Gyrokinetic Theory Working Group Meeting CIEMAT June 30, 2014, Madrid Electromagnetic gyrokinetic turbulence in finite-beta helical plasmas A. Ishizawa, T.-H. Watanabe, H. Sugama, S. Maeyama and N. Nakajima National Institute for Fusion Science Reference: Ishizawa et al., Phys. Plasmas 21, 055905 (2014). GK simulations of LHD plasmas • Regulation of ITG turbulent transport due to zonal flows occurs more clearly in the inward shifted configuration than in the standard configuration. T.-H. Watanabe, PRL (2008) • Comparison between results from GK ITG turbulence simulation and high-Ti LHD experiment • Previous GK simulations of LHD plasmas assumed adiabatic electron response. Turbulent transport problem in finite beta helical plasma has not been previously explored because of numerical difficulties. Problem about saturation of electromagnetic GK turbulence in finite beta plasmas Failure of the transport levels to saturate at finite beta in gyrokinetic simulations in flux tube geometry Cyclone base case (tokamak) Finite beta (ITG) Runaway above β e = 0.75% R. E. Waltz, Phys. Plasmas, (2010) Finite beta (ITG) β = 0.9% M. J. Pueschel, Phys. Rev. Lett., (2013) Zonal flows are weak in electromagnetic turbulence. ITG Mode (low beta) vs Ballooning Mode (high beta) tokamak ηe = 0 Structure formation that affects saturation of instabilities shows difference between ITG mode and KBM. • Low beta: ITG mode ITG KBM – Stabilized by zonal flow structure. A. Ishizawa,, Nuclear Fusion, 053007 (2013) • High beta: Ballooning (MHD) instability Acceleration by finger-like structure Linear mode structures of ITG and KBM are similar. Both of them have ballooning structure in the linear growth phase. This work • Electromagnetic gyrokinetic (KBM) turbulence simulation is done for a finitebeta helical plasma. • Saturation of KBM turbulence is found to result from nonlinear interaction of dominant unstable modes (inclined modes) which have finite radial wavenumbers. EM δ f gyrokinetic equations Dδf sk ∂δf sk qF + vTs v// b* ⋅ ∇δf sk − vTs µb ⋅ ∇B = −iv ds ⋅ k ⊥ (δf sk + s sM φk J 0 s ) Dt ∂v// Ts + iv * s ⋅ k ⊥ qs FsM qF (φk − vTs v// A// k ) J 0 s + vTs v// s sM E// k + C (δf sk ) Ts Ts ' $ qs2 λ k φ = ∑ %% qsδnsk − [1 − Γ0 s ]φk "" Ts s & # 2 2 Di ⊥ k k ⊥2 A// k = β i ∑ qsδu sk D ∂ 1 = + [φJ 0 s , ]k Dt ∂t B 1 b* ⋅ ∇ = b ⋅ ∇ − [ A// J 0 s , ]k B s Flux tube geometry ∂A E// k = −b ⋅ ∇φk J 0 s − // k J 0 s ∂t δnsk = ∫ dv 3δf sk J 0 s * δu sk = ∫ dv 3v//δf sk J 0 s (s = e, i ) ( x, y, z , v|| , µ ) y (field line label) x (radial) z (along the magnetic field line) Linear instability analysis using equilibrium magnetic field of LHD #88343 High Ti discharge LHD #88343 KBM ITG • Unstable against ITG mode – B_0=2.75T, Rax=3.6m (shifted to 3.75m) – Beta(r/a=0.65)=0.3% – banana regime • KBM is unstable at high beta with the same configuration • KBM with finite radial wavenumber (red) is more unstable than that without it (blue). The profile of electrostatic potential along the field line (ITG mode at β = 0.2 % ) Turbulence simulation for finite beta LHD plasmas using a model LHD configuration and n & T profiles (different from LHD #88343) ηe = 0 enables saturation of KBM turbulence. Most unstable KBM has finite radial wavenumber ηe = 0 KBM in LHD ITG in LHD KBM ITG poloidal wave number ηe = 0 KBM ITG radial wave number A. Ishizawa,, Nuclear Fusion, 053007 (2013) The most unstable KBM has finite radial wavenumber, which corresponds to finite θ k in the ballooning representation. For CBC tokamak KBM is most unstable for kx=0. The most unstable KBM has a finite radial wavenumber (finite θk) ITG φ KBM Nonlinear simulation results Efficiency of zonal flow generation by KBM turbulence is much lower than that by ITG turbulence. ITG ZF KBM ITG KBM ZF KBM turbulence is less efficient for transport than ITG turbulence 2 2 ITG Qi ≈ 5n0Ti vTi ρ i / Ln Qi (ITG) KBM Qi ≈ 3n0Ti vTi ρ i2 / L2n Qi (KBM) flux = electrostatic + electromagnetic Γ = Γ ES + Γ EM Qe (ITG) Q = QES + QEM Qe (KBM) ITG at β = 0.2 % ΓES = 0.82 n0vTi (ρi2/Ln)2 ΓEM = - 0.02 n0vTi (ρi2/Ln)2 Q iES = 4.98 n0TivTi (ρi2/Ln)2 Q iEM = - 0.05 n0TivTi (ρi2/Ln)2 Q eES = 1.0 n0TivTi (ρi2/Ln)2 Q eEM = - 0.03 n0TivTi (ρi2/Ln)2 KBM at β = 1.7 % ΓES = 0.37 n0vTi (ρi2/Ln)2 ΓEM = 0.00 n0vTi (ρi2/Ln)2 Q iES = 2.86 n0TivTi (ρi2/Ln)2 Q iEM = - 0.02 n0TivTi (ρi2/Ln)2 Q eES = 0.47 n0TivTi (ρi2/Ln)2 Q eEM = 0.23 n0TivTi (ρi2/Ln)2 Structures of potential in (x, y)-plane ITG turbulence β = 0.2% Linear growth Nonlinear saturation KBM turbulence β = 1.7% Linear growth φ Nonlinear saturation φ ηe = 0 Radial direction Radial direction • Most unstable KBM has an inclined mode structure. • Saturation of the KBM turbulence is caused by nonlinear interactions between inclined modes. Structures of potential in (x, y, z)-space • Saturation of the KBM turbulence is caused by mutual shearing between convection cells of inclined modes. • In order to quantitatively investigate saturation process of KBM turbulence, entropy transfer analysis is done. Entropy balance equation Γs = Γes , s + Γem, s "T Γ % % d" qs s s + + Ds '' $ ∑δ Ss + δWes + δWem ' = ∑$$ dt # s & s # L ps LTs & Ts | δf sk |2 3 δS s = ∑ ∫ d v 2 FMs k k ⊥2 | δA// k |2 δWem = ∑ 2β i s Γes , s = Re ∑ δns k Γem, s = Re ∑ δu k ik yδφ * k B ik yδA//* k s B qs = qes,s + qem,s qs FsM ϕ k J 0s )* Cs d 3v Ts k ' 2 2 $ | δφk |2 qs2 δWes = ∑ %% λDi k ⊥ + ∑ (1 − Γ0 s ) "" k & s Ts # 2 Ds = ν ss ∑ ∫ (δ fsk + # δ p//s & ikyδϕ k* 5 qes,s = Re ∑% + δ p⊥s − Tsδ ns ( $ 2 ' B 2 k * " δ q//s % −ikyδ A//k qem,s = Re ∑$ + δ q⊥s ' # & 2 B k Sugama et al., Phys. Plasmas 1996 & 2009 Nonlinear turbulent entropy transfer in k space Spectral transfer function [Nakata et al. PoP (2012)] Ts g sk* T (k ; k ' , k ' ' ) = ∫ dv δ k ,k '+ k ''b ⋅ k '×k ' ' ( χ sk ' g sk '' − g sk ' χ sk '' ) 2 FMs 3 gsk = fsk + qs ϕ k J 0s FMs Ts χ sk = (ϕ k − vTs v// A//k )J 0s an element of the diagram In saturated KBM turbulence, nonlinear interaction between dominant unstable modes with finite kx produces turbulent entropy spectral transfer to ZFs and other stable modes. In (kx, ky) space, the dominant KBMs transfer turbulent entropy in the inclined direction subsequently from unstable KBMs to higher wavenumber stable modes. ZFs produced by KBMs causes spectral transfer in the horizontal (kx-) direction. Linear growth rates in (kx, ky) space Turbulent entropy transfer in (kx, ky) space Summary • GK analysis of finite-beta LHD plasmas • Saturation of KBM turbulence in LHD configuration – Most unstable inclined modes (with finite kx) are dominant in (kx, ky)-space. – Weaker zonal flow generation but lower efficiency of transport than ITG turbulence. – Nonlinear interaction between the dominant inclined modes produces turbulent entropy spectral transfer to ZFs and other stable modes. 20
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