536 THE EDINBlflRSH S4ZETTE, Jgfc JWY 1969 Racole Trading & Manufacturing Co. Ltd,, Channel View Road, Dover. Ransome & Maries Bearing GO, Ltd., Stanley Work?, Newark. Peter Raphael Ltd., Offerton Industrial Estate, Hempshaw J^ane, StocKport. Reid & Welsh Ltd., Lossiebank Mills, Elgin. Renold Ltd., Renold Works, Didsbury, Manchester, Richards Ltd., Broadford Works, Maberly Street and Garthdee Works, Aberdeen. S. W. Richards & Sons Ltd., Marsh Parade, Newcastle. J. W. Roberts Ltd., Leigh Road, Hindley Green. Rolls Royce Ltd., Nightingale Road, Derby. Ross Foods Ltd., Wickham Road, Grimsby. W. R. Royle & Son Ltd., Wharf Road, N.I. Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd., Peel Works, 3arton Lane, Eccles. Qir. Salvesen & Co. (Grimsby) Ltd., Gorleston Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft and Ladysmith Road, Grimsby. Saunders-Roe Developments Ltd., North Hyde Road, Hayes. Sayers Rathbone Ltd., Link Road, Huyton Industrial Estate, Huyton. Scotch Corner Hotel (Co. Ltd., Scotch Corner, Great North Road, Middleton Tyas. Scottish Animal Products ktdo CrpsemilJ, Glasgpw Rga4, Barrhead, Glasgow. Securos Ltd., NorthwnbeBland Way, &jU|ngwprth, New* castle-upon-Tyne, Shaw's Laundries Ltd., WJiiteJjill Road, Gravesend. Sheffield CoW Storage Cp, Ltd., Rqman Ridge Road, Sheffield. S. Simpson Ltd., The Industrial Estate, LarkhalL The Singer Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Singer, Clydebank. Small & Parkes Ltd.? Hendham Vale Works, Harpurhey, Manchester. Smith $ Nephe.w (Manchester) JLtd., Park Mill, Moorfield Road, HolHnwood, Oldham. Smith's Dock Co. Ltd. (Tees Division), River Tees Dock- Weyburn Engineering Co. Ltd,, Eashin^ ^JUl, Easl^ng Hollow, Kqslyng. George H. Wheatcroft & Co. Ltd., Haarlern Mill, Wirksworth, Derby. Henry Widnell & Stewart Ltd., Westfield, Eskbank, Dalkeith. Wiggins Teape Ltd., Scottish Pulp & Paper Mills, Corpach, Fort William, Wilson & Glenny Ltd., Ladylaw Mills, Damside, Hawick. M- Wiseman §c Co. Ltd., Strathleven Industrial Estate> Dumbarton. Thomas Witter & Co. Ltd., Cowling Mill, Cowling Brow> Chorley. Wood Brothers Glass -Co. Ltd0 Bprpugh FUnt Glass Works, pontefract Road, Barnsley. Worcestershire County Council, Margaret Westwcod Nursery, Glasshouse Hill, Oldgwi^ford, Stourbrid^e. Nicholas Worsley Ltd., Hazel Mill, Hagliqgden, JRossencJale. Wragby Plastics Ltd., Wragby, Xinpohi. E. Wrigley & Sons Ltd., Belfield Jtoad, Rochdale. Yorkshire Egg Producers Ltd., Brown Street West, Colne, CAITHNESS COUNTY COUNCIL Scavenging an& Drainage Districts at Glengolly NOTICE Is Hereby Given in accordance with the terms of Section j!47(5) of the Local Government ($cot}an{l) Act, 1947, that the County Council of the County of Caithness have resolved to form an area at Glengolly in the Parish oi Thurso into Special Scavenging and Drainage Districts. The full terms of the resolution and a plan showing the boundaries of the new Special Scavenging and prainage Districts may be inspected in the Office of the Cpimty Clerk, Coypty Offices, Wick, during public office hours from 18th July 1969, to 8th August 1969, both dates inclusive. R. H. Sxpv^NSpN, Cpunty Clerk. County Offices, Wick. July 1969. yard, South Bank, Mjddle^brqugji. Snowden & Bailes Ltd., North Railway Street, Seaham. Southalls (Birmingham) Ltd., Charford Mills, Alum Rock Road, Birmingham. Southernprint Ltd., Pppje Road, Jkanksome, Poole. Stantone Plastics J*t4-j ,Ba{es Rpad, Church Roa4j .IJarold Wood. Archibald Stevenson & Son Ltd., Burnbank Road, Hamilton. Stokes Castings Ltd., Hermitage Lane, Mansfield. Symbol Biscuits Ltd., Devonshire Road, Blackpool, James Tankard (Branch of Jliingwprth, Morris & Qo, J-td.}, Upper Croft Mills, Bradford. Jay Textiles Lt4-> §QutJj A^P* Factory, y?e$t Hendersons Wynd, Dundee. Team Valley Weaving .Industries Lt^., Princes Way, Team Vajley frading Estatea Gateshead. Tinsjey Wire Industries Ltdy Sheffield Road, Sheffield. Todd & Duncan L,td., Lochleyen M^s, JCinross. R. Twining Sf. Co. Ltd., South Way, Andover. The -Tyneside Tinprinters Co. ( Sterling-Winthrop Group Ltd.), Edgefield Avenue, Fawdon, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. U. G. Closures & Plastics Ltd., Bridge of Allan. United Biscuits Ltd., Elbe Street, Edinburgh. United Biscuits Ltd. (William Crawford & Sons), Fairfield Biscuit Works, Binns Road, Liverpool. United Biscuits Ltd. (Macfartone Lang & O?r), Py4efor<j Drive, Glasgow. United Glass (Scotland) Ltd., O10 JSljettlesjxm RpacI, GIas<gow. Univej^al Pulp Cpntainqrs Ltd., Lillyburn Worksj Miltonof-Campsie, By Glasgow. Victor Products (Wallsend) Ltd., Church Bank, Wallsend. Viota Foods Ltd., Port Causeway, Srombqrough, WirraL Walker # Son (Leicester) L,td.^ JJarfcby Road, Leicester. The Wall Paper Manufacturers Ltd. (C. & J. Q. Poster $rjinch), Pejgraye Mills., Pajrwen, Warburtons Ltd., BakeweU Work§, J^cjkwortl* £t?ee^ £>ff , JJekus jRoad, Watney Combe Reid & Cp, Wy Bpt^Ung StQre& The Brewery, High §tre^, MprOake, S.WJL4Monastery Road, Neath Welsh Country (Iea.th) Abbey, "Heath. Welwyn Electric Ltd., Bedljngton Station West Lqthian Knitwear Ltdv Gardener's Laoff, ^outh Bridge Street, Bathgat«, THE BURGH OF HADDINGTON (Various Streets') (Prohibition and Restriction o$ Waiting) Order 1969 THE Town Qouncil of the Royal Burgh of Haddington propose to make an Order under Sections 1(1), (2) and (3) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967 as aqiqntfed by Part IX of the Transport Act 1968. When this Ord£r comes in?o effect vehicles must not be left between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Mondays to Saturdays inclusive on the greater part .of each of the following roads; 1. High Street 2. Hardgate 3. Market Street 4. Court Street 5. Sidegate Exceptions will permit waiting far -tjie £\irp99? of; (a) picking up .and setting dpwn p^ss^rjgers (b) loading or unloading goocjs j where necessary in connection with; (c) the maintenance pf the roajisj and (d) the supply of gas, electricity and water, and by (e) disabled drivers. In pthpr ,parf s of the road numbered " 2 " above, waiting will be limited to 30 minutes between S g,ni. an^ 6 jp.m. Mondays {o Saturdays inclusive, In parts of the following roads, vehicles must not t>e left at any time: 1. 2. 3, £ourt Street 4. Knox Place. Full details pf t^efie ikropos^ls are in the dr^ft Ordar which, togqjlier with a map showing "tjie restricted lengths of road, may be examined at the Town Qerk^s Office, Town House, Haddington between the Jioujs of 9 e,rn. ftiv} $ P-PMon4«9 jp (F/icJayp inc^isivfi. Any person wishing to object to the pcpposQd Order should send fc&tts of tfrp groun^ jEflT ^bjectiori to t|ie undersigned by i2tl} AvSP?t 1969. Town House, 18th July , T<wvp
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