CV - eabcn

Daniel Kaufmann
November 2014
Contact information
KOF Swiss Economic Institute
ETH Zurich
LEE G 116
Leohnhardstrasse 21
CH-8092 Zurich
Phone: +41(0)44 632 04 45
Mobile: +41(0)79 668 93 40
[email protected]
Citizenship: Swiss
Date of birth: 13 January 1981
German (mother tongue),
(fluent), French and Spanish (basic)
Research Interests
Macroeconomics, monetary economics, applied econometrics, forecasting
Professional Positions
Current position
Jan 2011 – Sept 2014
Mar 2006 – Dec 2010
Semester 2006/07
Jul 2005 – Mar 2006
Post-Doc (Oberassistent), Chair of Applied Macroeconomics,
ETH Zurich
Senior Economist (member of senior staff), Swiss National
Bank, Inflation Forecasting, Zurich
Economist (since Jan 2009 member of senior staff), Swiss
National Bank, Economic Analysis, Zurich
Teaching assistant (Hilfsassistent, part time), Economics
Department, University of Bern
Intern, Swiss National Bank, Economic Analysis, Zurich
Publications in Refereed Journals
Sticky prices or rational inattention – What can we learn from sectoral
price data?, European Economic Review, 64, 384–394 (joint with Sarah
Forecasting short-term inflation: The SNB’s ARIMA model, Swiss
National Bank Economic Study 2013-07 (joint with Marco Huwiler)
Asymmetries in price-setting behavior: New microeconometric evidence
from Switzerland, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 44, 211–236
(joint with Bo E. Honor´e and Sarah Lein)
Is there a Swiss price puzzle?, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics
148(1), 57–75 (joint with Sarah Lein)
Price-setting behaviour in Switzerland: Evidence from CPI micro data,
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 145(3), 293–349
CV – Daniel Kaufmann – November 2014
Ongoing Research and Unpublished Working Papers
Exchange rate and price dynamics in a small open economy – The role
of the zero lower bound and monetary policy regimes, forthcoming as
SNB Working Paper (joint with Gregor B¨aurle)
Business tendency surveys and macroeconomic fluctuations, forthcoming
as SNB Working Paper (joint with Rolf Scheufele)
Improving output gap measurement using survey data, ongoing (joint
with Rolf Scheufele)
Swiss trend inflation and monetary regimes from 1805 to 2013, ongoing
The predictive power of sticky prices, ongoing (joint with Dennis Egger)
The timing of price changes and the role of heterogeneity, Swiss National
Bank Working Paper, 2010-2
Presentations at Conferences and Seminars
2014: EEA-ESEM Annual Congress (Toulouse), International Symposium of
Forecasting (Rotterdam), BuBa-OeNB-SNB Workshop (Zurich), KOF Research
Seminar (Zurich), AEA Annual Meeting (Philadelphia), 2013: RBNZ conference
“Monetary Policy in Open Economies” (Wellington), EABCN conference “Inflation
Developments after the Great Recession” (Eltville), Verein f¨
ur Socialpolitik
usseldorf), SNB-BIS-Dallas Fed conference “Inflation Dynamics in a Post-Crisis
Globalized Economy” (Zurich), SSES Annual Meeting (Neuenburg), SNB Money
Market Brown Bag (Zurich), AEA Annual Meeting (San Diego), 2012: SSES
Annual Meeting (Zurich), 2011: SNB-JMCB-UniBern Conference (joint with Bo
E. Honor´e, Gerzensee), 2010: Young Swiss Economists Meeting (Bern), 2009:
BuBa-OeNB-SNB Workshop (Eltville), EEA-ESEM Annual Congress (Barcelona),
2008: Young Swiss Economists Meeting (Bern), 2007: Credit Suisse Research
Seminar (Zurich)
Feb 2014
Feb 2012
Central Bankers Course: Inflation Forecasting and Monetary Policy.
Presentation on Inflation forecasts at the zero lower bound. Study Centre
Central Bankers Course: Inflation Forecasting and Monetary Policy.
Presentation on Combining disaggregate forecasts for inflation. Study
Centre Gerzensee
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Scottish Journal of Political Economy
CV – Daniel Kaufmann – November 2014
Sep 2011
2007 – 2010
Jun 2009
2004 – 2006
2001 – 2004
Central Bankers Course, Advanced Topics in Monetary Economics II,
by Lawrence Christiano (Northwestern University) and Carl Walsh
(University of California), Study Centre Gerzensee
Dr.rer.oec., summa cum laude, University of Bern, Dissertation on
Price-Setting Behaviour, Sectoral Inflation Dynamics and Monetary
Policy, advisor: Klaus Neusser (University of Bern), co-advisor:
Bo E. Honor´e (Princeton University)
Doctoral seminar, Applied Causal Analysis, by Michael Gerfin
(University of Bern)
Swiss Program for Beginning Doctoral Students, Macroeconomics, by
Robert G. King (Boston University), Sergio Rebelo (Northwestern
University) and Jordi Gal´ı (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Study Centre
Swiss Program for Beginning Doctoral Students, Econometrics, by
Mark W. Watson (Princeton University) and Bo E. Honor´e (Princeton
University), Study Centre Gerzensee
Master of Science in Economics (M Sc Ec), summa cum laude, minor:
economic law, University of Bern
Bachelor of Science in Economics (B Sc Ec), magna cum laude,
University of Bern
Dr. Barbara Rudolf
(Former deputy-head
Economic Analysis)
Swiss National Bank
Inflation Forecasting
B¨orsenstrasse 15
8022 Zurich
[email protected]
Prof. Klaus Neusser
(Dissertation advisor)
University of Bern
Economics Department
Schanzeneckstrasse 1
3001 Bern
[email protected]
Prof. Bo E. Honor´e
(Dissertation co-advisor)
Princeton University
Department of Economics
Princeton, New Jersey 08544-1021
[email protected]
CV – Daniel Kaufmann – November 2014