4th Annual Neuroplasticity Brain Health and Environment Conference Brain Matters Day 1 - November 28, 2014 Dr. Jackie Gardner-Nix 7:45 – 8:45 Registration 8:45 – 9:00 Welcome 9:00 – 10:15 “Mindfulness, Neuroplasticity and Chronic Pain: Unpacking the Mystery” This session looks at what happens in the brain as a painful condition becomes long-standing and begins to involve what scientists call “central sensitization”. The practice of mindfulness allows a dismantling of some of the quality of life-sabotag- ing mental and physiological events that become entrenched in chronic pain suffering. Functional MRI research has done PXFKWRH[SODLQWKHEHQH¿WVRIPLQGIXOQHVVLQFKDQJLQJWKHPLQGWRUHIUDPHDQGFRQWDLQWKHSDLQH[SHULHQFHHYHQDIIHFWLQJ the painful site itself and not just the brain’s response to it Speaker: Dr. Jackie Gardner-Nix 10:15 – 10:30 Break Dr. J. Douglas Salmon 10:30 – 12:00 The neuroplasticity of nature exposure/deprivation ,ZLOOEHUHYLHZLQJWKHHPHUJLQJOLWHUDWXUHSHUWDLQLQJWRH[SRVXUHWRLPPHUVLRQLQQDWXUHLQFOXGLQJSDUNVIRUHVWVJUHHQ VSDFHVDQGKRZUHODWHGH[SRVXUHFDQKHOSLPSURYHFRJQLWLYHIXQFWLRQLQJDQGHOHYDWHPRRGDVZHOODVRIIVHWDQGUHVWRUH the balance relative to technological bombardment. Similarly the adverse effects of nature deprivation will be discussed. The talk will also draw a parallel between increased economic/lifestyle focus on sustainability to heal the planet and how a similar psychological focus incorporating nature exposure can be healing at the individual level. Pragmatic tips will be offered from the standpoint of recommended (at least tentatively based upon current research) minimal and optimal levels RIQDWXUDOH[SRVXUHIRUDFRJQLWLYHHQKDQFHPHQWEGHSUHVVLRQFDQ[LHW\DQGGJHQHUDOPDLQWHQDQFHRIPHQWDO cognitive health. Speaker: Dr. J. Douglas Salmon 12:00- 1:00 Lunch 1:00 – 2:30 Eat and Run: The Impact of Diet and Exercise on Neuroplasticity Learn how to eat brain smart. Learn why exercise is the ultimate way to preserve brain health. Speaker: Dr. Nasreen Khatri Dr. Nasreen Khatri Dr. Bob Grisdale Register & pay online @ www.kmtlearning.com or call 2:30 -2:45 Break Breakouts 2:45 - 4:30 Room (a) Movement is Medicine for the Brain 2YHUWKHSDVW\HDUVZHKDYHOHDUQHGPRUHDERXWWKHEUDLQWKDQHYHUEHIRUH$QGPRUHWKDQIRUDQ\RWKHUERG\V\VWHP WKHEHQH¿FLDOHIIHFWVRIH[HUFLVHRQWKHEUDLQDUHLOOXPLQDWLQJRXUDZDUHQHVVDERXWWKHEHVWZD\VWRVWUHQJWKHQKHDODQG SURWHFW)DUPRUHWKDQ³VLPSO\EHFDXVHLW¶VJRRGIRU\RX´WKHDGYDQWDJHVWKDWSK\VLFDODFWLYLW\RIIHUVWKHEUDLQDUHEHLQJ GHVFULEHGZLWKDVWRXQGLQJGHWDLOHYHQWRWKHOHYHORIZKLFKWLVVXHVDQGIXQFWLRQVZLWKLQWKHEUDLQFDQEHKHOSHGDQGE\KRZ PXFKDQGE\ZKDWW\SHRIH[HUFLVH7KLVWDONZLOOUHYLHZDQGVXPPDULVHWKHUDSLGO\JURZLQJHYLGHQFHDVVXULQJXVZK\ where and how much: Movement is Medicine for the Brain. Speaker: Dr. Bob Grisdale 2:45 - 4:30 Room (b) “The body scan in mindfulness work: its drawbacks and value in chronic pain-related neuroplasticity” One of the most important and relevant meditations in Mindfulness practice relating to chronic pain is the body scan. Not RQO\LVWKLVPHGLWDWLRQFDOPLQJDQGFHQWHULQJLWDOVRKDVDXQLTXHDELOLW\WRUHFRQQHFWWKHSDLQVXIIHUHUZLWKDVSHFWVRIWKHLU EHLQJZKLFKWKH\KDYHRIWHQFRPHWRVKXQDQGHPRWLRQDOO\DQGSK\VLFDOO\QHJOHFW5HFRQQHFWLQJWKURXJKWKHERG\VFDQ FDQEHWKHUDSHXWLFDQGOHDGWRLPSURYHGIXQFWLRQLQJDQGUHGXFHGVXIIHULQJ2Q¿UVWLQWURGXFWLRQWRWKHERG\VFDQKRZHYHU the pain sufferer may experience unwelcome feelings and have serious reservations about this meditative practice. Speaker: Dr. Jackie Gardner-Nix 1 844 829 4378 KMT The Learning Group • 1412 Eddie Shain Drive • Oakville, Ontario • L6J 7C6 • T: (905) 829-4378 • F: (866) 259-2058 4th Annual Neuroplasticity Brain Health and Environment Conference Brain Matters Day 2 - November 29, 2014 9:00 – 10:30 How mindfulness alters brain connectivity 5HVHDUFKVWXGLHVDUHEHJLQQLQJWRVKRZKRZPLQGIXODWWHQWLRQSUDFWLFHVVWUHQJWKHQWKHQHXUDOSDWKZD\VIRULQWHURFHSWLRQ the representation of immediate body sensation. Cultivating interoception creates an attentional ‘anchor’ distinct from conceptual judgment that appears to provide resilience against stress. Cultivating interoception may be helpful because DZDUHQHVVRIWUDQVLWRU\ERG\VHQVDWLRQVFUHDWHVSV\FKRORJLFDOGLVWDQFHIURPKDELWXDOFRJQLWLYHUHDFWLRQVSURYLGLQJIUHHGRP WRUHFRQVLGHURQH¶VLQLWLDOLQWHUSUHWDWLRQVDQGLQWURGXFLQJÀH[LELOLW\LQWRRQH¶VWKRXJKWVDQGEHKDYLRXU Speaker: Dr. Norman Farb Dr. Norman Farb Dr. J. Douglas Salmon 10:30 – 10:45 Break 10:45 – 12:00 The neuroplasticity of mindfulness training 7KHUHKDVEHHQVRPHOLWHUDWXUHVXJJHVWLQJWKDWRQHRIWKHEHQH¿WVRIJDUGHQLQJIRUH[DPSOHLVWKHGLVWUDFWLRQIUHHIRFXV RIWKHDFWLYLW\WKXVFRPELQLQJRWKHUEHQH¿WVRIQDWXUH¶VZLWKWKDWRIPLQGIXOQHVVWKHUHDUHDIHZRWKHUSDUDOOHOVLQFOXGLQJ PLQGIXOZDONLQJPLQGIXOHDWLQJHWFDVZHOODV³ÀRZ´H[SHULHQFHV,QDGGLWLRQWRGLVFXVVLQJWKHEHQH¿WVRIQDWXUHRQKHDOWK UHODWLYHWRWKHOLIHVW\OHVRIWUDGLWLRQDOSHRSOHZRUOGZLGH,VKDOODOVRGUDZDSDUDOOHOEHWZHHQPLQGIXOQHVVDQGWUDGLWLRQDOSHR- ple’s variation on the activity. I am including a review of the literature with respect to mindfulness applications and cognitive (and emotional) clinical populations in addition to neuroimaging studies demonstrating the positive impacts of mindfulness on frontal lobe functioning. In addition to imaging support there are parallel improvements in high level attentional skills and executive functioning more broadly. Finally there is also literature suggesting somewhat of an inoculation effect of mindful- QHVVUHODWLYHWRWHFKQRORJ\ERPEDUGPHQWUHODWHGH[WUHPHPXOWLWDVNLQJVWUHVVHVDQGVRFLDOWHFKQRORJLFDOPHGLDFKDUDFWHU- LVWLFVZKLFKIRVWHU³VKDOORZHU´YHUVXV³GHHSHU´DQGSHUKDSVPRUHFUHDWLYHWKLQNLQJDQGHPSDWK\)LQDOO\UHODWHGFRPPXQLW\ resources that offer inexpensive mindfulness courses will be presented as well as minimal/optimal mindfulness involvement IRUDFRJQLWLYHHQKDQFHPHQWEGHSUHVVLRQFDQ[LHW\DQGGJHQHUDOPDLQWHQDQFHRIPHQWDOFRJQLWLYHKHDOWK Speaker: Dr. J. Douglas Salmon 12:00 – 1:00 Ms. Elli Weisbaum 1:00 – 2:30 Applying mindfulness to our personal & professional lives: A hands on introduction 7KLVSUHVHQWDWLRQZLOOSURYLGHSDUWLFLSDQWVZLWKKDQGVRQH[SHULHQFHRIVHYHUDOIRXQGDWLRQDOPLQGIXOQHVVDFWLYLWLHVV\QWKH- VL]LQJWKHWKHRUHWLFDODQGVFLHQWL¿FUHVHDUFKZLWKSUDFWLFDOH[SHULHQFH:HZLOOH[SORUHWKHSUDFWLFDOLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIHDFK mindfulness activity as it applies to our everyday personal and professional lives. The presentation will focus on providing SDUWLFLSDQWVZLWKWRROVWKDWWKH\FDQDSSO\WRERWKWKHPVHOYHVDQGWKHLUZRUNSODFHHQYLURQPHQWV:HZLOODOVRH[SORUHKRZ PLQGIXOQHVVDFWLYLWLHVFDQEHXVHGWRDGGUHVVLVVXHVVXFKDVZRUNSODFHEXUQRXWDQ[LHW\DQGVWUHVVDQGLQFUHDVHLQQHU UHVLOLHQFHSHUVRQDOZHOOEHLQJDQGVHOIUHJXODWLRQ7KHPLQGIXOQHVVDFWLYLWLHVZLOOEHIROORZHGE\D4$ZLWKWKHSUHVHQWHU SURYLGLQJDQRSSRUWXQLW\IRUSDUWLFLSDQWVWRDVNUHÀHFWLYHTXHVWLRQVDERXWWKHDFWLYLWLHVDQGDQ\VSHFL¿FTXHVWLRQVWKH\KDYH regarding the implementation of mindfulness outside of the conference setting. Speaker: Ms. Elli Weisbaum 2:30 – 2:45 Ms. Sarah Carpentier Register & pay online @ www.kmtlearning.com or call Lunch Break 2:45 – 4:15 “Neuroplasticity, musical training, and cognitive transfer” ,WKDVEHHQFODLPHGPDQ\WLPHVRYHUWKDWSUDFWLFHZLWKDFHUWDLQVSHFL¿FDQGXVXDOO\VKRUWWDVNZLOOPDNHXVVPDUWHURYHUDOO However the research may not always provide a strong foundation for such suggestions. Though “The Mozart Effect” was KLJKO\FRQWURYHUVLDOLQLWVRULJLQDOIRUP\HDUVDJRRWKHUW\SHVRIPXVLFDOWUDLQLQJKDYHFRQWLQXHGWRVKRZFRQVLVWHQWµWUDQV- IHUHIIHFWV¶WRRWKHUW\SHVRIFRJQLWLRQLQHYHU\RQHIURPFKLOGUHQWRWKHHOGHUO\:HKDYHREVHUYHGFKDQJHVLQEUDLQIXQFWLRQ DVVRFLDWHGZLWKHYHQDVKRUWDPRXQWRIPXVLFDOWUDLQLQJLQWKHODEWKDWKDYHDFFRPSDQLHGRWKHUFRJQLWLYHLPSURYHPHQWV VXFKDVYHUEDOLQWHOOLJHQFH,QWKLVVHVVLRQZHZLOOUHYLHZVRPHRIWKHVHVWXGLHVDQGSUHVHQWHPHUJLQJHPSLULFDOHYLGHQFH that the neuroplasticity associated with musical training demonstrates an important way the brain changes with experience to support cognition. Speaker: Ms. Sarah M. Carpentier 4:15 – 4:30 Dismissal OTHER SPEAKERS MAY BE ADDED 1 844 829 4378 KMT The Learning Group • 1412 Eddie Shain Drive • Oakville, Ontario • L6J 7C6 • T: (905) 829-4378 • F: (866) 259-2058
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