS3SIG.rpI - (02/l 8/201 3) - Ver37 ill (>s 408 KYLAR ST TROY, TX u 00000004275962 76579 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv duty. includinp active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active duW militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HUEY DR, BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or 2. as desienated bv t}te counw commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated August 14, 2009 and recorded in Document VOLUME 7248, PAGE 653 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with WENDY L. BRUTON, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS") AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by WENDY L. BRUTON, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $111,224.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory 4. note. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: BEING LOT NUMBER 4IN BLOCK 2 OF FIVE AND ONE ADDITION, TROY, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET 'D", SLIDE 182-C & D OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the referenced above. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer lien securing the Property Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o JPMORGAN CHASE BANK. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 3415 USION DRIVE COLUMBUS, OH 43219 JOHN LATHAM, JOHN W TTTAM, BRETT ADAMS. T. LATHAM. OR MICHAEL LATHAM Subsfitute Trustee C/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite | 00 Addison, Texas 75001 Active Duty Notifications: Special Loans Unit /CHASE Home Lending Attn: SCRA/2210 Enterprise Drive /Florence, SC 2950 I /Fax: 843 413 5433 I scra.military.orders(@chase.com ||iliii|li||i iiii ti| uiii iIi iiii||]i tiiii i] iii]ii|| i] f| NOS00000004275962 NSTS3SIG.rpt - (02/l 8/201 3) - Ver-37 ?Ds L-7-' 1604 QUARRY DR KILLEEN. TX 76543 201 300r 0l 0 I 857 NOTTCE OF ISUBSTTTUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour snouse is serving on active military dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comoonent of the armed forces of the Unlted States. nlease send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06, 2014 Time: The sale Place 2. will begin at l0:00AM or not later tlan three hours after that time. BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated February 08, 2Ol2 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2012-6503 real property records of BELL Counfy, Texas, with PAUL E MUSIC AND JILL MUSIC, grantor(s) and WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., 3. mortgagee. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by PAUL E MUSIC AND JILL MUSIC, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $117,550.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or 4. Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT THIRry-EICHT (38), IN BLOCK FIVE (5), OF FOX CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASE FOUR, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE I75-C, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Properfy referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. FORT MILL. SC 297I5 JOHN LATIIAM. JOHN W. LA BRETT ADAMS. T, LATHAM, OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison, Texas 75001 ililil lilililf||i ii ri rif||i iiiii uiiiiifii[]] ii tiiii il it| NOS20r 30010101 857 NSTS3SIG.IpI - (02/l 8/201 3) - Ver37 €Le Lq I9O2 SOUTH 4IST STREET TEMPLE,TX 765M 201 30 I 6980261 3 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour riehts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reqerve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. nlease send written notice of the active dufv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE-: will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX. I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATq BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or 2. as designated by the counfy commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated August 07, 2009 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2009-30865 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with JACQUELYN J. ISAAC-GASTON, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS'), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by JACQUELYN J. ISAAC-GASTON, the payment secwing of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $80,661.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described BEING LOT NUMBER ETGHT as follows: (8) IN BLOCK NUMBER THIRTEEN (I3) OF EXTENSION OF DUBOSE ADDITION. IN CABINET'A", SLIDE II6-C OF THE TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virnre of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL,SC29715 JOHN LATI{AM, JOHN W. LA BRETT ADAMS, T. LATHAM, MICHAEL LATHAM. KELLY FERRIS. PHILLP PIERCEALL, ISRAEL CURTIS, WES WHEAT, STEPHEN MAYERS, COLETTE MAYERS. CLAY GOLDEN. DAVID ACKEL, CODY LONG, KELLY MCDANIEL, KENNY SHIREY, ROBERT AGUILAR, ROSS BANDY, TRAVIS KADDATZ. AARON CRAWFORD, OR DUSTIN EMANUELE Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP | 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite | 00 Addison. Texas 75001 1 tiliii] ||iiii i ti||]l| iiiti iiif iii]] l|i||lli NOS20130l 69802613 NSTS3SIG,rpI - (02/l 8/2013) - Ver3? fi ]i ii ti ||i Q-sLY 2II W.MOCKINGBIRDLANE HARKERHEIGHTS, TX 76548 201 301 69803775 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. includine active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comuonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of SaIe. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF TTiE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNATED will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or 2. as designated by the county commissioners. ;ti Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 2009-00039871 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with COURTNEY LYNNE AIKEN AND JOSE JACINTO BOTELHO JR, grantor(s) and October 08, 2009 and recorded MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS'), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by COURTNEY LYNNE AIKEN AND JOSE JACINTO BOTELHO JR, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of S108,279.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory nore and all modificationso renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT NINETEEN (19), IN BLOCK TEN (IO), OF MEADOW ACRES FIRST EXTENSION. IN THE CITY OF HARKER HEIGHTS, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A. SLIDE 242-A. PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COTINTY, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Moftgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL. SC 297I5 JOHN LATHAM, JOHN W. THAM. BRETT ADAMS. T. LATHAM. OR MICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP | 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite l 00 Addison, Texas 75001 | ilt il]il] ililt til| i iti t]] iit ii u] tit tit tit ||it t]i ii tii lit f NOS20130169803775 NSTS3SIG.rpt - (02/l 8/201 3) - Ver-3? l||l (vs L6 78IO REDBRUSH TEMPLE. TX 76502 201 30 I 69806248 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and orotect vour rishts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active militarv dutv. including active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve comnonent of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active dutv militarv service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. l. Date. Time. and Place of Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale Place 2. : Sale. , . will begin at l0:00AM or not later than tlree hours after that time. BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THb BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 12OI HUEY DR. BELTON,TX OR AS DESIGNEfuN BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated in Document VOLUME 5981, PAGE 000763 real property records of BELL County, Texas, with DEBBIE M COLPITTS AND RICHARD G COLPITTS, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE February 16, 2006 and recorded ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by DEBBIE M COLPITTS AND RICHARD G COLPITTS, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $157,997.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT FIFTEEN (I5), IN BLOCK SEVEN (7), OF WESTFIELD DEVELOPMENT, PHASE I, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 353-D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNry, TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer fnformation. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Properfy Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL,SC29715 JOHN LATHAM. JOHN W. LA BRETTADAMS, T. LATHAM, ORMICHAEL LATHAM Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL. LLP I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite I 00 Addison, Texas 75001 ||ililii||||]] ril| i riiiiiiti u|| tif|||I f iif]i ]iiiiiiti l|] NOS201 30 I 69806248 NSTS3SlG.rpt - (02/18/201 3) - Ver-37 1-lcr,::* Lii:ts:trJ?:t$,+ (t-s LU [* m) STATE OF TEXAS COLINTY OF BELL Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serwing on active military dutyo including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard orthe National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. Notice is hereby given that a public sale at auction of the Property (as that term is defined and described below) will be held at the date, time and place specifred in this notice. DATE OF SALE: Tuesday, the 6th day of May,20I4 TIME OF SALE: Betweenthe hours of 10:00 a.m. and4:00 p.m. The earliesttime at which the three sale shall commence is 10:00 a.m. The sale shall commence at 10:00 a.m. or no later than hours after that time. pLACE OF SALE: Bell County Clerk's Alcove outside to the east of the main entrance of the Bell Co""ty Justice Complex, 1201 Huey Drive, Belton, Texas 76513, or as designated by the County Commissioners. INFORMATION REGARDING THE DEED OF TRUST LIEN THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS SALE: NAME OF DOCUMENT: Homestead Lien Contract and Deed of Trust DATE: June 5,2007 GRANTOR: Charles T. Kight, Jr. and Sharon Ruth Kight BENEFICIARY: State Farm Bank, F.S.B. TRUSTEE: M&I Support Services CorPoration P.O. Box 5961 Madison. WI53705-0981 RECORDING 00a29764, Official Real property Records of Bell County, Texas No. INFORMATION: ' Document Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale Page I of3 J" SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF BELL AND STATE OF TEXAS: BEING LOT NUMBER 4 IN BLOCK NUMBER 4 OF SUNNY HILLS ADDITION, SECTION III, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TROY, IN BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN VOLUME 3, PAGE S-3, OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. (the "Property") PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: INDEBTEDNESS SECURED: NAME OF DOCUMENT: Home Equity Line of Credit Agreement DATE: June FACE AMOUNT: $15,000.00 MAKER: Charles T. Kight, Jr. and Sharon Ruth Kight PAYEE: State Farm Bank, F.S.B. SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE 5,2007 : NAME OF DOCUMENT: Appointment of Substitute Trustee DATE: March 3,2014 NAME OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE: Bobby D. Amick Default has occurred in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust and in the perfiormance of the covenants, agreements and conditions set forth in the Deed of Trust. The maturity ofthe indebtedness secured by the Deed ofTrust has occurred and has been accelerated and suchindebtednessisnowwhollydueandpayable. OnFebruary24,20l4,thel46thJudicialDistrict Court of Bell County ordered (the "Order") that the foreclosure sale of the Property may proceed in accordance with applicable law. The Order is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The owner and holder of the indebtedness has requested that I, as Substitute Trustee under the Deed of Trust sell the Property, the proceeds of such sale to be applied in accordance with the provisions of the Deed of Trust. The Sale of the Property will be AS IS, and subject to any encumbrances to title filed of record and./or expressly set forth in the Deed of Trust. The owner and holder of the indebtedness has further requested that I, as Substitute Trustee, Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale Page 2 of3 under the Deed of Trust, sell all of the components of the Property that are personal property in with the terms of Article 9 of the Texas Uniform Commercial Code. The sale of the personalty will be held at the same time and place as the above-described real property sale; however, to the extent permitted by Article 9 of the Texas Uniform Commercial Code, I have been instructed to proceed as to both the real and personal property in accordance with the rights and remedies of the o\Mler and holder of the indebtedness in respect of the real property. accordance Therefore, at the date, time and place set forth above, the undersigned, as Substitute Trustee, or his designated representative, will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash pursuant to the terms of the Deed of Trust. PROPERTY TO BE SOLD ''AS IS'" AND SUBJECT TO ALL MATTERS OF RECORD. NO WARRA.NITIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE OR SHALL BE MADE AS TO (1) MERCHANTABILITY, HABITABILITY, FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, WORKMANSHIP OR QUALITY, (2) THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES AND (3) THE EXISTENCE OF ANY TAXES DUE AGAINST THE PROPERTY. NO POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE WILL BE ISSUED TO THE PURCHASER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale has been executed on this the 14th day of March,2014. i:eil Bobbt'D. Amick, Substitute Trustee STATE OF TEXAS $ $ COUNTY OF COLLIN $ This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 14th day of March,20l4 by Bobby D. Amick, Substitute Trustee. in and for Pu State of Texas AFTER RECORDING PLEASE RETT]RN TO: *S&*KaonynA. Baggett aUE g Carnnrcsion Expres %E"d to-o4-2ot7 BobbyD. Amick Francis, Orr & Totusek, LLP 103 E. Virginia, Ste.203 McKinney, TX 75069 Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale Page 3 of3 .:r , : , .. @ '; "'-' :^:... Filed 211912014 2:27:42 PM Shelia Norman, Diskict Cterk ORIGI I\IA L CAUSE NO. 267825 ln re: Order for Foreclosure Concerning 515 Debora Skeet Troy, Texas 76579 $ IN THE DISTRICT COURT $ s v 146'h ruDICIAL DISTRICT $ Under TEX. R. CIV. P. 736. $ BELL CO{"INTY, TEXAS ORDER TO PROCEED WITII NOTICE OF F'ORECLOSURE SALE AND FORECLOSURE SALE CArVE ONforconsiderationPetitioner State FarmBank, F.S.B.'sApplication forForeclosure Under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure ?36 against Respondents Charles T. Kight, Jr. and Sharon Ruth Kight. The cornt is of the opinion that said application should b€ GRANTED. The Court finds that the last knorrn address for Respondents Charles T. Kight, Jr. and Sharon Ruth Kight is 515 Debora Sheet, Troy, TX 76579. The Court frnds that Respondents Charles T. Kighq Jr. and Sharon Ruth Kight are obligated to pay an indebtedness resulting from a home equity line ofcredit that is evidenced by a Equity Line of Credit Agreement (the "Credit Agreement") dated June 5, 20A7 inthe amount of $15,000.00. The Court finds that Respondents Charles T. Kight, Jr. and Sharon Ruth Kight secured the Credit Agreement, by granting a lien pursuant to a Homestead Lien Contract and Deed of Trust (the "security Agreement") dated June 5, 2OOT,which is recorded as Document No. 0AA28764 in the Official Real Properfy records of Belt County, Texas. The Court finds that the lien was gfinted under Texas Constitution Article XV[, Section 50(aX6) on certain property (the "Property") that is commonly known as 515 Debora Street, Troy, TX 76579, which legal description is: SITUATED iN THE COUN'TY OF BELL AND S.|ATE OF TEXAS: BETNG LOT NUMBER 4 IN BLOCKNUMBER 4 OF SUNNY FIILLS ADDITTON, SECTION IIT, AN ADDITION TO TTTE CITY OF TROY,IN BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDI}{C TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IMOLUME 3, PAGE S-3, OI'r THE PLAT RECORDS OF.QFrr rr T. TZrIIY BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. ilillilililr1|rilill rp The Court finds that a monetary default occurred as a result of Charles T. rcghq Jr.,s and Sharon Ruth Kight's failure to pay the indebtedness owed according to the terms of the Cred.it Agreement. The Court finds that Respondents were provided with notice and an opporhrnity to cure, that the default was not cured, that the maturity of the total indebtedness was accelerated, and that such indebtedness remains due and owing. The Court further finds that (1) Petitioner's application satisfies the requirernents of Rule 736.1; (2) the application was properly served in accordance with Rule ?36.3(bXf ); (3) the due date, as calculated under Rule 736.5(b), has passed; and (4) a prope,ly completed return of senice has been on file with the clerk for at least l0 Petitioner State days in accordance with Rute 736.7(c). Accordingly, Frm Bank, F.s.B. having met its burden ofproo{, may proceed with foreclosgre of the Property tmder the terms of the Security Agreement and Texas property Code g51.002. IT IS TI{EREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Petitioner State Farm Banh F,S.B' may proceed with foreclosure of the Property pnrsuant to the Security Agreement and Texas Property Code 951.002; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that &e Petitioner send a copy of this order to Respondents, or to Respondents' counsel ifRespondents arerepresented by counsel, with the notice offoreclosure sale; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Petitioner attach tnrstee or substifute trustee's foreclosure deed. SIGNED on this arte fybfaa-2{, Za 11 a conformed copy of this Order to the CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certif that on Febnrrary 18, 2014, a tnre and correct copy of the foregoing was sent by first class and certified mail, rpttun receipt requested to the following: Charles T. Kight, Jr. 515 Debora Str€et Tron TX 76579 Sharon Ruth Kight 515 Debora Street Troy, TX 76579. /s/ Botrbv D. Amick NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES SALE fr<W BELL County Deed of Trust: Dated: March24M Amounr 1'' $161,n2r.o6 lii .. i 2 i li 11, I l Grantor(s): CHONG S KIM and JAE BOK KIM Original trrlortgagee: THE CIT GROUPICONSUiiER FlNANffi, lNC. Current Mortgagee: CITIMORTGAGE, lNC. MortgageeAddress: CITIMORTGAGE. lNC., 1000Tehm@y Drive, OFallon, llO 6(!!54 Reco.dang Information: Bod( 5658, Page @7 tegal Description: BEING LOT NUMBER FOUR (4), lN BLocK NUITTBER FME (5) OF O.llON CREEK ESTATES PHASE THREE, AN ADDNON TOTHE CTTY OF XIIIEEN, BELL 6JITTY, TE(AS, ACCORDIIG TO PlAT OR RECORD IN CABINET 'C". SLTDE 2024 OF THE PI.AT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. Date of Sale: May 6, 201 4 betvyeen the horss of 1 0:00 am. and 1 :00 PM. Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: l0:0O am Sale: The foreclogre sale will be conducted at puHic verxie in the area designabd by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Sec*ion 51.002 ot the Texas Property Code as the place wtrere bredosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Corffnissimes Can( tte sale uifl be cordr.cted at tfe ptae rrrhere ttn l,toti:e of Trustee's Sale uras po€fedPlace of RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. ORLUTHER TOUAIGATE OR CINST JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA CARTER have been appoinfred as Sub*itute Trustee(s), (Subdrlute Trustee') eaclr enrpowered to ac,t irdeperdently, in the place of said original Tn6tee, upon the contingerrcy and in the rnnner autlmrized by said Deed of Tn d. The Substitute Trustee will sell the Property by publac audion to the hbhest bidder begin at the eadiest tirne stated above or within three (3) hourc after that time- br cash at the phce and date specified. The sate will lf the sale is sd aside for any reason, the R.rcluser al the sab shatt be ertitted only b a rctum of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no fr*therrecouse againdthe trlorQagor,ttc llorQagee orttc lrlodg4ee's donrey- NOTICE lS FURTHER GIVEN that, except to the extert that the Srlbsfilute Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to \ryarrant title to the Property under the ternrs of the Deed of Tnnt, corweyance of tte Property shall be made 'AS lS' 'WHERE lS' without any representatiorF ard warranties whatsoever, express or irplied, and subjec{to all matters of record affecting the Propefi. HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE, L.L-P, 33 Clay, Suite 2900 l'lou$on, Texas 77OO2 Rebrence: 201fi14520 2014-014920SR RICHARD OR JOANNE OOOK c/o Service Link 7301 N. Hury 161, Ste.3O5 lrving, Texa 75039 (L< LQ NO'IICE OF SUBSTTUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BELL County Deed of Trust: 2O,2OO9 Anount$125.542.m Oated: Feb.uary GrantorG): JESSICA D SLOAN . l',rl, , ,, ,ri"-l ii. ,r :r. ,.r I ! r l ard SHERROD BRODERICK SLOAN Original lvbrtgagee: NEW SOUTH FEOERAL SAVINGS BANK Current ilbrtgagee: EVERBANK lilortgagee Addr€s: EVERBANK a)il,EST BAY STREET, JACI(SCtt\nfll I F. FL AQ. Recoding Informalion: DocunFrt No. ZIl94mO6557 L€gal De6cription: LOT TITIGNTY-THREE (23), lN BLOCK FME (5), OF TRIMMIER ESTATES PHASE oNE, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COI'I{TY, TD(As, ACCORDi}TGTOTHE PTAT CF RECORD OF BELL@UNTY, TEXAS. Date of Sale: May 6, 2014 betlveen the hours of 1O:00 am. and Earliest Time Sale Place of Sab: l{x) fi CAB|XET D, SUDE $€ & D. PI.AT RECORDS PM. Wll Begin: l0:(Xl am The brecloswe sa|e will be cofducied at public venue in the area designabd by the BELL C.ounty Commissioners Court ph where brcdosrre sales are to tate ptace, or if no place is designaled PurBuar* to Sedbn 51.S2 of the Texas Hoeerty Code as tte by the Corrrissionee Co{rrt, tte sab ifliil be cordl*d at the phce f,rtEre ttE iloli:e of Tn rsiee's Sab uas poded- RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. ORLUTHER TOUI.IGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGEI.A CARTER have been appointed as Subditub Trustee(s), (Subettte Trudee) eactr enporerd to act indeperdertly, in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contiruency and in the nnnner authorized by sakl fleed of Tru*. The Substitub Trustee tryill sell lhe Pt'opefty by puHic auclim to Ure hbtp€il Udder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the eadiest time shted abwe or within three (3) houe after that tinre. lf the sale is s€t aside br any reason, the no fi"rlher recoll|se againsf the llorS4or, Rrcfaser at the seb shall be entlled only b a r€lum of ttt furds paid. The Purchaser shall have te fftr$agee or tfe t{ortg4ee s drnrrley. NOTICE lS FURTHER GIVEN thal exc€pt to the elftert that lhe Srndftr*e Tnstee(s) nray bind and obligate the Mortgagos b vuarrant titte to the Property urder the ternc of ttE Deed of Tru8t, corweyan€ of the Property shall be rrade AS lS' 'WHERE lS' without arry representations ard uanarties whatsoe\rer, express or irplietl, and subjecf to all matteE of re@rd aftcting the Property. A debbr vYho is seryino on e{iye rilitary ddn mav lEve special riqhtB or relief related to thb notice under Heral law. irrcludino the HUGHES, WAfiERS & ASKANASE. L.LP. 333 Clay, Suite 2900 Houston, Texas 7ZF2 ReFrence: 2014-O1459f ZAVALA. ORJOANNE c/o Senrice Link 7301 N. Hury 161, Ste.3(5 lrvirp,Texa 7589 2014-014594SR ORLUTHER TOUNGATE OR CINDY JARRARD MICfIELLE JONES OR ANGEI-A CARTER VLg Current Borrowen MIIA FiI,e Nrnber: -Lq ADRAIN DASHON BRISCOE AND EVA BRISCOE, HUSBAND AND-WEi_ Tx-t+2tqJ7-FC .". ,i r :-i :_ .1 -", i- VA/FIIAIPMI Numben Loan Type: VA Property Address: 531I CAUSEWAY COI]RT. KILLEEN .TX76549 Deed of Tmst Date: 2t24t2006 Origind Benef iciary/Mortgagee: DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY LTD Recoded in: Volume 5983 Pagel 000388 Instrument No: E508 MortgageServien BANK OF AMERICAs N.A. is represetring the Gmntor(s/Morgrgor(s) : ADRAIN DASHON BRISCOE AND EVA BRTSCO4 HUSBAND AND WrFE Clr nent Bencfi ciary/Mo rtgagee: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Pmperty County: BELL Mortgage Senicer's Addrress: 7105 Corporate Drive, Plarp, TX 7 5024 Cunent Beneficiary/lvlortgagee under a sewici4g agreemed with ttre current Beneficiary/Mo4gagee. Legal Description: BEING l,OT NLIMBER TWENTY-TWO (22) IN BL@K NUMBER EIGHT (S) OF BRIDGEWOOD ADDITION, A STJBDIVISION IN THE CTTY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY. TEXAS. ACCORDING TO TTIE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET "D". SLIDES 9-B & C OF TT{E PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. Date of Sale: 516/2014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 AM Place of Sale of Property: THE ruSTICE COMPLHL l20l HUEY DRIVE, BELTON TEXAS. OR IN Tt{E AREA DESIGNATED BY TI{E COMMTSSIONER'S COURI PURSUANT TO SECTION 5I.OO2 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to fte highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin dthe earliesttime stded above orwithin tree (3) hours afterthat time. Angela Carter or Jo Anne Luther Toungate or Cindy Jarrard or Michelle Jones or Richard Zaval4Ir. or Cole D. Patton or Melissa A. McKinney or Karl Terwilliger McCarthy, Holthus &Ackerman, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West 15th Street. Suite 1060 Plano. "fX 75075 fuc,'3Q Current Borrower: KENNETHD. WALKER.A SINGLE PERSON MIIA File Nnrnber: T]K-l+21873-FC '-t r'1.^.t VA/FIIA/PMI Numben .,:l_.) FIIA Loan Type: Property Address: .i ' ',, 38IO TROTW@D TRL, KILLEEN,TX 76543 Deed of Tnrst Date: 6t2u2004 Original Beneficiary/Mortgage: CORNERSTONE MORTGAGE COMPANY Recorded in: Volume 5413 Prgez 706 Instrument No: 27731 Mortgage Senicen I{&T Bank is representing the Curent Beneficiary/Ivlo@agee uftler a senricing agreement Grantor(s/Mortgagor{s) : KENNETII D. WALKE& A SINGLE PERSON Clrrrent Benefi ciarylltlolt gagee: Lakwiew tnan Servicing, LLC Property Count5r: BELL Mortgege Servicer's Ad dress: I FountainPlaza Buffalo, NY 14203 with the Currer$ Beneficiary/tlortgagee. Legal Description: LOT FIFTmN (15), IN BLOCK TWO (2), OF COPPERFIAD ADDN., IN TI{E CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY. TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TI{E PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A" SLIDE 339A. PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TE)(AS. Date of Sale: 51612014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: l0:00AM Place of Sale of Property: Tfm ruSTICE COMPLEX,I2OI HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS. OR IN TT{E AREA DESIGNATED BY TTM COMMISSIONER'S COURT, PURSUANT TO SECTION 5I.OO2 OF TTIE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. will sell the properQy by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place specified. The sale will begin d fte eartiest time stated above or wiftin ftree (3) hours after tha The Substitute Trustee and date time. Angela Carter or Jo Anne r Toungate or Cindy Jarrard or Michelle Jones or Richard Zava\4Ir. or Cole D. Patton or Melissa A. McKinney or Karl Terwilliger McCarthy, Holthus & Ackerman, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West l5th Street. Suite 1060 Plano. TX 75075 r . , I l €vszt Current Bonowen JERRY D. BORDEN, AN UNMARRIED MAN MIIA F'ileNrrmber: TX-t+2229r-FC VA/FIIA/pMI N,mben Loan Type: hoperty Address: FT{A 5OOI MIKEYDRIVE, KILLEEN, TX 765424000 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE Deed of Tmst Date: Gnantor(slMortgiegor{s) : 6t25/t998 JERRY D. BORDEN, AN UNMARRIED MAN Originel Beneiliciary/ltlortgagoe: COI.'NTRYWIDE HOME LOANS. INC. Recorded in: Volume:3823 Ptge: Cu rrcnt Bcnefi ciary/Mortgagee: BANK OF AMERICA. N.A. Property County: BELL 572 Instrument No: 023331 Mortgage Servicen BANK OF AMERICA N.A. is rcpreseming the Mortgage Sewher's Addrcss: 7105 Corporate Drive, Plano, TX 7 5024 Current Beneficiary/Ivlortgagee under a servicing agreemed with th current Beneficiary/Ivlo ttga4g&. Legal Description: LOT NINE (9), BLOCK EIGI{r (s), JAMESWAY ADDmON PHASE ONE, KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET B. SLIDE 266-A. PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. Date of SaIe: 51612014 Earliest Time SaIe Will Begin: 10:00AM l20l HttEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS. OR IN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY TI{E COMMISSIONER'S COURT, PT.JRSUANT TO SECTION Place of Sale of Property: THE JUSTICE COMPLEX, 5I.OO2 OF TI{E TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin a fte earliest time stded above or within trree (3) hours after that time. Angela Toungate or Cindy Jarrard Anne or Jo Cook or Michelle Jones or Richard ZavalaJr. or Cole D. Patton or Melissa A. McKinney or Karl Terwilliger McCarthy, Holthus & Ackerman, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West Plano, TX l5th Street. Suire 1060 75075 Current Borrower: JIMMY D. FORD B&H File Number: 338r43 Property Address: 1 904 Stardust Street, Killeen, TX 7 6543 fu<v?-- NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE Deed of Trust Date: G March 3l,2OO9 JIMMY D. FORD, BY KIMBERLY G. FORD, ATTORNEY-TN-FACT AND KIMBERLY G. FORD. HUSBAND AND WIFE Cu rrent Beneficia rylMortgagee: U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Original Benefrciary/Mortgagee : MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ACTING SOLELY AS rantor(s)/Mortgago r(s) : NOMINEE FOR U.S. BANK. N.A. Recorded in: Bell Instrument No: 2009-00012445 Mortgage Servicer: Property County: Bell Mortgage Servicer's Address: US Bank Home Mortgage A Division of U.S. 4801 Frederica Street BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Owensboro. KY 42301 Legal Description: LOT TEN (10), BLOCK SEVEN (7), EVENING HOLLOW ADD'N, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 9-D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNry. TEXAS. Date of Sale:May 6,2014 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 10:00 AM Place of Sale of Property: THE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS, OR IN TFIE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT. PURSUANT TO SECTION 5I.OO2 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. ACTIVE MILITARY SERVICE NOTICE ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTTVE MILITARY DUTY. INCLUDING ACTTVE Mtr,ITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF AIYOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESER\rE COMPONENT OF TIIE ARMED FORCES OF TflE UMTED STATES. PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE MILITARY SER\/ICE TO THE SENDER OF TEIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. Richard . or Cindy Jmrard Michelle Jones or Angela Cartbr or Luther Toungate :' c/o Butler & Hosch, P.A. 13800 Montfort Drive, Suite 300 Dallas. T){75240 B&H * 338143/429 fu3 77 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST MARCH 25.2014 DATE: DEED OF TRUST APRIL 26,1999 DATE: GRANTOR: RONALD L. EVERHART and RODNEY EVERHART COUNTY: BELL GRANTOR,S WILLIAM BENEFICIARY(IES): RECORDING P. REED and wife. CAROLYN J. REED INFORMATION: VOLUME 3994, PAGE 508, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY. TEXAS PROPERTY: See Exhibit purposes. ..A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all pertinent DATE OF SALE OF PROPERTY: Mav 6.2014 (First Tuesday in the month of May) EARLIEST TIME OF SALE OF PROPERTY: BETWEEN 10:00 A.M. & 1:00 P.M. PLACE OF SALE OF PROPERTY: Bell County Clerk's Office located at the Bell County Justice Complex, 1201 Huey Drive, Belton, Bell County, Texas, such county being the county in which the real property covered and affected by the Deed of Trust is situated. Because of default in performance of the obligations of the Deed of Trust, Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified to satisfi the debt secured by the Deed of Trust. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three hours after that time. EXECUTED this E-day of Mar ch,2014. Substitute Trustee STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BELL This instrument was acknowledsed before me on this the ,15adav of March. 2014. *tot{rtr\ f ns*<:*r, (rto t'ia{ort?od tj,iii:liD,'{ L. ji3.Ci/ti': : I .;.",;," .':;i','.t'i. 'i,lclilr/ l'uhiii: ,; E i, ='":.V1.,. STiTt irF IEXAS j '{ 't:i' l,4r il'.-,iirnt. t-;.p i?/01/r,rid ilj..+r."'i.+ { r{" vts+r's .. '. Public, Statdof Texas I I $ I I (3) Rolng out 9f, ond a. par! qf,' rJcr! i"1o , 'j' '- ;5 (a)- and rhrco cou'Ev' Bo}r' .:,i. rn r,!.ock rru..lvli',i"i"?lli;,fli-gii:,,i,*1' :::{'.,'^:.1:.Iirilot'n' i'cr1o rts : Teil ;: s, and: b;e 1nEl"'f,654- !61-ry' tte s c rtt'-Eu ae^ (r) 1n Blocl< fHentv-tHo co'n6i-oi-ioE-one rI the s et BEcrNNrNc boslnnlng;. of . 'ron the P1499 tzzl ir-i'e[lke south margtn. of aaid THEN.E 1n an Eaeterry arri-cti6il-aionfi. the a atalco for tho I E to q Bloolc Twenty-two (aa) dlotoni"-"i'-gO-iotU tratit horoin deoorlbsdi ;;;;;"-6i iirqDlorthonly 1n Block of Lot tnreo (3) along th; TrrENcE '6e-i.it-El;b'nargln oornen E N the [9-i ata]co fon Tvrenb;'-;',ii-tEii a,dl-etanoe of ;i-tn; iracti h6r'eln descnlbed;irttu 9at111e1^_to the south margln of -3 THENCE Westerly_along for thC N U corner of the ry " Block rwenty-twi=?iil-iO'i.et-Eo-a-iiake (aa)H lraoE hsilEl"rliiitffi*e rhe t{esr rnarqT gf_:*g Broolc $rsntv-two a oraiai'di-oi-56"r6ii-'Eo-tnc araco ol bastnntns' vol. 6 Bolngthat.a$clanddcaortbcdlna.D.ggofTnrctofrocordl.n*. gcLt counEy, Tcxaa' ?g4, pagc 64g, Docd or riilE-ncdolti-or * FS F * .h LO 3r, .o= :T) -J H;i,r ry r.TI :ct rr\) '\) ,"rffiffiffi 12 -n (3 A' .7] ,.o ::o '-a .,"' rrl FX 7c) Y-. .:v) €n J C' <) o r$o c.) UI .-l x .: CERTIFIED COPY IDCICUMENT ATTACI-iED tS fi. TRUEAND CORRECTCOP}' CIF T'I-IE ORIGINAL Ofq F'LE 0eii-ie .,q%, iW *o .i+i.t *[4 u--r'i/] w / {' tt4'lt 2ax1: li &tuRi:l i ^n *r-v f. {/t'tl-("4tr (:us7\ 3322 TALLWOOD DRIVE KILLEEN. TX 76549 00000004285854 NOTICE OF ISUBSTITUTEI TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and nrotect vour riqhts as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or vour spouse is servins on active military dutv. includins active militarv dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of immediatelv. ur4r!at. : Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: May 06,2014 Time: The sale ... I I I .rl will begin at l0:00AM or not later than three hours afier that tirne. PIACC BELL COLNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO : '"'"t-' .. ' "--"1 , \{ ' \t '"' h4) ' .S ''...-.''-..*-.-* I I MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COLNTY JUSTICE COMPI,EX. I201 HUEY DR. BELTON.TX OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSTONERS or as designated by the count-y comrnissioners. 2. TI-IE, EAST OF THE Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The lnstrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated May 21, 2004 and recorded in Document VOLUME 5384, PAGE 467 real property records of BELL County, i Texas, with KAMASHION TOLLIVER AND RONEASA TOLLIVER, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIc REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS"). AS NoM tNEE. morrgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by KAMASHION TOLLIVER AND RONEASA TOLLIVER, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $78,025.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissorl,' note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT ONE (1), BLOCK FIVE (5). SOLjTFI MEADOWS. Sf:lCl'lON VI. Klt.l.llEN. BEL.I- COLjNTY, TEXAS. ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR Pl.A.l OF'RECORD IN CAIllNh'l'A. St,lDE, 383-A" P[-AT REC'ORD OF BI]LL COUNTY. TEXAS. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Morlgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas property Code $ 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL, 5C29715 LATHAM, fHAM. I]RE]"f ADAMS. T, I-AI HAN4. MICT]AII1, LAI'HAM. KELI,Y FERRIS. PIIIT,LIP PIERCEALL,l IS. \\,'ES W]'IEAT. STEPHI]N MAYERS. COLEI'I L MAYERS. C]I,AY CJOLDE.N. DAVID ACKEL, CODY LONG, KEI,LY MCDANIEL, KENNY SiIIRL,Y. ROBER'I AGTJILAR. ROSS BANDY. TRAVIS KADDATZ. AARON CRAWFORD. OR DUSI'IN EMANLItrt,I] JOHN Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FR \PPIER TLiRNER & ENGEL. t.t.P I 5000 Surveyor Boulevard. Suite l 00 Addison. Texas 75001 1 tilil ilrililrililIril Iil ilililii iiitifiifiiI ]iifltiii iifiiiif NOS00000004285854 NSTS3SIC.rpt - (02/l 8/20 I 3) - Ver-37 'I ?v*7E NQ TJ"e E-Q {-&&Se.L0St'& n. i ir. t .s;lLE tf t0a in I r, il r Notice is hereby given of a publin nr:njudiciai fcrreclqrsure sale. l. ', ll 3 I 2014 '51 ,1f1 tlrg*pr.Qt Tq F"S,nl-A-H. The prsFert]- ts be scld is elescribed as t"oilows: L<tt I'-ive {5), Block Two {2i, Cliimne-v F{ill Hstates ?*1 Replat, Fi.illeen. F}ell Cor:nry, Texas, as per plat of reccrd in cabinet A. slide 2s-c, Flat Records .:J'llell c*unly.'I'exas. Z. Fs"ie,Ites:_dndg.tasesl-Ssk. 'I']re salc is s*hrd*led to bc helC at the folicrving date, time, and place: Date: 'fime ; May 6, 2014 'lhc sale shall b'egin shall ire comple{ed nr: cariier than b_v l*:0{l &.rn. {.}r n,"' l*f*r than r}rr** hourg therealter. The sale nn trafer rhan l:tX} P.h{. Place: Bell County Clerk's 0{fice, B*lton, Texas,, at the following location: f}eil County Clerk's Office Aic*ve to the East of t"lrc rnain entrancc i:f the licll {i*uu1,v Jusrice Compl*x. 1?0 1 Huey Drive, Belton. Texas ?65 I3 " The deed of *ust permits fhe bencficiary to fiostpone. rvi{hdnaw. r.rr reschedul* the sa}e for another clay. In case, the trustee or substitute trustee under the deed nf rmst neeil noi appear st the date. tirne, and place of:a scheduled sale to arutounce the postponement, rvithdralval" err resch*duling. l',otice clthe rJate of anv resche<iuled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in aceiJrdance with rlie po$ting and filing reqnircments uf the Texas Property Code. Such reposting or reliling ma-v be a{ler t}re date originatrly s*hedul*rl fbr rhis sxle. t}at 3. :gfls-Sf5glg. The sale wili be cunduelcd as n pul:iirr aucticx to the highcsr biEi<ler for cash, subject lo the provisicns cf lhe deed of trusr p*nnirting rh* benelicia4, thcreundcr itl havc the bid crcdited to the nore up fo the amount of the unpaid debt secured by the deerl illtr*st $l the rjm* cflsal*. Those desiring ta purchass th* property lviil seed t* denrcnstrrarr: thcir abilily ro pay cash *n the day the property is sold. T'he sale will be made express13" sutr.i*ct to a*y titie m&{tels set fi:rth in the daed of frust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by larv the sale will necessarily be n:rade subject tc all prirr lnafiers af record affecting the property' if any, to the extent that they remaitr in forc* and efl'e*:f and have nct heen sutrorrjinated to the deed of rrust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged ft.: exnmine the npplieabie proB€rt).'re*crd: to dfteilnin* {he nature and exten( af such rnatters, if any. 4' Tlpe-af,$ale. Ttre sale is a nonjudicial deeci of trulit llen and sec*rity interest fbreclosure sale being conducted pursuant to the porver of satre granted by rhe deed of rrust eaecuted by CF{AtrtLES J. BOWIE. JR.. The deed of tust is dated June I l, 201CI" and is recorded in Clerk's File il0ffi)Z1286 *f the *fficial Fublic Records. Bell Counf. 5' '{ f, Clligations*9qqute-d. The deed r:il'trust pr*vides *rat ii $e{itres the payment of the indebtedness and abligations therein clescrilred {*cllee rivel3,the "{}bligati$ns"} hcludi&g bur not l}nit*d to {l) the promissory note in the original principal anl$unt of S7l,8ti).011. execut*d i:ry f,ilAlti.ES J. BOWIE, JR., and payable totheorderofl{eart$'TexasFed*ralCreditUniri*;and i2J*ilren*x.alsandextensieN:sr:l''th*n$t*"F{ear(f)'TExas Ii'ederal Credit Union is the current cu,ner and holder sl'the {}hiigatic*s a*d is th,: b*rref;eiary ulrdei'thE deed of trust. Questions conceming the sal* rnay be directed t* the rinrfersign*d 6. Ifelbult has sccurred under: the deed of trust" and the 8s1bu1t asd Kequ€st TgAE-1. beneficiary has requested me, as 'frustee, to conduct this s*le. Ntltise is given th*{ befar$ the sale t}re beneficiary may appoint another person substitute ffust$€ to coneluel tlrr sale" Assert and protect your rights as a mernhsr of the srmed forres of {he Unifed $fatcs. Ef vsu are or your spouse is serving cn active mititary duty. including xctlve mrilitary duty ns a member of tire Texas t{atianal Gu*rd or the Natisnal Cuard of arrother $tat* or as a m*mhe r qrf a res*rvs csflrfxinent <lf the ermed fcrces the United "$tates, please send written notice of the xctive durty rnilitnry servire t* the sender of this notice immediately. ,4 cf fl DA't h,D March 2'i, 20 l4 .. -;--;-;* u;11-\' tJ. iljl;), j'-] ;*"- €J _i'';l$' *-;."d\ trt.lrstic 8:iSft CItd &4cG*bgcr Rcad, Suice iatd' Wr:*drv*y, Texas 767 1.2 'l'*l*phone : 254-]'l J-{}5}3 j,* *- L',{X: 2i'{-??:-651S CERTIFIED MATL NO. 7012 3fi5{} I}0fi: 1491 S7X5 RgTUfiH i{nCnrFT RflQU*tSTF;D { ?l53.L NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE - DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 09/16/2008 GTmto(s): JERRICK A. BOURGEOIS AND NORMA L. BOURGEOIS, HUSBAND AND WIFE OTiginal MoTtgagee: MORTGAGE EIJCTROMC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR CITY BANK MORTGAGE, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OrigindPrturipal: $164,118.00 Recordingldormation: Instrunrcnf 2008-00040535 Property Coumy: Bell Property: BEING LOT NUMBER SD(TEEN ( l 6) IN BLOffi TEN ( l 0) OF TI{UNDER CREEK ESTATES, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KIIIEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TTIE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET ''C'" SL]DF. 24. D & 245-A OF T.HE PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. ReportedAddress: 3306THUNDERCREEKDRME, KILLEEN, TX765494791 MORTGAGE SERYICING INF]ORMAIIION: The Moltgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pusuant to Motgage Servicing Agreement. CurentMo4gagee: CitiMo4gage,krc. MorqgageServicer: CurrentBeneficiary: a CitiMo4gage,Irrc. CitiMorqgage,Tnc. Morgage ServicerAddrcss: 14700 CiticorpDr, flagerstown, l\tD 21742 SALE INFORMATION: Darc of Sale: Tuesday, the 6th day of May,2014 Time of Sale: 10:00 AM orwithin thre hours thereafter. Place Of SaIe: AT TI]E BELL COUNTY CLERK.S ALCOVE TO TI{E EAST OF TI{E MAIN ENTRANCE OF TI{E BELL COT]NTYruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEYDRTVE, BELTON, TEXAS in Belt Cotmty, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the designated atea, attte area most recently desigpated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Subsdare Trusrcqs): Phillip Pierceall, krael Curfis, Wes Wheat, Steplren Mayers, Colette Mayers, Clay Golde4 DavidAckel, Codylo4g, KellyMcDaniel, RossBandy, Travis Kaddaa,,Aaron Crawford, Kenny Shite.y, RobertAguilar, KellyFerris, DusrinEmanuele, Cristina Carnarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alenander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, imyto act Substi$te Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite425, Dallas, T){75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor prwiously corweyed ttre above described property in trust to secure paymert oftlre Note set for& in tk abovedescrihedDed ofTrusq and WHEREAS, a defzult under the Note and IH of Trust was drcWed; such default was report€d to not have been cured; and all sums ssured by such Ded of Trust were declared to be immediately due andpayable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appoircd Substitute Truste has been remoyed and Phillip Pierceall, Israel Curris, Wes Wheat, Stephen Mayers, Coletre Mayere, Clay Golden, David Ackel, Cody Long, Kelly McDaniel, Ross Bandy, Travis Kaddae., Aaron Crawford, Kenny Shfuey, Robert fuuilar, Kelly Ferris, Dustin Emanuele, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Mchael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to acg have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell th Property to satisff the indebtedness; and WHERIAS, the undersigned law firm has been reqrrested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagef,, Mortgage Servicer and Substinfie Trustees; NOW, TFffiREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of theforqoing matters andthat: 1. The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all srmrs 2. 3. 4. secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. Phillip Pierceall, Israel Curtis, Wes Wheag SteptrenMayen, Colcte Mayers, Clay Golden, David Ackel, Cody Long, Kelly McDaniel, Ross Bandy, Travis KaddaE, Aaron Crawford Kenny Shitey, RobertAguilar, Kelly Ferris, Dustin Emanuele, Cristina Camarata, Samnry Hooda, Michael Burm, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substiflfie Trustee will sell tk Properry to the highest bidder for cash on the date, attlrc place, and no eadier than the time set forth above in tbe Sale Information sction of this notice. The sale wifl begtn within three hours after that time. This sale shall be subject to any lqal irpediments to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in etrect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien ofthe Ded of Trust. No warranties, express or irrplied ircludi4g but not linited to fhe irrplied warranties of merchantability and fifness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantot's warranties specifically authorized by tlre Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered 'AS-IS", purchasen will buy the property "at the purchasels own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made conceming the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will raeive whatever interest Grantor and Grantols assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Irrerested persons are errcouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to pafiicipating in the sale of ttre property. Verytrulyyoun, Buckley Madole, P.C. 9411-N-6483 2146906452 PG1 POSTPKG fi-<3+ NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AI\D NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: A5/05/2005 GTaTToT(s): JOE L. RAMON. JOINED HEREIN PRO FORMA BY HIS WIFE. SUSIE RAMON OriginatMortgagee: MORTGAGE EI-ECTROMC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELYAS NOMINEE FOR MARKET STREET MORTGAGE CORPORATION. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OrigindPrturipal: $155,558.00 Recordingldormation: Book 5692Page07l Properfy County: Bell Property: InstrumentOlglE0 TRACT 1: LOT ELEVEN (11), BLOCK ONE (l), OAKRIDGE II, PHASE I, AN ADDITTON TO T}IE CITY OF HARKER HEIGHTS, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 329D, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. TRACT tr: LOT DFELEVEN (DFll), BLOCK ONE (l), OAKRIDGE II, PI{ASE lA DRAINAGE FIELD, AN ADDITTON TO THE CITY OF I{ARI{ER HEIGHTS, BELL CO{.INTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TI{E MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 362Reported Address: C, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 38 I 0 OAKRIDGE BOULEVARD, HARKER HEIGHTS, TX 7 6548-87 7 9 MORTGAGE SERYICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, if nottre Current Morgagee, is representingthe CurrentMortgagee pursuant to a Mo4gage Servicing CurrentMorqgagee: CitiMortgage,Itrc. Morg;ageServicer: Citilr{otqage,Irrc. CrrrentBeneficiary: CitiMortgage,Tnc. Mortgage Servicer Address: 14700 Citicorp Dr, Ilagerstown, MD 21742 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Tuesday, the 6th day ofMay,2}l4 Time of SaIe: 10:00 AM or within three hours therreafter. PIAce of SaIe: AT THE BELL COUNTY CLERK.S ALCOVE TO TI{E EAST OF TT{E MAIN ENTRANCE OF TT{E BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O 1 HUEY DRTVE, BELTON, TEXAS inBell County, Texas, or, iftlrcprecdingareais no longerthe designated area, attJe area most rcently designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. substituterrus@qs):'#H"-;ffil1fi3fl "lffiff ffi#;m,Hl,T#Jf.H'ff#gAaron Ctawford, Kenny Shirey, Robert Aguilar, Kelly Ferris, Dustin Emanuele, Cristina Canarat4 Sammy Hood4 Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, anyto act Substitute Trustee Address: l48/lDallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described propefty in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the abovedescribedDeed ofTrusE and WHEREAS, a default t'nder the Note and Ded of Trust was declare{ such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Ded of Trust were declared to be immediately due and piyable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any prwiorsly appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Phillip Pierceall, Israel Curtis, Wes Wheag Steptrn Mayers, Colette Mayers, Clay Golderl David Ackel, Cody Long, Kelly McDaniel, Ross Bandy, Travis KaddaE,Aaron Crawford Kenny Shirey, Robert fuuilar, Kelly Ferris, busdn Emanuele, Cristina Camarata, SammyHooda, MichaelBurns, AlenanderWolfe, Suzanne Suarez orAdamWomack. any to act, have been appointcd as Substitute Trusts and requested to sell tle Property to satisfy the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undenigd law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mo4gagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitwe Truse; NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN ofthe forqoing matrers andthar: I . The maturity of the Note has been acelerated and all sums secured by the Ded of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable2. Phillip Pierceall, Israel Curtis, Wes Wheat, StephenMayers, ColetteMayers, Clay Golden, DavidAckel, Cody Long, KellyMcDaniel, Ross Bandy, Travis Kaddatz,Aaron Crawford, Kenny Shirey, RobertAguilar, KellyFerris, Dustin Emanuele, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hood4 Michael Burns, Alexands Wolfe, Suzanne Suzrezoi AOam Womack, any to act, as Substitut€ Trust€e wiil sell tlre Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, atthe place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in tlre Sale Information setion of this notice. The sale will begin within three houn after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any to tb sale of the properry and to any excepfions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appanng of record to the entent the sailre .re still in effect and shall not coyer any property that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust. warranties, express or inplied including but not limited to the implid warranties of merchantability and fitness Io for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at ttre sale, save and except the Grantofs warranties speclficaily authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered 'AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at tlte purchaser's own risko and "at his peril", and no rcpresentation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will reeive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subjct to any liens or irferests of any kind tlnt may sunrive the sale. Interested persons are encowaged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of the property. lqal 4 9411-N-739s 2146913824 PGl POSTPKG \r Verytruly youn, Buckley Madole, P.C 9411-N-7395 2148913824 PG2 POSTPKG €L3zg NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TR.USTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 08/20/2012 Original Grantor(s): DONALD E. TI{OMAS AND RUTH M. THOMAS, HUSBAND AND WIFE Mortgagee: MORTGAGE EI-ECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS OrigindPrincipal Recording hformarion: NOMINEE FOR CITIBANK, N.A., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS $101,916.00 Book 8279 Page 326 Irstrument 2012-35288 Property Courty: Bell Property: LOT TIIIRIEEN (13), BLOCK THREE (3), STRATFORD ADDTTTON, SECOND EXTENSION, IN TI{E CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET B. SLIDE 238- ReportedAddress: B, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. 3502 CARPETLANE, KILLEEN, TX76549 MORTGAGE SERYICING INFIORMAIION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Morqagee, is representing ttre Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mo4gage Servicing Agreement. CrrrentMortgagee: CitiMortgage, Inc. MorqgageSenicer: CitiMortgage,Inc. CurrentBeneficiary: CitiMortgage,Inc. Morgage Servicer Address: 14700 Citicorp Dr, Hagerstown,lvD 21742 SALE INFORMATION: DareofSale: Time of Place of Sale: SaIe: Tuesday,the6th day ofMay,2014 10:00 AM or within ttree hours thereafter. AT TTIE BELL COUNTY CLERK.S ALCOVE TO TT{E EAST OF TT{E MAIN ENTRANCE OF TT{E BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2O1 HT]EY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS inBell Counqr, Texas, or, ifttreprecedingarcais no longerthe fte area most recently designakn$ the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Subsdarc Truste{s): Richard Zavd4 Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Catw or Lutfoer Toungat€, Cdstina Czmarata,Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, AlexanderWolfe, Suzanne Suarez or AdamWomact any to act Substitute Tnrstee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, T)(75254 designated area, at WHEREAS, tlre above-named Grantor prwiously corweyed the above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the abovedescribed Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, adefaultundertheNote and Dedof Trustwas dectared; such defaultwas reportedto not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Ded of Trust were declarcd to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Tntste and any prreviously appointed Substififie Trust€e has been removed and Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jarard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Aryela Carter or Luttrer Toungate, Cristina Camaratz, Sammy Hooda, Mchael Bums, AlexanderWolfg Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, ?Lny to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell ilre Property to satisfy the indeb,tedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mo4gagee, Ilodoftgage Servicer and Sutstittre Trustees; NOW, TI{EREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the forqoing matters and that: 1. The maturity of ttre Note has been acceleratedand all sums secured by tlre Ded of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Richard Zavala, Jr- or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jors or Angela Carts or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camatata, Sammy Hooda, Mchael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Truste will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, atthe place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within ttree hours 3. 4. after thattime. This sale shall be subject to any lqal irryedimenb to tlre sale of tlre Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of rsord to tb extec the same are still in efu and shall not cover any properry that has beel released from the lien oftlre ]H ofTiustNo warranties, express or irnplied including but not limitd to the itrplied warrartries of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and excqx the Grantofs warranties specifically atthodzed by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The proper(y shall be offered 'AS-IS", purchasers will btry the property "at the purchaset's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made conceming the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will reeive whatwer interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the ptop@ , subject to any liens or intercsts of any kind that may strrvive the sale. Interesred persons are encouraged to consult cotmsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of the property. Very truly yours, Bucklev Madole. P.C. 9411-N-7594 2146917256 PG1 POSTPKG tu:3q NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AI{D NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE INFORMATION: Date; 07/09/2A05 .) DEED OF TRUST GTANTOT(S): JESSE GARCIA AND BEMTA GONZALE9GARCIA, HUSBAND AND WIFE Origind Mortgagee: FIRSTFRANKLIN A DIVISION OF NAT CITYBANK OF IN OriginalPrincipal: $51,700.00 Recording Informatiur: Instrurnem 025824; re-filed under Imtrument 050500 Property County: Bell Property: LOT SEVEN (7), IN BLOCK ONE (l), OF ARBOR r{ErcHTS SLTBDIVTSION. IN THE CITY OF BELTON, BET T COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TI{E PI-AT OF RECORD RqrortedAddress: IN CABINET C, SLIDE 216-c, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTT, TEXAS. 3208BOWERCOLIRT, BELTON, TX765t3 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFIORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mo4gagee, is rcpresenting the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Motgage Servicing Agreement. CunentMorfgagee: HPMCSolrrions, t.I-f Morgage Seryicer: I{PMC Solutions, I.r C Current Beneficiary: I{PMC Solrtrions, IJ C Mortgage ServicerAddress: 2fi)2 Brazos Court, Westlake TX76262 SALE INFORMATION: Daf€ofsale: Time of PIacC of Sale: SaIe: Tuesday,the6dr day ofMzy,2014 10:fi) AM or within three houn thrcafter. AT THE BELL COUNTY CLERK.S ALCOVE TO TTIE EAST OF TT{E MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS inBell Cotmty, Texas, or, iftheprceding area is no longerthe designated area', attk. area most rcently designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Suhiftte Truste{s): Richard Zaval4 Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungat€, Cristina Czmaratz, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Srfistitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite425, Dallas, TX75254 WHEREAS, the above-narned Grantor prer.iously conveyd the above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the abovedescribed Deed of Trusq and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Ded of Trust was declared; such default was rqorted to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediafely due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trust€e and any previously appoinred Sub*inre Trustee has been removed and Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jores or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanre Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed 25 Substitute Trustees and rqrsred to s€tl &e Property to satisfy the indebrtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mo4gagee, Mortgage Servicer and Sub,stitute Trustees; NOW, TItrREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the forqoing matters and that: 1. The maturity of ttre Note has been accelerated and all sums secwed by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anrre Cook or Michelle Jores or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to ac! as Subsdtut€ Trustee will sell the Pmperty to the highest bidd€r for cash on the date, at the place, and no eadier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will bqin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to arry lqal impedirnenB to the sale of the Property and to any orceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appeanng of record to the eilent the sanre arc still in effet and shall not cover any propeffy that has been released from the lien of the of Trust. 4. No warranties, express or irylied, ircluding but not timited to the irnplied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except tte Grannods warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the of Trust. The property shall be offered "A$IS", purchasen will buy the property "at the purchaset's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerni4g the quality or nature oftitle to be acquired. Purchasers will raeivewhatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of theproperty. Dd lH Very truly yours, Buckley Madole-P.C. 9483-N-0251 2148910722 PG1 POSTPKG (uS +V NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE (TO BE RECORpEp) DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 03/16/2007 Gramor(s): MATTT#W J. MOCK A SINGLE Original Mortgagee: PERSON, AND JACLYN N. FARMER A SINGLE PERSON MORTGAGE ELECTROMC REGISTRATION SYSTEIv{S, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FORCORNERSTONE MORTGAGE COMPANY. ITS SUCCESSORS ANDASSIGNS Originat Prircdaf: Recordinglnfornalion: $82,348.00 Instrurrerr20OT-AW12747 Property Cormty: Bell Property: LOT NINE (9), BLOCK FORTY-FOUR (44), WESTERN HILLS, 8TH EXTENSION, IN TI{E CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TT{E MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A, SLIDE 377.A, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. ReportedAddress: 905 FIII YLANE, TEMPLE, TX765M MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION : The Mortgage Sewicer, if not the Current Mo4gagee, is representing the Current Mortgryee pursuant to a Mo4gage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association MorqageServicer: JPMoryanchaseBank,N.A. Current Bencficiary: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Morgage ServicerAddrcss: PO Box 1015238, Columbus, OH432l9 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Tuesday, the 6fh day of May,2Ol4 Time of Sale: 10:00 AM or within three hours thereafter. Place of SaIC: AT TI{E BELL COUNTY CLERK.S ALCOVE TO TTIE EAST OF TI{E MAIN ENTRANCE OF THE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 12OI HUEY DRME, BELTON, TEXAS inBen Cormty, Texas, or, ifthe preceding area is no longer the designated area, attfu area most recenfly designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Substitute Truste{s): Phillip Pierceall, Israel Curtis, Wes Wbeat, Stephen Mayers, Colette Mayers, Clay Golde4 DavidAckel, Codylo4g, KellyMcDanid, RossBandy, Travis KaddaE,, Aaron Crawford Kenny Shirey, Robert Aguilar, Kelly Ferris, Dustin Emanuele, Cristina Cafriarata, SamrnyHooda, MichaelBurns, AlexanderWolfe, Suzanne Suarez orAdam Womack, anyto act Substilute Trustee Address: l{g{l pellas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX752S4 WHEREAS, tlre above-nard Grantor previorsly convryed tlre above described properry in tnnt to secure payment of the Note set forth in the abovedescribedDeed ofTrusq and WHEREAS, a defau'lt rmder the Note and Deed of Trust was declare4 such default was report€d to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Ded of Trust were declard to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Truste and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been remoyed and Phillip Pierceall, Israel Curtis, Wes Wheaq Srcphen Mayen, Colette Mayen, Clay Goldeq Dayid Ackel Cody Long, Kelly McDaniel, Ross Bandy, Travis Kaddae, Aaron Crawford, Kenny Shirey, Robert Aguilar, Kelly Ferris, Dustin Emanuele, Cristina Carnarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack. Lny to act, have been appointed as Substiurte Trustm and reqrstedts sell the Prcperty to satisfy the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitut€ Trustees; NOW, TI{EREFORE, NOTICE IS I{EREBY GIVEN of t}rc forqoing matters andthat: I The maturity of the Note has been u"".1"t21pd e nd all sums secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and pay able. 2. Phillip Pierceall, Israel Curtis, Wes Wheat, StepknMayen, Coletteldayers, Clay Golden, DavidAckel, Cody I-ong, Kelly McDaniel, Ross Bandy, Travis KaddaE, Aaron Crawford, Kenny Shire", Robert Aguilar, Kelly Ferris, Dustin Emanuele, Cristina Carnanta, Sarrmy Hooda Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitufie Trustee will sell the Property to the highestbrdder for cash on the date, atthe place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal irpedinrenF to tlre sale of the Property and to any o<ceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appeaing of record to the entent the sanre are still in etrect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien of the Ded of Trust. 4. No warranties, express or irplied irrluding but not limit€d to the inplied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and excqpt the Granfols warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The propeny shall be offered ,AS-IS", purchasers will buy the propefty "at the purchasels own risk" and "at his peril", and no rq)resentation is made conceming the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatser interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Iff€rest€d persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of the property. . Very truly yours, 9526-N-0211 2146916557 PG1 POSTPKG €L<3+ NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Dfig Grantor(s): Original Mortgagee: OrigindPrincipal: A5/05/2005 JOE L. RAMON. JOINED HEREIN PRO FORMA BY HIS WIFE. SUSIE RAMON MORTGAGE EI-ECTROMC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR MARKET STREET MORTGAGE CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS $155,558.00 Recordingktrormation: Book5692PagB0TlInstrum€nt019180 Property Cormty: Bell Property: l: LOT ELEVEN (1r), BLOCK ONE (1), OAKRIDGE II, PFIASE I, AN ADDMON TO THE CITY OF HARKER I]EIGHTS, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, TRACT ACCORDING TO TI{E MAP ORPLATOF RECORD IN CABINETA, SLIDE 329D, PI-A.T RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. TRACT tr: LOT DFELEVEN (DFll), BLOCK ONE (l), OAKRIDGE U, PHASE 1A DRATNAGE FIELD, AN ADDMON TO TT{E CITY OF TIARKER I{EIGHTS, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TI{E MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 362C, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. ReportedAddress: 3810 OAKRIDGE BOULEVARD, HARKERHEIGHTS, TX76548-8779 MORTGAGE SERYICING IhIFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgage, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mo {gage Servicing Agreement. CurrentMortgagee: CitiMotgage,hrc. MorqageServicer: Citil\{ortgage,Irrc. CurrentBeneficiary: CitiMo4gage,Tnc. Mortgage Servicer Address: 14700 Citicorp Dr, Hagerstown,MD 21742 SALE INFORMATION: Dateofsale: Sale: Place o'f Sale: Time of substiura rruste{ s) : Tuesday,the6th day ofMay,2014 10:00 AM or within three houn thereafter. AT TTIE BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO TTIE EAST OF TT{E MAIN ENTRANCE OF TI{E BELL COUNTT ruSTICE COMPLEX" r20l HIIEY DRtyE, BELTON, TEXAS in Bell Cormty, Texas, or, if the precedirry arca is no longer the designated area, at the area most rcently designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. HHJB"Tt*-#fl S"fftff ffif#ffi, HtTf.TFJtr'ff.*g Aaro n Crawford, Kenny Shir€y, RobertAguilar, KellyFerris, DustinEmanuele, Cristina Carmrat4 SammyHooda, Michael Burns, AlexanderWolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womacl afrytsafi. Substitute Trust€e Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously convryed the above described propefty in trust to secure paytnent of the Note set forth in the abovedescribedDeed ofTrust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Ded of Trust was decliared; such default was repofied to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any prwiously appointed Substiftne Trustee has been removed and Phillip Pierceall, Israel Curtis, Wes Wheat, Stephen lvfayers, Coletre Mayers, Clay Goldeq David Ackel, Cody Long, Kelly McDaniel, Ross Bandy, Travis Kaddatz,Aamn Crawford Kenny Shircy, Robert Aguilar, Kelly Ferris, Dustin Emanuele, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Svarczor Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustoes and requested to sell the Property to satisff the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undenigrred law firm has requ€st€d to provide ttrese notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trust€es; NOW, TI{EREFORE, NOTICE IS I{EREBY GIVEN of the forqoi4g matters andt}rat: 1 . The maturity of the Note has been acelerated ard all sums securd by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Phillip Pierceall, Israel Curtis, Wes Wheat, Stephen Mayers, Colette Mayers, Clay Golderr, David Ackel, Cody Long, Kelly McDaniel, Ross Bandy, Travis Kaddarlz, Aaron Crawford, Kenny Shirey, RobertAguilar, Kelly Ferris, Dustin Emanuele, Cristina Camat&a, Samrny Hooda Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Rdam Womack, any to act, as Substiflse Truste will sell tlre Properfy to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no eadier than the time s€t forth above in ttre Sale Information section of fhis notice. The sale will begin within three hours afterthattitre. 3. This sale shall be subjectto any lqal irpedfurrcffs to th sale of tIre Prcperty anrt to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appadrrg of record to the errtent the s.urre are still in effect and strall not coyer arry proryfiy that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust. 4. \o warranties, express or inplied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of rnerchantability and fitness for a particulil purpose shall be conveyed at ttre sale, save and except the Grantot's warranties specificaily authoiwedby the Grantor in ttre Deed of Trust. The property shall be 'AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own risko and "at his peril", and no r€presentation is made concerning the quality or nature oftifle to be acquired. Purchasers will roeive whatser interest Grantnr andGrantor's assigns hlve in the property, subjct to any liens or irferests of any kind that rnay survive the sale. Tnt€rested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participating in ttre sale of tbe property. h o|M 9411-N-7395 2146913824 PGl POSTPKG Angela Crter or-t*Ser To"ry%Cristisa sffi STATEOFTE(AS couNTYoF -TrAv\e : ' This in$nment was aclcoowledged be,fore me on this 3iS* day of fV\a r-eL . ,ot{ot , Riehard- Crter. who, if not a srbsitrte tru$ee, is acting as their ag€nt and is knoum to me persurally or througf; state-issld ideirtificatim md aclcnowledged to me that he or she posted and filed this notice in aooordance with fte requirennents of the Texas Property Code md th rylicable socuity in$rum€ot GIVENUNDERMYI{ANDAND SEAL OF OFFICE theS I dav of fui>v-c.l-r 20)t_ My cmmissionexpirw: After Rccrding Retr.rn To: Buckley N{adole, P.C. 14841 Dallas Prlo*'ay, Suite 425 Dallas, Tl{75254 Attn: Forqlosure 952eN4211 RICHAPD ZAVALA, JR. l,lotory Puolic, Slole ol Texos lvty Cornmission Expires August 03,2016 D€prbent 21€916657 PG3 POSTPKG {vs+1 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 04126/20ll Grantor(s): DAVID JESSUP, A SINGLE IVIAN Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTROMC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR FAIRWAY INDEPENDENT MORTGAGE CORPORATION. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Original Principal: Recording ldormation: Property Cormty: Property: $139,896.00 Instrumerr 20 1 l -000 13979 Bell LOT ONE (l), IhI BLOCK TWO (2), OF LIBERTY VALLEY, PHASE r, IN TF|E CITY OF BELTON, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TI{E PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE I69-C, PI-AT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. ReportedAddress: 2101 INDEPENDENCE COURT, BELTON, TX765l3 MORTGAGE SERYICING INFORMATION: The Mo4gage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mofigagee purcuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. CurrentMorlgagee: Mor Sewicer: JPMorganChaseBank, NationalAssociation JPMorgan ChaseBank, N.A. JPMorgan ChaseBank, National Association Morqiage Servicer Address: PO Box 1015238, Columbus, OH432L9 age Cwreft.Berrcflrciary: SALE INFORMATION: Dde of Sale: Tuesday, tlre 6th day of May,2014 Time of Sale: 10:00 AM or within three houn thereafter. PIACC Of SaIe: ATTTIE BELL COUNTY CLERI(.S ALCOVE TO TI{E EAST OF TIIE MAIN ENTRANCE OF TT{E BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS in Bell County, Texas, or, ifthe preceding area is no longer t}te designated anea, attlrc area most rcenfly designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Substitufe Trusteds): Richard Zaval4 Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Lufter Tomgate, Cristina Cammata,Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, afiy to act Substitute Trus'tee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite425, Dallas, TX75254 WHEREAS, the above-nard Grantor previously conveyd the above described properfy in trust to s€cure payrnent of the Note set forth in the abovedescribed Deed of Trusq and WHEREAS, a default "nder th€ Note and Deed of Trust was declare4 such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Ded of Trust lnere declard to be imrrrediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appoirrte6 Substitute Trustee has been removed and Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook orMichelle Jones orAngela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alenander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell ttrc Property to satisff the indebrtedness; and WHEREAS, the undenigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mo4gagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, TIIEREFOFJ, NOTICE IS I{EREBY GMN of tbe forqoing matters and that: 1 The maturity of the Note has been arrrJrerafr:d and all sums secured by the Ded of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. . 2. RichardZavaTa,Jr.orCrndyJanardorJoAnneCookorMichelleJorresorA4gelaCartsorlutherToungate, 3. 4. Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Aler<ander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell ttre Property to ttrc highest bidds for cash on ttre date, at the place, andno eadier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will @in \ rithin three hours after that time. This sale shall be subject to arry legal furyedimeffs to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to tbe e*ent the same are still in etr€ct and shall not cover any properry that has been released from the lien of the Dd of Trust. No warranties, express or implied including but not limited to the irplied warranties of merchantability and fifness fora particularpurpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and exceptthe Grantot's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. Ttre property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the properry "at the purchasefs own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature oftitle to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property , subject to any liens or inr€res6 of any kind that may survive the sale. krterested persons are encouraged to consult counsel oftleir choice prior o participating in the sale of the prcperty. Very truly yours, Buckley Madole, P.C. 9526-N-5343 214691 1366 PG1 POSTPKG fuSt+'?_- DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: A5/02/2012 GTaTTto(s): JONATT{AN A. BUCIS-EY AND MONACA S. BUCKLEY, HUSBAND AND WTFE OriginalMortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTROMCREGISTRATION SYSTEMS,INC., SOLELYAS NOMINEE FOR CORNERSTONE MORTGAGE COMPANY. ITS SUCCESSORS ANDASSIGNS Original Prircipal: Recording ldormdim: Property County: Property: $182,439.00 Instrunpnt 20l24WI74Ji9 Bell LOT SD(TEEN (16), IN BLOCK SD( (6), OF RAMBLEWOOD SECOND UMT, rN TI{E CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TT{E PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET A. SLIDE 27+8. PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. ReportedAddress: 3010 HEMLOCKBLVD, TEMPLE, TX76502 MORTGAGE SERYICING INFORMAIION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mo4gagee, is representing the Current Mofigagee pursuant to a Mo4gage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bant, N.A. Morgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. CurentBeneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Morgage Servicer Address: 347 6 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 297 15 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Tuesday, the 6th day ofMay,2Al4 Time of Sale: 10:00 AM or within three hours thereafter. Place o'f Sale: AT TI{E BELL COUNTY CLERK'S ALCOVE TO TI{E EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF TI{E BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 1201 HUEY DR[!IE, BELTON, TEXAS in Bell County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the designated arca, at the area most reertrly designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Richard ZavaTa, Jr. or Cindy larrardor Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Cantarala, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitnte Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX75254 Substilute Truste{s): WHEREAS, the above-nad Grantor previously conveyed tlre above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth intlre above-describedDeed of Trusg and WHEREAS, a default tmder the Note ar:dDe,d of Trust was declarcd; such default was repofiedto nothave been cured; end all sums secured by such Ded of Trust were declared to be immediately due and pay able; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appoirred Subsritute Truste has been removed and Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jnrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angel a Cau,ltar or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanre Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Propertlr to satisft the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigFed law firm has been requestd to provide these notices on behalf of the current Morqgagee, Mo4gage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, TI{EREFORE, NOTICE IS I{EREBY GIVEN of forqoing matters andthat: The maturity of the Note has been aaelerated and all sums secured by tbe Deed of Trust have been dectared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jarardor Jo Anne Cook orMichelle Jones or Angela Cafter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Cunarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to tb highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no iarher than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section ofdris notice. The sale will @in within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appeaingof rword,ta same are still in etrect and shall not cover any proryfty that has been released from the lien ofthe Deed of Trust. 4. !.tro warranties, express or inplied, irrluding but not limited to the irylied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and excqrt the Grantols warranties specificaily atuthodzed by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered "AS-fS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaset's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made conceming the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will reeive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's ass-igns have in the properEr, subject to any liens or iftercs6 of any kind fh2t may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of ore prcperty. tk l. tfuffi.flre Very truly yours, Buckley Madole, P.C. 9985-N-5294 2148911275 PG1 POSTPKG €ve*2 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S DEED OF TRUST INFORMAIION: Date: 07/14/1995 Grantor(s): FREDDIE JAMESELLISDECEASED, CARLISS Original Mortgagee: NORWEST MORTGAGE, INC. Odginal Primipaf: $75,950.00 S. SALE ---T-' '.il -r.N h'i T".' iI,.', ELLIS Recordinglrformatiur: Instrumerr021355 Property County: Bell Property: LOT FIFTEEN (ls) IN BI-OCK ONE (l) OF FMvIESA ESTATES, PI{ASE FME, IN THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BEII COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET B, SLIDE 321-8, PIj.T RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, Reported Address: TEXAS. 4905 TEAL DR, KILLEEN, TX 76542-7527 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mo4gagee, is representing the Current Mo rgagee pursuant to a Motgage Servicfurg fureement. Current Morqagee: U.S- Bank National Associatio4 as Trus@ for Strucurd Asset Securities Corporation Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-RF4 Wells Faryo Bank, N. A. Crrrem Beneficiary: U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for Structured Asset Securities Corporafion Morgage Loan Trust 2005-RF4 Morg;age Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 Morqgage Servicer: SALE INFORMATTOTy Dateofsde: Sale: SaIe: Time o'f Place of Twsday,the6trr day ofMay,2OI4 10:00 AM or within tke hours thaeafterAT THE BELL COUNTY CLERK.S ALCOVE TO THE EAST OF TFIE MAIN ENTRANCE OF TI{E BELL COUNTYruSTICE COMPLEX, I2OI HUEYDRTVE, BELTON, TEXAS in Bell County, Texas, or, if the preceding arca is no longer the atfu area most recenfly desiguated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Richard Zaval4 Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Ludrcr Toungate, Cdstina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, AlexanderWolfe, Srzanne Suarez orAdam Womack, xryto acf designated arez', Substiurte Truste{s): Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, DalLas, TX75Z54 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor preriously corwryed the above describd property in trust to secure payment of tlrc Note set forth in the abovedescribed Deed of Trusq and WHEREAS, a default rrnder the Note and Ded of Trust was dclared such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Ded of Tiust were decl,ared to be imrrediately due andpayable; and WHEREAS, 'he original Truste and any prwiously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook orMichelle Jorrs or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfg Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustes and rquested to sell tlre Properry to satisfy the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mo4gagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitur€ Trustees; NOW, TI#REFORE, NOTICE IS I{EREBY GIVEN of the forqoing macers andthat: 1. The maturity of the Note has been acnelerated and dl stms senred by the Ded of Trust have been declared to be immediately due arlld pay able. 2. Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jarrndor Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alqander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack,-any to act, as Substitute Trustoe will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, atthrc place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin withi three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal irryedimenn to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to the extent fhe sanre are still in etrect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien ofthe of Tfust. 4. No warranties, express or irrrylied including but not limited to the irylied waranfies ofmerchantabrlty andfitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except ttrc Grantofs warranties specificaily atthoiwed by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shalt be offered "AS,IS", purchaiers will buy the property''at the purchasels own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasen will receive whatever in@rest Grantor and Grantor's ass-igns trive ln ttre propqty, subject to any liens or inferes8 of any kind rhet may survive the sale. Interesfed persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participafing in the sale of the property Dd Very truly yours, Bucklev Madole- P.C. 9985-N$501 2146896566 PG1 POSTPKG (Ls'1t NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE ,..T1 -:-:) :-: -'^ -','a:;in r-1 i: ::! DEEDOFTRUSTINFORMATION: Date: ll/14/2006 ' Grarror(s): TIMOTI{Y J. SHUPE AND MCOLE R. SHUPE, HUSBAND AND WIFE Orignal Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTROMC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLFLY AS NOMINEE FOR FIRST NATIONAL BANK TEXAS DBA FIRST COMMUNTTY MORTGAGE, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Origind Prircipal: $114e18.00 R ecording Irform ation: Book 6262 Page 418 Instrument 2006-000541 00 Property Cormty: Property: Reported Address: Bell LOT THREE (3), BLOCK TWO (2), LONESOME DOVE SUBDTVTSTON, PHASE THREE, KILLEEN, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET C, SLIDE 219.8, PIA,TRECORDS OFBELL COT]NTY, TEXAS. 4507 ALLEETA DRwE, KILLEEN, TX76549 MORTGAGE SERYICING INFORMATION: The Mo4gage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgage, is rcpresenting ttre Current Moftgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. CurrentMortgagee: Mortgage Servicer: CurrentBeneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mortgage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: Dare of Sale: Tuesday, the 6th day of May,20L4 Time orf Sale: 10:00 AM or within tlne hours thereafter. Place of SaIe: AT TTIE BELL COUNTY CLERK.S ALCOVE TO TT{E EAST OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF TI{E BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 12OI HUEY DRIVE, BELTON, TEXAS in Bell Cormty, Texas, or, if ttle preceding axea is no longer the designated ?Lnea, attle area most recertly designated by the Bell County Commissioner's Court. Subsdtre Truste{s): Richard Zaval4 Jr. or Cindy Jarrard or Jo Anne Cook or Mchelle Jones or Angela Carter or Lutbr Torqgrte, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Stzanne Suarez or Adam Womac\ afiy to act Substitnte Trustee Address: I48/l DallasParkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 7 5254 WHEREAS, the above-namd Grantor previously convryed t}e above described propety in ffust to secure payment of tlrc Note set forth in the abovedescribed Deed of Trusq and WHERIAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; srrch defautt was reported to not have been cured; and all sums scured by such Deed of Trust were declarcd to be immediately due and pay ablq and WI{EREAS, tIre original Trusttr and any previously appoineed Suhitute T}usree has been removed and Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy J arrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or Angel a Carter or Luther To vngate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisft the indebtedness; arrd WHEREAS, the undenigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagee, Mortg;age Servicer and Substitute Tnstees; NOW, TI{EREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN ofthe forqoing matters andthat: I The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Ded of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Richard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Janard or Jo Anne Cook or Miclrelle Jones or A4gel a Carter or Luther Tavngate, Cristina Carrrarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alsander Wolfe, Strzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substifute Trustee will sell the Properqr to ttre highest bidds for cash on the date, attheplace, andno eldier than the time set fonh above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3 . This sale shall be subjecr to arry legal iryediments to the sale of the property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust ot appeaingof rccord to the ext€nt the same are still in etrect and shall not cover any prop€rty that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust. No warranties, express or implied including butnotlimitedto tk irrylied warranties of rnerchantability and fitness for a particular pupose shall be corweyed at the sale, save and except tlre Grantot's warranties specificaily authorized by the Grantor in the Ded of Trust. The property shall be offered 'AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no represen&ffiion is made conceming the quality or nattre of title to be acquired. Purchasers will roeive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns hlve in the prope't]r, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of the property. . 4 Very truly yours, Bucklev Madole. P.C. 9985-N-9320 2146915561 PG1 POSTPKG f,-<'+1 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AIYD NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE --.'''.."... DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: - 'r 1 ' MICHAEL A. MUMZ AND WIFE JENNTFER CHRISTINE MUNIZ Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTROMC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR CTX MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND Date: 08/30/2005 Granto(s): ASSIGNS Odgind Prirripal: Recording ktrormation: Property Cormty: Property: $170,889.00 Book 5823 Page887 Instrument (X0283 Bell LOT 25,IN BLOCK 4 OF ECHO VILLAGE, PITASE TWO, AN ADDITION TO TTIE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TI{E PLAT TTtrREOF RECORDED IN CABINET C. PAGE 343-A. PLATRECORDS OF BELL COUNTT, TEXAS. ReportedAddress: 5503 SOUTT{ERN CROSSING, TEMPLE, TX76502 MORTGAGE SERYICING INFORMATTON: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage SeMcing Agreement. CurrentMortgagee: Mortgage Servicer: CurrentBeneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Morq;age Servicer Addrcss: 376 Stateview Boulevard, FortMll, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sde: Tuesday, the 6th day ofMay,2Ol4 Time of Sale: 10:00 AM or within three hours thereafter, PIAce o'f SaIe: AT TTIE BELL COUNTY CLERK.S ALCOVE TO TI{E EAST OF TTIE MAIN ENTRANCE OF TTIE BELL COUNTY ruSTICE COMPLEX, 12OI HUEY DRTVE. BELTON, TEXAS in Bell County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the designated are:,, at fhe area most recently designat€d by the Bell County Comrnissioner's Court. Sr.6sdare Trusce{s): Richard Zavila Jr. or Cindy Janardor Jo Anrre Cook or Michelle Jones or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Carmrata,Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, AlexanderWolfe, Suzanne Suarsz orAdamWomack, anyto act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX7S2S4 WHEREAS, the above-narned Grantor preniously convqyed the above described property in trust to secgre payment of the Note set forth in the abovedescribed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note arrd.Ded,of Trust was derjratt;d, srrch 6lgfaull was reported to nothave been cured; and all s"ms scured by such Ded of Trust were declirred to be imrcdiately due and pay able; and WHEREAS, the original Truste and any previously appoirred Substitute frustee has been removed and lichard Zavala, Jr. or Cindy Jmrard or Jo Anne Cook or Michelle Jones or A4gela Carter or Luther To wrgate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, AlexanderWolfg Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack,-any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and reqtmted to sell the Property to stisfy the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undenigned law fimr has been requesred to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgage, Motgage Servicer and Substjtute Trrctees; NOW, TI{EREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the forqoing matters andthat: The maturity of ttre Note has been acwleriated and all sums secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be Dd l. 2. 3. 4. immediately due and pay able. Richard Z,avala, Jr. or Cindy Janardor Jo Anne Cook or Michlle Jores or Angela Carter or Luther Toungate, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne S v?Lre, or Adam Womack,"any to act, as Substitute r"ft f will sell dr9 Propgrty to the highest bidder for cash on the date, atthe place, and no iaryer than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of '\is notice. The sale witi Oegin lvithin three hours after that time. This sale shall be subject to any lqgal iryedimeds to tbe sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or ap'pearing of rsord to the ercent the same ilre still in efict and shatl not cover any property tlat has been released from the lien of the Ded of Trust. warranties, expr€ss or irnplied, including but not limited to the irryIied warranties of merchantabihty andfitness \o for a panguJar purpose shall tre conveyed at the sale, save andexcryt the Grantot's warrantis speclficaity authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchaiers will buy the property_"at the purchaset's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made conceming the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will reeive whatever interst Grantor and Grantor's assigns trive in ttre ptoperty, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consuh co 'nsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of tle property. Very truly yours, Buckley Madole- P.C. 9985-N-9881 2146916500 PG1 POSTPKG \LtLrtp NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BELL County Deed of Trust: Ilated: Or*ober7,?0lA Arnount: $141,534.00 Granlor(s): ANTHOTIY A. ALLEN and PATRICE L. ALLEN Originat ltlortgagee: FAIRWAY INDEPENDENT MORTGAGE CORPORATION Current Mortgagee: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Itlortgiaqe€ Address: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.. Recording Inforrnation: Document No. 2O1 18OO Tapo Ganyon Road, Simi Valley, CA 93063 O36703 Legal Description: LOT 16, BLOCK 8, ECHO VISTA ADDITION, AN ADDffiON lN THE CITY OF TEMPLE, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PI.AT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET D, SLID€S 119C AND 1'9D, PLAT RECORDS, BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. Date of Sale: May 6, 2014 beturcen tlre houls of t O@ am. and 1 :00 PM. Earliest Trne Sale Will Begin: 10:00 anr Place of Sale: The foredosure sale will be conducted at public venue in ttre area der*tnated by the BELL County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51 .002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where forecbsure sabs are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, th€ sale will be conducted at th€ place where the Notice of Tru$ee's Sale was poded. RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. OR LUTHER TOUNGATE OR CINDY JARRARD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA CARTER have been appointed as Substitute Trustee(s), ('Subditute TruSee) each emposrercd to act independently, in the place of said original Trus,tee, upon the contingencl and in the nranner authorized by sakl Deed of Trust. The Substitute TruSee will sell the Propedy by pblb audbn to the hphest bidder begin at the earliest time Sated above or within three (3) hours after that time- br cash at the place and date sp€cifled. The sale will lf the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitbd only to a retum of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further re@urse againd the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the ifurtgagee's atonEy. NOTICE lS FURTHER Gl\lEN that, except to the extent that the Subditute Trusfiee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to warrant title to the Property under the terms of the Deed of Trud, conveyanoe of the Property shall be made 'AS lS' WHERE lS' without representations and uarranties whatsoever, express or implied, any ard subject to all matbrc of record afiecting the Property. A debtor who is servinq on adive military duty mav have special rbhts or relief related to this mtice under federal hw. indLdino the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.C. apo- Sec*ion SOi et seq.). ard state law. includino Sec{ion 51.015 Texas Prooertv Code. Assert HUGHES. WATTERS & ASIGNASE, L.L.P. 33Xl Clay, Suite 2900 Houston, Texas 77O(}2 Reference: 2o1441&5 OR JO A}I}IE clo Service Llnk 7301 N. Hwy 161, Ste.305 lrving, Texas 75039 Y, ('\i .-'t t'L> 1 { NOTICE OF SUBSNTUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE BELL Gounty Deed ofTrust: Ilated: Novemtler 21 . frl 1 Amount: $162,609.00 Grantor{s}: CHRISTINA A PRICE and CHRISTOPHER A PRTCE Original Mortgagee: UNITED SECU RITY F I NANCIAL Current Mortgageer UNITED SECURITY FINANCIAL Itlortgagee Address: I Corporate Drive. Suite 360, Lake Zurich, Recording Infonnation : Document No. 201 1 -41 lL 60047 668 Legal Description: LOT THIRW-FIVE A (3SA), BLOCK ONE (1), FIML PI-AT OF RIMES RANCH SUBDIVISION, PHASE t, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KILLEEN, BELL COUNry, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN CABINET D, SLIDE ?3.2-A& B, PLAT RECORDS OF BELL COUNTY, TEXAS. Date of Sale: May 6, 20't4 between the hours of 10:00 am. and 1:00 PM. Earliest Tinrc Sale Utfill Begin: lO:lD an Place of Sale: The foreclosure sale will be conducted at public venue in the area desigrnted by the BELL County Commissioners Court pur$ant to Sedion 51 .002 of the Texas Propefi Code as the place where foredosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sab rvill be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trus{ee's Sale was posted. RICHARD ZAVALA, JR. ORLUTHER TOUNCTATE OR CINDY JARMRD OR JO ANNE COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR ANGELA CARTER have been appoir*ed ars S.ttbd;Frde Tnrdee(s), (SnW.*e Ttrdce') each ernporrered to at{ independently, in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contingercy and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trud. The Substitute Trustee will sell the Property by publb ardion to the higheS bidder for will begin at the earliesl time s{ated above or within three (3) hous ater that time. esh at the place and date specified, The sale lf the sale is set aside br any reason, the Purcfiaser at tfre sale shall be entitled only to a retum of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Moftgagee or the lvlortgagee's attomey. NOTICE lS FURAER GlllEN that, exced to the extent that the Substihrte Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to wanant title to the Property under the terms of the Deed of Tru*. conveyance of the Property shall be made 'AS lS' '\ ,!-IERE lS' without any representations and wananties whatsoever, expess or implied, and $bject to all mafters of record affecting the Property. A debtor who is servino on active militarv duty mav have snecial riotrts or relbf rebted to this notice under federal law. includino the Sewicemembers Civil Relief Act (5O U.S.C. app. Sedbn 501 et seo.). and s0ate law' includino Section 51 .O15 Texas Prooertv Code. of the active dutv militarv sewice to the sender of this notice. HUGHES, WATTERS & ASKANASE, L.L.P. 333 Clay, Suite 2900 Hou$on, fexas T7OA2 Reference: n141ffi RlCHARD COOK OR MICHELLE JONES OR JARRARD OR JO ANGELA CARTER c/o Service Link 7301 N. Hwy 161, Ste.305 lrving, Texas 75039
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