High Power High-Repetition-Rate Microsecond Pulse Sodium Beacon Laser for TMT Bo Yong Research Center for Laser Physics & Technology (Laser Center) Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC) Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) 03-11-2014 1 Outline 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star (LGS) 2. Development of TIPC Sodium Laser System for TMT 3. Summary 2 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star It is very important for a telescope to achieve high image resolution. However, light from any space object is greatly distorted by atmospheric turbulence. It severely limits the image quality of large ground-based telescopes as shown in the Fig.1. These distortions can be corrected in real time by using adaptive optics (AO). The image quality will be improved greatly by AO as shown in the Fig.2. Fig.1 without AO Fig.2 with AO For example, Spatial resolution could be increased by 150 times for 30-m level telescope with AO. Image of the Galaxy center by Keck telescope 3 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star A bright guide star is necessary in the AO system The wavefront from a bright guide star close to the object is sensed which used to correct the object’s wavefront aberration from the atmospheric turbulence by a deformable mirror in the AO system . Natural guide star (NGS) Sky coverage less than 1% because of the distribution of bright stars. Space objects ~100km Sodium layer Sodium laser guide star (LGS) Created by exciting atomic sodium at its strong D2 line of 589.159nm in the upper atmospheres (85-105km) High sky coverage (~100%) High altitude ( ~100km) High brightness (V~5) --- Perfect for AO system NGS Sodium LGS Wavefront detector atomospheric turbulence Deformable Mirror 0km Sodium laser Telescope CCD 4 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star Sodium laser guide star is the brightest Sodium layer measured at UBC Atoms in the upper atmospheres Wavelength (nm) Density (cm-3 ) Cross section ( 10-12cm2 ) Density* Cross section ( 10-9cm ) Na 589.159 5000 15 75 Fe 372.0 3000 1.0 3.0 Ca 422.7 100 38 3.8 5 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star Multiple guide stars are used to increase the field of view (FOV) The atmospheric anisoplanatism effect limits the FOV in SCAO (Single Conjugate AO) The cone effect from sodium LGS’s limited altitude decreases off-axis AO performance Multi Conjugate AO (MCAO) can increase the FOV to more than 1 square arc min Sodium LGS asterism MCAO tests on Gemini Object NGS Object NGS 105km 105km Sodium layer Sodium layer 80km 80km Sodium LGS Sodium LGS asterism Ummeasured turbulence Unmeasured turbulence 0 0 Telescope Image with SCAO Telescope Image with MCAO 6 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star Sodium lasers are key components of large ground based telescopes to achieve high resolution in a big FOV currently. Laser launch telescope UH 2.2m VLT 8.2m Beam transfer optics Keck 10m TMT 30m TMT will be found in 2020 Sodium laser systems TMT with its LGS facility (LGSF) design 7 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star Laser System of TMT LGSF Requirements Sodium laser system Beam transfer optics Laser launch telescope Laser safety system TMT LGS asterism TIPC is developing the laser system for TMT 8 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star Sodium Laser Specification Requirements Sodium laser is used to generate a bright and compact guide star Brightness --- TMT requirement: the coupling efficiency with the mesospheric sodium layer is at least 130 photons-m2/s/W/ion Compact --- TMT requirement: the LGS spot size is less than 1 arc sec Laser fundamental specifications Output power : > 25 W Wavelength : Na-D2a line Linewidth : < 1.2 GHz FWHM Beam quality: ~1.2 DL Polarization: > 98% Issues: How to generate high power & high beam quality laser in the specific wavelength with the narrow linewidth? Na D2 spectrum DL-Diffraction limitation 9 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star Development status of sodium laser system Lasers Power in Lab (W) Dye laser ns pulse operation 12W of LLNL Diode pumped solid-state laser & fiber laser LGS (V) 9 Characteristics Operate inconveniently, difficult at high power CW operation 5.1@40W High power, compact, electric driving, high • 50W Fiber Laser of Toptica 7.9@10W reliability, etc s-pulse operation • 50W SSL of Fasor • 20W SSL of MIT/UC 8.1@10W • 100W SSL of TIPC 6.5@25W CW 40W in Fasor CW 20W in Toptica s-pulse 30W in TIPC10 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star Advantage of a s-pulse sodium laser system The SNR(Signal Noise Ratio) of the light wavefront is higher because the s-pulse sodium LGS could be gated. 105km To eliminate the Rayleigh backscatter effect and fratricide effect between the multiple guidestars (Fig.1) To reduce LGS elongation when the LLT at the side of the telescope (Fig.2) Sodium LGS 85km Sodium LGS images Rayleigh backscatter Rayleigh backscatter Fig.1 Sodium beacon Fig.2 Rayleigh backscatter Launch telescope 11 1. Introduction of Sodium Laser Guide Star Advantage of a s-pulsed sodium laser system Eliminate the Rayleigh backscatter noise by tracking the laser pulse signal. The pulse width is 50-550s to reduce the sodium layer absorption saturation. Transit time 1-2ms Laser pulse Photo return Rayleigh return Sodium return Clear CCD frame Integrate on WFS CCD Read out WFS CCD Scheduling of AO system operation From Prof. Edward Kibblewhite 12 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system - 2006, TIPC began to develop the s-pulse sodium laser system - 2009, output power of 13W in lab achieved, to cooperate with TMT - 2010-2011, output power of 33W in lab achieved for the laser prototype 1#, sodium LGS of V=8.2 generated in Lijiang site - 2012-2013, output power of 53W in lab achieved for the laser prototype 2#, sodium LGS of V=6.5@25W generated in Lijiang site and 260-300 photons-m2/s/W/ion generated in UBC site - 2014, output power of 102W in lab achieved, which is the highest power in the world as reported. 33W in 2010 53W in 2012 102W in 2014 13 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 50W level s-pulse solid-state sodium laser system It is difficult to find a spectrum line to generate 589nm by frequency-doubling solid-state laser Coincidentally, 589nm light can be achieved by sum-frequency mixing 1064nm and 1319nm Nd:YAG laser. However, it is difficult to generate high power 1319nm laser for the 1319nm line is very weak. Pump band 808nm 4 Upper level R2 F3/2 R1 1319nm 1064nm 4 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 I15/2 X1 4 I13/2 Lower level Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 4 I11/2 4 Nd:YAG fluorescence spectrum I9/2 Y2 Y1 Ground level Nd:YAG spectrum 14 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 50W level s-pulse solid-state sodium laser system High power, high beam quality, narrow linewidth, exactly tunable Laser oscillator It is difficult to generate high power 1064nm or 1319nm output with high beam quality and narrow linewidth only by one oscillator high power→high gain→many longitudinal modes→linewidth expanding high power→much waste heat→beam quality decreasing MOPA – Master oscillator power amplifier It is good method to generate high power 1064nm or 1319nm output with high beam quality and narrow linewidth Seed laser:low power with high beam quality and narrow linewidth Power amplifier: to achieve high power, beam quality and linewidth 1064nm Nd:YAG MOPA Laser 1319nm Nd:YAG MOPA Laser SFG=>589nm output 15 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 50W level s-pulse solid-state sodium laser system Schematic of the laser system 1319nm seed laser Beam expander Wavelength & temperature controller 1064nm seed laser Beam expander 1319nm Amplifier I Beam shaping Beam shaping 1319nm Amplifier II 1064nm Amplifier I Beam shaping Beam expander Wavelength & temperature controller Collector Waveleng Feedback 589nm Beam EOM system expander Shutter Beam expander Temperature controller Beam expander SFG system Beam Combiner The seed laser is unidirectional ring oscillator to generate Watt-level TEM00 1064nm&1319nm beam with a narrow linewidth & high beam quality. The amplifier is used to achieve high power for 1064nm&1319nm laser. The 589nm light is obtained by extra-cavity sum-frequency mixing of 1064nm&1319nm laser with a nonlinear crystal. 16 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 50W level s-pulse solid-state sodium laser system The 1064nm MOPA system 1064nm MOPA system LH1 TP1 1064nm Beam Isolator master-oscillator forming g 1064nm output Specifications of 1064nm laser: Output power:80 W Beam quality:M2 ~ 1.6 Linewidth:~ 0.2 GHz Wavelength tuning:48 GHz Polarization: > 99% Repetition rate: 600 Hz Pulse width: ~ 120 s QR1 LH2 QW1 M1 Beam forming g Rod module Diode-pumped module is used to achieved uniform & high-power gain distribution Beam shaping optics is used to match the gain medium Imaging relay optics is used to reduce the Fresnel diffraction Synchronous controller is used to achieve pulse synchronization between the 1064nm laser seed pulse and the diode-pumped pulse 17 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 50W level s-pulse solid-state sodium laser system The 1319nm MOPA system 1319nm MOPA system 1319nm master-oscillator Isolator LH3 TP2 Beam forming g Beam forming g TP3 LH5 Output power:62 W Beam quality:M2 ~ 1.8 Linewidth:~ 0.4 GHz Wavelength tuning:24 GHz Repetition rate: 600 Hz Pulse width: ~ 100 s LH4 QW2 M2 Beam forming g Specifications of 1319nm laser: Polarization: > 99% QR2 QR3 LH6 1319nm output Slab module Diode-pumped module is used to achieved uniform & high-power gain distribution Two amplifiers to increase the output power Beam shaping optics is used to match the gain medium Imaging relay optics is used to reduce the Fresnel diffraction Synchronous controller is used to achieve pulse synchronization between the 1319nm laser seed pulse and the diode-pumped pulse18 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 50W level s-pulse solid-state sodium laser system Numerical simulation The 589nm extra-cavity SFG system The SFG can be described with three coupling wave equations dA3 i3 d eff A1 A2 e ikz dz Cn3 Gaussian beam wz w0 dA1 i1 d eff A3 A2* e ikz dz Cn1 dA2 i 2 d eff A3 A1* e ikz dz Cn 2 589nm L M 2 1 z 2 2 n w 0 2 Phase matching:k=0 The equations are solved by using the improved Euler method 1064nm 1319nm Nonlinear crystal Schematic of SFG model 19 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 50W level s-pulse solid-state sodium laser system Beam parameters are optimized to achieve high SFG efficiency O-O efficiency (%) 30 20 10 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Beam waist (mm) Optical-to-optical conversion efficiency Optical-to-optical conversion as a function of 1064nm&1319nm power efficiency as a function of beam waist 30 O-O efficiency (%) O-O efficiency (%) 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 Crystal length (mm) 40 50 25 20 15 0 1 2 3 4 1064nm output power vs 1319nm Optical-to-optical conversion efficiency Optical-to-optical conversion efficiency as a as a function of nonlinear crystal length function of 1064nm&1319nm power ratio20 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 50W level s-pulse solid-state sodium laser system The 589nm extra-cavity SFG system Beam 1064nm Output power : 53W@500Hz / 42W@600Hz / 32W@800Hz / 26W@1000Hz Wavelength : Na D2a line Linewidth : ~ 0.6 GHz Beam quality: M2 ~ 1.5 Polarization: 99% Pulse width: ~ 120 s shaping 1319nm laser Beam shaping M22 M24 Sum-freq uency generator L14 LBO Beam parameters are optimized to achieve high SFG efficiency Beam shaping optics are used to achieve beam match between 1064&1319nm lasers Synchronous controller is used to achieve pulse synchronization between the 1064nm laser pulse and 1319nm laser pulse laser Synchronous controller TC3 M25 L15 Wavelength controller M25 HW3 TP5 EOM QW3 Shutter 589output 21 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 50W level s-pulse solid-state sodium laser system Beam quality of M2 ~1.5 measured by the beam quality analyzer Linewidth of 0.6GHz measured by the scanning interferometer s-pulse: 500Hz, 120s Wavelength of 589.159nm measured by the wavelength meter Pulse train measured by the detector and the oscillograph 22 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 50W level s-pulse solid-state sodium laser system Wavelength calibration and control for laser system using a Na vapor Na resonant fluorescence by CCD 1319nm seed 1319nm amplifier 1064nm seed 1064nm amplifier Server Controller o-e detector Sum-fre quency Sodium vapor Wavelength controller Wavelength meter 589nm output Normal fluorescence intensity 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 508.844 508.846 508.848 508.850 508.852 Laser frequency (Hz) Wavelength calibration and control Na fluorescence intensity vs laser frequency 23 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system The s-pulse sodium laser prototype 2# Water chiller Laser head Power driver Temperature controller Master controller Wavelength controller 32W @500Hz 26W @600Hz 21W @700Hz 18W @800Hz Computer Schematic of the laser prototype Engineering drawing Laser prototype 2#: 150kg, 1.4m×0.72m×0.22m 24 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system The on-sky tests of the laser prototype 2# on UBC LZT 01-08-2013, the laser was shipped to UBC 10-08-2013, the setup of the laser with the BTO and the LLT and the receiver telescope 12-08 to 05-09-2013, the laser on-sky tests Launch telescope Laser prototype Beam transfer optics The laser with the BTO and the LLT On-sky test team TIPC Prof. Bo Yong, Dr. Zuo Junwei, Dr. Xie Shiyong NAOC & IOE UBC TMT Prof. Hu JingYao Dr. Feng Lu Prof. Paul Hickson Ronald Gagné Dr. Angel Otá rola Supported by Prof. Xue Suijian Dr. Brent Ellerbroek Dr. Corinne Boyer Mr. Bill Tyler 25 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system The on-sky tests of the laser prototype 2# on UBC LZT ~100km UBC LZT Lab Laser Lab Sodium laser system+BTO Sodium LGS Rayleigh backscatter Launch telescope Receiver(0.3m) & imaging system Schematic of on-sky test setup 26 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system The on-sky tests of the laser prototype 2# on UBC LZT The coupling efficiency with the mesospheric sodium layer was 260-300 photons-m2/s/W/ion at output power of 20W@600Hz which was more than the TMT requirement of 130photons-m2/s/W/ion by optimizing the wavelength, the beam spot, the polarization and so on. However, the LGS spot was 9’’ which was bigger than the TMT requirement of 1’’ Return vs Beam spot Return vs Wavelength Rayleigh backscatter Sodium LGS Return vs polarization LGS image measured by CCD 27 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system The on-sky tests of the laser prototype 2# on Lijiang observatory 08-10-2013 to 22-04-2014, the on-sky tests of the laser prototype 2# on Lijiang observatory using the 1.8m telescope by IOE & TIPC, CAS 1.8m telescope Of IOE Sodium laser of TIPC The Telescope with the laser prototype photo 28 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system The on-sky tests of the laser prototype 2# on Lijiang observatory Na D2b line repump • The photon return is improved more than 2 times if Na D2b line was repumped (Simulation by TMT) • The D2b repumping was achieved by E-O modulator in the laser prototype. Return simulation with Na D2b repumping by TMT Na D2a and D2b pumping The laser spectrum measured 29 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system The on-sky tests of the laser prototype 2# on Lijiang observatory The launch telescope was improved from D200mm to D300mm. The sodium LGS spot size of 3.5 arc sec was achieved and the photo return increased by ~ 2 times when the Na D2b was repumped at 15W@500Hz LGS spot size of 3.5 arc sec achieved Photo return with Na D2b repumping 30 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system The on-sky tests of the laser prototype 2# on Lijiang observatory The photon return of 16.6x106 ph/m2/s was measured at output power of 25W@600Hz, corresponding to V=6.5 Star NO. HIP43964, V=8.18, image on J band, resolution of 1.7 DL was achieved with the sodium LGS when the AO loop is closed Photo return of 16.6x106 ph/m2/s measured at 25W@600Hz The image of HIP43964 by CCD 31 2. Development of TIPC sodium laser system 100W sodium laser system Output power : 102 W Wavelength : Na D2a line Linewidth : ~ 0.3 GHz Beam quality: M2 = 1.4 Polarization: 99% Repetition rate: 1000Hz Pulse width: ~ 115 s The measured laser pulse The measured beam quality of M2=1.40 The measured wavelength and linewidth 32 3. Summary Sodium laser system is one of the key device for large ground-based telescopes to improve high image qualities. Development of TIPC sodium laser system More than 100W output power s-pulse laser system was developed by TIPC The sodium LGS of V=6.5 was generated in on-sky tests. AO closed-loop images were achieved by using the sodium LGS AO system by IOE & TIPC. 33 Thanks! 34
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