CURRICULUM VITAE CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Current Address: Permanent Address: Tel: Email: Rispa Namasaka Wepukhulu, PhD Kibabii University College, Department of Education and Social Sciences, P.O. Box 169950200, BUNGOMA, KENYA P.O. Box 125 - 50204, KIMILILI, KENYA +254 729915257 (Mobile) [email protected] PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Citizenship: Sex: Marital status: Languages: Religion: 12th October 1970 Bungoma, Kenya Kenyan Female Married, 4 children English, Kiswahili and Luhya Christian LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT SKILLS 1 Leadership and management skills As Dean, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences. Academic and Administrative head of the faculty Articulate and implement the mission and the objectives of the faculty Convene and chair faculty board meetings Represents the faculty at the deans committee, senate and other bodies within and outside the University College as required Promote and maintain a conducive working environment in the faculty Plan and budget for the faculty Prepare the faculty reports Manage the academic programmes in the faculty as required by the academic board Supervise academic and other staff of the faculty Make recommendation with respect to discipline, probation, advancement and promotion of academic staff within the faculty Other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated to by the principal and the deputy principals Teach. carry out research and community outreach Rispa Namasaka Page 1 As Chairperson of Department, I: Provide overall technical leadership; direction; coordination and administration of the Department Represent the Department in the University, national and international meetings; Formulate and implement Departmental strategic, annual budgets and procurement plans Manage day to day affairs and transactions of the Department Chair Departmental Board meetings; Develop Departmental management, monitoring and ISO reporting systems; Coordinate mobilization of funding for the Department/University through proposal writing Implement University management policies; Ensure implementation of annual performance contracts for staff Manage prudently human and financial resources of the Department Identify requirements for manpower development and capacity building in Department and communicate to the University Management Established structures for regular and effective communication with students and staff and Dean of the Faculty Provide a conducive teaching and learning environment in the Department Allocate courses to teaching and academic staff Chairs some University Committees from time to time as required Enforce the rules and regulations of teaching and examination in the Department Initiate and establish linkages with local, regional and international institutions Identify part-time teaching and technical staff. Prepare departmental annual reports. 2. Academic Programs Development Skills Initiated and developed a proposal for a curriculum for Diploma in Education (Arts) 3. Computer Application Skills ■Word ■ Excel ■ SPSS ■EPI Infor ■ Power Point Presentation■ Information Technology (IT) Rispa Namasaka Page 2 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Time 22nd May 2014 Organisation Kibabii University College March 2014 Kibabii University College 31st January 2014 Kibabii University College 23rd January 2014 Kibabii University College October 2013 to date Kibabii University College October 2013 to date Kibabii University College June 2013 to date Kibabii University College May 2013 to date Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Kibabii University College May 2013 –October 2013 2013 Kibabii University College 2013 2012 to date Kibabii University College Kibabii University College 2012 Kibabii University College 2012 to date Kibabii University College 2012 to date Kibabii University College 2012 to date 2012 to date Kibabii University College Kibabii University College 2012 to date 2012 March 2012 to May 2013 Kibabii University College Kibabii University College Masinde Muliro University of Science and technology 2011 – 2012 Masinde Muliro University of Science and technology Rispa Namasaka Role Dean, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences Representative, Kibabii University College to the MMUST Senate Adhoc committee for investigating Students Governing Council (SGC) Election Malpractices Chairperson, Kibabii University College Electoral Board Member, Board of trustees of Kibabii University pension scheme Senior Lecturer: Teaching, Research, Consultancy and Mentoring. Chairperson, Department of Social Sciences. Chairperson Institutional risk management committee Part time Lecturer Chairperson, Department in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences. Member of the University Charter Drafting committee Member of the short-listing committees Member of Academic board Kibabii University College Member of the KIBUCOSO Election Commission Member of the text books procurement committee Member of students’ disciplinary committee Member of quality assurance committee Chairperson of Privately Sponsored Students programme (PSSP) Chair of the tender committee Warden female students’ hostel (Hall 2) Chairperson of Department in the Faculty of Education and Social Science Warden of Female students’ hostel (Hall 1) Page 3 2010 – Feb 2013 2007 – 2009 May 2009- February 2010 2004 – May 2009 August 2009 October 2009November 2009 1993-2004 Masinde Muliro University of Science and technology Masinde Muliro University of Science and technology Teachers service commission Teachers service commission National bureau of statistics Kenya National Examinations Council Teachers Service Commission Lecturer, Teaching, Research, Consultancy and Mentoring Part time Lecturer Principal Graduate Teacher Senior Graduate Teacher Senior Supervisor Supervisor Graduate teacher EDUCATIONAL AND ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Area of Learning Doctor of Philosophy Year 2009 Institution Moi University Master of Philosophy 2001 Moi University Bachelor of Education Arts Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education Kenya Certificate of Education Certificate of Primary Education 1993 1988 Moi University Misikhu girls High School Bunyore Girls High School Kibabii boarding primary Rispa Namasaka 1986 1982 Award D. PHIL Attitudes of secondary school students towards pre-marital sex: effects on schooling and management of HIV/AIDS scourge in the larger Bungoma District. Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Moi University M.PHIL Attitudes of the Christian Church and teachers towards Social Education and Ethics as a discipline in secondary schools in Bungoma District, Kenya. Master of Philosophy Thesis, Moi University B. ED (Arts)] K.A.C.E. K.C.E C.P.E Page 4 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION Seminar/Workshops Venue Time Information for quality service and customer satisfaction Implementation and Documentation of ISO 9000 Course, Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), MMUST, Kenya s Training in alternative content delivery (Module), Kenyatta University, Kenya Regional sensitization on Science and technology and innovation (NCST) The role of Ethics in nation building: The balance between Unity and Cultural diversity Senior supervisor Induction course in Education Management for HODs (Kenya Education Staff Institute -KESI) National induction programme on Civic Education of secondary school Teachers (Civic Initiatives Forum) Role of HODs in teaching and Management Professional counseling by KAPC, Kenya Sensitization on revised 8.4.4 curriculum, MoE, Kenya Pre-University National Youth Service Programme Kibabii University College 2012 MMUST 2012 Hotel Cicada, Eldoret 2012 MMUST 2012 Strathmore University, Nairobi 2010 Happy Moments, Bungoma Eregi TTC 2009 2005 Mt Crest Hotel, Kimilili 2005 St. Luke’s Boys’ Secondary School Kimilili 2004 Safari Park hotel, Nairobi 2002 Moi Girls High School Kamusinga, Kimilili 2002 National Youth Service Training College, Naivasha 1989 Rispa Namasaka Page 5 AWARDS 2004 – 2006 2003 - 2005 1999 – 2001: 1997 Awarded Certificates as a warden of the neatest dormitory in st Mary;s Sosio Secondary School Awarded certificate for exemplary performance in CRE in the KCSE in the School. Moi University Scholarship to study for a Master of Philosophy in Educational Communication and Technology Voted the best CRE teacher in KIMILILI Division PUBLICATIONS In Refereed journals 1. Wepukhulu R., Makila L., Kafu P. and Syallow C.M. 2014. The Traditional and Current Role of Brideprice in the Stability of Marriages among the Bukusu of Bungoma County. Under review, Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 2. Otiso K.N., Simiyu C.N. and Wepukhulu R. 2013. Effects of cost reduction by use of mobile phone money transfer system on the profitability of micro and small enterprises in Bungoma County. European Journal of Business and Management. 5 (26) 125-131 3. Rop Naaman1,. Wepukhulu Risper, Leunita, Makila and Injendi, Juma. An Inquiry towards a Definition of Ethics. 2013. Comprehensive Academic Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 2 Issue No. 45 pp.112– 124. 2013 Academic Journals, ISSN 000-273874-32 4. Rop Naaman,. Wepukhulu Risper, Leunita, Makila and Injendi, Juma. 2013. Phenomenological Approach in Religious Studies: Concept and Methodology. Comprehensive Academic Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 2 Issue No. 45, pp.240– 272. 2013 Academic Journals,ISSN 000-273-874-32 5. Rop. N., Wepukhulu R., Makila L., Injendi J. and Muindu G. 2013. An analysis of Concomitant cum indispensable interdependence of Religion, Clture and Communication. Comprehensive Academic Journal of Social Sciences, 2 (45) 7184. 6. Achoka J. S. K., Mauyo L. W., Ogenga P. A., Maiyo J. K., Wepukhulu R. N. and Owano A. 2012 .The potential role of open and distance learning in provision of basic education to vulnerable groups in Kenya Educ. Res. 3(11): 898-904 Rispa Namasaka Page 6 7. Wepukhulu, R.N., Mauyo, L.W., Poipoi, M.W., Achoka, J.S.K., Kafu, P. and Walaba, A. A. , 2012. Influence of Socio-Economic Status on Attitudes towards Premarital Sex (PMS) Among Secondary School Students in Western Kenya: Case Study of Bungoma County, Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 3(4): 298-301 8. Mauyo L.W., Wepukhulu R., Musebe R.O., Kirkby R.A.and Buruchara R. 2011. Structure and conduct of cross-border bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) marketing in east Africa: the case of western Kenya and eastern Uganda. Journal of Emerging trends in Economics and Management Sciences. 2 (6): 478-482 Conferences and Workshops 1. University Multiplication training workshop on curriculum development and review for public Universities in Kenya: Implementation and Acreditation. 23rd -24th January 2014, MMUST, Kakamega, Kenya 2. Makila L. and Wepukhulu R. 2013. Effects of post conflict trauma on Children. A case study of Mount Elgon. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education in Africa: Transformative Education for Development, an African Perspective. 18th – 20th July 2013. Riara University, Nairobi, Kenya. 3. Wepukhulu R., Mauyo L., Kafu P. Walaba A., Mutsostso S. and Syallow C.M. 2012. Influence of Disposable Resources on Attitude towards Premarital Sex Among Secondary School Students. Paper presented at 4th Annual International Conference, 28th -30th June 2012, MMUST, Kakamega, Kenya 4. Syallow C.M. and Wepukhulu R. 2012 Parenting of highly gifted and talented children. . Paper presented at 4th Annual International Conference, 28th -30th June 2012, MMUST, Kakamega, Kenya 5. Syallow C. M, Wepukhulu R., Tychus O. N. and M. Otieno. 2012. Educational Curriculum For Highly Gifted and Talented Undergraduate Youths in Both Public and Private Universities .. Paper presented at 4th Annual International Conference, 28th -30th June 2012, MMUST, Kakamega, Kenya 6. Wepukhulu R.N., Kafu P., Walaba A.A. and Mutsotso N.S. 2010. Influence of Socio Economic status on the attitudes of the youth towards pre-marital sex. . Paper presented at thth Annual International Conference, 6th -10th September 2011, Moi University, Kenya Rispa Namasaka Page 7 7. Wepukhulu R.N. 2009.Attitudes of secondary school students towards pre-marital sex: effects on schooling and management of HIV/AIDS scourge in the larger Bungoma District. Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Moi University. 8. Wepukhulu R.N. 2002.Future trends in social education and ethics in Kenya. Paper presented at the annual conference, School of education and social studies, Makerere University, 22nd – 24th August 2002 9. Wepukhulu R.N. 2001. Attitudes of the Christian Church and teachers towards Social Education and Ethics as a discipline in secondary schools in Bungoma District, Kenya. Master of Philosophy Thesis, Moi University. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS/ LINKAGES ORGANISATION Kenya National Academy of Sciences Forum for African Women Educationists (Kenya) Kenya Guidance Counselling Psychological Association Kenya Association of Educational Administration and Management (KAEAM) ROLE Member Member Member Member (No 472012) POSTGRADUATE STUDENT MENTORSHIP AND SUPERVISION Student Thesis Supervision: 1. Angeline Savala: Majority Without Dominance. A Case Study of Women in selected Churches of Kakamega Central District of Western Province (PhD thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology- Successfully defended thesis and awaiting graduation). 2. Sera Madiiga Kitsiri: The new Holy Ministry Church: A Historical and Theological Analysis..(MA thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and TechnologySuccessfully defended thesis and awaiting graduation). 3. Margret Matisi: Prophesy and Healing in Kenya. A case Study of Repentance and Holiness. (MA thesis, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology-Submitted for Examination). Rispa Namasaka Page 8 OTHER UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. Member of County Government of Bungoma task force on Education 2. Motivational Speaker in Secondary Schools 3. Member of the Bungoma County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Life Savers 4. Member of planning committee in Maeni Monthly Meeting Church 5. Represented the University College during Bungoma Central Education day at Sikusi on 25th May 2013. 6. Parents representative at Phim School, Kimilili 7. Member of the University College Marketing team 8. Member of the school Management Committee Lurare, Premier Academy 9. Member of space and house allocation committee 10. Donated Five copies of Ethics course books to the University Library 11. Member of the appointments and promotions panel. 12. Chairperson of the shortlisting committees INTERESTS Conducting Research (Ethics religion and social issues) Reading Watching football Singing Watching TV (cartoons Rispa Namasaka Page 9 Referees 1 2 3 NAME PROF. SIMALA INYANI ROLE ORGANISATION ADDRESS TELEPHONE DEAN Faculty of Education and Social Sciences Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology P.O Box 190-50100, KAKAMEGA, KENYA 0722784163 NAME PROF. SHEM AYWA ROLE ORGANISATION ADDRESS TELEPHONE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Kibabii University College P.O Box 1699-50200, BUNGOMA, KENYA 0721204913 NAME PROF. (Fr) JOSEPH NJINO ROLE Proffesor of Religion and Ethics in the department Social Science Education Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology P.O Box 190-50100, KAKAMEGA, KENYA 0726120441 ORGANISATION ADDRESS TELEPHONE Rispa Namasaka Page 10
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