Citect for Windows Driver User Configuration ABRSLinx Driver Author Date Comment Paul Sutcliffe 10/06/1998 Original 30/07/1998 Modification Alex Chan 10/11/1999 Modification Graeme Sutton 20/01/2000 Modification Anna McIntyre 09/08/2000 Added driver specific error codes Graeme Sutton 15/02/2001 Changed and added examples in section 3.5 Stephen Straton 2 Nov. 01 Added note about RSLinx starting/stopping. Carol Jia 8 Jan. 02 Added the “Status” in the citect.ini Driver User Configuration Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 Abbreviations/Glossary 4 2 TARGET DEVICE(S) AND PROTOCOL 3 6 2 .1 Introduction 6 2.2 Device Manufacturer 6 2.3 Device Definition 6 2.4 Software Configuration 6 2.5 The Role of RSLinx 6 2.6 Common Connection Name Prefixes in RSLinx 6 2.7 Installation and configuration of the RSLinx application. 2.7.1 Requirements 2.7.2 Installation and licensing 2.7.3 Configuration of the RSLinx application. 7 7 7 7 2.8 Maximum Request Length 8 USER INTERFACE 9 3.1 Driver Name 9 3.2 Boards Form Board Type 3.2.1 Address 3.2.2 IO Port 3.2.3 Interrupt 3.2.4 Special Opt 9 9 9 9 9 9 3.3 Ports Form 3.3.1 Baud Rate 3.3.2 Data Bits 3.3.3 Stop Bits 3.3.4 Parity 3.3.5 Special Opt 9 9 9 9 9 9 3.4 IO Devices Form 3.4.1 Protocol 3.4.2 Address 10 10 10 ABRSLINX.DOC 2 Driver User Configuration 3.5 Examples of Drivers and IO device address 3.5.1 Using the 1756 ControlLogix Ethernet module to connect CITECT to a PLC on a DH+ network (figures 3.5.1a, 3.5.1b, 3.5.1c) 3.5.2 Using the 1756 ControlLogix DH+ module to connect CITECT to a PLC on another DH+ network (figures 3.5.2, 3.5.1b) 3.5.3 Directly connecting to a PLC via DH+ network 3.5.4 Directly connecting to a PLC via Ethernet 3.5.5 Directly connecting to a PLC using RS232 3.5.6 Using the 1756 ControlLogix Ethernet module to connect CITECT to a PLC on a ControlNet network connected to the 1756 ControlLogix CNB module. 3.5.7 Using the 1756 ControlLogix ControlNet module to connect CITECT to a PLC on a DH+ network. 12 3.6 Device Variable Types 3.6.1 SLC-500 Series IO Device Variable Types 3.6.2 PLC-5 IO Device Variable Types 3.6.3 PLC-5/250 Pyramid Integrator IO Device Variable Types 3.6.4 PLC-3 IO Device Variable Types (Not Tested) 3.6.5 PLC-2 IO Device Variable Types (Not Tested) 17 17 18 19 21 23 3.6 Parameters and INI options 3.6.1 Standard Parameters 3.6.2 PROTDIR.DBF 24 24 24 3.7 25 Driver Specific Errors 3.8 Debug Messages ABRSLINX.DOC 12 14 15 15 15 16 16 25 3 Driver User Configuration 1 Introduction 1.1 Abbreviations/Glossary A-B Network Proprietary Allen-Bradley communications network. AB_DF1 The RSLinx serial communications driver. AB_ETH The RSLinx Ethernet driver for communication to the PLC-5 Ethernet modules and 5820-EI modules. AB_KTC The RSLinx ControlNet driver. For use with the 1784-KTC(X) card under Windows NT. AB_KTC95 The RSLinx ControlNet driver. For use with the 1784-KTC(X) card under Windows 95. ABRSlinx A Citect driver designed to interface with the Rockwell RSLinx application and communicate with Allen-Bradly controllers. API Application Programming Interface. ASA Advanced System Architecture, The driver used to support the Controllogix 1756 Ethernet module. ControlNet A deterministic, high speed control and I/O network. ControlLogix 1756 An Allen-Bradley control system consisting of a chassis, power supply an various communications modules, including but not limited to Ethernet, Controlnet and Data Highway Plus. PLC modules are also to be introduced. DF1 EIA RS-232 full duplex protocol. DH-485 An A-B network that uses EIA RS-485 protocol. DH Data Highway network. DH+ Data Highway Plus network. DH/DH+ Data Highway and/or Data Highway Plus. EI Ethernet Interface module. Ethernet Processor PLC-5/20E, PLC-5/40E, PLC-5/80E. ei_name host name for the EI INTERCHANGE A-B API Software Library for host computers, Superseded by RSLinx. KA module PI DH/DH+ interface module (5130-KA) KT Communications interface module LP Logic processor local station A station connected directly to an A-B or Ethernet network local The station which contains the ethernet interface off-link addressing A method of specifying the station address of a remote station. remote A station connected to the ethernet interface via DH/DH+ link RDLG Remote Device via Linx Gateway The RSLinx driver used to Support communication to1756 ControlLogix devices. RSI Rockwell Software International. ABRSLINX.DOC 4 Driver User Configuration RSLinx An applications program to facilitate the control of a range of AllenBradley PLC’s and a range of RockWell Software products. RSLinx-lite A “cut down” version of RSLinx. Bundled with many RSI and AB products. RSLinx-OEM An applications program to facilitate the control of a range of AllenBradley PLC’s. RSLinx-OEM is a subset of RSLinx. RSLinx SDK A Software Development Kit for the RSLinx API . PCCC Programmable Controllers Communications Command. The set of commands that Allen-Bradley controllers use to communicate over networks PI Pyramid Integrator system PLC Programmable Logic Controller RM module PI Resource Manager module RS module PI Remote Scanner module SLC Small Logic Controller (SLC 500, 5/01, 5/02, 5/03, 5/04) station number address of a device on an A-B network ABRSLINX.DOC 5 Driver User Configuration 2 Target Device(s) and Protocol 2 .1 Introduction This section defines the types of I/O Devices that are targeted by this driver. 2.2 Device Manufacturer Allen-Bradley, A Rockwell International Company 2.3 Device Definition The ABRSlinx driver provides communication to the following Allen-Bradley devices: PLC5/250 SLC500 PLC5 Connection can be direct or via the 1756 ControlLogix Ethernet port. 2.4 Software Configuration The ABRSlinx driver acts as a layer of software between Citect and the RSlinx software library. The driver assumes that RSLinx is configured correctly. If RSLinx is not running when the Citect runtime is started then the driver will start it. On runtime shutdown Citect will not stop RSLinx, this is because RSLinx might be in use by another application. 2.5 The Role of RSLinx RSlinx is an applications program designed to facilitate communications with a range of AllenBradley programmable logic controllers. RSLinx also provides an API to its software library and thus allows third party applications; in this case Citect, to communicate with these controllers. The interface provided is uniform across a range of drivers and networks. RSLinx comes in several “packages” RSLinx ,RSlinx-OEM and RSlinx-lite. The RSLinx lite does not provide the necessary interface to third party software and so is unsuitable for the Citect ABRSLinx driver. The Citect Driver ABRSLinx was written using Rockwell Software RSLinx C SDK Version 1.70.62 Cat 9355-WABC. 2.6 Common Connection Name Prefixes in RSLinx TCP This provides a connection to the ControlLogix 1756 Ethernet port. AB_ETH This provides an Ethernet connection to Allen-Bradley PLC-5/80E, PLC-5/40E, PLC5/20E, and the 5820-EI. AB_KTC This provides a ControlNet (release 1.25 or higher) interface using the 1784-KTC(X) hardware on windows NT AB_KTC95 This provides a ControlNet (release 1.25 or higher) interface using the 1784-KTC(X) hardware on Windows 95 AB_DEF1 This provides an RS-232 serial connection to Allen-Bradley DF1 serial devices. ABRSLINX.DOC 6 Driver User Configuration The ABRSLinx driver does not preclude use of other drivers supported by the RSlinx. 2.7 Installation and configuration of the RSLinx application. Installation 2.7.1 Requirements 1 The RSLinx or RSLinx-OEM application. 2 The serial number provided with the application. 3 If using Windows NT admin privileges will be required. 4 The AB software master disk key disk to fully licence RSLinx. 5 Approximately 12 MB of free disk space. 2.7.2 Installation and licensing Run the setup program on disk 1 and follow the instructions. The installation program is painless. Run the evmove program on the master licence disk to licence RSLinx. This program copies a “TOKEN” or software key to your hard drive. Without this key you can only run RSLinx-lite and so, will be unable to use the ABRSLinx driver. 2.7.3 Configuration of the RSLinx application. Each driver that is to be used by ABRSLinx must first be configured using the RSLinx |Communication Configure Driver Dialogue box. To configure a driver. Select it from the available drivers list. Click the “Add New” button. Fig 2.7.3a RSLinx Driver configuration. The driver edit dialogue box will be displayed. Type a connection name or click ok to accept the default. Complete the configuration dialog box. When finished adding all devices, all connection names are displayed in the main window. ABRSLINX.DOC 7 Driver User Configuration Fig 2.7.3b RSLinx main window 2.8 Maximum Request Length The Maximum request length for the ABRSLINX protocol is 1824 bits. ABRSLINX.DOC 8 Driver User Configuration 3 User Interface This section defines how the user will see the driver. This relates directly to how the Citect forms need to be filled out and any special INI options. For the kernel, the debug trace messages and the Stats Special counters are documented 3.1 Driver Name ABRSLINX 3.2 Boards Form Board Type ABRSLINX 3.2.1 Address 0. 3.2.2 IO Port Not used. 3.2.3 Interrupt Not used 3.2.4 Special Opt Not used. 3.3 Ports Form One port is declared for each RSlinx connection name that Citect is using. 3.3.1 Baud Rate Not used. 3.3.2 Data Bits Not used. 3.3.3 Stop Bits Not used. 3.3.4 Parity Not used 3.3.5 Special Opt The RSLinx connection name that this port is to use. The list of configured drivers can be seen is the RSLinx Configure drivers dialogue box. This box is accessible from the Configurations menu option Configure drivers. The default format is DriverName-X where X is the connection number. For example: TCP-1 for the first configured 1756 ControlLogix Ethernet port driver. AB_DF1-1 to use the first configured DF1 driver. Local connection serial communication. AB_ETH-1 to use the first configured Ethernet driver. Local connection using Ethernet to PI or 5820-EI ABRSLINX.DOC 9 Driver User Configuration AB_ETH-2 to use the second configured Ethernet driver. Local connection using Ethernet to PI or 5820-EI AB_ KTC-1 to use the first configured ControlNet driver. Under Windows NT AB_KTC95-1 to use the first configured ControlNet driver. Under Windows 95. 3.4 IO Devices Form 3.4.1 Protocol One of the following. ABRSLINX5 for the PLC 5 processor ABRSLINX250 the PLC 250 processor (Pyramid Integrator) ABRSLINX500 The SLC 500 processor 3.4.2 Address AB:KEYWORD[/B:b/L:l/G:g/P:p/M:m/C:c/E:e],StationNumber/Ss Where KEYWORD is one of : NAME, LOCAL, LONGLOCAL, OFFLINK, PIGATEWAY, PIGATEWAYIP, PIGATEWAYNAME, DF1MASTER, ASA, CIP The keyword LOCAL is used for devices directly connected to your PC via RS232 or Data Highway. The Keyword ASA is used for devices connected via the 1756 ControlLogx Ethernet module. The Keyword NAME is used for devices directly connected to your PC via Ethernet. The keyword OFFLINK is used for devices connected via the 1756 DHRIO ControlLogix Data Highway module. The keyword CIP is used for devices connected via the 1756 CNB ControlLogix Control Net module. The following fields are valid only with the keywords OFFLINK, PIGATEWAY, PIGATEWAYIP, PIGATEWAYNAME, and ASA. Field Description Valid Values /L:l destination link id tool. (which uses decimal) 0 - 177777 (octal) This is set in the module using the 1756gtwy /B:b bridge address 1 - 376 (octal) /G:g gateway to final DH485 link /P:p pushwheel number /M:m module type /C:c channel number /E:e Ethernet interface station number 1 - 376 (octal) 0 - 8 (decimal) KA, KT, RM 0, 2, 3 0 – 77 (octal) /KA bridge requires 1785-KA addressing mode through a 1785-KA from DH+ to DH. ABRSLINX.DOC /KA switch is required to communicate 10 Driver User Configuration /Ss the driver will monitor a user defined address every watchtime and if the user specified condition fails, then a driver_offline error or similar is returned to Citect. This will then force a swap to the redundant unit. For this to work correctly, you may need to manually configure the status register in your PLC. The register must be configured as follows, depending on whether it is a digital or analog variable: Digital - The variable must always be on, otherwise the unit is put offline. Analog - The variable must be changed for each read. If the variable has not changed since the last read, the unit is put offline. Allowable Values The value for this parameter must be formatted as follows: <RawType>, <BitWidth>,<UnitType>, <UnitAddress>,<UnitCount>, where: RawType = 0 for Digital 1 for Int 4 for Long 8 for Byte BitWidth = 1 for Digital 8 for Byte 16 for Int 32 for Long UnitType = Protocol specific. See the variable specification .DBF files for the particular PLC. UnitAddress= The item number or bit number. UnitCount = 1 for Analog 16 for Digital Default Value No default. StationNumber string StationNumber string specifies the station number of a remote processor on an A-B network. ControlLogix 1756 DHRIO Station number. In the case of the 1756 ControlLogix DHRIO Module connection the Station number is a path string P.S.C.R Where P is a port number and is always 1. S is the slot number in the ControlLogix chassis to which the DHRIO module connected. The slot numbers start a 0 and are counted from the left hand side chassis as you face the module. So for example the first module on the left hand side of the chassis is 0 the second 1 etc. C is the connector number in the 1756 DHRIO module connector A is 2 connector B is 3. R is the DH+ station number of the remote PLC to which you are communicating. This is set in the remote device using its programming software or by switch settings. The station number is in decimal. ABRSLINX.DOC 11 Driver User Configuration For example is for slot 2 (third spot from the left) ControlLogix DHRIO module connector B. The remote PLC has a DH+ station number of 77 octal. ControlLogix 1756 ControlNet CNB Station number In the case of the 1756 ControlLogix CNB module connection the Station number is a path string 1.S.2.R Where 1 is the number 1 and is used to indicate the following number is a slot number. S is the slot number in the ControlLogix chassis to which the CNB module connected. The slot numbers start a 0 and are counted from the left hand side chassis as you face the module. So for example the first module on the left hand side of the chassis is 0 the second 1 etc. 2 is the number 2 and is used to indicate the following number is a MAC number. R is the remote devices Control net MAC id. Other A-B Network Valid Station Numbers Data Highway 1 to 376 (octal) inclusive Data Highway Plus 0 to 77 (octal) inclusive DH485 0 to 37 (octal) inclusive RS-232 (DF1) 0 to 77 (octal) inclusive Local Ethernet Ethernet address When defining data items on a local Ethernet processor, you must omit the station number. 3.5 Examples of Drivers and IO device address 3.5.1 Using the 1756 ControlLogix Ethernet module to connect CITECT to a PLC on a DH+ network (figures 3.5.1a, 3.5.1b, 3.5.1c) A SLC 5/04 with station address 1 is connected to a DH+ network. The 1756 ControlLogix DHRIO module channel A (Number 2) has been configured with a link ID of 20. This module is in slot 2 of the 1756 ControlLogix Chassis. The board type is ABRSLINX The port special option is the connection name in RSLINX (eg. TCP-1) The protocol is ABRSLINX500 The IODevice address is AB:ASA/L:24, ABRSLINX.DOC 12 Driver User Configuration Fig 3.5.1a Using the 1756 ControlLogix Ethernet module to connect CITECT to a PLC on a DH+ network. Fig 3.5.1b 1756gtwy configuration tool view of 1756 ControlLogix DHRIO module settings used in this example. ABRSLINX.DOC 13 Driver User Configuration Fig 3.5.1c Citect settings used in the above example 3.5.2 Using the 1756 ControlLogix DH+ module to connect CITECT to a PLC on another DH+ network (figures 3.5.2, 3.5.1b) An SLC 5/04 with station address 6 is connected to a DH+ network. The 1756 ControlLogix DHRIO module channel A (Number 2) has been configured with a link ID of 20 and a DH+ address of 5. The 1756 ControlLogix DHRIO module channel B (Number 3) has been configured with a link ID of 30 and a DH+ address of 4. This module is in slot 2 of the 1756 ControlLogix chassis. The SLC is connected to channel B if this module. A KTX card with local DH+ address of 77 has been installed in the PC and is connected to Channel A. The driver used is ABRSLINX The port special option is the connection name in RSLINX (eg. AB_KT-1) The protocol is ABRSLINX500 In the Citect I/O devices form enter an address of AB:OFFLINK/B:5/L:36, ABRSLINX.DOC 14 Driver User Configuration Fig 3.5.2 Using the 1756 ControlLogix DH+ module to connect CITECT to a PLC on another DH+ network. 3.5.3 Directly connecting to a PLC via DH+ network A PLC5/40 with local DH+ address 3 and a KTX card installed in PC. The board type is ABRSLINX The port special option is the connection name in RSLINX (eg. AB_KT-1) The protocol is ABRSLINX5 In the Citect I/O devices form enter an address of AB:LOCAL,3 3.5.4 Directly connecting to a PLC via Ethernet A SLC 5/40 with Ethernet address The board type is ABRSLINX The port special options is connection name in RXLINX (eg. AB_ETH-1) The protocol is ABRSLINX5 In the Citect I/O devices form enter an address of AB:NAME, 3.5.5 Directly connecting to a PLC using RS232 A local SLC 5/04 station number 1 is connected via RS232. The RSLinx AB_DF1-1 driver has been configured. The board type is ABRSLINX The port is the connection name in RSLINX (eg. AB_DF1-1) The protocol is ABRSLINX500 In the Citect I/O Devices form enter an address of AB:LOCAL,1 ABRSLINX.DOC 15 Driver User Configuration 3.5.6 Using the 1756 ControlLogix Ethernet module to connect CITECT to a PLC on a ControlNet network connected to the 1756 ControlLogix CNB module. A PLC5/40 with station address 2 is connected to a ControlNet network. The 1756 ControlLogix CNB is in slot 4 of the 1756 ControlLogix Chassis. The board type is ABRSLINX The port special options is the connection name in RSLINX (eg. TCP-1) The protocol is ABRSLINX5 In the Citect I/O devices form enter an address of AB:ASA, 3.5.7 Using the 1756 ControlLogix Ethernet module to connect CITECT to a ControlLogix PLC in the same ControlLogix Gateway. A ControlLogix Logix5550 PLC is in Slot 0 of the ControlLogix Gateway. Notes: i. Citect can only communicate to Controller Tags configured as PLC5 mappings in the RSLogix PLC program. ii. A mapping for File 0 must exist for the driver to bring the unit online. iii. Each mapping can only be to one tag or one array and each mapping is a separate read request, so it is recommended that arrays are used as much as possible. iv. The controller response time degrades quickly as the number of mappings increases, so this protocol is not recommended other than for reading a small number of Tags or arrays. The board type is ABRSLINX The port special option is the name of the connection in RSLinx (eg. AB_TCP-1) The protocol is ABRSLINX5 In the Citect I/O devices form enter an address of AB:ASA,1.0 (ie. uses the format P.S) 3.5.8 Using the 1756 ControlLogix ControlNet module to connect CITECT to a PLC on a DH+ network. An SLC 5/04 with station address 6 is connected to a DH+ network. The 1756 ControlLogix DHRIO module channel A (Number 2) has been configured with a link ID of 20 and a local DH+ address of 5 (see figure 3.5.1b). This module is in slot 2 of the 1756 ControlLogix chassis. The 1756 ControlLogix CNB module channel A (Number 2) has been configured with MAC ID 5. This module is in slot 3 of the 1756 ControlLogix chassis. A KTC card with local MAC ID 7 has been installed in the PC and is connected to channel A of the CNB module. The board type is ABRSLINX The port special option is the name of the connection in RSLinx (eg. AB_KTC-1) The protocol is ABRSLINX500 In the Citect I/O devices form enter an address of AB:CIP/L:24, (ie. uses the format 2.M.P.S.C.R) ABRSLINX.DOC 16 Driver User Configuration 3.6 Device Variable Types 3.6.1 SLC-500 Series IO Device Variable Types Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations O:s.n INT s=0-30, n=0-255 Output Image (see error section) O:s.n/b DIGITAL s=0-30, n=0-255, b=0-15 Output Image I:s.n INT s=0-30, n= 0-255 Input Image (see error section) I:s.n/b DIGITAL s=0-30, n=0-255, b=0-15 Input Image S:n INT n=0-255 Status (range depends on processor Tf:n.* INT f=4,10-255, n=0-255 Timer, * = {PRE, ACC} Tf:n.* DIGITAL f=4,10-255, n=0-255 Timer, * = {DN, TT, EN} Tf:n/b DIGITAL f=4,10-255, n=0-255, b=0-15 Timer Status/Control bits Cf:n.* INT f=5,10-255, n=0-255 Counter, * = {PRE, ACC} Cf:n.* DIGITAL f=5,10-255, n=0-255 Counter, * = {UN, OV, DN,CD, CU} Cf:n/b DIGITAL f=5,10-255, n=0-255, b=0-15 Counter Status/Control bits Rf:n.* INT f=6,10-255, n=0-255 Control, * = {LEN, POS} Rf:n.* DIGITAL f=6,10-255, n=0-255 Control, * = {FD, IN, UL, ER, EM, DN, EU, EN} Rf:n/b DIGITAL f=6,10-255, n=0-255, b=0-15 Control Status/Control bits Bf/b DIGITAL f=3,10-255, b=0-32767 Binary bits Bf:n/b DIGITAL f=3,10-255, n=0-255 b=0-15 Binary bits Nf:n INT f=7,10-255, n=0-255 Integer Image Nf:n/b DIGITAL f=7,10-255, n=0-255, b=0-15 Integer bit Image REAL f=7,10-255, n=0-255 Floating Point Image Ff:n/b*2 DIGITAL f=7,10-255, n=0-255, b=0-32 Floating Point Image Af:n INT f=10-255, n=0-255 Ascii Image, High byte and low byte contain 1 char each. STf:n*2 STRING f=10-255, n=0-255 String Ff:n *2 Table 3.6.1 Note: 2 not supported on SLC 500, 5/01, 5/02, 5/03 processors. ABRSLINX.DOC 17 Driver User Configuration 3.6.2 PLC-5 IO Device Variable Types Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations O:rg INT r=0o0-0o27*1, g=0o0-0o7, Output Image (r = i/o rack #, g = i/o group #) O:rg/x DIGITAL r=0o0-0o27*1, g=0o0-0o7, x=0o0-0o17 Output Image (r = i/o rack #, g = i/o group #, x = bit #) I:rg INT r=0o0-0o27*1, g=0o0-0o7, Output Image (r = i/o rack #, g = i/o group #) I:rg/x DIGITAL r=0o0-0o27*1, g=0o0-0o7, x=0o0-0o17 Output Image (r = i/o rack #, g = i/o group #, x = bit #) S:n INT n=0-128*1 Status word *1, S:n/b DIGITAL n=0-128 b=0-15 Status bits Bf:n INT f=3,9-999, n=0-999 Binary bits Bf/b DIGITAL f=3,9-999, b=0-32767 Binary bits *2, Bf:n/b DIGITAL f=3,9-999, n=0-999 b=0-15 b=0o0-0o17*2 Binary bits Nf:n INT f=7,9-999, n=0-999 Integer Image Nf:n/b DIGITAL f=7,9-999, n=0-999, b=0-15 Integer bit Image Ff:n REAL f=8-999, n=0-999 Floating Point Image Ff:n/b DIGITAL f=8-999, n=0-999, b=0-32 Floating Point Image Af:n INT f=9-999, n=0-999 Ascii Image, High byte and low byte contain 1 char each. Df:n INT f=9-999, n=0-999 BCD Image STf:n STRING f=9-999, n=0 String Image, :0 specifies length of string, maximum of 82 BYTES of data accessible only by addressing whole structure. Tf:n.* INT f=4,9-999, n=0-999 Timer, * = {PRE, ACC} Tf:n.* DIGITAL f=4,9-999, n=0-999 Timer, * = {DN, TT, EN} Cf:n.* INT f=5,9-999, n=0-999 Counter, * = {PRE, ACC} Cf:n.* DIGITAL f=5,9-999, n=0-999 Counter, * = {UN, OV, DN,CD, CU} Rf:n.* INT f=6,9-999, n=0-999 Control, * = {LEN, POS} Rf:n.* DIGITAL f=6,9-999, n=0-999 Control, * = {FD, IN, UL, ER, EM, DN, EU, EN} SCf:n.* INT f=9-999, n=0-999 Sequential Function Chart, * = {PRE, TIM} SCf:n.* DIGITAL f=9-999, n=0-999 SFC Status * = {DN, ER, OV, LS, FS, SA} ABRSLINX.DOC 18 Driver User Configuration Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations BTf:n.* INT f=9-999, n=0-999 Block Transfer, * = {RLEN, DLEN, FILE, ELEM, RGS} BTf:n.* DIGITAL f=9-999, n=0-999 Block Transfer * = {RW, TO, NR, EW, CO, ER, DN, ST, EN} PDf:n.* INT f=9-999, n=0-999 PID Block, * = {SP,KP,KI,KD,BIAS,MAXS,MINS, DB,SO,MAXO,MINO,UPD, PV, ERR, OUT, PVH, PVL, DVP, DVN,PVDB,DVDB,MAXI,MINI,TI E, DATA} PDf:n.* DIGITAL f=9-999, n=0-999 PID Block * = {PE,MO,CA,SWM,DO,PVT,CL,C T,EN,PVHA,PVLA,DVPA,DVNA, EWD,OLH,OLL,SPOR,INI} MGf:n.* INT f=9-999, n=0-999 Message Control, * = {ERR,RLEN,DLEN,DATA} MGf:n.* DIGITAL f=9-999, n=0-999 Message Control * = {EW,CO,ER,DN,ST,EN,TO,NR} Note 1: range processor dependent, Table 3.6.2 3.6.3 PLC-5/250 Pyramid Integrator IO Device Variable Types Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations xBf:n INT x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Binary File {-32768 to 32767} xBf:n/b DIGITAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999, b=0-15 Binary bits xNf:n INT x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Integer File {-32768 to 32767} xNf:n/b DIGITAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999, b=0-15 Integer bits x=0 Resource Manager x=1-4 Logic Processor(s) xLf:n LONG INT x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Long Integer File {-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647} xLf:n/b DIGITAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999, b=0-31 Long Integer bits xFf:n REAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Floating point number File {+/- 3.4028E+38} xFf:n/b ABRSLINX.DOC DIGITAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999, b=0-31 Floating point number bits 19 Driver User Configuration Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations xTf:n.* LONG x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Timer File * = {PRE, ACC} xTf:n.* DIGITAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Timer File * = {DN, TT, EN} xSTf:n STRING x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 String Image, :0 specifies length of string, maximum of 82 BYTES of data accessible only by addressing whole structure. eg. ST12:6 xCf:n.* INT x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Counter, * = {PRE, ACC} xCf:n.* DIGITAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Counter, * = {UN, OV, DN,CD, CU} xRf:n.* INT x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Control, * = {LEN, POS} xRf:n.* DIGITAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Control, * = {FD, IN, UL, ER, EM, DN, EU, EN} xPDf:n.* INT x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 PID Block, * = {SP,KP,KI,KD,BIAS,MAXS,MINS, DB,SO,MAXO,MINO,UPD, PV, ERR, OUT, PVH, PVL, DVP, DVN,PVDB,DVDB,MAXI,MINI,TI E, DATA ???, ADDR} xPDf:n.* DIGITAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 PID Block * = {PE,MO,CA,SWM,DO,PVT,CL,C T,EN,PVHA,PVLA,DVPA,DVNA, EWD,OLH,OLL,SPOR,INI} XMSGf:n.* INT x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Message Control, * = {ERR,RLEN,DLEN,DATA} XMSGf:n.* DIGITAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Message Control * = { ER, DN, EW, CO, AE, AD, ST, EN} S:n STRING x=0-4, n=0-614(RM), n=019(LP) System Public Status (RM) r=0o0-0o37, g=0o0-0o7, n=0o0-0o377, b=0o0-0o17 Output Image O:rg.n/b DIGITAL Module Public Status (LP) r = I/O rack g = I/O group (not accessible as word) XMSGf:n.* ABRSLINX.DOC DIGITAL x=0-4, f=0-9999, n=0-9999 Message Control * = { ER, DN, EW, CO, AE, AD, ST, EN} 20 Driver User Configuration Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations IS:n/b DIGITAL n=0o0-0o777, b=0o0-0o17 n=scanner for racks 000-177 for I/O racks 00-07 200-377 for I/O racks 10-17 400-577 for I/O racks 20-27 600-777 for I/O racks 30-37 Available on I/O scanner modules only SBTDf:n/b DIGITAL s=1-4, f=0-254, n=0-255, b=015 Block Transfer Data Files s = 1 for I/O racks 00-07 s = 2 for I/O racks 10-17 s = 3 for I/O racks 20-27 s = 4 for I/O racks 30-37 Note 1: range processor dependant, 2: x = module number, 0 reserved for Resource Manager, 1-4 for Logic Processor(s) Table 3.6.3 3.6.4 PLC-3 IO Device Variable Types (Not Tested) Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations Bf:n INT f=0-999, n=0-9999 Binary File {- 32768 to 32767} Bf:n/b DIGITAL f=0-999, n=0-9999, b=0o00o17 Binary bits Nf:n INT f=0-999, n=0-9999 Integer File Nf:n/b DIGITAL f=0-999, n=0-9999 Integer bits b=0o0-0o17 Df:n INT f=0-999, n=0-9999 BCD File Df:n/b DIGITAL f=0-999, n=0-9999, b=0o00o17 BCD bits Sf:n INT f=0-999, n=0-9999 Status File Sf:n/b DIGITAL f=0-999, n=0-9999, b=0o00o17 Status bits Af:n INT f=0-999, n=0-9999 Ascii char 2 char / word Af:n/b DIGITAL f=0-999, n=0-9999, b=0o00o17 Ascii char 2 char / word Hf:n LONG f=0-999, n=0-9999 High Order Interger Hf:n/b DIGITAL f=0-999, n=0-9999, b=0o00o37 High Order Interger {-2147483648 to 2147483647} ABRSLINX.DOC 21 Driver User Configuration Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations P*:p INT p=0-9999 Pointer file/word * = {FIL,WRD} P*:p/b INT p=0-9999, b=0o0-0o17 Pointer file/word * = {FIL,WRD} (not supported) Ff:n REAL f=0-999, n=0-9999 Long Integer File Ff:n/b DIGITAL f=0-999, n=0-9999, b=0o00o37 Long Integer bits TCTL:n/* DIGITAL n=0-9999 Timer Control bits * = {TD, TT, TE,0o0-0o17} T:n/* DIGITAL n=0-9999 Timer Control bits * = {TD, TT, TE,0o0-0o17} TPRE:n/b DIGITAL n=0-9999, b=0o0-0o17 Timer Preset bits TACC:n/b DIGITAL n=0-9999, b=0o0-0o17 Timer Accumulated bits T*:n INT n=0-9999 Timer Accumulated value * = {PRE,ACC,CTL} CCTL:n/* DIGITAL n=0-9999 Counter Control bits * = {UF,OV,DN,CD,CU,0o0-0o17} C:n/* DIGITAL n=0-9999 Counter Control bits * = {TD, TT, TE,0o0-0o17} CPRE:n/b DIGITAL n=0-9999, b=0o0-0o17 Counter Preset bits CACC:n/b DIGITAL n=0-9999, b=0o0-0o17 Counter Accumulated bits C*:n INT n=0-9999 Counter Accumulated value * = {PRE,ACC,CTL} Of:rg.n INT f=0-999, r=0o0-0o376, g=0o0-0o7 Output Image r = I/O rack # g = I/O group (r,g apply for file0 only, files 1999 are for data storage, similarly word 2040 -3767 of file 0) Of:rg.n/b DIGITAL f=0-999, r=0o0-0o376, g=0o0-0o7, b=0o0-0o17 Output Image r = I/O rack # g = I/O group b= bit or terminal # (r,g apply for file0 only, files 1999 are for data storage, similarly word 2040 -3767 of file 0) ABRSLINX.DOC 22 Driver User Configuration Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations If:rg.n INT f=0-999, r=0o0-0o376, g=0o0-0o7 Input Image r = I/O rack # g = I/O group (r,g apply for file 0 only, files 1999 are for data storage, similarly word 2040 -3767 of file 0) If:rg.n/b DIGITAL f=0-999, r=0o0-0o376, g=0o0-0o7, b=0o0-0o17 Input Image r = I/O rack # g = I/O group b= bit or terminal # (r,g apply for file0 only, files 1999 are for data storage, similarly word 2040 -3767 of file 0) Note 1: range processor dependant, Table 3.6.4 3.6.5 PLC-2 IO Device Variable Types (Not Tested) Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations n/b INT n=0o0-0o17777, b=0o00o17 General Types see below drg/b DIGITAL d=0o0, r=0o0-0o7, g=0o00o7, b=0o0-0o17 Output Image r = rack # g = group# b = terminal # drg/b DIGITAL d=0o1, r=0o0-0o7, g=0o00o7, b=0o0-0o17 Input Image r = rack # g = group# b = terminal # N BCD n=*1 Timer/Counter Accumulated value BCD 0-999 N BCD n=*1 Timer/Counter preset value BCD, 0-999 n/b BCD n=*2 , b=0o15-0o17 Timer Status Bits b=0o15 : Done Bit b=0o16 : pulse at time base rate b=0o17 : Enable Bit ABRSLINX.DOC 23 Driver User Configuration Device data type Citect data type Address range Description/Special Usage/Limitations n/b BCD n=*2, b=0o14-0o17 Counter Status Bits b=0o14 : Overflow/underflow Bit b=0o15 : Done Bit b=0o16 : count down enable bit b=0o17 : count down enable bit Table 3.6.5 Note: 1. Timer/Counter Accumulated value occupies the lower 12 bits of the address used in BCD format (ie. 0-999). The starting address and ending address are processor dependant. The preset timer value is kept in a different area of memory. 2. Timer/Counter status bits occupy the most significant bits of the accumulated value word address. 3.6 Parameters and INI options 3.6.1 3.6.2 Standard Parameters Block 192 bytes Delay 0 MaxPending 2 Polltime 10 Timeout 1000 milliseconds Retry 1 WatchTime 30 seconds PROTDIR.DBF ABRSLINX2 AB_2 640 1824 0x37f ABRSLINX250 AB250 912 1824 0x37f ABRSLINX3 AB3 912 1824 0x37f ABRSLINX5 AB5 912 1824 0x37f ABRSLINX500 ABSLC 912 1824 0x37f ABRSLINX.DOC 24 Driver User Configuration 3.7 Driver Specific Errors Driver Error Codes Description Solution 0x10100 PLC Cannot Buffer Command If this error is persistent, check the PLC configuration and refer to your PLC documentation. 0x10200 Link layer timeout or NAK Check that the PLC is online. 0x10400 Local Port Disconnected If this error occurs by itself and is persistent, contact Citect Support. 0x10500 RSLinx timeout Check the Citect project configuration and check that the PLC is online. 0x1F007 Illegal Size The data requested by Citect is not configured in the PLC. Check the Citect project configuration and PLC configuration. 0x1F009 Data too large The data requested by Citect is not configured in the PLC. Check the Citect project configuration and PLC configuration. 0x1F00A Size too big The data requested by Citect is not configured in the PLC. Check the Citect project configuration and PLC configuration. 0x20036 Device Offline Check the Citect project configuration and check that the PLC is online. 0x4002E Invalid Network Interface identifier If this error occurs by itself and is persistent, contact Citect Support. 0x40036 Invalid Network Interface identifier If this error occurs by itself and is persistent, contact Citect Support. 0x40038 Invalid Network Interface identifier If this error occurs by itself and is persistent, contact Citect Support. 0x40039 No connection to Network Interface If this error occurs by itself and is persistent, contact Citect Support. 0x40041 Session to Network Interface was lost If this error occurs by itself and is persistent, contact Citect Support. Table 1 Driver error codes and generic errors 3.8 Debug Messages ABRSLINX.DOC 25
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