Algebra I Section 3.8D Worksheet r) Jane's salary is 4 times Mary's salary. Together they earn $150 per week. Fincl the salary of each girl. \ { _ c, .Jqrle 2) a game, Harry's þ their scores. i fnc^ r t\ -"- 3D score was 3 times Jose's score. TogetheVthey scored g0 points. Find . r llqrrq 3) - I tr-c C¿C r:..3 than twice tirr"'" N.o*'r -"c" Findeachoftheirt*"" ".*r -LJ ,.jùse ,L. ' ?O The sum of their ages Tntr T vrs flNòarr. is 24years. t7 víJ 4) boyling score is 5 less than 3 times Ralph's score. The surn of their scores is Yglrl 215. Finrl the score ofeach. 5) The second of two numbers is 8less than tv¡ice the 6) The larger of two numbers is 7 more than 5 times the other. Their sr¡m is 55. Find the \nfurìe - - 8) 9) two numbers. 40 is $30 less than twice the first part. ) Jl - rci S_ixty-eight, students áré sép'árated into two groups. The the second. How many are in each group? - 5 I Jtu a',rk ) a) il ñrst group is 3 times as large as Si$d-t-Ìah Separate 43 people into two groups so that the first gmup has number ofpeople in the second group. l) 11) 141 r : thät the second part A 30-m board is into two pieces. The longer piece is 8 m ronger than the "*J#"u shorter one- Find the length of each piece. i ir i 10) ; tr Separate $90 into t'wo pårts so t) Fincl the two L-o JFnq. tte f laro'e 5f ' first. Their sum is 1g. flot¡rh numbers. l)È : l #r<Å t) lfuC x \ S less than 3 times the å) l¡ Þtõpi(The second of three numbers is twice the first, and the third nr¡mber is 6 more than the second. their sum is 26. Find the three numbers. t., 4 ¡rz-Òlote 3_ è'- ç 14 one month, John wSrked 3 hours less than Tia, and Felicia worked 4 hours more than Tia. Together they worked 1g6 hours. Find the n'm, bers of ho'rs worked by each. hrt Tict: F¿ (t ci a; -,'13) The smaller of two numbers is less rhan 3 rhe *rJ"o¡ fiín"9$"kí"* i" ¿"rr"u."¿ ¡y twice the smaller, the result is -5. Fincl the two numbers. 12) k9 hrs, , Srnq[\-,r" Iar''lt^r = tI 7 fui 14) The greater of two numbers is 3 more than the the greater, rhe result i" S0. Fi.¿-;he;;;1".". smaller. If twice the smaller is added to )r'net\.dr; g ¡¡ lAro¡nrt 15) The second of th¡ee nt'mbers is á times the -\ the second is decreased ¡yitri"" tir"i-rriö first. The third is 5 more tha¡r the second.l.. the .esutt is 5. Find the three nr¡mbers. . / I ) -.t ii-:ì'o 16) The second :'ff;"'l: is z less t¡ao B-times the first. The third is 18 less than 6 "t'o{}t"Jpt"rs u*r. rrrwice rh" fi'.tilã;;I"*".¿ ¡v tn" tärä, titî.åt-rs -8. Find rhe rh¡ee r),1 3) )) r\ 5 17) The second of thíeá odro¡"." is 4 time first. The third nu¡nber is 12 less than the 'r,i.r¿ first. The sum of rhe rhr"" ;"d;;;; the Tiì tr," numbers. tt 9 18) Brand x contains brznd X = 6) 1t, _3 pills tlun brand y. If-five times brand x combined with g times pifis; fi;d;d;;b'"; of pills per botle. 1s6 T. 10 p,lt¡ \f . r{ À p;rLi r eq{ is a) 12-less 19) The third m¡mber is 5 less than twice the first. is twice the first m¡mber' 12 ress than the ¿ec.ãÃã¿ ryirr" The- second m¡mber _15. Find the th¡ee trri.a is equal to numbers. l:1 3ril t- 20) Find *r."" "ol*ulYtive integers whose sum is g7. Jð-, ù.1 21) Find four consecutive integers ,,, #lu ,oo. "oo"""o*rl rio whose sum is i"": *J"*Ll"n'rL, 1o r JÀ, 1Lt 23) Find two consecutive odd integers S-g 5ì, t r rwice rhe leasr increased by rhe grearesr is JG whose sum is 116. 24,) Find two consecutive even integers whose sr¡m is 126. b), a1 25) Find four consecutiv-e odh int"egJrs whose sum is g. -l t 2 26) Twice-the greater orríol"or1"".orlr"'"uo iJr":".. is 18 ress rhan rhree rimes rhe lesser. Find the integers. 27) t1 t t7 Given three consecutive mrmbers; if 6 times the first uçvrçaùç(¡ decreased by r'v the urre iBrd is equal to Find the three nr¡mbers -^ : ö\)t ò-l/ fÀ \ '.....) t3g. B9g. \ 28) 5 times the second of thrce cor¡secutive odd numbers decreased by twice the 155. Find the three mrmbers. (, . )l 29) -? ))7 ¡ ç- J thiril yields (-- J The length of a rectangle is 5 cm more than the width. The perimeter is 38 cm. Find the length and the Y\¡idth. w\dth: 1 ctul lÀ ctn'r ' rectangle is m more than 6 times the width. The perimeter is len.1{ar, 30) The length of a 8 Find the length and the width. I 31) t rtg /'r; o¡ Lv'\''ì The length of a rectangle is twice the each lvl t enrl side' /h - r,\dLhr lO cy-y-t Ì/idth. The perimeter is 42 cm. Find the length of cw) ¿,'clln' 1 32) The length of a rectangle is 2 km less than 3 times the r' How long is each side? ^d1'- Lv1' {tvtqI't-- 33) c wa width. The perimeter is 3 : ll l1¡: tr l-[¿\ 68 km. g v,.iClltr1:. lLrv-l The length of each of the legs of an isosceles triangle is 5 times the length The perimeter of the triangle is 33 m. Find the length of each side. Ba¡¿, 156 m. ofthe base. r-' Y\,'l r.v,l M) The length ofÈach of the legs of an isosceles triangle is 3 km longer than the base. The þerimeter of the triangle is 24 km. Finil the length of each side. b,¡c = Q lQn Ircì, 35) 1\¿nn :r.iflúg?r3 oi r cm longer than the second side. The third side is 4 cm The first "id" shorter than twice the second side. The perimeter is 31 cm. How long is each side? r) it \ Jlô 'r 36) <-- i) rr The perimeter of a triangle is 47 km. The first side is 5 km shorber than twice the second. The third side is 2 km longer than the first. Find the length of each side. tt jl tq 37) One side oi d trirt glu is twice as long as a second side. The remaining side is 3 m longer than the second side. The perimeter is 39 m. Finrl the length of each side. rF 1 /38) /À One side of a triangle is 3 cm shorter than a second sicle. The remaining side is 5 cm Ionger than the second side. The perimeter is 38 cm. Find the length of each side. q ;\ fÀ tl
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