सी.एस.आई.आर.-संरचनात्मक अभभियांतत्रिकर अनस न ंधान केन् CSIR-STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTRE (वैजाननक तथा औदययोगगिक अननसंधान पररषद Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) सीएसआईआर पररसर CSIR Campus, तर्मणि Taramani, चेननै Chennai – 600 113. 1. No. 50(105)/14-15/CW/SE दद. Dated: 11.09.2014 2. No. 50(106)/14-15/CW/SE/TTRS 3. No.50 (108)/14-15/EW/SE 4. No.50(110)/14-15/CW/SE/TTRS 5. No.50(111)/14-15/CW/SE 6. No.50(112)/14-15/CW/SE/TTRS 7. No.622(88)/14-15/CW/SE/TTRS 8. No.50(111)/14-15/CW/SE ननववदा आ्मंत्रिि सचना NOTICE INVITING TENDER ननमनभलिणखित कायय के भलिए सी पी डब्य डी, रेलिवे, ए्म ई एस, डाक & तार ववभिागि से और/या सीएसआईआर या गिैर सरकारी संगिठनो के भलिए ननमनानस न ार अन्म न ाननत राभि या उससे अगधक राभि के भलिए काय् ककए ठेकेदारो से ्मद दर ननववदाए आ्मंतत्रित ककए जाते हं। इन ितय कयो पालिन ककए ठेकेदार उनके सबत और आयकर पैन काड्, दट आई एन सं. (कयोकक ये सब अननवाय् हं) आदद कयो टे डर प्रलिेखि कर जारी के भलिए अनरन योध करते स्मय प्रसतनत करना चादहए। ITEM RATE TENDERS are invited for the following works from the Contractors of appropriate class of CPWD, Railways, MES, Post & Telegraph Departments, and/or from those who have carried out similar works for CSIR and Semi Government Organisations, amounting to the estimated cost and above as mentioned below. The tenderers are required to produce proof of fulfilling these conditions and also required to submit a copy of Income Tax PAN Card, TIN No. and Service Tax Registration No. (as these are mandatory) while making request for issue of Tender Documents. क स. Sl. No. वििरण Description 1. Providing New ramps and Repainting Lab area of F.F. Lab., building at CSIR-SERC, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. Providing vitrified tiles flooring over the existing mosaic tiles in Control Building at TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai-600 043. Modification of the existing MV & AC plant panels of fuse switch unit with MCCB for Auditorium at CSIR-SERC, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. 2. 3. अन्म न ाननत ई.ए्म.डी. Estimated Cost `. (लिाखिो ्मे in Lakhs). Approx. EMD Amount `. 9.412 18,825.00 500.00 6 (Six) Months. 10.700 21,400.00 500.00 3 (Three) Months. 7.613 15,230.00 500.00 रक्म रक्म ननववदा प्रलिेखि का ्म्य Cost परा करने कर of Tender नतगथ Time of Document Completion (अप्रनतदेय NonRefundable) `. 5 (Five) Months. क स. वििरण Description 4. Providing vitrified tiles flooring over the existing mosaic tiles in Lounge, reception corridor and room area at Guest House, SERC-TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai – 600 043. Renovation of SHML Lab (Fly ash ) building at CSIR-SERC, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. Renovating the dilapidated toilet by replacing the damaged water line, flooring and toilet fittings etc., at ESA, SERC-TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai – 600 043. Renovating the covered Garage for Car / Scooter shed with available angles and weld mesh at ESA, SERC-TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai – 600 043. Renovation of Toilet located near the RC meeting room in 1st Floor of KRD (Library) building at CSIR-SERC, Taramani, Chennai for both Civil and Electrical works. 6. 7. 8. ई.ए्म.डी. Estimated Cost `. (लिाखिो ्मे in Lakhs). Approx. EMD Amount `. 13.407 ननववदा प्रलिेखि का ्म्य Cost परा करने कर 26,815/- 500.00 3 (Three) Months. 14.753 29,510/- 500.00 6 (Six) Months. 8.008 16,020/- 500.00 3 (Three) Months. 8.799 17,600/- 500.00 3 (Three) Months. 6.834 13,670/- 500.00 3( Three) Months रक्म Sl. No. 5. अन्म न ाननत रक्म of Tender नतगथ Time of Document Completion (अप्रनतदेय NonRefundable) `. ननववदा बेचने कर नतगथ व स्मय/ : 15.09.2014 to 24.09.2014 (Except on Holidays) daily from Date and time of sale of tender 9.00 hrs up to 15.00 hrs if Tender cost paid by cash and up to 17.00 hrs if it is in the form of D.D./Banker's Cheque. परा ककया गिया ननववदा प्रापत करने कर अंनत्म नतगथ Last date for receipt of completed tender : 26.09.2014 up to 15.00 hrs. ननववदा खियोलिने कर नतगथ Date of opening of tenders : 26.09.2014 at 15.30 hrs. ननववदा के बारे ्मे वववरि के भलिए ननमनभलिणखित वेबसाइट देखिे। The following web sites may be visited for details of NIT. www.tenderhome.com www.serc.res.in Sd/(्मेनयलि न था्मस Manuel Thomas) प्रिासन-ननयंत्रिक Controller of Administration CSIR-STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTRE (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. ATTACHMENT FOR NOTICE INVITING TENDERS 1. ITEM RATE TENDERS are invited for the following works from the Contractors of appropriate class of CPWD, Railways, MES, Post & Telegraph Departments, and/or from those who have carried out similar works for CSIR and Semi Government Organisations, amounting to the estimated cost and above as mentioned below. The tenderers are required to produce proof of fulfilling these conditions and also required to submit a copy of Income Tax PAN Card, TIN No., and Service Tax Reg.No., etc. (as these are mandatory) while making request for issue of Tender Documents. 2. क स. Sl. No. वििरण Description 1. Providing New ramps and Repainting Lab area of F.F. Lab., building at CSIR-SERC, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. Providing vitrified tiles flooring over the existing mosaic tiles in Control Building at TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai-600 043. Modification of the existing MV & AC plant panels of fuse switch unit with MCCB for Auditorium at CSIR-SERC, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. Providing vitrified tiles flooring over the existing mosaic tiles in Lounge, reception corridor and room area at Guest House, SERC-TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai – 600 043. Renovation of SHML Lab (Fly ash ) building at CSIR-SERC, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. Renovating the dilapidated toilet by replacing the damaged water line, flooring and toilet fittings etc., at ESA, SERC-TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai – 600 043. Renovating the covered Garage for Car / Scooter shed with available angles and weld mesh at ESA, SERC-TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai – 600 043. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. अन्म न ाननत ई.ए्म.डी. Estimated Cost `. (लिाखिो ्मे in Lakhs). Approx. EMD Amount `. 9.412 18,825.00 500.00 6 (Six) Months. 10.700 21,400.00 500.00 3 (Three) Months. 7.613 15,230.00 500.00 13.407 26,815/- 500.00 रक्म रक्म ननववदा प्रलिेखि का ्म्य Cost परा करने कर of Tender नतगथ Time of Document Completion (अप्रनतदेय NonRefundable) `. 5 (Five) Months. 3 (Three) Months. 6 (Six) Months. 14.753 29,510/- 500.00 8.008 16,020/- 500.00 3 (Three) Months. 8.799 17,600/- 500.00 3 (Three) Months. Page 1 of 4 8. Renovation of Toilet located near the RC meeting room in 1st Floor of KRD (Library) building at CSIR-SERC, Taramani, Chennai for both Civil and Electrical works. 6.834 13,670/- 500.00 3( Three) Months 3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed covers, superscripting the name of the work, date and time of opening written on the envelope. They will be received up to 15.00 hrs. on 26.09.2014 and will be opened at 15.30 hrs. on the same day in the office of the Controller of Administration, CSIR-SERC, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. Tenders should be dropped in the tender box before the closing date and time indicated. In case these are sent by post these should be sent by Regd. Post / Speed post addressed to the Controller of Administration, CSIR-SERC, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. Tenderers are to ensure that they post the Tender well in advance so as to reach before the closing time and date indicated. 4. The date of commencement shall be reckoned from the tenth day of issue of award letter. 5. Complete contract documents to be complied with by the tenderer, whose tender may be accepted, can be seen at the office of the Controller of Administration, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. 6. Tenders should be on the specified form (Non-transferable) which may be obtained from the office of the Controller of Administration, CSIR-SERC, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113, daily from 9.00 hrs to 15.00 hrs on payment of `.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) (Non-refundable) (Except on holidays) in the form of cash and if it is in the form D.D./Banker's cheque the tenders can be obtained daily from 9.00 hrs to 17.30 hrs. for each work separately. Sale of tenders shall be stopped Two days before the date of opening of tenders. 7. Tenderer should submit the TIN No., with Area Code and address of the Commercial Tax 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. office where registration done for payment of VAT etc. Labour Welfare Cess at 1% of bill value will be recovered from the bills and submitted to authorities by the department. The Earnest Money for the amount as shown at Sl.No.2 above should be paid in the form of demand draft or pay order of a schedule bank and drawn in favour of the “The Director, CSIR-SERC, Chennai-113”, and should accompany the tender. Tenders received without earnest money will be invalid. Canvassing in connection with the tenders is prohibited and the tender submitted by the contractor who resort to canvassing are liable for rejection. The tenderer shall not be permitted to tender for works in the concerned unit of CSIR in which a relative is posted in the grade between Controller of Administration and Junior Engineer, (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or subsequently employed by him and who are relatives as mentioned above. Note: a person shall be deemed to be a relative of another if, and only if, (a) they are members of a Hindu undivided family; or (b) they are husband and wife; or (c)the one is related to the other in the following manner: Father / Mother (including stepmother). Son (including step son), Son’s Wife. Daughter (including Step Daughter), Father, Son’s Son, Son’s Son’s Wife, Son’s, Son’s Daughter’s Husband, Daughter’s husband, Daughter’s Son’s wife, Daughter’s daughter, Daughter’s daughter’s husband, Brother (including step brother), Brother’s wife, Sister (including step sister), Sister’s husband. Tenders submitted shall remain valid for 90 days from the date of opening for the purpose of acceptance and award of work; validity beyond 90 days from the date of opening shall be by mutual consent. Page 2 of 4 13. The tenderer shall quote rates both in Figures and Words. He shall also workout the amount for each item of work and write in both figures and words. On check if there are differences between the rates quoted by the tenderer in words and in figures or in the amount worked out by him the following procedure shall be followed. a. When there is difference between the rates in figures and in words, the rates which correspond to the amounts worked out by the tenderer shall be taken as correct b. When the amount of an item is not worked out by the tenderer or it does not correspond with rate written either in figures or in words, the rate quoted by the tenderer in words shall be taken as correct. c. When the rate quoted by the tenderer in figures and in words tallies but the amount is not worked out correctly the rate quoted by the tenderer shall be taken as correct and not the amount. 15. The Tenderer should see drawings and in case of doubt obtain required particulars, which may in any way influence his tender from the Engineer as no claim whatsoever will be entertained for any alleged ignorance thereof. 16. Before tendering, the tenderer shall inspect the site to fully acquaint himself about the condition in regard to accessibility of site, nature and extent of ground, working condition of site and locality including stacking of materials, installations of tools and plants (T&P) etc., conditions affecting accommodations and movement of labour etc. required for the satisfactory execution of the work contract. No claim whatsoever on such account shall be entertained by the employer in any circumstances. 17. Earnest money will be forfeited if the contractor fails to commence the work as per letter of award. 18. Except writing rates and amount, the tenderer should not write any conditions or make any changes, additions, alterations and modifications in the printed form of tenders. Tenderers who are desirous to offer rebate, the same should be brought separately in the covering letter and submitted along with the tender. 19. Some of the provisions of General Conditions of Contract are given below. Interpretation however shall be as given in the General Conditions of Contract. a) DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD: Twelve months from the date of completion as certified by the Employer. b) MINIMUM VALUE OF WORK FOR THE INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Description Providing New ramps and Repainting Lab area of F.F. Lab., building at CSIR-SERC, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. Providing vitrified tiles flooring over the existing mosaic tiles in Control Building at TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai-600 043. Modification of the existing MV & AC plant panels of fuse switch unit with MCCB for Auditorium at CSIR-SERC, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. Providing vitrified tiles flooring over the existing mosaic tiles in Lounge, reception corridor and room area at Guest House, SERC-TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai – 600 043. Amount in Lakhs `. 1.569 3.567 1.523 4.469 Page 3 of 4 Sl. No. 5. 6. 7. 8. Description Renovation of SHML Lab (Fly ash ) building at CSIR-SERC, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113. Renovating the dilapidated toilet by replacing the damaged water line, flooring and toilet fittings etc., at ESA, SERC - TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai – 600 043. Renovating the covered Garage for Car / Scooter shed with available angles and weld mesh at ESA, SERC-TTRS, Thirusulam, Chennai – 600 043. Renovation of Toilet located near the RC meeting room in 1st Floor of KRD (Library) building at CSIR-SERC, Taramani, Chennai for both Civil and Electrical works. Amount in Lakhs `. 2.459 2.670 2.933 2.278 Intermediate certificate for lesser amount can be admitted for payment at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge. c) SECURITY DEPOSIT: A sum @ 5% of the gross amount of the bill shall be deducted from each running bill of the contractor, till the sum along with the sum already deposited as earnest money amounts to security deposit @ 5% of the tendered amount of the work. This is in addition to the Performance Guarantee that the contractor shall be required to deposit an amount equal to 5% of the tendered and accepted value of the work (without limit) as in the form of BC/DD/PO, Bank Guarantee or Fixed Deposit Receipt of a scheduled bank, within the prescribed period of ten day for commencement of the work as per award letter issued to him. d) COMPENSATION: Contractor shall pay as compensation an amount equal to one percent or such smaller amount as the Employer (whose decision in writing shall be final) may decide on the cost of the whole work as shown in the agreement, for every week that the work remains un commenced or unfinished or due quantity of work remains incomplete after the proper dates. Compensation to be paid shall not exceed ten percent of the estimated cost of the work as shown in the agreement. --oooo-- Page 4 of 4
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