Rainwater and Land Development Manual Bioretention Design Guidance Updates Jay Dorsey & John Mathews ODNR-DSWR February 20, 2014 Why Change? Improved Design -> Better Performance, Fewer Failures; Based on: Bioretention Practice Inspections/Observations Research – Scientific Knowledge Base Ability to Target Specific Pollutants or Stormwater Management Goals • Temperature, Nitrogen, Phosphorus Facilitate Design, Review and Inspection Runoff Volume and Peak Discharge Reduction Credits (under Development) Primary References Hunt, Davis, and Traver. 2012. Meeting Hydrologic and Water Quality Goals through Targeted Bioretention Design. J. Env. Eng. 138(6): 698-707. Hunt and Lord. 2005. Bioretention Performance, Design, Construction and Maintenance. NCSU-CE. Brown, Hunt, and Kennedy. 2009. Designing Bioretention with an Internal Water Storage (IWS) Layer. NCSU-CE. NCDENR Stormwater Manual. 2009. Wardynski and Hunt. 2012. Are Bioretention Cells Being Installed per Design Standards in North Carolina? A Field Assessment. J. Env. Eng. 138(12): 1210-1217. CWP. 2012. West Virginia Stormwater Management and Design Guidance Manual. Grassed Bioretention aka Dry Enhanced Water Quality Swale Third Federal Bank, North Olmstead Source: Dan Bogoevski, Ohio EPA Overhaul or Tweaks? Updates Pretreatment Requirements Planting Soil Media Specifications Planting Soil Media Depth Filter Layer between Planting Soil and Gravel Drainage Layer Underdrain and Elevated Outlet (Internal Water Storage) Sizing and Drawdown Requirements Bioretention Data Submittal/Review Sheet Coming Update – Runoff Reduction Credits Pretreatment Requirements Clogging of Filter Surface Clogging of Filter Surface Source: Bill Hunt, NCSU-BAE Source: Brad Wardynski, NCSU-BAE Pretreatment Realities For the bioretention practice to function: 1. The system must remove most sediment from runoff before it enters the filter bed area 2. The bioretention “system” necessarily includes pretreatment components The runoff must be introduced to the filter bed area with little or no erosive energy The design must address elevation change and concentrated flow Pretreatment Requirements Some form of pretreatment is required Grass Filter Strip Gravel Verge plus Grass Filter Strip Grass Swale Sediment Forebay Pretreatment Forebay Source: Brad Wardynski, NCSU-BAE Pretreatment Source: Bill Hunt, NCSU-BAE Grass Filter Strip Source: Matt Repasky, ODNR Grass Filter Strip and Grass Swale Sterncrest Road, Orange Village flow too concentrated, flowpath too short flow too concentrated, flowpath too short too steep? add grass filter? Okay Okay Much Better Alternative Good Enough? Education Center, Zanesville Planting Soil (Filter Bed Media) PARAMETER Texture Class pH Range Organic Matter Phosphorus Content Soil Test Certification OLD NEW Sandy Loam, Loamy Sand >72% Sand, <10% Clay Loamy Sand >80% Sand, <10% Clay 5.2 – 7.0 5.2 – 8.0 5-20% (no specification whether by weight or volume) 3-5% by Weight Soil P-Index between 15 and 40 15-60 mg/kg P by Mehlich3 Soil mixes must be certified by a qualified laboratory (1 test/100 yd3 soil) Soil mixes must be certified by a qualified laboratory (1 test/100 yd3 soil) Planting Soil Mix or Recipe To get the appropriate planting soil mix (loamy sand; >80% sand, <10% clay when considering only mineral fraction; 3-5% OM by weight) a good place to start is a 7.5:1.5:1 mix (75% sand, 15% topsoil, and 10% organic matter by volume). The sand shall be clean and meet AASHTO M-6 or ASTM C-33. Good (lower P) sources of “aged” organic matter include leaf compost, pine bark fines, or mulch fines. Planting Soil Media Depth 30” to 36” bioretention soil (typical) [24” bioretention soil minimum] 2-3” filter – clean concrete sand 2-3” filter - clean gravel (#8) 12” clean gravel (#57) Planting Soil Media Depth removal - minimum 24” filter media depth provides excellent treatment for most pollutants Pollutant Exceptions – Temperature, Nitrogen, Phosphorus Plant/landscaping needs - planting soil depth needs to be adjusted to accommodate expected rooting depths of bioretention vegetation – recommend 30”36” for most applications; coordinate with landscape architect and/or horticulturalist Filter Layer between Planting Soil and Gravel Drainage Layer 30” to 36” bioretention soil (typical) [24” bioretention soil minimum] 2-3” filter – clean concrete sand 2-3” filter - clean gravel (#8) 12” clean gravel (#57) Filter Layer between Planting Soil and Gravel Drainage Layer Geotextile fabric filters no longer allowed – mounting evidence that filter fabric bioretention clogs causing>24” failure of soil practice 2-3” filter – clean concrete sand 2-3” filter - clean gravel (#8) 12” clean gravel (#57) Sizing Requirements for WQv - New Development From NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit Sizing Requirements for WQv - New Development Target Drawdown Time, Td = 24 hr Design Drawdown Assumption - Kfs of settled filter bed media (planting soil) is between 0.5 to 2.0 in/hr [Maintenance required when Kfs < 0.5/in/hr] Td = dWQv /Kfs = (12 in)/(0.5 in/hr) = 24 hr Where: Td – drawdown time dWQv – equivalent depth of WQv Kfs – saturated hydraulic conductivity Filter Bed Sizing Requirement If impervious area exceeds 25% of contributing drainage area, filter bed area shall be a minimum 5% of contributing impervious area. Filter Bed Sizing Requirement Example 1 Total contributing drainage area = 0.82 Ac Impervious percent = 45% (>25%) Contributing impervious area = (0.82 Ac)(0.45) = 0.37 Ac = 16,073 ft2 Minimum filter bed area = (16,073 ft2)(0.05) = 803 ft2 Filter Bed Sizing Requirement If impervious area exceeds 25% of contributing drainage area, filter bed area shall be a minimum 5% of contributing impervious area. If impervious area makes up less than 25% of contributing drainage area, filter bed area shall be at least equal to the WQv divided by the one foot maximum ponding depth. Filter Bed Sizing Requirement Example 2 Total contributing drainage area = 0.82 Ac Impervious percent = 15% (<25%) For 15% impervious, C = (0.858)(0.15)3 – (0.78)(0.15)2 + (0.774)(0.15) + 0.04 = 0.141 WQv = C*P*A = (0.141)(0.75 in)(0.82 Ac)(1 ft/12 in) = 0.007 Ac-ft = 315 ft3 Minimum filter bed area = (315 ft3)(1 ft) = 315 ft2 Filter Bed Sizing Requirement If impervious area exceeds 25% of contributing drainage area, filter bed area shall be a minimum 5% of contributing impervious area. If impervious area makes up less than 25% of contributing drainage area, filter bed area shall be at least equal to the WQv divided by the one foot maximum ponding depth. Assumption - sediment storage requirement (20% of WQv) will be met with excess bowl volume Filter Bed Area Filter Bed Area What about Redevelopment? For redevelopment projects, the WQv must be captured for all new/additional impervious area, but for impervious area equal to the existing impervious area the volume that must be captured is 20% of the WQv. WQvTOTAL = WQvNEW + 0.2*WQvEXISTING What about Redevelopment? A rule of thumb based on research shows an optimal 10:1 to 20:1 ratio for contributing impervious drainage area to bioretention filter bed area (i.e. hydrologic loading ratio) If all best practices are used (pretreatment, energy dissipation, construction, etc.) a hydrologic loading ratio of 25:1 is probably okay for most sites, whereas a loading ratio up to 40:1 may be okay for “clean” runoff such as rooftop runoff What about Redevelopment? A couple other options: For straight redevelopment (no new impervious), capture and treat the full WQv from 20% of the site For mixed redevelopment and new development, back out the contributing drainage area that your bioretention area based on WQv can handle Build a bioretention practice capable of capturing the full WQv from the entire site, and use the rest as credit toward reduction of stormwater fees or as mitigation Underdrain & Elevated Outlet Enhancing Performance through Outlet Configuration Source: Bill Hunt, NCSU-BAE Underdrain & Elevated Outlet Holden Arboretum, Kirtland Holden North Cell Drawdown Data North Cell Well Drawdown Rates Drawdown Begin Drawdown End Date/Time Date/Time 10/7/2013 17:22 10/17/2013 6:42 10/18/2013 2:48 10/20/2013 12:12 10/22/2013 14:16 10/26/2013 18:36 10/27/2013 12:56 11/2/2013 3:48 11/4/2013 1:30 11/9/2013 10:00 11/15/2013 7:16 11/19/2013 4:14 11/23/2013 21:28 10/16/2013 0:30 10/17/2013 15:38 10/19/2013 12:20 10/21/2013 20:30 10/23/2013 7:02 10/26/2013 21:12 10/31/2013 4:00 11/2/2013 9:22 11/6/2013 17:18 11/11/2013 17:46 11/17/2013 18:46 11/21/2013 21:28 12/9/2013 9:06 Beginning Stage (ft) 2.099 2.085 2.084 2.052 2.07 1.923 1.892 1.883 1.847 1.851 1.794 1.789 1.811 Ending Stage (ft) 1.17 1.97 1.721 1.624 1.783 1.894 1.352 1.815 1.344 1.355 1.491 1.279 1.165 Avg drawdown rate: Avg drawdown rate: Standard Deviation: Delta Stage (ft) 0.929 0.115 0.363 0.428 0.287 0.029 0.54 0.068 0.503 0.496 0.303 0.51 0.646 0.125 0.062 0.0507 Delta time Drawdown Rate (days) (ft/day) 8.30 0.37 1.40 1.35 0.70 0.11 3.63 0.23 2.66 2.32 2.48 2.72 15.48 ft/day in/hr Drawdown Rate (in/hr) 0.112 0.056 0.309 0.154 0.260 0.130 0.318 0.159 0.411 0.205 0.268 0.134 0.149 0.074 0.293 0.147 0.189 0.095 0.213 0.107 0.122 0.061 0.188 0.094 0.042 0.021 TotalExfiltrated Volume: Infiltrated Volume (ft3) 261 32 102 120 81 8 151 19 141 139 85 143 181 1463 Holden North Cell Drawdown Data North Cell Well Drawdown Rates Drawdown Begin Drawdown End Date/Time Date/Time 10/7/2013 17:22 10/17/2013 6:42 10/18/2013 2:48 10/20/2013 12:12 10/22/2013 14:16 10/26/2013 18:36 10/27/2013 12:56 11/2/2013 3:48 11/4/2013 1:30 11/9/2013 10:00 11/15/2013 7:16 11/19/2013 4:14 11/23/2013 21:28 10/16/2013 0:30 10/17/2013 15:38 10/19/2013 12:20 10/21/2013 20:30 10/23/2013 7:02 10/26/2013 21:12 10/31/2013 4:00 11/2/2013 9:22 11/6/2013 17:18 11/11/2013 17:46 11/17/2013 18:46 11/21/2013 21:28 12/9/2013 9:06 Beginning Stage (ft) 2.099 2.085 2.084 2.052 2.07 1.923 1.892 1.883 1.847 1.851 1.794 1.789 1.811 Ending Stage (ft) 1.17 1.97 1.721 1.624 1.783 1.894 1.352 1.815 1.344 1.355 1.491 1.279 1.165 Avg drawdown rate: Avg drawdown rate: Standard Deviation: Delta Stage (ft) 0.929 0.115 0.363 0.428 0.287 0.029 0.54 0.068 0.503 0.496 0.303 0.51 0.646 0.125 0.062 0.0507 Delta time Drawdown Rate (days) (ft/day) 8.30 0.37 1.40 1.35 0.70 0.11 3.63 0.23 2.66 2.32 2.48 2.72 15.48 ft/day in/hr Drawdown Rate (in/hr) 0.112 0.056 0.309 0.154 0.260 0.130 0.318 0.159 0.411 0.205 0.268 0.134 0.149 0.074 0.293 0.147 0.189 0.095 0.213 0.107 0.122 0.061 0.188 0.094 0.042 0.021 TotalExfiltrated Volume: Infiltrated Volume (ft3) 261 32 102 120 81 8 151 19 141 139 85 143 181 1463 Holden North Cell Drawdown Data Planning Considerations Drainage Area < 2 Acres Existing Infrastructure Setbacks from Property Lines, Building Foundations, Wells, Septic Systems Planning Considerations Drainage Area < 2 Acres Existing Infrastructure Setbacks from Property Lines, Building Foundations, Wells, Septic Systems Commitment/Resources to Maintain Practice Site Evaluation Groundwater Pollution Concerns Karst or Shallow Sand/Gravel Aquifer Areas Shallow Depth to Bedrock Shallow Depth to Water Table 2 ft separation recommended, 1 ft required Soil Infiltration Capacity Planning and Design Considerations HSG Shorthand HSG-A • Shallow aquifer? • Avoid short circuiting from pollutant “hot spots” HSG-B • Easy to work with • Maintain infiltration capacity of soils • Drainage usually recommended HSG-C • Oftentimes in optimal landscape position • Maintain infiltration capacity of soils • Drainage required HSG-D • Must identify limitations and design accordingly • Drainage required BMP Hydrology P – Precipitation (Rainfall & Snowmelt) F1 – Infiltration ET – Evaporation & Transpiration F2 – Exfiltration S1 – Temporary Surface Storage Qin – Runon/Lateral Inflow S2 – Temporary Subsurface Storage Qout - Runoff P ET S1 Qoverflow Qin F1 Qin-leak Qtile Qout-leak S2 F2 Qout Estimating Infiltration Rates for BMPs for Site Planning Soil Water Characteristics Calculator Subgrade Kfs Estimates Subgrade USDA Soil Texture Clay Content % Ksat (in/hr) Sand <8 2.8 Loamy Sand < 15 2.0 Sandy Loam < 20 0.80 7 – 27 0.16 Silt Loam < 27 0.05 Silt < 12 0.05 Sandy Clay Loam 20 – 35 0.07 Clay Loam 27 – 40 0.02 Silty Clay Loam 27 – 40 0.02 Silty Clay 40 – 50 0.01 Sandy Clay 35 – 55 <0.005 > 40 <0.005 Loam Clay Infiltration Test for BMP Design? Bore Hole/ Perc Test (v1)? 3-Dimensional Flow Ponded Ring Infiltrometer Test ~1-Dimensional Flow Single Ring Infiltrometer Single Ring Infiltrometer Bioretention Cell Components Bioretention Decisions Base Design 30-36” depth; IWS Layer HSG A Soils If Kfs > 1 in/hr, may not require underdrain, aggregate, filter Temperature 36+” media depth; IWS Layer (>18”); 48” depth to drain Nitrogen Treatment 36” media depth; IWS layer (>18”), outlet raised >6” into planting media Depth Limitations (e.g., Shallow Outlet, High Water Table) 24” media depth HSG D Soils (depending on limitations) Underdrain w/ 3” of cover & 3” of bedding High Water Table, Karst, Shallow Bedrock or High Pollution Loads Impermeable liner Base Bioretention Configuration Base Bioretention Configuration 30”-36” Planting Soil 6” Filter 12” Aggregate Base Bioretention Configuration 24” Planting Soil above Invert 6” (min) Planting Soil in IWS Special Designs Pollutant Temperature Mitigation Nitrogen Removal Phosphorus Mitigation Site Load Reduction Goals Conditions or Limitations High Permeability Soils (> 1 in/hr) Very Low Permeability Soils (<0.05 in/hr) Depth Limitations Groundwater Pollution Potential Bioretention Decisions Base Design 30-36” depth; IWS Layer HSG A Soils If Kfs > 1 in/hr, may not require underdrain, aggregate, filter Temperature 36+” media depth; IWS Layer (>18”); 48” depth to drain Nitrogen Treatment 36” media depth; IWS layer (>18”), outlet raised >6” into planting media Depth Limitations (e.g., Shallow Outlet, High Water Table) 24” media depth HSG D Soils (depending on limitations) Underdrain w/ 3” of cover & 3” of bedding High Water Table, Karst, Shallow Bedrock or High Pollution Loads Impermeable liner Underdrain Configuration For Basic BRC Installation 30”–36” Media Depth Elevated outlet recommended for all HSG-A, B, C soils with Kfs > 0.1 in/hr - 18”+ for Temp, N & Volume Reduction D soils – 3” gravel bedding acts as sump Why Do Bioretention Practices Fail? Sediment Clogging of Geotextile Filter Between Soil and Aggregate Layers Why Do Bioretention Practices Fail? Sediment Clogging of Geotextile Filter Between Soil and Aggregate Layers Why Do Bioretention Practices Fail? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sediment Clogging of Filter Bed Surface Eroding Sideslopes Undersized Surface Ponding Volume Construction Issues/Lack of Construction Oversight Plant Selection and Management Lack of Maintenance Bioretention BMP or Design Poor Fit for Site Construction Issues/Lack of Construction Oversight Loss of Exfiltration/Infiltration Capacity smearing or compaction of subgrade soils during excavation compaction of filter bed soils during construction Materials – esp. filter sand and planting media Elevations – filter bed surface, overflow Existing or Hidden Infrastructure Keeping Sediment Out of BRC During Construction – staging, site drainage and erosion control during construction, site stabilization Bioretention Design Checklist and Review Sheet Questions: Jay Dorsey Water Resources Engineer ODNR, Soil & Water Resources (614) 265-6647 [email protected]
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