Carlton Speak 2014 Carlton Public School E-Bulletin 60 Cameron Street, Bexley NSW 2207 T 9587 3717 - 9587 3162 E [email protected] W Term 4 - Week 6 Thursday 13 November 2014 Dear Parents and Carers An Invitation We invite you to our wonderful Kidsmatter Art Exhibition which will be held on 4 December at 6:00pm. Shortly you will receive an invitation to purchase your ticket for the exhibition. The cost will be $2 per person or $5 per family. We are very much looking forward to showcasing the amazing artistic talents of our Carlton Public School students and teachers. Congratulations Andrew Y whose artwork was selected as one of the winners in the 2014 Young Australian Art Awards. Andrew, together with a member of his family is invited to Melbourne to accept his special award. rd Madeline R-C who was awarded 3 place in the Stage 3 category of the annual writing competition organised by the Indonesian Language Teachers Association of New South Wales. Reminders Please return all Walkathon cards with the money and place them in the collection box at office. Night of the Stars 6:30pm Tuesday 18 November White Ribbon Day Mufti Day Tuesday 25 November. A gold coin donation to wear a white t-shirt and raise awareness for White Ribbon Day. Each class will also plant a native white flowering plant in our school gardens as part of this event. The SRC will provide more information closer to the day. The final scripture lessons for the year will be held on Wednesday 26 November. This will also be the date for a Parent/Community Helpers Thank You Morning Tea. Parents and other community members who do so much to assist the effective functioning of our school are invited to join the staff for morning tea to highlight the wonderful contribution that so many people make during the year. Kidsmatter Art show Opening Night Thursday 4 December 6:00pm The date for our Annual Presentation Assembly is Wednesday 10 December. The 3-6 Presentation Day assembly will begin at 9:30am and the K-2 Presentation Day assembly will begin at 11:45am. Are you moving house or leaving Carlton Public School? We need to know whether your children will be here next year. Please call into the office and complete the change of details or change of school forms. Are you going on a trip and won’t be back until after school returns on Wednesday 28 January? We need to have your return date in writing so we can include your children in our classes for 2015. You need to complete a form at the school office or email the details to [email protected] Regards Olivera Mateski Relieving Principal Page 1 Term 4 -3Week 6 5 Term - Week Thursday 13 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 Night of the Stars All students who will be performing at the Night of the Stars have now received their notes. They have to be signed by parents and returned to Mrs O'Grady. The performance will be held in the school hall on Tuesday, 18 November. The show starts at 6:30pm and performers need to be there by 6:00pm. Any music for the night must be on a CD and be labelled with the performer’s name and track number ( if needed ). Music needs to be in earlier for organisation purposes. We remind everyone that only children accompanied by an adult will be allowed to be part of the audience. We are looking forward to another wonderful show. Gold Awards & Silver Awards Silver awards are presented to children when they have received 5 Bronze Awards = 50 tokens. Gold awards are presented to children when they have received 10 Bronze Awards = 100 tokens. A fantastic effort! Parents are most welcome to attend the assembly to see their child receive their very special award. Page 2 Term 4 -3Week 6 5 Term - Week Thursday 13 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 Congratulations to the following students who will receive their awards at the assembly on the dates listed below. GOLD AWARDS K-2 Assembly – Monday, 17 November (Week 7, Term 4) at 2pm in the school hall Han S (KJ) Tina Z (KJ) Victoria D (KM) Kaleb C (KIB) Mohamad R (KIB) Mahi U (KIB) Zi Yang Q (KIB) Phoenix Mc (KIB) Ayana K (KIB) Leila E-H (KIB) Ishan D (KM) Isabella B (KM) Ujwal Y (KM) Zackaria A (KM) Medina B (KM) Tiba E-D (KS) Sarah Q (KS) Micah C (KS) Rachel B (KS) Danny G (1C) Risheeta T-K (1C) Kayleb T (1T) Gabriel S-H (1T) Evan N (1T) Zach G (1T) Abigail V (1T) Rina Z (1T) Tiarna-Rae A (1T) Gabrielle H (1/2J) Hiro N (1/2J) Joshua H (1/2J) Olivia J (1/2J) Gabriel N (1/2J) Donna T (1/2J) Ricky G (1/2J) Tanweer D (1/2J) Daniel A (2D) Adrika D (2D) Kristiana S (2D) Nika P (2D) Jasmine B (2K) Diana G (2K) Taurus F (KM) Micah C (KS) Edbert L (KJ) Maddy S (KJ) Tiffany F (KJ) Zuzanna B (KJ) Noah P (KJ) Rubyn K-N (KJ) Amir H (1C) Dhev S (1D) Shereen K (1D) Ibrahim S (1D) Kareem S (1D) Ali S (1D) Lawrence L (1D) Jawaad H (1D) Martina G (1K) Kevin Y (1K) Gracie S (1K) Michael L (2/3M) Chelsea L (2/3M) Zoe W (2/3M) Micheal C (2/3M) Orin K-N (2/3M) Lily N (2A) Briana P (2A) Sofia C (2G) Aleksandar P (2G) Serene A (2G) Ayah J (2G) Adonis B (2G) Ling Z (2G) Imogen D (2G) Linda B (2G) Allegra C (2G) Kishan S (2G) Irfan M (2G) Katie N (2G) Montana D-F (2P) Aleksa D (KCN) Daniel L (KF) Angelo G (1/2J) Natalie T (1/2J) Shreya S (1/2J) Daniel S (1T) Amira S-A (2K) Amy Z (2K) Stefan T (2K) SILVER AWARDS K-2 Assembly – Monday, 17 November (Week 7, Term 4) at 2pm in the school hall Mathue D (1/2J) Ayush G (2K) Emilija P (2K) Ilija D (2D) Filip K (2D) Arya K (2D) Bianka S (1D) Dean P (1K) Fatma K (1S) Emilija P (2K) Samer S (2K) Hassan A-B (2P) Liam P (1S) Deniz A (2A) Wafa T (2A) Gianna R (2A) Simone J (2A) Samragi B (2A) GOLD AWARDS Y3-6 Assembly – Friday,21 November, 2014 (Week 7, Term 4) at 11.25am in the school hall. Sylvia V (3J) Damian N (3J) Billie J (3J) Tiana T (3J) Damian N (3J) Dante V (3P) Te Koha W (3P Hussein T (4C) Gregory V (4C) Isabella C (4C) Emmanuel M (4C) Cleopatra K (4C) Zaynab A (4H) Eloise C (4H) Charlie A (5M) Cindy S (5M) Anastasija V (5B) Jawad D (5B) Albin B (5B) Kelly P (5B) Somya T (5B) Oditi S (5B) Shelby K (5B) Emily H (5B) Grace T (2/3M) Matthew L (2/3M) Michael K (2/3M) Eric Y (2/3M) Angus T (2/3M) Matthew C (2/3M) Akshara Y (2/3M) Leanne T (2/3M) Hannah S (2/3M) Page 3 Term 4 -3Week 6 5 Term - Week Janet L (2/3M) Kristina V (3J) Faith S (4G) Rhianne Q (4G) Michael K (4G) Pooja P-M (5NH) Tasmin S (5/6F) Olivia M (6S) Mahdi H (6S) Andrianna J (6KM) Joshua L (6KM) Samantha S (6KM) Batool A-S (4A) Jimmy L (4A) Natalie L (5/6F) Kaylee L (4H) Thomas J (5M) Amani H (5M) Noor A (5M) Rasya A (6C) Jinan T (6C) Thursday 13 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 Bindiya C (2/3M) Simone C (4G) Jennifer W (4G) Eismmi T (4G) Perry C (5NH) Philip A (5NH) Igor M (5/6F) Paul Y (6S) Jason L (6S) Billy B (6KM) Hoa P (6KM) Aaya O (6KM) Faatimah H (4A) Daniel M (4A) Natalie H (5/6F) Amelie C (4H) Alyssa P (5M) Amanda H (5M) Fatima A (5M) Madeline R-C (6C) Alka S (3J) Marissa G (4G) Makayla P (4G) Andrea P (4G) Lainey G (5NH) Tamima E-D (6C) Milan H (6S) Amanda W (6S) Rakim I (6KM) Mitchell H (6KM) Sairaj G (6KM) Marium E H (6KM) Jeffery W (4A) Angela D (5/6F) Sampada D (4H) Sara T (4H) Cindy S (5M) Sara E-H (5M) Fatima A (6C) Hamzah D (6C) SILVER AWARDS Y3-6 Assembly – Friday, 21 November, 2014 (Week 7, Term 4) at 11.25am in the school hall. Neihana N (3J) Jad D (3J) Aahana K (3J) Zeinab S (3J) Hassan K (3J) Rayan W (3J) Michaella S (3J) Jim K (6S) Bhurwashwa D (5E) Vincent S (5E) Mahdi S (5E) Batoul T (5E) Dahliah M (5E) Alana R (5E) Monica P (5E) Mithil P (5E) Aneeta N (5E) Sandy V (5E) Benjamin W (5E) Andrew M (5E) Christian W (5E) Nicholas G (5E) Maha T (5E) Dylan T (5E) Sai G (5E) Goddy D (5E) Hadi T (3P) Ali A-S (3P) Jackson Z (3P) Kristijan S (6S) Ana V (6S) Jawad A (4G) Anton L (4G) Saajida Z (4G) Vincent W (4G) Tyler J (4G) Angus H (4G) Myra G (4A) Mohamad T (5B) Nader S (5B) Mia D-C (5NH) Daniel H (5NH) Alysha-Marie R-S (5NH) Alex H (5NH) Jordan S (5NH) Mohamad T (5B) Neihana N (3J) Jad D (3J) Aahana K (3J) Zeinab S (3J) Hassan K (3J) Rayan W (3J) Michaella S (3J) Jim K (6S) Nader S (5B) Latif (5M) Anwar S (5M) Class Awards KM- Stephanie A; Taurus F KH- Armani M; Aolin T KCN- Luke P; Arnav K 1D- Aya D; Hassan F 1/2J- Shreya S; Ricky G 2D- Leya Y; Carlise H 2/3M- Nikola V; Rushmila S 4C- Eloise C; Dean G 3T- Rianna S; Anthony Y 5M- Phoebe L; Carlos B 5B- Joseph T; Stephanie M 6KM- Alex H; Joshua L KJ- Maddy S; Anyu W KS- Bader T; Tiba E 1T- Aishah A; Kevin X 1C- Alice D; Matariki N 2G- Eugene S; Irfan M 2A- Simone J; Mahdi H 4A- Phillip H; Claudia K 3/4S- Trisha C; Dylan Y 3P- Jake R; Aleksandar B 5E- Nicholas G; Sai G 5/6F- Tazmin S; Gordon Y 6S- Amanda W; Jason L KF- Juliet B; James D KIB- Malik D; Mahi U 1K- Sam X; Garwa L 1S- Isabella F; Rameen H 2K- Adrian B; Jasmine B 2P- Jessie W; Aidan W 4G- Noah Y; Andrea P 3J- Daniel B; Alka S 4H- Stefan P; Ella F 5NH- Lainey G; Connor S 6C- Ali J; Fatima A Page 4 Term 4 -3Week 6 5 Term - Week Thursday 13 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 Walkathon Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our Walkathon fundraiser. We have raised almost $18 000 so far. The last day for K-2 to bring their money is Monday 17 November and their prizes will be handed out at their assembly on that day. These include a soccer ball for the student in each class who raises the most money and a $50 gift voucher per stage which is drawn from all students who brought in sponsorship money. The winning class in each grade will also get an ice block each on Tuesday during lunch time. 3-6 students have until Friday 21 November to bring their money and the prizes will be drawn at the assembly on that day. The winning class in each 3-6 grade will get their ice block at lunch time on Friday 21 November. Once again, thanks so much to everyone who has helped make this such an incredible success. Term 4 2014 Week 6 – 10 November – 14 November Mon Kindergarten Bounce program 10 Year 6 CSIRO Forensic Frenzy Tue 11 Wed 12 Thur 13 Dance 2BFit Stage 3 Year 6 CSIRO Forensic Frenzy Remembrance Day 11:00am Kindergarten 2015 Playgroup Transition 2pm P & C Meeting 7.30pm Kindergarten Backyard League Session 3 Stage 1 Backyard League Clinic Session 3 Kindergarten 2015 Playgroup Transition 2:00pm Fri Summer PSSA 14 MLTA Film Finals Week 8 – 24 November- 28 November Mon Kindergarten Bounce Program 24 Tue Kindergarten 2015 Playgroup Transition 25 2:00pm White Ribbon Mufti Day- White t-shirt School Banking 9:00am Parent Session – School Plan 2015-2017 9:00am in the staffroom and repeated at 7:00pm Wed Combined Scripture Y1-6, 9:30am in the Hall 26 Thank You Morning Tea 11:00am in the Staffroom Thur Kindergarten 2015 Playgroup Transition 27 2:00pm Fri Stage 3 Excursion 28 NO PSSA SPORT Week 10 -8 December- 12 December Mon 8 Tue 9 Wed Presentation Day Y3-6 9.30am ; K-2 11.45am 10 Thur Year 6 Farewell 6:00pm 11 Fri PSSA Sports Presentation Assembly 12 Week 7 – 17 November – 21 November Mon K-2 Assembly 2:00pm in the Hall 17 Kindergarten Bounce Program Year 5 CSIRO- Lego Robotics Tue Dance 2BFit Stage 3 18 Year 5 CSIRO- Lego Robotics Kindergarten 2015 Playgroup Transition 2:00pm School Banking 9:00am Night of the Stars Wed 19 Thur Kindergarten 2015 Playgroup Transition 2:00pm 20 Fri Summer PSSA Semi Finals 21 3-6 Assembly 11:30am in the Hall Week 9 – 1 December- 5 December Mon Kindergarten Bounce Program 1 K-2 Assembly 2:00pm in the Hall Tue 2 Wed 3 Thur 4 Fri 5 Opening Night- Carlton Kidsmatter Art Show 6:00pm 3-6 Assembly 11:30am in the Hall Reports home to Parents Summer PSSA Finals SATURDAY 6 DEC – Bunnings BBQ at Rockdale Week 11 – 15 December- 19 December Mon 15 Tue Picnic Day K-2 at school; Y3-4 at Movies and Y516 6 at Entertainment Quarter Wed Stage 3 Talent Quest 11:30am 17 Last Day for Students Thur STAFF ONLY 18 Fri STAFF ONLY 19 Page 5 Term 4 -3Week 6 5 Term - Week Thursday 13 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 Page 6 Term 4 -3Week 6 5 Term - Week Thursday 13 November 2014 Thursday 18 August 2011 Page 7
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