Horoscope of Sri Narendra Modi Jyotisha as a science investigates the benevolence of the force, Kuladevi underlying time that hitherto remains unknown to modern Physics. The fifth force, we may describe it so and the Zodiac is a modeling of its operation as the integrative force between the micro and macrocosm. The horoscope of Sri Narendra Modi could be fixed based on the web details and approximate data under circulation based on the profile of life. The chart produced below had been in possession of the undersigned even before the elections but no prediction was ever made because the Moon dasa-Rahu bhukti was to start on 15 April 2014. Nature of Rahu occupying the fifth house of higher mind, intuition, creative and mantra-siddhi under the domain of a retrograde Jupiter had been a subtle aspect of his chart that discouraged me from making any prediction. But given the fact that Rahu bhukti has given him an election victory much like a sweepstake, a look can be made at the future – given the fact that only Rahu could have given such a mesmerising victory. But the fact remains that the Rahu is a trickster and he can make people to develop wrong beliefs and over confidence. Mandi Moon Jup (R) Sikhi Rasi Lagna Moon Mars Venus Sat Sun Merc (R) Sikhi Navamsa Merc (R) Sun Sat Jup (R) Lagna Mars Sat Sun Lagna Mars Merc(R) Sikhi Rahu Dasamsa Rahu Venus Moon Venus Jup (R) Dasa at birth: 12 Years 02 Months Saturn (Mooladhara-ayanamsa) Kalidinam: 1845076.21171 Swearing in on 26 May 2014, 18:00 hrs Given the above chart of Vrschika rising and the present period of Chandra dasa-Rahu bhukti, the muhurtha chosen is inauspicious with Rahu and Saturn rising in Tula Lagna. Tula is presently disposed to have a Mars-Saturn conjunction getting complete on 25th August 2014 and hence a very detrimental sign for a King assuming office. The ill-effect of the muhurtha chosen of Rahu and Saturn became apparent in nick of time with the invitation extended to Mr Nawas Sherif who had shaken hands with Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee earlier only to ditch him as well as India. Take a look at the results of Rahu in Tula: 1 Rahu is the significator of vain glory and fraud, chala-karaka here, who can dupe people by casting an ambition to ally even with enemies. Rahu makes one seek previlege through deals, arrangements and agreements, instills a drive to wheel and deal his way to a commanding position that eludes him. Rahu is risk loving and in Tula he makes one take risk in seeking partnership roles. It is cent percent sure that Nawas Sherif with the lessons learned from the history, shall be arriving with the armors of a new Afzal Khan and one can only pray to the Gods to take care of the new Sivaji from faltering of his first step. Let the new leader of India be not seduced into any deceptive agreements that may become liability of sort later and a weapon for the opposition to see him falter on tracks. Navamsa Navamsa Lagna has Mars and all planets are in between Mars and Sikhi indicating a defunct marital life as as become well known. Further, Rahu joins 7th lord Venus in Leo and portends and adverse dimension for enduring marital life. Dasamsa (Career) His association with RSS is amply demonstrated by the Mars in Kumbha Lagna. Mars stands for a volunteer organization like RSS and Mars has made him the prized gem of RSS and the obvious choice to become the ultimate warrior of Hindutva. 10th house is fortified with the three planets, Sun, Saturn and Venus. Sun and Saturn are in close proximity in last navamsa while Sun and Mercury are in junction with Mercury (R) in Simha. Mandi has taken amsa in the 10th in Leo and the association of Mandi with retrograde Jupiter (as fifth lord) speaks of a super-natural agency influencing his thought process. Jupiter as retro fifth lord represents Pitrs and Mandi joining the same in Kumbha point towards the association of a spirit favoring the native. Past events 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Budha dasa Kuja bhukti, 1971 – 72 becomes the Pracharak of RSS and Mars bhukti prevailed during 16.05.1971 to 12.05.1972. Before the end of Budha dasa, in 1978 obtained the degree in Political Science. Sikhi joins Budha in the eleventh house and in Sikhi dasa he had his post graduate degree while working as the Pracharak. Sikhi-Sani (11.10.1984 to 20.11.1985 വരെ) the entry into BJP and Politics. Venus dasa- Moon Bhukti gave the opportunity to make the pilgrimage from Kanyakumari to Kashmir as the organizer of the ekatma yatra (1991) of Dr Murali Manohar Joshi. Venus-Rahu (Nov 1995) Secretary at the national level and General Secretary of the BJP in May 1998 when Venus-Guru prevailed. 2 7 October 2001, Venus-Saturn bhukti and Moon's antara made him the Chief Minister of Gujarat. 8. 18 Octo 2001 had the beginning of Venus-Sat-Mars and by the end of the Mars antara on 23.12.2001, Mr Namo had himself entrenched on the seat. The holocaust at Godhra and its state wide reactions of Feb 2002 happened during Sukra-Sani-Rahu. 9. The terrifying political and social circumstances that followed the 27-28 Feb 2002 demonstrated his mantle – a Kshatriya absolutely stable despite all hue and cry – he proved himself invincible and chartered his own course to command the BJP and shape its magnificent victory. 10. Surya dasa was during 17.11.2006 to 17.11.2012 and it helped him establish himself and gain the reputation of a good administrator which he could sell later times across all over the country. 11. Moon dasa from 18.11.2012 and he had his election victory in the state of Gujarat and MoonMars from 17.09.2013 to 15.04.2014 made him the undisputed leader of BJP as the tantalizing representative of RSS. 12. Sweepstake victory in Moon-Rahu and this is one of the most critical aspect given the implications of Rahu. Even Puranic legends describe him as a trickster and thus the handling of the victory achieved during Rahu bhukti must be done with atmost care and caution. 7. A King must know Time and Place A King must have good advisors – decision shall be by the king but it must be the outcome of wise counsel – the best of brains available in the country. Given the India-Pakistan scenario and the disputed status of Kashmir under a controversial article 370, the ruler should not miss the fact that there is an undeclared war getting fought. So the political acumen demands appropriate cognizance for rules of the battle field when facing an enemy. History of India is replete with instances when the unsuspecting and over confident Hindu Kings fell for the treachery of the Muslim invaders. Failure to learn history and strategy devoid of lessons from history shall backfire and may become cause for later frustration. Missed Lion – 26 May 2014 What strikes my mind about 26 May 2014 is not just an inauspicious muhurtha. Even though the inauspiciousness communicated in advance to higher ups in BJP and RSS by few days when it could have been changed, given the best muhurtha of 1210 noon, the graceful Simha-Lagna, the decision has prevailed to hold the swearing in at 1800 hours. Such a mistake and the visit of Mr Nawas Sherif substantiates the assessment cited above of Rahu. Rahu can play foul in the management of a victory he himself had granted – the magnificence added by Rahu contributed by incidents like the Muzafarnagar riots is part of 3 his game to delude the individuals. Muhurtha adopted has already created discrete voices of criticisms from Tamil Nadu, Sivasena etc and tomorrow it may become an arrow in the hands of opposition. Moon-Rahu is up to 18.10.2015 and a collective decision making process may help to cure the impact of Rahu. Moon-Rahu-Rahu-Budha and Budha sookshma-antara is up to 03 June 2014. The MarsSaturn conjunction is scheduled to happen in Tula on 25 August 2014 and Tula is the 12th house of the natal horoscope. Moon-Rahu-Rahu ends on 08 July 014 and then Moon-RahuJupiter begins. Mars-Saturn conjucntioin in Tula makes the period up to the end of August 2014 quite critical. The fact that the roya Leo rising at noon got missed for swearing in suggests set backs for the dreams of RSS in due course. Simha rising could have also given a celestial security cover for the leader and a far more royal ambiance for the future programmes. Security issues - Ashtamsa Mandi Venus Jup (R) Moon Rasi Lagna Moon Mars Sat Sun Rasix8 Venus Sat Sun Merc (R) Sikhi Jup (R) Merc (R) Lagna Mars Mandi Nodes It is difficult to raise the correct varga chart and to interpret the same. Only blessings of Bhagavati can make such interpretations valid. Here ashtamsa Lagna is Dhanu with Guru debiliated while Dhanu is occupied by Mars and Mandi. Chandra-Guru bhukti becomes a very critical period for personal safety i.e. 18.10.2015 to 13.02.2017. Moon-Jup-Venus 11.06.2016 to 03.09.2016 and in this interval the Rahu antara from 11-24 July and Sikhi antara from 29 August to 03 രെപ്തംബർ 2016 are apparently bad periods. Moon-Jup-Mars 07.11.2016 to 04.12.2016 is definitely bad and in this the Venus antara is the worst period of ill portends from 26.11.2016 to 01.12.2016. The arrival of Mr Nawas Sherif and the opening of the new Government without caring for the war field of undeclared war, portends the adverse implications of Rahu. RSS and the Hindus has sarpa dosham and hence the Simha-Lagna muhurtha got missed and the truth of these words will find demonstration at Nagpur in the days to come. Swearing in muhurtha is a snake bite for the Hindus and Nawas will prove himself again as not so Sherif... 00:05, 26.05.2014, Vadodara 4
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