$2.00 www.suomikoti.ca Suomi-Koti Office: 416-425-4134 Superintendent: 416-339-5945 Leaside Health Centre: 416-424-3145 PSW Cell: 416-779-4134 HYVÄÄ KESÄÄ! HAVE A WONDERFUL SUMMER! Tenant Talks at the BBQ Lunch “Hey Cathy! Look over there... ” “Gotcha!” “I’m telling you, Karin, Suomi-Koti BBQs are the best BBQs!” “Ladies first…” “These burgers are delicious!!” A big thank you to our Master Chefs and Stupendous Servers! “Mmm… All of this looks so good!” “Here’s to a wonderful afternoon!” 2 Elokuun syntymäpäiviä. Tenants and residents celebrating birthdays in August. Maire Keskikylä Linda Brencis Maija Mary Halme Eevi Sinikivi Martta Sorvisto Marjatta Mäkivirta Irene Loosberg Terttu Jokinen Elma Ikävalko Leila Puhakka Syntymäpäiväruno En korttia kaunista piirtänyt, en viestiä postiin pistänyt. Vaan lämmin on ajatus tämäkin, jonka sulle näin lähetin. Hyvää syntymäpäivää! 3 Donations - Lahjoituksia Donation to Center Anonymous Robert & Kaija Clark Finnish United Church Veikko Hokkanen Tuomo & Anja Manttari Donation to Nursing Home Tuomo & Anja Manttari Atro Tossavainen Donation to EPC Ivi Egalik Anja Gallus Birthday Party Donation to Home Care Robert & Kaija Clark Ivi Egalik Anna-Liisa Eronen Elsa Haatainen Anja Peiponen Helmi Soini In memory of Eric Nousiainen Miriam Simpanen In memory of Maria Haikonen Annikki Arra Kerttu Disterheft Irene Ettala Anja Gallus Ritva Glad Elsa Haatainen Maija Mary Halme Eric Harela Keijo Henrik Harinen Sara Haukioja Tuula Haukioja Markku Heino Aino Hepolehto Sointu Isokangas Eila Jamsanen Viola Jarvi Aino Jokela Terttu Jokinen Seppo Junnola Eija Jussila Raija Kelar Aili Kukkonen Kerttu Kukkonen Anja Mynttinen Annikki Nousiainen Iiro & Maija Nummi Hilja Nurmi Anne Ollikainen Anja Peiponen Kirsti Poutiainen Lea Margid Pyykkonen Anja Rautiainen Lauri Ilmari Roth Elsa Marjatta Ruohonen Sirkka Unelma Saarinen Helmi Soini Martta Sorvisto Anja M. Teras Arja Tolppanen Maarit Tuomikoski Reino & Alli Vakkuri Marjatta Vatanen In memory of Maija Patjas Viola Jarvi Total Donations $ 2,898.14 Kiitokset Lahjoittajille - Thank you for your Donations RAFFLE WINNER - ARPAJAISTEN VOITTAJA - RAFFLE WINNER 50/50 arpajaisten voittaja: 50/50 winner: Heinäkuun 22 pv. oli Eevi Sinikivi July 22nd was Eevi Sinikivi Congratulations! 4 In 2014 Civic Holiday is on Monday, August 4. The Civic Holiday is celebrated on the first Monday of August and it's a public holiday in some provinces and territories. It is known by many names in different provinces and municipalities. It's called Regatta Day in Newfoundland, Saskatchewan Day in Saskatchewan, British Columbia Day in BC, Natal Day in Nova Scotia and PEI. Simcoe Day** in Toronto, New Brunswick Day in New Brunswick, Colonel By Day in Ottawa, Heritage Day in Alberta and Joseph Brant Day in Burlington, ON. It is called Benjamin Vaughan day in the City of Vaughan, Ontario. The Civic Holiday is commonly referred to as the August long weekend. It is probably the busiest day on highways as tens of thousands of families go camping, to cottages etc this weekend. If you can, take Friday off and leave for your holiday on Friday morning or Thursday night and come back Sunday morning or early afternoon to avoid mile-long traffic jams on Monday. ** Civic Holiday is not called Simcoe Day" everywhere in Ontario, only in Toronto. Each municipality that opts to declare the holiday can give it a unique name. It's called the "civic" holiday because it's the holiday that cities have authority to declare. 5 Tenants’ Meeting, Thursday, July 17th, 2014, 2:00pm. Tenants Present: 30 Chair: Juha Mynttinen 1. Juha welcomed everyone to the July Tenants’ Meeting and brought greetings from his daughter and her family in Finland! 2. Irina Ilmokari shared about the book she’s writing on Finnish people in Toronto. 3. Several people with newspaper subscriptions are not getting their papers because others are reading them first and not bringing them back. Please do not remove newspapers that are not yours from the front lobby. 4. Juha suggested that tenants invest in nightlights so that when they need to move around at night they won’t find themselves falling or injuring themselves. 5. A woman came to visit from Suomi-Koti, Stockholm (Sweden). She was very impressed with our building and the many, ongoing programs. There is a book of pictures from Sweden’s Suomi-Koti available in the office for people to look at. 6. Tenants were reminded to be mindful and careful when the garbage truck is backing up and picking up trash. Drivers cannot always see behind the truck. 7. Car Raffle Tickets are still available!! There are just over 3 months left until the draw. Tell your family and friends about it. Only $20 for the chance to win a new car. 8. The west parking lot is going to be closed as the drilling for the new subway tunnel begins. The east driveway tunnel will be the only one being used and Juha will update the tenants as more details about what that will look like become available. 9. Laura shared about upcoming events. 10. Tenants were given an opportunity to discuss various matters of interest. 11. Meeting adjourned at 2:30pm. 6 Asukkaiden kokous Torstaina 17.7.2014, kello 14.00 Asukkaiden osanottajamäärä: 30 Puheenjohtaja: Juha Mynttinen 1. Juha toivotti kaikki tervetulleiksi heinäkuun asukkaiden kokoukseen. Hän toi terveisiä tyttäreltään ja hänen perheeltään Suomesta. 2. Irina Ilmokari kertoi kirjastaan, jota hän kirjoittaa Toronton suomalaisista. 3. Monet asukkaat, jotka ovat tilanneet sanomalehden, eivät saa lehteään koska muut lukevat ne ensin eivätkä palauta niitä. Toivomme, että ette ottaisi toisten lehtiä alaaulasta. 4. Juha ehdotti, että asukkaat hankkisivat yövaloja. Valo helpottaa liikkumista yöllä ja näin ehkäistään kaatumisia ja loukkaantumisia. 5. Saimme vierailijan Tukholman Suomi-Kodilta. Rakennuksemme ja monipuoliset ohjelmamme tekivät häneen suuren vaikutuksen. Toimistossa on kuvakirja Ruotsin Suomi-Kodilta, jota saa tulla katsomaan. 6. Asukkaita muistutettiin olemaan varovaisia ja ottamaan huomioon roska-auto silloin kun se tulee hakemaan roskia ja peruuttaa takapihalle. Kuljettajat eivät aina näe auton taakse. 7. Autoarpoja on vielä saatavilla!! On vain kolme kuukautta aikaa arvontaan. Kertokaa perheellenne ja ystävillenne arpajaisista. 20 dollarilla voi voittaa uuden auton. 8. Talon länsipäädyn autopaikat tullaan sulkemaan, kun uuden metron poraustyöt alkavat. Talon itäpäädyssä oleva tunneli jää ainoastaan käyttöön. Heti kun saamme lisätietoja, Juha ilmoittaa niistä asukkaille. 9. Laura kertoi tulevista tapahtumista. 10. Asukkaille annettiin mahdollisuus keskusteluun. 11. Kokous loppui kello 14.30. 7 Reflections Author Unknown I am an elderly lady and I live alone. But I don’t get lonely because I have some men friends who keep me company. I wake up with Charlie Horse. I eat with Will Power. I spend my days with Arthur Itis and I go to bed with Ben Gay. Things are not the same anymore. Everything is farther away now than it used to be. It is twice as far to the corner and they added a hill, I noticed. I have given up running for the bus. It moves faster than it used to. It seems, too, that they are making stairs steeper than in the old days. And have you noticed the smaller print they now use in the newspapers? There is no sense in asking anyone to read aloud. Everyone speaks in such a low voice that I can hardly hear them. Even people are changing. They are so much younger than they used to be when I was their age. On the other hand, people of my age are so much older than I am. I ran into a classmate the other day and she had aged so much she didn’t recognize me! I got to thinking about the poor thing while I was combing my hair this morning, and in doing so, I glanced at my reflection—and, confound it—they don’t even make mirrors like they used to! Something Good About You By: William Barnes Lower How would it help in the work of the day, As we pass by, on the busy highway; To have some one say, without much ado, “You know, I heard something good about you.” When you’ve bestowed comfort to those in pain, Or cheered one who’s lost, to take heart again; It helps when you’re weary to hear someone say— “I heard something good about you, today”. When you have suffered the undeserved kick, And harsh words around you fall fast and thick; A friend comes and says, when you’re sure feeling blue, “You know, I heard something good about you.” And when I have covered the last rugged mile, I know there is One who will give me the smile; And say from a heart so kindly and true, “Come in, I know something good about you.” 8 9 EPC KALENTERI — ELOKUU 2014 Sunnuntai Maanantai Tiistai Keskiviikko Torstai Perjantai 1. Lauantai 2. 10:30 Hartaus, Agricola kirkko, B2 14:00 Hillside Cafe, aula 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Civic Holiday 16:00 Liikuntatunti, B2 12:00 Lounas, Mandarin Restaurant 16:00 Liikuntatunti, B2 10:30 Hartaus, Saalem kirkko, B2 Toimisto suljettu 18:00 Peli-ilta, B2 10. 14:00 Hillside Cafe, aula 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10:00 Mölkky peli katolla 16:00 Liikuntatunti, B2 18:00 Peli-ilta, B2 14:00 Naapurikahvila, patio 10:30 Hartaus, Saalem kirkko, B2 16:00 Liikuntatunti, B2 14:00 Hillside Cafe, aula 21. 22. 11:00 Elokuva, TV kanava 19. 20. 10:00 Mölkky 18:00 Ehtoollishartaus, peli katolla Agricola 11:00 Elokuva, kirkko, B2 TV kanava 12:30 Grilli lounas, patio 9-12:00 Annen 14:00 terveysklinikka, Asukkaiden kokous, B2 B1 24. 25. 10:00 Mölkky peli katolla 17. 18. 11:00 Elokuva, TV kanava 16:00 Liikuntatunti, B2 9. 23. 10:30 Hartaus, Agricola kirkko, B2 18:00 Peli-ilta, B2 16:00 Liikuntatunti, B2 14:00 Hillside Cafe, aula 26. 27. 28. 29. 16:00 Liikuntatunti, B2 18:00 Peli-ilta, B2 14:30 Syntymäpäiväjuhlat, B2 10:30 Hartaus, Pastori Tuula Van Gaasbeek, B2 16:30 Liikuntatunti, B2 16. 30. 14:00 Hillside Cafe, aula 31. 18:00 Hyvän Sanoman Ilta, Saalem kirkko, B2 10 EPC CALENDAR — AUGUST 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1. Saturday 2. 10:30 am Devotions, Agricola Church, B2 2:00 pm Hillside Café, lobby 3. 4. 5. Civic Holiday 4:00 pm Exercise 12:00 pm Class, B2 Lunch at Mandarin Restaurant Office closed 6. 7. 13. 9. 4:00 pm Exercise 10:30 am DevoClass, B2 tions, Saalem Church, B2 2:00 pm Hillside Café, lobby 6:00 pm Games Night, B2 10. 8. 11. 12. 10:00 am Mölkky game, roof top 4:00 pm Exercise 6:00 pm Games 2:00 pm Class, B2 Night, B2 Neighbourhood Café, patio 14. 15. 16. 10:30 am Devotions, Saalem, B2 4:00 pm Exercise 2:00 pm Hillside Café, lobby Class, B2 17. 18. 19. 6:00 pm Communion, Agricola Church, B2 10:00 am Mölkky game, roof top 12:30 pm BBQ Lunch, patio 24. 20. 9:00 am-12:00 pm Anne’s Wellness 4:00 pm Exercise Clinic, B1 Class, B2 6:00 pm Games Night, B2 27. 21. 22. 2:00 pm Tenants’ Meeting, B2 10:30 am Devotions, Agricola Church, B2 23. 4:00 pm Exercise 2:00 pm Hillside Café, lobby Class, B2 29. 25. 26. 10:00 am Mölkky game, roof top 4:00 pm Exercise 6:00 pm Games 2:30 pm Birthday 10:30 am Devotions, Pastor Party, B2 Class, B2 Night, B2 Tuula Van 4:30 pm Exercise Gaasbeek, B2 Class, B2 2:00 pm Hillside Café, lobby 28. 30. 31. 6:00 pm Evening of Good Tidings, Saalem Church, B2 11 ELOKUU Sun Mon Sun Tue Mon Wed Tue Wed Thu Thu Fri 1 Fri Keitto Sat 2 Kalaa Ransk.perunat Tai Lihapullat Kaalisalaatti Pudding Sat Salaatti Vasikanleike Tai Lasagna Perunat Herneet Vanukas 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Keitto Kananjalat Tai Porsaankylki Riisiä Lanttua Kakkua Salaatti Makkarat Tai Kalkkuna Peruna Maissia Persikat Keitto Kanaa Tai Porsas Riisiä Vihannes Kiisseli Salaatti Uunipaisti Tai Kalaa Perunat Herneet Juustokakku Keitto Porsaankyljys Tai Lammas Perunat Sekavihannes Vanukas Salaatti Lihapullat Tai Mac.laatikko Peurunasose Papuja Vispipuuro Keitto Kalaa Tai Kanaa Perunat Sekavihannes Hedelmiä 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Salaatti Pihvi Tai Kalkkuna Perunat Sekavihannes Kakku Keitto Lihamureke Tai Kanaa Perunat Herneet Kiisseli Salaatti Lohi Tai Makkarat Perunasose Lanttua Hedelmiä Keitto Kanaa Tai Maksapihvi Riisiä Parsaa Marjapiiras Salaatti Porsaan paisti Tai Kalkkunaa Perunasose Lanttua Hyytelö Keitto Kaalilaatikko Tai Porsaan kylki Sekavihannes Vispipuuro Salaatti Kinkkukiusaus Tai Kanaa Parsakaali Mandariinit 17 18 22 23 Keitto Lihapullat Perunasose 19 20 Salaatti GRILLI Lohilaatikko LOUNAS Tai 21 Salaatti Kalkunanleike Tai Kalaa Perunat Sekavihannes Kiisseli Vasikanleike Parsaa Jäätelö Keitto Maksapihvi Tai Kanaa Perunat Lanttua Pudding Salaatti Leivitetty Kala Tai Kaalikääryleet Mashed Pot. Porkkanat Hyytelö Keitto Porsaankylki Tai Lihapullat Perunalaatikko Maissia Kiisseli Tai Vasikanleike Sekavihannes Omenakakku 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Salaatti Jauhelihapihvi Tai Kalaa Perunat Porkkana Marjapiiras Keitto Kanapalat Tai Porsaankyljys Riisiä, Vih, Persikat Salaatti Liha -Makaroonilaatikko Tai Kala Sekavihannes Kiisseli Keitto Lohifilee Tai Pihvi Perunasose Vihannes Hedelmiä Salaatti Palapaisti Tai Kanaa Perunat Porkkana Jäätelö Keitto Kalaa Ransk. perunat Tai Lihapullat Salaatti Vasikanleike Tai Lasagna Perunat Herneet Vanukas Kaalisalaatti Pudding 31 Keitto Kananjalat Tai Porsaankylki Riisiä, Lanttua 12 AUGUST Sun Mon Sun Tue Mon Tue Wed Wed Thu Thu Fri 1 Fri Soup Sat 2 Sat Salad Fish and Chips Or Meatballs Coleslaw Pudding Veal Or Lasagna Potatoes Peas Mousse 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Soup Chicken Legs Or BBQ Pork Rice Squash Carrot Cake Salad Sausages Or Turkey Boiled Pot. Corn Peaches Soup Chicken Or Pork Rice Vegetables Compote Salad Roast Beef Or Fish Potatoes Peas Cheesecake Soup Pork Chops Or Lamb Potatoes Ital. Veget. Mousse Salad Finnish Meatballs Or MacCheese, Pot. Beans Vispipuuro Soup Baked Fish Or Chicken Potatoes Mix. Veget. Fruits 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Salad Swiss Steak Or Turkey Potatoes Mix Veg. Cake Soup Meatloaf Or Chicken Potatoes Peas/Carrots Compote Salad Salmon Or Sausages Mashed Potat. Squash Fruits Soup Chicken in Mushroom SC Or Liver/rice Brocolli Berry Cake Salad Pork Cutlet Or Turkey Potatoes Turnip Diced Jello Soup Cabbage Casserole Or Pork-Rib Peas/Carrots Vispipuuro Salad Ham/Potato Bake Or Chicken Broccoli Mandarins 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Soup Meatballs Mashed Pot. Or Veal Mix Veg. Apple Cake Salad Turkey Schnizel Or Sole Potatoes/Veg. Berry Compote Salad Salmon Casserole Or Veal Broccoli Ice-Cream Soup Breaded Liver Or Chicken Potatoes Turnips Pudding Salad Captain Burger Or Cabbage Rolls/ Potatoes Carrots Orange Jello Soup Maple Pork Or Meatballs Potatoes Corn/Compote 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Salad Macaroni And Beef Or Haddock PEI Vegetables Compote Soup Salmon Loin Or Swiss Steak Potatoes Brussel Sprouts Fruits Salad Beef Bourguignon Or Chicken Pot/Carrots Ice-Cream Soup Fish and Chips Or Meatballs Coleslaw Pudding Salad Veal Or Lasagna Potatoes Peas Mousse Salad Salisbury Steak Or Hake Fish Potatoes Carrots Berry Pie Soup Chicken Dippers Or Pork Santa Fe Rice Mixed Veget. Peaches BBQ LUNCH 31 Soup Chicken Legs Or BBQ Pork Rice, Squash Carrot Cake 13 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1. Pentti from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am 8. Timo 3. Marjatta 4. Marjatta 5. Marjatta 6. Timo from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am 7. Timo from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am 10. Timo 11. Timo 12. Timo 13. Timo from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am 14. Timo from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am 17. Marjatta 18. Marjatta 19. Marjatta 20. Timo from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am 21. 22. Timo Timo from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am 24. Timo 25. Timo 26. Timo 27. Timo from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am 28. Timo from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am Saturday 2. Marjatta 9. Timo 15. 16. Timo Marjatta from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am 23. Timo 30. 29. Marjatta Timo from 8 am to 5 pm Marjatta from 5 pm to 8 am 31. Marjatta AUKIOLOAJAT JA VOIMISTELUTUNNIT: OPENING HOURS AND FITNESS CLASSES: Osuuspankki on auki keskiviikkoisin klo 10:00-12:00, B1. Osuuspankki is open on Wednesdays from 10 am-12pm, B1. Kirjasto on suljettu heinä- ja elokuussa. Kiosk is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10 am to 11am. Friday 11am to 12 pm. Closed on Tuesday. Kioski on auki maanantaisin, keskiviikkoisin ja torstaisin klo 10:00-11:00. Perjantaisin klo 11.00-12:00. Tiistaisin suljettu. Library is closed during July and August. In case of emergency: office (416) 425-4134, 9 am-5 pm, Hätätapauksissa: toimisto (416) 425-4134, klo 9-17:00, PSW (416) 779-4134, until 9:00 pm, superintendent (416) kotihoitaja (416) 779-4134 klo 21:00 asti, talonmies 339-5945 and 911 any time. (416) 339-5945 iltaisin ja 911 muina aikoina. Hairdresser is open: Wednesday, Thursday and Kampaajan aukioloajat: keskiviikko, torstai ja Friday 9 am-5 pm. perjantai 9:00-17:00. Voimistelutunnit: Voimistelu (Eila) - Torstaisin klo. 9:30-10:30 Vesivoimistelu (Robi) - Tiistaisin klo. 9:00-10:00 Vesivoimistelu (Robi) - Torstaisin klo. 9:00-10:00 Vesivoimistelu+sauna (Eila) - Keskiviik. klo.13:0014:00. Lounasaika joka päivä klo 12:30-13:30, B2. Fitness classes: Fitness (Eila) - Thursday at 9:30 am -10:30 am Aquafitness (Robi) - Tuesday at 9 am -10 am Aquafitness (Robi) - Thursday at 9 am -10 am Aquafitness + sauna (Eila) - Wednesday at 1 pm -2 pm Lunch is served at 12:30-1:30pm daily, B2. 14 Grand River Lunch Monday, July 28th // Maanantai, heinäkuun 15 Toronto-Finlandia Lions Club Car Raffle for the Suomi-Koti Building Fund WIN A CAR Hyundai Elantra GL 2014! Draw Date: October 24, 2014 at 7:00 pm Place: Suomi-Koti 795 Eglinton Ave. East Toronto, ON, M4G 4E4 www.suomikoti.ca Tickets $20.00 each Tickets available through Toronto-Finlandia Lions Club members or Suomi-Koti. License number M 660336 16
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