Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Bibliography II Version 28-12-14 Home http://www.uni-saarland.de/lehrstuhl/schweickard/turkisms.html Contact [email protected] 2. Authors and Texts [to activate the links in the footnotes, copy the address and insert it in your browser] Abbondanza = Abbondanza, Vincenzo (18th c.) Dizionario storico delle vite di tutti i monarchi ottomani [...]: It. [ed. Roma, per Luigi Vescovo e Filippo Neri, 1786] 1786, AbbondanzaDiz 1–392. About = About, Edmond (Dieuze, 1828 – Paris, 1885)1 La Grèce contemporaine: Fr. [ed. Paris, Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie, 31858] 1858, AboutGrèce 1–463. Alessandri = Alessandri, Angelo (16th/17th c.) Relazione: It. [ed. Maria Pia Pedani-Fabris, Padova, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1996, vol. 14] 1637, Alessandri, RelazioniAmbPedani 14,637–683. AmbassadesPorte = Ambassades de M. le Comte de Guilleragues et de M. Girardin, auprès du Grand Seigneur, avec plusieurs pieces curieuses, tirée des mémoires de tous les ambassadeurs de France à la Porte [...]: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez G. de Luines / T. Girard / Michel Gufrout, 1687] 1687, AmbassadesPorte 1–334. Anaclerio = Anaclerio, Giuseppe (19th c.) Persia descritta (La). Relazione di un viaggio: It. [ed. Napoli, Tipografia di Vincenzo Marchese, 1868] 1868, AnaclerioPersia 7–166. ArchivesMalte = Malte. Archives de l'Ordre: Fr. [ed. Louis Mas Latrie, Paris, Typographie de Henri Plon, 1866, vol. 2] 1157, AbuAbdAllah, MasLatrieTraités 2,498–502. AubertRoche = Aubert-Roche, Louis-Rémy (Vitry-le-François, 1810 – Paris, 1874)2 De la peste ou typhus d'Orient. Documens et observations recueillis pendant les années 1834 à 1838, en Egypte, en Arabie, sur la mer rouge, en Abissynie, à Smyrne et à Constantinople. Suivis d'un essai sur le hachisch et son emploi dans le traitement de la peste: Fr. [ed. Paris, Librairie des Sciences Médicales Just Rouvier, 1840] 1840, AubertRochePeste 1–288 BalbiCorreggio = Balbi di Correggio, Francisco (Correggio, 1505 – 1589)3 Verdadera relación (La) de todo lo que este año de M.D.LXV. ha sucedido en la isla de Malta [...]: Sp. [ed. Alcalá de Henares, en casa de Juan de Villanueva, 1567] 1567, BalbiRelación 4r– 112v. 1 2 3 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmond_About http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis-R%C3%A9my_Aubert-Roche http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Balbi_di_Correggio 1 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary BalbiGasparo = Balbi, Gasparo (Venice, 1505 – 1598)4 Viaggio dell'Indie orientali: It. [ed. Venetia, appresso Camillo Borgominieri, 1590] 1590, BalbiViaggio 1r–171v. – [ed. Olga Pinto, Roma, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1962] 1590, BalbiGasparo, ViaggiPinto 69–233. – [id., in GDLI] 1590, BalbiG, ViaggiPinto, GDLI [LXII-4-1]. – [ed. Ilaria Luzzana Caraci, Milano / Napoli, Ricciardi, 1991, vol. 1] 1590, BalbiG, ScopritoriLuzzanaCaraci 1,937–989. BalducciPegolotti = Balducci Pegolotti, Francesco [Francesco di Balduccio] (Firenze, 1275 – 1345)5 Pratica della mercatura: It. [ed. Allan Evans, Cambridge (Massachusetts), The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1936] c1347, BalducciPegolottiEvans 1–383. Bandiera = Bandiera, Giovanni Niccolo (Siena, 1699 – Osimo, 1770)6 Trattato degli studj delle donne: It. [ed. Venezia, appresso Francesco Pitteri, 1740, vol. 1] 1740, BandieraTrattato 1,1–459. – [id., vol. 2] 1740, BandieraTrattato 2,1–356. Bassano = Bassano, Luigi (Zara, 16th c.)7 Costumi et i modi particolari de la vita de' turchi: It. [ed. Roma, stampato per Antonio Blado Asolano, 1545] 1545, BassanoTurchi 1r–62v. – [id., ed. Franz Babinger, Monaco di Baviera, Hueber, 1963] 1545, BassanoBabinger 1r–62v [ = 3–132]. – [id., in Rocchi] 1545, Bassano, Rocchi,RILD 8,59–83. Baudier = Baudier, Michel (c1589 – 1645)8 Histoire générale du serrail, et de la cour du grand seigneur empereur des Turcs: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Claude Cramoisy, 21631, Privilège from 1623] 1623, BaudierHistoire 1–183. – Engl. [English translation by Edward Grimeston, The history of the imperiall estate of the grand seigneurs [...], London, printed by William Stansby for Richard Meighen, 1635] 1635, BaudierHistory 1–191. Histoire générale de la religion des Turcs [...]: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Claude Cramoisy, 1625] 1625, BaudierReligion 1–351. Inventaire de l'histoire generalle des turcz [...], depuis l'an 1300 jusquees en l'année 1617: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Sebastien Chappelet, 1617] 1617, BaudierInventaire 1–841. Beauvau = Beauvau, Henry de (16th/17th c.)9 Relation journalière du voyage du Levant: Fr. [ed. Toul, par François du Bois, 1608] 1608, BeauvauRelation1 1–241. – [ed. Toul, par François Arnoullet, 1609] 1609, BeauvauRelation2 1–243. – [ed. Paris, chez Gilles Robinot, 1610] 1610, BeauvauRelation3 1–325. Belon = Belon, Pierre (Souletière, 1517 - Paris, 1564)10 Observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables (Les), trouvées en Grèce, Asie, Judée, Egypte, Arabie, & autres pays estranges, redigées en trois livres [«Privilege du Roy» von 1552 / «Achevé d'imprimer le douziesme iour de Mars mil cinq cens cinquante trois», i.e. 1553]: Fr. [ed. Paris, en la boutique de Gilles Corrozet, 1554] 1552, BelonObservations1 1r-211v. – [id., ed. Paris, chez Guillaume Cavellat, 1555] 1552, BelonObservations2 1r-211v. – [id., ed. Paris, chez Hierosme de Marnef, & la Veufve Guillaume Cavellat, 1588] 1552, BelonObservations3 2468. – Germ. [German translation, Peter Belon's Bemerkungen auf einer Reise von Cairo durch den Sinaitischen Strick vom Peträischen Arabien nach Palästina zwischen den Jahren 1546 und 1549, ed. Jena, bey Christian Heinrich Cuno's Erben, 1792-1803, part I] 1792, Belon, PaulusSammlung 1,197-285. – [id., vol. 2, part II] 1792, Belon, PaulusSammlung 2,3-196. Belzoni = Belzoni, Giovanni Battista (Padua, 1778 – Gwato bei Benin, Afrika, 1823)11 Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries within the pyramids temples, tombs and excavations in Egypte and Nubia, and of a journey to the coast of the Red Sea, in search of the ancient Berenice and another to the oasis of Jupiter Ammon: Engl. [ed. London, Murray, 1820] 1820, BelzoniNarrative 1–533. – Fr. [French translation, Voyages en Egypte et en Nubie contenant le récit 4 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasparo_Balbi http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francesco_Balducci_Pegolotti http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alessandro_Bandiera 7 http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/luigi-bassano_(Dizionario_Biografico)/ 8 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Baudier 9 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_de_Beauvau 10 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Belon 11 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Battista_Belzoni 5 6 2 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary des recherches et découvertes archéologiques faites dans le pyramides, temples, ruines et tombes de ces pays, suivis d'un voyage sur la côte de la Mer Rouge et à l'oasis de Jupiter Ammon, ed. Paris, Librairie Française et Etrangère, 1821, vol. 1] 1821, BelzoniVoyages 1,1–451. – [id., vol. 2] 1821, BelzoniVoyages 2,1–328. – Germ. [German translation ( < French), Belzonis Reisen in Aegypten und Nubien nebst einer Reise nach dem Ufer des rothen Meers und nach der Oase des Jupiter Amon, ed. Jena, in der Bran'schen Buchhandlung, 1821] 1821, BelzoniReisen 3–246. – It. [Italian translation, Viaggi in Egitto ed in Nubia contenenti il racconto delle ricerche e scoperte archeologiche fatte nelle piramidi, nei templi, nelle rovine e nelle tombe di que' paesi, seguiti da un altro viaggio lungo la costa del Mar Rosso e all'oasi di Giove Ammone, ed. Milano, dalla tipografia dei Fratelli Sonzogno, 1825/1826, vol. 1] 1825, BelzoniViaggi 1,7–283. – [id., vol. 2] 1825, BelzoniViaggi 2,5–258. – [id., vol. 3] 1826, BelzoniViaggi 3,1–298. – [id., vol. 4] 1826, BelzoniViaggi 4,1–147. Bembo = Bembo, Ambrosio (Venice, 1625 – ibid., 1705)12 Viaggio e giornale per parte dell'Asia di quattro anni incirca: It. [ed. Antonio Invernizzi, Torino, Cesmeo, 2005] c1680, BemboInvernizzi 3–420. Benaglia = Benaglia, Giovanni (second half 17th c.) Relazione del viaggio fatto a Costantinopoli: It. [ed. Roma, Domenico Antonio Ercole, 1684] 1684, BenagliaRelazione1 3–185. – [ed. Bologna, per gli Heredi di Gio. Recaldini, 1684] 1684, BenagliaRelazione2 1–238. – [ed. Venetia, presso Steffano Curti, 1685] 1685, BenagliaRelazione3 5–239. – Germ. [German translation, ed. Franckfurt, Wagner, 1687] 1687, BenagliaBeschreibung 3–145. Benetti = Benetti, Antonio (17th c.)13 Viaggi a Costantinopoli: It. [ed. Venezia, 1688, vol. 1] 1688, BenettiOsservazioni 1,1–228. – [id., vol. 2] 1688, BenettiOsservazioni 2,3–261. – [id., vol. 3] 1688, BenettiOsservazioni 3,3–170. – [id., vol. 4] 1688, BenettiOsservazioni 4,3–148. Bergk = Bergk, Johann Adam (Hainichen, 1769 – Leipzig, 1834)14 Arabien und Syrien, in historischer, geographischer, physikalischer, wissenschaftlicher, artistischer, naturgeschichtlicher, merkantilischer, religiöser, sittlicher und politischer Hinsicht: Germ. [ed. Berlin/Leipzig, auf Kosten der Verlagshandlung der neuen compendiösen Bibliothek, 1799] 1799, BergkArabien 1–512. Bernardo = Bernardo, Lorenzo (Florenz, 1534 – ibid., 1592) Relazione dell'Impero Ottomano: It. [ed. Federico Stefani, Venezia, a spese della Società, 1886] 1592, BernardoStefani 19–47. – [id., ed. Eugenio Alberi, Firenze, Tipografia e Calcografia all'insegna di Clio, 1839–1863, vol. III/2] 1592, Bernardo, RelazioniAmbAlberi III/2,323–426. – [id., in GDLI] 1592, Bernardo, RelazioniAmbAlberi, GDLI [LII-13-1]. – [ed. Luigi Firpo, Torino, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1984, vol. 13 = text of the edition Alberi] 1592, Bernardo, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,63–166 [ = pp. 323–426 in the edition Alberi]. – [id., Viaggio di un ambasciatore veneziano da Venezia a Costantinopoli = text of the edition Venezia, 1886] 1592, Bernardo, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,169–238. – [ed. Maria Pia Pedani-Fabris, Padova, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1996, vol. 14] 1590, Bernardo, RelazioniAmbPedani 14,313–394. – [ed. Federico Stefani, Venezia, a spese della Società, 1886] 1592, BernardoStefani 19–47. Bernier = Bernier, François (Joué, 1620 – Paris, 1688)15 Suite des Memoires di Sr. Bernier sur l'Empire du Grand Mogol: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Claude Barbin, 1671] 1671, BernierSuite 3–69. Benvenga = Benvenga, Michele (Ascoli Piceno, 17th c.)16 Viaggio di Levante con la descrizione di Costantinopoli e d' ogn' altro accidente: It. [ed. Bologna, per Giacomo Monti, 1688] 1688, BenvengaViaggio 3–264. – [ed. Marziano Guglielminetti, Torino, UTET, 1967] 1688, Benvenga, ViaggiatoriGuglielminetti 677–680. 12 13 14 15 16 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambrosio_Bembo http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/antonio-benetti_(Dizionario-Biografico)/ http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Adam_Bergk http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Bernier_(philosophe) http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/michele-benvenga_(Dizionario-Biografico)/ 3 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Betzek = Betzek, Jakob von (16th c.) Gesandschaftsreise nach Ungarn und in die Türkei im Jahre 1564/65: Germ. [ed. Karl Nehring, München, Universität München, 1979] c1565, BetzekNehring 1–64. Björnståhl = Bjoernståhl, Jacob Jonas (1731 – 1779)17 Briefe auf Reisen durch Frankreich, Italien, die Schweiz, Deutschland, Holland, England und einen Theil der Morgenländer: Germ. [German translation of the Swedish original18 by Just Ernst Groskurd, ed. Rostock/Leipzig, Johann Christian Koppe, 1780–1783, vol. 4] 1783, BjörnståhlGroskurd 4,1–388. – [id., vol. 6] 1783, BjörnståhlGroskurd 6,1–434. Blessi = Manoli Blessi [Antonio da Molino detto il Burchiella] (Venice, 16th c.) Presa di Nicosia (La): It. [ed. Konstantinos N. Sathas, Paris, J. Maisonneuve, 1880–1890, vol. 9 = ms. British Mueseum n° 1071. G. 7/19] 1570, Blessi, DocSathas 9,262–280. BonO = Bon, Ottaviano (Venice, 1551 – ibid., 1622)19 Descrizione del Serraglio del Gransignore: It. [ed. Nicolò Barozzi / Guglielmo Berchet, Venezia, Naratovich, 1871/1872, vol. 1] 1608, Bon, RelazioniBarozzi/Berchet 1,59–115. – [ed. Luigi Firpo, Torino, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1984, vol. 13] 1608, Bon, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,407–463 [ = pp. 59–115 of the edition Barozzi/Berchet]. – [ed. Bruno Basile, Roma, Salerno, 2002] 1608, BonBasile 25–118. – [ed. Alberto Bacchi della Lega, Bologna, Romagnoli dall'Acqua, 1889] c1621, Bon, AlbertiBacchi 60–206. – Engl. [English translation by Robert Withers, ed. Samuel Purchas, London, printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, 1625, The Grand Signorss seraglio] 1625, Bon, PurchasPilgrimes 2,1580–1613. – [id., ed. London, printed for Jo. Martin and Jo. Ridley, 1650, A description of the Grand Signor's seraglio, or Turkish emperours court] 1650, BonWithers 1–200. → Alberti, Tommaso. Massime essenziali dell'Impero Ottomano: [ed. Luigi Firpo, Torino, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1984, vol. 13 = Text der Ausg. Barozzi/Berchet] 1608, BonO, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,464–472 [ = pp. 116– 124 of the edition Barozzi/Berchet]. Relazione: [ed. Maria Pia Pedani-Fabris, Padova, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1996, vol. 14] 1609, BonO, RelazioniAmbPedani 14,477–523. Bordier = Bordier, Julien (16th/17th c.) Ambassade en Turquie de Jean de Gontaut-Biron, Baron de Salignac, 1605 à 1610. Relation de Jules Bordier, précédée de La Vie du Baron de Salignac: Fr. [ed. Théodore de Gontaut Biron, Paris, Champion, 1889] 1626, BordierBiron 1–138. – [id., ed. Chrysanthus (Χρύσανθος, born Χαρίλαος Φιλιππίδης), Αθήνα, Est…a, 1934, offprint from Αρχείον Πόντου 6 = Relation d'un voyage en Orient, Livre 5] 1626, BordierChrysanthus 96–158. Boscovich = Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe (Ragusa of Dalmatia [ = Dubrovnik], 1711 – Milano, 1787)20 Giornale di un viaggio da Costantinopoli in Polonia: It. [ed. Bassano, a spese Remondini di Venezia, 1784] 1784, BoscovichGiornale III–XXIV and 1–230. Boué = Boué, Ami (1794 - 1881)21 Turquie d'Europe (La): Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Arthus Bertrand, 1840, vol. 1] 1840, BouéTurquie 1,1– 523. – [id., vol. 2] 1840, BouéTurquie 2,3–534. – [id., vol. 3] 1840, BouéTurquie 3,1–582. – [id., vol. 4] 1840, BouéTurquie 4,3–585. – Germ. [German translation, Die europäische Türkei, Wien, Verlag von F. Tempsky, 1889, vol. 1] 1889, BouéTürkei 1,3–669. – [id., vol. 2] 1889, BouéTürkei 2,1–559. Brandstetter = Brandstetter, Maximilian (16th/17th c.) Adam Freiherrn zu Herbersteins Gesandtschaftsreise nach Konstantinopel: Germ. [ed. Karl Nehring, München, Oldenbourg, 1983] 1609, BrandstetterNehring 71–207. Brayer = Brayer, A. (18th/19th c.) 17 18 19 20 21 http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Jonas_Bj%C3%B6rnst%C3%A5hl Resa till Frankrike, Italien, Sweitz, Tyskland, Holland, Turkiet, och Grekland, 6 vols., Stockholm, Nordstroem, 1780–1784. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottaviano_Bon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Joseph_Boscovich http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ami_Bou%C3%A9 4 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Neuf années à Constantinople. Observations sur la topographie [...], l'hygiène et les moeurs de ses habitants, l'islamisme et son influence, la peste, ses causes, ses variétés, sa marche et son traitement, la non-contagion de cette maladie, les quarantaines et le lazarets: Fr. [ed. Paris, Bellizard, Barthès, Dufour et Lowell / Londres, Bossange, Barthès et Lowell / Saint-Pétersbourg, Bellizard, 1836, vol. 1] 1836, BrayerObservations 1,I-XVI und 1-440. – [id., vol. 2] 1836, BrayerObservations 2,1-501. Bremond = Gabriel de Bremond [Brémond] (17th c.) Voyage en Egypte de Gabriel Bremond (1643–1645): Fr. [ed. Paris, Ministère de l'Education nationale, 1974] 1668, BremondSanguin 1–160. – It. [Italian translation, Viaggi fatti nell'Egitto superiore, et inferiore, nel Monte Sinay, e luoghi più cospicui di quella regione, in Gerusalemme, Giudea, Galilea, Sammaria, Palestina, Fenicia, Monte Libano, et altre provincie di Siria, quello della Meka, e del sepolcro, ed. Roma, Paolo Moneta, 1679, from the beginning till the second book, chapter XXXV] 1679, BremondViaggi 1,1–366. – [id., new page numbering from the second book, chapter XXXVI, till the end] 1679, BremondViaggi 2,1–64. Briano = Briano, Giorgio (Carcare, 1812 – Rome, 1874)22 Siria (La) e l'Asia Minore, illustrate con vedute pittoriche eseguite in litografia e novellamente descritte secondo le piu recenti ed accreditate opere inglesi e francesi: It. [ed. Napoli, s. e., 1841] 1841, BrianoSiria 1–363. Burchard = Burchard, Wilhelm (17th c.) Wilhelm Burchards, eines in die 19. Jahr von Türcken gefangen geweseneen Sachsen aufs neu eröffnete Türckey. Darinnen der Türcken Herkommen, Unterschied des Mahometischen und Türckischen Reichs, Ankunfft des Mahomets, seines Gesetzes, Begräbnisses [...] desgleichen von den zur Türckey gehörigen Ländern [...] auch aller Türckischen Käyser, und ihrer Könige [...] ümbständlich vorgestellet wird: Germ. [ed. Magdeburg, Müller, 1688] 1688, BurchardTürckey AIIr–HIVv. Burnes = Burnes, Alessandro (19th c.) Viaggi: It. [ed. Francesco Constantino Marmocchi, Prato, Fratelli Giachetti, 1841-1844, vol. 7, part I] 1842, Burnes, MarmocchiRaccolta 7,37-200. – [id., vol. 8, part II] 1842, Burnes, MarmocchiRaccolta 8,9-461. – [id., vol. 9, part III] 1842, Burnes, MarmocchiRaccolta 9,17-398. Büsching = Büsching, Anton Friedrich (Stadthagen, 1724 – Berlin, 1793)23 Neue Erdbeschreibung, Theil 1, Band 2, Welcher das ganze russische Reich, Preußen, Polen, Hungarn, und die europäische Türkey, mit den dazu gehörigen und einverleibten Ländern, enthält: Germ. [ed. Hamburg, Carl Ernst Bohn, 1760] 1760, BüschingErdbeschreibung I/2,594–1360 [1236–1360: Das türckische Reich in Europa]. Businello = Businello, Peter (18th c.)24 Historische Nachrichten von der Regierungsart, den Sitten und Gewohnheiten der osmanischen Monarchie: Germ. [German translation of the unpublished Italian manuscript from 1774: Lettere informative delle cose de' Turchi riguardo alla religione ed al governo civile, economico, militare e politico, ed. Leipzig, Junius, 1778] 1778, BusinelloNachrichten 1-222. Calmo = Calmo, Andrea (Venice, c1510 – ibid., 1571)25 Rodiana [Rhodiana] [11553]: It. [ed. Piermario Vescovo, Padova, Antenore, 1985] 1553, CalmoRodianaVescovo 52–225. – [in Cortelazzo] 1553, Calmo, CortelazzoDiz 1551f. [Calmo Rodiana]. Campenhausen = Campenhausen, Balthasar von [Балтазар Балтазарович Кампенгаузен] (Gut Lenzenhof near Wenden, Livland, 1772 – Saint Petersburg, 1723)26 Bemerkungen über Rußland, besonders einige Provinzen dieses Reichs und ihre Naturgeschichte betreffend, nebst einer kurzgefaßten Geschichte der Zaporoger Kosaken, Bessarabiens, der Moldau und der Krimm: Germ. [ed. Leipzig, bei Friedrich Christian Dürr, 1807] 1807, CampenhausenRußland 3–199. 22 23 24 25 26 http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/giorgio-briano_(Dizionario_Biografico)/ http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_Friedrich_B%C3%BCsching http://thesaurus.cerl.org/record/cnp00417012 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Calmo http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balthasar_(III.)_Freiherr_von_Campenhausen 5 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Campbell = Campbell, John [Feringhi Bascha] (19th c.) Des Anglo-Affghanen John Campbell (sonst Feringhi Bascha) Wanderungen und Abenteuer unter den wilden Stämmen Centralasiens. Von ihm selbst mündlich erzählt und niedergeschrieben von Hubert Oswald Fry. Aus dem Englischen: Germ. [ed. Leipzig, Dyk'sche Buchhandlung, 1864] 1864, CampbellFry 1–210. Cantemir = Cantemir, Dimitrie [Дмитрий Кантемир / Kantemiroğlu] (Silişteni, 1673 – Dmitrowka, 1723) Incrementorum et decrementorum Aulae Othman[n]icae sive Aliothman[n]icae Historiae a prima gentis origine ad nostra usque tempora deductae libri tres [Creşterile şi descreşterile Imperiului Otoman] [abgeschlossen 1716]: Lat. [ed. Virgil Cândea, Bucureşti, Roza Vânturilor, 1999, Textul original latin în forma finală revizuită de autor. Facsimil al manuscrisului lat-124 de la Biblioteca Houghton, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.] 1716, CantemirCândea 1–1064. – [id., ed. Dan Sluşanschi, Timişoara, Amarcord, 2002] 1716, CantemirSluşanschi 13–524. – Engl. [English translation, History of the growth and decay of the Othman Empire, ed. London, printed for James, John, and Paul Knapton, 1734] 1734, CantemirHistory1 1–460. – [id., ed. London, printed for A. Miller, 1756 = text of the 1734-edition, vol. 1] 1734, CantemirHistory 1,1–266. – [id., vol. 2] 1735, CantemirHistory 2,275–460. – Fr. [French translation, Histoire de l'empire othoman, ed. Paris, chez Louis-Etienne Ganeau, 1743, vol. 1] 1743, CantemirJoncquières 1,I–CXIII e 1–366. – [id., vol. 2] 1743, CantemirJoncquières 2,3–324. – [id., vol. 3] 1743, CantemirJoncquières 3,1– 503. – [id., vol. 4] 1743, CantemirJoncquières 4,1–568. – [id., in Arveiller] 1743, CantemirJoncquières, ArveillerPfister 5 [Jonc]. – Rom. [Romanian translation, Istori'a imperiului ottomanu. Crescerea și scaderea lui, cu note fórte instructive. Traducere româna de Iosefu Hodosiu, ed. Bucuresci, Ediţiunea Societaţei Academice Române, 1876/1878, vol. 1] 1876, CantemirHodosiu 1,5–410. – [id., vol. 2] 1878, CantemirHodosiu 2,413–793. CapitulationsLouisXIV = Capitulations renouvellées entre Louis XIV [...]: Fr. [ed. Charles Henri Auguste Schefer, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1877] 1673, CapitulationsLouisXIV, SaintPriestSchefer 458–474. Caprara = Caprara, Alberto (Bologna, 1627 – Vienna, 1691) Relazione del presente governo ottomano [Relazione del presente governo ottomano scritta verso il 1652, Lucca, 11684]: It. [ed. Valerio Zani (anagramma Aurelio degli Anzi), Parma, per Ippolito e Francesco Maria Rosati, 1691–1693, vol. 3] c1652, Caprara, BibliotecaZani 3,189–216. Carli = Carli da Piacenza, Dionigio (Piacenza, c1637 – 1694) Moro trasportato nell'inclita città di Venetia (Il): [ed. Bassano, appresso Giovanni Antonio Remondinj, 1687] 1687, CarliMoro 1–402. Castellan = Castellan, Antoine Laurent (Montpellier, 1772 – Paris, 1838)27 Moeurs, usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrégé de leur histoire: Fr. [ed. Paris, Nepveux, 1812, vol. 1] 1812, CastellanMoeurs 1,5–119. – [id., vol. 2] 1812, CastellanMoeurs 2,1–225. – [id., vol. 3] 1812, CastellanMoeurs 3,1–251. – [id., vol. 4] 1812, CastellanMoeurs 4,1–282. – [id., vol. 5] 1812, CastellanMoeurs 5,1–231. – [id., vol. 6] 1812, CastellanMoeurs 6,1–233. Chalcondyle = Laonicus Chalcondyle [Laonikos / Laonique / Chalcondile / Chalcocondylas / Chalcondyles, Chalkokondilès / Λαόνικος Χαλκοκονδύλης] (Athènes, 1423ca. – ibid., 1490)28 Αποδείξεις Ιστοριών / Historiarum libri decem: Gr. / Lat. [ed. Immanuel Bekker, Bonna, impensis Ed. Weberi, 1843] 1463ca., ChalcocondylasBekker 3–565. – Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Nicolas Chesneau, 1577, L'Histoire de la decadence de l'empire grec, et establissement de celuy des Turcs, comprise en dix livres, par Chalcondile Athenien. De la traduction de Blaise de Vigenere] 1577, ChalcondileVigenere1 1–734 [Vig Chal]. – [id., ed. Paris, chez la Veufve Abel l'Angelier & la Veufve M. Guillemot, 1620 = text of the 1612-edition] 1612, ChalcondileVigenere2 1–316 [Vig Hist]. – [Illustrations sur l'Histoire de Chalcondyle Athénien de la decadence de l'empire grec, et establissement de celuy des Turcs, ed. Paris, 1620 = text of the 1612-edition] 1612, ChalcondileVigenere2 317–531. 27 28 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine-Laurent_Castellan http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laonicos_Chalcondyle 6 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Chardin = Chardin, Jean (Paris, 1643 – London, 1713)29 Couronnement de Soleïmaan troisième (Le), roy de Perse, et ce qui s'est passé de plus mémorable dans les deux premières années de son règne: Fr. [ed. Paris, Barbin, 1671] 1671, ChardinCouronnement 1-460. – It. [Italian translation, Incoronazione di Soliman Terzo, re di Persia, ed. Valerio Zani (anagram Aurelio degli Anzi), Parma, per Ippolito e Francesco Maria Rosati, 1691-1693, vol. 2] 1691, Chardin, BibliotecaZani 2,73-91. Journal du voyage du chevalier Chardin en Perse & aux Indes orientales, par la mer Noir et la Colchide: Fr. [ed. Londres, chez Moses Pitt, 1686, vol. 1, Le voyage de Paris à Ispahan] 1686, ChardinJournal 1,1-349. – It. [Italian translation, Diario del viaggio in Persia e nell'Indie orientali, ed. Valerio Zani (anagram Aurelio degli Anzi), Parma, per Ippolito e Francesco Maria Rosati, 1691-1693, vol. 2] 1691, Chardin, BibliotecaZani 2,99-177. Voyages de Mr. le chevalier Chardin en Perse, et autres lieux de l'Orient: Fr. [ed. Amsterdam, chez Jean Louis de Lorme, 11711, vol. 1] 1711, ChardinVoyages1 1,1-334. – [id., vol. 2] 1711, ChardinVoyages1 2,1-334. – [id., vol. 3] 1711, ChardinVoyages1 3,1-285. – [id., vol. 4] 1711, ChardinVoyages1 4,1-280. – [id., vol. 5] 1711, ChardinVoyages1 5,3-312. – [id., vol. 6] 1711, ChardinVoyages1 6,3-328. – [id., vol. 7] 1711, ChardinVoyages1 7,15-448. – [id., vol. 8] 1711, ChardinVoyages1 8,3-255. – [id., vol. 9] 1711, ChardinVoyages1 9,3-308. – [id., vol. 10] 1711, ChardinVoyages1 10,3-220. [ed. Amsterdam, au dépens de la Compagnie, 21735, vol. 1] 1711, ChardinVoyage2 1,1-390. – [ed. Paris, Le Normant, 1811, vol. 1] 1711, ChardinLanglès 1,V-XVIII und 1-452. – [id., vol. 2] 1711, ChardinLanglès 2,1-463. – [id. vol. 3] 1711, ChardinLanglès 3,1464. – [id. vol. 4] 1711, ChardinLanglès 4,1-464. – [id., vol. 5] 1711, ChardinLanglès 5,1-500. – [id., vol. 6] 1711, ChardinLanglès 6,1-496. – [id., vol. 7] 1711, ChardinLanglès 7,1-492. – [id., vol. 8] 1711, ChardinLanglès 8,1-519. – [id., vol. 9] 1711, ChardinLanglès 9,1-573. – [id., vol. 10] 1711, ChardinLanglès 10,1–430. – Germ. [German translation, Curieuse persian- und ostindische reisebeschreibung, bestehend in einem ordentlichen journal oder täglichen verzeichnüss seiner in Persien und Ost-Indien über das Schwartze meer und den Cholchidem abgelegter reisen. Erstlich vom authore selbst in frantzösischer sprach beschrieben, nachgehends in die Englische, anitzo aber wegen seiner vortreffligkeit in die hochdeutsche übersetzet, ed. Leipzig, in Verlegung Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, 1687] 1687, ChardinReise 3-532. Chénier = Chénier, Louis Sauveur de (Montfort, 1723 - Paris, 1796)30 Recherches historiques sur les Maures et histoire de l'empire de Maroc: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez l'Auteur, chez Bailly, chez Royer, et à l'Imprimerie Polytype, 1787, vol. 1] 1787, ChénierRecherches 1,1-402. – [id., vol. 2] 1787, ChénierRecherches 2,1-448. – [id., vol. 3] 1787, ChénierRecherches 3,1-536. – Engl. [English translation, The present state of the empire of Morocco, with the language, religion, laws, manners, customs, and character, of the Moors, ed. London, printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1788, vol. 1] 1788, ChénierMorocco 1,1-377. – [id., vol. 2] 1788, ChénierMorocco 2,1-389. – Germ. [German translation, Geschichte und Staatsverfassung der Königreiche Marocko und Fetz, Leipzig, in der Weygandschen Buchhandlung, 1788] 1788, ChénierMarocko 1-408. Révolutions de l'empire Ottoman et observations sur ses progrés sur ses revers sur l'état présent de cet empire: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez l'Auteur / chez Bailly, 1789] 1789, ChénierRévolutions I-LX und 1-375. Chinon = Gabriel de Chinon (died 1670) Relations nouvelles du Levant ou traités de la religion, du gouvernement, [et] des coûtumes des Perses, des Armeniens, [et] des Gaures, avec une description particuliere de l'établissement, [et] des progrez qui y font les missionnaires, [et] diverses disputes qu'ils ont eu avec les orientaux / 29 30 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Chardin http://books.google.de/books?id=29UUAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA173&lpg=PA173&dq=Ch%C3%A9nier,+Louis+Sauveur&source=bl&ots=zmoxHm52gX &sig=f4quLWpvrQjz7JFDH1TxtM7mbM&hl=de&sa=X&ei=7yoET5y_HMyesAbylYHMBw&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Ch%C3%A9nier%2C %20Louis%20Sauveur&f=false 7 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary compozés par le P. G. D. C. [Gabriel de Chinon] [et] donnés au public par le L. M. P. D. E. T. [Louis Moréri]: Fr. [ed. Lyon, chés Jean Thioly, 1671] 1671, ChinonMoréri 1-481. ConquistaDeGayangos = La Gran Conquista de Ultramar: Sp. [ed. Pascual De Gayangos, Madrid, M. Rivydeneyra, 1858] c1300, ConquistaDeGayangos 1–659. ContariniA = Contarini, Alvise di Tomaso [Tommaso] (Venezia, 1597 – ibid., 1651) Relazione di Costantinopoli: [ed. Luigi Firpo, Torino, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1984, vol. 13 = text of the edition Barozzi/Berchet] 1641, ContariniAlvise2, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,783–888 [ = pp. 329–434 of the edition Barozzi/Berchet]. ContariniB = Contarini, Bartolomeo [Bartolommeo] (17th c.) Relazione dell'occorso nel combattimento sotto Scio con l'armata marittima turca l'anno 1694 il mese di febbrajo: It. [ed. Venezia, 1846] c1694, ContariniB, ContariniRelazione 13–21. Sommario: It. [ed. Eugenio Alberi, Firenze, Tipografia e Calcografia all'insegna di Clio, 1839– 1863, vol. III/3] 1519, ContariniB, RelazioniAmbAlberi III/3,56–68. ContariniT1 = Contarini, Tommaso1 (1488 – 1578) Sommario della relazione: it. [ed. Maria Pia Pedani-Fabris, Padova, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1996, vol. 14] 1522, ContariniT1, RelazioniAmbPedani 14,35–39. ContariniT2 = Contarini, Tommaso2 (1548 – 1604) Relazione di Soria: it. [ed. Guglielmo Berchet, Torino, Tipografia di G. B. Paravia e Comp., 1866] 1593, ContariniT2, BerchetSiria 74–78. Contreras = Alonso de Contreras (Madrid, 1582 – c1640) Vida del capitán Alonso de Contreras, caballero del hábito de San Juan, natural de Madrid, escrita por el mismo (años 1582 á 1633): Sp. [ed. Manuel Serrano y Sanz, Madrid, Establecimiento Tipográfico de Fortanet, 1900] c1633, ContrerasSerranoSanz 28–146. CrónicaAlfonsoXI = Gran crónica de Alfonso XI [1348–1379]: Sp. [in CORDE] c1379, CrónicaAlfonsoXI, CORDE. Crouzenac= Saunier de Beaumont [pseud. Crouzenac] (18th c.) Histoire de la dernière révolution arrivée dans l'Empire ottoman le 28 septembre de l'année 1730. Avec quelques observations sur l'état des affaires de la ville et empire de Maroc: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez André Cailleau, 1740] 1740, CrouzenacHistoire 1–102. CuentoFermoso = Cuento muy fermoso de Otas de Roma [c1300–1325]: Sp. [in CORDE] c1325, CuentoFermoso, CORDE. Cuvillier = Cuvillier-Fleury, Alfred-Auguste (Paris, 1802 – ibid., 1887)31 Voyages et voyageurs 1837-1854: Fr. [ed. Paris, Michel Lévy Frères, 1856] 1856, CuvillierVoyage 1–313. DanHistoire = Dan, Pierre (16th/17th c.) Histoire de Barbarie et de ses corsaires [...] [11637]: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Pierre Rocolet, 1637] 1637, DanHistoire1 1-514. – [ed. Paris, chez Pierre Rocolet, 1649] 1649, DanHistoire2 1-489. Dandini = Dandini, Jérôme (Cesena, 1554 – Forlì, 1634)32 Voyage du Mont Liban: It. [ed. Paris, chez Louis Biliaine, 1675] 1675, DandiniMontLiban 1–402. Dapper = Dapper, Olfert (c1635 – 1689)33 Description de l'Afrique, contenant les noms, la situation et les confins de toutes ses parties [...]: Fr. [Amsterdam, chez Wolfgang, Waesberge, Boom & Van Someren, 1686] 1686, DapperAfrique 1–534. D'Arvieux = D'Arvieux, Laurent [D. L. R.] (Marseille, 1635 – ibid., 1702)34 Mémoires du chevalier d'Arvieux, envoyé extraordinaire du Roy à la Porte, consul d'Alep, d'Alger, de Tripoli et autres Échelles du Levant, contenant ses voyages à Constantinople, dans l'Asie, la Syrie, la Palestine, l'Égypte et la Barbarie [...]: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Charles-Jean-Baptiste Delespine, 1735, vol. 1] 1735, D'ArvieuxMémoires 1,1–470. – [id., vol. 2] 1735, D'ArvieuxMémoires 2,1–521. – [id., vol. 3] 1735, D'ArvieuxMémoires 3,1–558. – [id., vol. 4] 1735, D'Ar31 32 33 34 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred-Auguste_Cuvillier-Fleury http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girolamo_Dandini_(gesuita) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olfert_Dapper http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurent_d'Arvieux 8 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary vieuxMémoires 4,1–572. – [id., vol. 5] 1735, D'ArvieuxMémoires 5,1–613. – [id., vol. 6] 1735, D'ArvieuxMémoires 6,1–614. – Germ. [German translation, Des Herrn von Arvieux [...] hinterlassene merkwürdige Nachrichten [...], ed. Kopenhagen / Leipzig, bei Johann Benjamin Ackermann, 1754–1756, vol. 3] 1754, D'ArvieuxNachrichten 3,1–468. – [id., vol. 4] 1754, D'ArvieuxNachrichten 4,1–774. – [id., vol. 5] 1755, D'ArvieuxNachrichten 5,1–524. – [id., vol. 6] 1755, D'ArvieuxNachrichten 6,1–528. Voyage fait par ordre du roy Louis XIV dans la Palestine vers le Grand Emir [...], par M. D. L[a] R[oque]: Fr. [ed. Paris, 1717] 1717, D'ArvieuxLaRoque 1–318. D'Avity = D'Avity, Pierre (Tournon-sur-Rhône, 1573 – Paris, 1635)35 Description générale de l'Europe: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Denys Bechet et Louis Billaine, 1660-1661, vol. 3] 1660, D'AvityEurope 3,1–1216. Estats, empires et principautez du monde (Les): Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Pierre Chevalier, 1613] 1613, D'AvityEstats 1–1396. DeClaustre = De Claustre (Paris, 1670 – ibid., 1730)36 Histoire des revolutions de Perse, depuis le commencement de ce siécle jusqu'à la fin du régne de l'usurpateur Azraff: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Briasson, 1742] 1742, DeClaustreRevolutions 1,1–368. – [id., vol. 2] 1742, DeClaustreRevolutions 2,1–395. Histoire de Thamas Kouli-Kan, roi de Perse: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Briasson, 1728, vol. 1] 1728, DeClaustreHistoire1 1,I–CXII e 1–393. – [id., vol. 2] 1728, DeClaustreHistoire1 2,1–396. – [ed. Paris, chez Briasson, 1742] 1742, DeClaustreHistoire2 1–431. – [id., ed. Paris, chez Briasson, 1743] 1743, DeClaustreHistoire3 1–451. – It. [Italian translation, Istoria di Thamas-Koulikan, sofì di Persia. Tradotta dal francese, ed. Londra (recte: Venezia, Pasquali), 1740/1741, vol. 1] 1740, DeClaustreIstoria 1,1–183. – [id., vol. 2] 1741, DeClaustreIstoria 2,3–100. – Germ. [German translation by Ignaz Adam Veith, Aussführliche Historie des welt-berüchmten Kriegs-Hölden Thamas Kuli-Kan Sophi in Persien, worin von dessen Herkommen Thaten [...] wie auch von dieses KönigReichs Situation, Grösse, [...] gehandlet wird / aus dem Französischen ins Teusche übersetzt, ed. Augspurg, 1741] 1741, DeClaustreHistorie 1–261. DellaValle = Della Valle, Pietro (Roma, 1586 – ibid., 1652)37 Viaggi: It. [ed. G. Gancia, Bologna, 1843, vol. 1, anno 1614] 1614, DellaValleGancia 1,1–68. – [id., anno 1615] 1615, DellaValleGancia 1,69–155. – [id., anno 1616] 1616, DellaValleGancia 1,156–412. – [id., anno 1617] 1617, DellaValleGancia 1,413–418. – [id., anno 1617] 1617, DellaValleGancia 1,425–549. – [id., anno 1618] 1618, DellaValleGancia 1,550–711. – [id., anno 1619] 1619, DellaValleGancia 1,712–870. – [id., vol. 2, anno 1619] 1619, DellaValleGancia 2,1– 63. – [id., anno 1620] 1620, DellaValleGancia 2,64–139. – [id., anno 1621] 1621, DellaValleGancia 2,140–269. – [id., anno 1622] 1622, DellaValleGancia 2,270–458. – [id., anno 1623] 1623, DellaValleGancia 2,459–483. – [id., vol. 2, anno 1623] 1623, DellaValleGancia 2,489–719. – [id., anno 1624] 1624, DellaValleGancia 2,720–787. – [id., anno 1625] 1625, DellaValleGancia 2,788–907. – [id., anno 1626] 1626, DellaValleGancia 2,908–942. – Fr. [French translation, Fameux voyages de Pietro Della Valle Les): [ed. Paris, che Gervais Clouzier, 1662–1665, vol. 1/1] 1662, DellaValleVoyages1 1/1,1–404 [wrong page numbering]. – [id., vol. 1/2] 1662, DellaValleVoyages1 1/2,1–84. – [id., vol. 2] 1664, DellaValleVoyages1 2,1–612. – [id., vol. 3] 1663, DellaValleVoyages1 3,1–649. – [id., vol. 4] 1665, DellaValleVoyages1 4,1–597. – [id., in Arveiller] {1662–1664}, DellaValle, Arveiller [LC Voy]. – [id., ed. Paris, 1745, Voyages de Pietro Della Valle [...] dans la Turquie, l'Egypte, la Palestine, la Perse, les Indes orientales, & autres lieux, vol. 1] 1745, DellaValleVoyages2 1,1–426. – [id., vol. 2] 1745, DellaValleVoyages2 2,1–430. – [id., vol. 3] 1745, DellaValleVoyages2 3,1–452. – [id., vol. 4] 1745, DellaValleVoyages2 4,1–424. – [id., vol. 5] 1745, DellaValleVoyages2 5,1–432. – [id., vol. 6] 1745, DellaValleVoyages2 6,1– 409. – [id., vol. 7] 1745, DellaValleVoyages2 7,1–420. – Engl. [English translation by George Havers, The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta in 35 36 37 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Davity http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Antoine_du_Cerceau http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pietro_Della_Valle 9 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary which, the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those Oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described. In familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano, whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe's Voyage into the East-Indies, ed. London, printed by J. Macock for Henry Herringman, 1665] 1665, DellaValleTravels 1–324. – [id., ed. Edward Grey, The travels of Pietro della Valle in India. From the old English translation of 1664, London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1892, vol. 1] 1665, DellaValleGrey 1,1–192. – [id., vol. 2] 1665, DellaValleGrey 2,193–446. – Germ. [German translation, Petri Della Valle, eines vornehmen Römischen Patritii Reiß-Beschreibung in unterschiedliche Theile der Welt. Nehmlich in Türckey, Egypten, Palestina, Persien, Ost-Indien, und andere weit entlegene Landschafften [...], samt einer außführlichen Erzehlung aller denck- und merckwürdigster Sachen, so darinnen zu finden und anzutreffen, nebenst den Sitten, und Gebräuchen dieser Nationen und anderen Dingen [...]. Erstlich von dem Authore selbst, der diese Reisen gethan, in italienischer Sprach beschrieben, und in vier- und fünfftzig Send-Schreiben in vier Theile verfasse. Nachgehends auß dieser in die frantzösische und holländische, anjetzo aber auß dem Original in die hoch-teutsche Sprach übersetzet, ed. Genff, in Verlegung Johann-Herman Widerholds, 1674, part 1] 1674, DellaValleWelt 1,1–218. – [id., part 2] 1674, DellaValleWelt 2,1–236. – [id., part 3] 1674, DellaValleWelt 3,1–244. – [id., part 4] 1674, DellaValleWelt 4,1–231. DeMetre = De Metre, Alexander Christian de Metre (17th c.) Frantzöische Türckey (Die), angerichtet durch die grossen Staats-Männer, Ariante und Polidor, oder Kurtze Erzehlung der vornehmsten Thaten deß Königs in Franckreich und was er ferner vorhat, sein Reich in solchen Zustand zu setzen, als das Ottomannische Käyserthumb, umb zur Monarchie und allgemeinen Beherrschung zu gedeyen: Germ. [ed. Roterdam, bey Friedrich Neustadt, 1673 – the preface dates from 1670] 1670, DeMetreTürckey 1–52. Dernschwam = Dernschwam, Hans [Jan Dernschwam z Hradešína] (Most, 1494 – Častá, 1567)38 Tagebuch einer Reise nach Konstantinopel und Kleinasien: Germ. [ed. Franz Babinger, München / Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1923] c1555, DernschwamBabinger 3–275. DeSalle = De Salle, Eusèbe (19th c.) Ali le Renard, ou la Conquête d'Alger (1830). Roman historique: Fr. [ed. Paris, Gosselin, 1832, vol. 1] 1832, DeSalleAlger 1,1–463. – [id., vol. 2] 1832, DeSalleAlger 2,1–458. Pérégrinations en Orient [...]: Fr. [ed. Paris, Pagnerre, 1840, vol. 1] 1840, DeSalleOrient 1,1–464. – [id., vol. 2] 1840, DeSalleOrient 2,1–451. DescriptionMoustafa = Description juste de Cara Moustafa Pacha Caimmacam, contenant son origine, son élévation et l'estat present de sa maison: Fr. [ed. Charles Henri Auguste Schefer, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1881, vol. 2] c1674, DescriptionMoustafa, GallandSchefer 2,186–207. Deshayes = Deshayes de Courmenin, Louis (16th/17th c.)39 Voiage de Levant fait par le commandement du Roy en l'année 1621: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Adrian Topinard, 1624] 1624, DeshayesVoiage 1–403. DeTurra → Pisone. DeTersis → Pisone. DiazTanco = Diaz Tanco de Frexenal, Vasco (died about 1560)40 Libro intitulado Palinodia, de la nephanda y fiera nacion de los Turcos, y de su engañoso arte y cruel modo de guerrear [...]: Sp. [ed. Orense, en la ympression del proprio actor, 1547] 1547, DiazTancoPalinodia 2r–62r. – It. [Italian translation by Alfonso de Ulloa, Libro dell'origine et successione dell'imperio de' turchi, composto da Vasco Dias Tanco, & nuovamente tradotto dalla lingua Spagnuola nella Italiana per il Signor Alfonso de Ulloa, ed. Vinegia, appresso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari, 1558] 1558, DiazTancoUlloa 3–236. – Germ. [German translation by Heinrich Müller, Warhaffte eigentliche und kurtze Beschreibung, der Türcken Ankunfft, Regierung, Köni38 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Dernschwam http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Deshayes Göllner 1,408 (n° 873). Vgl. auch http://www.ab.dip-caceres.org/virtuales/serrano01.htm http://books.google.de/books?id=auxFAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA127&dq=%22Libro+intitulado+Palinodia+%22&hl=de&sa=X&ei=5l6T7jUDsPPsganvcG9AQ&ved=0CDUQ6AEwATgK#v=onepage&q=%22Libro%20intitulado%20Palinodia%20%22&f=false 39 40 10 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary gen, und Keysern, Kriegen [...] und Sigen, wider Christen vnd Heyden. Von Emptern, Befelchs und Kriegsleuten, der Türckischen Soldanen, und wie man wider den Türcken kriegen sol, ed. Franckfurt am Mayn, Sigmundt Feyrabend, 1577] 1577, DiazTanco, TürckischeChronica 1,1r– 74v. Diedo = Diedo, Gerolamo (16th c.) Lettera a Marc'Antonio Barbaro nella quale si descrive la battaglia di Lepanto: It. [ed. Carlo Téoli, Milano, G. Daelli e Comp. Editori, 1863] 1571, Diedo, DocTeoli 3–47. – [ed. Luigi Carrer, Venezia, co' tipi del Gondoliere, 1840] 1571, Diedo, ArteCarrer 398–348. Digeon = Digeon, J.-M. (18th c.) Nouveaux contes turcs et arabes, précédés d'un abrégé chronologique de l'histoire de la Maison ottomane et du gouvernement de l'Egypte: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Dupuis, 1781, vol. 1] 1781, DigeonAbrégé 1,1–347. – [id., vol. 2] 1781, DigeonAbrégé 2,1–278. DiResti = Benedetto Marino di Resti [Venedetto Marinodi di Resti] (16th/17th c.) Libro dei conti: It. [ed. Petar Petrov, Sofia, Glavno Upravlenie na Archivite, 2004, vol. 1] {1590– 1605}, DiRestiPetrov 1,9–520. DizScient = Nuovo dizionario scientifico e curioso sacro-profano: It. [ed. Gianfrancesco Pivati, Venezia, per Benedetto Milocco 1746–1751, vol. 1: A–B] 1746, DizScient 1,1–762. – [id., vol. 2: C] 1746, DizScient 2,1–792. – [id., vol. 3: D–E] 1746, DizScient 3,5–786. – [id., vol. 4: F] 1747, DizScient 4,1–630. – [id., vol. 5: G–K] 1747, DizScient 5,5–809. – [id., vol. 6: L–M] 1747, DizScient 6,5–956. – [id., vol. 7: N–Q] 1749, DizScient 7,5–717. – [id., vol. 8: R] 1749, DizScient 8,5–595. – [id., vol. 9: S–T] 1750, DizScient 9,5–1018. – [id., vol. 10: V–Z] 1751, DizScient 10,5– 646. DocRagus = Acta archivi Ragusini historiam Belgradi illustrantia: Ital. [ed. Georgius Tadić, Beograd, Izdanije Iono Grada, 1950, vol. 1] {1521–1571}, DocRagus, TadićBelgrad 1,3–184. – [id., vol. 2] {1572–1593}, DocRagus, TadićBelgrad 2,9–303. – Turchismi nei documenti ragusei redatti in lingua italiana: It. [ed. Olivera Jašar-Nasteva, Pisa, Giardini, 1971–1973]: {15th–17th c.}, JašarNasteva,BALM 13–15,315–334. – Acta et diplomata Ragusina: Lat. / It. / Sp. [ed. Jovan Radonić, Beograd, Štamparija «Mlada Srbija», 1934ff., vol. 1/1] {743–1448}, DocRagus, RadonićActa 1/1,1–496. – Lat. / It. [id., vol. 1/2] {1210–1498}, DocRagus, RadonićActa 1/2,497–844. – Lat. / It. / Sp. [id., vol. 2/1] {1406–1532}, DocRagus, RadonićActa 2/1,1–512. – Lat. / It. / Sp. / Fr. [id., vol. 2/2] {1551–1599}, DocRagus, RadonićActa 2/2,1–598. – Lat. / It. / Sp. / Fr. [id., vol. 3/1] {1600–1665}, DocRagus, RadonićActa 3/1,1–544. – Lat. / It. / Sp. / Fr. / Cr. [id., vol. 3/2] {1665–1682}, DocRagus, RadonićActa 3/2,545–1013. – It. [id., vol. 4/1] {1684–1690}, DocRagus, RadonićActa 4/1,1–743. – It. [id., vol. 4/2] {1690–1702}, DocRagus, RadonićActa 4/2,1–768. – Lat. / It. / Sp. / Fr. / Cr. [id., vol. 5] {1703–1806}, DocRagus, RadonićActa 5,1–738. DocRichard = Documents chypriotes des archives du Vatican: Fr. [ed. Jean Richard, Paris, Geuthner, 1962] {14th/15th c.}, DocRichard 22-23, 35-49, 76-110, 113-120, 123-126, 139-157. DocTunisi = Documents en italien du consolat français de Tunis: It. [ed. Joseph Cremona, Tübingen, Niemeyer, 2000] {1582–1705}, DocTunisi, Cremona,ACILPR XXII,135–143. – [ed. Joseph Cremona, Roma, Bulzoni, 1996, a. 1593] 1593, DocTunisi, Cremona,SaggiLepschy 88–93. – [id., a. 1637] 1637, DocTunisi Cremona,SaggiLepschy 94–95. – [ed. Daniele Baglioni, Roma, Scienze e Lettere, 2010, part I: Atti del Consolato francese, 1590–1703] {1590–1703}, DocTunisi, BaglioniCancellerie 275–348. – [id., part II: Atti del Consolato britannico, 1675–1703] {1675–1703}, DocTunisi, BaglioniCancellerie 349–362. – [id., part III: Documenti diplomatici, 1616–1640] {1616–1640}, DocTunisi, BaglioniCancellerie 363–397. DocVenez = Documenti sulla storia di Venezia / Documents on the history of Venice. DonatoG = Donato [Donado], Giambattista [Giovanni Battista] [quondam Nicolò] (Venice, 17th c.) Della letteratura dei turchi: It. [ed. Venetia, per Andrea Poletti, 1688] 1688, DonatoTurchi 1–140. – [id., ed. Valerio Zani (anagram Aurelio degli Anzi), Parma, per Ippolito e Francesco Maria Rosati, 1691–1693, vol. 3] 1691, DonatoG, BibliotecaZani 3,231–244. Lettere: It. [ed. Philip P. Argenti, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1954, Jg. 1681] 1681, DonatoG, ArgentiArchive 209–214, 222–229, 239–256. 11 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Relazione di Costantinopoli: It. [ed. Luigi Firpo, Torino, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1984, vol. 13, letter from 1683 = text of the edition Barozzi/Berchet] 1683, DonatoG, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,1075– 1077 [ = 289–291 der Ausg. Barozzi/Berchet]. – [id., letter from 1684 = text of the edition Barozzi/Berchet] 1684, DonatoG, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,1077–1078 [ = pp. 291–292 of the edition Barozzi/Berchet]. – [id., Relazione = text of the edition Barozzi/Berchet] 1684, DonatoG, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,1079–1137 [ = pp. 293–351 in the edition Barozzi/Berchet]. D'Orville = D'Orville, André Guillaume Contant (1730 – 1800) Histoire des différens peuples du monde, contenant les cérémonies religieuses et civiles, l'origine des religions, leurs sectes & superstitions & les moeurs & usages de chaque nation: Fr. [ed. Paris, Herissant, 1771, vol. 6] 1771, D'OrvilleHistoire 6,5–498. – Germ. [German Translation, Geschichte der verschiedenen Völcker des Erdbodens. Deren gottesdienstlich und bürgerliche Gebräuche, Ursprung der Religionen, Secten, Aberglauben, Sitten und Gewohnheiten enthaltend nebst einer genauen Beschreibung der Kaiserthümer, Königreiche und freyen Staaten in allen vier Theilen der Welt, ed. Hof und Leipzig, bey Johann Gottlieb Vierling, 1778, vol. 6] 1778, D'OrvilleGeschichte 6,3–504. Driesch = Driesch, Gerhard Cornelius von den (17/18th c.) Historische Nachricht von der Röm. Kayserl. Groß-Botschafft nach Constantinopel, welche auf allergnädigtsne Befehl [...] Carl des Sechsten, nach glücklich vollendeten zweyjährigen Krieg [...] Reichs-Graf Damian Hugo von Virmondt, rühmlichst verrichtet. Worinnen ganz besondere Nachrichten von der Türken Policey, Religion, Griechischen Antiquitäten [...] zu finden: Germ. [ed. Nürnberg, Peter Conrad Monath, 1723] 1723, DrieschNachricht 1–494. Drouville = Drouville, Gaspard (18th/19th c.) Voyage en Perse, pendant les années 1812 et 1813, contenant des détails peu connus sur les moeurs, usages, coutumes et cérémonies religieuses des Persans, ainsi que sur leur état militaire, tant ancien qu'actuel, et généralement sur tout ce qui concerne les Forces régulières et irrégulières de cet empire: Fr. [ed. St. Petersbourg, imprimé chez Pluchart, 1819, vol. 1] 1819, DrouvilleVoyage 1,1–168. – [id., vol. 2] 1819, DrouvilleVoyage 2,1–224. DuCamp = Du Camp, Maxime (Paris, 1822 – Baden-Baden, 1894)41 Souvenirs et paysages d'Orient: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Arthus Bertrand, 1848] 1848, DuCampSouvenirs 3–375. DuCastel = Du Castel, Jacques (16th/17th c.)42 Relation des voyages de Monsieur de Breves [François Savary de Brèves], tant en Grece, Terre Saincte et Aegypte qu'aux Royaumes de Tunis et Arger. Ensemble un traicte faict l'an 1604 entre le Roy Henry le Grand et l'Empéreur des Turcs et 3 discours dudit sieur. Le tout recueilly par le S. D. C. [Jacques Du Castel]: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Nicolas Gasse, 1628] 1628, DuCastelBrèves 1383. DuLoir = Sieur Du Loir [Di Loir] (17th c.)43 Voyages du sieur Du Loir, contenus en plusieurs lettres écrites du Levant (Les) [11654]: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Gervais Clouzier, 1654, Letter I, anno 1639] 1639, DuLoirVoyages 1–37. – [id., Letters 2–7, anno 1640] 1640, DuLoirVoyages 38–220. – [id., Letters 8 and ff., anno 1641] 1641, DuLoirVoyages 221–358. – [id., in Arveiller] {1639–1641}, DuLoirVoyages, Arveiller 3 [DuLoir]. – It. [Italian translation by Francesco Monari, Viaggio di Levante, Bologna, per Gioseffo Longhi, 1670] 1670, DuLoir, ViaggioMonari 1–319. – [reprint, ed. Venezia, per Abbondio Menafoglio, 1671] 1671, DuLoir, ViaggioMenafoglio 1–292. Erizzo = Erizzo, Antonio (16th c.) Sommario della relazione di Antonio Erizzo: It. [ed. Eugenio Alberi, Firenze, Tipografia e Calcografia all'insegna di Clio, 1839–1863, vol. III/3] 1557, Erizzo, RelazioniAmbAlberi III/3,127– 144. 41 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxime_Du_Camp http://thesaurus.cerl.org/record/cnp00954904 http://books.google.de/books?id=JexHxBDyT-YC&pg=PA325&lpg=PA325&dq=%22Sieur+Du+Loir+%22&source=bl&ots=Th2Y4JCpjD&sig=qz62i1Ui1kctFNUBzsEP4KvSVg&hl=de&ei=tnrOTYTZEcmQswb4qeijCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CD4Q6AEwCA#v=one page&q=%22Sieur%20Du%20Loir%20%22&f=false 42 43 12 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Febvre = Febvre, Michel [Michel Lefebvre, pseud. of Justinien de Neuvy-sur-Loire] (Aleppo, c1664 – 1687) État présent de la Turquie: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Edme Couterot, 1675] 1675, FebvreÉtat 1–450. – [id., in Arveiller] 1675, FebvreÉtat, ArveillerPfister 4 [Feb Etat]. Théâtre de la Turquie: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Edme Couterot, 1682] 1682, FebvreThéâtre 1–558. – [id., in Arveiller] 1682, FebvreThéâtre, ArveillerPfister 4 [Feb. Th]. – It. [Italian translation, Teatro della Turchia, ed. Bologna, ad instanza d'Antonio Quaglia, 1684] 1684, FebvreTeatro 1–376. Ferrario = Ferrario, Giulio (Milano, 1767 – ibid., 1847)44 Costume antico e moderno, o, storia del governo, della milizia, della religione, delle arti, scienze ed usanze dei popoli antichi e moderni. Aggiunte: It. [ed. Firenze, per V. Batelli e Figli, vol. 3] 1837, FerrarioAggiunte 3,7–326. Fiaux = Fiaux, Louis (19th/20th c.) Prostitution réglementée et les pouvoirs publics dans les principaux États des deux mondes (La). Amérique, États-Unis, Argentine, etc., états asiatiques, Japon, Chine, Europe occidentale [sic pour orientale]: Balkans, Turquie, Égypte: Fr. [ed. Paris, Félix Alcan, 1909] 1909, FiauxProstitution I–XXIII and 3–416. Forbin = Louis Nicolas Philippe Auguste, comte de Forbin (La Roque-d'Anthéron, 1779 – Paris, 1841)45 Voyage dans le Levant en 1817 et 1818: Fr. [ed. Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1819] 1819, ForbinVoyage 1–460. Foresti = Foresti, Antonio (17th/18th c.) Del mappamondo istorico: It. [ed. Venezia, appresso Girolamo Albrizzi, 1710/1720, vol. 6/1] 1720, ForestiMappamondo 6/1,1–548. – [id., vol. 6/2] 1720, ForestiMappamondo 6/2,1–375. FoscariniN = Foscarini, Nicolò (18th c.) Relazione di Costantinopoli: It. [ed. Luigi Firpo, Torino, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1965ff., vol. 13 = text of the ed. Romanin] 1793, FoscariniN, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,1141–1152 [ = pp. 508–519 of the ed. Romanin]. FoscariniP = Foscarini, Pietro (died 1648) Relazione di Costantinopoli: It. [Luigi Firpo, Torino, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1965ff., = text of the ed. Barozzi/Berchet] 1641, FoscariniP, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,741–771 e 889–906 [ = pp. 73–103 and 105–120 of the ed. Barozzi/Berchet]. Galland = Galland, Antoine (Rollot [Picardy], 1646 – Paris, 1715)46 Journal d'Antoine Galland pendant son séjour à Costantinople: Fr. [ed. Charles Henri Auguste Schefer, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1881, vol. 1, anno 1672] 1672, GallandSchefer 1,13–254. – [id., in Arveiller] 1673, GallandSchefer, ArveillerPfister 4 [GallJour 1] – [id., vol. 2, anno 1673] 1673, GallandSchefer 2,1–162. – [id., in Arveiller] 1673, GallandSchefer, ArveillerPfister 4 [GallJour 2] → DescriptionMoustafa. Paroles remarquables (Les), les bons mots, et les maximes des orientaux: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Simon Benard, 1694] 1694, GallandParoles 1–356. Recueil des rits et cérémonies du pelerinage de la Mecque [...]: Fr. [ed. Amsterdam / Paris, chez Dessaint & Saillant, 1754] 1754, GallandRecueil 5–215. – Germ. [German translation, Sammlung von den Gebräuchen und Ceremonien der Wallfarth nach Mecca, nebst verschiedenen Schriften welche die Religion die Wissenschaften und die Sitten der Türken betreffen [...]. Nach der Amsterdamer Ausgabe von 1754 ins Teutsche übersezet von Johann Georg Angerer, ed. Nürnberg, bei George Peter Monath, 1757] 1757, GallandAngerer 1–191. Smyrne ancienne & moderne: Fr. [ed. Paris, Chandeigne, 2000] 1678, GallandBauden 41–211. Gasparin = Gasparin, Valérie Boissier de (Geneva, 1813 – Pregny-Chambésy, 1894)47 À Constantinople: Fr. [ed. Paris, Michel Lévy Frères, 1867] 1867, GasparinConstantinople 1–487. GemelliCareri = Gemelli Careri, Giovan Francesco (Radicena, 1651 – Naples, 1725)48 44 45 46 47 http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/giulio-ferrario_(Dizionario-Biografico)/ http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auguste_de_Forbin http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_Galland http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Val%C3%A9rie_de_Gasparin 13 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Giro del mondo: It. [ed. Napoli, nella Stamperia di Giuseppe Roselli, 1699/1700, vol. 1] 1699, GemelliCareriGiro1 1,1–450. – [id., vol. 2] 1699, GemelliCareriGiro1 2,1–342. – [id., vol. 3, ed. 1700 (Dedication from 1699)] 1699, GemelliCareriGiro1 3,1–374. – [id., vol. 4] 1700, GemelliCareriGiro1 4,1–354. – [id., vol. 5] 1700, GemelliCareriGiro1 5,1–354. – [id., vol. 6] 1700, GemelliCareriGiro1 6,1–480. – Fr. [French translation, ed. Paris, 1719, vol. 1] 1719, GemelliCareriVoyage 1,I–XXIV e 1–454. – [id., vol. 2] 1719, GemelliCareriVoyage 2,1–343. – [id., vol. 3] 1719, GemelliCareriVoyage 3,1–395. – [id., vol. 4] 1719, GemelliCareriVoyage 4,1–524. – [id., vol. 5] 1719, GemelliCareriVoyage 5,1–368. – [id., vol. 6] 1719, GemelliCareriVoyage 6,1–498. Viaggi per l'Europa: It. [ed. Napoli, presso Giuseppe Roselli, 1701/1704, vol. 1, anno 1686] 1686, GemelliCareriEuropa 1,1–477. – [id., vol. 2, anno 1686] 1686, GemelliCareriEuropa 2,1–236. – [id., anno 1687] 1687, GemelliCareriEuropa 2,237–454, 456–466, 511–527. – [id., anno 1688] 1688, GemelliCareriEuropa 2,454–456 e 467–511. – [id., anno 1689] 1689, GemelliCareriEuropa 2,528–551. Georgievits = Georgievits, Bartolomej [Georgijević / Georgievics / Georgievicz / Georgieviz / Georgijevic / Georgii / Georgevic / Gyurgievits / Bartholomaeus / Bartholomeus / Bartholomeo / Bartolomeo] (Croatia, 1510 – c1566) De afflictione, tam captivorum quam etiam sub Turcae tributo viventium Christianorum, cum figuris res clarè exprimentibus. Similiter de ritu, deque caeremoniis domi, militiaeque ab ea gente usurpatis. Additis nonnullis lectu dignis, linguarum Sclavonicae & Turcicae, cum interpretatione Latina, libellus. Auctore Bartholomaeo Gyurgievits: Lat. [ed. Vormatia, excudebat Gregorius Comiander, 1545] 1545, GeorgievitsVormatia AIr–BVIIv. – [id., ed. Lugduni, apud Ioannem Tornaesium, 1567 = text of the edition Vormatia, 1545] 1545, GeorgievitsEpitome 75–107. – It. [Italian translation by Lodovico Domenichi, ed. Firenze, s.e., 1548] 1548, Georgievits, CoseTurchescheDomenichi BVIIr–DIIv. – [id., ed. Fiorenza, appresso Lorenzo Torrentino, 1551] 1551, Georgievits, MenavinoTrattato2 207–225. – Engl. [English translation, Of the Affliction of Captives, and Christians under the Turkish Tribute, ed. London, printed for the author, 1661] 1661, GeorgievitsRarities 60–84. De captivitate sua apud Turcas [11544]: Lat. [ed. Reinhard Klockow / Monika Ebertowski, Berlin, Gesellschaft für internationalen Kulturaustausch / Druckwerkstatt im Kreuzberg Museum, 2000] 1544, GeorgievitsKlockow/Ebertowski 7–82. De Christianorum cladibus et calamitatibus [...]. Vaticinium infidelium lingua Turcica: Lat. [ed. Lugduni, apud Ioannem Tornaesium, 1567] c1545, GeorgievitsEpitome 109–124. Deploratio cladis Christianorum: Lat. [ed. Lugduni, apud Ioannem Tornaesium, 1567] 1567, GeorgievitsEpitome 144–159. – Engl. [English translation, A Lamentation for loß of Christians destroyed, ed. London, printed for the author, 1661] 1661, GeorgievitsRarities 97–108. De Turcarum ritu et caeremoniis: Lat. [ed. Antverpiae, apud Gregorium Bontium 1544] 1544, GeorgievitsDeRitu AIIr–EIIIv. – [id., ed. Vormatia, excudebat Gregorius Comiander, 1545] 1545, GeorgievitsVormatia IIIr–EIIIv. – [id., ed. Lugduni, apud Ioannem Tornaesium, 1567] 1567, GeorgievitsEpitome 9–73. – Germ. [German translation by Johannes Herold, Türckey oder Von yetziger Türcken kirchen gepräng [...], ed. Carl Göllner, Köln/Wien, Böhlau, 1983 = text of the edition Basel, 1545] 1545, Georgievits, GöllnerTürkendrucke 165–227. – [id., ed. Nurdan Melek Aksulu, Stuttgart, Heinz, 2005] 1545, Georgievits, AksuluBeitrag 237–257. – [id., ed. Straßburg, gedruckt durch Paulum Messerschmidt, 1555, Türcken Büchlin. Gantz warhaftige unnd aber erbärmkliche beschreibung, von der pein, marter, schmertzen und Tyranney, so die Türcken, den gefangnen Christen, mann unnd weib, jungen unnd alten an thün. Auch von ihren Ceremonien, Policien, Kriegen, Feldtbaw, Gebreuchen, unnd ein Disputatz eines Christen unnd Türcken, vom glauben, mit angehenckten Dialogis, Türckisch, Sclavonisch, und das Pater noster Arabisch, Türckisch und Sclavonisch. Jetzund widerumb von Neuwem vverlesen und gebessert. Mit angehenckten Historien, so vorhien in disem büchlin mit begriffen] 1555, GeorgievitsBüchlin 4–116. – [dt. Übers. von Caspar Brusch, ed. Nurdan Melek Aksulu, Stuttgart, Heinz, 2005] 1545, Georgi48 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Francesco_Gemelli_Careri 14 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary evitsBrusch, AksuluBeitrag 215–236. – It. [Italian translation by Lodovico Domenichi, ed. Firenze, s.e., 1548] 1548, Georgievits, CoseTurchescheDomenichi DIIIr–FVIIv. – [id., ed. Fiorenza, appresso Lorenzo Torrentino, 1551] 1551, Georgievits, MenavinoTrattato2 225–250. – Fr. [French translation, Discours de la maniere de vivre et ceremonies des Turcs, ed. Liège, aux despens de Lambert de la Coste, 1600] 1600, GeorgievitsDiscours FIr–HIIv. – Engl. [English translation by Hugh Goughe, London, by Thomas Marshe, s.a. (1569?), Ofspring of the house of Ottomanno and officers pertaining to the greate Turkes court (The). Whereunto is added Bartholomeus Georgieviz Epitome, of the customes rytes, ceremonies, and religion of the Turkes, with the miserbale affliction of those Christians, whiche live vnder their captivitie and bondage. In the ende also is adioyned the maner how Mustapha, oldest sonne of Soltan Soliman, twelfth Emperour of the Turkes, was murthered by his father, in the yere of our Lorde 1553] 1569, GeorgievitsGoughe BIr– MIIIv. – [id., Rarities of Turkey (The), gathered by one that was sold seven times a slave in the Turkish Empire, and now exposed to view for the benefit of his native countrey, ed. London, printed for the author, 1661] 1661, GeorgievitsRarities 1–59. Disputationis cum Turca habitae narratio: Lat. [ed. ed. Lugduni, apud Ioannem Tornaesium, 1567] 1567, GeorgievitsEpitome 125–143. – Engl. [English translation, A Narration of a Dispute with a Turk, ed. London, printed for the author, 1661] 1661, GeorgievitsRarities 85–96. Exhortatio contra Turcas [11545]: Lat. [ed. Lugduni, apud Ioannem Tornaesium, 1567] 1545, Narratio, GeorgievitsEpitome 160–180. – Engl. [English translation, An Exhortation against the Turk, ed. London, printed for the author, 1661] 1661, GeorgievitsRarities 109–125. Ofspring of the house of Ottomanno and officers pertaining to the greate Turkes court (The): Engl. [English translation by Hugh Goughe, London, by Thomas Marshe, s.a. (1569?)] c1569, GeorgievitsGoughe BIr–CVr. Prophetia de Maometani / Profetia dei Turchi [Latin, 11545]: It. [Italian translation by Lodovico Domenichi, ed. Firenze, s.e., 1548] 1548, Georgievits, CoseTurchescheDomenichi AVIv–BVIv. Türcken Büchlin [...] → De Turcarum ritu et caeremoniis. Türckey oder Von yetziger Türcken kirchen gepräng [...] → De Turcarum ritu et caeremoniis. Voiage de la saincte cité de Hierusalem, jointe la description des citez, villes, ports, lieux et autres passages, ensemble les ceremonies des Turcs, avec l'estat de leur empereur, l'ordre de sa gendarmerie, finances, & succes de les conquestes, &c. Piéça descrits par Bartelemi Georgivitz, hongrois, pelerin dudit voiage, par un long temps esclave en Turquie. Le tout remis en lumiere par M. Lambert Darmont Liegeois: Fr. [ed. Liège, par Leonard Streel, 1600] 1600, GeorgievitsVoiage AIIr–HIVv. GeorgiusHungaria = Georgius de Hungaria [Georg von Ungarn / Georg Captivus Septemcastrensis / Georg Mühlbacher / Georg Mühlenbacher / George of Hungary / Georges de Hongrie / Georgius de Septemcastris / Georgius de Ungaria / Jörg von Ungarn] (Mühlbach [Szászsebes], 1422/23 – 1502)49 Cronica-Abconterfayung vnd entwerffung der Türckey, mit yrem Begriff, Inhalt, Provintien, Völckern ankunfft, Kryegen, Sigen, niderlagen, glauben, / Religio[n] Gesatzen, sitten, Regiment, Pollicey, reütterey, from[m]keit und boßheit von einem Sibenburger 22. jar darinn gefangen gelegen, in Latein beschriben, durch Sebastia[n] Franck verteütscht / Chronica unnd Beschreibung der Türckey, mit einer Vorrhed D. Martini Lutheri: Germ. [ed. Augspurg, getruckt durch Haynrich Stainer, 1530] 1530, GeorgiusHungariaFranck AIr-LIVr. – [ed. Carl Göllner, Köln/Wien, Böhlau, 1983] 1530, GeorgUngarn, GöllnerTürkendrucke 1-106. Tractatus de moribus, condicionibus et nequicia Turcorum / Traktat über die Sitten, die Lebensverhältnisse und die Arglist der Türken: Lat. [ed. Reinhard Klockow, Köln / Weimar / Wien, Böhlau, 1993 = Text der Ausg. 1481] 1481, GeorgiusHungariaKlockow 138-418. Geuffroy = Geuffroy [Geuffré], Antoine (16th c.) Estat de la court du Grant Turc, lordre de sa gendarmerie, de ses finances, avec ung brief discours de leurs conquestes depuis le premier de ceste race: Fr. [ed. Paris, Chrestien Wechel, 1542] 1542, GeuffroyEstat aIVr–kIVv. – [id., ed. Liège, aux despens de Lambert de la Coste, 1600, Dis49 http://www-cgi.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/phil_Fak_I/Philosophie/Gesch_Phil/alcuin/philosopher.php?id=689 15 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary cours de la Maniere de vivre et ceremonies des Turcs] 1542, Geuffroy, GeorgievitsDiscours AIr– EIVv. – [id., ed. Charles Henri Auguste Schefer, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1887] 1542, Geuffroy, ChesneauSchefer 227–248. – [id., ed. Charles Henri Auguste Schefer, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1896] 1542, Geuffroy, SpanduginoSchefer 265–345. – Engl. [English translation, Estat de la court du Grant Turc, lordre de sa gendarmerie, de ses finances, avec ung brief discours de leurs conquestes depuis le premier de ceste race, Paris, Chrestien Wechel, 1542] 1542, GeuffroyOrder 3–153 [III–CLIII]. – Lat. [Latin translation by Wilhelm Godelevo, Aulae Turcicae, Othomannicique Imperii descriptio, qua Turcarvm Palatina Officina, mores sect[a]e [...] luculenter enarrantur Cyprium bellum Pannonicum bellum [...], Basileae, Petri, 1573] 1573, GeuffroyDescriptio 1–509. – Germ. [German translation ( < lat.) by Nicolaus Höniger, Hoffhaltung. Des Türckhischen Keisers, und Othomannischen Reichs beschreibung, darinn nicht allein der Türcken Empter [...] erzelet werden, sonder auch wie die Türckische Keiser einander nach geregnieret haben, und was ein jeglicher für thaten hab begangen, biß auff diß drey und siebentzigst jar erstreckt und außgefüret [...], mit sampt einem kurtzen, aber sehr nutzbarlichen begriff vnd jn[n]halt, des Mahometischen Glaubens, unnd seiner Him[m]el, un[d] anderen wunderbarlichen dingen mehr [...]. Erstlich durch Anthonium Geuffreum ein Johan[n]iter Herrn [...] in Frantzösischer spraach beschrieben. Nachmals von Wilhelm Godelevo auß dem Frantzösischen in das Latein gebracht. Letstlich auß dem Latein inn das recht hoch Teutsch [...] verteutschet durch Nicolaum Höniger von Tauber Königshoffen Jtem Etlicher Hochgelehrter Männer Orationes und vermahnung an die christliche Fürsten [...], ed. Basel, getruckt durch Sebastian Henricpetri, 1573] 1573, GeuffroyHoffhaltung 1–70. GiudiciPetizion = Giudici di Petizion. Inventarii: It. [ed. Fabiola Sartori, Venezia, La Malcontenta, 2001] 1720, GiudiciPetizion, SartoriFoscari 139–144. GiustinianiGirolamo = Giustiniani, Girolamo Ascanio (Venice, 18th c.) Dispaccio: It. [ed. Philip P. Argenti, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1954] 1770, GiustinianiGirolamo, ArgentiArchive 380–384. GontautBiron = Jean de Gontaut-Biron, Baron de Salignac (Château de Salignac, 1553 - Konstantinopel, 1610) Advis et relation de Turquie envoye au Roy par Monsieur de Sallignac de tout ce qui c'est passé en cet Empire depuis l'advenement de l'Empereur Amat: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Pierre Ménier, 1608] 1608, GontautBironAdvis 3-15. Correspondance diplomatique et documents inédits: Fr. [ed. Théodore de Gontaut-Biron, Paris, Champion, 1889] {1605-1610}, GontautBiron, AmbassadeTurquie 1-389. Goupil = Goupil Fesquet, Frédéric Auguste Antoine (19th c.) Voyage d'Horace Vernet en Orient: Fr. [ed. Paris, Challamel Éditeur, 1843] 1843, GoupilVoyage 1–224. Grelot = Grelot, Guillaume-Joseph [William Joseph Grelot] (17th c.) Relation nouvelle d'un voyage de Constantinople: Fr. [ed. Paris, en la Boutique de Pierre Rocolet, 1680] 1680, GrelotRelation 1–306. – [id., in Arveiller] 1680, GrelotRelation, ArveillerPfister 4 [Grelot]. – Engl. [English translation by J. Philips, A late voyage to Constantinople containing an exact description of the Proportis and Hellespont, with the Dardanels, and what else is remarkable in those seas, as also of the city of Constantinople [...], ed. London, printed by John Playford, 1683] 1683, GrelotVoyage 4–243. Guer = Guer, Jean-Antoine (1713 – 1764)50 Moeurs et usages des Turcs, leur religion, leur gouvernement civil, militaire, et politique, avec un abregé de l'histoire ottomane: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Merigot & Piget, 1747, vol. 1] 1747, GuerTurcs 1,1–453. – [id., vol. 2] 1747, GuerTurcs 2,1–537. GuillebertLannoy → Lannoye. Güldenstädt = Güldenstädt, Johann Anton (Riga, 1745 – St. Petersburg, 1781)51 50 51 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Antoine_Guer http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Anton_G%C3%BCldenst%C3%A4dt 16 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Reisen durch Rußland und im Caucasischen Gebürge: Germ. [ed. St. Petersburg, bey der Kayserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1787/1791, vol. 1] 1787, GüldenstädtReisen 1,1–511. – [id., vol. 2] 1791, GüldenstädtReisen 2,1–552. Haedo = Haedo, Diego de (died 1608) Topographia e historia general de Argel, repartida en cinco tratados, do se veran casos estraños, muertes espantosas y tormentos exquisitos, que conviene se entiendan en la Christiandad con mucha doctrina, y elegancia curiosa [...], Valladolid, por Diego Fernandez de Cordoua y Oviedo [Licencia von 1604, Carta dedicatoria des Autors von 1605, Aprovación von 1608]: Sp. [ed. Valladolid, por Diego Fernandez de Cordova y Oviedo, 1612] 1604, HaedoArgel 1r–210v. – [ed. Madrid, Sociedad de bibliófilos españoles, 1927–1929, vol. 1] 1604, HaedoBauer 1,3–426 [ = HaedoArgel 1r–95v]. Hammer = Hammer [Hammer-Purgstall], Joseph von (Graz, 1774 – Vienna, 1856)52 Constantinopolis und der Bosporos, örtlich und geschichtlich beschrieben: Germ. [ed. Pesth, Hartlebens's Verlag, 1822, vol. 1] 1822, HammerConstantinopolis 1,1–626. – [id., vol. 2] 1822, HammerConstantinopolis 2,3–534. Des Osmanischen Reichs Staatsverfassung und Staatsverwaltung: Germ. [ed. Wien, in der Camesinaschen Buchhandlung, 1815, vol. 1] 1815, HammerStaatsverfassung 1,1–499. – [id., vol. 2] 1815, HammerStaatsverfassung 2,3–470. Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, großentheils aus bisher unbenützten Handschriften und Archiven: Germ. [ed. Pest, C. A. Hartleben's Verlag, 11827-1835, vol. 1] 1827, HammerGeschichte 1,I–XLII and 1–686. – [id., vol. 2] 1828, HammerGeschichte1 2,1–680. – [id., vol. 3] 1828, HammerGeschichte1 3,1–804. – [id., vol. 4] 1829, HammerGeschichte1 4,1–708. – [id., vol. 5] 1829, HammerGeschichte1 5,1–764. – [id., vol. 6] 1830, HammerGeschichte1 6,1–762. – [id., vol. 7] 1831, HammerGeschichte1 7,1–630. – [id., vol. 8] 1832, HammerGeschichte1 8,1–600. – [id., vol. 9] 1833, HammerGeschichte1 9,I-XLVIII, 1–690. Harff = Arnold von Harff (Schloss Harff, Bedburg, 1471 – ibid., 1505)53 Die Pilgerfahrt des Ritters Arnold von Harff von Cöln durch Italien, Syrien, Ägypten, Arabien, Äthiopien, Nubien, Palästina, die Türkei, Frankreich und Spanien, wie er sie in den Jahren 1496 bis 1499 vollendet, beschrieben und durch Zeichnungen erläutert hat: Germ. [ed. Eberhard von Groote, Cöln, Verlag von J. M. Heberle (H. Lempertz), 1860] c1499, HarffGroote 1–260. – [id., in Stumme] c1499, Harff, Stumme,FSWindisch 127–137. Harmer = Harmer, Thomas (1715 – 1788)54 Beobachtungen über den Orient aus Reisebeschreibungen zur Aufklärung der heiligen Schrift. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Johann Ernst Faber: Germ. [ed. Hamburg, bey Johann Carl Bohn, 1772, vol. 1] 1772, HarmerFaber 1,1–462. Herbert = Herbert, Thomas (Yorkshire, 1606 – 1682) A relation of some yeares trauaile begunne anno 1626. Into Afrique and the greater Asia, especially the territories of the Persian monarchie: and some parts of the orientall Indies, and iles adiacent. Of their religion, language, habit, discent, ceremonies, and other matters concerning them. Together with the proceedings and death of the three late ambassadours: Sir D.C. Sir R.S. and the Persian Nogdi-Beg, as also the two great monarchs, the King of Persia, and the Great Mogol: Engl. [ed. London, printed by William Stansby, and Iacob Bloome, 1634] 1634, HerbertTravaile 1–225. – [id., 2nd edition, Some yeares travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique, describing especially the two famous Empires, the Persian, and great Mogull [...] as also [...] Kingdomes in the Orientall India, and other parts of Asia, together with the adjacent Iles [11634, A relation of some yeares trauaile, ed. London, printed by R[ichard] Bi[sho]p for Iacob Blome and Richard Bishop, 1638] 1638, HerbertTravels 1–364. – Fr. [French translation by M. de Wicquefort, Relation du voyage de Perse et des Indes Orientales, traduite de l'anglais de Thomas Herbert, avec les Révolutions arrivées au royaume de Siam l'an mil six cens quarante-sept, traduites 52 53 54 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_von_Hammer-Purgstall http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_von_Harff http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Harmer 17 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary du Flamand de Jérémie Vliet, ed. Paris, chez Jean Du Puis, 1663] 1663, HerbertRelation 1–567. – [id., in Arveiller] 1663, HerbertRelation, Arveiller 10 [Wicq Herb]. Hiltebrandt = Hiltebrandt, Conrad Jacob (17th c.)55 Dreifache schwedische Gesandtschaftsreise nach Siebenbürgen, der Ukraine und Constantinopel (1656–1658). Nach der Stettiner Handschrift: Germ. [ed. Franz Babinger, Leiden, Brill, 1937] 1666ca., HiltebrandtBabinger 1–171. Ingigi = Ingigi, Luca (18th/19th c.) Villegiature de' Bizantini sul Bosforo Tracio: It. [ed. Venezia, Tipografia di S. Lazzaro, 1831] 1831, IngigiAznavor 1–323. InventarioParma = Testamento del marchese Guido Rangoni. Inventario del palazzo in Parma: It. [ed. ] 1696, InventarioRangoni, RangoniPadovani56. Isambert, Émile → Joanne, Adolphe. Joanne = Joanne, Adolphe (Dijon, 1813 – Paris, 1881)57 Itinéraire descriptif, historique et archéologique de l'Orient [togehter with Émile Isambert]: Fr. [ed. Paris, Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie, 1861] 1861, Joanne/IsambertItinéraire I–XLIV and 1– 1094. JouvinA = Albert Jouvin de Rochefort (c1640 – c1710)58 Voyageur d'Europe (Le), òu est le voyage de Turquie qui comprend la Terre sainte et l'Egypte: Fr. [ed. Paris, Claude Barbin, 1676] 1676, JouvinTurquie 3–317. JouvinL = Jouvin, Louis (18th c.) Letter: Fr. [ed. Philip P. Argenti, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1954] 1774, Jouvin, ArgentiArchive 421–422. Mémoire de l'isle de Chio: Fr. [ed. Philip P. Argenti, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1954] 1774, Jouvin, ArgentiArchive 30–33. Mémoire sur les affaires de l'année 1776 [...] Annexe: Fr. [ed. Philip P. Argenti, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1954] 1777, Jouvin, ArgentiArchive 33–34. Kiechel = Kiechel, Samuel (1563 – 1619)59 Reisen (Die): Germ. [ed. Konrad Dieterich Haszler, Stuttgart, Litterarischer Verein, 1866] 1589, KiechelHaszler 1–466. Kleemann = Kleemann, Nikolaus Ernst (18th c.) Nikolaus Ernst Kleemanns Reisen von Wien über Belgrad bis Kilianova, durch die ButschiackTartarey über Kavschan, Bender, durch die Rogew-Tartarey in die Crimm, dann von Kassa nach Konstantinopel, nach Smirna und durch den Archipelagum nach Triest und Wien, in den Jahren 1768, 1769 und 1770: Germ. [ed. Wien, in der von Ghelenschen Buchhandlung, 1771] 1771, KleemannReisen 1–175. – Fr. [French translation, ed. Neuchâtel, Société Typographique, 1780, Voyage de Vienne à Belgrade et à Kilianova, dans le pays des Tartares Budziacs & Nogais dans la Crimée, & de Kaffa à Constantinople, au travers de la Mer Noire, avec le retour à Vienne, par Trièste, fait dans les années 1768, 1769 & 1770 [...]. Traduit de l'allemand] 1780, KleemannVoyage 3–246. KohlViaggi = Kohl, Johann Georg [Giovanni Giorgio Kohl] (Bremen, 1808 – ibid. 1878)60 Reisen im Inneren von Rußland und Polen: Germ. [ed. Dresden/Leipzig, in der Arnoldischen Buchhandlung, 1841, vol. 1] 1841, KohlSüdrußland 1,1–270. – It. [Italian translation by Enrico Valtancoli Montazio, Viaggi nella Russia meridionale, Firenze, Società Editrice Fiorentina, 1842] 1842, KohlViaggi 7–539. LaBoullaye = La Boullaye-Le-Goulz [La Boulaye-Le-Goulz], François (17th c.)61 55 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Coelestin_von_Sternbach 56 http://books.google.de/books?id=LikDt_OgqsC&pg=PA137&lpg=PA137&dq=%22del+marchese+guido+rangoni%22&source=bl&ots=C08E6dwRdr&sig=Z8kYSyp_is9W24s9ZaYX2sVh2E&hl=de&sa=X&ei=GHiTUPqYMvDE4gTZiYCoDQ&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22del%20marchese%20gui do%20rangoni%22&f=false 57 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolphe_Joanne 58 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Jouvin_de_Rochefort 59 http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/ADB:Kiechel,_Samuel 60 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Georg_Kohl 61 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_de_La_Boullaye_Le_Gouz 18 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Voyages et observations (Les): Fr. [ed. Paris, 1653] 1653, LaBoullayeVoyages1 1-540. – [id., in Arveiller] 1653, LaBoullayeVoyages1, ArveillerPfister 5 [LaBoul]. – [ed. Paris, chez François Clousier, 1657] 1657, LaBoullayeVoyages2 1–558. LaGuilletière = La Guilletière [Guillet], André Georges sieur de (17th c.) Athènes ancienne et nouvelle et l'estat présent de l'Empire des Turcs, contenant la vie du sultan Mahomet IV [...]: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Estienne Michallet, 1675] 1675, LaGuilletièreAthènes2 1– 456. – [id., in Arveiller] 1675, LaGuilletièreAthènes2, ArveillerPfister 4 [Guil Ath]. Lacedemone ancienne et nouvelle, où l'on voit les mœurs, & les coûtumes des grecs modernes, des mahometans, & des iuifs du pays: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Jean Ribou, 1676] 1676, LaGuilletièreLacédémone 1–666. – [id., in Arveiller] 1676, LaGuilletièreLacédémone, ArveillerPfister 4 [Guil Lac]. LaMagdeleine = Monsieur le Conte de La Magdeleine (17th c.) Miroir de l'empire ottoman (Le) ou L'estat present de la cour & de la milice du grand Seigneur, avec une description toute particuliere de la maniere de vivre des Turcs et un recit de tout ce qui s'est passé de considerable pendant la guerre des Turcs en Pologne & en Ukraine, jusqu'en 1677: Fr. [ed. Basle, Genath, 1677] 1677, LaMagdeleineMiroir1 1–256. – [id., in Arveiller] 1677, LaMagdeleineMiroir1, ArveillerPfister 5 [LaMag]. – [id., ed. Lyon, 1680, vol. 1, Imprimatur 1679] 1679, LaMagdeleineMiroir2 1,1–204. Lannoy = Guillebert de Lannoy [Gilbert de Lannoy] (1386 – 1462)62 Voyages et ambassades de messire Guillebert de Lannoy [...] (1399-1450): Fr. [ed. ConstantPhilippe Serrure, Mons, Typographie Em. Hoyois, 1840] c1462, LannoySerrure 3-12963. Laugier = Laugier de Tassy, Jacques Philippe (17th/18th c.)64 Histoire du Royaume d'Alger, avec l'Etat present de son Gouvernement, de ses Forces de Terre & de Mer, de ses Revenus, Police, Justice Politique & Commerce: Fr. [ed. Amsterdam, chez Henri du Sauzet, 1725] 1725, LaugierAlger 1-348. – Sp. [Spanish translation by Antonio de Clariana y Gualbes, Historia del reyno de Argel, Barcelona, en la Imprenta de Juan Pifferer, 1733] 1733, LaugierArgel1 1–340. – [id., ed. Madrid, en la Oficina de Pantaleón Aznar, s. a. (1750)] 1750, LaugierArgel2 1-347. – Engl. [English translation, A compleat history of the piratical states of Barbary viz. Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco [...], ed. London, printed for R. Griffiths, 1750] 1750, LaugierHistory 1-368. – It. [Italian translation, Istoria degli stati di Algeri, Tunisi, Tripoli e Marocco, trasportata fedelmente dalla lingua inglese nell'italiana < Engl., ed. Londra, s. e., 1754] 1754, LaugierIstoria 1-376. LeBruyn = Le Bruyn, Corneille [Cornelis De Bruin / Cornelis De Bruijn / De Bruyn / Corneille Le Brun] (La Haye, 1652 – ibid., 1727)65 Voyage au Levant, c'est-à-dire, dans les principaux endroits de l'Asie mineure, dans les isles de Chio, Rhodes, Chypre, &c., de même que dans les plus considérables villes d'Egypte, Syrie, & Terre Sainte: Fr. [ed. Delft, 1700] 1700, LeBruynVoyage1 1–408. – [ed. Paris, 1725, vol. 1] 1725, LeBruynVoyage2 1,1–648. – [id., vol. 2] 1725, LeBruynVoyage2 2,1–565. – [id., vol. 3] 1725, LeBruynVoyage2 3,1–520. – [id., vol. 4] 1725, LeBruynVoyage2 4,1–522. – [id., vol. 5] 1725, LeBruynVoyage2 5,1–304. Legrenzi = Legrenzi, Angelo (Monselice, 1643 – Lublino, 1708)66 Pellegrino nell'Asia (Il), cioè viaggi del dottor Angelo Legrenzi [...], con li ragguagli dello stato della santa città di Gierusalemme, Bethelemme, Nazareth, & altri luoghi santi, e città maritime: It. [ed. Venetia, per Domenico Valvasense, 1705, vol. 1] 1705, LegrenziPellegrino 1,1–238. – [id., vol. 2] 1705, LegrenziPellegrino 2,5–414. Leun = Leun, Johann Georg Friedrich (18th c.) 62 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillebert_de_Lannoy The dates given by Arveiller (e.g. ArveillerPfister 56) do not seem appropriate, as he refers to the chronological succession of the historical facts described in the text. The oldest manuscript dates from 1465 (cf. LannoyPotvin 5). 63 64 http://books.google.it/books?id=PEYBq52mX1EC&pg=PA381&dq=Laugier+de+Tassy,+Jacques+Philippe&hl=de&ei=omwVTpyrBcXIswaHsZiZDw &sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CE0Q6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=Laugier%20de%20Tassy%2C%20Jacques%20Philippe&f=false 65 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornelis_de_Bruijn 66 http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/angelo-legrenzi_(Dizionario-Biografico)/ 19 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Biblische Encyklopädie oder exegetisches Realwörterbuch über die sämmtlichen Hülfswissenschaften des Auslegers, nach den Bedürfnissen jetziger Zeit: Germ. [ed. Gotha, bey Carl Wilhelm Ettinger, 1793-1798] 1794, LeunEncyklopädie 2,1–594. Leunclavius = Leunclavius, Johannes [Johannes Löwenklau / Johann Lewenklaw / Lewenklau] (Coesfeld, 1541 – Vienna, 1594)67 Annales Sultanorum Othmanidarum. A Turcis sua lingua sripti. Hieronymi Beck a Leopoldsdorf, Marci fil. studio & diligentia Constantinopoli advecti MDLI, Divo Ferdinando Cæs. Opt. Max. D. D. iussuque Cæs. a Joanne Gaudier dicto Spiegel, interprete Turcico Germanice translati. Ioannes Leunclavius Nobilis Angrivarius, Latine redditos illustravit & auxit, usque ad annum 1588 interprete Turcico Germanice translati: Lat. [ed. Francofurdi, apud Andreae Wecheli haeredes, Claudium Marnium & Ioannem Aubrium, 1588] 1588, LeunclaviusAnnales1 1-519. – [ed. Francofurdi, apud Andreae Wecheli haeredes, Claudium Marnium & Ioannem Aubrium, 1596] 1596, LeunclaviusAnnales2 3-260. – Germ. [German translation, Neuwe Chronica Türckischer Nation, von Türcken selbst beschrieben, volgendts gemehrt, unnd in vier Bücher abgetheilt, ed. Frankfurt am Mayn, bey Andres Wechels seligen Erben, nemlich, Claudi de Marne und Johan Aubri, 1590] 1590, LeunclaviusChronica 1-535. Historiae Musulmanae Turcorum, de monumentis ipsorum exscriptae, libri XVIII: Lat. [ed. Francofurti, apud heredes Andreae Wecheli, Claudium Marnium & Ioannem Aubrium, 1591] 1591, LeunclaviusLibri 3-800. – [id., Onomastica] 1591, LeunclaviusLibri 845–898. – Germ. [German translation, ed. Franckfurt am Meyn, bey Andres Wechels seligen Erben, Claudi de Marne und Johann Aubri, 1595, Neuwer Musulmanischer Histori, Türckischer Nation, von jhrem Herkommen, Auffnemen, Geschichten, auch jhrer Sultan oder Keyser Leben und Verrichtung, wie sie auff einander gefolgt, biß auff Suleiman den andern dieses Namens. Achtzehen Bücher dermassen auß ihren selbs eigenen Historien und geschriebnen Büchern, trewlich und fleissig zusammen gezogen, beschrieben und auß dem Latein verteutscht, daß dergleichen von ihren Sachen und Geschichten nichts so gründlich und eigentlich an tag kommen, sampt zu ende angehengtem vollkommenem Register] 1595, LeunclaviusBücher2 1-476. Loti = Loti, Pierre (Rochefort, 1850 – Hendaye, 1923)68 Aziadé: Fr. [in NasserEmprunts] 1879, Loti, NasserEmprunts 573. Löw = Löw, Conrad (16th/17th c.)69 Mahometische History. Was der Gottlose und falsche Prophet Mahomet für ein falsche verführische Ketzerey und Lehr erdacht: Germ. [ed. Cölln, Lützenkirchen, 1596] 1596, LöwHistory BIrUIIIv. Lubenau = Lubenau, Reinhold (Königsberg, 1556 – ibid., 1631) Beschreibung der Reisen [...] [Voyages from 1573 to 1589, published 1628]: Germ. [ed. Wilhelm Sahm, Königsberg, Kommissions-Verlag von Ferd. Beyers Buchhandlung (Thomas & Oppermann), 1914/1915, vol. 1] c1589, LubenauSahm 1,1–321. – [id., vol. 2] c1589, LubenauSahm 2,1–348. Lucas = Lucas, Paul (Rouen, 1664 – Madrid, 1737)70 Voyage du sieur Paul Lucas au Levant: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Guillaume Vandive, 1704, vol. 1] 1704, LucasLevant 1,1–372. – [id., vol. 2] 1704, LucasLevant 2,1–416. – Germ. [German translation of the first volume of LucasLevant 1704, Reise nach der Levante, darinn unter andern Merckwürdigkeiten auch der allerneueste Zustand von Ober-Egypten [...] getreulich angezeiget. Aus dem Frantzösischen des Sieur Paul Lucas ins Hochteutsche übergesetzet, ed. Hamburg, Thomas von Wierings Erben, 1707] 1707, LucasLevante1 1–165. – [German translation of the second volume of LucasLevant 1704, Reise nach der Levante, vorstellend den allerneuesten Zustand von Armenien, Persien, Türckey und Griechen-Land. In den Jahren 1701 biß 1704 mit curieusen so wohl natürlich- als politischen Anmerckungen abgelegt und beschrieben von Sieur Paul Lucas, ed. Hamburg, Thomas von Wierings Erben, 1708] 1708, LucasLevante2 1–209. 67 68 69 70 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_L%C3%B6wenklau http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Loti http://thesaurus.cerl.org/record/cnp00978385 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Lucas 20 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Voyage de Sieur Paul Lucas, fait par ordre du Roi dans la Grèce, l'Asie Mineure, la Macédoine et l'Afrique: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Nicolas Simart, 1712, vol. 1] 1712, LucasAsieAfrique 1,1–377. – [id., vol. 2] 1712, LucasAsieAfrique 2,1–414. – [id., in Arveiller] 1712, LucasAsieAfrique, ArveillerPfister 8 [PLucas]. – Germ. [German translation, ed. Hamburg, Thomas von Wierings Erben, 1715, Allerneueste Reise in Klein-Asia und Afrika. Aus dem Frantzösischen ins Deutsche übersetzet] 1715, LucasAsiaAfrika 1–344. Voyage du Sieur Paul Lucas, fait en 1714 […] dans la Turquie, l'Asie, la Syrie, la Palestine, la Haute et la Bass-Égpte, etc.: Fr. [ed. Rouen, chez Robert Machuel le jeune, 1719, vol. 1] 1719, LucasTurquie 1,1–384. – [id., vol. 2] 1719, LucasTurquie 2,1–384. – [id., vol. 3] 1719, LucasTurquie 3,1–345. – Germ. [German translation, ed. Hamburg, Thomas von Wierings Erben, 1721, Reise in die Türckey, Syrien, das Gelobte Land, wie auch Ober- und Nieder-Egypten, Bd. 1] 1721, LucasTürckey 1,1–320. – [id., vol. 2] 1722, LucasTürckey 2,1–246. Lüdeke = Lüdeke, Christoph Wilhelm (Schöneberg, 1737 – Stockholm, 1805)71 Beschreibung des türkischen Reiches nach seiner Religions- und Staatsverfassung nebst der Beschreibung eines zu Smyrnen errichteten Evangelischen Kirchenwesens: Germ. [ed. Leipzig, Johann Friedrich Junius, 1770–1789, vol. 1] 1770, LüdekeBeschreibung 1,1–360. – [id., vol. 2] 1778, LüdekeBeschreibung 2,1–272. – [id., vol. 3] 1789, LüdekeBeschreibung 3,1–277. – [id., revised edition of the first volume, ed. Leipzig, Johann Friedrich Junius, 21780 (but already written in 1771)] 1771, LüdekeBeschreibung 1,1–434. Magnetti = Magnetti, Carlo (18/19th c.) Costume dell'Impero ottomano (Il): It. [ed. Milano, dalla Tipografia dell'Editore, 1823] 1823, MagnettiCostume 7–432. Magni = Magni, Cornelio (Parma, 1638 – 1692)72 Quanto di più curioso, e vago ha potuto raccorre Cornelio Magni nel secondo biennio da esso consumato in viaggi, e dimore per la Turchia: It. [ed. Parma, Alberto Pazzoni e Paolo Monti, 1692 (but 1691), Letters I and II, first part] 1673, MagniTurchia 2,1–152. – [id., Letters II, second part, III, IV, V, VI] 1674, MagniTurchia 2,152–189, 190–319, 320–415, 416–455, 456–553. – [id., Letter VII, first part] 1690, MagniTurchia 2,554–586. – [id., Letter VII, second part] 1690, MagniTurchia 2,587–609. – [ed. Parma, Galeazzo Rosati, 1688, Relazione della città d'Athene, colle provincie dell'Attica, Focia, Beozia, e Negroponte = Letter VI] 1674, MagniRelazione 1–135. – [ed. Marziano Guglielminetti, Torino, UTET, 1967] 1688, Magni, ViaggiatoriGuglielminetti 649– 657. Manesson = Manesson Mallet, Allain (1630 – 1706)73 Travaux de Mars ou l'Art de la guerre (Les), divisez en trois parties, contenant les noms, charges & devoirs des officiers d'infanterie, de cavalerie & d'artillerie: Fr. [ed. Amsterdam, chez Jan & Gillis Janson, 1685, vol. 3] 1685, ManessonTravaux1 3,1–387. – [id., ed. La Haye, chez Henri van Bulderen, 1696, vol. 3] 1696, ManessonTravaux2 3,1–387. Manzoni = Manzoni, Renzo (19th c.) El Yemen. Tre anni nell'Arabia felice. Escursioni fatte dal settembre 1877 al marzo 1880: [ed. Roma, Typografia Eredi Botta, 1884] 1884, ManzoniYemen 1–446. Marcellus = Marcellus, Marie-Louis-Auguste Demartin du Tyrac, comte de (1776 - 1841) Rimembranze intorno all'Oriente del visconte di Marcellus: It. [ed. Francesco Constantino Marmocchi, Prato, Fratelli Giachetti, 1841-1844, vol. 3] 1841, Marcellus, MarmocchiRaccolta 3,9524. – [id., vol. 4] 1841, Marcellus, MarmocchiRaccolta 4,11-464. Margaroli = Margaroli, Giovanni Battista (18/19th c.) Turchia (La) ovvero L'impero ottomano osservato nella sua situazione geografica-statisticapolitica e religiosa non che nella sua storia coll'aggiunta di un indice di molte denominazioni turche di cariche ec., et di un dizionario geografico: It. [Milano, presso l'Editore Gaetano Schiepatti, 1829, vol. 1] 1829, MargaroliTurchia 1,3–283. 71 72 73 http://www.deutsche-biographie.de/sfz54897.html http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/cornelio-magni/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alain_Manesson_Mallet 21 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary MaritiViaggio 2,3-240. Mariti = Mariti, Giovanni (Florenz, 1736 – ibid., 1806)74 Istoria della guerra della Soria: It. [ed. Firenze, nella Stamperia Allegrini, Pisoni, e Comp., 1772/1774, vol. 1] 1772, MaritiSoria 1,1-274. – [id., vol. 2] 1774, MaritiSoria 2,I-XXI e 1-161. Istoria di Faccardino, grand-emir dei Drusi: It. [ed. Livorno, nella Stamperia di Tommaso Masi, 1787] 1787, MaritiFaccardino 2-287. Viaggio da Gerusalemme per le coste della Soria: It. [ed. Livorno, nella Stamperia di Tommaso Masi, e Compagni, 1787, vol. 1] 1787, MaritiViaggio 1,1-252. – [id., vol. 2] 1787, MaritiViaggio 2,3-240. Viaggi per l'isola di Cipro e per la Soria e Palestina: It. [ed. Lucca, per Jacopo Giusti, 1769-1770, vol. 1] 1769, MaritiViaggi 1,1-365. – [id., vol. 2] 1769, MaritiViaggi 2,1-324. – [id., vol. 3] 1770, MaritiViaggi 3,1-317. – [id., vol. 4] 1770, MaritiViaggi 4,1-331. – Germ. [German translation by Christian Heinrich Hase, Reisen durch die Insel Cypern, durch Syrien und durch Palästina, in den Jahren 1760 bis 1768, ed. Altenburg, in der Richterischen Buchhandlung, 1777] 1777, MaritiReisen 2-572. Marsili = Marsili [Marsigli], Luigi Ferdinando (Bologna, 1658 – ibid., 1730) Stato militare dell'imperio ottomano / L'état militaire de l'empire ottoman, ses progrès et sa décadence: It. [ed. L'Aia, Pietro Gosse et al. / Amsterdam, Herman Uytwerf & Frans Changuion, 1732, vol. 1] 1732, MarsiliStatoMilitare 1,3–151. – [id., vol. 2] 1732, MarsiliStatoMilitare 2,3– 199. – Fr. [ed. L'Aia, Pietro Gosse et al. / Amsterdam, Herman Uytwerf & Frans Changuion, 1732, vol. 1] 1732, MarsiliStatoMilitare 1,3–151. – [id., vol. 2] 1732, MarsiliStatoMilitare 2,3–199. Marsy = Marsy, François Marie de (Paris, 1714 – ibid., 1763)75 Histoire moderne des Chinois, des Japonnois, des Indiens, des Persans, des Turcs, des Russiens, &c. Pour servir de suite à l'Histoire ancienne de M. Rollin: Fr. [Paris, chez Desaint, 1766 (11760), vol. 8] 1760, MarsyHistoire 8,1–478. – Germ. [German translation, Neuere Geschichte der Chineser, Japaner, Indianer, Persianer, Türken, und Russen &c. Als eine Fortsetzung von Rollins ältern Geschichte. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt, und mit einigen Anmerkungen versehn, ed. Berlin, bey Christian Friedrich Voß, 1763, vol. 8] 1763, MarsyGeschichte 8,1–445. Maundrell = Maundrell, Henry [Henri] (1665 - 1701)76 A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter A. D. 1697: Engl. [ed. Oxford, at the Theater, 1703] 1703, MaundrellJourney 1-142. – Fr. [French translation, Voyage d'Alep à Jérusalem, à Pâques en l'année 1697, ed. Utrecht, 1705] 1705, MaundrellVoyage 1-251. – Germ. [German translation, Gantz Neue Reise-Beschreibung nach dem gelobten Lande, ed. Hamburg, bey Gottfried Liebernickel, 1706] 1706, MaundrellReise 1-206. – [id., ed. Jena, bey Christian Heinrich Cuno's Erben, 1792-1803, vol. 1] 1792, Maundrell, PaulusSammlung 1,1-196. MemmoAndrea = Memmo, Andrea (Venedig, 1729 – ibid., 1793) Relazione: It. [ed. Maria Pia Pedani-Fabris, Padova, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1996, vol. 14] 1782, MemmoAndrea, RelazioniAmbPedani 14,975–1026. – [id., ed. Eugenio Lo Sardo, Roma, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1999] 1782, MemmoAndrea, FontiLoSardo 195–223. Menavino = Menavino, Giovan Antonio (born c1492)77 Trattato de costumi et vita de Turchi: It. [ed. Firenze, s.e., 1548] 1548, MenavinoTrattato1 7–245. – Germ. [German translation by Heinrich Müller, Von dem Mahometischen Glauben, Gesetz, und Religion, Leben, Handtierungen, Wandel und Wesen. Von deß Türckischen Keisers Hofgesind, Hofleger, Kriegsgewalt, Amptsverwaltern. Endtlich von Verfolgung und etlichen Schlachten zwischen dem Keyser Baiazeth und seinen Sönen, ed. Franckfurt am Mayn, G. Rab & Weygand Han Erben, 1572] 1572, Menavino, TürckischeHistorien 2,8r–88r. – [id., Von dem Machometischen Glauben, Gesatz und Religion, Leben, Handthierungen, Wandel vnd Wesen. Von deß Türckischen Keysers Hofgesind, Hofläger, Kriegsgewalt, Amptsverwaltern. Endtlich von verfolgung und etli74 75 76 77 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Mariti http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois-Marie_de_Marsy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Maundrell http://thesaurus.cerl.org/record/cnp01237248 22 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary chen Schlachten, zwischen dem Keyser Baiazeth vnd seinen Sönen, ed. Franckfurt am Mayn, Sigmundt Feyrabend, 1577] 1577, Menavino, TürckischeChronica 2,2r–61r. Metrà = Metrà, Andrea (18th c.) Mentore perfetto de' negozianti (Il) ovvero Guida sicura de' medesimi, ed istruzione, per rendere ad essi piu agevoli, e meno incerte le loro speculazioni, trattato utilissimo: It. [ed. Trieste, nella Stamperia di Giovanni Tommaso Hoechenberger, 1793–1797, vol. 1] 1793, MetràMentore 1,1– 478. – [id., vol. 2] 1793, MetràMentore 2,1–404. – [id., vol. 3] 1793, MetràMentore 3,1–474. – [id., vol. 4] 1793, MetràMentore 4,1–486. – [id., vol. 5] 1793, MetràMentore 5,1–586. Minadoi = Minadoi da Rovigo, Giovanni Thomaso (Rovigo, 16th/17th c.) Historia della guerra fra Turchi, et Persiani: It. [ed. Roma, nella Stamperia di Iacomo Tornerio & Bernardino Donangeli, 1587] 1587, MinadoiGuerra1 1–360. – [id., ed. Venetia, appresso Andrea Muschio, & Barezzo Barezzi, 1588] 1588, MinadoiIstoria 1–383. – Germ. [German translation, Persische Historia, das ist Warhaffte und auszführliche Beschreibung von dem langwirigen und erschröcklichen Krieg der Türcken wider die Persier, welcher sich im Jar nach Christi geburt 1577. angesponnen und bißanhero mit vielem Blutvergiessen verhalten hat. Erstlich durch [...] Iohannem Thomam Minadoum [Giovanni Tommaso Minadoi da Rovigo] in Italianischer Sprach beschrieben, jetzo aber [...] in die Hochteutsche trewlich ubergesetzet, ed. Franckfurt am Mayn, gedruckt durch Johann Feyrabendt in Verlegung Peter Fischers, 1592] 1592, MinadoiHistoria 1– 294. Misson = Misson, François Maximilien (1650 – 1722)78 Nouveau voyage d'Italie fait en l'année 1688, avec un memoire contenant des avis utiles à ceux qui voudront faire le mesme voyage: Fr. [ed. La Haye, chez Henry van Bulderen, 1691, vol. 1] 1691, MissonVoyage 1,1–334. Moltke = Moltke, Helmuth (Parchim, 1800 – Berlin, 1891)79 Briefe über Zustände und Begebenheiten in der Türkei aus den Jahren 1835 bis 1839: Germ. [ed. Berlin / Posen / Bromberg, Druck und Verlag von Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1841] 1841, MoltkeTürkei 1–432. MonconysJournal = Balthasar de Monconys (1611 - 1665)80 Journal des voyages: Fr. [ed. Lyon, chez Horace Boissat & George Remeus, 1665/1666, vol. 1] 1665, MonconysJournal 1,1-491. – [id., in Arveiller] 1665, MonconysJournal, Arveiller 7 [Monco 1]. – [id., vol. 2] 1666, MonconysJournal 2,1-503. – [id., in Arveiller] 1666, MonconysJournal, Arveiller 7 [Monco 2]. Morea = Morea, Vitangelo (17th/18th c.) Opuscoli esteri sul cholera morbo: It. [ed. Napoli, dalla Stamperia e Cartiera del Fibreno, 1832] 1832, MoreaOpuscoli 1–192. Mottraye = Aubry de la Mottraye (c1674 – 1743)81 Voyages du Sr. A. de la Motraye [Mottraye] en Europe, Asie et Afrique: Fr. [ed. La Haye, chez T. Johnson & J. van Duren, 1727, vol. 1] 1727, MottrayeVoyages 1,1–472. – [id., vol. 2] 1727, MottrayeVoyages 2,1–496. – [id., in Arveiller] 1727, MottrayeVoyages, ArveillerPfister 5 [LaMotraye]. – Engl. [English translation82, A. De La Motraye's Travels Through Europe, Asia and into Part of Africa [...], containing a great variety of geographical, topographical, and political observations on those parts of the world, especially on Italy, Turky, Greece, Crim and Noghaian Tartaries, Circassia, Sweden and Lapland. A curios Collection of Things particularly Rare, both in Nature and Antiquity [...], ed. London, printed for the Author, 1723, vol. 1] 1723, MottrayeTravels 1,1–440. – [id., vol. 2] 1723, MottrayeTravels 2,1–432. – Germ. [German translation, Reisen des Herrn de la Mottraye in die Morgenländer. Aus der französischen Urschrift in einen Auszug gebracht, ed. Berlin/Stettin, bey Friedrich Nicolai, 1783] 1783, MottrayeReisen 1–315. 78 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximilien_Misson http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmuth_Karl_Bernhard_von_Moltke http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balthasar_de_Monconys 81 http://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-nr97-11697 82 «Die beiden ersten Bände waren bereits vier Jahre zuvor in einer auf dem französ. Originalmanuskript basierenden englischen Übersetzung erschienen» <http://www.kettererkunst.de/kunst/kd/details.php?obnr=410702833&anummer=328> 79 80 23 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Moustier = Moustier, Edouard Antide Lionel Audéric, conte de (1823 – 1888) Viaggio da Costantinopoli ad Efeso per l'interno dell'Asia Minore, Bitinia, Frigia, Lidia, Jonia, Asia Minore e Turchia: It. [ed. Edoardo Charton / Emilio Treves, Milano, presso gli Editori, 1865] 1862, Moustier, GiroMondo 3,272–318. – [ed. Milano, Treves, 1873] 1873, MoustierViaggio 1– 115. Münster = Sebastian Münster [Sebastiano Munstero] (Ingelheim am Rhein, 1488 – Basilea, 1552)83 Cosmographia: Germ. [ed. Basel, gedruckt durch Henrichum Petri, 1544] 1544, MünsterBeschreibung 1-659. – It. [Italian translation, Sei libri della cosmografia universale, ed. Basilea, Henrigo Pietro, 1558] 1558, MünsterCosmografia 1-1237. – Fr. [French translation, ed. Paris, chez Michel Sonnius, 1575, Cosmographie universelle de tout le monde (La), en laquelle, suivant les auteurs plus dignes de foy, sont au vray descriptes toutes les parties habitables, et non habitables de la terre, et de la mer, leurs affaires et choses qu'elles produisent, puis la description et peincture topographique des regions, la difference de l'air de chacun pays, d'où advient la diversité tant de la complexion des hommes que des figures des bestes brutes [...], vol. 1/1] 1575, MünsterBellerorest 1/1,5-390. – [id., vol. 1/2] 1575, MünsterBellerorest 1/2,393-1838. – [id., vol. 2] 1575, MünsterBellerorest 2,1-2235. NapoliSignorelli = Napoli Signorelli, Pietro (Naples, 1731 – 1815)84 Vicende della coltura nelle Due Sicilie: It. [ed. Napoli, presso Vincenzo Flauto, 1784–1786, vol. 1] 1784, NapoliSignorelliSicilie 1,1–293. – [id., vol. 2] 1784, NapoliSignorelliSicilie 2,1–313. – [id., vol. 3] 1784, NapoliSignorelliSicilie 3,1–382. – [id., vol. 4] 1785, NapoliSignorelliSicilie 4,1–413. – [id., vol. 5] 1786, NapoliSignorelliSicilie 5,1–573. Nau = Nau, Michel (17th c.)85 Etat present de la religion Mahometane (L'): Fr. [ed. Paris, chés la Veuve P. Boüillerot, 1684, vol. 1] 1684, NauEtat 1,7-252. – [id., vol. 2] 1684, NauEtat 2,9-240. Nelli = Nelli, Jacopo Angelo (Siena, 1673 – ibid., 1767)86 Allievi di vedove (Gli): It. [ed. Alcibiade Moretti, Bologna, Nicola Zanichelli, 1883–1899, vol. 2 = text of the edition Siena, 1751] 1751, NelliMoretti 2,263–360. Nicolay = Nicolas de Nicolay [Niccolò di Nicolai] (1517 – 1583)87 Quatre premiers livres des navigations et pérégrinations orientales (Les): Fr. [ed. Lyon, par Guillaume Rouille, 1568 – Privilège from 1567] 1567, NicolayNavigations1 1–181. – It. [Italian translation by Francesco Flori da Lilla / François Flory de Lille, Le navigationi et viaggi nella Turchia, ed. Anversa, appresso Guiglielmo Silvio stampatore Regio, 1576] 1576, NicolayNavigationi1 1–325. – [id., ed. Venezia, presso Francesco Ziletti, 1580] 1580, NicolayNavigationi2 1–189. – [ed. Valerio Zani (anagram Aurelio degli Anzi), Parma, per Ippolito e Francesco Maria Rosati, 1691–1693, vol. 3] 1692, Nicolay, BibliotecaZani 3,1–28. – Germ. [German translation by Wilhelm Silvius, Vier Bucher von de Raisz und Schiffart in die Turckey, ed. Antorff (i.e. Anvers), durch Wilhelm Silvium, 1577] 1577, NicolaiTurckey 1–312. – Engl. [English translation by Thomas Dawson, The Navigations, Peregrinations and Voyages, made into Turkie by Nicholas Nicholay [...], ed. London, by Thomas Dawson, 1585] 1585, NicolayTurkie 1r-160v. Niebuhr = Niebuhr, Carsten (Lüdingworth, 1733 – Meldorf, 1815)88 Beschreibung von Arabien aus eigenen Beobachtungen und im Lande selbst gesammelten Nachrichten: Germ. [ed. Kopenhagen, gedruckt in der Hofbuchdruckerey bey Nicolaus Möller, 1772] 1772, NiebuhrArabien 1–431. – Fr. [French translation, Description de l'Arabie, d'aprés les observations et recherches faites dans le pays même, ed. Copenhague, chez Nicolas Möller, 11773] 1773, NiebuhrArabie1 1–372. – [id., in Arveiller] 1773, NiebuhrArabie1, ArveillerPfister 7 [Nie Des]. – [id., Paris, chez Brunet, 1779, vol. 1] 1779, NiebuhrArabie3 1,1–252. – [id., vol. 2] 1779, NiebuhrArabie3 2,1–315. 83 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebastian_M%C3%BCnster 84 http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/pietro-napoli-signorelli/ http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/pietro-napoli-signorelli_res-946b901a-a2ba-11e2-9d1b-00271042e8d9_(Dizionario-Biografico)/ 85 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Nau 86 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iacopo_Angelo_Nelli 87 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_de_Nicolay 88 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carsten_Niebuhr 24 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary OdoricoPordenone = Odorico da Pordenone [Odoricus de Foro Iulii / Odorich von Portenau] (Villanova [Pordenone], c1265 – Udine, 1331)89 De rebus incognitis [Relatio]: Lat. [ed. Henry Yule / Henri Cordier, London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1913] c1340, OdoricoPordenoneYule/Cordier 2,278–336. Ohsson = Mouradgea d'Ohsson, Ignatius (Constantinople, 1740 – Bièvres, 1807)90 Tableau général de l'empire othoman, divisé en deux parties, dont l'une comprend la législation mahométane, l'autre, l'histoire de l'empire othoman: Fr. [ed. Paris, Imprimerie de Monsieur / Firmin Didot, 1788–1824, vol. 1] 1788, OhssonTableau 1,I–XL und 1–432. – [id., vol. 2] 1788, OhssonTableau 2,1–567. – [id., vol. 3] 1790, OhssonTableau 3,1–313. – [id., vol. 4/1] 1791, OhssonTableau 4/1,1–413. – [id., vol. 4/2] 1791, OhssonTableau 4/2,413–686. – [id., vol. 5] 1824, OhssonTableau 5,1–319. – [id., vol. 6] 1824, OhssonTableau 6,1–349. – [id., vol. 7] 1824, OhssonTableau 7,1–514. – Germ. [German translation by Christian Daniel Beck, Allgemeine Schilderung des Othomanischen Reichs, ed. Leipzig, in der Weidmannischen Buchhandlung, 1788/1793, vol. 1] 1788, OhssonSchilderung 1,1–580. – [id., vol. 2] 1793, OhssonSchilderung 2,1–578. Olearius = Olearius, Adam [Oehlschlegel / Ölschläger / Oleario] (Aschersleben, c1599 – Gottorp, 1671)91 Offt begehrte Beschreibung der newen orientalischen Reise, so durch Gelegenheit einer holsteinischen Legation an den König in Persien geschehen, worinnen derer Orter und Länder, durch welche die Reise gangen, als fürnemblich Rußland, Tartarien und Persien, sampt ihrer Einwohner Natur, Leben und Wesen fleissig beschrieben und mit vielen Kupfferstücken so nach dem Leben gestellet, gezieret durch M. Adamum Olearium, Ascanium Saxonem, fürstlich schleßwigholsteinischen Hoff-mathemat: Germ. [ed. Schleßwig, bey Jacob zur Glocken, 1647] 1647, OleariusBeschreibung1 1–546. – [id., ed. Schleswig, gedruckt in der FFrstlichen Druckerey durch Johan Holwein, 1663] 1663, OleariusBeschreibung2 1–768. – Fr. [fr. Übers. von L. R. D. B. ( = le Resident de Brandebourg, i.e. A. de Wicquefort), Relation du voyage de Moscovie, Tartarie et de Perse [...], traduite de l'alleman du Sieur Olearius [...], ed. Paris, chez Gervais Clouzier, 1656 (aber 1655)] 1655, OleariusRelation 1–502. – [id., in Arveiller] 1655, OleariusRelation, ArveillerPfister [Wicq Ole]. – [ed. Paris, Jean Du Puis, 1666, part 1] 1666, Olearius, RelationWicquefort 1,1–686. – [id., part 2] 1666, Olearius, RelationWicquefort 2,1–82. – It. [ed. Viterbo, s. e., 1658, Viaggi di Moscovia degli anni 1633–1636] 1658, Oleario, ViaggiMoscovia 1–179. – [partial translation, Descrizione della città d'Ispaan, ed. Valerio Zani (anagram: Aurelio degli Anzi), Parma, per Ippolito e Francesco Maria Rosati, 1691–1693, vol. 2] 1691, Oleario, BibliotecaZani 2,201–220. – Engl. [English translation by John Davies, The voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick, Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia, begun in the year MDCXXXIII and finish'd in MDCXXXIX, containing a compleat history of Muscovy, Tartary, Persia, and other adjacent countries, with several publick transactions reaching near the present times, in VII books. Whereto are added the Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo (a gentleman belonging to the embassy) from Persia into the East-Indies [...] in III. books. Written originally by Adam Olearius, secretary to the embassy. Faithfully rendered into English, by John Davies, ed. London, printed for John Starkey and Thomas Basset, 1669] 1669, Olearius, VoyagesDavies 1,1–316. Olivier = Olivier, Guillaume Antoine (Les Arcs, 1756 – Lyon, 1814)92 Voyage dans l'Empire othoman, l'Égypte et la Perse: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Henri Agasse, 1800– 1807, vol. 1] 1800, OlivierVoyage 1,1–387. – [id., vol. 2] 1803, OlivierVoyage 2,1–462. – [id., in Arveiller] {1800–1807}, OlivierVoyage, ArveillerPfister 7 [OlivVoy]. – Germ. [German translation, Reise durch das Türkische Reich, Aegypten und Persien [...], ed. Weimar, im Verlage des Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1802–1808, vol. 1] 1802, OlivierReise 1,3–584. – [id., vol. 2] 1805, OlivierReise 2,3–759. – [id., vol. 3] 1808, OlivierReise 3,I–LXXX und 3–406. – Engl. [English tran89 90 91 92 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odorico_da_Pordenone http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignatius_Mouradgea_d%E2%80%99Ohsson http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Olearius http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillaume-Antoine_Olivier 25 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary slation, Travels in the Ottoman empire, Egypt, and Persia, London, printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1801, vol. 1] 1801, OlivierTravels 1,I–XXIV and 1–251. – [id., vol. 2] 1801, OlivierTravels 2,1–252. OttavaSultano = Ottava al servizio del sultano: It. [ed. Lippi, Emilio, Treviso, Antilia, 2003] 1517, OttavaSultano, LippiContributi 139–188. Otter = Otter, Jean [Johann] (18th c.) Voyage en Turquie et en Perse, avec une relation des expéditions de Tahmas Kouli-Khan: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez les frères Guerin, 1748, vol. 1] 1748, OtterVoyage 1,1–415. – [id., vol. 2] 1748, OtterVoyage 2,1–386. – Germ. [German translation, ed. Nürnberg, im Verlag der M. J. Bauerischen Buchhandlung, 1781/1789, Reisen in die Türkey und nach Persien, nebst einer Nachricht von den Unternehmungen des Tahmas Kouli Khan, [...] aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Georg Friederich Casimir Schad, vol. 1] 1781, OtterReisen 1,19–384. – [id., vol. 2] 1789, OtterReisen 2,3– 327. Palerne = Palerne, Jean (16th./17th. c)93 Peregrinations: Fr. [ed. Lyon, par Jean Pillehotte, 1606] 1606, PalernePeregrinations 7–554. – [ed. Yvelise Bernard, Paris, Harmattan, 1991] 1606, PalerneBernard 59–316. Pananti = Pananti, Filippo (Ronta del Mugello, 1766 – ibid., 1837)94 Avventure e osservazioni sopra le coste di Barberia: It. [ed. Milano, presso Leonardo Ciardetti, 1817, vol. 1] 1817, PanantiBarberia 1,3-318. – [id., vol. 2] 1817, PanantiBarberia 2,319-547. – [id., Annotazioni, in appendix to vol. 2, with separate page numbering] 1817, PanantiBarberiaApp 1-127. – Germ. [German translation, Reise an der Küste der Barbarei, ed. Berlin, in der Vossischen Buchhandlung, 1836] 1836, Pananti, Magazin 36,3-488. PetisA = Alexandre Louis Marie Petis de la Croix (18th c.) Abbrégé chronologique de l'histoire ottomane: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Vincent, 1768, vol. 1] 1768, PetisAbbrégé 1,1–694. – [id., vol. 2] 1768, PetisAbbrégé 2,1–727. PetisF = Petis [Pétis] de la Croix, François (Paris, 1653 – ibid., 1713)95 Etat present des nations et eglises grecque, armenienne et maronite en Turquie: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Pierre Herissant, 1715] 1715, PetisNations 1-266. PeyssonnelC = Peyssonnel, Claude-Charles (Marseille, 1727 – Paris, 1790)96 Observations critiques sur les Mémoires de M. le baron de Tott, pour servir à l'histoire des Turcs et des Tartares. Cinquième partie [des Mémoires du Baron de Tott, sur les Turcs et les Tartares]: Fr. [ed. Maestricht, chez J. E. Dufour et Ph. Roux, 1785] 1785, PeyssonnelObservations 1–133. – Germ. [German translation, Baron von Tott's Nachrichten von den Türken und Tataren, mit von Peyssonel's Verbesserungen und Zusätzen, ed. Frankfurt / Leipzig, bei Christoph Weigel und A. G. Schneider, 1787/1788, vol. 1] 1787, PeyssonnelC, TottNachrichten 1,1–312. – [id., vol. 2] 1788, PeyssonnelC, TottNachrichten 2,1–317. Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Cuchet, 1787, vol. 1] 1787, PeyssonnelTraité 1,1–335. – [id., vol. 2] 1787, PeyssonnelTraité 2,1–374. Pidou = Pidou de Saint-Olon, François (16th/17th c.) Estat present de l'empire de Maroc: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Michel Brunet, 1694] 1694, PidouEstat 1– 223. PigafettaDaSchio = Da Schio, Alvise (ed.), Filippo Pigafetta: Viaggio da Creta in Egitto ed al Sinai 1576–1577, Vicenza, Fondo Alvise Da Schio per lo studio della vita e dell'opera di Filippo Pigafetta / Biblioteca civica Bertoliana, 1984. Pisone = Pisone, Lucio [pseud. Martino de Turra and Fabritio de Tersis] (Ragusa, 17th c.) Avvisi di Ragusa. Documenti sull'impero turco nel sec. XVII e sulla guerra di Candia: It. [ed. Ivan S. Dujčev, Roma, Edizioni Orientalia Christiana, 1935] {1606–1663}, Pisone, AvvisiDujčev 1– 275. Pitton = Pitton de Tournefort, Joseph (Aix-en-Provence, 1656 – Paris, 1708)97 93 94 95 96 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Palerne http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filippo_Pananti http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_P%C3%A9tis_de_la_Croix http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude-Charles_de_Peyssonnel 26 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Relation d'un voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du Roy, contenant l'histoire ancienne & aoderne de plusieurs isles de l'Archipel, de Constantinople, des Côtes de la Mer Noire, de l'Armenie, de la Georgie, des frontieres de Perse & de l'Asie Mineure. Avec les plates des villes & des lieux considerables, le genie, les moeurs, le commerce & la religion des differens peuples qui les habitent, et l'explication des médailles & des monument antiques. Enrichie de descriptions & de figures d'un grand nombre de plantes rares, de divers animaux, et de plusieurs observations touchant l'histoire naturelle: Fr. [ed. Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royal, 1718, vol. 1] 1717, PittonLevant1 1,1–544. – [id., vol. 2] 1717, PittonLevant1 2,1–526. – [id. Auswertung Arveiller] 1717, PittonLevant1, ArveillerPfister 10 [Tourn Lev]. – [ed. Lyon, chez Anisson & Posuel, 1717, vol. 1] 1717, PittonLevant2 1,1–379. – [id., vol. 2] 1717, PittonLevant2 2,1–448. – [id., vol. 3] 1717, PittonLevant2 3,1– 404. – [ed. Amsterdam, aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1718, vol. 1] 1718, PittonLevant3 1,1–188. – [id., vol. 2] 1718, PittonLevant3 2,1–208. – Engl. [English translation, A voyage into the Levant perform'd by command of the late French king. Containing the antient and modern state of the islands of the Archipelago [...], ed. London, printed for D. Browne, A. Bell, J. Darby, A. Bettesworth, J. Pemberton, C. Rivington, J. Hooke, R. Cruttenden and T. Cox, J. Battley, E. Symon, 1718, vol. 1] 1718, PittonVoyage 1,1–402. – [id., vol. 2] 1718, PittonVoyage 2,1–398. – Germ. [German translation, Beschreibung einer auf königlichen Befehl unternommenen Reise nach der Levante, ed. Nürnberg, bey Gabriel Nicolaus Raspe, 1776–1777, vol. 1] 1776, PittonBeschreibung 1,2–503. – [id., vol. 2] 1777, PittonBeschreibung 2,1–516. – [id., vol. 3] 1777, PittonBeschreibung 3,1–582. Postel = Postel, Guillaume (Dolerie, 1510 - Paris, 1581)98 Des histoires orientales et principalement des Turkes ou Tourchikes et Schitiques ou Tartaresques et aultres qui en sont descentues: Fr. [ed. Paris, de l'Imprimerie de Hierosme de Marnef & Guillaume Cavellat, 1575] 1575, PostelHistoires 1-374. Potocki = Potocki, Jean [Jan Nepomucen Potocki] (Pików, 1761 – Uładówka, 1815)99 Voyage en Turquie et en Égypte: Fr. [ed. Rosset, François / Triaire, Dominique, Louvain, Peeters, 2004, vol. 1] 1784, PotockiRosset/Triaire 1,13–58. Voyage dans l'Empire de Maroc, suivi du Voyage de Hafez: Fr. [ed. Rosset, François / Triaire, Dominique, Louvain, Peeters, 2004, vol. 1] 1792, PotockiRosset/Triaire 1,91–197. Promé → Quiclet. Pyrard = Pyrard, François (Laval, 1578 - Paris, 1621)100 Voyage de François Pyrard, de Laval, contenant sa navigation aux Indes Orientales, Maldives, Moluques, et au Bresil: divisé en 3 parties. Nouvelle edition, augmentée de divers traitez et relations curieuses. Avec des observations geographiques sur le present voyage [11611]: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Louis Billaine, 1619, part I] 1629, PyrardVoyage 1,5-327. – [id., part II] 1629, PyrardVoyage 2,1-218. – [id., part III] 1629, PyrardVoyage 3,1-144. Quiclet = Monsieur Quiclet (17th c.) Voyage de M. Quiclet à Constantinople par terre (Le): Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Pierre Promé, 1660] 1660, QuicletPromé1 5-162. – [id., ed. Paris, chez Pierre Promé, 1664] 1664, QuicletPromé2 1224. Quirini = Quirini, Giacomo (Venice, 17th c.) Relazione di Costantinopoli: It. [ed. L. Firpo, Torino, 1965ss., vol. 13 = testo dell'ed. Barozzi/Berchet] 1676, Quirini, RelazioniAmbFirpo 13,913–981 [ = pp. 127–195 of the edition Barozzi/Berchet]. Raicevich = Raicevich, Stefano (18th c.) Osservazioni storiche, naturali, e politiche intorno la Valachia, e Moldavia: It. [ed. Napoli, presso Gaetano Raimondi, 1788] 1788, RaicevichOsservazioni 1–325. Rampoldi = Rampoldi, Giovanni Battista (Uboldo, 1761 – Milan, 1836)101 97 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Pitton_de_Tournefort http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillaume_Postel http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Potocki 100 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Pyrard 101 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Battista_Rampoldi 98 99 27 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Annali musulmani: It. [ed. Milano, dalla Tipografia di Felice Rusconi, 1822–1826, vol. 1] 1822, RampoldiAnnali 1,1–536. – [id., vol. 2] 1822, RampoldiAnnali 2,5–495. – [id., vol. 3] 1822, RampoldiAnnali 3,5–512. – [id., vol. 4] 1823, RampoldiAnnali 4,5–528. – [id., vol. 5] 1823, RampoldiAnnali 5,5–534. – [id., vol. 6] 1823, RampoldiAnnali 6,5–599. – [id., vol. 7] 1824, RampoldiAnnali 7,5–582. – [id., vol. 8] 1824, RampoldiAnnali 8,5–592. – [id., vol. 9] 1825, RampoldiAnnali 9,5–552. – [id., vol. 10] 1825, RampoldiAnnali 10,5–568. – [id., vol. 11] 1825, RampoldiAnnali 11,5–568. – [id., vol. 12: Index] 1826, RampoldiAnnali 12,1–150. Vita di Maometto: It. [ed. Milano, dalla Tipografia di Felice Rusconi, 1822] 1822, RampoldiVita 1–536. RécitConstantinople = Récit de la prise de Constantinople: Germ. [ed. Nicolae Iorga, Bucarest, Académie Roumaine, 1899–1915, vol. 2], c1453, RécitConstantinople, IorgaNotes 2,514–518. Redi = Redi, Francesco (Arezzo, 1626 – Pisa, 1698)102 Bacco in Toscana: It. [ed. Firenze, per Piero Matini, 1685] 1685, RediBacco 1–230. – [id., in TB [Red. Ditir. annot.]. – [ed. Napoli, a spese di Michele Stasi, 21778, vol. 4] 1685, RediOpereNapoli2 4,1–201. – [ed. Milano, dalla Società Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, 1809–1811, vol. 1] 1685, RediOpereMilano 1,1–370. – [id., in GDLI] 1685, RediOpereMilano, GDLI [16-I-1]. – [ed. Emilio Faccioli, Milano, Il Polifilo, 1966, vol. 2] 1685, Redi, ArteCucinaFaccioli1 2,209–236. – [ed. C. Calcaterra, Milano / Roma, Rizzoli, 1936] 1685, Redi, LiriciCalcaterra 383–411. – [id., in GDLI] 1685, Redi, LiriciCalcaterra, GDLI [1]. – [ed. G. Bucchi, Roma / Padova, Antenore, 2005] 1685, RediBucchi 5–70. – [id., annotazioni] 1685, RediBucchi 73–90. Lettere: It. [ed. Milano, dalla Società Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, 1809–1811, vol. 2] 1694, RediOpereMilano 2,237–240 and 244–247. – [id., vol. 4] {1660–1695}, RediOpereMilano 4,299– 486. – [id., vol. 5] {1649–1695}, RediOpereMilano 5,11–447. – [id., vol. 6] {1654–1673}, RediOpereMilano 6,23–384. – [id., vol. 7] {1674–1689}, RediOpereMilano 7,5–454. – [id., vol. 8] {1683–1696}, RediOpereMilano 8,5–407. – [id., in GDLI] {1649–1696}, RediOpereMilano, GDLI [16-II-1, 16-IV-1, 16-V-1, 16-VI-1, 16-VII-1, 16-VIII-1]. – [ed. Napoli, a spese di Michele Stasi, 1778, vol. 3] {1660–1695}, RediOpereNapoli2 3,105–256. – [id., vol. 5] {1650–1695}, RediOpereNapoli 5,1–294. – [id., 1778, vol. 6] {1654–1695}, RediOpereNapoli2 6,1–251. – [ed. L. Moreni, Firenze, 1825] {1660–1693}, RediMoreni 1–130. – [id., in GDLI] {1660–1693}, RediMoreni, GDLI [VIII-1]. – [id., in TB] {1660–1693}, RediMoreni, TB [Red. L. Mor.]. Richer = Richer, Christophe [Christophle ] (1514 ? – 1552/1553)103 De rebus Turcarum [...] libri quinque [...]: Lat. [ed. Parisiis, ex Officina Rob. Stephani, 1540] 1540, RicherLibri 3–115. – Fr. [ed. Paris, de l'Imprimerie de Robert Estienne, 1540, Des coustumes et manieres de vivre des Turcs, faict premierement en latin par Christophle Richer, vallet de chambre du Roy treschrestien, Francois premier de ce nom, & secretaire de son Chancellier, & depuis par iceluy Richer traduict en langue francoise] 1540, RicherTurcs1 3–29. – [id., ed. Lyon, par Benoist Rigaud & Iean Saugrin, 1558, Des coustumes et manieres de vivre des Turcs. Faict premierement en latin par Christophle Richer & depuis par iceluy Richer traduict en langue françoise] 1558, RicherTurcs2 3–32. Richter = Ewers, Johann Philipp Gustav (Amelunxen, 1779 – Dorpat, 1830)104 Otto Friederichs von Richter Wallfahrten im Morgenlande: Germ. [ed. Berlin, in G. Reimers Verlage, 1822] 1822, RichterEwers 3–697. RiedeselRemarques = Johann Hermann Riedesel Freiherr zu Eisenbach (1740 – 1785)105 Remarques d'un voyageur moderne au Levant: Fr. [ed. Amsterdam, s.e., 1773] 1773, RiedeselRemarques 3–348. – Germ. [German translation by Christian Wilhelm Dohm, Bemerkungen auf einer Reise nach der Levante, ed. Leipzig, bey Caspar Fritsch, 1774] 1774, RiedeselBemerkungen 3– 268. Rigler = Rigler, Lorenz (Graz, 1815 – ibid., 1862)106 102 103 104 105 106 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francesco_Redi http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christophe_Richer http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_von_Ewers http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riedesel http://www.biographien.ac.at/oebl/oebl_R/Rigler_Lorenz_1815_1862.xml 28 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Türkei und deren Bewohner in ihren naturhistorischen, physiologischen und pathologischen Verhältnissen vom Standpunkte Constantinopel's (Die): Germ. [ed., Wien, Verlag von Carl Gerold, 1852, vol. 1] 1852, RiglerTürkei 1,3–413. – [id., vol. 2] 1852, RiglerTürkei 2,5–578. Robinson = Robinson, George (18th/19th c.) Travels in Palestine and Syria: Engl. [ed. Paris, printed for the Author / London, Henry Colburn, 1837/1838, vol. 1] 1837, RobinsonTravels 1,1–358. – [id., vol. 2] 1838, RobinsonTravels 2,1– 444. – Fr. [French translation, Voyage en Palestine et en Syrie, ed. Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1838, vol. 1] 1838, RobinsonVoyage 1,1–379. – [id., vol. 2] 1838, RobinsonVoyage 2,1–488. Roger = Roger, Eugène (17th c.) La terre saincte, ou Description topographique tres-particulière des saincts lieux, & de la terre de promission, avec un traitté de quatorze nations de différente religion qui l'habitent [...], un discours des principaux poincts de l'Alcoran, l'histoire de la vie et mort de l'Émir Fechrreddin, prince des Drus, et une relation véritable de Zaga Christ prince d'Ethyopie, qui mourut à Ruel prez Paris l'an 1638: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Antoine Bertier, 1646] 1646, RogerDescription 1–440. Rossi = Rossi, Elia (18th c.) Nubia e il Sudan (La). Geografia, geologia, idrografia, atmosferologia, morfologia, antropologia: It. [ed. Costantinopoli, 1858] 1858, RossiNubia 7–250. Roper, 1700] 1700, RycautTurks 1–605. Roubaud = Roubaud, Pierre Joseph André (1730 – 1791) Histoire générale de l'Asie, de l'Afrique, de l'Amérique: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Des Ventes de la Doué, 1771, vol. 3] 1771, RoubaudHistoire 3,1–960. Ruzzini = Ruzzini [Ruzini], Carlo (Venice, 1652 – ibid., 1735) Relazione: It. [ed. Maria Pia Pedani-Fabris, Padova, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1996, vol. 14] 1706, Ruzzini, RelazioniAmbPedani 14,759–824. Rycaut = Rycaut [Ricaut], Paul (London, 1629 – Hamburg, 1700)107 Present state of the Ottoman Empire (The) / History of the present state of the Ottoman Empire (The)108: Engl. [ed. London, printed for John Starkey and Henry Brome, 1667, in three parts (part III with separate page numbering), part I] 1667, RycautHistory1 I,1–96. – [id., part II] 1667, RycautHistory1 II,97–168. – [id., part III] 1667, RycautHistory1 III,1–50. – [ed. London, printed for John Starkey and Henry Brome, 1668] 1668, RycautHistory2 1–218. – [id., ed. London, printed for Charles Brome, 1686] 1686, RycautHistory6 1–406. – Fr. [French translation, Histoire de l'etat present de l'Empire Ottoman, contenant les maximes politiques des Turcs, les principaux points de la religion Mahometane, ses sectes, ses héresies, & ses diverses sortes de religieux. Traduite de l'anglais de monsieur Ricaut [...] par monsieur Briot, ed. Amsterdam, chez Abraham Wolfgank, 1670] 1670, RycautBriot 9–498. – [id., ed. Paris, chez Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, 1670] 1670, RycautBriot 1–661. – [id., in Arveiller] 1670, RycautBriot, ArveillerPfister 2 [Briot]. – It. [Italian translation by Constantino Belli, Historia rinovata nel stato presente dell'Imperio ottomano [...], Venetia, presso Combi & La Noù, 1672, Dedication from 1671] 1671, RycautHistoria1 1–296. – [id., Venetia, per il Prodocimo, 1687] 1687, RycautHistoria2 1–377. – Sp. [Spanish translation by Juan Bautista Lardito, Historia del estado presente del Imperio Otomano, ed. Salamanca, Lucas Perez, 1690] 1690, RycautLardito 1–535. – Germ. [German translation, Die neueröffnete Ottomannische Pforte, bestehend: Erstlichen, in einer Grund-richtigen, und aus eigener Erfahrung gezogenen Beschreibung deß gantzen Türckischen Staats- und Gottesdienstes […], ubersetzt aus deß [...] Herrn Ricaut, in englischer Sprach verfassten, und zu unterschiedlichen mahlen ins Frantzösische gebrachten Buch […], ed. Augspurg, Kroniger und Göbel, 1694] 1694, Rycaut, Pforte 1,1–150. SagredoF = Sagredo, Francesco (16th/17th c.) Relazione di Soria: [ed. Guglielmo Berchet, Torino, Tipografia di G. B. Paravia e Comp., 1866] 1611, SagredoF, BerchetSiria 130–137. 107 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Rycaut http://dergiler.ankara.edu.tr/dergiler/19/23/140.pdf http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/ottoman-empire-turkey-turkish-history-87345402 108 29 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary SagredoG1 = Sagredo, Giovanni Francesco [Ioannes Franciscus Sagredo] (16th c.) Relazione: It. [ed. Zagrabiae, Academia scientiarum et artium slavorum meridionalium, 1876– 1977, vol. 2] 1538, SagredoG1, CommissionesVen 2,148–150. SagredoG2 = Sagredo, Giovanni Francesco (secc. XVI/XVII) Relazione di Soria: it. [ed. Guglielmo Berchet, Torino, Tipografia di G. B. Paravia e Comp., 1866] 1612, SagredoG2, BerchetSiria 138–156. SagredoG3 = Sagredo, Giovanni [Zuaune] (Venice, 1617 – ibid., 1682) Memorie istoriche de' monarchi ottomani: It. [ed. Bologna, per Giovanni Recaldini, 1674] 1674, SagredoMemorie 1–657. – Germ. [German translation, Die neu-eröffnete Ottomannische Pforte, bestehend [...] zweytens, einer wolgefaßten außführlichen Histori, der vornehmsten Geschichten aller Ottomannischen Monarchen, [...] aus deß [...] Venetianischen Cavalliers und Senatoren Giovanni Sagredo italienischer Beschreibung und gemeltem Ricaut ebenmässig übersetzt, ed. Augspurg, Kroniger und Göbel, 1694] 1694, Sagredo, Pforte 2,1–569. – Fr. [French translation, ed. Paris, chez François Barois, 1724, vol. 1] 1724, SagredoLaurent 1,1–537. – [id., vol. 2] 1724, SagredoLaurent 2,1–157. – [id., vol. 3] 1724, SagredoLaurent 3,1–294. – [id., vol. 4] 1724, SagredoLaurent 4,1–416. – [id., vol. 5] 1724, SagredoLaurent 5,1–323. – [id., vol. 6] 1724, SagredoLaurent 6,1–421. – [id., vol. 7] 1724, SagredoLaurent 7,1–126. SaintGervais = Bouyer de Saint-Gervais, Jacques (18th c.)109 Mémoires historiques qui concernent le gouvernement de l'ancien et du nouveau du royaume de Tunis: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Ganeau fils & Henry, 1736] 1736, SaintGervaisMémoires 1-344. Sant'Iller = Luigi di Sant'Iller (17th/18th c.) Lettere particolari scritte dal signor Luigi di Sant'Iller in Costantinopoli dal 1720 sino al 1724, regnante Acmet III: It. [ed. Bassano, s. e., 1737, a. 1720] 1720, Sant'IllerLettere 7–32. – [id., a. 1721] 1721, Sant'IllerLettere 33–47. – [id., a. 1722] 1722, Sant'IllerLettere 48–50. – [id., a. 1723] 1723, Sant'IllerLettere 49–61. – [id., a. 1724] 1724, Sant'IllerLettere 62–104. Sanudo = Sanudo, Marino, il Giovane (Venedig, 1466 – ibid., 1536)110 Diarii: It. [ed. Rinaldo Fulin et al., Venezia, Tipografia del commercio di Marco Visentini, 1879– 1903, vol. 1, anno 1496] 1496, SanudoDiarii 1,5–447. – [id., vol. 1, anno 1497] 1497, SanudoDiarii 1,447–847. – [id., anno 1498] 1498, SanudoDiarii 1,847–1114. – [id., vol. 2, anno 1498] 1498, SanudoDiarii 2,5–285. – [id., vol. 2, anno 1499] 1499, SanudoDiarii 2,285–1388. – [id., vol. 3, anno 1499] 1499, SanudoDiarii 3,5–73. – [id., vol. 3, anno 1500] 1500, SanudoDiarii 3,74–1244. – [id., vol. 3, anno 1501] 1501, SanudoDiarii 3,1244–1644. – [id., vol. 4, anno 1501] 1501, SanudoDiarii 4,5–201. – [id., vol. 4, anno 1502] 1502, SanudoDiarii 4,201–580. – [id., vol. 4, anno 1503] 1503, SanudoDiarii 4,580–884. – [id., vol. 5, anno 1503] 1503, SanudoDiarii 5,5–636. – [id., vol. 5, anno 1504] 1504, SanudoDiarii 5,636–1074. – [id., vol. 6, anno 1504] 1504, SanudoDiarii 6,5–118. – [id., vol. 6, anno 1505] 1505, SanudoDiarii 6,118–278. – [id., vol. 6, anno 1506] 1506, SanudoDiarii 6,278–518. – [id., vol. 6, anno 1507] 1507, SanudoDiarii 6,518–562. – [id., vol. 7, anno 1507] 1507, SanudoDiarii 7,5–240. – [id., vol. 7, anno 1508] 1508, SanudoDiarii 7,240–709. – [id., vol. 7, anno 1509] 1509, SanudoDiarii 7,709–770. – [id., vol. 8, anno 1509] 1509, SanudoDiarii 8,5–580. – [id., vol. 9, anno 1509] 1509, SanudoDiarii 9,5–434. – [id., vol. 9, anno 1510] 1510, SanudoDiarii 9,434–592. – [id., vol. 10, anno 1510] 1510, SanudoDiarii 10,5– 898. – [id., vol. 11, anno 1510] 1510, SanudoDiarii 11,5–711. – [id., vol. 11, anno 1511] 1511, SanudoDiarii 11,711–854. – [id., vol. 12, anno 1511] 1511, SanudoDiarii 12,5–630. – [id., vol. 13, anno 1511] 1511, SanudoDiarii 13,5–366. – [id., vol. 13, anno 1512] 1512, SanudoDiarii 13,366–532. – [id., vol. 14, anno 1512] 1512, SanudoDiarii 14,5–652. – [id., vol. 15, anno 1512] 1512, SanudoDiarii 15,5–444. – [id., vol. 15, anno 1513] 1513, SanudoDiarii 15,444–584. – [id., vol. 16, anno 1513] 1513, SanudoDiarii 16,5–690. – [id., vol. 17, anno 1513] 1513, SanudoDiarii 17,5–437. – [id., vol. 17, anno 1514] 1514, SanudoDiarii 17,437–588. – [id., vol. 18, anno 1514] 1514, SanudoDiarii 18,5–496. – [id., vol. 19, anno 1514] 1514, SanudoDiarii 19,5–348. – [id., vol. 19, anno 1515] 1515, SanudoDiarii 19,348–472. – [id., vol. 20, anno 1515] 1515, SanudoDia109 110 http://thesaurus.cerl.org/record/cnp01006750 http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marin_Sanudo_il_Giovane 30 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary rii 20,5–588. – [id., vol. 21, anno 1515] 1515, SanudoDiarii 21,5–434. – [id., vol. 21, anno 1516] 1516, SanudoDiarii 21,434–546. – [id., vol. 22, anno 1516] 1516, SanudoDiarii 22,5–684. – [id., vol. 23, anno 1516] 1516, SanudoDiarii 23,5–398. – [id., vol. 23, anno 1517] 1517, SanudoDiarii 23,398–610. – [id., vol. 24, anno 1517] 1517, SanudoDiarii 24,5–714. – [id., vol. 25, anno 1517] 1517, SanudoDiarii 25,5–174. – [id., anno 1518] 1518, SanudoDiarii 25,174–692. – [id., vol. 26, anno 1518] 1518, SanudoDiarii 26,5–325. – [id., vol. 26, anno 1519] 1519, SanudoDiarii 26,325– 510. – [id., vol. 27, anno 1519] 1519, SanudoDiarii 27,5–690. – [id., vol. 28, anno 1519] 1519, SanudoDiarii 28,5–151. – [id., vol. 28, anno 1520] 1520, SanudoDiarii 28,151–684. – [id., vol. 29, anno 1520] 1520, SanudoDiarii 29,5–505. – [id., vol. 29, anno 1521] 1521, SanudoDiarii 29,505–678. – [id., vol. 30, anno 1521] 1521, SanudoDiarii 30,5–494. – [id., vol. 31, anno 1521] 1521, SanudoDiarii 31,5–506. – [id., vol. 32, anno 1521] 1521, SanudoDiarii 32,5–321. – [id., anno 1522] 1522, SanudoDiarii 32,321–536. – [id., vol. 33, anno 1522] 1522, SanudoDiarii 33,5– 561. – [id., anno 1523] 1523, SanudoDiarii 33,561–638. – [id., vol. 34, anno 1523] 1523, SanudoDiarii 34,5–482. – [id., vol. 35, anno 1523] 1523, SanudoDiarii 35,5–308. – [id., anno 1524] 1524, SanudoDiarii 35,308–484. – [id., vol. 36, anno 1524] 1524, SanudoDiarii 36,5–632. – [id., vol. 37, anno 1524] 1524, SanudoDiarii 37,5–388. – [id., anno 1525] 1525, SanudoDiarii 37,388– 676. – [id., vol. 38, anno 1525] 1525, SanudoDiarii 38,5–388. – [id., vol. 39, anno 1525] 1525, SanudoDiarii 39,5–492. – [id., vol. 40, anno 1525] 1525, SanudoDiarii 40,5–574. – [id., anno 1526] 1526, SanudoDiarii 40,574–894. – [id., vol. 41, anno 1526] 1526, SanudoDiarii 41,5–764. – [id., vol. 42, anno 1526] 1526, SanudoDiarii 42,5–784. – [id., vol. 43, anno 1526] 1526, SanudoDiarii 43,5–546. – [id., anno 1527] 1527, SanudoDiarii 43,546–768. – [id., vol. 44, anno 1527] 1527, SanudoDiarii 44,5–600. – [id., vol. 45, anno 1527] 1527, SanudoDiarii 45,5–708. – [id., vol. 46, anno 1527] 1527, SanudoDiarii 46,5–440. – [id., anno 1528] 1528, SanudoDiarii 46,440– 670. – [id., vol. 47, anno 1528] 1528, SanudoDiarii 47,5–570. – [id., vol. 48, anno 1528] 1528, SanudoDiarii 48,5–544. – [id., vol. 49, anno 1528] 1528, SanudoDiarii 49,5–318. – [id., anno 1529] 1529, SanudoDiarii 49,319–518. – [id., vol. 50, anno 1529] 1529, SanudoDiarii 50,5–584. – [id., vol. 51, anno 1529] 1529, SanudoDiarii 51,5–632. – [id., vol. 52, anno 1529] 1529, SanudoDiarii 52,5–435. – [id., anno 1530] 1530, SanudoDiarii 52,435–682. – [id., vol. 53, anno 1530] 1530, SanudoDiarii 53,5–580. – [id., vol. 54, anno 1530] 1530, SanudoDiarii 54,5–202. – [id., anno 1531] 1531, SanudoDiarii 54,202–630. – [id., vol. 55, anno 1531] 1531, SanudoDiarii 55,5– 556. – [id., anno 1532] 1532, SanudoDiarii 55,556–696. – [id., vol. 56, anno 1532] 1532, SanudoDiarii 56,5–1044. – [id., vol. 57, anno 1532] 1532, SanudoDiarii 57,5–391. – [id., anno 1533] 1533, SanudoDiarii 57,391–680. – [id., vol. 58, anno 1533] 1533, SanudoDiarii 58,5–750. – [id., in GDLI] {1496–1533}, SanudoDiarii, GDLI [I-1, II-1, III-1, IV-1, V-1, VI-1, VII-1, VIII-1, IX-1, X-1, XI-1, XII-1, XIII-1, XIV-1, XV-1, XVI-1, XVII-1, XVIII-1, XIX-1, XX-1, XXI-1, XXII-1, XXIII-1, XXIV-1, XXV-1, XXVI-1, XXVII-1, XXVIII-1, XXIX-1, XXX-1, XXXI-1, XXXII-1, XXXIII-1, XXXIV-1, XXXV-1, XXXVI-1, XXXVII-1, XXXVIII-1, XXXIX-1, XL-1, XLI-1, XLII-1, XLIII-1, XLIV-1, XLV-1, XLVI-1, XLVII-1, XLVIII-1, XLIX-1, L-1, LI-1, LII-1, LIII1, LIV-1, LV-1, LVI-1, LVIII-1, LVIII-1]. – [id., ed. Francesco Castro, Napoli, Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1969] {1525–1533}, Sanudo, DocCastro 69–104. Sapiencia = Sapiencia, Octavio [Ottavio Sapienza] (Catania / Constantinople / Spain, 16th/17th c.)111 Nuevo tratado de Turquia, con una desc[r]ipcion del sitio y ciudad de Constantinopla, costumbres del gran Turco, de su modo de govierno, de su palacio, consejo, martyrios de algunos martyres, y de otras cosas notables: Sp. [ed. Madrid, por la viuda de Alonso Martín, 1622] 1622, SapienciaTurquia 1r-74r. Schlatter = Schlatter, Daniel (18th/19th c.) Bruchstücke aus einigen Reisen nach dem südlichen Russland, in den Jahren 1822 bis 1828, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Nogayen-Tataren am Asowschen Meere: Germ. [ed. St. Gallen, in Kommission bei Huber und Comp., 1830] 1830, SchlatterBruchstücke 3–496. Schweigger = Schweigger, Salomon (Haigerloch, 1551 – Nürnberg, 1622)112 111 112 http://i-stamboul.irht.cnrs.fr/bibliotheque/recit-de-voyage/sapiencia-octavio-1604-1616 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salomon_Schweigger 31 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Newe Reyßbeschreibung auß Teutschland nach Constantinopel und Jerusalem [...] (Eine): Germ. [ed. Nürnberg, durch Katharina Lantzenbergerin, 1613 = Text der Ausg. 1608] 1608, SchweiggerReyß 1-340. – [ed. Nürnberg, gedruckt durch Christoff Lochner, in Verlegung Wolffgang Endters, 1639 = text of the edition 1608] 1608, SchweiggerReyß 1–340. – [partial edition, ed. Heidi Stein, Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1986] 1608, SchweiggerStein 19–223. Sebastiani = Sebastiani, Giuseppe di Santa Maria (17th c.) Prima speditione all'Indie orientali: It. [ed. Roma, nella Stamperia di Filippo Maria Mancini, 1666] 1666, SebastianiPrimaSpeditione 1–275. – [id., in GDLI] 1666, SebastianiPrimaSpeditione, GDLI [I-1]. Seconda speditione all'Indie orientali: It. [ed. Roma, nella Stamperia di Filippo Maria Mancini, 1672] 1672, SebastianiSecondaSpeditione 1–261. – [id., in GDLI] 1672, SebastianiSecondaSpeditione, GDLI [II-1 = text and II-I = dedication and glossary]. Seidel = Seidel, Fridrich (Troppau, c1568 – Brieg, 1637) Denckwürdige Gesandtschafft an die Ottomannische Pforte: Germ. [ed. Salomon Haußdorf, Görlitz, Johann Gottlob Laurentius, 1711] c1591, SeidelHaußdorf 1–96. Sérieys = Sérieys, Antoine (1755 – 1829)113 Voyage en Orient, ou Tableau fidèle des moeurs, du commerce de toute espèce [...] de différents peuples du Levant: Fr. [ed. Paris, Au Bureau de l'Armée littéraire, 1801] 1801, SérieysVoyage 9– 263. Sestini = Sestini, Domenico (Florenz, 1750 – ibid., 1832)114 Descrizione del Littorale del Canale di Costantinopoli, e della Coltura delle Vigne lungo le Coste del medisime: It. [ed. Firenze, s.e., 1785] 1785, SestiniOpuscoli 1-100. – Germ. [German translation by Christian Joseph Jagemann, Beschreibung des Kanals von Konstantinopel, des dasigen Wein-, Acker- und Garten-Baues, und der Jagd der Türken, ed. Christoph Daniel Ebeling, Hamburg, bei Carl Ernst Bohn, 1786, vol. 8/2] 1786, Sestini, SamlungEbeling 8/2,5-174. Lettere odeporiche o sia Viaggio per la penisola di Cizico, per Brussa, e Nicea: It. [ed. Livorno, presso Carlo Giorgi, 1785, vol. 1] 1779, SestiniLettereOdeporiche 1,1–163. – [id., vol. 2] 1779, SestiniLettereOdeporiche 2,1–138. – Fr. [French translation by Jean-Claude Pingeron, Lettres de Monsieur l'abbé Dominique Sestini, écrites à ses amis en Toscane, ed. Paris, chez la Veuve Duchesne & Fils, 1789, vol. 1] 1789, SestiniLettres 1,1–542. – [id., vol. 2] 1789, SestiniLettres 2,1– 462. – [id., vol. 3] 1789, SestiniLettres 3,1–476. Viaggio da Costantinopoli a Bukoresti: It. [ed. Roma, Fulgoni, 1794] 1794, SestiniViaggio 1–58. Viaggio di ritorno da Bassora a Constantinopoli: It. [ed. s.l. (Livorno?), s.e., 1788, Dedication from 1787] 1787, SestiniRitorno 1–196. Shaw = Shaw, Thomas (Kendal, 1692 – Bramley, 1751) Travels or observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant: Engl. [ed. Oxford, printed at the Theatre, 1738] 1738, ShawTravels I-XV und 3-442. – Fr. [French translation, Voyages de Monsr. Shaw, M. D., dans plusieurs provinces de la Barbarie et du Levant, contenant des observations geographiques, physiques, philologiques et melées sur les royaumes d'Alger et de Tunis, sur la Syrie, l'Egypte et l'Arabie Petrée, ed. La Haye, chez Jean Neaulme, 1743, vol. 1] 1743, ShawVoyage 1,V-XXVI und 1-414. – [id., vol. 2] 1743, ShawVoyage 2,1-192. Skork = Skork, Ernst von (18th/19th c.) Das Volk und Reich der Osmanen in besonderer Darstellung ihrer Kriegsverfassung und Kriegswesens: Germ. [ed. Pirna, August Robert Friese, 1829] 1829, SkorkOsmanen 1–302. Sokolly = Mohammed Sokolly (16th c.) Letter to Charles IX: Fr. [ed. Ernest Charrière, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1848–1860, vol. 3] 1570, Sokolly, NégociationsCharrière 3,135–140. Soranzo = Soranzo, Lazaro [Lazzaro Soranzo / Lazaro Soranzio] (16th c.) Ottomanno (L'): It. [ed. Ferrara, per Vittorio Baldini, 1598] 1598, SoranzoOttomanno1 1–127. – [ed. Milano, nella Stampa del quon. Pacifico Pontio 1599, Dedication from 1598] 1598, Soran113 114 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_S%C3%A9rieys http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domenico_Sestini 32 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary zoOttomanno2 1–189. – [ed. Napoli, per Costantino Vitale, 1600] 1600, SoranzoOttomanno3 1– 202. – Engl. [English translation by Abraham Hartwell, The Ottoman, London, imprinted by Iohn Windet, 1603] 1603, SoranzoOttoman 1r–107r. Sosa / Sousa → Haedo. Spandugino = Spandugino, Teodoro [Spanduginos / Spanduvinus / Spandouginos / Spandounis / Spandolino / Spandugnino / Spandolenus / Spandouyn / Théodore / Theodoro / Theodoros / Cantacuscino / Cantacussino / Cantacasin] (1455 – after 1538) Commentari dell'origine de' principi Turchi / De la origine deli imperatori ottomani [redatto nel 1509ca.]: It. [ed. Konstantinos N. Sathas, Paris, J. Maisonneuve, 1880–1890, vol. 9 = ms. it. n. 881 Bibl. Nat. di Parigi del 1538 – Passages that correspond to the French edition from 1519] 1514ca., Spandugino, DocSathas 9,202–247. – [id., Passages that only partially correspond to the French edition from 1519] 1538, Spandugino, DocSathas 9,138–179. – [id., Vita di Ismael, e Thomas sofì, e Re di Persia, lacking in the French edition from 1519] 1538, Spandugino, DocSathas 9,252–261. – [ed. Francesco Castro, Napoli, Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1969, Vita di Ismael, e Thomas sofì, e Re di Persia = ms. Correr + ms. Marciano115] 1538, Spandugino, DocCastro 143–173. – [id., ed. Giorgio Raimondo Cardona, Napoli, Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1969 = ms. Correr e Marciano Bibl. Nat. di Parigi] 1538, Spandugino, MembréCardona XXXV–XXXVI. → RotaG. – [id., Dedica, ed. G. R. Cardona, Napoli, 1969] 1538, Spandugino, MembréCardona XXXII–XXXIV. – [ed. Fiorenza, appresso Lorenzo Torrentino, 1551] 1551, SpanduginoFiorenza 1–202. – [ed. Venetia, appresso Francesco Sansovino, 1560, Trattato de' costumi de' turchi] 1600, Spandugino, SansovinoTurchi3 74r–100r and 100v–109v and 154r–180v. – Fr. [French translation by Balorin de Raconis, ms. XIV H 36 Chantilly Musée Condé, Ausw. Arveiller] 1515ca., SpanduginoMsChantilly, ArveillerPfister 393. – [id., ed. Paris, Regnault, 1519, La genealogie du grant turc à present regnant] 1519, SpanduginoGenealogie AIr–HIIIr. – [id., ed. Charles Henri Auguste Schefer, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1896] 1519, SpanduginoSchefer 1–345. – Germ. [German translation by Caspar von Aufseß, ed. Bamberg, Georg Erlinger, 1523, Der Türcken heymligkeyt. Ein New nutzlich buechlein von der Türcken ursprung, pollicey, hofsytten und gebreuchen in und ausser den zeitten des kriegs [...], durch Theodorum Spanduvinum Contacusinum von Constantinopel weylant bebstlicher heilikeyt Leoni dem. X. in welscher sprach beschribenn zůgeschickt unnd [...] durch Casper vonn Aufses in ein gemein teutsch gezogen] 1523, SpanduvinusTürcken AIr–MIIIr. De la origine deli imperatori ottomani → Commentari dell'origine de' principi Turchi. Genealogie du grant turc à present regnant (La) → Commentari dell'origine de' principi Turchi. Türcken heymligkeyt (Der) → Commentari dell'origine de' principi Turchi. Vita di Ismael, e Thomas sofì, e Re di Persia → Commentari dell'origine de' principi Turchi. Steinach = Steinach, Wolf Andreas von (Schloß Unterstainach, 1563 – Unterstainach, 1615) Wolf Andreas' von Steinach Edelknabenfahrt nach Constantinopel: Germ. [ed. Josef von Zahn, Graz, Leykam, 1881] 1604, Steinach, Zahn,StG 11,193–234. TarifDouanes = Tarif général des douanes de l'empire de Russie et de royaume de Pologne pour le commerce européen: Fr. [ed. S-Pétersbourg, Imprimerie de la Sociéte «Utilité publique», 1868] 1868, TarifDouanes 1–154. Tavernier = Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste [Giovanni Battista] (Paris, 1605 – Smolensk ? , 1689)116 Collection of several relations & treatises singular and curious (A): Engl. [ed. London, printed by A. Godbid and J. Playford for Moses Pitt, 1680] 1680, TavernierEverard 1–66. Nouvelle relation de l'intérieur du serrail du Grand Seigneur, contenant plusieurs singularitez qui jusqu'icy n'ont point esté mises en lumière: Fr. [ed. Paris, s.e., 1675] 1675, TavernierRelation1 1– 277. – [id., in Arveiller] 1675, TavernierRelation1, ArveillerPfister 9 [Tav Ser]. – [ed. Amsterdam, chez Joannes van Someren, 1678] 1678, TavernierRelation2 1–271. – [ed. Rouen, chez Pierre le Boucher, 1713] 1713, TavernierRelation3 9–244. – It. [Italian translation by Philippo Bagliotti, ed. Milano, 1687, Nova, ed esatta descrizione del Seraglio del gran Turco] 1687, Taver115 116 DocCastro XXXVIII. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Baptiste_Tavernier 33 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary nierDescrizione 1–330. – Germ. [German translation, Beobachtung über das Serrail des Großherrn, ed. Memmingen, Andreas Seiler, 1789] 1789, TavernierBeobachtung 1–152. Six voyages (Les) de Jean Baptiste Tavernier, écuyer baron d'Aubonne, qu'il a fait en Turquie, en Perse et aux Indes, pendant l'espace de quarante ans, et par toutes les routes que l'on peut tenir, accompagnez d'observations particulières sur la qualité, la religion, le gouvernement, les cotumes et le commerce de chaque païs, avec les figures, le poids, et la valeur des monnoyes qui y ont cours: Fr. [ed. Paris, che Gervais Clouzier & Claude Barbin, 1676, vol. 1] 1676, TavernierVoyages1 1,1–698. – [id., vol. 2] 1676, TavernierVoyages1 2,1–525. – [id., in Arveiller] 1676, TavernierVoyages1, ArveillerPfister 9 [Tav Six]. – Germ. [German translation by Jean Menudier, Vierzig-jährige Reise-Beschreibung [...] durch Türckey, Persien, Indien und noch mehr andere Oerter [...], ed. Nürnberg, in Verlegung Johann Hofmanns daselbst gedruckt bey Andreas Knorzen, 1681, vol. 1] 1681, TavernierMenudier 1,1–296. – [id., vol. 2] 1681, TavernierMenudier 2,1– 232. – It. [Italian translation Viaggi nella Turchi, nella Persia, e nell'Indie, ed. Roma, Giuseppe Corvo, 1682, vol. 1] 1682, TavernierViaggi 1,1–458. – [id., vol. 2] 1682, TavernierViaggi 2,1– 359. Thévenot = Thévenot [Tevenot / Thevenot], Jean de (Paris, 1633 – Mianeh [Persia], 1667) Relation d'un voyage fait au Levant, dans laquelle il est curieusement traité des estats sujets au Grand Seigneur [...] et des singularitez particulières de l'Archipel, Constantinople, Terre-Sainte, Égypte, pyramides, mumies, déserts d'Arabie, la Meque, et de plusieurs autres lieux de l'Asie et de l'Affrique [...] outre les choses mémorables arrivées au dernier siège de Bagdat, les cérémonies faites aux réceptions des ambassadeurs du Mogol et l'entretien de l'autheur avec celuy du Pretejan, où il est parlé des sources du Nil: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Thomas Joly, 1664, Privilege from 1663] 1663, ThévenotLevant 1–576. – [id., in Arveiller] 1663, ThévenotLevant, ArveillerPfister 10 [Thev Rel]. – Engl. [English translation, The travels of Monsieur de Thevenot into the Levant. Newly done out of French, London, printed by H. Clark, for H. Faithorne, J. Adamson, C. Skegnes, and T. Newborough, 1687, vol. 1] 1687, ThévenotTravels 1,1–291. – [id., vol. 2] 1687, ThévenotTravels 2,1–200. – [id., vol. 3] 1687, ThévenotTravels 3,1–114. Suite du voyage de Levant [...]: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Charles Angot, 1674–1689, vol. 1] 1674, ThévenotSuite 1,1-392. Voyages de Mr de Thévenot, contenant la relation de l'Indostan, des nouveaux Mogols, & des autres peuples & et pays de l'Inde: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez la Veuve Biestkins, 1684] 1684, ThévenotVoyages 1–338. Thévet = Thévet [Thevet], André (Angoulême, 1502 - Paris, 1590)117 Cosmographie universelle: Fr. [ed. Paris, Huillier, 1575, vol. 1] 1575, ThévetCosmographie 1,aIr*IVr e 1,1r–467v. – [id., Table des matières] 1575, ThévetCosmographieIndice 1,aIr-eVr. – [id., Table de plusieurs singularitez servantes à la médicine] 1575, ThévetCosmographieIndice 1,eVv–eVIr. – [id., vol. 2] 1575, ThévetCosmographie 2,aIr–aIVr e 2,469r–1025v. – [id., Table des choses plus remarquables de l'Europe] 1575, ThévetCosmographieIndice 2,aIr–gIVv. Tobler = Tobler, Titus (Stein am Rhein 1806 – München, 1877)118 Denkblätter aus Jerusalem: Germ. [ed. Constantz, Wilhelm Meck, 21856] 1856, ToblerDenkblätter 1–748. Toderini = Toderini, Giambattista (Venice, 1728 – ibid., 1799)119 Letteratura turchesca: It. [ed. Venezia, presso Giacomo Storti, 1787, vol. 1] 1787, ToderiniLetteratura 1,1–252. – [id., vol. 2] 1787, ToderiniLetteratura 2,1–224. – [id., vol. 3] 1787, ToderiniLetteratura 3,1–254. – Germ. [German translation by Philipp Wilhelm Gottlieb Hausleutner, ed. Königsberg, bei Friedrich Nicolovius, 1790, Litteratur der Türken, vol. 1] 1790, ToderiniLitteratur 1,3–267. – [id., vol. 2] 1790, ToderiniLitteratur 2,3–319. – Fr. [French translation, De la littérature des Turcs, Paris, chez Poinçot, 1789, vol. 1] 1789, ToderiniLittérature 1,1–268. – [id., vol. 2] 1789, ToderiniLittérature 2,1–261. – [id., vol. 3] 1789, ToderiniLittérature 3,1–268. 117 118 119 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9_Thevet http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titus_Tobler http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giambattista_Toderini 34 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Tott = François, baron de Tott (1733 – 1793)120 Mémoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares: Fr. [ed. Amsterdam, s. e., 1784, vol. 1] 1784, TottMémoires 1,V–LVI und 1–274. – [id., vol. 2] 1784, TottMémoires 2,5–301. – [id., vol. 3] 1784, TottMémoires 3,5–252. – [id., vol. 4] 1784, TottMémoires 4,5–187. – Engl. [English translation, Memoirs of the Baron de Tott on the Turks and the Tartars. Translated from the French, by an English gentleman at Paris, under the immediate inspection of the Baron, ed. Dublin, printed for L. White, J. Cash, and R. Marchbank, 1785, vol. 1] 1785, TottMemoirs 1,1–250. – [id., vol. 2] 1785, TottMemoirs 2,1–255. – [id., vol. 3] 1785, TottMemoirs 3,3–356. – Germ. [German translation, Baron von Tott's Nachrichten von den Türken und Tataren, mit von Peyssonel's Verbesserungen und Zusätzen, ed. Frankfurt / Leipzig, bei Christoph Weigel und A. G. Schneider, 1787/1788, vol. 1] 1787, TottNachrichten 1,1–312. – [id., vol. 2] 1788, TottNachrichten 2,1–317. TraitéLouisXV = Traité entre la France et la Porte ottomane: Fr. [ed. Charles Henri Auguste Schefer, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1877] 1740, TraitéLouisXV, SaintPriestSchefer 475–522. TrattatoFalconeria = Trattato di falconeria: MLat. [ed. Martin-Dietrich Gleßgen, Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1996, vol. 1, ms. T + B, Moamin I] c1160, TrattatoFalconeria, Gleßgen 1,272–287. – [id., Moamin II] c1160, TrattatoFalconeria, Gleßgen 1,288–311. – [id., Moamin III] c1160, TrattatoFalconeria, Gleßgen 1,312–319. – [id., Dancus] c1160, TrattatoFalconeria, Gleßgen 1,320–328. – [id., Guillelmus] c1160, TrattatoFalconeria, Gleßgen 1,329–333. – [id., ms. I + A, Moamin I] c1160, TrattatoFalconeria, Gleßgen 1,335–350. – [id., Moamin II] c1160, TrattatoFalconeria, Gleßgen 1,351–388. – [id., Moamin III] c1160, TrattatoFalconeria, Gleßgen 1,389–395. – Neap. [id., Neapolitan translation = cod. Firenze, Laur., Ash 1249 = b, Moamin I-III] c1489, TrattatoFalconeriaVolg, Gleßgenb 1,87–159. – [id., Dancus] c1489, TrattatoFalconeriaVolg, Gleßgenb 1,160–170. – [id., Guillelmus] c1489, TrattatoFalconeriaVolg, Gleßgenb 1,170–177. – Tusc. [id., Tuscan translation = cod. Venezia, San Marco III,22 = c] 1472, TrattatoFalconeriaVolg, Gleßgenc 1,179–269. Troilo = Troilo, Frantz Ferdinand von [Franz Ferdinand] (17th/18th c.)121 Orientalische Reise-Beschreibung. Wie er zu dreyen verschiedenen mahlen nach Jerusalem, von dannen in Egypten auf den Berg Sinai, und ferner nach Constantinopel sich begeben, auff der letzten Rück-Reise aber von Seeräubern gefangen, nach Algier in die Barbarey gebracht, 2 mahl verkaufft, und durch Gottes wunderbare Schickung zu Ende des 1669. Jahres wiederumb erlöset worden, worbey aller derer Länder Art, und heilige Örter außführlich beschrieben, deren Inwohner erstes Herkommen, Religionen, Gebräuche und Sitten, und was denckwürdiges mit grosser Leib- und Lebensgefahr angemercket werden mögen, nunmehr auff Begehren der günstigen Leser außführlich nach 4 Jahren von dem Authore selbst abgetheilet, vor Augen gestellet wird: Germ. [ed. Dresden, Bergen, 1676] 1676, TroiloReise 1–669. TürckischeGeschichte = Kern türckischer Geschichte (Der), nehmlich Von Ursprung der türkischen Religion und Reiches, ihrem Propheten Mahomed: Germ. [ed. Erffurth, verlegt von Johann Michael Funcken, 1739] 1739, TürckischeGeschichte 1–743. Vansleb / Vanslebio → Wansleben. VentureParadis = Venture de Paradis, Jean-Michel (Marseille, 1739 – near San Giovanni d'Acri, 1799)122 Mémoires et observations: Fr. [ed. Edmond Fagnan, Alger, Typographie Adolphe Jourdan, 1898] c1790, VentureParadisFagnan 2–169. – [id., ed. Joseph Cuoq, Paris, Sindbad, 1983] c1790, VentureParadisCuoq 25–266. ViaggioGranSignor = Deposizion de persona fidedigna del viagio fatto al campo del Gran Signor: It. [ed. Francesco Castro, Napoli, Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1969, ms. Marciano Cl. VII, 882, n° 8505] 1535, ViaggioGranSignor, DocCastro 121–133 ViajeTurquía = Viaje de Turquía123: Sp. [ed. Manuel Serrano y Sanz, Madrid, Librería Editorial de Bailly-Bailliére é Hijos, 1905] 1557, ViajeTurquía, SerranoSanzAutobiografías 1-149. – [id., ed. Antonio García Solalinde, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 41965] 1557, ViajeSolalinde 13-276. – [ed. 120 121 122 123 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_de_Tott http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/ADB:Troilo,_Franz_Ferdinand_von http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Michel_de_Venture_de_Paradis As to the discussion on the authorship see ViajeOrtolá 23f. 35 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary Aleido Tamayo Portuondo, Washington, Catholic University of America, 1975] 1557, ViajePortuondo 1-589. – [id., ed. Fernando García Salinero, Madrid, Cátedra, 41995] 1557, ViajeSalinero 87-504. – [id., ed. Marie-Sol Ortolá, Madrid, Editorial Castalia, 2000] 1557, ViajeOrtolá 155-952. Villinger = Villinger, Peter (16th/17th c.) Bilgerfahrt und Beschreibung der Hierusolomitanischen Reiß in das heylig Land, unnd deren Provintzen Palestina [...]: Germ. [ed. Costantz am Bodensee, bey Nicolao Kalt, 1603] 1603, VillingerBilgerfahrt 1–183. Volney = Constantin François de Chassebœuf, comte de Volney (Craon, 1757 – Paris, 1820)124 Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte pendant les années 1783, 1784 et 1785: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Volland & chez Desenne, 1787, vol. 1] 1787, VolneyVoyage 1,1–383. – [id., vol. 2] 1787, VolneyVoyage 2,1–458. – [id., in Arveiller] 1787, VolneyVoyage, ArveillerPfister 10 [Volney]. Walter = Walter von Waltersweil, Bernhard (c1560ca. – c1630) Beschreibung einer Reyß auß Teutschland bis in das gelobte Landt Palästina, unnd gen Jerusalem, auch auff den Berg Synai, von dannen widerumb zuruck auff Venedig und Teutschland: Germ. [ed. München, bey Adam Berg, 1609, Dedication from 1608] 1608, WalterReyß 9r–70v. Wansleben = Wansleben, Johann Michael [Jean Michel Vansleb / Giovanni Michele Vanslebio / Vansleben / Vanslebius / Vanslep / Wanslebio / Wanslebius / Vansleb] (1635, Erfurt – 1679)125 Relazione dello stato presente dell'Egitto nella quale si dà esattissimo ragguaglio delle cose naturali del paese, del governo politico, che vi è, della religione de' Copti, dell'economia, delli Egizij, e delle magnifiche fabriche, che ancor'hoggidì vi si ci veggono: It. [partial Italian translation based on the unpublished Ms. Gotha, Cod. chart. fol. 101, ed. Paris, Andrea Cramoisy, 1671] 1671, WanslebenRelazione 1–283. – Germ. [German edition by von Heinrich Eberhard Gottlob Paulus, Beschreibung von Aegypten, ed. Jena, bey Christian Heinrich Cuno's Erben, 1792–1803, vol. 3] 1794, Wansleben, PaulusSammlung 3,123–384126. Nouvelle relation en forme de journal d'un voyage fait en Egypte en 1672 & 1673: Fr. [ed. Paris, chez Estienne Michallet, 1677] 1677, WanslebenRelation 2–423. – [id., in Arveiller] 1677, WanslebenRelation, ArveillerPfister 10 [Vansleb]. – Engl. [English translation, The present state of Egypt, or, A new relation of a late voyage into that kingdom, performed in the years 1672 and 1673, wherein you have an exact and true account of many rare and wonderful particulars of that ancient kingdom. Englished by M. D., B. D, ed. London, printed by R. E. for John Starkey, 1678] 1678, WanslebenEgypt 1–253. Wenner = Adam Wenner von Crailsheim (17th c.)127 Gantz new Reysebuch (Ein) von Prag auss biss gen Constantinopel, das ist: Beschreibung der Legation und Reise, welche von der Röm. Käys. auch [...] Königl. May. Matthia II. an den Türckischen Käyser Ahmet, den Ersten diss Namens [...] abgeordnet so anno 1616 angefangen vnd anno 1618 glücklich verricht ... worden: Germ. [ed. Nürnberg, Halbmayer, 1622] 1622, WennerReysebuch 1-127. – [id., in Stachowski] 1622, Wenner, Stachowski,FSLaut 594–603. Werner = Werner, Franz von [Murad Efendi] (Vienna, 1836 – The Hague, 1881)128 Türkische Skizzen: Germ. [ed. Leipzig, Verlag der Dürr'schen Buchhandlung, 1877, vol. 1] 1877, WernerSkizzen 1,1–247. – [id., vol. 2] 1877, WernerSkizzen 2,1–231. Wild = Wild, Johann [Hans Wild] (1583 – after 1619)129 Neue Reysbeschreibung eines gefangenen Christen. Wie derselbe neben anderer Gefährligkeit zum sibendenmal verkaufft worden, welche sich Anno 1604. angefangen, und 1611 ihr end genommen. Darinnen außführlich zu finden, die Stätt, Länder und Königreich, sampt deroselben Völcker, Sitten und Gebräuch, [...]. Insonderheit von der Türcken und Araber Jär-lichen Walfahrt von Alcairo nach Mecha. Mit einer Vorrede Herrn Salomon Schweiggers: Germ. [ed. Nürnberg, 124 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantin_Fran%C3%A7ois_Volney http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/ADB:Wansleben,_Johann_Michael «Da Wansleb's Reisebeschreibung in der Sprache und Schreibart seiner Zeit abgefaßt und mit vielen ausländischen Wörtern verbrämt ist, so habe ich gesucht, diese Rauhigkeiten wegzuschleifen und sie durch grössere Reinheit des Ausdrucks lesbarer zu machen» (PaulusSammlung 3,7). 127 http://www.deutsche-biographie.de/sfz85039.html 128 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_von_Werner 129 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Wild 125 126 36 Wolfgang Schweickard, Turkisms in Italian, French and German (Ottoman Period, 1300-1900). A historical and etymological dictionary gedruckt und verlegt durch Balthasar Scherffen, 1613] 1613, WildReysbeschreibung1 1–262. – [ed. Nürnberg, gedruckt und verlegt durch Ludwig Lochnern, 1623] 1623, WildReysbeschreibung2 1–262. [id., edd. Georg A. Narciß / Karl Teply, Stuttgart, Steingrüben, 1964 = modernized version of the edition Nürnberg, Lochner, 1623] 1623, WildNarciß/Teply 35–344. 37
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