Chihyung Jeon—Curriculum Vitae (July 2014) Chihyung Jeon 전치형 Current Position Assistant Professor (since 2011) Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Past Position Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2010-2011) Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Germany. Research Project: Sciences of the Archive Education • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, 2010. Program in History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology & Society (STS) Dissertation: “Technologies of the Operator: Engineering the Pilot in the US and Japan, 1930-1960” • Seoul National University, BS, 1998. Department of Electrical Engineering Publications Chihyung Jeon, “The Virtual Flier: Link Trainer, Flight Simulation, and Pilot Identity,” Technology and Culture (forthcoming) Chihyung Jeon, “Flying Weather Men and Robot Observers: Instruments, Inscriptions, and Identities in US Upper-Air Observation, 1920-1940,” History and Technology 26:2 (2010): 119145. Chihyung Jeon, “A Road to Modernization and Unification: The Construction of the Gyeongbu Highway in South Korea,” Technology and Culture 51 (2010): 55-79. 이두갑, 전치형, “인간의 경계: 기술결정론과 기술사회에서의 인간,” 한국과학사학회지 23 권 2 호 (2001): 157-179. 1 Chihyung Jeon—Curriculum Vitae (July 2014) Projects with Extramural Funding (PI) “과학문화실험실 대전”, 한국과학창의재단 ‘과학기술과 사회’ (STS) 사업, 2013 년 5 월 – 2014 년 2 월. (PI) “국가과학기술사물 인증 타당성조사 및 제도운영 연구”, 국립중앙과학관, 2013 년 8 월 – 2013 년 12 월. Teaching Graduate Courses Survey in Science and Technology Studies Social Studies of Technology Technology Foresight and Imagination Mobility, Power, and Policy Undergraduate Courses The Engineer’s Life Humans, Machines, and Society Book Reviews “과학명저 읽기: 로버트 에틴거의 <냉동인간>”, <과학창의> 2014 년 1 월호, pp. 40-41. “폭격의 시선” (김태우, 폭격: 미공군의 공중폭격 기록으로 읽는 한국전쟁), <시민과학> 99 호 (2013 년 11-12 월), pp. 12-14. “나의 로봇, 나의 노예” (카렐 차페크, 로숨의 유니버설 로봇), <사이언스타임즈>, 2013 년 7 월 4 일 (온라인). “철도가 그려낸 근대의 내면 풍경”(볼프강 쉬벨부쉬, 철도여행의 역사), <사이언스타임즈>, 2013 년 5 월 16 일 (온라인). “얼굴인식기술의 정치적, 문화적 의미” (Kelly Gates, Our Biometric Future: Facial Recognition Technology and the Culture of Surveillance), <과학기술학연구> 11 권 1 호 (2011), pp. 141-48. “David MacKenzie, ICAO: A History of the International Civil Aviation Organization,” International Journal 66:1 (March 2011), pp. 239-41. 2 Chihyung Jeon—Curriculum Vitae (July 2014) “W. Patrick McCray, Keep Watching the Skies: The Story of Operation Moonwatch and the Dawn of the Space Age,” Technology and Culture 50 (October 2009): 946-47. “Erik Conway, Blind Landings: Low-Visibility Operations in American Aviation, 1918-1958,” Technology and Culture 49 (July 2008): 805-806. Conference Presentations “다른 몸과 틀린 몸: 3 차원 신체계측술이 만들어 내는 차이”, 한국과학기술학회 전기학술대회, 카이스트, 2014 년 5 월 31 일. “과학기술사물과 과학기술사”, 한국과학사학회 춘계학술대회, 전남대학교+광주과학관, 2014 년 4 월 19-20 일 (공동발표자: 김윤후, 신유정). “Fukushima as Opportunity: Recruiting Nuclear Engineering Students in Post-Fukushima Korea,” Society for Social Studies of Science annual meeting (San Diego, USA), 9-12 October 2013. “오퍼레이터와 엔지니어: 2 차대전 이후 인간공학과 ‘인간’의 지위”, 제 2 회 과학학 연합학술대회, 한양대학교, 2013 년 9 월 28 일. “A Nation of No Fliers: The Ban on Japanese Aviation and the Training of New Japanese Pilots for the Postwar Era,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting (Toronto, Canada), March 2012. “No Japanese in the Cockpit: How the U.S. Banned and Then Rehabilitated Civil Aviation in Japan,” Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Annual Meeting (Falls Church, VA), June 2009. “Measuring the ‘Right Stuff,’ Inventing the ‘Human Factors’: Psychology, Physiology and Anthropology of Pilot Selection and Training,” Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting (Lisbon, Portugal), October 2008. “Bringing the Atmosphere Back: Pilots, Meteorologists, and Self-Recording Instruments in the US Upper-Air Observation, 1920-1940,” Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting (Washington, DC), October 2007. “A Political Success but an Engineering Failure: The Construction of Kyungbu Highway in South Korea,” Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA), October 2003. Invited Talks, Workshops, and Symposia “Dams and Bikes: The Four Rivers Bikeway and Contested Mobilities in South Korea,” Workshop on “Means of Transport: Technology, Mobility, and Energy in Modern Asia,” Harvard University (Cambridge, USA), 24-25 April 2014. 3 Chihyung Jeon—Curriculum Vitae (July 2014) “Machines and East Asian Bodies: Engineering Anthropometry and Human Differences since 1950s,” D. Kim Foundation Workshop on the History of Science in the Twentieth Century (Busan, Korea), 6-7 January 2014. “Fukushima as Opportunity: Recruiting Nuclear Engineering Students in Post-Fukushima Korea,” International Symposium on Risk Governance of Science and Technology, University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan), 15-17 December 2013. “과학자의 삶과 연구, 그리고 전시”, 한국과학기술전시연구회 춘계학술대회 초청강연, 국립중앙과학관, 2013 년 6 월 21 일. “기술발전과 민주주의: 가능성과 한계”, QED+ 초청강연, 카이스트, 2013 년 3 월 27 일. “When Bodies Meet Machines: Redefining the ‘Human’ in Cockpits, Cars, and Clothes,” 기술인문융합연구회, 서울대, 2013 년 1 월 26 일. “Visualizing the Functional Man: Engineering Anthropometry and the Databases of Body Dimensions and Shapes,” International Conference on Images, Artistic and Scientific, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (Seoul, Korea), 24-25 January 2013. “3D Anthropometry and the Making of the National Body,” East Asian STS Journal Conference (Taipei, Taiwan), 9-10 July 2012. “3 차원 신체계측술과 인간-기계 관계”, 카이스트 인문사회과학부 콜로퀴움, 2012 년 4 월 24 일. “비행 시뮬레이터의 초기 역사: ‘링크 트레이너’를 중심으로”, 전북대 과학학과 초청강연, 2012 년 4 월 19 일. “신체계측술과 인간-기계 관계의 변화”, 서울대 과학사 및 과학철학 협동과정 콜로퀴움, 2011 년 12 월 23 일. “The Link Trainer and the Emergence of the Virtual Flier,” Colloquium of the Korean Association of Science and Technology Studies (Seoul, Korea), 17 September 2011. “From Somatotypic Man to Functional Man: Measuring and Archiving Human Body Dimensions in the US Army Air Forces during WWII,” Machines of Memory Workshop, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin, Germany), October 2010. “Technologies of the Operator: Aviation Psychology, Physical Anthropology, and the Making of a Modern Pilot,” Seminar at Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea), August 2009. 4 Chihyung Jeon—Curriculum Vitae (July 2014) “Technologies of the Operator: Aviation Psychology, Physical Anthropology, and the Making of a Modern Pilot,” Seminar at Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan), July 2009. “Technologies of the Operator: Psychology, Anthropology, and the Making of a Modern Pilot,” History of Psychology Forum, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan), June 2009. “A Road to Modernization and Unification: The Construction of Kyungbu Highway in South Korea,” Maryland Colloquium on the History of Technology, University of Maryland (College Park, MD), November 2, 2006. Professional Activities <한국과학사학회지> 부편집인. Associate Editor, Korean Journal for the History of Science (since 2013) 한국과학기술학회 총무이사. Secretary, Korean Association of Science and Technology Studies (since 2013) Book Review Editor, East Asian Science, Technology, and Society (since 2012) Korean-language editor, “Teach 3.11” (a web-based project on the 2011 disasters in Japan; (since 2011) Manuscript reviewer for Technology and Culture (international), East Asian Science, Technology, and Society (international), Korean Journal for the History of Science (Korean), and Journal of Science and Technology Studies (Korean) Robinson Prize Committee, Society for the History of Technology (2013-2015) 아시아교정포럼 이사 (2013 년~현재) Contact Information Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy KAIST (N4-1228) 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu Daejeon, 305-701 South Korea email: [email protected] phone: +82-42-350-4845 5
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