ORISSA KENNEL CLUB Hony. Secretary - Mr. S. R. Prusti 5A, Forest Park, Bhubaneswar – 751009. Phone No. 09437002910 (M), Fax No. (0674) 2596390, E-mail:- [email protected] www.okc.org.in 47TH & 48TH ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP DOG SHOWS (POINTED SHOWS) Obedience Trials: All Breeds: Venue: 6th December 2014 ( 9 a.m.) Judges: Obedience Trials: Mr. C. R. Patnaik (India) 47th Championship Dog Show-Mr. Roberto Santos Tesoro (Philippines) 48th Championship Dog Show: Mr. C. V. Sudarsan (India) ENTRY FEE: Entries Close on: Late Entries: 7th December 2014 ( VET Exam. 8.30 a.m., Benching 9:00 a.m.) Govt. Boys High School Play Ground, Unit-6, Bhubaneswar. Rs. 400/- per Show / per Exhibit + Rs. 100/- for catalogue. Rs. 150/- for every additional Class per Show. Rs. 300/- for Obedience Trial Show 15th November 2014. Accepted upto 20th November 2014 with Double Entry Fee. SCHEDULE OF BREED CLASSES A. B. C. D. E. F. Minor Puppy - 4 to 6 months G. Minor – Puppy - 4 to 6 months. Puppy – 7 months and above to 12 months H. Puppy - 7 months and above to 12 months Junior - 13 months and above to 18 months I. Junior - 13 months and above to 18 months Intermediate - 19 and above to 36 months J. Intermediate - 19 and above to 36 months. Bred in India (Irrespective of age) K. Bred in India (Irrespective of age) Open Class (Irrespective of age) L. Open Class (Irrespective of age) M. Champion class (Irrespective of Sex) IMPORTANT NOTICE : ***Any misbehaviour on part of spectator, their associates /assistants/handlers/owner will be dealt with very strictly and they will be removed from the show grounds. *** The Judge’s decision will be final and can also differ from each other and no complaint in this regard will be entertained. *** Handler / owner found drunk while handling the dog in the show ring can be removed and reported to the KCI. Such persons will be dealt with by the KCI according to the rules. Cruelty towards the exhibits brought to the notice of the Orissa Kennel Club Committee Members / persons appointed by the Club for the purpose will be dealt with strict actions like penalty in the form of fine and/or removal of the exhibit / exhibitor from show ground. *** Double handling is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule by any person, the Ring steward in consultation with the Show Secretary can have the dog removed from the ring after warning the exhibitors once. ELIGIBILITY : Only dogs registered with Kennel Club of India may compete. CRYPTORCHID and MONORCHID DOGS will not be allowed to compete. CAUTION : Exhibitors should make themselves familiar with the K.C.I. Rules and Regulations for Shows. Copies of which may be obtained from the Secretary, K.C.I. Exhibitors are cautioned that an entry in the wrong Class or Breed will disqualify the Exhibit. No R.A.F. entry will be accepted. Such entries must be handed over in person to the Hony. Secretary, O.K.C. together with application for registration to the K.C.I., complete in all respects and with requisite fee in cash and can compete next year in the O.K.C. Dog Show. ENFORCEMENT & AMENDMENT OF RULES : The decision of the Show Committee is final subject only to appeal to K.C.I. Should questions arise which are not provided for in the rules, the Show Committee is decision will be final. Any breach of the Rules and/or K.C.I. Regulations will render the Exhibitor liable to disciplinary action by the Committee. Exhibitors are liable for any damage done by them or their servants or their dogs. The committee reserves the right refuse to accept any entry without assigning any reason whatsoever. PENALTY : All willful misrepresentations regarding ownership, age, name, pedigree etc. of dogs entered or prepared for exhibition in contravention of the K.C.I. Regulation will be liable for disciplinary action by the Committee. Dogs that are not present in the Ring when their classes are judged will be deemed to have been absent. OBJECTIONS : Objections will be decided by the Committee in accordance with the K.C.I. Regulations. The objection fee is Rs. 1000/- returnable if the objection is held valid by the Show Committee and if turned down, the fee will be forfeited. CHALLENGE CERTIFICATES : Challenge Certificate, Reserve Certificate will be awarded at the show (C. Cs, Res. C. Cs.) Should the Judge be prevented from fulfilling his or her engagement the Committee reserves the right to appoint a substitute judge or judges. A commission of 10% will be levied on all sales contracted during the show, whether the sale takes place at the show or subsequently. Evasion will be dealt with as per K.C.I. Regulation No. 23. EXTRACTS FROM K.C.I. REGULATIONS FOR SHOWS. 1) 2) A dog imported from abroad shall be eligible to be entered in any class except Bred in India. Special Prizes : No dog shall be eligible to compete for a special prize until it has been judged in its Breed Class or Classes, or if it has been beaten in its Bread Class or Classes by another or either sex. TIPS ON FILLING ENTRY FORMS 1) Always type or write in block capitals. 2) Enter only one dog on a form. Ask for extra entry forms if you are entering more than one dog. 3) Send your entry by Registered Post only. Entries sent by ordinary mail may not reach the Secretary. Ensure your entry by posting registered only. 4) Send your entries early. Do not wait till the last date. Best of Breed and Reserve to Best of Breed (irrespective of sex) will be chosen in each Breed. The Best of Breed will qualify for Group Judging in the following manner: The 1st three place winners in working, Gundog & Hound Groups. The 1st two place winners in Toy, Terrier, Utility and Pastoral Groups. Only Group winners are eligible for BIS. The Best in Show Bred in India and Reserve Best in Show Bred in India will be chosen from among the line up of dogs chosen by the judge for the Best in Show judging. For the selection of the Best Puppy, dogs are required to be entered in the Puppy Class. All unbeaten puppies from the puppy class shall be called for judging the Best Puppy in show. In the event of a Puppy Dog/Dogs being entered in the Champion Class by virtue of it or them being a champion, all the Puppy Champions will also compete for the selection of the Best Puppy in Show. IMPORTANT NOTICE CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS All dogs that have attained their championship title on the day of sending in the entry forms, irrespective of whether they have applied for the championship title or not, must be necessarily entered only in Class-M (Champion class irrespective of sex). Entry of a champion in any other class will amount to misrepresentation and the dog will automatically be disqualified from the show. DEFINITION OF CLASS MINOR PUPPY CLASS is one in which dogs that are 4 months of age and not exceeding 6 months. PUPPY CLASS is one in which dogs that are 7 months and above and not exceeding 12 months. JUNIOR CLASS is one in which dogs that are 13 months and above and not exceeding 18 months. INTERMEDIATE CLASS is one which dogs that are 19 months and above and not exceeding 36 months. BRED IN INDIA CLASS is class in which only dogs bred in India, shall be eligible. Dogs begotten abroad and born in India are deemed to be imported dogs under KCI Regulations. OPEN CLASS is one in which all dogs of that breed or variety of breed may compete. NOTE: A dog imported from abroad shall be entered in the class that it is eligible for according to its age as also in Open Class. Exhibits with unknown parentage will not be allowed to compete for Best in Show Bred in India and Best Puppy in Show. The OKC will not be responsible for entries lost in postal transit. Exhibitors are therefore requested to send in their entries before the closing date by Regd. Post or Courier. Group 1 : Toy 1) Affenpinscher 2) Australian Silky Terrier 3) Bichon Frise 4) Bolognese 5) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 6) Chihuahua (Long Coat) 7) Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) 8) Chinese Crested 9) Coton De Tulear 10) English Toy Terrier (Black and Tan) 11) Griffon Bruxellois 12) Havanese 13) Italian Greyhound 14) Japanese Chin 15) King Charles Spaniel 16) Lowchen (Little Lion Dog) 17) Maltese 18) Miniature Pinscher 19) Papillon 20) Pekingese 21) Pomeranian 22) Pug 23) Yorkshire Terrier Group 2 : Terrier 24) Airedale Terrier 25) Australian Terrier 26) Bedlington Terrier 27) Border Terrier 28) Bull Terrier 29) Bull Terrier (Miniature) 30) Cairn Terrier 31) Cesky Terrier 32) Dandie Dinmont Terrier 33) Fox Terrier (Smooth) 34) Fox Terrier (Wire) 35) Glen of Imaal Terrier 36) Irish Terrier 37) Kerry Blue Terrier 38) Lakeland Terrier 39) Manchester Terrier 40) Norfolk Terrier 41) Norwich Terrier 42) Parson Russell Terrier 43) Scottish Terrier 44) Sealyham Terrier 45) Skye Terrier 46) Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 47) Staffordshire Bull Terrier 48) Welsh Terrier 49) West Highland White Terrier Group 3 : Utility 50) Akita 51) Boston Terrier 52) Bulldog 53) Canaan Dog 54) Chow Chow 55) Dalmatian 56) Eurasier 57) French Bulldog 58) German Spitz (Klein) 59) German Spitz (Mittel) 60) Japanese Akita Inu 61) Japanese Shiba Inu 62) Japanese Spitz 63) Keeshond 64) Korean Jindo 65) Lhasa Apso 66) Mexican Hairless (Intermediate) 67) Mexican Hairless (Miniature) 68) Mexican Hairless (Standard) 69) Miniature Schnauzer 70) Poodle (Miniature) 71) Poodle (Standard) 72) Poodle (Toy) 73) Schipperke 74) Schnauzer 75) Shar Pei 76) Shih Tzu 77) Tibetan Spaniel 78) Tibetan Terrier Group 4 : Hound 79) Afghan Hound 80) Azawakh 81) Basenji 82) Basset Bleu De Gascogne 83) Basset Fauve De Bretagne 84) Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) 85) Basset Griffon Vendeen (Petit) 86) Basset Hound 87) Bavarian Mountain Hound 88) Beagle 89) Bloodhound 90) Borzoi 91) Cirneco dell'Etna 92) Dachshund (Long Haired) 93) Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired) 94) Dachshund (Smooth Haired) 95) Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) 96) Dachshund (Wire Haired) 97) Dachshund (Miniature Wire Haired) 98) Deerhound 99) Finnish Spitz 100) Foxhound 101) Grand Bleu De Gascogne 102) Greyhound 103) Hamiltonstovare 104) Ibizan Hound 105) Irish Wolfhound 106) Norwegian Elkhound 107) Otterhound 108) Pharaoh Hound 109) Portuguese Podengo (Warren Hound) 110) Rhodesian Ridgeback 111) Saluki 112) Segugio Italiano 113) Sloughi 114) Whippet Group 5 : Gundog 115) Bracco Italiano 116) Brittany 117) English Setter 118) German Longhaired Pointer 119)German Shorthaired Pointer 120) German Wirehaired Pointer 121) Gordon Setter 122) Hungarian Vizsla 123) Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla 124) Irish Red and White Setter 125) Irish Setter 126) Italian Spinone 127) Kooikerhondje 128) Korthals Griffon 129) Lagotto Romagnolo 130) Large Munsterlander 131) Pointer 132) Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) 133) Retriever (Curly Coated) 134) Retriever (Flat Coated) 135) Retriever (Golden)136) Retriever (Labrador) 137) Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 138) Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer 139) Small Munsterlander 140) Spaniel (American Cocker) 141) Spaniel (American Water) 142) Spaniel (Clumber) 143) Spaniel (Cocker) 144) Spaniel (English Springer) 145) Spaniel (Field) 146) Spaniel (Irish Water) 147) Spaniel (Sussex) 148) Spaniel (Welsh Springer) 149) Spanish Water Dog 150) Weimaraner Group 6 : Working 151) Alaskan Malamute 152) Beauceron 153) Bernese Mountain Dog 154) Bouvier Des Flandres 155) Boxer 156) Bullmastiff 157) Canadian Eskimo Dog 158) Dobermann 159) Dogue De Bordeaux 160) Entlebucher Mountain Dog 161) German Pinscher 162) Giant Schnauzer 163) Great Dane 164) Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 165) Greenland Dog 166) Hovawart 167) Leonberger 168) Mastiff 169) Neapolitan Mastiff 170) Newfoundland 171) Portuguese Water Dog 172) Pyrenean Mastiff 173) Rottweiler 174) Russian Black Terrier 175) St. Bernard 176) Siberian Husky 177) Tibetan Mastiff Group 7 : Pastoral 178) Anatolian Shepherd Dog 179) Australian Cattle Dog 180) Australian Shepherd 181) Bearded Collie 182) Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael) 183) Belgian Shepherd Dog (Laekenois) 184) Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) 185) Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren) 186) Bergamasco 187) Border Collie 188) Briard 189) Catalan Sheepdog 190) Collie (Rough) 191) Collie (Smooth) 192) Estrela Mountain Dog 193) Finnish Lapphund 194) German Shepherd Dog (Alsatian) 195) Hungarian Kuvasz 196) Hungarian Puli 197) Komondor 198) Lancashire Heeler 199) Maremma Sheepdog 200) Norwegian Buhund 201) Old English Sheepdog 202) Polish Lowland Sheepdog 203) Pyrenean Mountain Dog 204) Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired) 205) Samoyed 206) Shetland Sheepdog 207) Swedish Lapphund 208) Swedish Vallhund 209) Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) 210) Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
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