Overview September 24. Wed 9:00-9:10 Opening Remarks K. Hirao ( RIKEN AICS ) Dynamical Core 1 9:10-9:30 Chairman: Anurag Dipankar ( MPI ) Global nonhydrostatic variable-resolution numerical weather prediction William Skamarock ( NCAR ) 9:30-9:50 The Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) model on its way towards operational NWP Günther Zängl ( German weather forecasting service ) 9:50-10:10 The Variable-Cubic Atmospheric Model: Numerical considerations John McGregor ( CSIRO ) 10:10-10:25 The nonhydrostatic global spectral atmospheric model using double fourier series Hiromasa Yoshimura ( MRI ) 10:25-10:40 Impact of kilometric resolution and a modified semi-Lagrangian scheme on convective precipitation in the nonhydrostatic model AROME D. Ricard, S. Malardel and Y. Seity ( Météo-France, CNRS ) 10:40-10:55 “ASUCA” new nonhydrostatic model of JMA and its operational use as a high resolution regional mesoscale model 10:55-11:10 Comparison of Nonhydrostatic and Hydrostatic Dynamical Cores in Two Regional Models with Spectral and Finite-Difference Methods Kohei Kawano ( JMA ) Jihyeon Jang and Song-You Hong ( Yonsei University ) 11:10-11:25 A flux-form topographical representation scheme in a z-coordinate by a thin-wall approximation Yuki Nishikawa ( The University of Tokyo ) 11:25-13:00 Dynamical Core 2 Lunch Chairman: Hirofumi Tomita ( RIKEN ) 13:00-13:20 Challenges in atmospheric modeling in coming 10 years : A subjective point of views 13:20-13:40 Development of NUMA: a Next-Generation Global Cloud Resolving Dynamical Core Song-You Hong ( Yonsei University, KIAPS ) Francis X. Giraldo ( Naval Postgraduate School ) 13:40-14:00 Variable-resolution modeling with the Spectral Element Community Atmosphere Model (CAM-SE) and the Adaptive Mesh Refinement dynamical core AMR-Chombo Christiane Jablonowski, Colin M. Zarzycki, Jared O. Ferguson, Mark A. Taylor, Hans Johansen, William D. Collins, R. Elliott English, Peter McCorquodale, Phillip Colella, and Paul A. Ullrich ( University of Michigan ) 14:00-14:20 The HD(CP)2 Status Simulation: Towards Large Eddy Simulation Over Germany Anurag Dipankar ( MPI ) 14:20-14:35 Development of the Unified Z-grid Icosahedral Model (UZIM) Ross Heikes, David Randall, and Celal S Konor ( Colorado State University ) 14:35-14:50 Quasi-uniform spiral grids on the sphere Takeshi Enomoto ( Kyoto University ) 14:45-15:45 Turbulence 15:45-16:00 Coffee break + Poster Session Chairman: Akira T. Noda ( JAMSTEC ) A subgrid turbulence scheme for large eddy simulation of hurricanes George H. Bryan ( NCAR ) 16:00-16:15 Numerical simulations of Jupiter's moist convection layer: Structureand dynamics in statistically steady states K. Sugiyama, K. Nakajima, M. Odaka, K. Kuramoto and Y.-Y. Hayashi ( ISAS/JAXA ) 16:15-16:30 A super high-resolution realistic simulation of the sea-breeze front passage over urban Guixing Chen ( Tohoku University ) 16:30-16:45 Estimation of the turbulent length scale across terra incognita with its application to a convective boundary layer Yuji Kitamura ( MRI ) 16:45-17:00 Cloud Resolving Simulations with a Simplified Higher-Order Turbulence Closure Peter Bogenschutz ( NCAR ) 17:00-17:15 Nonhydrostatic Numerical Simulation of the Tornado Vortex Gregory J. Tripoli ( University of Wisconsin ) 17:30-18:30 Photo session and AICS Tour 18:30-20:00 Reception September 25. Thu Cloud Physics 1 9:30-9:50 Chairman: Tabito Hara ( JMA ) TBA Yutaka Ishikawa ( RIKEN AICS ) 9:50-10:05 Introducing libmpdata++ and libcloudph++ - reusable software components for atmospheric modelling Sylwester Arabas ( University of Warsaw ) 10:05-10:20 SCALE introduction Seiya Nishizawa ( RIKEN AICS ) 10:20-10:35 Transition from cumulus under stratocumulus to isolated cumulus simulated in a single calculation domain Yousuke Sato ( RIKEN AICS ) 10:35-10:50 Responses of Subtropical Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Akira Noda, Kozo Nakamura, Toshiki Iwasaki and Masaki Satoh ( JAMSTEC ) 10:50-11:05 An ECMWF IFS with super-parameterization Marat Khairoutdinov ( Stony Brook University ) 11:05-11:20 Necessity of parameterizations for convective initiations in high resolution cloud permitting models Tabito Hara ( JMA ) 11:40-13:00 Cloud Physics 2 13:00-13:15 Lunch Chairman: Hugh Morrison ( NCAR ) Perturbation pressure, cumulus convection, and the sensitivity of “cloud-resolving” modeling to grid resolution and dimensionality Hugh Morrison ( NCAR ) 13:15-13:30 Improvement of bulk microphysics in JMA-NHM based on airborne observation Akihiro Hashimoto, Hideaki Ohtake and Masataka Murakami ( MRI ) 13:30-13:45 Impact of a new cloud microphysics scheme on cirrus cloud radiative forcing and its feedback to atmospheric temperature Tatsuya Seiki, Chihiro Kodama, Akira T. Noda and Masaki Satoh ( JAMSTEC ) 13:45-14:00 Evaluation of precipitating hydrometeor parameterizations in a single-moment bulk microphysics scheme for deep convective systems over tropic Woosub Roh ( AORI, The unversity of Tokyo ) 14:00-14:15 Preliminary numerical study on the cumulus-stratus transition induced by the increase of formation rate of aerosol Shin-ichiro Shima ( University of Hyogo ) 14:15-14:30 Comparison of warm rain bin schemes using Kinetic Driver for microphysics intercomparison Kozo Nakamura, Yasushi Fujiyoshi, Kazuhisa Tsuboki and Naomi Kuba ( JAMSTEC ) 14:30-15:15 Data Assimilation 15:15-15:35 Coffee break + Poster session Chairman: Takemasa Miyoshi ( RIKEN ) “Big Data Assimilation” revolutionizing severe weather forecasting Takemasa Miyoshi ( RIKEN AICS ) 15:35-15:50 Convective-scale predictability in WRF simulations at a 100-m resolution Shigenori Otsuka and Takemasa Miyoshi ( RIKEN AICS ) 15:50-16:05 Assimilation experiments of MTSAT rapid scan atmospheric motion vectors Michiko Otsuka, Masaru Kunii, Hiromu Seko, Kazuki Shimoji and Masahiro Hayashi ( MRI ) 16:05-16:20 Development of km-scale hybrid data assimilation system based on ASUCA Yasutaka Ikuta ( JMA ) 16:20-16:35 An investigation of flow-dependency using a new NHM-EnVar System Seiji Origuchi, Kazumasa Aonashi, Takuya Kawabata and Masaru Kunii ( MRI ) 16:35-16:50 A meso hybrid EnKF-4DVAR data assimilation system Kosuke Ito, Masaru Kunii, Teruyuki Kato, Takuya Kawabata and Kazuo Saito ( University of the Ryukyus ) 16:50-17:05 Data assimilation experiments for tropical cyclones with the NHM-LETKF Masaru Kunii ( MRI ) 17:05-17:20 Test-operation of Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction System at JMA Kosuke Ono ( JMA ) 18:30-20:30 Banquet September 26. Fri Convection and Cyclone 9:30-9:50 Chairman: Wataru Yanase ( U. Tokyo ) Anelastic and compressible simulation of deep convection Wojciech W. Grabowski, Marcin J. Kurowski, and Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz ( NCAR ) 9:50-10:05 Simulations of the ITCZ and its variability with cloud-resolving simulations in an "aquapatch" configuration David S. Nolan, Stefan N. Tulich, and Joaquin E. Blanco ( University of Miami, CIRES ) 10:05-10:20 A Possible Stratospheric Influence on a Radiative-convective Quasi-equilibrium State in a Minimal Model of a QBO-like Oscillation in the Tropics Shigeo Yoden, Hoang-Hai Bui, and Eriko Nishimoto ( Kyoto University ) 10:20-10:35 Super High-Resolution Mesoscale NWP with the K-computer K. Saito, H. Seko, M. Kunii, G. Chen, L. Duc, T. Kuroda, T. Oizumi, K. Ito, T. Kawabata, S. Origuchi, S. Yokota, W. Mashiko, J. Ito, K. Tsuboki, K. Kobayashi, T. Tsuyuki, F. Kimura and SPIRE Field 3 Mesoscale NWP group 10:35-10:50 Break + Poster session 10:50-11:05 Constraint on future change in global frequency of tropical cyclones due to global warming Masaki Satoh ( AORI, The University of Tokyo ) 11:05-11:20 Representation of the Evolution and Intensity of Typhoon Haiyan (2013) in Numerical Simulations at O(1 km) Resolutions Tetsuya Takemi ( Kyoto University ) 11:20-10:35 Numerical study on the extreme rapid intensification of an intense tropical cyclone by a 2-km mesh non-hydrostatic model: Case study of Typhoon IDA (1958) Sachie Kanada ( HyARC, Nagoya University ) 11:35-11:50 On the Warm Core of the Tropical Cyclone Formed near the Tropopause Tomoki Ohno ( The University of Tokyo ) 11:50-12:05 Analysis of the role of Kuroshio Current in the typhoon development using a coupled atmosphere-wave-ocean non-hydrostatic model Masaya Kato and Kazuhisa Tsuboki ( HyARC, Nagoya University ) 12:05-12:20 Idealized Experiments of Cyclone Development in the Tropics, Subtropics and Extratropics Wataru Yanase and Hiroshi Niino ( AORI, The University of Tokyo ) 12:20-12:30 Closing Remarks H. Tomita ( RIKEN AICS ) Poster Presentations P-01 Evaluation of the coupling approach between mesoscale-WRF and LES-based CFD models for simulating turbulent flows and plume dispersion in urban area Hiromasa Nakayama ( JAEA ) P-02 Comparative study of GPM-derived precipitation with the 3.5-km-resolution NICAM simulations S. Kotsuki, K. Terasaki and T. Miyoshi ( RIKEN AICS ) P-03 Developing the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter with the Japanese Icosahedral Global Model NICAM Koji Terasaki ( RIKEN AICS ) P-04 An extension of Mellor-Yamada model to Terra Incognita scale Junshi Ito, Hiroshi Niino, Mikio Nakanhishi and Chin-Hoh Moeng ( The University of Tokyo ) P-05 Comparison among cloud microphysics schemes using the Joint-Simulator Tabito Hara ( JMA ) P-06 Impact of doppler-lidar wind to assimilate initial and lateral boundary conditions in the LETKF method Ryuhei Yoshida, Masahiro Sawada and Toshiki Iwasaki ( Tohoku University ) P-07 30-second-update ensemble Kalman filter experiments using JMA-NHM at a 100-m resolution Masaru Kunii, Takemasa Miyoshi, Juan Ruiz, Tomoo Usio, Shinsuke Satoh, Kotaro Bessho and Hiromu Seko ( MRI ) P-08 Sensitivity of idealized simulations of deep convection to horizontal resolution and turbulence parameterization A. Verrelle, D. Ricard, C. lac and V. Masson ( Météo-France, CNRS ) P-09 Factors of model underestimation of snow fall over the Japan-Sea coastal areas in middle Japan: Comparison with observed precipitation particles Teruyuki Kato, Hiroki Motoyoshi, Yoshinori Yamada, Sento Nakai, Masaaki Ishizaka ( MRI ) P-10 Data assimilation experiment of water vapor data derived from a hyper-dense GNSS network using a nested LETKF system Masanori Oigawa, Toshitaka Tsuda, Eugenio Realini, Hiromu Seko, Yoshinori Shoji and Kazutoshi Sato ( RISH, Kyoto University ) P-11 Northward Ageostrophic Winds Associated with a Tropical Cyclone Kazuo Saito ( MRI ) P-12 Extraction of Favorable Environment Factors for Heavy Rainfall using Multiple Scenarios Obtained by Ensemble Forecasts H. Seko, S. Yokota, T. Sakai, O. Suzuki and Y. Shoji ( MRI ) P-13 LMDZ model with Arakawa?Konor’s Nonhydrostatic Formulation Sourabh Kumar, H. C. Upadhyaya, B. Premachandran and P. M. V. Subbarao ( Indian Institute of Technology ) P-14 Estimation of inflation factors and observational errors by using the Frobenius norm with the innovation statistics Le Duc and Kazuo Saito ( JAMSTEC ) P-15 Multi-dimensional bin-microphysics model coupled with JMA-NHM Akihiro Hashimoto and Kentaro Araki ( MRI ) P-16 Impacts of dense and frequent surface observations on severe rainstorm forecasts Yasumitsu Maejima, Masaru Kunii, Hiromu Seko, Kae Sato, Ryota Maeda and Takemasa Miyoshi ( RIKEN AICS ) P-17 Assessment of Mars surface environment for a exploration program using CReSS-Mars K. Sugiyama, M. Odaka, K. Nakajima, Y. O. Takahashi, S. Nishizawa, N. Otobe, G. L. Hashimoto, K. Hasegawa, A. Sakakibara, and K. Tsuboki ( ISAS/JAXA ) P-18 An Impact of Vertical Grid Arrangement in Baroclinic Wave Test Ryuji Yoshida ( RIKEN AICS ) P-19 Impact of urban parameters in an urban canopy scheme on urban climate simulation Sachiho A. Adachi ( RIKEN AICS ) P-20 Verification of a non-hydrostatic dynamical core using horizontally spectral element vertically finite difference method Suk-Jin Choi ( Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems ) P-21 Deep Moist Atmospheric Convection in a Sub-kilometer Global Simulation Yoshiaki Miyamoto ( RIKEN AICS ) P-22 A linear thermal stability analysis of discretized fluid equations Yoshiaki Miyamoto ( RIKEN AICS ) P-23 Recent computational performance and scalability of NICAM: toward to the exa-scale computing Hisashi Yashiro, Hirofumi Tomita, and Masaki Satoh ( RIKEN AICS ) Invited Speakers Frandis X. Giraldo Wojclech W. Grabowski Song-You Hong Yutaka Ishikawa Christiane Jablonowski John McGregor Takemasa Miyoshi Axel Seifert William Skamarock Günther Zängl in alphabetical order
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