Marie-Hélène BIHR Researcher in Finance specializing in Corporate Social Responsibility Teamwork oriented [email protected] Education 09/2005 - 2010 2004 - 2005 1998 - 2001 1996 - 1998 1996 PhD in Finance, CERAG research institute (Center for the Study and Applied Research in Management Studies), Université de Grenoble and CNRS “The integration of CSR and extra-financial information by the financial market” Research Masters’ in Finance, IAE Grenoble (Institute for Business Administration) Masters’ in Management Studies, Finance and Strategy, Grenoble Ecole de Management (Grenoble, France) Mathematics and Economics university preparatory program for competitive entrance exams to French Business Schools. Lycée H. Poincaré (Nancy, France) Science (Mathematics) Baccalauréat, passed with honors. Lycée E. Bichat (Lunéville, France) Professional Experience 2012-present 2010-2012 2006-2010 09-12/2005 09/2002 – 09/2004 2001 2000 Assistant professor (Maître de Conférences) at IAE Grenoble, Université de Grenoble Assistant professor at ESDES, Catholic University Lyon Assistant professor at IAE Grenoble, Université de Grenoble • Developed teaching skills and teaching support Research assistant, Finance Department at ESC Grenoble. Assisting Finance professors in creating case studies and with financial information data search. • Developed teamwork abilities and knowledge of case study creation Auditor, PriceWaterhouseCoopers: Financial Audit section (Luxembourg) Performing auditing primarily on banks, mutual funds and SPVs • Developed financial analysis skills and interview techniques, increased comprehension of bank and financial market structures Administrator trainee, On Demand Distribution (currently Loudeye) (Paris) leading European digital distributor of music. Assisting with French subsidiary set up • Developed independence and creativity Financial analyst trainee, Banque Rhône Alpes (Lyon) financial statement analysis and informational manager interviews • Developed collaborative skills and financial analysis knowledge Teaching Experience Financial Management - seminars (Master level, IAE, Bachelor level Esdes) Short term Financial Management - amphitheatres (Master level, IAE) Governance - seminars, tutorials (Master level, IAE) Management control - amphitheatres, seminars (Master level IAE, Génie Industriel, Bachelor level Esdes, Mundiapolis University, Morroco) Cost analysis - seminars (Master level, IAE, Bachelor level, Licence) M-H Bihr Introduction to Financial Markets - amphitheatres (Bachelor level, GEA, Licence MGE, Master level Esdes and Hanoi University in Vietnam) Socially Responsible Investment: theory and practice - seminars (Master level, ENSIMAG and IAE) Quantitative Methods for Business - seminars (Bachelor level, Licence MGE and Esdes) Business Ethics - seminars (Master level, IAE) Languages French: Mother tongue English: Fluent German: Working knowledge, written and spoken Computer/IT Skills Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, End Note Financial software: Datastream, Bloomberg, Telekurs, Thomson One Banker Experience abroad Vietnam Morocco Netherlands Luxembourg Denmark England & USA Seminar on introduction to financial markets (2011-2013) Seminar on cost analysis (2014) Visiting research scholar: Rotterdam School of Management, Financial Management Department. Six months collaboration with Jeroen Derwall Two years One semester at Aarhus School of Business (2000) Short stays Publication Bihr, P., Bihr, M-H (2013), Droit civil général, 19ième édition, Dalloz-Sirey, p. 350 Bihr, M-H (2010), L’intégration de la Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise et des informations extra-financières par le marché financier, thèse de doctorat, Université de Grenoble, p.384 Bihr, M-H., Labidi, O. (2010), Gouvernance, Hedge Funds et Fonds de Hedge Funds, Analyse financière, n°37, pp. 26-30 Bihr, M-H., Biondi, Y., Gialdini, L. (2008), Finance et management stratégique : projet d'élaboration d'outils autour d'une gouvernance responsable, Revue Française de Gouvernance d’Entreprise, n°4, pp. 89-108 Conferences LAEMOS, Cuba, April 2014, The commodification of responsibility. How the financial industry changes moral values into valuable instruments, in collaboration with Laurence Gialdini and Marc Lenglet 2nd workshop on Business Ethics, Bruxelles, November 2012, Is CSR for Blue chips CSR for Small & Mid Caps, in collaboration with Alexandros Dimitriadis Conference ISBE, Dublin, November 2012, SME’s Listing Fees And Costs, How Much Is Enough?, in collaboration with Oussama Labidi M-H Bihr 8th interdisciplinary workshop on “intangibles, intellectual capital & extra-financial information, Grenoble, September 2012, Legitimacy of extra-financial criteria, in collaboration with Marta Camprodon Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2012, Bordeaux, September 2012, CSR in Small and Mid Capitalisations, in collaboration with Alexandros Dimitriadis 5th ISBEE World Congress, Varsovie, Pologne, juillet 2012, CSR in Small and Mid Caps: a different approach?, in collaboration avec Alexandros Dimitriadis 2012 European Academy of Management Conference, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas, juin 2012, Corporate Social Responsibility and business ethics in the financial industry: towards a critical perspective, in collaboration with Laurence Gialdini and Marc Lenglet 8ième conférence de l’ADERSE, Paris, France, March 2011, The impact of CSR index changes, the cases of the ASPI and the Domini Social 400 Index 1st Mediterranean Critical Studies in Accounting and Finance Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, July 2009: Preliminary reflections on the social rating market 5th International Finance Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, March 2009: L’impact des changements de composition d’un indice de Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise sur les rentabilités : les cas de l’ASPI et du Domini Social 400 Index AFFI, Paris, december 2008 : On the use of financial and extra-financial information Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2008, Belfast, Ireland, September 2008: The financial characteristics of socially responsible firms and their predictive power 7ième Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance d’Entreprise, Bordeaux, France, June 2008 : Finance et management stratégique : Projet d’élaboration d’outils autour d’une gouvernance responsable (en collaboration avec Yuri Biondi et Laurence Gialdini) 5ième conférence de l’ADERSE, Grenoble, France, January 2008, RSE : essai de convergence des référentiels financier et stratégique, vers une gouvernance responsable ? (en collaboration avec Laurence Gialdini) PhD Seminar, Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands, October 2007, The financial characteristics of Socially Responsible firms and their predictive power EABIS PhD Conference, ESADE, Barcelona, Spain, September 2007, The financial characteristics of Socially Responsible firms and their predictive power Séminaire International de Finance, Grenoble, France, September 2006, L’impact des changements de composition d’un indice de Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise sur les rentabilités : le cas de l’ASPI. Current Research Projects Chair Financing Small and Midcaps, with Middlenext and the Observatoire du financement par les marchés Pour une méta-vision des cadres d’analyse de la Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise en Finance, in collaboration with Marta Camprodon (Institut Qimic de Sarria – Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona) The financial and extra-financial features of socially responsible firms and their predictive power Collaboration with Jeroen Derwall and ECCE (European Center for Corporate Engagement) for a pan-European project to analyze the different conceptions and uses of CSR and extra-financial information in firms and by analysts M-H Bihr Responsibilities and memberships Organization of the 2nd graduate student conference in English, CERAG, Grenoble, France, May 2006 Organization of the 5th ADERSE conference featuring Sandra Waddock, GEM and IAE, Grenoble, France, January 2008 Member of ECCE (European Center for Corporate Engagement) since 2007 Member of AFFI (French Finance association) since 2006 Head of Accountability and Finance Bachelor level, IAE Grenoble Extracurricular activities Organized a musical, cinema critic for BDA's Journal (Grenoble Graduate School student union) Hobbies: dance, swimming, music: drums, first flute in amateur orchestra for six years M-H Bihr
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