Land Between The Lakes 2014-2015 Deer Hunting Information Quota Hunts - Hunters can apply online at or by telephone at 270-924-2065 during the month of July for LBL fall Quota Deer Hunts. Online application is $5 and telephone application is $7. After the quota hunt drawing is completed, unfilled permits remaining for Youth Hunts may be purchased from September 3 to October 10 for $10 by calling 270-924-2065. Permanent Field Borders - Beginning in 2015 permanent field borders will be established in cropland fields in place of standing crops left after harvest. These borders will benefit a wide variety of wildlife species year-round. Prescribed Fire - The Forest Service has an active prescribed fire program on LBL to improve wildlife habitat and reduce hazardous fuels. Prescribed burns require very specific conditions and may occur during all seasons of the year. To learn about the location and timing of burns, see Alerts & Notices on LBL’s website at REGULATIONS FOR THE KENTUCKY PORTION OF LBL Quota Hunts: Oct. 25-26 Youth Hunt; and Nov. 22-23 Report a violation or emergency 877-861-2457 Archery: Crossbow: ADDITIONAL LBL HUNTING • INFORMATION: Call 270-924-2065, between • 8am-4pm CST, Monday-Friday. • NOTE: The two most common hunting violations at LBL are carrying • a loaded or uncased firearm in a vehicle and driving on illegal roads. Hunters should pay special attention to General Regulations to ensure future hunting opportunities. Sep. 6- Jan. 19 except quota hunt days and one day immediately before each quota hunt. Oct. 1-19 and Nov. 8-Dec. 31 except quota hunt days and one day immediately before each quota hunt. Licenses and Tags - Hunters age 12 and older must possess a valid KY hunting license and a statewide deer hunting permit; hunters age 16 and older must also possess an LBL Hunter Use Permit. Antlered bucks in KY must have any visible antler above the hair line, excluding button bucks. European Fallow deer are present on the KY portion of LBL. Fallow deer are not legal to hunt. (To identify fallow deer, see deer identification at Tagging and Check-Out - Before the deer is moved, mark the box for deer, date, county, and sex, on the harvest log on the back of your KY statewide license or deer permit. (Note: Areas 1, 2, 3 and 4 are in Lyon County; all other areas are in Trigg County.) Transport deer to LBL Hunter Check Station, North Welcome Station, or Golden Pond Visitor Center and LBL staff will complete the check-out process. During archery season, if the LBL check stations and Visitor Center are closed, hunters should Telecheck their LBL deer by calling 1-800-245-4263, enter the appropriate county code (Lyon - 072 or Trigg -111), public land, and LBL. REGULATIONS FOR THE TENNESSEE PORTION OF LBL TICKS: Quota Hunts: Oct. 18-19 Youth Hunt; Nov. 14-15 and Nov. 29-30 Tick repellent is highly recommended March to October. Tick repellent Archery/Crossbow: Sep. 27-Jan. 4 except quota hunt days and one day immediately before each quota hunt. is available at LBL. • Licenses and Tags - Hunters age 13 and older must possess valid TN state hunting licenses; hunters age 16 and older must also possess an LBL Hunter Use Permit. • Antlered bucks In TN must have at least one three-inch antler. • Tagging and Check-Out - When a deer is harvested on the Tennessee portion of LBL, it must be transported to South Welcome Station and checked out on the day of harvest by LBL personnel. If South Welcome Station is closed, hunters may proceed to the next closest check station or register their harvest according to state regulations. Pack it in - Pack it out Please remove trash and REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO ALL OF LBL recyclables. Recycling Hunter Use Permits: An LBL Hunter Use Permit is required for all hunters age 16 and older, in addition to stations are located at state licenses and tags. Hunter Use Permits may be purchased as follows: $25 Hunter Use Permit, $35 Combimany LBL facilities, look for this symbol: nation Hunter Use Permit/Backcountry Camping Permit (age 18 and older). Permits may be purchased at LBL welcome stations and facilities or anywhere KY & TN state hunting licenses are sold. Hunter Safety Requirement: LBL is a National Recreation Area. Visitors enjoy a variety of outdoor activities during all seasons of the year. Everyone’s safety is a top priority. All hunters must possess a hunter safety card according to KY or TN state regulations respectively. Additionally for LBL, all youth hunters who are not required to carry a hunter safety card must receive basic hunter safety instructions and carry a verification form signed by the responsible adult. The verification form and basic hunter safety instructions can be found on LBL’s website at Shooting Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. Maps: LBL hunt area maps and open land habitat maps may be found at visit/maps/. Order Form (Cut along this line) Name________________________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code____________________________________________________________________________ Qty.Item Price each Total _____ LBL Recreation Map $3 ______ _____ Deer of LBL Information Sheet Free ______ _____ Camping InformationFree ______ Please include $2 for postage and handling for any purchased maps. See reverse side for Hunter Use Permits. Land Between The Lakes Tree Stands: Portable stands and climbing devices that do not injure trees may be used. All portable stands must display the name and address of owner. Portable stands may be placed on trees no more than two weeks before hunting season and must be removed within one week following hunting season. Nails, spikes, screw-in devices, or other devices which injure trees must not be used for attaching stands or climbing trees. General Regulations • CAMPING: LBL offers developed campgrounds, self-service camping areas, and backcountry camping. Backcountry camping requires a permit for each person age 18 & older; $30 annual permit, $7 three-day permit, or $35 Combination Hunter Use Permit/ Backcountry Camping Permit and is permitted anywhere in LBL except Nature Watch Areas, Brandon Spring Group Center, cemeteries, picnic areas, and within 200 yards of Woodlands Trace, Silver Trail Rd., Mulberry Flat Rd., & Ft. Henry Rd. Campfires are permitted, but must be attended at all times and completely extinguished before campers leaves site. CAMPING SHELTERS: Available at Wranglers and Piney Campgrounds. Small shelter (sleeps 4) $40/night, large shelter (sleeps 8, Wranglers only) $60/night. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Licensed motorized vehicles are permitted only on roads which are marked by numbered signs and corresponding numbers on the LBL Recreation Map and Motorized Vehicle Use Map (MVUM), (See www. Other LBL roads are for administrative access and are not open to public use. Unlicensed motorized vehicles, including four-wheelers, are allowed only in the Turkey Bay Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Area and require a permit. The OHV Area is an archery-only area for deer hunting. Parking is permitted within one vehicle length of a legal road. Blocking access to any road or trail is prohibited. Rutting of fields and roads is prohibited. Do not leave campfire rings (rocks) in fields or roads. Firearms possessed during legal hunting season by licensed hunters must be cased and unloaded (chamber and magazine) while being transported in a vehicle. No discharge of a firearm or other implement capable of taking animal life within 150 yards of any developed area. Nature Watch Areas are closed to hunting unless otherwise indicated. Wildlife refuges are closed to human entry during the refuge period and closed to all hunting year-round. The placement of bait or hunting over bait, including food or mineral substances, is prohibited on LBL. Spotlighting or the use of any artificial lights to locate wildlife is prohibited at all times. Paint, tape, flagging, or other artificial materials shall not be used to mark trees, trails, or routes. Hunting deer from horseback or hunting deer with the use of dogs is prohibited. Hunters must not be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances. All applicable state and federal regulations must be observed. To protect the future of hunting, hunters are encouraged to be courteous and helpful to other visitors. QUOTA HUNTS Applications: To participate in a Quota Deer Hunt, hunters must apply between July 1-31 and be selected in a computer drawing. Go to to apply. Permits: Hunters selected in the quota hunt drawing will print an online LBL Quota Hunt Permit. Areas and/ or dates cannot be changed, and a permit cannot be transferred to another hunter. Persons under age 16 hunting deer with a firearm must be accompanied at all times by someone at least 21 years of age who meets the hunter safety education requirement and must remain close enough to take immediate control of the weapon. While hunting, hunters must carry on their person the following items: LBL Quota Hunt Permit, LBL Hunter Use Permit, state hunting license, deer permit, and hunter safety card as required by state regulations. To make reservations for camping shelters or sites in developed campgrounds visit https://www.usedirect. com/CampLBL/ or Bag Limits: There is an LBL-wide one antlered buck bag limit. The quota hunt bag limit is one deer of either call 1-800-LBL-7077, sex unless an antlered buck has already been harvested during LBL’s archery/crossbow seasons. LBL deer are then press 2. bonus deer and do not count towards statewide bag limits. Coyotes, armadillos, and hogs may be taken during all hunting seasons. Hogs must be checked out at LBL hunter check stations or the Golden Pond Administrative Office. Please immediately report any hog sightings at 270-924-2065. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at 202-7202600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Check-In/Out: Hunters are not required to check-in prior to hunting. All deer harvested on quota hunts must be checked-out at LBL check stations on quota hunt days and prior to leaving LBL. Hunter Orange: All quota hunters, youth hunters, and adults accompanying youth hunters must wear visible items of hunter orange as required by state regulations. Legal Firearms: Muzzleloading shotguns and rifles, and conventional shotguns, rifles, and handguns may be used according to state regulations. Firearms transported in vehicles must be cased and unloaded in both magazine and chamber. Youth Hunt: Youth hunters must be under age 16 in Kentucky and age 6-16 in Tennessee on the first day of the hunt. Youth hunters must possess a state-approved hunter safety card or certificate on their person while hunting according to state regulations. Youth not required to have a hunter safety card must receive basic hunter safety instructions and carry a verification form as described under Hunter Safety Requirement at Each youth must be accompanied by an adult at least 21 years old who meets the state hunter safety requirements and must remain in a position to take immediate control of the hunting device. A Hunter Use Permit is not required for an adult accompanying a youth hunter. Note: While hunting, two youth hunters require two adults, three youth hunters three adults, etc. ARCHERY AND CROSSBOW Bag Limits and Legal Game: There is an LBL-wide one antlered buck bag limit. The archery/crossbow limit is two white-tailed deer, including one antlered buck unless a buck has already been harvested on LBL. In addition to deer, archers with required state licenses and permits may take one turkey (either sex), squirrels, woodchucks, feral hogs, armadillos, and coyotes. Hogs must be checked out at LBL hunter check stations or the Golden Pond Administrative Office. Please immediately report any hog sightings at 270-924-2065. Area Open: The entire LBL area is open to archery and crossbow hunting except Nature Watch Areas, wildlife refuges, safety zones around facilities, and other areas posted as closed. Some closed areas may be opened to bowhunting in December and January, call 270-924-2065 for a list of areas. Archery Equipment: Recurve bows, longbows, compound bows, crossbows, and accessory equipment must conform to state regulations. Hunters may not carry firearms while archery hunting. Revised 5-2014 Qty. _____ Item Hunter Use Permit (fill in names below) Price each $25 Total ______ _____ Combination Hunter Use Permit/Backcountry Camping Permit (age 18 and older) $35 ______ Total amount of order ______ Make checks payable to USDA Forest Service. Mail to: Administrative Services, Land Between The Lakes, 100 Van Morgan Drive, Golden Pond, Kentucky 42211-9001. Allow two weeks for delivery. Names for Hunter Use Permits Regular ($25) Combination Hunter Use/Backcountry Camping ($35) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
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