Chemistry y 202 (Spring ‘14) P Page 1 Re-Introd duction to Mo olecular Mod deling with Spartan’14 S Some of the t laboratory y experiments s in Chemistry y 202 generatte data that can be interpre eted using mo olecular models. This T handout introduces i (re eminds) you how h to make models using g Spartan’14 ((Sp14).1 First, a sm mall word of warning: w this experiment e as sks you to wo ork with quanttities (relative energies, ge eometrical parameters) that can be b measured experimental e ly. The nume rical values o obtained from models rarelly agree e measured in n the lab, and d for a simple reason: the vvalues obtaine ed from mode els are based d on with those approxima ations that sa acrifice realism m for practical (fast) compu utation. vides a wide assortment a of modeling tools of varying g reliability and practicality.. The specificc Sp14 prov modeling tools used in this activity are a useful for predicting the e relative ene ergy of conforrmers, but the ey are not suitable fo or many otherr common tas sks, such as computing c rea action energie es. Chem 333 3 (Quantum Mechanic cs) and Chem 324 (Adv. Ph hysical Organ nic Chem.) pro ovide more in nformation ab bout methods for generating g molecular models m and predicting mole ecular properrties. This hand dout shows yo ou how to use e models to analyze the co onformational preferences of three mole ecules. Specifically, you will: 1. Build gauche and a anti confo ormers of 1-bromopropan ne using intern rnal rotation, o optimize their ge eometries, ob btain bond angles and dista ances, and co ompare their energies. 2. Build conforme ers of trans-1-ethyl-3-metthylcyclohex xane, optimize e their geome etries, and compare th heir energies. 3. Build conforme ers of trans-2 2-ethyl-6-metthylcyclohex xanone, optim mize their geo ometries, and compare th heir energies. All three activities a shou uld be comple eted before yo ou do the mod deling require ed for NaBH4 reduction exp periment. Sp14 actiivity #1 - Build a model of o anti 1-brom mopropane, C CH3CH2CH2B Br Reminderrs: Unless U told oth herwise, click with the left mouse m button n. Start Sp14 by double-clickin ng on its desk ktop icon M the program p wind dow by clicking on the Max ximize button in the up pper right corn ner (you Maximize must m do this to o make the en ntire window visible v and to see message es that appea ar at the botto om of the window) w Perform tasks by clicking on n icons or by making menu u selections, e e.g., you can start a new “build” by cllicking or by selecting File: F New Bu uild. Br 1 C C 1-brromopropane C a anti conformer H are not shown n These insttructions rely on model “building” instead of “sketc ching.” Building tturns out to be m more convenient ffor generating sp pecific conformations and stereoiso omers, but many of these models can be sketched d (at least the firsst version can be e). If you have tim me, try mind yourself how w this technique works. sketching a couple of these molecules to rem Chemistry y 202 (Spring ‘14) Start a new “bu uild” using P Page 2 or File: New w Build. Thiss opens a “bu uild” window (atom palette is on the ght). It also highlights the Edit E Build ico on rig . s the sp3 hybridized C atom in the p palette If necessary, select , then click somewhere in the a in the wi ndow. Notice e that C has fo our yellow bonds grreen window. This places one carbon atom stticking out of it. We will calll these “free valences” v beccause it is po ossible to add more atoms to these siites. Free vale ences automa atically chang ge into hydrog gens wheneve er you do a calculation or leave the “b build” window w. This means it is almost never n necessa ary to add hyd drogens to yo our model. Add A a second carbon by clic cking on the tip t of a free va alence. Repe eat this action to add a third d carbon. You Y should have a three-ca arbon model at a this point. A bromine to o your model by clicking on n the Br atom m in the palette hen click on th he tip of , th Add th he anti free va alence of an end e carbon. Your Y model sh hould have an n anti conform mation (see drrawing) W you finis sh building, click on the Vie ew icon When tto return to th he “view” wind dow. Correcting C miistakes. o o o o orr Edit: Undo. This will only y undo the mo ost recent operation. or o Build: Dele ete. After you u select this o ption, click on n the atom tha at offends you u. Edit: Clear C makes the entire mo odel vanish. or Build: Edit Build allow you y to add mo ore atoms. M your model. m Try th hese operations: Moving o Rotate e. Press left mouse m button and move m ouse. o Shift. Press right mouse m button and move mo ouse. o Grow//Shrink. Pres ss Shift key and right mousse button sim multaneously, and move the e cursor up and d down on the e screen nd bond angles Measure some bond distances an Whenever you build a model, Sp14 uses a table of standard b bond distance es and bond a angles to possition the atoms. Th his “initial” geo ometry is a re easonable firs st guess as to o what your m molecule lookss like, but it is not trustworth hy because most m molecules do not have e “standard” g geometries. o this yourself: y You can observe or Geometry: G Measure M Distance. Notice the Distance e(,) label that appears in th he lower Select ght corner. rig Click C on a pairr of neighborin ng C atoms. The T atoms turrn gold to sho ow that they h have been sellected. When W you sele ect two atoms s, the interatomic distance (in Å) appearrs in the lowe er right cornerr. Chemistry y 202 (Spring ‘14) P Page 3 o Hint: You Y can also get g a bond distance by cliccking directly on a bond. T The bond turnss gold to show that t it is selec cted. o Y can UNse elect any item m by clicking o on it a second d time. Hint: You C1 C is defined as a the carbon n bonded to brromine. Reco ord the C1-C2 2 and C2-C3 b bond distance es in the fo ollowing table under “Initial geometry.” Select orner. co Select (in this order): o C3, C2 2, and C1. Th he atoms turn n gold and the e CCC bond a angle (in o) ap ppears in th he lower right corner. Reco ord the CCC bond b angle un nder “Initial ge eometry.” G Measure M Angle. Notice the e Angle(,,) lab bel that appears in the low wer right or Geometry: Use U the same technique to obtain the BrrCC bond ang gle. Record th his under “Initial geometry.” Which W of the geometrical pa arameters listted under “inittial geometry”” might sugge est that the m model is ba ased on “stan ndard” distanc ces and angle es? Inittial geometry Optim mized anti geo ometry O Optimized gau uche geometry C1-C2 bond b distance e C2-C3 bond b distance e CCC bond angle BrCC bond angle calculated d MMFF enerrgy Optimize your model’’s geometry and energy using a mole ecular mechanics calcula ation (Minim mize) “Optimiza ation” (also called “geometrry optimization”, “minimiza tion”, and “en nergy minimizzation”) is a prrocedure for calcula ating the mos st likely geome etry of a mole ecule. The pri nciple that gu uides optimiza ation is this: the most likely geometry is the one o that make es the molecu ule’s internal p potential enerrgy as low as possible.2 In practice, optimization must proc ceed by trial-a and-error: the computer ca lculates a mo olecule’s enerrgy, shifts the atoms to new positions, calculattes the energy y again, and then t shifts the e atoms again n. The processs stops only when the geometry of lowest pos ssible energy (aka the equ uilibrium geom metry, minimu um-energy geometry, or op ptimized geometry) has been identified.3 Naturally, the outcome e of a geometrry optimizatio on calculation is no better tthan the meth hod used to ca alculate the molec cular energy. This T activity uses u a method of energy ccalculation callled “MMFF m molecular mecchanics” to calculate energies th hat relies on a large numbe er of approxim mations. As a result, this p produces resu ults O upside to MMFF molec cular mechanics calculatio ns is that the energies can n be used to g generate quickly. One optimized geometries and a to compa are the energies of differen nt conformers. 2 or Build: Minim mize. This perrforms an MM MFF molecular mechanics g geometry opttimization Select an nd the model’s bond distan nces and ang gles are autom matically adjusted on the sscreen to show w the The same principle explains why water natu urally flows to the e bottom of a cup p or glass. This iis the position tha at makes the wa ater’s al potential) energ gy as low as pos ssible. (gravitationa It is often possible p to identiffy more than one e geometry of “lo owest” energy forr a given molecu le. For example, optimization of b butane can produce eith her a gauche or anti a geometry. We W know that the anti geometry is the geometry off “lowest” energyy, but the optimizzation procedure doesn’t look at thiings this way bec cause it considerrs only small atom m movements. S Small changes in n the geometry off gauche e its energy. butane raise 3 Chemistry y 202 (Spring ‘14) P Page 4 op ptimized geom metry. The ca alculated enerrgy of this mo odel (in kJ/mo ol) is shown in n the window’’s lower rig ght corner. Record R the callculated energ gy in the table e shown abovve in the “Opttimized anti geometry” colu umn. If yo ou have follow wed all of the directions co orrectly, your m model’s MMF FF energy will be –8.96 kJ//mol.4 Measure M the bond distances and bond angles in yourr optimized model and ente er your data in n the “O Optimized antti geometry” column c of the table. The diistances and angles should d have chang ged sllightly. Notice e that optimiza ation makes the CC bond d distances diffferent from ea ach other and d it makes th he bond angle es different fro om each othe er. These diffe erences occur because ato oms always a adjust th heir positions to reflect the unique intera actions peculi ar to a given molecule. Op ptimization is s an es ssential step p in construc cting useful molecular m m odels. Sp14 actiivity #2 – Convert anti 1-b bromopropa ane into its g gauche confo ormer and re-optimize onformation Use interrnal rotation to change co or Build: Edit Build. Click C on the C1-C2 C bond to o make it “actiive” (a small-rred arrow enccircles an active” bond). “a M the curso or into the dark strip on the e left side of tthe screen ( Move appears a at the top of th his strip). Perform an inte ernal rotation by pressing the t left mous e button and moving the ccursor up and down hat they are rroughly gauch in nside the strip p. Adjust the positions p of Brr and C3 so th he. (Hint: it m may help to o rotate the en ntire model firrst into an orie entation that a allows you to o distinguish a anti and gauch he ea asily.) Optimize your model’’s geometry or Build: Minimize. Re ecord your mo odel’s energyy in the “Optim mized gauche e geometry” ccolumn of th he data table in Activity #1.. If you followed all of the d directions corrrectly, your m model’s MMFF F energy will w be –7.35 kJ/mol. Use relattive energies to calculate e equilibrium concentrati ons Your calculations shou uld show that the anti confo ormer is more e stable than tthe gauche by 1.61 kJ/mol. This number may m not seem terribly mean ningful so let’s s see how to translate thiss energy differrence into a m more useful qua antity: the rela ative concentrations of the anti and gau uche conforme ers. Assuming these confo ormers are at equ uilibrium (this seems reaso onable given the t very high speed of inte ernal rotation)), their concen ntrations can be de erived from the equilibrium constant for the anti-gaucche equilibrium m, Keq. This cconstant is related to the relativ ve free energies of the two conformers: –G/2.3RT – [antii]eq / [gauche]eq e = Keq = 10 nd an G = G(a anti) – G(gau uche) Unfortuna ately, the enerrgy difference e that we calc culated, -1.61 kJ/mol, is an estimate of H and not G G. (Key point: H is negative because the equilibrium con nstant defined d above treatts the anti con nformer as the e product auche conforrmer as the re eactant and H = H(producct) – H(reacta ant).) H and G are differe ent and the ga because the t entropies of the anti an nd gauche conformers are not identical (S 0). Reccall, G =H – TS S 4 ‘MMFF ene ergy’ simply mea ans the energy prroduced by an MMFF M molecular mechanics calcu ulation. Chemistry y 202 (Spring ‘14) P Page 5 ollow the sepa arate effects of o enthalpy an nd entropy a bit more easiily if we do a llittle algebra, first We can fo replace G with H – TS, T and then n separating enthalpy e and entropy: Keq = 10 – (H – TS)/2.3R RT = ( 10 –H/2 2.3RT )( 10 TS//2.3RT ) = ( 10 0 –H/2.3RT )( 1 10 S/2.3R ) ormula on the e right shows us that we ne eed two kindss of informatio on in order to calculate an The last fo equilibrium m constant (o or equilibrium concentration ns): we need H (= -1.61 kkJ/mol) and w we need the e entropy change ( S). We also need to define a temperature (T) and w we need to ob btain a value ffor the gas co onstant (R) in suittable units. Plugging H = -1.61 kJ/mol, R = 8.31 J/m mol K, and T = 298 K into the first term, –H/2.3R RT 10 , we get 1.9 90 so the form mula simplifies s to: Keq = 1.90 (10 S/2 2.3R ) S S/2.3R The secon nd term, 10 , is roughly equal to th he ratio (# an nti)/(# gauche), where # an nti and # gaucche are the numbe er of independent, equivalent forms of each e conform mer. To determ mine these va alues, we nee ed to figure out how many eq quivalent way ys we can dra aw/build each conformer. T There is only o one conforme er that we call anti so o #anti = 1, but there are tw wo mirror-ima age gauche cconformers. T This makes (# # anti)/(# gaucche) = 1/2.5 Inserting this into our formula for f Keq gives: Keqq = ( 1.90 )( 1//2 ) [anti]eqq / [gauche]eq = 0.95 This is a very v interestin ng outcome. Even E though the t anti confo ormer is more e stable, we a actually predicct that the concentra ation of gauch he will be grea ater. The take e-home lesso n is that we ccannot establiish conformattional preferences just by loo oking at H. Measure some bond distances an nd bond angles Measure M the appropriate bo ond distances s and bond an ngles in gauch he conformerr, and record tthem in th he “Optimized d gauche geom metry” column of the table e in Activity #1 1 Compare the distances s and angles for the two op ptimized confformers. Base ed on these o observations, can you formulate a hypothesis s that explains s why the gau uche geometrry is higher en nergy? (Hint: compare bon nd angles.) ct To finish, selec or File e: Close. Sp14 actiivity #3 – Conformationa al analysis off trans-1-ethy yl-3-methylcy yclohexane Geometry y and energy are always closely connec cted, but the cconnections ccan be hard to o fathom. Con nsider the two chair conformers of o trans-1-ethy yl-3-methylcyclohexane (n ext page). Ne either conform mer can get both substituen nts into the prreferred equa atorial position ns so predictin ng the preferrred geometryy from variouss rules-ofthumb is virtually v impos ssible. We ne eed to ask the e computer to o predict the e energies for us. The followiing activity sh hows you how w this might be e done. 5 If you also o allow for interna al rotation of the methyl group, there are actually tthree equivalent anti forms (# an nti = 3), and six equivalent gauche form ms (# gauche = 6). This still leads to (# anti)/(# gau uche) = 1/2 so th he methyl group’ s rotation can be e ignored. Chemistry y 202 (Spring ‘14) P Page 6 H H C H3C H H H H CH3 C CH3 H CH3 H d optimize “e equatorial ethyl” trans-1--ethyl-3-meth hylcyclohexa ane Build and or File: Ne ew Build. enu, and click somewhere in the green w window. Select Cyclohexane from the Rings me Add A C atoms to create an axial a methyl grroup and an e equatorial eth hyl group (abo ove, left struccture). ecord the ene ergy here: ___ _______ or Build: Minimize. Re The ethyl group can ro otate about the e ring-ethyl bo ond. This gen nerates three different equ uatorial ethyl conformers. To find the e preferred on ne, you will ne eed to rotate the ethyl grou up into each sstaggered position and calculate the molecule’’s MMFF energy. H H H H C H3C H CH C 3 H H3C H3 CH H C C H H3C H H H H3 CH H Select the ring-ethyl CC bon nd. Use intern nal rotation to o move the ethyl group into o another stag ggered osition. Use or Build:: Minimize to optimize the geometry an nd obtain the M MMFF energyy. Record po it here: ______ ____ Repeat R the pre evious step to o obtain the MMFF M energy for the third sstaggered possition of the e ethyl grroup. Record the energy here: h _______ ___ Compare C the MMFF M energie es of the three “equatorial ethyl” conforrmers, and reccord the lowe est energy in n the appropriate spot in the left-hand co olumn: F energy (kJ/m mol) MMFF trans-1-ethyll-3-methylcyc clohexane M MMFF energyy (kJ/mol) trans-2-ethyl-6-methyylcyclohexano one equatoria al ethyl axial ethyl e [eq Et]/[ax x Et] @ 298 8K Build and d optimize “a axial ethyl” trrans-1-ethyl--3-methylcyc clohexane Use U the same strategy to crreate and optimize three “a axial ethyl” co onformers. Re ecord the low west MMFF M energy in the table. Chemistry y 202 (Spring ‘14) P Page 7 Based on the energies e in th he table, which h conformer iis more stable e, equatorial e ethyl or axial ethyl? Why W do you su uppose this is s? atio of the Use U the energy y difference between b the most m stable co onformers to calculate the equilibrium ra eq quatorial ethy yl and axial etthyl conforme ers.6 Record th his ratio in the e table. Chemists (and chemisttry students ) like to belie eve that the p properties of ccomplicated m molecules can n be n when they a agree that the e rules-of-thum mb might not lead to predicted from a few siimple rules off thumb. Even clear pred dictions, they like to believe e that the properties of a ccomplicated m molecule can b be extrapolated from the properties of a similar, but simpller, molecule.. In fact, this kkind of predicction is possib ble for things llike bond esist change. It takes a lot of energy to stretch or squ ueeze a bond d more distances because these strongly re than a few w percent of itts length. Bon nd angles are e easier to cha ange and therefore harderr to predict. So o where does this leave us with h conformation nal preferences? These prreferences de epend on torssion (dihedral)) angles and it take es very little energy e to change these angles. Does th his mean that rules-of-thum mb and structu ural analogies s are useless? ? We will look into this by y asking whetther the confo ormational pre eferences of a “simple molecule,” transs-2-ethyl6-methylc cyclohexane, can predict th he conformational preferen nces of a “com mplicated molecule,” trans-2-ethyl6-methylc cyclohexanone. H H3C O H CH2CH3 versus H 3C CH2CH3 First, notic ce that the sta andard drawings look quite e similar. Seccond, take ano other look at the cyclohexa ane models yo ou have built on the compu uter and imag gine, if you ca an, C=O in pla ace of CH2. W What would yo ou predict? The T same pre eferred conforrmation and a similar conce entration ratio o in both mole ecules? The ssame preferred conformation n, but a largerr concentratio on ratio? (Whi ch molecule m might show th he larger ratio o?) A change in n preferred co onformation? Circle C your prredictions belo ow: k same e as/opposite from cycloalkkane Preferred confformation for ketone: Concentration C ratio (degree e of preference) in ketone: smaller than//about the sam me as/larger than the co oncentration ratio r in the cy ycloalkane Build and d optimize “e equatorial ethyl” trans-2--ethyl-6-meth hylcyclohexa anone or File: Save As s to make a copy c of “equa atorial ethyl” 1-ethyl-3-meth hylcyclohexan ne (or Select uild it again frrom scratch) bu Select or Build: Edit Build B to make e changes in yyour model C on the sp p2 C hybridize ed atom in the e palette , and then double-clickk on the C2 ccarbon Click attom. This replaces the two o single bond free valencess with one do ouble bond fre ee valence (se ee first sttep below): 6 You can ignore entropy for this calculation because b there arre identical numb bers of equatoria al and axial confo ormers. In other words, assume S = 0. Chemistry y 202 (Spring ‘14) P Page 8 O H3C CH2CH3 H3C CH H2CH3 H3C CH2C CH3 Click C on the do ouble bond O atom in the palette p and single--click on the ttip of the doub ble-bond free valence. This T creates a CO double bond b (second d step above). Now N use the procedure prev viously descrribed for the ccyclohexane tto position the e ethyl group, optimize th he model geometry, record d the MMFF energy, e and de etermine the lowest energ gy equatorial e ethyl co onformer. Record the MMF FF energy of the lowest en nergy conform mer in the table (two pagess up). d optimize “a axial ethyl” trrans-2-ethyl--6-methylcyc clohexanone e Build and Repeat R the pre evious proced dure starting with w “axial eth hyl” trans-1-etthyl-3-methylccyclohexane tto build th he correspond ding cyclohex xanone. The repeat r the opttimization/inte ernal rotation steps to iden ntify the lo owest energy “axial ethyl” conformer c and d record its M MMFF energy in the table ((two pages up p). Based on the energies e in th he table, which h ketone confformer is morre stable, equ uatorial ethyl o or axial etthyl? Why do you suppose e this is? (Loo ok closely at yyour models fo for clues.) Use U the differe ence in conforrmer strain en nergies to calcculate the equilibrium ratio o of the equattorial ethyl an nd axial ethyl conformers.7 Record this ratio in the ta able. The follow wing are just rhetorical r que estions, but they are worth thinking abou ut: Are A simple rule es like “equatorial is preferrred” always u useful? Are A simple molecules neces ssarily a good d guide to the e geometries a and energies of complicate ed molecules? m What W aspects of a molecula ar formula oug ght to encoura age you to make a model((s)? Parting in nstructions Hold on to o this handout. You will need to determiine the conforrmational pre eferences of yyour two cyclo ohexanol products for f your lab re eport. The pro ocedure used d here to studyy cyclohexan nes can be ap pplied directly to your cyclohexa anols: the OH group will ne eed to be positioned in thre ee different orrientations jusst like the ethyl group, and the MMFF M energie es can be use ed to determin ne conformati onal preferen nces. 7 You can ignore entropy cha anges again.
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