Fair Guide Messeführer Social Media – ein Trend wird erwachsen Soziale Netzwerke wie Facebook, Twitter und Youtube haben die Nutzung des Internets auf ein neues Level gebracht. Zwischenzeitlich als Hype verschrien, konnten sie sich mit steigenden Umsätzen und Nutzerzahlen an der Börse etablieren. Ihr Feldzug hat damit womöglich erst begonnen. Für Anleger, die in das Thema Social Media investieren möchten, wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Indexprovider Solactive der neue «Solactive Social Media Titans Performance-Index» aufgelegt. Er reflektiert die Wertentwicklungen der Aktien von Unternehmen, welche durch ihr Geschäftsmodell signifikante Umsätze im Bereich Social Media erwirtschaften. Zudem fliessen nicht nur qualitative, sondern auch quantitative Kriterien wie Börsenkotierung, Unternehmensgrösse und Liquidität ein. Dabei werden aus dem Auswahlpool die 10 nach Marktkapitalisierung grössten Unternehmen als Indexmitglieder ausgewählt. Mit dem VONCERT Open End (Tracker-Zertifikat) auf den «Solactive Social Media Titans Performance-Index» können Investoren in dieses interessante Anlagethema investieren. Dabei partizipieren sie nahezu 1:1 an potenziellen Kurssteigerungen des Index, aber auch an möglichen Verlusten. SVSP-Bezeichnung: Tracker-Zertifikat (1300) Kategorie: Partizipation www.derinet.ch Telefon 058 283 78 88 VONCERT Open End auf den «Solactive Social Media Titans Performance-Index» Neuemissionen, Zeichnungsschluss 26.09.2014, 12.00 Uhr MEZ Valor Emissionspreis1 Laufzeit Symbol Basiswert 2417 2866 VZSMC «Solactive Social Media Titans Performance-Index» CHF 101.50 Open End 2417 2867 VZSME «Solactive Social Media Titans Performance-Index» EUR 101.50 Open End 2417 2868 VZSMU «Solactive Social Media Titans Performance-Index» USD 101.50 Open End Emittentin Vontobel Financial Products Ltd., DIFC Dubai, Garantin Vontobel Holding AG, Zürich. Anfangsfixierung 29.09.2014, Liberierung 06.10.2014, Kotierung: Wird an der SIX Swiss Exchange beantragt. 1) Sämtliche Angaben sind indikativ und können angepasst werden. Emissionspreis inklusive CHF 1.50, EUR 1.50 bzw. USD 1.50 Ausgabeaufschlag. Managementgebühr 1.00% p.a. Bei einer Investition in das VONCERT (SVSP-Produkttyp Tracker-Zertifikat [1300]) sind weitgehend die gleichen Risiken wie bei einer Direktanlage in den Basiswert zu beachten, insbesondere die entsprechenden Fremdwährungs-, Marktund Kursrisiken. VONCERT erbringen keine laufenden Erträge und verfügen über keinen Kapitalschutz. Die Termsheets mit den rechtlich verbindlichen Angaben sowie weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.derinet.ch Vontobel Holding AG (S&P A–/Moody’s A3) – Bank Vontobel AG (S&P A/Moody’s A2) Leistung schafft Vertrauen Diese Publikation dient lediglich der Information und richtet sich ausdrücklich nicht an Personen, deren Nationalität oder Wohnsitz den Zugang zu solchen Informationen aufgrund der geltenden Gesetzgebung verbieten. Sie stellt kein Kotierungsinserat, keinen Emissionsprospekt gem. Art. 652a OR bzw. 1156 OR und keinen vereinfachten Prospekt gem. Art. 5 des Bundesgesetzes über die kollektiven Kapitalanlagen (KAG) dar und ist weder als Offerte oder Einladung zur Offertstellung noch als Empfehlung zum Erwerb von Finanzprodukten zu verstehen. Die rechtlich massgebliche Produktdokumentation (Kotierungsprospekt) besteht aus dem definitiven Termsheet mit den Final Terms und dem bei der SIX Swiss Exchange registrierten Emissionsprogramm. Diese sowie die Broschüre «Besondere Risiken im Effektenhandel» können unter www.derinet.ch oder bei der Bank Vontobel AG, Financial Products, Bleicherweg 21, CH-8022 Zürich, kostenlos bezogen werden. Derivative Produkte sind keine kollektiven Kapitalanlagen im Sinne des KAG und daher nicht der Aufsicht der Eidgenössischen Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA unterstellt. Anlagen in Derivative Produkte unterliegen dem Ausfallrisiko des Emittenten/Garantiegebers und weiteren spezifischen Risiken, wobei ein möglicher Verlust auf den bezahlten Kaufpreis beschränkt ist. Vor dem Eingehen von Derivatgeschäften sollten Anleger die Produktdokumentation lesen, ausserdem empfiehlt sich eine fachkundige Beratung. Die Angaben in dieser Publikation erfolgen ohne Gewähr. Für Fragen zu unseren Produkten stehen wir Ihnen gerne unter Telefon +41 (0)58 283 78 88 zur Verfügung. Wir machen Sie darauf aufmerksam, dass die Gespräche auf diesen Linien aufgezeichnet werden. © Bank Vontobel AG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Zürich, 25. September 2014. Editorial Virtual Premiere — Added-value for everyone Often innovations will be applauded at a time when they aren’t longer real innovative. The financial industry merely adopted technical innovations instead of acting as real innovator. Today, differentiating has become a crucial element among financial products providers and asset managers. The search for new, efficient formats and the professional adoption within the financial industry is our passion since years. Hence we are very glad to see our vision of matching the buy-side with the sell-side becoming reality. Switzerland’s first virtual investor fair is setting new standards! While strolling virtually around the exhibition hall, professional and private investors can learn more about latest market trends, new products, investment advice or discover new service offerings — without leaving the house or office, and losing time and money. Also, the auditorium offers a great possibility to enjoy video speeches of famous investment experts and market gurus. Additionally, each logged-in visitor can chat with exhibitors or visitors and exchange contact details electronically and expand by its personal network successfully. We are honored about the great interest for this new format — from both sides, the buy-side and the sell-side. Hence we want strongly encourage you to utilize all the features and added-value this new platform anlagewelt.ch/Virtual FinFair offers. Take this opportunity to discover something really new! 3 Daniel Manser Olivier Collombin Geschäftsführer Head of IAM Derivativepartners Media AG Lombard Odier E-MERGING Founder Editorial Virtuelle Premiere — Mehrwert für alle Innovationen werden meist beklatscht wenn sie schon keine mehr sind. Die Finanzwelt zeichnete sich bislang klassisch durch Adoption von neuen Technologien aus, war aber selten Innovator. Doch die Differenzierung in der Finanzindustrie ist heute wichtiger denn je und die Digitalisierung bietet unzählige Chancen für die ganze Branche. Die Suche nach neuen, effizienten Formaten und deren professionelle Adoption für die Finanzindustrie ist seit vielen Jahren unsere Leidenschaft. Daher freut es uns sehr, dass heute aus der Vision, die Buy-Side und Sell-Side interaktiv zusammenzubringen, Realität geworden. Die erste virtuelle Anlegermesse der Schweiz setzt neue Standards! Beim virtuellen Messerundgang machen sich Privatanleger bequem von zu Hause oder dem Büro aus über aktuelle Markttrends, Vermögenstipps, Investmentprodukte oder neue Dienstleistungen schlau. Zusätzlich kann direkt mit Anbietern und Besuchern gechattet werden. Im Auditorium erleben Sie Investment-Gurus und Experten via Videoclip. Nebenbei können Sie auch ihre Kontaktdaten mit interessanten Anbietern oder Besuchern digital austauschen und so ihr Netzwerk gewinnbringend erweitern. Wir freuen uns über die grosse Nachfrage für das neue Format — sowohl von Seiten der Anbieter als auch der Anleger und Berater. Sehr gerne möchten wir Sie ermutigen, alle Möglichkeiten der neuen Plattform anlagewelt.ch/Virtual FinFair jetzt auszuschöpfen und ihre ganz persönlichen Nutzen und Mehrwert aus dieser Innovation zu ziehen. Nutzen Sie die Chance, etwas wirklich neues zu erleben! 4 Daniel Manser Olivier Collombin Geschäftsführer Head of IAM Derivativepartners Media AG Lombard Odier E-MERGING Founder Date At a glance Fair days: 24. September, institutional investor’s day 25. September, institutional & private investor’s day 9 am to 9 pm (swiss time) 9 am to 9 pm (swiss time) Entry: free Website and registration: http://finfair.e-merging.com Twitter: @emergingcom #vff2014 www.anlagewelt.ch @anlagewelt #anlagewelt Hotline: English +41 (0)22 709 99 33 French +41 (0)22 709 99 33 German +41 (0)43 305 05 30 Auf einen Blick Messetage: 24. September, Fachanlegertag 25. September, Fach- und Privatanlegertag 09.00 Uhr bis 21.00 Uhr 09.00 Uhr bis 21.00 Uhr Eintritt: Kostenlos Webseite und Registrierung: www.anlagewelt.ch Twitter: @anlagewelt #anlagewelt Hotline: Deutsch +41 (0)43 305 05 30 Englisch +41 (0)22 709 99 33 Französisch +41 (0)22 709 99 33 5 http://finfair.e-merging.com @emergingcom #vff2014 Magenta pavilion 1 Bank Vontobel 9 Helvetic Fund Administration Limited 2 Jyske Bank (Schweiz) AG 10 highrateconvertibles 3 ACOLIN Fund Services AG 11 Hubbis 4 Axel Springer Schweiz AG 12 Pam Insight Limite 5 Cité Gestion SA Banque Lombard Odier & Cie SA / Fondation Liberty Prévoyance 6 Foyer International SA 13 14 SIX Structured Products Exchange AG 7 Fuchs & Associés Finance SA 15 T3 Risk Management SA 8 Hassans International Law Firm 16 Zürcher Kantonalbank 11 10 8 1 6 12 13 7 15 5 3 9 2 6 14 4 16 Yellow pavilion 1 Derivative Parnters AG IAPL International Alliance of practising Lawyers 2 Bank Lombard Odier & Co Ltd 10 Hortis SA 3 Banque Pâris Bertrand Sturdza SA 11 Leonteq Securities AG 4 Aargauische Kantonalbank 12 Pro-Data Group Sàrl 5 ADS Securities LLC 13 Quadia SA 6 Banque Cantonale de Geneve 14 Rothschild & Cie Gestion 7 CE Asset Management AG 8 de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie SA 7 3 6 10 9 13 8 12 11 1 4 14 5 7 9 2 Cyan pavilion 1 E-MERGING 8 Forest Invest 2 Advice Online AG 9 Investment By Objectives (IBO) SA 3 BILAN 10 Neue Helvetische Bank AG 4 cash 11 Notenstein Privatbank 5 CFA Society Switzerland 12 Swiss Bullion Corporation AG 6 Commerzbank AG / ComStage 13 Swiss Fund Platform AG 7 FBT Attorneys-at-law Corp. 14 SwissIndependent Trustees SA 4 11 5 7 13 12 14 6 3 9 1 10 8 2 8 White pavilion 1 Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA 9 Dukascopy TV 2 Alliance Bernstein Ltd 10 ETF Securities (UK) Ltd 3 BRP Bizzozero & Partners SA 11 IAM Services Corp. SA 4 Banque Pictet & Cie SA 12 KEESYSTEM ® Sàrl 5 RBC Capital Markets 13 Petercam SA 6 BlackRock SA / iShares 14 Plates-formes sodi SA 7 CDDS Luxembourg SA 15 RobecoSAM 8 CIFA Convention of Independent Financial Advisors 16 theScreener 10 13 6 8 12 7 14 11 5 16 15 2 1 3 9 4 9 Speakers Bernard Christophe Chefstratege von Vontobel Bank Vontobel Market comment: The ECB’s easing bias bodes well for emerging markets Christophe Bernard, Chief Strategist Vontobel: Six years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers that marked the climax of the financial crisis, central banks’ contingency measures continue to exert an overwhelming influence on markets. Admittedly, the US Federal Reserve is about to terminate its unconventional liquidity programme. Marktkommentar: Schwellenländer als Nutzniesser einer lockeren EZB-Geldpolitik Christophe Bernard, Vontobel-Chefstratege: Sechs Jahre nach dem Zusammenbruch von Lehman Brothers, der den Höhepunkt der Finanzkrise kennzeichnete, üben die Notfallmassnahmen der Zentralbanken weiterhin einen überwältigenden Einfluss auf die Märkte aus. Die US-Notenbank Fed lässt zwar gerade ihr unkonventionelles Liquiditätsprogramm auslaufen. 10 Speakers Briscoe Hayden Director of Asia Pacific Fixed Income Alliance Bernstein Examining the Growing Stature of China’s Currency China’s renminbi currency remains tightly regulated and is not freely tradable in international markets. But its transformation into a truly global currency is progressing fast. In this video, Hayden Briscoe, Director of Asia-Pacific Fixed Income, explains why he thinks the renminbi is likely to be internationalized sooner than is widely expected and considers the implications for fixed-income investors. Castellini Jean Finance Minister of the Principality of Monaco Principality of Monaco Mr. Jean Castellini, Finance Minister of the Principality of Monaco will give you an overview of the welcoming and well regulated environment in Monaco for new businesses and international investors. Private Banking being in our DNA, Monaco has built an internationally recognized framework to attract new fund managers, financial advisors, asset managers, family offices or wealthy individuals. Feel free to watch the video to know a bit more about Monaco. 11 Speakers Corrigan Kevin Head of Credit Management Lombard Odier Investment Managers Cross over credit space Kevin Corrigan is Head of Credit Management within LOIM’s Fixed Income & Currencies Group. He joined LOIM in February 2010. Prior to joining LOIM, Kevin was executive director for European and sterling investment-grade portfolios at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, and a partner and co-head of global credit at Fischer Francis Trees & Watts. He began his career at JP Morgan in 1989. Kevin has a degree from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom and is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. de Torquat Stéphanie Strategist, member of Investment committee Lombard Odier Economic Financial Outlook What will be the main feature of the global macroeconomic environment over the next 5 to 10 years? In this short video, Stéphanie de Torquat will explain the reasons for the strategy team’s expectations of lower long-term global potential growth and what it means for investors. 12 Speakers Dotézac Arnaud Director of editorial board Market Magazine The lawlessness of Swiss sanctions against Russia There is much talk of sanctions against Russia from a geopolitical point of view and of course regarding the economic outcome. However very little debate is open about their legal grounds, especially in Switzerland. The two main arguments used by the Swiss goverment (protection against the circumvention of euro-american sanctions and the illegal annexation of Crimea), have significant flaws. As the main legal basis for Swiss sanctions, the Embargo Act (EmbA), is also subject to some criticism in particular with regards to the constitutional standpoint. Finally, the normative system of sanctions is much less robust than it appears and probably deserves a more indepth debate. 13 Speakers Faber Marc Investment Guru Investment Outlook 2015 As Mr. Doom, he won worldwide acclaim for warning against the dot-com bubble in 2000. He also correctly predicted the stock market crash of 1987. The person we are talking about is Dr. Marc Faber - author, fund manager and market guru. At anlagewelt.ch, he will exclusively present his Investment Outlook 2015. He will illustrate his present view on the markets and point out potential risks and opportunities. Er hat als Mr. Doom weltweite Berühmtheit erlangt, indem er u.a. vor der Dot-Com-Blase im Jahr 2000 warnte und auch den Crash im Jahr 1987 voraus seh. Die Rede ist von Dr. Marc Faber – Autor, Fondsmanager und Marktguru. An der anlagewelt.ch wird er exklusiv seinen Investment Outlook 2015 geben. Er erläutert seine aktuelle Sichtweise und zeigt auf, wo er Risken und wo er Chancen sieht. zurMarke ® 14 Für tråditiønelle Schweizer Werte empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Bånk åus Dänemårk. Private Banking mit dänischem Akzent. Bereits ab CHF 200’000 mit vollumfänglichem Service für Sie und Ihr Vermögen. Denken Sie im Private Banking neu und sprechen Sie mit uns. jyskebank.ch/info Jyske Bank (Schweiz) AG . Private Banking . Wasserwerkstrasse 12 . Postfach . 8021 Zürich . Tel. +41 44 368 73 73 Speakers Fritz Enrico Partner Walder Wyss und Head Legal and Regulatory SVSP Walder Wyss / SVSP A tsunami of new Swiss financial market regulations As an answer to the global financial crises the Swiss government is determined to strengthen the financial market regulation. One of the main goals is to enhance investor protection. The presentation will focus on the effect which the new rules will have on structured products and their distribution to retail investors. Regulierungs-Tsunami im Schweizer Finanzmarkt Als Antwort auf die globale Finanzkrise plant der Bundesrat eine Stärkung der schweizerischen Finanzmarktregulierung. Im Vordergrund steht dabei insbesondere die Verbesserung des Anlegerschutzes. Der Vortrag fokussiert auf die Auswirkungen, welche die geplante Neuregelung auf die strukturierte Produkte und deren Vertrieb an Privatkunden haben werden. Isolas Albert Minister for financial Services HN Government of Gibraltar Minister for financial Services of the HN Governement of Gibraltar speaks about the European Union jurisdiction of choice. 15 Speakers König Christian Geschäftsführer Finance 2.0 Financial Products 2.0 Financial products and asset management 2.0: The new power of customers - Burton Malikel Welthfront managed already 1 Mrd USD and social trading companies shine on a turnover of millions. In this talk social banking expert Christian König reviews the next generation of investment business models and refers to the latest developments in Switzerland. Finanzprodukte 2.0 Finanzprodukte und Vermögensverwaltung 2.0: Die neue Macht des Kunden” Burton Malikel Wealthfront managed bereits über 1 Mrd. USDollar und Social Trading Companies glänzen mit Millionen Umsätzen. In diesem Vortrag nimmt Social Banking Experte König die Next Generation Investment Business-Modelle unter die Lupe und geht dabei auch auf die neuesten Schweizer Entwicklungen ein. 16 Speakers Kranenfuss Lee Executive Chairman Source ETF ETF & Indexing Outlook 2015 Lee Kranefuss, „inventor“ of the world-famous iShares ETF family and veteran of the global indexing business talks with Michael John Lytle (Chief Development Officer, Source ETF) about the latest developments in the Exchange Traded Funds space and new investment trends within the European ETF business. ETF & Indexing Outlook 2015 Lee Kranefuss, der „Erfinder“ der weltweit bekannten iShares ETFs und Veteran im globalen Indexing-Business spricht mit Michael John Lytle (Chief Development Officer, Source ETF) über die aktuellen Entwicklungen bei Exchange Traded Funds und neue Investment-Trends im europäischen ETF-Geschäft. Leegenhoek Julien Junior Portfolio Manager for LO funds - Technology Lombard Odier Investment Managers Bitcoin - Hype or reality? Julien gives a clear explanation of all you would like to know about bitcoin, not only in term of definition and how it works, but also in terms of value, risk and perspective. But what is the real quintessence of bitcoin? 17 Speakers Luong Yang Presence Switzerland Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) We are all (social) media As social media has confirmed as a major and long term trend, individuals and organizations have to strategize their digital footprints. Yan Luong will discuss a simple framework aimed at helping social media strategy development. Navidi Sandra Chief Executive Officer Beyond Global Economic Government: Certain Uncertainty Policy makers and central bankers have repeatedly prevented the financial system from crashing. However, in the course of instituting bailouts, rescue measures and easy monetary policies, they have skewed economic dynamics and distorted the markets. Today, investments hinge more on decisions of policy makers rather than fundamentals. How can we adjust to the continuing certain uncertainty? Die Finanz- und geldpolitisch gesteuerte Wirtschaft Finanzpolitiker und Zentralbanker haben das Finanzsystem mehrfach vor dem Absturz bewahrt. Allerdings haben ihre Rettungsmaßnahmen und ihre lockere Geldpolitik ökonomische Grundsätze ausgehebelt und die Märkte verzerrt. Heute hängen Investments weniger von Fundamentalkritrien als von geldund finanzpolitischen Maßnahmen ab. Wie können wir uns auf diese neuen Gegebenheiten einstellen? 18 Speakers Odier Patrick Senior Managing Partner Lombard Odier Welcome! Tang Tjun Senior Partner & Managing Director Hong Kong Boston Consulting Group Top Tech Trends for Asia Wealth Management Mr. Tang will share his expertise on trends related to the rapidly-growing wealth management sector in Asia. His discussion will cover opportunities in digital wealth management. Zaki Myret Rédactrice en chef adjointe Bilan Dans le cadre de Virtual FinFair, le salon financier en ligne et en 3D, Myret Zaki répond aux questions d’Olivier Collombin sur les leçons à tirer des crises passées. 19 RBC Ranked Most Trusted Investment Bank Globally In a survey of over 1,000 readers of The Economist, RBC Capital Markets ranked as the “most trusted investment bank”. More than any other award or league table ranking, this is a testament to our proven culture of always putting our clients’ interests first. Take Confidence in Our Approach Investment Banking | Sales & Trading | Research | rbccm.com Survey conducted by The Economist Group Media Business which is the commercial arm of The Economist Group and does not represent the opinions or work of the editorial team of The Economist. RBC Capital Markets is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC Capital Markets is the global brand name for the capital markets business of Royal Bank of Canada and its affiliates, including RBC Capital Markets, LLC (member FINRA, NYSE and SIPC); RBC Dominion Securities Inc. (member IIROC and CIPF) and RBC Europe Limited (authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority). ® Registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under license. © Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. UserGuide How to walk around Teleport Walk Teleport via map Fast Walk Teleport via Search View Space Bar Change view Laufen mit Pfeiltasten Laufen Telepor8eren Telepor8eren via Map Schnell laufen Telepor8eren via Suche Ansicht Avatar ändern 1. Person oder 3. Person 21 Leertaste Exhibitor Aargauische Kantonalbank Aargauische Kantonalbank (AKB) is a traditional all-purpose bank. We offer comprehensive services covering all areas of banking. AKB‘s strengths include a personal, accessible advisory service geared to individual client needs, as well as comprehensive and professional support. Our company employs around 800 staff and 81 apprentices. Around 240,000 clients place their trust in our services. AKB is one of only four banks in Switzerland to boast an AAA rating from S&P. Bahnhofplatz 1 5001 Aarau Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)62 835 77 77 Email: [email protected] www.akb.ch Die Aargauische Kantonalbank (AKB) ist eine klassische Universalbank. Wir bieten Ihnen umfassende Dienstleistungen in allen Bereichen des Bankgeschäftes. Zu unseren Stärken zählen die bedürfnisorientierte, persönliche und verständliche Beratung sowie eine umfassende und kompetente Betreuung. Unser Unternehmen zählt rund 800 Mitarbeitende und 81 Lernende. Wir betreuen rund 240 000 Kunden. Die AKB wurde von der Ratingagentur S&P mit einem AAA-Rating ausgezeichnet. ACOLIN Fund Services AG The one-stop shop for cross-border distribution ACOLIN is one of the first independent, service providers. We consult you on the registration of your fund and take on the legal representation in Switzerland. With our Distribution - Network Mgt. we offer fast and efficient access to a broad network of European distributors and through our online platform “ACOLIN connect“ we assist you in your communication with professional investors. 22 Stadelhoferstrasse 18 8001 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)44 396 96 96 Email: [email protected] www.acolin.ch Exhibitor ADS Securities LLC Exclusive investment services from ADS Securities Abu Dhabi-based ADS Securities provides sophisticated forex, bullion & commodities trading services as well as Wealth Management and Global Markets investment opportunities. Institutional clients include banks, global and regional hedge funds, asset managers, investment banks and non-bank financial institutions (Europe, the Middle East and Asia). Private clients range from individual private traders through to experienced business people managing both personal and family assets. 8th floor Irena Towe Corniche Road Po. Box 93894 Abu Dhabi Phone: +971 2 657 2333 Email: [email protected] www.ads-securities.com Advice Online AG Profiling, Advisory & Consolidation The regulatory surge and its requirements are demanding an increased level of client interaction. Advice Online offers a solution which enables you to deal with these challenges in an efficient yet legally compliant manner. Time spent with clients should be reserved for more important matters than formalities. Customize the tool with your methods, scorings, design and investment solutions. Multergasse 26 9000 St. Gallen Switzerland Phone:+41 (0)71 223 20 60 Email: [email protected] www.adviceonline.ch Alliance Bernstein Ltd Building for the Future AllianceBernstein offers a broad array of strategies to help meet your clients’ investment objectives. Our analysts and portfolio managers have expertise that spans geographies and styles in equities, fixed income, alternative and multi-asset solutions. With $480 bil. in assets under management, our services cover the globe and our innovative approaches aim to keep you ahead of what’s next. 23 Rue de la Croix d’Or 17 A 1204 Geneva Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 310 92 05 www.alliancebernstein.com/ investments Exhibitor Axel Springer Schweiz AG Axel Springer Schweiz AG publishes various magazines such as BILANZ, HANDELSZEITUNG and SCHWEIZER BANK. •«Bilanz», Switzerlands leading business magazine covering all aspects of the economy. •«Handelszeitung» has been analysing and commenting on the Swiss economy since 1861. •«Schweizer Bank», competent background information on trends and highlights in Swiss Finance. Die Axel Springer Schweiz AG gibt mehrere Zeitschriften heraus und besitzt unter anderem die BILANZ, die HANDELSZEITUNG sowie die SCHWEIZER BANK. •Die «Bilanz», das führende Schweizer Wirtschaftsmagazin, deckt alle Facetten des Wirtschaftsgeschehens ab. •Die «Handelszeitung» analysiert und kommentiert seit 1861 das Wirtschaftsgeschehen der Schweiz. •Die «Schweizer Bank» überzeugt mit Hintergrundinformationen über Trends und Highlights der Schweizer Finanzbranche. Förrlibuckstrasse 70 8021 Zürich Switzerland Phone.: +41 (0)43 444 59 16 Email: [email protected] www.axelspringer.ch Bank Lombard Odier & Co Ltd Lombard Odier is the oldest private Bank in Geneva An independent family business for seven generations, the Firm is run by eight Partners. Since they are both owners and managing directors, the success of their business is as important to them as it is to their clients. Because they are not subject to shareholder pressure, or to the constraints of operating in a large group with the inherent conflicts of interest, the Partners are also able to maintain a long-term focus and to develop a relationship based on mutual trust with their clients. 24 Rue de la Corraterie 1204 Geneva Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 709 99 60 Email: [email protected] www.lombardodier.com Exhibitor Bank Vontobel AG Vontobel – your partner for structured solutions Vontobel is an internationally-oriented Swiss private bank. As a leading provider of structured products, the Investment Banking business area specializes in the production, distribution and market making of derivative and structured products. With some 20,000 products, Vontobel ranks among the market leaders in Switzerland and has won many awards for its products. Bleicherweg 21 8002 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)58 283 78 88 Email: [email protected] www.derinet.ch Vontobel – Ihr Partner für strukturierte Anlagelösungen Vontobel ist eine international ausgerichtete Schweizer Privatbank. Als führender Anbieter für strukturierte Produkte spezialisiert sich das Geschäftsfeld Investment Banking auf die Herstellung, den Vertrieb und das Market Making von derivativen und strukturierten Produkten. Mit gegen 20‘000 Produkten gehört Vontobel zu den Marktleadern in der Schweiz und wurde für ihre Produkte bereits mehrfach ausgezeichnet. Banque Cantonale de Genève A universal bank since 1816, the Swiss Bank of Geneva (Banque Cantonale de Genève - BCGE), provides diversified and high-quality banking services to private and institutional customers: everyday banking facilities, private banking and asset management, pension planning, mortgages, lending to the private and public sectors, trading, financial engineering, corporate finance and global commodity finance services. Quai de l’Ile 17 CP 2251 1211 Genève 2 Switzerland Phone: +41 (0) 58 211 21 00 Email: [email protected] www.bcge.ch Banque Lombard Odier & Cie SA / Fondation Liberty Prévoyance Notre offre de services pour les résidents suisses. Longue expérience en Suisse en matière de gestion de patrimoine privé, planification financière et de prévoyance individuelle et professionnelle. 25 11 rue de la Corraterie 1204 Geneva Switzerland Phone: + 41 (0)22 709 17 89 Email: [email protected] www.lombardodier.com Exhibitor Banque Paris Bertrand Sturdza PBS Investments is a dynamic, independent investment management company specializing in cutting edge multi-asset strategies. We are defined by our successful expertise in asset allocation for both private and institutional investors. All our investment solutions are driven by our commitment to capital preservation and a pragmatic, transparent investment process. 19 rue de Candolle 1211 Geneva Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 316 02 46 Email: sebastien.diiorio@pbs- investments.com pbsinvestments.com Banque Pictet & Cie SA Expertise in fund services, custody and trading, rooted in our private banking culture. Route des Acacias 60 1211 Geneva 73 Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)58 323 23 23 www.pictet.com Bilan La reference suisse de l’economie Bilan is a French speaking, professional and influent media in the business world, explaining the complexity of today’s economy, with a strong though independant voice. Leader in economy and finance, Bilan is brought to you as a print magazine, every fifteen days, but also on digital supports and through conferences. As most Swiss opinion leaders, get the highlights and perspectives of the latest economic topics with Bilan. 26 Rue des Rois 11 CP 5115 1211 Genève 11 Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 322 34 39 Email: [email protected] www.bilan.ch Exhibitor BlackRock SA / iShares BlackRock is a leader in investment management, risk management and advisory services for institutional and retail clients worldwide. At June 30, 2014, BlackRock’s AUM was $4.594 trillion. BlackRock helps clients meet their goals and overcome challenges with a range of products that include separate accounts, mutual funds, iShares® (exchange-traded funds), and other pooled investment vehicles. Bahnhofstrasse 39 8001 Zurich Rue du Rhône 14 1204 Genève Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 581 97 82 Email: [email protected] www.blackrock.ch BRP Bizzozero & Partners SA Your way to Compliance BRP SA is an independent company based in Geneva, specialised in regulatory advice, and creation of compliance products covering banking and financial sectors. BRP SA is a leader company for cross-border solutions. BRP’s experience and competences allow clients to more efficiently manage the risks inherent to their activities. BRP SA offers its services worldwide. 27 Rue Ernest-Bloch 54 PO Box 6246 1211 Geneva 6 Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 819 10 30 Email: [email protected] www.brpsa.com Exhibitor cash Informative Banking cash, with headquarters in Zurich, is the first multi-media business and financial portal in Switzerland that combines information and banking. cash boasts experience in advisory and support services for private investors. In addition to providing financial market data, independent journalists compile financial and business information on a daily basis. cash is a simple and transparent portal: the shortest connection between financial information & trading. Bändliweg 20 8048 Zürich Switzerland Phone: 00800 0800 55 55 Email: [email protected] www.cash.ch Informatives Banking cash ist das erste multimediale Wirtschafts- und Finanzportal der Schweiz mit Sitz in Zürich. Es vereint Informationen und Banking. cash hat Erfahrung in der Beratung und Betreuung von Privatanlegern. Neben aktuellen Finanzmarktinformationen publiziert eine eigene, unabhängige Redaktion täglich die wichtigsten Informationen rund um Wirtschaft und Geld. cash ist das einfache und übersichtliche Portal: Die kürzeste Verbindung zwischen Finanzinformationen und Trading. CDDS Luxembourg S.A. AML solutions adapted to your business activity CDDS offers its clients a wide range of AML solutions tailored to their specific needs. These solutions have been developed by professionals of the financial sector who want to help other professionals all over the world to respect their obligations in respect of AML/ CTF rules and regulations. 28 233-241, rue de Beggen L-1221 Luxembourg Luxembourg Rue Jacques-Grosselin 8 Case postale 1035 1211 Genève 26 Switzerland Phone: +352 20 21 16 20 +41 (0)22 518 15 80 Email: [email protected] www.cdds.eu Exhibitor CEAMS · CE Asset Management Who can ignore the topic of Quality investing? CEAMS, the pioneer in Attractively Valued Quality Securities, has specialized for over a decade in identifying Quality companies globally, and investing in them successfully. The systematic investment process is founded on disciplined research which follows business management principles. Want to know more? Then please visit us at our stand. General Wille-Strasse 201 8706 Meilen Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)43 222 31 41 Email: [email protected] www.ceams.ch Wer kann sich dem Thema Quality Anlagen verschliessen? CEAMS, der Pionier für attraktiv bewerteter Quality Effekten, hat sich spezialisiert, global Quality Firmen zu finden und erfolgreich in diese zu investieren. Der systematische Anlageprozess basiert auf einem betriebswirtschaftlich abgestützten, disziplinierten Research. Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann schauen Sie an unserem Stand vorbei. CFA Society Switzerland CFA Switzerland aims to be the leader in fostering the highest standards of knowledge, professionalism and integrity in the investment business in Switzerland. Representing more than 2,600 members to promote the values represented by the CFA® designation, provide continuing education, support CFA candidates and strengthen the network between members. Chamerstrasse 79 6303 Zug Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)41 741 00 74 Email: [email protected] www.cfaswitzerland.org Convention of Independent Financial Advisors International CIFA Forum 22- 24 April 2015, Monaco CIFA is the first think tank specializing in reforming the financial system. A public-interest non-for-profit foundation, CIFA is the only NGO representing financial professionals, which benefits from a special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and is accredited by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. CIFA represents over 750,000 individuals or legal entities involved worldwide in financial intermediation. 29 Rue du Vieux-Collège 3 P.O. Box 3255 1211 Geneva 3 Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 317 11 11 Email: [email protected] www.cifango.org Exhibitor Cité Gestion SA As the world changes, so does Wealth Mangement. Founded in 2009 and based in Geneva, Lausanne et Zurich, Cité Gestion is a securities trading company, custodian, which manages, advises and administers the wealth of its private client base, which consists of both local and international clients. Regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), Cité Gestion’s approach is founded on a straightforward, effective principle : a small, lean structure, able to provide a complete range of wealth management services. Rue de la Cité 15-17 1204 Genève Phone: +41 (0)22 820 60 00 Place Saint-François 11 1003 Lausanne Phone: +41 (0)21 321 67 00 Sihlstrasse 20 8001 Zürich Phone: +41 (0)44 224 62 00 Switzerland Email: [email protected] [email protected] www.cite-gestion.com Commerzbank The leader in Europe As an issuer of certificates and ETFs, Commerzbank offers a comprehensive range of derivative financial instruments. With almost 130,000 products, more than 90 ETFs and many years of experience, we are the number one choice for structured financial products. Exemplary market making, personal hotline service and permanent attention to the product portfolio guarantee optimum investment options. Führend in Europa – Zuhause in der Schweiz. Die Commerzbank bietet als Emittentin von Zertifikaten und ETFs ein umfassendes Spektrum an derivativen Finanzinstrumenten an. Mit mehr als 130’000 Produkten, über 90 ETFs und einer langjährigen Erfahrung zählt unser Haus zur ersten Wahl bei strukturierten Finanzprodukten. Ein professionelles Market-Making, persönliche Hotline Betreuung und eine permanente Pflege des Produktportfolios gewährleisten optimale Investmentoptionen. 30 Zweigniederlassung Zürich Utoqai 55 8034 Zürich Switzerland Phone: 0800 11 77 11 Email: [email protected] www.zertifikate.commerzbank.ch www.comstage-etf.ch Exhibitor De Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie SA Asset management and Family office services De Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie SA was founded in 1996. The company provides wealth management services and has developed advanced skills in asset management for both private and institutional clients. PPT is a pioneer of responsible investment, a signatory of the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and is the owner of the Buy and Care™ strategy, manager of the Guilé European Engagement Fund compartment. Rue de la Corraterie 12 1204 Genève Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 317 00 30 Email: [email protected] www.ppt.ch Dukascopy Dukascopy Bank SWFX-Swiss marketplace Dukascopy is a Swiss bank with a Forex platform trading online and an access to the SWFX-Swiss marketplace currency. Dukascopy Bank SA offers direct access to the Swiss Foreign Exchange Marketplace. This marketplace provides the largest pool of ECN spot forex liquidity available for banks, hedge funds, other institutions and investors. 31 ICC Route de Pré-Bois 20 1215 Genève Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 799 48 84 Email: [email protected] www.dukascopy.com Exhibitor Derivative Partners All about investment products Derivative Partners AG is the leading independent information source in the field of Structured Products & ETF’s in Switzerland. Our media products provide private investors, investment advisors and asset managers with the relevant information basis for their decision-making. We are an independent, easy to understand and trusted source. Withwww.payoff.ch and the payoff magazine we create the transparency required by investors and advisors to make prudent investment decisions. Splügenstrasse 10 8002 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 43 305 05 30 Email: [email protected] www.payoff.ch All about investment products Derivative Partners AG ist die führende unabhängige Informations-Quelle zu Strukturierten Produkten und ETF‘s in der Schweiz. Unsere Medienprodukte liefern die Entscheidungsgrundlagen für Privatanleger, Anlageberater und Vermögensverwalter. Wir informieren unabhängig, verständlich und fundiert. Mithilfe von www.payoff.ch und unserem payoff magazine schaffen wir für Anleger und Berater die nötige Transparenz, um wertstiftende Anlageentscheide zu treffen. E-MERGING The international network of finance experts Created in 2009, E-MERGING is the first B2B social network dedicated to finance experts. Free of charge and represented in over 50 countries, it is opened to the strategic professions involved in wealth management. Founded on values of open-mindedness and sharing, E-MERGING supports these professionals on a daily basis and helps them to establish alliances, recruit new talents, stay up to date with their profession and much more. 32 Rue de la Corraterie 11 1204 Genève Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 709 99 33 Email: [email protected] www.e-merging.com Exhibitor ETF Securities ETF Securities - empowering investment ideas ETF Securities is the world’s largest independent provider of commodity exchange traded products (ETPs) and also provides a wide range of equity, alternative and currency ETPs. The company listed the world‘s first physically-backed gold ETP in 2003 and now offers over 300 different ETPs covering a wide range of commodity, currency and equity exposures listed on major exchanges around the world. At the end of July 2014 assets invested in ETF Securities ETPs stood at US$19.7 billion. 3 Lombard Street London EC3V 9AA United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)207 448 4330 Email: [email protected] www.etfsecurities.com ETF Securities - empowering investment ideas ETF Securities ist der weltweit größte Anbieter von börsengehandelten Rohstoffprodukten (ETPs) und bietet zusätzlich eine breite Auswahl von ETPs auf Aktien, Währungen und alternative Anlagen. Das Unternehmen brachte 2003 das erste börsengehandelte Gold ETP auf den Markt und bietet inzwischen über 300 verschiedene ETPs auf Rohstoffe, Aktien und Währungen an. Ende Juli 2014 war weltweit ein Vermögen von US$19,7 Mrd in ETPs von ETF Securities investiert. FBT Avocats SA FBT Attorneys-at-law is a dynamic business law firm with offices in Geneva, Lausanne and Paris. FBT advises private and institutional clients in Switzerland and abroad with regard to domestic and cross-border banking & finance, private banking, tax, corporate and litigation matters. Its Banking & Finance and Corporate Teams provide assistance in setting up and registering financial companies and investment funds, and advise on regulatory and merger & acquisition issues. 33 Rue du 31 Décembre P.O. Box 6120 1211 Geneva 6 Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 849 60 40 Email: [email protected] www.fbt.ch Exhibitor Forest asset management (ESMA agreement) Domaines et Patrimoine is the first Asset Manager in Forest Alternative Investment Fund having an ESMA agreement •4 000 customers (for wealth tax reducing, diversifying their assets in tangible goods an inheritage solutions) •350 French wealth asset managers in partnership •15 000 hectares (30 000 acre) under management Rue de l’Abbé Meslier 3 25000 Besancon France Phone: +33 381526809 Email: christian.hottier@domaines-et- patrimoine.com www.domaines-et-patrimoine.fr Foyer International Foyer International S.A. is 100% owned by Foyer Group and is specialized in cross-border business under the EU ‘Freedom to Provide Services’ (FPS) regime. Through the combination of prudence and expertise, Foyer International has built up its reputation among the best financial institutions (Private banks, private bankers, family officers and insurance brokers). Rue Leon Laval 12 3372 Leudelange Luxembourg www.foyerinternational.ch Fuchs & Associés Group The ideal partner to deliver bespoke services Fuchs & Associés Group is an independent group regulated by the CSSF and is now a major player in the Luxembourg financial centre. Its independence, international reach and the drive and expertise of its 100-strong team in Luxembourg, Brussels and Geneva make it the ideal partner to deliver bespoke services and solutions that guarantee performance and security. 34 Boulevard Prince Henri 47-49 1724 Luxembourg Luxembourg Phone: +352 26 26 49 1 Email: [email protected] www.fuchsgroup.com Exhibitor Hassans - International Law Firm Headline: International Law Firm & top firm in Gibraltar Specialising in all aspects of corporate and commercial law, Hassans is the largest law firm in Gibraltar and consistently ranked by Chambers & Partners as the leading firm in the jurisdiction. The funds team at Hassans is at the forefront of the industry in Gibraltar advising the Government of Gibraltar on fund legislation and the EIF regime. The team has advised the majority of funds domiciled in Gibraltar and is able to provide specialist advice on setting up a fund in Gibraltar. 57/63 Line Wall Road PO Box 199 Gibraltar Phone: +350 20079000 Email: [email protected] www.gibraltarlaw.com Helvetic Fund Administration Limited Helvetic Fund Administration Bespoke Fund Solutions HFA is a Gibraltar licensed collective investment scheme administrator dedicated to the set-up and administration of small and medium sized collective investment schemes in Gibraltar, Malta and the Caribbean. As the longest established fund administration company in Gibraltar, we employ the best resource of qualified personnel and experience to offer professional and personal services to our clients. 35 Suite 209 Neptune House Marina Bay Gibraltar Phone: +350 200 44604 Email: [email protected] www.helveticfund.com Exhibitor Highratesconvertibles AG HRC: attractive convertibles strategy HRC is a brainchild of the think tank GESTIO circle whose partners for 10 years compete for best investment strategies. The investor get his fortune managed by a first class Swiss asset manager of his choice. The Senior Adviser, Dr. Peter Buser has an experience of more than 40 years as a registered, state licensed asset manager. He explains to interested investors the risk-minimizing strategy „Convertible Bond Arbitrage“ and advises gratuitously out of a holistic approach. Gartenstrasse 95 4002 Basel Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)61 225 66 81 Email: [email protected] www.highrateconvertibles.com HRC: Attraktive Wandelanleihen Strategie HRC ist eine Frucht des Think Tanks GESTIO Zirkel, deren Teilnehmer seit 10 Jahren um beste Anlagestrategien ringen. Der Anleger sieht sein Vermögen von einem erstklassigen Schweizer Vermögensverwalter seiner Wahl verwaltet. Der Senior Adviser, Dr. Peter Buser, hat über 40 Jahre Erfahrung als staatlich lizenzierter Vermögensverwalter. Er berät unentgeltlich aus einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz heraus. HORTIS SA We are digital Hortis is a swiss software factory created in 2002. Initially specialized in JEE consulting, the company created a department fully focused on mobile and tactile solutions in 2009. Hortis counts 3 subsidiaries: Genève, Paris and Lausanne and 100 % of our mobile developments are done at the HQ in Geneva, by our dedicated team: hortis le studio. Hortis is hiring his software engineers from the best european university (EPFL, EPFZ, HEG, ENSAM, etc.). Our engineers and software designers are considered by the software community as some of the best expert in iOS and Android environment and are personally involved in major software communities (dedicated user groups...) 36 Geneva Business Center Avenue des Morgines, 12 1213 Petit-Lancy (GE) Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 860 84 60 Email: [email protected] www.hortis.ch Exhibitor Hubbis Helping Asia lead the world in wealth management Who is Hubbis? We specialise in providing market practitioners in Asian Wealth Management with quality online content and training – to help them to be passionate and professional about their career and dealings with their clients. We aspire to be the leading provider of such content for the industry. We aim to achieve this by making it straightforward for relationship managers, advisers and investment specialists to access in-depth and relevant materials – which are all assessed – and providing learners with certificates which they can use towards their Continuing Education requirements. Level 22 King Palace Plaza 55 King Yip Street Kwun Tong Hong Kong www.hubbis.com IAM Services Corp. SA Services for Independent Asset Managers IAM is a platform designed to preserve the stability of Independent Asset Managers providing with a strategic solution enabling them to focus on their client. Due to its geographical position, political stability and characteristics of its economy, such as its territoriality principle, Panama has become one of the most important jurisdictions for foreign investors to carry out their business activities. MMG Tower 21st Floor Avenida Paseo del Mar Costa del Este Panama Phone: +507 6781 8475 Email: [email protected] IAPL International Alliance of Practising Lawyers International Legal Expertise – Law Alliance IAPL is a truly international network of lawyers, public notaries and legal expertise and gives the answer to legal services for the global market. IAPL stands for international accessibility, genuine local knowledge and personalized services and serves professional links to major jurisdictions of the world including competitive edge for local practices. 37 Seepark / Gartenstrasse 4 6304 Zug Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)41 728 71 61 Email: [email protected] www.iapl.org Exhibitor Investment By Objectives (IBO) SA Performance evaluation and comparison. IBO is active since 2005 in portfolios’ performance evaluation and comparison. It serves everyone who has money invested… whatever the amounts! Its unique functionalities can be accessed through www.performance-corner.ch for single portfolio investors or the PortfolioWatcher for all users. IBO indices and rankings can be found on increasing new partners websites such as E-Merging and SAAM. IBO is an open network: www.performance-network.net. Join now! Grand-Rue 5-7 1260 Nyon Switzerland Phone: +41 22 3652340 Email: [email protected] www.performance-network.net www.performance-corner.ch Jyske Bank (Schweiz) AG With our roots in Denmark and at home in Switzerland for over 40 years. A team of specialists focus themselves on the needs of domestic customers, advising and supporting them in asset management completely. As a client you will always have a personal consultant at your side, for both your private as well as your retirement assets. Reassess your thoughts on private banking and learn more about us. In Dänemark verwurzelt und seit über 40 Jahren in der Schweiz zuhause. Ein Team von Fachspezialisten fokussiert sich auf die Bedürfnisse der heimischen Kundschaft; beratet und betreut diese im Bereich Vermögensverwaltung vollumfänglich. Als Kunde steht Ihnen jederzeit ein persönlicher Berater sowohl für Ihr privates wie auch für Ihr Vorsorgevermögen zur Seite. Denken Sie im Private Banking neu und erfahren Sie mehr über uns. 38 Wasserwerkstrasse 12 8006 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)44 368 73 73 Email: [email protected] www.jyskebank.ch Exhibitor KEESYSTEM ® Sàrl Portfolio management software The mission of KeeSystem is to provide to wealth management companies with the essential and necessary tools they need to manage their daily activities. From the early stages of design until the regular updates released, KeeSense by KeeSystem offers its users the possibility to better meet their clients’ expectations. In the same time, KeeSense reduce all constraints linked to compliance and deontology. Route des Jeunes 5D 1227 Genève Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 548 12 03 Email: [email protected] www.keesystem.com Leonteq Securities AG Leonteq - Redefines people’s investment experience Leonteq is an independent technology and service partner for investment solutions. The firm is headquartered in Zurich and has offices in Geneva, Monaco, Guernsey, Frankfurt, Paris, London, Singapore and Hong Kong. Leonteq’s team of highly experienced specialists operates a proprietary IT and investment service platform designed to maximize flexibility, innovation, transparency and service for clients. Its registered shares (LEON) are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. Leonteq –Definiert Ihr Anlageerlebnis neu Leonteq ist ein Technologie- und Servicepartner für Anlagelösungen. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Zürich ist mit Büros in Genf, Monaco, Guernsey, Frankfurt, Paris, London, Singapur und Hongkong vertreten. Das Spezialistenteam betreibt eine eigenentwickelte IT- und Investment-Plattform, die auf höchste Flexibilität, Innovation, Transparenz und Service für die Kunden ausgerichtet ist. Die Namenaktien von Leonteq (LEON) sind an der SIX Swiss Exchange kotiert. 39 Brandschenkestrasse 90 Postfach 1686 8027 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)58 800 10 00 Email: [email protected] www.leonteq.com Exhibitor Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA Independent in our thinking. Independent in our approach. Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM) is the asset management division of Lombard Odier, focused on institutional clients and third-party distributors. Independent and privately owned, LOIM manages assets of USD 45.8bn and operates from 13 offices worldwide. Our 118 investment professionals have an average of 15 year’s industry experience. Avenue des Morgines 6 1213 Petit-Lancy Switzerland Phone:+41 (0)22 793 06 87 Email: [email protected] www.loim.com We believe that to achieve consistent long-term performance requires independent thinking and a specialist approach. We focus primarily on four groups of niche investment strategies where we believe we can add real value for clients. Neue Helvetische Bank AG Neue Helvetische Bank AG, founded January 2011 and domiciled in Zurich. The offering encompasses premium services in the areas of advisory, asset management, corporate finance and research. In addition, we offer customized solutions to External Asset Managers. Our team has longstanding experience. Approximately 70 percent of Neue Helvetische Bank is held by the founding partners, the Board of Directors, Management and employees. Die Neue Helvetische Bank AG (NHB) mit Sitz in Zürich wurde im Januar 2011 gegründet. Das Angebot umfasst Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Vermögensberatung, Vermögensverwaltung, Corporate Finance und Research. Zusätzlich bieten wir individuelle Lösungen für externe Vermögensverwalter. Unser Team verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung. Die NHB ist zu rund 70 % in der Hand der Gründungspartner, des VR‘s, der GL und der Mitarbeitenden. 40 Seefeldstrasse 215 8008 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)44 204 56 33 Email: [email protected] www.neuehelvetischebank.ch Exhibitor Notenstein Privatbank AG Notenstein Structured Investment Products Notenstein Private Bank offers a broad range of structured investment products that are guaranteed by its parent company, Raiffeisen. Notenstein products represent expertise, security and service quality. Its offering covers standard and tailored solutions and is available to both private and institutional investors. Notenstein Strukturierte Anlageprodukte Bohl 17 Postfach 9004 St. Gallen Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)71 242 53 00 Email: [email protected] www.notenstein-anlageprodukte.ch Die Notenstein Privatbank bietet eine breite Palette an Strukturierten Anlageprodukten, die vom Mutterhaus Raiffeisen garantiert werden. Notenstein steht mit ihrem Angebot für Expertise, Sicherheit und Servicequalität. Das Angebot setzt sich zusammen aus standardisierten sowie massgeschneiderten Lösungen und richtet sich an private und institutionelle Kunden. Pam Insight Limited PAM Insight is the world’s foremost specialist niche market publisher and events organiser in the international wealth management sector. We publish and produce a range of market-leading brands, including two online news services – www.thewealthnet.com and www. eprivateclient.com, the PAM directory (plus a sister website www. pamonline.com) and more than 20 other annual industry reports and events, including the much-acclaimed PAM Awards. 41 50 Broadway ST. James’s Park SW1H ORG London United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)20715 24485 Email: [email protected] www.thewealthnet.com www.eprivateclient.com www.pamonline.com Exhibitor Petercam SA Active management pays, more than ever! Petercam Institutional AM is part of the Petercam group, a Brussels-based financial institution set up as an equity partnership. We strive for outperformance by exploiting market inefficiencies through active management. We promote our sicàvs through +400 intermediaries in Europe and also manage assets for institutional clients such as pension funds, insurance companies, government institutions, foundations, etc. Centre Swissair CP 1119 Route de l’Aéroport 31 1211 Genève 5 Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 929 72 23 Email: [email protected] www.petercam.com Plates-formes sodi SA Supporting independent asset managers since 1996 Sodi platforms’ approach is built on a unique model in Switzerland. The availability of specialized resources within sodi platforms enables each asset manager to effectively delegate his administrative tasks, leaving him free to give his full attention to managing his clients’ assets and ensuring the continuity of his company. Rue Général-Dufour 20 1204 Genève Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 849 02 49 Email: [email protected] www.sodi.ch Pro-Data Group IT and Training Services by a Swiss Quality Group Present in Switzerland, Monaco, Singapore and Hong Kong, Pro-Data Group caters for Swiss SMEs and their international subsidiaries to meet every IT service requirement. With 25 years of experience in different structures within the financial world, Pro-Data has the particular advantage of enjoying an extensive knowledge of the needs and requirements of Family Offices and Asset Managers. High-end engineers for a customized service (IT installation, repairs, IP telephony, training, development, etc.) who offer you a 24/7 Helpdesk Worldwide. 42 Chemin du Champs des Filles 19 1228 Plan-les-Ouates Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)84 411 22 33 Email: [email protected] www.prodata-group.ch Exhibitor Quadia SA Pioneer Impact Investor Quadia is a regulated investment manager specialized in social and environmental finance. Quadia provides: Innovative investment solutions and platforms for private, institutional and corporate clients; Technical assistance and capacity building services for portfolio companies; Impact performance and evaluation expertise. Rue de Candolle 34 1205 Geneva Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 888 12 00 Email: [email protected] [email protected] www.quadia.ch RBC Capital Markets RBC Capital Markets. Global Investment Solutions Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) is a highly rated, diversified financial services company, among the top 15 largest banks in the world, by market capitalization. In Switzerland, the RBC Capital Markets’ Global Investment Solutions team provides a comprehensive service to institutional and private clients with best-in-class products innovation, transparency and consistency, integrated across asset classes. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) gehört als breit diversifiziertes Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen mit exzellentem Bonitätsrating zu den weltweit 15 größten Banken nach Marktkapitalisierung. Für die Schweiz bietet das Team Global Investment Solutions einen umfassenden, anlageklassenübergreifenden Service für institutionelle und private Kunden mit Best-In-Class Produkten, Innovation, Transparenz und Konstanz an. 43 Thames Court One Queenhithe London EC4V 3DQ United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)207 029 0127 Email: [email protected] www.rbccm.com Exhibitor RobecoSAM RobecoSAM is a member of the global pure-play asset manager Robeco. Founded in 1995, RobecoSAM is an investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing. It offers asset management, indices, engagement, voting, impact analysis, sustainability assessments, and benchmarking services. Together with S&P Dow Jones Indices, RobecoSAM publishes the globally recognized Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). Josefstrasse 218 8005 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)44 653 10 10 Email: [email protected] www.robecosam.com RobecoSAM gehört zu Robeco, dem global aktiven Asset Manager. RobecoSAM, gegründet 1995, ist ein Vermögensverwalter mit Fokus auf Sustainability Investing. Das Angebot umfasst Asset Management, Indizes, aktiver Unternehmensdialog, Stimmrechtsausübung, Impact-Analysen und Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen sowie Benchmarking Services. In Kooperation mit S&P Dow Jones Indices publiziert RobecoSAM die weltweit anerkannten Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). Rothschild & Cie Gestion With AuM of CHF 50 Bln, Rothschild & Cie Gestion is one of the leading conviction-based asset manager in Europe, providing investment solutions to institutional clients, external distributors and Independent Financial Advisors. We cover a full range of products including equities, fixed-income, convertible bonds and Absolute Return funds, seeking superior risk adjusted returns in all market conditions. Mit CHF 50 Mrd. AuM ist Rothschild & Cie Gestion einer der Hauptakteure für Conviction-based Management in Europa. Wir decken eine breite Palette von Produkten ab, darunter Aktien, Anleihen, Wandelanleihen und Absolute Return Fonds. Unser Ziel ist es, durch Übertreffen der Vergleichsindizes für unsere Kunden ausgezeichnete Renditen, unabhängig von den Marktbedingungen und mit einem kontrollierten Risiko, zu erzielen. 44 Zollikerstrasse 181 8008 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)44 384 78 46 Email: [email protected] www.rothschild.com Exhibitor SIX Structured Products Exchange AG The only Swiss exchange for structured products allows the flexible and precise use of structured products to fulfill individual investment and diversification requirements, whether pro-risk, defensive or against the current. As an exchange, SIX Structured Products offers safe waters for trading thanks to maximum transparency, efficiency and dependability. Die einzige Schweizer Börse für Strukturierte Produkte ermöglicht den flexiblen und präzisen Einsatz Strukturierter Produkte zur Erfüllung individueller Anlage- und Diversifikationsmöglichkeiten, egal ob risikofreudig, defensiv oder lieber gegen den Strom. Als Börse bietet SIX Structured Products dabei sicheres Gewässer für den Handel durch maximale Transparenz, Effizienz und Verlässlichkeit. Selnaustrasse 30 Postfach 1758 8021 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)58 399 54 54 Email: structured-products@six-swiss- exchange.com www.six-swiss-exchange.com SIX Swiss Exchange AG SIX Swiss Exchange is the leading independent exchange in Europe, and performs four key economic functions: admitting securities, operating the trading platform, monitoring trading activity and distributing market data. SIX Swiss Exchange is proud to win the «Exchange of the Year» category at the Global Investor/isf Investment Excellence Awards 2014 for outstanding achievements. SIX Swiss Exchange ist die führende unabhängige Börse Europas und erfüllt vier volkswirtschaftliche Kernfunktionen: die Zulassung von Wertpapieren, den Betrieb der Handelsplattform, die Überwachung des Handels sowie den Vertrieb von Marktinformationen. SIX Swiss Exchange wurde an den Global Investor/isf Investment Excellence Awards 2014 für ihre herausragenden Leistungen zur Börse des Jahres ausgezeichnet. 45 Selnaustrasse 30 Postfach 1758 8021 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)58 399 54 54 Email: [email protected] www.six-swiss-exchange.com Exhibitor Swiss Bullion Corporation AG Tradition+Innovation Swiss Bullion Corp, designs, produces and distributes fine precious metals coins and round ingots. Our products are conceived and produced combining the historical precious metals role and attraction, with innovative technological developments, making our coins unique. «Swiss Made» for the entire process. Industriestrasse 47 6300 Zug Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)41 220 28 88 www.swissbullioncorp.com Swiss Fund Platform AG Swiss Fund Platform Ltd. is the first independent fund distribution platform in Switzerland exclusively for qualified investors. Swiss Fund Platform Ltd. has been authorized as a distributor from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA. Customers of Swiss Fund Platform Ltd. thus have a unique distribution channel and reach their target audience easy and efficient. Usteristrasse 14 8001 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)44 218 50 80 Email: [email protected] www.swissfundplatform.ch Die Swiss Fund Platform AG ist die erste unabhängige Fondsvertriebsplattform der Schweiz für ausschliesslich qualifizierte Anleger und Anlegerinnen. Die Swiss Fund Platform AG ist als Vertriebsträgerin von der Eidgenössischen Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA zugelassen. Die Kunden der Swiss Fund Platform AG verfügen über einen einmaligen Vertriebskanal und erreichen ihre Zielgruppe einfach und effizient. SwissIndependent Trustees S.A. Independent, professional, adaptable. Headquartered in Geneva and with offices in South Africa, Malta and Panama, SwissIndependent provides Trust, Foundation and Company administration services to internationally-focussed, high net worth individuals and families. 46 Rue du Prince 9-11 1204 Geneva Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 718 71 11 Email: [email protected] www.swissindependent.ch Exhibitor T3 Risk Management SA Wealth preservation solutions for the 21th century A Swiss private corporation that offers a unique, comprehensive package of wealth preservation and security solutions under one roof. Our four main practice areas are: Investment management and advisory, Asset protection consulting, IT security and Disaster preparedness and Crisis management advisory. Rue Neuve-du-Molard 3 1204 Geneva Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)22 544 43 50 Email: [email protected] www.t3-rm.ch http://store.t3.rm.ch theScreener Independent Research - worldwide theScreener is the leading provider of quantitative Research. With the evaluation of more than 6,000 equities and 15,000 funds, theScreener offers its clients worldwide coverage. More than 10,000 professional terminals and one million client deposits benefit already from our data. Unabhängiges Research - Weltweit theScreener ist Marktführer für quantitatives Research. Mit der Bewertung von über 6‘000 Aktien und 15‘000 Fonds bietet theScreener seinen Kunden eine der breitesten Abdeckungen an. Über 10‘000 professionelle Terminals und eine Million analysierte Kundendepots profitieren bereits davon. 47 Zugerbergstrasse 12 6300 Zug Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)41 727 08 80 Email: [email protected] www.thescreener.com Exhibitor Zürcher Kantonalbank Zürcher Kantonalbank is a full-service bank with total assets of CHF 151 bn. It is the largest of the cantonal banks, Switzerland‘s third-largest bank overall and with assets under management totaling CHF 191 bn today ranks among Switzerland‘s five largest asset managers. Zürcher Kantonalbank is one of the few banks in the world to retain a first-class rating (AAA or Aaa) from rating agencies Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch. Die Zürcher Kantonalbank ist, gemessen an der Bilanzsumme von CHF 151 Mrd., die grösste Kantonalbank, die drittgrösste Schweizer Bank und mit einem Kundenvermögen von CHF 191 Mrd der fünftgrösste Vermögensverwalter der Schweiz. Von den Ratingagenturen Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s und Fitch wird die Zürcher Kantonalbank als eine der wenigen Banken weltweit mit der Bestnote (AAA bzw. Aaa) eingestuft. 48 Mythenquai 24 Postfach 8010 Zürich Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)84 484 38 23 www.zkb.ch Glossar / Login 1st Person view 3rd Person view Accepted Address All Away Bag Brochures Business Cards Business E-Mail Busy Change password Chat Chat Session City Company Company Logo Company Name Contacts Country Declined Elements viewed Enter the words seperated by a space Sicht als erste Person Sicht als 3. 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