_.JJT : : .5 G5A llr nsrA I -Frequency(50H2) LGREEN Sertes Pressure(0.93MPa[9.5kgflcmr]) PressureSwitch Oil Free Power(3.7kW) hS lnonrzoNTAl TANK MoUNT TypE) P ra c c , ' 1 6 d r' , ^ 6 Safetyvalve, Hosejoint, V-belt, Beltcover Silencer Stop valve Air out let 1t4BX1 for0.75,1.5& 2.2kW, 3/88X1for 3.7 & 5.5 kW, 3l4BX1 for 7.5 & 11 kW Note:1. Usethecompressor at a placewhereambienttemperature is 0 to 40 degreesC. 2. The noiselevelshownarethoseobtained at a distance of l.5m fromthefrontof thecompressor operating underfullloadin a reverberation-free room. 3. Thecapacityof compressed air is the amountof airdischarged underthe maximumpressureconverted pressure) in termsairsuction(underthe atmospheric 4. Thesecompressor seriesis notavailable lor directuseof breathino air. SUPEROIL-FREE BEBICON LEseries Specifications Molor Output Model (kvv) 50Hzff0Hd Compressor l Mil. Pfessure (NtPa) ffof-. Capacity dimeter(mm) RowingSped: 0.N:.oF.FCylinder (Umin) (mm) X Stroke (minr) 50 Hz 60 Hz 0.45/0.54 0.8 0.6-0.8 a$x20x1 42/49 1360 1610 20 600x322X608 230V 1PH 30 60t62 Note: 1. Use the compressor at a place where ambient temperature is 0 to 40 degrees C. 2. The noise level shown are those obtained at a distance of 1.5m from the front of the compressor operating under full load in a reverberation-free room. 3. The capacity of compressed air is the amount ol air discharged under the maximum pressure converted in terms air suction (under the atmospheric pressure) 4. This compressor is not available for direct use of breathinq air HI ;- Pressure{0.93MPa[9.5kgl/cm']J PressureSwitchType Powor(2,2kW) V lonS (HoRrzoNTAL & vERTTcAL TANKMoUNTTypE) Cylinder Diameter mm X Stroke mm X Number of Cylinders .'> :..': Extmal Dmensions Wi dthX D epthX H ei ghl 'Caoaeitv al MaiiimLim, . .Pt9ss!/te Lrrnit mm Pressuregauge, Safety valve, Hosejoint,V-belt, Beltcover, Silencer Stopvalve 11U-9.5V5/6A 110X110X2 1,793X 61 1X 1,103 Air out let 1,983X794X1,221 1t4BX1 for 0.75& 1.5 kW, 1l 4B X 2tor2.2kW, 1/4BX1& 3/88X1 for 3.7 & 5.5 kW 1t4BX1&3t4BX1 for7.5 & 11 kW l B X l for 15 kW 1,793X61 1X1,098 3.7P-12.5(14)VsA 2.s(14)VsA 5.5P-1 1,025X611X1,734 7.5P-2 1 . 5 ( 14 ) VsA 1,102X634X1,814 Note: 1. Use the compressorat a place where ambient temperatureis 0 to 40 degrees C. 2. The noise level shown are those obtained at a dislance ol 1.5m from the front ot the compressoroperating under full load in a reverberation-lreeroom. 3. The capacity of compressed air is the amount of air dischargedunder the maximum pressure converted in terms air suction (under the atmosphericpressure) 4. These compressorseries is not availablefor direct use of breathingair. Forfurtherinformation, Pleasecontactyournearestsalesrepresentative @UitachiAsiaLtd. For the latest in{ormationvisit Hitachiwebsite on http://www. h itachi.com.sg
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