Georgia Kindergarten Entry Profile eRFP# 41400-DOE0000026 Attachment I Statement of Work (SOW) Purpose, Background, and Considerations Purpose The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) seeks a highly qualified Supplier to provide services and products for the development of a formal statewide Kindergarten Entry Profile (KEP) as a component of the Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS). GKIDS is a year-long performance-based assessment aligned to the state’s learning standards and is used as a formative assessment in all public Kindergarten classrooms across the state. GKIDS was built to be developmentally and culturally appropriate and allows flexibility to meet the individual needs of students. As part of the state’s Race to the Top - Early Learning Challenge initiative, Georgia will augment GKIDS by creating a Kindergarten Entry Profile which will provide formative assessment information during the first six weeks of kindergarten. The purpose of the Kindergarten Entry Profile is to provide educators, parents, and the state with high-quality information about individual student readiness so that appropriate supports and interventions can be put into place as needed to ensure all students, regardless of where they began, leave kindergarten ready to learn at high levels and thrive. Kindergarten entry is an important time to assess children’s skills because it is, in essence, the “gateway” between the early childhood system and the K-12 educational system. The information gathered through Georgia’s Kindergarten Entry Profile will provide valuable information for kindergarten teachers to individualize instruction, provide the K-12 educational system with an understanding of the skills of children entering public schools (which will affect instructional and professional development supports), and provide the early childhood system an understanding of the skills of children leaving the system - to provide system-level information about supports and resources needed to ensure that every kindergarten student starts school with the skills needed to be successful. The Kindergarten Entry Profile must be built using research-based best practices for young children to ensure the measure is developmentally appropriate. The results of the assessment must provide clear, accurate, and actionable information about the skills of children when they enter kindergarten. The primary purpose of the measure will be to inform instruction so that all students, regardless of where they begin, are afforded the opportunity to excel. This new Kindergarten Entry Profile will consist of both direct (e.g., structured performance tasks) and indirect (e.g., observational) tools. The protocols, tasks, and rubrics that will serve to provide the Kindergarten Entry Profile must align with the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS), which can be located using the following link: 1 The goal of this procurement is to identify a highly-qualified vendor to assist GaDOE with the design, development, and implementation of a new Kindergarten Entry Profile. This new assessment must: • be aligned with the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS); • be vertically aligned with the College and Career Ready Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS); • cover all Essential Domains of School Readiness; and • be valid, reliable, and appropriate for the target population and for the purpose for which it will be used, including English learners and students with disabilities. Background Georgia has a long record of working to ensure young children begin school on a sound foundation. The Georgia General Assembly recognized the importance of this in 1985, charging the State Board of Education with establishing first-grade readiness criterion. The purpose of this requirement was to determine a student’s “readiness” for first grade so that appropriate instructional supports could be provided when warranted. Ultimately, the Georgia Kindergarten Assessment Program (GKAP) was established and administered periodically, at key intervals, throughout the kindergarten school year. The program consisted of (1) a series of individually administered structured student assessment activities (SAA) based upon teacher-supplied stimuli and (2) a behavioral checklist representing a series of teacher judgments regarding student behaviors that were observed during regular classroom activities. These structured assessment activities were developed so that they could be administered to students as part of an ongoing educational experience. Each SAA was presented in an instructional context and was designed to be as naturalistic as possible. The information gathered was used to identify children who might need additional support services in kindergarten and/or first grade. Currently, the Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS) is utilized in all public kindergarten classrooms across the state. GKIDS is a year-long formative, performancebased assessment that is aligned to the state’s learning standards. GKIDS was built to be developmentally and culturally appropriate and allows flexibility to meet the individual needs of students. The purpose of the GKIDS is to provide teachers with ongoing formative information about kindergarten students’ developing skills and to provide a summary of individual student performance at the end of the kindergarten school year. GKIDS provides teachers with ongoing information, in real time, about kindergarten students’ developing skills in seven domains of learning which cover the five Elements of School Readiness as shown below. GKIDS Domain English Language Arts Mathematics Social Studies Science Approaches to Learning Personal and Social Development Motor Skills Element of School Readiness Communication, Language and Literacy Cognitive Development and General Knowledge Cognitive Development and General Knowledge Cognitive Development and General Knowledge Approaches to Play and Learning Social and Emotional Development Physical Development and Motor Skills 2 GKIDS is a flexible tool, used by teachers throughout the school year to gauge how students are progressing. It allows teachers to assess student performance during instruction, record student performance in an online database, and generate reports for instructional planning, progress reports, report cards, student support teams, and family conferences. These reports detail the degree to which students have achieved the expectations set forth in the content standards (e.g., not yet demonstrated, emerging, progressing, met, exceeded). Many districts around the state use GKIDS as a standards-based progress report, issued at various points throughout the school year, to inform families of the progress made by their student(s). GKIDS utilizes a web-based data collection system to capture teacher-recorded information at multiple points throughout the school year. This data collection system also provides for individual student reports to be printed on demand. It is expected that a similar system will be utilized to collect data from KEP field tests conducted as part of this procurement. Further information on GKIDS can be located on the GaDOE website: Sample GKIDS activities can be found in the GKIDS Administration Manual and the GKIDS Assessment and Instructional Guide on the following website: Considerations This SOW defines the requirements for Georgia’s Kindergarten Entry Profile. The selected Supplier will work closely with the GaDOE, DECAL, and with committees of Georgia early childhood educators (including Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade) to complete all tasks. All procedures, processes, and products used by the Supplier to complete the work associated with this SOW must be approved by the Department. Throughout the contract period, the selected Supplier will confer with the Department on a continuing and consistent basis and will be involved in frequent face-to-face meetings or teleconferences with the Department, as necessary. Georgia’s public school system is comprised of 198 state-funded local education agencies (LEA). This includes 180 school districts, 3 state schools, and 15 state charter schools operating more than 2,263 schools. Grade enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year was approximately 49,208 in Pre-Kindergarten and 137,283 in Kindergarten. Additional information about the numbers and types of schools as well as student enrollment may be found at the following link (under the heading ‘Reports’): All work products and protocols developed as a result of the contract must be able to be used by the GaDOE in perpetuity at no additional cost to the GaDOE. Work produced 3 under this project will be considered work for hire, and as such, all materials shall be the sole property of the GaDOE. Any materials developed for this project shall not appear in other publications outside of Georgia without prior written approval. Georgia Kindergarten Entry Profile Development Plan As an expansion and augmentation of the current GKIDS, already aligned to Georgia’s Pre-K assessment, Georgia seeks a highly qualified Supplier for the development of a formal statewide Kindergarten Entry Profile. This profile will extend the existing GKIDS administration and will provide data about the skills of children at Kindergarten entry. Results of the profile will be provided following an initial period of assessment at the opening of the academic year, within the first six weeks. The successful Supplier must have a demonstrated record of effectiveness in performing services related to the comprehensive assessment and analysis of early childhood development and learning benchmarks. Within its proposal, the Supplier shall outline its plan for developing and delivering protocols and performance activities and tasks to comprise a Kindergarten Entry Profile. So that the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of the proposed solution can be appraised, the proposal shall describe how protocols and structured performance tasks will be developed to provide information about individual student readiness so that appropriate supports and interventions can be put into place as needed. The assessment shall be based upon both direct (structured tasks) and indirect (observational) measures of concepts and skills that are deemed essential at the beginning of a student’s Kindergarten experience. Data from the profile will link to the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) to enable state, district, and school administrators and policymakers to address key policy questions. It is important to note that this data will only be used for aggregate reporting and not for any program level accountability or as the single source of data for high-stakes decisions, such as promotion or retention. The Kindergarten Entry Profile must align with the state’s early learning and development standards (GELDS) and cover the five Essential Elements of School Readiness. The proposed technical approach for the development of the Kindergarten Entry Profile will be evaluated on the requirements listed below. Further details on these requirements are provided in the sections that follow. Describe how a KEP Development Committee will be assembled, naming the proposed national early childhood expert(s) to be included, upon GaDOE approval, and provide details of meetings to be conducted with the committee. Describe how the vertical articulation between GELDS and CCGPS will be analyzed. Describe the procedures and plans for conducting a comprehensive literature review. Describe the procedures for developing the KEP blueprint and test specifications, including identifying essential concepts and skills to be included in the KEP, based upon literature and expert opinion. Include the procedures for grouping essential concepts and 4 skills by domain and determining the best assessment method (direct/indirect) for each concept. Describe, in detail, the procedures and guidelines for conducting protocol and task development, including but not limited to the qualifications, selection, and training of those involved in the creation, including how the tasks and protocols developed will be developmentally appropriate for young learners and how high quality, annotated rubrics (to be used by teachers) will be developed and validated. Describe how the pilot(s) and field test(s) in Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms will be conducted and how these processes will inform revision of the protocols and tasks. Describe the types of data analyses that will be performed and how data review meetings will be planned, coordinated, and conducted. Describe the plan for conducting an inaugural launch of the KEP in a representative sample of Kindergarten classrooms, including how a survey will be developed and administered to all participating teachers to obtain feedback regarding administration procedures and the utility of results. Describe the process for developing online professional development modules that will prepare Kindergarten teachers to properly administer the KEP, apply the scoring rubrics, and use results to inform instruction. Describe the plan for facilitating all necessary training for pilot/field test administrations, as well as the initial launch. Describe how score reports will be developed to effectively communicate with intended audiences including parents, teachers, administrators, school boards, press, and the general public. Describe the measurement approach and plan for providing benchmarks for the KEP data. Describe the validity and reliability studies that will be conducted as well as the plans and procedures for compiling technical documentation. In addition, the proposal must include the following mandatory requirements: The Supplier must provide sample early childhood materials of the ilk described in this SOW. Sample protocols/tasks should include all associated stimuli and ancillary materials, including but not limited to scoring rubrics and student exemplars (if applicable). A variety of tasks/protocols should be provided in order to demonstrate the Supplier’s competency with developing high quality tasks aligned to the GELDS and CCGPS. If subcontractors are proposed, sample work products should be provided for each subcontractor. All work products and protocols developed as a result of the contract must be able to be used by the GaDOE in perpetuity at no additional cost to the GaDOE. Work produced under this project will be considered work for hire, and as such, all materials shall be the sole property of the GaDOE. Any materials developed for this project shall not appear in other publications outside of Georgia without prior written approval. KEP Development Committee The Supplier shall describe the plan for assembling a KEP Development Committee of representatives including Georgia educators who serve in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and 5 first-grade settings, national early childhood experts, and key staff from DECAL and GaDOE, along with staff from other stakeholder groups such as the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading. The input of these experts will be important in ensuring that the essential concepts and skills identified, and the tools created, are developmentally appropriate and accessible for these young learners as they enter kindergarten. The Supplier shall work collaboratively with the GaDOE and DECAL to identify 10-12 educators for this committee. Teachers of the following populations should be included: 1) rural areas; 2) children with identified special needs or developmental delays; 3) English language learners; and 4) areas with large numbers (or large percentage) of low-income children. The Supplier shall explicitly name the national early childhood experts they propose to include in this committee, and provide a brief description of each expert’s qualifications. Final selection of committee members is subject to GaDOE approval. The Supplier must plan and organize all committee meetings in Atlanta. All meetings will be conducted in collaboration with GaDOE staff. The Supplier shall be responsible for arranging, recruiting, organizing, and paying the costs of bringing committee members together for the meetings. All meeting costs, including meeting rooms and equipment rental, provision of meeting materials, substitute reimbursement ($125.00 per day on average; systems must be reimbursed the actual amount paid to a substitute, not to include administrative fees), travel, and per diem expenses of participants (including GaDOE and DECAL staff) shall be paid by the Supplier. Reimbursement for participants will be at the rates authorized by the GaDOE and in accordance with the State of Georgia Travel Regulations (available at Currently mileage is reimbursed at $.56 per mile and the maximum per diem reimbursement is $36.00 (breakfast - $7.00; lunch - $9.00; dinner $20.00). Honoraria for educators participating in meetings and not under contract (e.g., during the summer months) must be paid at the rate of $125.00 per day. Educators under contract during summer months may not be paid honoraria. The Supplier shall also be responsible for keeping detailed minutes of each meeting and reporting the outcomes of each meeting to the GaDOE. The Supplier shall be responsible for planning all aspects of these meetings, including: securing a location (with GaDOE approval); identifying and inviting educators (with GaDOE approval); preparing materials (including agendas, sign-in sheets, name tags, etc.); furnishing all audio and technical needs; and preparing materials for review by the committee. The Supplier shall be responsible for the facilitation of these meetings. Committee meetings require careful planning to ensure representation of Georgia’s diverse geographic and ethnic groups and to ensure sufficient time is provided for adequate consideration of the meeting tasks. Information about the minimum number of meetings related to program tasks and activities is provided below. Suppliers should use their expertise in proposing committee meetings. Meeting Purpose Initial planning meeting Identification of key concepts and skills/Blueprint development # of Approximate Timeline Meetings 1 December 2014 2 January - February 2015 6 Review tasks and protocols Review training and scoring modules Data Review 2 1 3 Review proposed reports Benchmark KEP profile indicator 1 1 March 2015; August 2015 March 2016 July 2015; October 2015; June 2016; June 2016 November 2016 Describe how a KEP Development Committee will be assembled, naming the proposed national early childhood expert(s) to be included, upon GaDOE approval, and provide details of meetings to be conducted with the committee. Vertical Articulation Study The first step in developing the GKIDS Kindergarten Entry Profile will be to review the alignment between the current GKIDS and the GELDS. GKIDS has already been aligned with the CCGPS for Kindergarten. The GKIDS alignment review will highlight potential gaps and will inform the specific development of the GKIDS Kindergarten Entry Profile. Key to this review will be a thorough analysis of the GELDS and CCGPS for the purpose of identifying the essential concepts and skills to be sampled for measurement. The vertical articulation between these two sets of standards must be carefully analyzed with the Kindergarten Entry Profile measure in mind to establish which concepts and skills are likely to signal success in future learning opportunities for young students. Supplier shall ensure that concepts from non-academic domains are appropriately sampled. Further information on the GELDS and CCGPS can be located on the following websites: Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS): English Language Arts CCGPS: Mathematics CCGPS: Science GPS: Social Studies GPS: Physical Education: Describe how the vertical articulation between GELDS and CCGPS will be analyzed. Literature Review The Supplier shall conduct an extensive literature review in the early stages of the project in order to equip all engaged in this work with the necessary research-based knowledge to enter into productive discussions regarding the design of this new function and role for GKIDS. The 7 literature review will inform the work of the KEP Development Committee in identifying the essential concepts and skills to be assessed, selecting the assessment methods to be used, and ensuring the developmental appropriateness of the KEP protocols and tasks. The Supplier shall propose an outline for the literature review. Describe the procedures and plans for conducting a comprehensive literature review, including a preliminary outline. KEP Blueprint and Test Specifications Development of the Kindergarten Entry Profile must begin with the identification of essential concepts and skills that students must possess to excel in their kindergarten experience. The National Research Council (NRC) provides guidelines in the area of early childhood assessment that will be important to consider and apply to this work. Paramount to all developmental work in early childhood is the inclusion of all students, including those with special needs. The Supplier shall describe how the NRC’s guidelines for early childhood assessment will be considered in the identification of essential concepts and skills, and how the KEP Development Committee will inform this process. The Supplier shall provide a thorough development plan for the Kindergarten Entry Profile blueprint and test specifications. This plan must include the involvement of the GaDOE, DECAL, and KEP Development Committee. The blueprints and test specifications will inform how the domains and standards are represented on the assessment, thus serving as a basis for constructing the KEP. The Kindergarten Entry Profile must align with the state’s early learning and development standards (GELDS) and cover the five Essential Elements of School Readiness. It is expected that the KEP will reflect prioritized knowledge, concepts, and skills deemed necessary to position students for success and be as minimal as necessary to elicit sufficient and reliable information. Ultimately, administration of the KEP should be unobtrusive and naturalistic within the Kindergarten environment. It is critical that instructional time be protected and that administration of the KEP is not burdensome. The Supplier shall explicitly address approaches to ensure these expectations are met. The blueprint for the KEP shall: • Clearly define the standards, concepts, and skills to be assessed, the rationale for selection, the assessment method to be used (direct/indirect), and how instruction can be informed; • Clearly specify progressive levels of achievement within each standard and reporting domain; • Delineate the number of tasks/protocols for each standard and reporting domain that will be assessed ; • Provide the basis for selecting tasks/protocols to include in the KEP, including the associated research to support the inclusion; • Provide the reporting structure, including the grouping of standards within reporting domains; • Define the assessment length and overall characteristics, considering the expectations described above. 8 Describe the procedures for developing the KEP blueprint and test specifications, including identifying essential concepts and skills to be included in the KEP, based upon literature and expert opinion. Include the procedures for grouping essential concepts and skills by domain and determining the best assessment method (direct/indirect) for each concept. Development of Protocols and Tasks The Kindergarten Entry Profile will be comprised of both direct (structured tasks) and indirect (observational) measures of the essential concepts and skills identified by the KEP Development Committee. These are foundational skills that prepare students for future learning. The protocols (observational checklists/instruments) and structured performance tasks developed for the assessment must be designed to assess, in a developmentally-appropriate manner, the following domains: • language and literacy development, • cognition and general knowledge of early mathematics and science, • approaches to learning, • physical well-being and motor development, and • social and emotional development Given the purpose of the KEP is to inform instruction, the protocols and tasks developed must be able to be administered in a naturalistic manner, require minimal setup, and be easy to implement, so as to not detract from instruction. They must also utilize common materials and manipulatives readily available in a Kindergarten classroom and not require special or unique materials. Each protocol and task must reliably elicit good information about student skill, understanding, and readiness for future learning. ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science standards shall be assessed using two to five performance levels for each skill/element. • • • • • Not Yet Demonstrated Emerging Progressing Meets the Standard Exceed the Standard The number of performance levels for each task/protocol will be determined in collaboration with the KEP Development Committee and will be specific to the skill/element being assessed, based on the range of student performance that can be observed for each skill/element. For structured performance tasks, high quality customized rubrics shall be developed, including thorough descriptions of each performance level. Each rubric shall: • • be tailored to the assigned task; be designed to account for multiple correct responses, if applicable; 9 • • be straightforward, easy to interpret, accurate, and complete, such that teachers will easily be able to use them; and include a broad array of valid and realistic responses. As appropriate, the Supplier shall propose how final rubrics will be accompanied by multiple student exemplars demonstrating each performance level. Each exemplar shall be annotated to explain the features of a student’s response that led to the performance level assigned. Rubrics and annotated exemplars must be available in a readily-accessible electronic format (such as Word or pdf). For observational protocols, rubrics should include an array of student responses/actions that may be observed to demonstrate each performance level. Describe, in detail, the procedures and guidelines for conducting protocol and task development, including but not limited to: • the qualifications, selection, and training of protocol and task writers, • the style of task prompts, stimuli, and graphics, • how the tasks and protocols developed will be developmentally appropriate for young learners, and • how high quality, annotated rubrics (to be used by teachers) will be developed and validated. The Supplier must provide sample early childhood materials of the ilk described in this SOW. Sample protocols/tasks should include all associated stimuli and ancillary materials, including but not limited to scoring rubrics and student exemplars (if applicable). A variety of tasks/protocols should be provided in order to demonstrate the Supplier’s competency with developing high quality tasks aligned to the GELDS and CCGPS. If subcontractors are proposed, sample work products should be provided for each subcontractor. Piloting & Field Testing Protocols and Tasks The Supplier will be responsible for developing administration procedures and policies for all pilots and field tests, and providing all necessary materials. Following the initial development of protocols and tasks, an informal pilot test shall be conducted in a sample of Pre-K classrooms across the state (Spring 2015). This process will allow for the collection of information regarding student interaction with the structured performance tasks and appropriateness/functioning of the observational protocols, and will guide any necessary revisions prior to field testing. After protocols and tasks have been revised and approved following the informal pilot, a field test shall be conducted in Kindergarten classrooms (Fall 2015). Data and feedback from the PreK pilot and Kindergarten field test will inform further refinement of tasks and protocols as well as development of training and scoring modules. Following further revisions to protocols and tasks, as needed, and development of online training modules, an additional field test shall be conducted in Pre-K classrooms (Spring 2016). 10 For each pilot/field test, the Supplier will be responsible for the development of all necessary materials and resources, including pre-administration training. The Supplier shall describe how each pilot/field test will be conducted. The Supplier should propose a detailed plan outlining how key data will be captured, and all logistics such as printing and shipping. It is preferred that all data be captured via a web-based data collection system. The plan shall include the minimum number of students for each pilot/field test, taking into consideration that the GaDOE seeks to avoid interruption of the instructional day as much as possible. Each pilot/field test event should culminate in a Technical Report. Describe how the pilot(s) and field test(s) in Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms will be conducted and how these processes will inform revision of the protocols and tasks. Data Analysis & Review The Supplier shall conduct analyses in order to evaluate the technical quality of the tasks/protocols. The Supplier shall describe the types of analyses that will be conducted to identify any problematic tasks/protocols, as well as those that function well. The Supplier shall explicitly detail the analyses and review to be conducted to evaluate the developmental appropriateness of tasks/protocols. The Supplier shall propose a thorough and accurate data report on each task/protocol and follow national industry standards as well as best practice. The Supplier shall describe the approach to data analysis, including exactly what data will be provided for each task/protocol. Tasks and protocols shall also have validated rubrics attached with completed scoring, brief scoring descriptions, student exemplars (if applicable), and other deemed ancillaries. After each pilot/field test, the GaDOE, DECAL, and KEP Development Committee will review all tasks in concert with any relevant performance data. The purpose of this review is to determine which tasks are appropriate for possible inclusion on the Kindergarten Entry Profile, to refine and finalize performance level descriptors, as well as further refine tasks if necessary based on educator input. The Supplier must plan, organize, and conduct data review sessions with the KEP Development Committee. Describe the types of data analyses that will be performed and how data review meetings will be planned, coordinated, and conducted. Operational Launch After all tasks, protocols, and administration procedures have been refined based on feedback from the field tests in Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms, the KEP will be launched in a representative sample of Kindergarten classrooms (Fall 2016). Supplier should propose a solution to ensure this inaugural administration is seamless within GKIDS. The Supplier shall develop and administer a survey to all participating Kindergarten teachers to obtain feedback regarding administration procedures and the utility of results. Survey results will 11 be used to inform final refinement of all tasks/protocols, administration procedures, and training/scoring modules, and reports prior to the statewide operational launch (Fall 2017). As the KEP is being developed as an augmentation to GKIDS, the statewide operational launch will be the responsibility of the current GKIDS contractor, the Georgia Center for Assessment (GCA). It is expected that the Supplier will work collaboratively with GCA, through the Department, to ensure the KEP becomes a seamless component of GKIDS. To that end, the Supplier will be responsible for redesigning administration manuals and supporting documents for GKIDS to include information necessary to complete the Kindergarten Entry Profile, working collaboratively with both the GaDOE and GCA. Describe the plan for conducting an inaugural launch of the KEP in a representative sample of Kindergarten classrooms, including how a survey will be developed and administered to all participating teachers to obtain feedback regarding administration procedures and the utility of results. Professional Development The establishment of protocols and tasks that comprise the new KEP will necessitate that all Georgia Kindergarten teachers receive training to prepare them to properly assess students and maintain fidelity of the administration and rating/scoring. All Kindergarten teachers will receive professional development related to the KEP, specifically as an augmentation to GKIDS. The training content will include a robust set of online modules with video content showing and detailing kindergarten teachers using the newly developed tools to assess students. Modules will also be developed to allow teachers to practice applying the scoring rubrics to ensure consistent (reliable) scoring throughout the state. The GaDOE will work with DECAL to utilize a webbased training platform developed for the GELDS and the online modules will be housed within Georgia’s state learning management system. Training should include, but not be limited to, administration procedures, scoring, and use of assessment results to inform instruction, as well as guidance on how to share this information with families. Training shall also establish inter-rater reliability and ensure teachers are appropriately calibrated to all rubrics and scoring protocols. The Supplier will be responsible for outlining the module specifications and building/refining the modules. The Department will contract with Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) for production of the necessary video content. The Offer shall work collaboratively with GPB, through the GaDOE, to ensure the necessary video content is produced and serves the intended purpose within the online modules. Modules will be reviewed by the GaDOE, DECAL, and KEP Development Committee, as well as Kindergarten teachers participating in the field test. All modules built by the Supplier must be SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) compliant. The Supplier will be responsible for facilitating all necessary training for pilot/field test administrations, as well as the initial operational launch (Fall 2016). The Department anticipates the need for initial face-to-face training for participating teachers prior to each pilot/field test and the initial launch, conducted in at least five regional locations across the state. Follow-up training 12 (if needed) could be conducted via webinar. Training for the Spring 2016 field test should incorporate the online modules in order to assess their utility. Training for the statewide operational rollout will be provided in face-to-face regional workshops facilitated by the GaDOE, with support from the Supplier. The Supplier must plan and organize all training in collaboration with GaDOE and DECAL staff. The Supplier shall be responsible for arranging, organizing, and paying the costs of bringing teachers together for the training sessions. All training costs, including meeting rooms and equipment rental, provision of meeting materials, substitute reimbursement ($125.00 per day on average; systems must be reimbursed the actual amount), travel, and per diem expenses of participants (including GaDOE and DECAL staff) shall be paid by the Supplier. Reimbursement for participants will be at the rates authorized by the GaDOE and in accordance with the State of Georgia Travel Regulations (available at Currently mileage is reimbursed at $.56 per mile and the maximum per diem reimbursement is $36.00 (breakfast - $7.00; lunch - $9.00; dinner - $20.00). Honoraria for educators participating in training and not under contract (e.g., during the summer months) must be paid at the rate of $125.00 per day. Educators under contract during summer months may not be paid honoraria. Training Needed Informal pilot Kindergarten field test Pre-K field test Inaugural administration Operational Administration Type of Training Face-to-Face Face-to-Face Webinar/Modules Face-to-Face/ Modules Face-to-Face/ Modules Educators Pre-K K Pre-K K Approximate Timeline April 2015 July 2015 April 2016 July 2016 K July 2017 Describe the process for developing online professional development modules that will prepare Kindergarten teachers to properly administer the KEP, apply the scoring rubrics, and use results to inform instruction. Describe the plan for facilitating all necessary training for pilot/field test administrations, as well as the initial launch. Score Reports The Supplier will be responsible for the creation of a variety of reporting shells that can be populated from the GKIDS database and printed from the GKIDS application. The Supplier will collaborate with the GKIDS contractor, GCA, through the Department, to ensure that reporting shells developed are compatible with the GKIDS application. Reports are to be produced at the student, class, school, district, and state levels. Reports must be straightforward, easy to interpret, accurate, and complete. At a minimum, reports must provide numeric, narrative, and graphic representations of assessment results and must effectively communicate with intended audiences including parents, teachers, administrators, school boards, press, and the general public. Importantly, reports will comply with all requirements of state and federal laws and regulations by providing both aggregated and disaggregated data at the school, system, and state levels. Suppliers should also consider the purpose and use of the KEP in their 13 design of score reports. Of particular importance is ensuring the reports proposed and ultimately produced provide actionable information to educators so that appropriate enrichment or remediation opportunities can be planned for individual students. The Supplier will deliver electronic data files at the system and state levels following each pilot/field test administration and each subsequent assessment event. Electronic data must be in a format (e.g., flat ASCII file) and include the fields approved by the Department that can be readily imported into local databases for use. Data structures/files must be built to readily interface and be compatible with the data structures of the GKIDS database developed and implemented by GCA. The Supplier will work collaboratively, through the Department, with GCA to ensure compatibility. All data files must be accompanied by detailed layouts with clear and comprehensible data field descriptions. Current GKIDS reports include the following: Individual Student reports • Skill/Element-Level Report: shows the student’s performance level for every skill/element. • Standard-Level Report: shows a summary of student performance for each standard. • Strand-Level Report: shows a summary of student performance for each strand within a domain (e.g., Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language strands within the domain of ELA). Summary Reports • Class Report: shows the percentage of students at each performance level for every skill/element. • School Report: shows the percentage of students at each performance level for every skill/element. • System Report: shows the percentage of students at each performance level for every skill/element. These reports are listed for illustrative purposes only. It is not expected that the full range of reports will be desired or needed for the KEP. The Supplier should propose its best thinking about the development of highly salient, succinct reporting shells that communicate effectively with the intended audiences, primarily teachers and parents. The Supplier will be responsible for developing all score report specifications in collaboration with the GaDOE and KEP Development Committee and creating the reporting shells to be populated with the GKIDS platform. Describe how score reporting shells will be developed to effectively communicate with intended audiences including parents, teachers, administrators, school boards, press, and the general public. 14 Benchmark KEP Indicator The Supplier shall propose measurement solutions for reporting student information on the KEP. Currently, GKIDS is formative and therefore not scaled. The Supplier should propose appropriate psychometric/measurement plans, including plans to provide benchmarks for the KEP data, which will help teachers and parents understand how students are progressing relative to readiness to embark upon their K-12 experience. The instructional needs of students and the purposes of the KEP must be taken into consideration in developing the proposed benchmarking methodology. Benchmarks should be developed to signal students who need additional supports, as well as those who have achieved mastery and are best offered enrichment opportunities. Describe the measurement approach and plan for providing benchmarks for the KEP data. Validity & Reliability Studies The Supplier will be responsible for ensuring the technical quality of the KEP given its purposes and uses. The Supplier must follow national industry standards and best practices in developing the KEP, with particular detail paid to ensuring the instrument is developmentally appropriate for all students, including those with disabilities and English learners. All work must be conducted according to the most recent version of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, as promulgated by the American Psychological Association (APA), the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and National Council of Measurement in Education (NCME). It is expected that best practices and evidence-based procedures be demonstrated and applied at all levels of the work. The Supplier will be responsible for collecting evidence of the technical quality and synthesizing findings in a series of technical briefs and reports following each pilot and field test. The Supplier should propose a cohesive and thoughtful series of reliability and validity studies to be conducted throughout the development process. Such studies should be designed to inform the evaluation of the technical merits of the KEP to fulfill its intended uses. Within its response, the Supplier should outline a proposed validity framework and detail the evidence to be collected, including the timing of each validity and/or reliability study. Key consideration must be given to ensure the proposed protocols and tasks are developmentally appropriate and provide clear signals of a student’s readiness for learning. The Supplier will be responsible for synthesizing all evidence of technical quality and addressing possible counterclaims. The Supplier will be expected to present its work plans and results to Georgia’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), comprised of six national measurement experts. Georgia’s TAC meets on a quarterly basis and is charged with providing GaDOE with impartial technical advice about the quality of its assessments programs. The Supplier will be responsible for engaging TAC and incorporating their feedback into all appropriate work plans. Describe the validity and reliability studies that will be conducted as well as the plans and procedures for compiling technical documentation. 15 Deliverables Summary of Deliverables All deliverables, timelines, deadlines and communications shall be based on Eastern Standard Time. The GaDOE's standard working hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. All deliverables must be received by GaDOE on or before the due date during GaDOE's standard working hours. A summary of the products required by this RFP is provided below. The approximate due date for each service or product is also provided in this table. The dates and products listed in this table are intended to serve as a guide for the creation of the initial project work plan, to be delivered with the proposal. This table is not a comprehensive listing of all work products and the submission dates are for illustrative purposes only. The specific date for submission of the product or service will be decided collaboratively with the Supplier and the GaDOE; however, certain key dates are non-negotiable. The project plan shall specify each deliverable product or service and the exact due date associated with the product or service. The final project work plan shall be decided collaboratively by the Supplier and the GaDOE. Deliverables Preliminary Dates Initial Project Planning Meeting December 2014 Finalization of Project Plan December 2014 Establish KEP Development Committee Contract with national early childhood experts and begin comprehensive literature review Examine vertical articulation between GELDS and CCGPS Conduct Precision Review of GKIDS compared to GELDS and CCGPS Complete comprehensive literature review Identify key concepts and skills (in identified domains) based upon literature, input of national experts, and Georgia educators Develop KEP blueprint and test specifications Develop task/protocol specifications Determine validity and reliability studies Develop tasks and protocols Develop administration procedures and policies December 2014 - January 2015 December 2014 - January 2015 December 2014 - January 2015 December 2014 - January 2015 December 2014 - January 2015 December 2014 February 2015 December 2014 February 2015 December 2014 February 2015 January - February 2015 February 2015 - March 2015 February 2015 - March 2015 Training for informal pilot April 2015 Informal pilot in Pre-K classrooms May 2015 16 Data Review/Revise tasks based on informal pilot June 2015 - July 2015 Develop training materials and resources, train for field test in Kindergarten settings June - July 2015 Conduct field test of designed tasks in Kindergarten settings August - September 2015 Data Review/Revise tasks based on Kindergarten field test Develop score report structures Outline online training and scoring modules October - December 2015 November 2015 - May 2016 July 2015 - August 2016 Build modules August 2015 - March 2016 Committee Review/refinement of modules March - April 2016 Training for Pre-K field test April 2016 Conduct field test in Pre-K settings May - June 2016 Data Review/finalize design June - July 2016 Committee Review of proposed reports June 2016 Training for inaugural launch July 2016 Conduct inaugural launch in representative sample of Kindergarten classrooms August - September 2016 Set Kindergarten-ready standard November 2016 Issue inaugural KEA profile scores November 2016 Compile technical documentation Train participating teachers on score interpretation and usage Survey participating Kindergarten teachers November - December 2016 November - December 2016 October - December 2016 Train Kindergarten teachers for operational administration/launch online training and scoring modules July - August 2017 Statewide Operational Administration August - October 2017 Issue KEA Profile scores August - October 2017 Train Kindergarten teachers on score interpretation and utility for instruction September - December 2017 Validation studies Ongoing 17 Experience, Capabilities, and Project Staffing and Oversight In addition to the technical approach for KEP development, proposals will be evaluated on the experience and capabilities of the Supplier, as well as proposed project staffing and oversight of the technical solution. Proposals will be evaluated on the requirements listed below. Further details on these requirements are provided in the sections that follow. The Supplier shall describe experience with similar projects that involve the development of protocols and tasks aligned to early childhood learning standards; The Supplier shall describe experience with educational agencies and schools related to the development and piloting of early childhood measures; The Supplier shall provide a minimum of two reference contacts for each agency (if work performed was of similar scope); Describe the qualifications and experience of all assigned staff directly tied to specific activities and timelines as well as their experience in performing work of a similar nature, including, but not limited to, relevant knowledge and experience in the following areas: o Pre-K through early elementary learning and child development; o Development and implementation of kindergarten readiness programs; o Administration of statewide programs or assessments similar to GKIDS; o Education and evaluation of children with disabilities; o Education and evaluation of English language learners; and o Administration of training and professional development programs for educators and other professional development programs for pre-K and/or early elementary educators. Describe the time commitments of proposed staff by providing a description of allocated time to all other assigned projects, as well as the time allocated to this project. Describe how the proposed Project Manager has sufficient experience and qualifications to be responsible for all aspects of project oversight and management. In addition, proposals must include the following mandatory requirements: The Supplier must disclose all litigation, past and present, of which the Supplier was a party and provide a description of the outcome of any such litigation; The Supplier shall provide evidence of company financial stability. Please include the most recent Dunn & Bradstreet report or other equivalent financial rating; Resumes must be provided for all key personnel involved with assessment development and implementation (including subcontractors). The Supplier must designate a project manager to be the primary point of contact with the GaDOE project manager. The work plan schedule must be developed such that the GaDOE Project Manager shall have at a minimum ten business days to review all documents and deliverables. Experience and Capabilities Suppliers will be evaluated on their experience and capabilities. The successful Supplier must have demonstrated experience in the development and analysis of assessments aligned to early 18 childhood learning standards. Suppliers shall provide summaries of their experiences within the state of Georgia, if applicable, as well as in other states or school districts, provided they were of similar scope and targeted early childhood. Supplier should include all agencies, public and private, that it has contracted with for early childhood assessments and provide a short summary of the accomplishments and experiences obtained throughout the term of the services provided. To be clear, this is a formative assessment, and the Supplier should refrain from providing summaries of summative assessment experiences exclusively. The Department views this development as unique, given the age of the students to be evaluated, and therefore seeks a partner who has demonstrated experience in building developmentally appropriate protocols and tasks for young children. The Supplier shall describe experience with similar projects that involve the development of protocols and tasks aligned to early childhood learning standards; The Supplier shall describe experience with educational agencies and schools related to the development and piloting of early childhood measures; The Supplier shall provide a minimum of two reference contacts for each agency (if work performed was of similar scope); The Supplier must disclose all litigation, past and present, of which the Supplier was a party and provide a description of the outcome of any such litigation; The Supplier shall provide evidence of company financial stability. Please include the most recent Dunn & Bradstreet report or other equivalent financial rating; GaDOE staff, at their discretion, may conduct periodic onsite visits to the successful Supplier’s facilities to ensure compliance with the terms of the contract and RFP. The Supplier will be responsible for all travel expenses of GaDOE staff, per state travel regulations. Project Staffing and Oversight The Supplier must submit thorough documentation demonstrating personnel experience, capabilities, and expertise congruent with the requirements of this RFP. The Supplier’s project manager and all other key personnel of the Supplier must be identified in writing to the GaDOE and are subject to approval by the GaDOE. The Supplier should not label any position as “to be determined.” Failure to name all key staff members may result in disqualification. Any change to proposed personnel is subject to approval by the GaDOE and may not be made without approval. Describe the qualifications and experience of all assigned staff directly tied to specific activities and timelines as well as their experience in performing work of a similar nature, including, but not limited to, relevant knowledge and experience in the following areas: o Pre-K through early elementary learning and child development; and o Development, implementation and/or administration of kindergarten readiness programs or assessments similar to GKIDS. Describe the qualifications and experience of all assigned staff involved in the development of training materials and online modules, including their experience in the administration of training and professional development programs for educators and other professional development programs for pre-K and/or early elementary educators. 19 Describe the time commitments of proposed staff by providing a description of allocated time to all other assigned projects, as well as the time allocated to this project. Resumes must be provided for all key personnel involved with assessment development and implementation (including subcontractors). The Supplier shall assign an experienced and qualified project manager who will be responsible for all aspects of project oversight and management. The Supplier’s Project Manager shall: • Be authorized to negotiate all details of the project implementation with the GaDOE Project Manager on behalf of the Supplier and commit the Supplier to decisions reached; • Develop and present a detailed work plan to the GaDOE Project Manager for review and sign–off. The work plan will include, but not be limited to, a detailed listing of the tasks to be accomplished, including documentation of when specific tasks are to be performed and specific deliverable products to be submitted; • Maintain accurate, updated information of the current status of all work on assessment development, and communicate this status in a timely fashion to the GaDOE Project Manager; • Submit twice-monthly status reports to the GaDOE Project Manager updating the GaDOE on all phases of assessment development and implementation; • Respond in a timely and courteous manner to all GaDOE requests for data and information concerning assessment development. Answers to phone and email inquiries from GaDOE shall be provided within 24 hours, or immediately if necessary (as determined and communicated by GaDOE). If this is not possible, a written response indicating the reason for the delay and the schedule for providing the information shall be communicated to the GaDOE within 24 hours; • Coordinate and arrange all project-related meetings including, but not limited to, meetings with GaDOE staff and meetings with the KEP Development Committee; • Submit deliverables to the GaDOE Project Manager on a specified schedule as approved in the work plan. The GaDOE Project Manager will: • Serve as the Supplier’s Project Manager’s immediate point of contact for all communications with the GaDOE; • Assist, when necessary, with the arrangements and scheduling of all project-related meetings (although this is the primary responsibility of the Supplier); • Receive, review, approve or accept all deliverables, documents, and materials for accuracy, completeness, and quality; o The work plan schedule must be developed such that the GaDOE Project Manager shall have at a minimum ten business days to review all documents and deliverables. While some documents can be reviewed more quickly, the Supplier shall plan on a minimum of ten business days for the GaDOE to review all deliverables. • Serve as a liaison with all other GaDOE and DECAL personnel, as well as other contractors related to this project (GCA); 20 • • Provide evaluation of Supplier’s performance on such things as Supplier’s communication and the timeliness and quality of project deliverables if Supplier falls below performance expectations. Approve all aspects of this project including, but not limited to, the following: o All materials, products and services produced by the Supplier. This includes, but is not limited to, all procedures, support materials, guides, and any other printed or disseminated material produced for the project. o All development plans and timelines for product development, product maintenance, and data review. o All schedules, meeting agendas, and meeting minutes, including but not limited to, task/protocol review schedules. o All reports, and the formatting of the reports, including but not limited to, technical reports and data reports. o All tasks, protocols and other associated stimuli delivered by the Supplier. o Any staffing changes, including the Supplier Project Manager and key subcontractor personnel (if applicable), or Supplier personnel assigned to any part or phase of the project on and after award of the contract and commencement of work for the duration of the contract. This shall not apply to staff members that completely leave the employment of the Supplier; however, the Department reserves the rights contained in the contract relating to the interview and approval of replacement staff. The Supplier must designate a project manager to be the primary point of contact with the GaDOE project manager. The work plan schedule must be developed such that the GaDOE Project Manager shall have at a minimum ten business days to review all documents and deliverables. Describe how the proposed Project Manager has sufficient experience and qualifications to be responsible for all aspects of project oversight and management. Completion or Termination of Contract Upon completion or termination of the contract awarded as a result of this procurement, the contractor must assist the GaDOE in completing a seamless transition to any successive vendor and/or the GaDOE, as required under this paragraph and the Contract awarded pursuant to this RFP. This shall include, but not be limited to, assisting the GaDOE in developing and implementing a feasible transition plan as much in advance of the anticipated expiration or termination of the contract as necessary. The successful Supplier must cooperate fully with any successive vendor and the GaDOE and refrain from any activity that would interfere with the successful implementation of the transition plan and a seamless transition. The successful Supplier must provide (a) all products, reports, materials, data and equipment owned by the GaDOE in the Supplier’s possession, and (b) any information reasonably useful to and requested by GaDOE in developing a Request for Proposal to obtain a successive vendor, as much in advance of the anticipated expiration or termination of the contract as necessary. The Supplier also will provide the GaDOE with a list of all computer programs and software tools necessary to allow an end user to read and export any data provided by Supplier under this contract. 21
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