Manatee Bay Messenger Principal’s Message Greeting Manatee Bay Families, ! We are sure you would agree that this year seems to be quickly passing by. We have approached the second quarter, your children are growing academically and physically, and the holidays are right before our very eyes. As we reflect on the year thus far, we are pleased to say that with all of the new programs, we are coming together to embrace the very core of Manatee Bay and that is to be Community of Life Long Learners! ! ! VOLUME IV NOVEMBER 2014 This past week we have just voted as an entire staff on the Teacher and Employee of the year. We are pleased and proud to announce that Mr. Samuel Allison and Mrs. Lourdes Barboza will be representing Manatee Bay for Teacher of the Year and Employee of the Year for 2014-2015. ! Mr. Allison is one of our founding teachers, although he came to us with a wealth of experiences, he was one of several teachers who opened Manatee Bay. Mr. Allison faithfully teaches and challenges his Fifth Graders with the highest of expectations. He also coordinates and facilitates our NESS program for new teachers to provide them mentorship, support and resources for success. He is a mentor to many! ! ! Mrs. Barboza is the newest addition to our office staff and as our Office Manager and Principal’s Confidential, she has created a most professional and supportive atmosphere to the entire staff. Her door is always open to provide answers, and assistance to all. She truly represents what quality customer service is all about! ! ! ! This week all of our 2nd and 3rd graders began our new Chess program for one hour per week. We look forward to their continued growth in this area. After school enrichment clubs will be starting very soon. Stay tuned for more information on that and many other exciting upcoming events! Mission Statement We, the Manatee Bay Elementary School Community, pledge to provide a quality education that focuses on high expectations and achievement for all stakeholders in a safe and supportive learning environment. Vision Statement The vision of Manatee Bay Elementary School is to be a community of lifelong learners who value quality and integrity as we strive to create a nurturing environment in which children will develop selfesteem and respect for themselves and others. On another note, or 5th graders currently remain first in the entire Nation and first in the entire State of Florida in the “First In Math” program (we compete with over 6,000 schools nationwide public, charter and private!). Yes, at MBE we have a lot to be proud of. ! As we approach this holiday season let’s take some precious moments to say an honest thank you to those around us that we love and care about. Parent involvement at every and any level is paramount to the success that we celebrate every day at the Bay! We end this letter by saying a heartfelt thanks for ALL that YOU do to make MBE one of Broward’s finest! Happy Holidays to you! ! !! Sincerely, Heather Hedman-DeVaughn and Marie-Dominique Price Dumervil Principal and Assistant Principal Saludos Familias de Manatee Bay, ! November ! 11/3-10 Book Fair 11/3 Dads & Donuts 7-8 am 11/4 Teacher Planning Day - no school 11/5 Book Fair Family Night 11/10-14 Anti-Bullying Week 11/11 Veteran’s Day - no school 11/12 Publix Family Night 11/13 Report Cards go home 11/14 3rd gr Honor Roll/Principal Bkfst 11/17 4th & 5th Honor Roll 11/20 Outback Family Night 11/26-28 Thanksgiving Break - no school 11/27 Happy Thanksgiving! Estamos seguros de que estaría de acuerdo que este año parece estar pasando rápidamente. Nos hemos acercado al segundo trimestre, sus hijos están creciendo académicamente y físicamente, y los días de fiesta están justo delante de nuestros ojos. ¡Al reflexionar sobre el año hasta la fecha, nos complace decir que con todos los nuevos programas, estamos llegando juntos a alcanzar la esencia misma de Manatee Bay de crear estudiantes que quieren aprender de por vida! ! La semana pasada todo el personal acabamos de elegir el Maestro y el Empleado del Año. Nos complace y enorgullece en anunciar que el Sr. Samuel Allison y Sra. Lourdes Barboza estarán representando a Manatee Bay para Maestro del Año y Empleado del Año para 2014-2015. ! El Sr. Allison es uno de nuestros maestros fundadores, a pesar de que vino a nosotros con mucha experiencia, él es uno de los maestros que abrieron Manatee Bay. El Sr. Allison fielmente enseña y desafía a su alumnos de quinto grado con la más alta de las expectativas. También coordina y facilita nuestro programa NESS para los nuevos maestros para proporcionarles tutoría, apoyo y recursos para el éxito. ¡Él es un mentor para muchos! La Sra. Barboza es la más reciente adición a nuestro personal de oficina como nuestra Gerente de la Oficina y Confidente de la directora, que ha creado un ambiente más profesional y de apoyo a todo el personal. Su puerta siempre está abierta para dar respuestas y asistencia a todos. ¡Ella realmente representa lo que significa servicio de calidad a los clientes! ! Esta semana todos nuestros alumnos de segundo y tercero comenzaron nuestro nuevo programa de ajedrez durante una hora por semana. Esperamos con interés su continuo crecimiento en este área. ! Clubes de enriquecimiento después de la escuela van a empezar muy pronto. ¡Estén atentos para más información sobre esto y muchos otros eventos próximos! ! Nuestro quinto grado se ha mantenido primero en toda la Nación y en el estado de Florida en el programa "First In Math" (¡competimos con más de 6,000 escuelas públicas, charter y privadas!). Sí, en MBE tenemos mucho de qué estar orgullosos. ! A medida que nos acercamos a esta temporada de vacaciones vamos a tomar un momento para dar un sincero agradecimiento a los que nos rodean. ¡La participación de los padres a cualquier nivel es de suma importancia para el éxito que se celebra todos los días en la bahía! ¡Terminamos esta carta diciendo un sincero agradecimiento por todo lo que hacen para hacer MBE una de las mejores de escuelas de Broward! ¡Les deseamos una feliz temporada de fiestas! ! Atentamente, ! Heather Hedman-DeVaughn y Marie Dominique Price-Dumervil Kindergarten It has been another exciting month in the land of K! The children have been busy preparing for our Fall festival. The Fall Festival is a culminating event where the children rotate through the kindergarten classrooms and participate in varied Fall themed activities. To prepare, we have spent the month learning about Fall, pumpkins, bats, spiders, and Halloween. ! In math, we have been learning about the numbers 0 - 9, greater and less than, and equal to. In science, we are wrapping up our Five Seasons unit, and beginning Energy. In social studies, we have wrapped up our unit on Civics and Government. We will begin American History next. ! We are looking forward to our upcoming field trip to the Farm, and our Annual Thanksgiving Lunch. Be on the lookout for details! ! Please remember to continue to sign your child's agenda nightly and to read to or have your child read to you everyday! Mrs. Veronese’s class participating Kindergarten Team in Meet the Masters. First Grade ! First Grade has been learning about living things in Science and Language Arts so we are off to the IGFA Fishing Museum on Nov. 19 and 20 to further that study. Students need to wear their Field Trip shirt and bring a bag lunch on their day. We are practicing our skill of writing a sentence with correct punctuation containing a noun, verb, and an adjective. We researched Symbols of America in Social Studies so we will recognize and honor our veterans and respectfully remind our parents to vote. Next we begin our unit on people and traditions, learning how people and events shape history. ! Please continue to model the importance of reading by reading with your child each day. ! November is a time to learn about being thankful, we are thankful for family support. ! The First Grade Team ! ! STEM Buddies Stages of Matter: Sink or Float? Second Grade As October comes to an end, so does the First Quarter. The Second Quarter began on October 27th. You can expect Report Cards to come home in your child’s folder on Thursday, November 13th. Please note the Second Grade Homework Policy for the 2014-2015 school year. The Homework Policy is completed for each quarter. If a student has 0-1 missing assignments, the student will earn a 1 on their report card. If a student has 2-3 missing homework assignments, the student will earn a 2 on their report card. If a student has 4 or more missing homework assignments, the student will earn a 3 on their report card. ! ! Second grade students will be attending a Writing Assembly on November 10th. Students will have the opportunity to get a more in depth understanding of the specific writing skills. ! ! Partners in Education ! We have had three very successful Family Night Fundraisers since school has begun, and look forward to OUTBACK'S NIGHT scheduled for November 20th. More details later as they become available. ! A special thanks goes out to Carolina Ale House for again sending over October Kids Of Character coupons to award our students. Kudos to Memorial Hospital for representing Manatee Bay at the ZONE SHOWCASE at Cypress Bay High last month. ! Manatee Bay Family Math night is in need of raffle prizes. Please contact Meryl Jefferson at Manatee Bay should your business be able to donate a raffle prize for this night. In Science, we are finishing up Unit 9 Life Cycles and beginning to learn about Unit 10 Basic Needs of Plants and Animals. Many classes have begun planting bean plants in their classrooms to give students a hands-on approach to learning about plants. ! ! Our school will be hosting the Scholastic Book Fair from November 3rd-November 10th. Check with your child’s teacher to see what day and time your child’s class will be attending. ! ! We wish all of our Second Grade families and Happy Thanksgiving and restful break.! DelVecchio’s Family Night Ms. Gold’s class on College Day The ALS Ice Bucket Challege at Manatee Bay The students and staff at Manatee Bay decided to take the ALS ice water challenge to a new level. During the month of October, a "bucket" was put out for each administrator. Students and staff put money in the bucket of the administrator they would most like to see get soaked. The Principal, Mrs. DeVaughn, received the most donations in her bucket, and on Thursday, October 23rd, she took the challenge! So she wouldn't have to do it alone, the Assistant Principal and nine staff members took the challenge immediately after her. The best news, over $300 was raised for ALS research with the hopes of finding a cure for this horrible disease. ! See the video on our website at . Student Council ! Student Council is hosting our annual Harvest Drive beginning November 10th through November 21st. This year we are looking to donate 25 boxes to our sister school, Westwood Heights Elementary, as well as to other needy families. Please bring in non-perishable items and place them in the boxes that will be located in the main hallway. Please do not send in any glass containers. ! We are also working on another great cause. Start cleaning out those moderately used athletic shoes. Beginning November 3rd through November 10th you can bring in any pair of new or moderately used athletic shoes. The Orange Bowl Kicks for Kids is looking for donations to help those that are less fortunate provide athletic footwear to their youth sports programs. The top collecting school could win up to $1,500.00! The donation boxes are located in the entrance of the school. ! Thank you for all of the beautiful Giving Tree leaves. We were able to fill up our tree and support the Type 1 Diabetes Foundation. ! The toy drive will begin December 1st though December 12th. A letter will be going home requesting for a specific gender and age toy. ! ! Thank you for your support to all of these wonderful causes. Student Council 2014-2015 Jennifer Ramos Student Council Coordinator Third Grade What an amazing beginning to the start of the new year! Our third graders have been adjusting to an increased level of independence. October is the month of responsibility. All of our third graders are expected to take the tools that have been given to them over the past two months and incorporate them into their daily routine. ! We had an awesome field trip to the Broward Center of Performing Arts. The children loved the show and lunch in the park. They learned all different ways to have fun doing Math. The children also loved walking, and riding their bikes to school. What a great way to exercise and spend time with friends and family. Red ribbon week was also a huge success. The children learned ways to ”Just Say No”. BAFS, which replaced BAT testing, was a success. Your children worked extremely hard to achieve their goals. Please encourage your child to read daily and take AR tests. These tests are important to your child’s Reading development. Parents can go to to check the AR level of any book. ! Please read and practice multiplication daily. Don’t forget to check out our website. We are looking forward to a productive and fun year! ! Ms. Cooper’s, Ms. Zeeman’s, and Ms. Bloch’s classes enjoying the SEAS Field Trip. Math Corner We are very proud of the hard work the third through fifth graders exhibited during the first ever BAFS test. ! November 12th is our annual Publix Family Math night. We look forward to the largest turnout ever! We are still looking for small business donations as raffle prizes for both the students and teachers for attending. Contact Meryl Jefferson or Lisa Weingartner if you have any questions or prizes. NonDiscrimination Statement The School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, marital status, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Individuals who wish to file a discrimination and/ or harassment complaint may call Equal Educational Opportunities (EEO) at 754-321-2150 or Teletype Machine TTY 754-321-2158. ! Reasonable Accommodation Statement Individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may call Equal Educational Opportunities (EEO) at 754-321-2150 or Teletype Machine TTY 754-321-2158. ! Evaluation Input Per state statute, parents have the right to be provided input into the annual performance assessment of their child’s teachers and administrators. To provide such input regarding any Manatee Bay employee, please address your comments in writing to Mrs. Heather Hedman-DeVaughn, Principal. To provide such input regarding your principal’s evaluation, please address your comments in writing to, Dr. Mark Strauss, at the Office of School Performance and Accountability. Fourth Grade ! Manatee Bay's Fabulous Fourth Graders have been busy and hard at work! They are enjoying learning their skills in hands on and innovative ways as we continue to explore the new Florida Standards. Students have been taught many reading strategies and are working hard to get AR points! Let's see which class can get the most! ! In math, students are finishing up Chapter 3, Multiplication and moving on to Chapter 4, Division. Please make sure that in addition to the regular homework assignments, your child is reviewing the multiplication facts daily. ! Scientifically speaking, fourth graders are exploring the properties of matter and using science tools to assist in the process. Soon they will be looking at physical and chemical changes to matter as well. ! As we continue our journey through Florida's history, students are becoming more fluent at map reading and are learning about the native plants, animals and Native Americans found in our state. ! Upcoming events include the annual trip to The Everglades in mid-November. We will also be collecting the first deposit for St. Augustine very soon. Deposits will be $125 per student. ! The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Manatee Bay Elementary School or Broward County Public Schools. School Advisory Council SAC met to review the 2014-2014 SAC Survey, discuss the 2014-2015 SIP Plan, and to install the newest members of the SAC Committee. We are still in need of two more parents to join the committee. We are also in need of a parent to volunteer to be the schools SAF Designee. This job requires the parent to meet with the district to learn of new issues and initiatives and report back to the SAC Committee. Ms. Jefferson’s students using science tools to explore matter. Guidance All students celebrated Red Ribbon Week in October. Please talk to your child about the importance of remaining alcohol, tobacco, and nicotine free. Ask your son/daughter about the pledge they signed in class. It is never too early to have this discussion! ! We also celebrated College Week in October. Students were briefly introduced to some of the Florida Universities during morning announcements. We want all Manatee Bay students to be College and Career Ready. ! Students of the Month for October ! Cooperation Fifth Grade It is incredible how time goes by so fast… ! As you all know, our big field trip is right around the corner. Washington, D.C. is going to be an amazing experience for the students from visiting the capital building,and memorials to being a guest at the most important house in this country… The White House. Our field trip will be from December 8th -12th. ! Earlier this month, we had an in-house field trip, which the students enjoyed very much. Mr. Suarez discussed the importance of the water conservation in Florida and how students can help to protect the fresh water regions. Also, we looked at the past contribution of Floridians who have made an impact, and discussed the water cycle and the importance it plays. ! Our Robotics lab was held on Monday, October 6 and Tuesday, October 7. Students learned basic coding and programmed a We-Do robot to perform basic tasks. ! Students have been engaged in their learning and have been growing each day; learning new information and reviewing important skills taught in past years. In reading,not only have they been learning applications of various skills but they have also been learning how to write through different subjects. First in Math is in full swing and the students are doing super well. Please keep encouraging your child to get on the math program… It is a great tool for learning. ATTENDANCE POLICY ! School Board Policy 5.5, Attendance, states both excused and unexcused absences along with tardiness and early sign-outs will continue to be counted when determining a student’s pattern of non-attendance. A student has a “pattern of non-attendance” if he or she is absent from school a total of 30 hours (5 days) in any one marking period or 60 hours (10 days) within 90 days. ! The attendance policy is available online in the four major languages and can be accessed at studentsupport/sswad/HTML/ap.htm. Parents are required to maintain current contact information at the school. If you have any questions, please call Geri Norris, Guidance Counselor. ! Students absences may be reported 24 hours a day by calling our Attendance Line 754-323-6452 and leaving a message, or by sending an e-mail to us at [email protected]. Please remember to provide student name, teacher, date of absence, and reason for absence. For prolonged absences, please be sure to provide appropriate documentation. ! *Any calls received after 2:30 will be updated the following school day. Calls are encouraged before 12:00 noon.* Thank you. ESOL ! If you have questions about how you can help your child, the ESOL department has a Parent Outreach Center ready to assist. Please call 754-321-2951 and ask for Yvette Fernandez. She is ready to answer your questions. Specials ! Congratulations to Diego Whyte-Ramirez in Ms. Montes’ 1st grade class. His artwork was selected to be part of the Superintendent's Gallery at the K.C.W. building. That’s quite an honor! Keep up the great " Art " Diego !!! ! In computer class our third, fourth and fifth grade students have begun training in touch-typing. The students will use the “5 Key Principles of Effective Learning”; no mistakes, slower is faster, don’t look at the keyboard, relax and press the keys squarely in the center to self-monitor their level of success in keyboarding. This learning format requires that students become their own trainer. Students must consistently monitor their implementation of the key principles to become proficient typists. Students have explored in the lab as the first step in the touchtyping course. In the future, students will extend their knowledge of touch-typing key principles using! ! Kindergarten, First and Second grade students are learning essential vocabulary as it applies to computer hardware and software to allow for independent student success. Student’s have had fun improving their hand-eye coordination and timing skills while on These website games provide skill practice for maneuvering the mouse for the beginner and intermediate computer user. ! Manatee Bay Book Fair This year the Book Fair begins on Nov. 3rd and runs until Nov. 10th. ! Family Night is Wednesday, Nov. 5th from 5:00pm-8:00pm. You will not want to miss out on this exciting evening! Below are the highlights that you can look forward to: • Special guest appearance from “Billy the Marlin” from 5:30pm-6:30pm • Food…i.e. Chicken, SUBWAY, chips, drinks & cookies • Kona Ice • Book Signing with Mrs. DeVaughn and Mrs. Dumervil • No Homework passes will be issued • Activities such as goldfish guessing game, make your own bookmark, vote on best class poster, STEM project and BEST of all…shop for your favorite BOOKS!!!! • Bring a gently used book for Student Council Book Drive ! In addition, your child will be scheduled to visit the Book Fair with their class. Please send in enough money to cover the tax. The Book Fair will be open daily from 7:30am-2:30pm. We look forward to seeing you all there! ESE NEWS Manatee Bay Elementary “Buddies Up” And Then Some ! ! ! There’s good news at Manatee Bay Elementary: ! This year a new inclusion program has been initiated at Manatee Bay Elementary called Bay Buddies. Teachers Sara Hartwell (ESE), Kaitlyn Marshall (GE), and Lara Haley (GE) attended a training during the summer months, and together with Kristina Podsada (ESE) were ready to roll into action at the beginning of the new year. Through this program, students are paired together with a student with disabilities (students from the InD cluster), to participate in teacher-directed activities to promote social and work skills. ! The Bay Buddies program includes training sessions, in which interested students learn about the characteristics of intellectual disabilities. These training and play/work sessions are scheduled in cooperation with classroom teacher so as not to negatively impact the children’s studies. ! Manatee Bay is very proud of our new Bay Buddies program. This program encourages awareness and acceptance of people who are “differently-abled”. Helping peers promotes self-esteem and sensitivity towards others. ! This initiative begins on a small scale with just a handful of teachers and staff involved. However, it is fully expected to be a great success and to expand over the coming years. ! On another note, the InD cluster program has been fortunate enough to be included as a part of a new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program specially designed for students with an intellectual disability. Training was scheduled and kits provided. All subject areas are taught through thematic units of study. Teachers are encouraged to bring their own creativity and ingenuity to the table with this format ! Finally, parents of both ESE and General Education Students have identified a need for a renovated playground. Our goal is to restructure an existing playground converting it to a Universal Access Playground. This play area would be open to students of all levels of abilities, promoting social integration and increasing physical activities for all who play here. Amongst the current obstacles of the existing playground are that the surfaces are largely sand covered, and there is a lack of universal equipment. A committee has been formed to organize this campaign. We look forward to playing on a newly renovated playground. ! Written by Kristina Podsada InD Teacher/Manatee Bay Elementary ESE NEWS Speech and Language ! The Speech and Language teachers would like to share the Language Concept of the Month: "WH" questions including what, who, where, when and why. It is important that children understand and be able to asks and answer "WH" questions. These questions are necessary for children to participate in conversations, demonstrate knowledge and gather information. These "WH" questions follow a hierarchy from the simplest "what" questions, followed by "who", "where", and "when",and then to the most complex "why" questions. Practice these questioning skills with your children at home through reading, asking questions about their school day and while discussing family trips and/or adventures. ! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Try this silly sentence with your children "on Thanksgiving Thursday a really round Turkey ran around a rabbit and a raccoon. VOLUNTEER PROCEDURES! Keeping students safe is a priority. The STAR System (Security Tracking And Response) continues to be used at all schools. The STAR System provides schools with high-speed security checks against local, state and national sex offender databases and against state and local law enforcement files. When parents, visitors, and volunteers come to school, the office staff will swipe their driver’s license into a bar code reader, verify the name, take a photo and print a badge with this picture. All visitors are asked to check out in the office when leaving school. ! ! Volunteers must complete the on-line volunteer/mentor application before helping in school. Go to to complete the on-line application. The first time volunteers come to assist, the front office staff will ask for their social security number and driver’s license. All returning volunteers must complete the on-line application. If you do not have access to a computer or you need assistance, please contact the school. !
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