スマートハウスの取り組みについて 積水化学工業(株) 住宅カンパニー 商品開発部 Home Energy Management System, from a view point of a House Industry Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Page 0 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Outline of Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. 1.Founded: March 3, 1947 2.Paid-up Capital: 100 Billion 3.Number of Employees: 23,017 (2014.3) 4.Net Sales: 1110.8 billion (2014.3) Thermal insulation interlayer film 中間膜 High Performance Plastic Company 高機能プラスチックス事業 Pipe rehabilitation 更生管 『SPR method/ オメガライナー』 32% Other 2% Housing Company 住宅事業 49% 1110.8 billion 22% Urban Infra & Environmental Product Company 環境・ライフライン事業 Page 1 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. New House 新築:348.5 billion Reform 既築 :148.3 billion Total :496.8 billion Outline of Housing Company Sales in 2013 New Houses Sold: 14,510 Houses Income: 496.8 billion Floor Space Av. : 126.9㎡ Unit Price Av. : 30.6 million Page 2 “Unit construction method” Production of Units in the factory “ユニット工法” ユニットの工場生産 Sekisui Heim, Two-U Home, Steel-Frame Structure Wood-Frame Structure セキスイハイム 鉄骨系 ツーユーホーム 木質系 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Basic Stance of House’s Energy Saving trial calculation by our model house ◇Durable years and total CO2 emission (New energy saving code level ) 耐用年数とCO2排出量 0 当社戸建モデルで試算(新省エネレベル) 50 100 150 200 250 CO2emission per durable year 1 30年耐用 50 91 9 151 5.03 ton-co2 / year 30 Durable year 60年耐用 1 50 182 17 60 Durable year 建設時 生活時 改修時 250 4.20 ton-co2 / year 廃棄時 Reforming Constructing Living Wasting Composition ratio of Living CO2 emission 生活時CO2の用途別構成比 0% 20% 40% 60% Cooling & heating Hot water supply 冷暖房 給湯 80% 100% Lights and Appliance 照明・家電 ・Reducing C02 ratio when Constructing and Wasting ⇒ Longer Life ・建設時、廃棄時の比率減少 ⇒ 長寿命化 ・Reduction measure of the biggest factor ⇒ Energy saving when Living ・最大要因の削減対策 Page 3 ⇒ 生活時の省エネルギー化 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. House’s Energy Saving Technologies of Energy saving 省エネルギー化の技術 Usage Improve building flame performance 躯体性能UP Hot water supply Well-insulated Home Energy High insulated pipe Management System( 高断熱配管 HEMS) Water saving tech. Energy saving wiring And highly- airtight 高断熱高気密 Solar shading tech. Equipment (Active) 省エネ配線 Using Cross ventilation, Waste heat, Heat storage, Solar heat etc. 自然利用 パッシブ Lighting/others 節水技術 日射遮蔽技術 Directional Nature usage of measure (Passive) 対策の 方向性 Cooling and heating 通風、排熱、蓄熱、太陽熱利用 High efficient air conditioner 設備機器 アクティブ 高効率冷暖房機器 等 Natural lighting etc. 自然採光等 High efficient water Energy saving lights heater and electric appliances 高効率給湯器 省エネ照明,家電 Usage of renewable energy(Energy creating) 再生可能エネルギー利用 (創エネ) CO2 emission Ordinary house Energy saving house Energy saving / creating house Page 4 Energy saving effect Energy creating Free Carbon effect ・Solar power system ・Solar heat system・Wind power SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. History of “Quality” Evolutions 1997 Smart power station Solar house 2003 Zero energy bill house April 2011 “Smart Heim” HEMS Standard specification April 2012 “Shin Smart Heim” Storage Battery specification October 2013 “Smart power station” Large PV in standard house Zero Energy House(ZEH) model Future Evolution and circulation to advanced energy Independent and comfort house 最新のエネルギー自立型 快適住宅へ進化と普及 We stepped forward to the future, always as a top runner of environment and energy house 環境・エネルギー住宅では常にトップランナー 時代の一歩先を歩んできた Page 5 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. The “Number” of Company Records and Know-hows 発電見守り・光熱費コンサル Smart Heim FAN site Storage battery monitoring&consulting 蓄電池見守り・蓄電池コンサル Creating Energy Saving Energy Storage Energy Solar house ソーラー搭載住宅 HEMS Smart Heim NAVI Storage Battery system Solar power generation monitoring & consulting Comulative 140000 houses Number of Sales Guinness World Records 蓄電システム e-Pocket ※ Comulative 31500 Comulative 8500 ※ houses Other companies ※ Comulative1700~9300 houses houses ※ Other companies Comulative110~1900 houses All No.1 adoption result in the market 全て業界No1の採用実績 Leading the market in adopting Smart House technology スマートハウス技術の導入で業界をリード Page 6 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. ※ 2014年4月 矢野経済研究所調査 (HEMS、蓄電システム採用物件数より算出 蓄電池はポータブル蓄電池を除く数) Market Share ■Share of Sekisui Heim in Smart house market スマートハウス市場における当社のシェア 20,000 houses 7 major house maker companies Sekisui Heim 15,000 houses Share47% 11,940houses 9,660houses 10,000 houses 6,280houses 5,000 houses 3,600 houses 2012 (Performance) 4,500 5,400 houses houses 2013 (Prospection) 2014 (Prediction) Top share in Smart house market スマートハウス市場でトップシェア Page 7 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. ※ 2014年4月 矢野経済研究所調査 (スマートハウス=PV+HEMS+蓄電システム採用物件として算出) Smart House Which Sekisui Heim Aim to Establish 「Definition」 Aim “Energy Independent and comfort house” 目指すのは 「エネルギー自立型快適住宅」 To provide comfort and ultimate complacency life using the energy which made by themselves. (Live without using fossil fuel or electric companies) 自然エネルギーを利用し、自らが作ったエネルギーで快適に暮らし、 究極の安心を提供する住まい(化石燃料や電力会社に頼らない自給自足住宅) Level1 Zero Energy Bill expences(光熱費ゼロ) Level 2 Zero CO2 Emission Level 3 Zero Electric (CO2ゼロ) anxiety(電力不安ゼロ) A:Sale electric=C:Buy electric Electric generation PV consumption/Electric Electric =Electric consumption consumption Electric generation generation A B Electric generation C Electric consumption Established 達成済み A B C Electric consumption 「ZEH」 To be standard 標準化 A B Electric consumption 「Energy independent」 Aim 目指す A: Sell electric 売電 B: PV consumption 自家消費 C:Buy electric 買電 Page 8 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. C The Record of ZEH (Zero Energy House) Electric Energy budget → calculated by HEMS real data エネルギー(電力)収支→HEMSデータより実データ算出! Electric budget=Electric consumption-Electric generation(kWh/Year) 年間電力収支 = 消費電力量 - 発電電力量(単位:kWh/年) Not Zero energy ZEH with consumer electronics 家電込みZEH 224house(13%) Under 0kWh/Year 非ゼロエネルギー 711house(41%) Over3460kWh/year N = 1726 Total59% ZEH without consumer electronics 家電抜きZEH 791house(46%) 1~3459kWh/Year There is a surely record appearing about ZEH ZEHについては確実に実績が出つつある 本調査では、家電だけの消費電力は把握できていないが、ZEH補助金の算定基準となっている「住宅建築主の判断の基準におけるエネルギー消費計算方法の解説」 Page 9 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. (p387)では家電の消費電力基準値は3,459kWh/年となっている。この基準値を今回の家電抜きのZEH算定に用いた。 9 The Differences of Direction of Our Large Solar house Sekisui Heim aim’s to provide the energy independent and comfort house ハイムはエネルギー自立型快適住宅を目指す Oct.2013 Smart Power Station Self-sufficiency rates Max60% Apr.2014 Grand to you VtoHeim Self-sufficiency rates Max75% 2015 New product→Target value Self-sufficiency rates Max80% 2016 New product→Target value Self-sufficiency rates Max85% Energy bill0 /year -50,000 -100,000 -150,000 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Full amount purchase 全量買取 -200,000 -250,000 -300,000 Self sufficient life is better About100,000YEN/year -350,000 Sekisui Heim’s Self sufficient Life ハイム自給自足を目指す住まい -400,000 Case PV11.44kW(Tokyo) Consider sale electric price(FIT) decrease and electric price increase -450,000PV:11.44 kW(東京)の場合。売電価格の低下と賦課金など買い電単価の上昇を予測 Expanding difference of the energy bill between full amount purchase life and self sufficient life 全量買取と自給自足は今後光熱費差が拡大 Self sufficient life is stronger when blackout occur 停電時などの安心も自立型が有利 Page 10 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Smart Power Station Creating energy = Large Solar power system Saving energy = HEMS system Storage energy = Storage battery system ⇒Figuring way for evolution for each systems We realize solar system which is able to adopt double amount of solar in a standard house (110~130㎡) Page 11 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Smart Heim April 2012 「Smart Heim」 has 「Large Solar power」 to generate plenty 「e-Pocket」 to store energy well 「Smart Heim NAVI」 to save energy smartly Large Solar power system All unique system “Integrate consulting smart house” HEMS system Smart Heim NAVI Page 12 Storage battery system 「スマートハイム」は 「大容量ソーラー」でたっぷり発電、 「e-Pocket」で上手に蓄電、 「スマートハイム・ナビ」でかしこく省エネ。 独自のシステムを備えた ”コンサル一体型のスマートハウス”です。 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. <Reference>April 30 2014 Release Industry’s first system Released Vehicle to Home System System Image About the Vehicle to Home (VtoHeim) 3 characteristics Good for Environment New systems which realize the electric company’s power system interconnection to electric vehicle and PV , to use electric vehicle just like a storage battery. Good for Economy Self-sufficiency rates MAX 75% Page 13 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Good for Safety Solar power users needs ◇Solar power consumer service needs ◇Solar power effectiveness when blackout 停電時の太陽光発電自立運転効果 太陽光発電採用客が欲しいサービス 2010 House environment research center surveys N=646 (%) 2011 Our company’s questionnaire surveys 1位 management 91 Generation :発電管理診断(設備見守り) 2位 energy know-how intro 83 Saving :省エネ工夫紹介(光熱費コンサル) appliance control 83 Automatic :自動家電制御(最適制御) 2位 4位 5位 1位:Cell phone 2位:Rice cooker Main appliance electric consumption 3位:TV 76 :主要家電毎消費量(内訳見える化) bill automatic management 74 Electric :光熱費自動PC管理 Users voice I want to know if PV is moving correctly. 設備が正しく稼動しているか確認してほしい! I want Saving energy advise. 省エネ生活へのアドバイスがほしい! I want to know other users energy consumption. 他に比べて 自分がどうなのか 知りたい! It is convenience if appliances move automatically. 自動制御してくれたら便利! Development of HEMS HEMSの開発・導入 Page 14 Earthquake area :independent device 83% 51% 40% In daytime we could cover electric consumption with solar power, But not in Night. 昼間は太陽光発電で賄えるが夜の対応が出来ない In rain days I can only charge cell phone 雨の日は携帯電話の充電しか使えなかった Storage equipment needed 蓄電設備がほしい0 Development of Storage Batteries 蓄電池の開発・導入 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. HEMS and Cloud service Saving energy advise Comparing energy bill with others Propose ways to use the Electric data by the point of view of house maker 住宅メーカー視点での活用提案 Page 15 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Proposal Smart Heim energy saving service Compare data with other users 他入居者邸電力比較グラフ Page 16 Last year energy compare 前年電力比較 Solar power generation management service Storage battery consulting service 太陽光発電見守りサービス 蓄電池コンサルティング SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Monitor view 24 hour graph view Real time view Present Energy Consumption Energy Consumption of Yesterday Electricity Utility Cost Evaluation Good Buy target PV Generation JOB! Discharge Energy Consumption Kitchen PV Consumption Buy Buy Sell Air conditioner Air conditioner Air conditioner Other hour PV Generation PV Consumption Air conditioner Air conditioner Air conditioner Air conditioner Sell Easy to see the electric generation and Sell and Buy energy Easy to know the present state appropriately 発電、売買電の関係をわかりやすく 今の状況が的確に把握できる Page 17 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Consulting example 24 hour Energy Consumption (Sunny day) graph PV Consumption Advise PV generation Energy Consumption Analyze by using30 thousand “Real” energy data 3万棟の “実”データ を使った分析 Page 18 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Storage battery user’s voice Blackout case ・At 2 o’clock PM black out by a tornado. (午後2時竜巻による停電、夜10時に復旧) ・Used emergency wall socket which could provides energy from the storage battery to Living light, refrigerator, other room wall sockets (非常用コンセントの配線範囲:リビング照明、冷蔵庫、 各部屋のいくつかのコンセント) ・Turn on TV for information (テレビをつけて状況確認できた) ・Charged Neighborhood’s cellphone (ご近所の携帯電話の充電も行なった。) Page 19 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Installation Sekisui Chemical’s saving energy spec to house Adoption rate PV system Water heater Next generation saving energy insulated All electrification 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Appealing “Zero Electric bill” accelerate adoption 「光熱費ゼロ」訴求により、省エネ・創エネ仕様の採用を促進 Page 20 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Summery 1. Long life, comfort, save energy, energy self independent house is the standard “Smart House”. Energy management 長寿命で、「快適」「省エネ」「エネルギー自立可能」な住宅が 『スマートハウス』の基本 エネルギー マネージメント Store energy 2. To circulate the “Smart House” It is necessary to increase cost performance for the customer. スマートハウスの普及のためには、住まい手の コストパフォーマンスをいかに高めるかがポイント 蓄エネルギー Create energy 創エネルギー Save energy 省エネルギー型住宅 3. Appealing the whole house which packaged by a best combinations of elemental technology is important. 要素技術を最適パッケージ化した住宅(全体)の訴求が重要 4. Energy balance would be more intensify. The point is how to correspond to these problems. エネルギーの需給バランスの変化は激しくなる その変動にいかに対応するかが今後のスマートハウス普及の鍵になる Page 21 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. Thank you for listening. 御清聴ありがとうございました。 Page 22 SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD.
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