Hugh R. Thomas Curriculum Vitae June 2014 Office Address: Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of New Brunswick Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3 Email: [email protected] Office phone: (506) 458 7331 WWW:˜hugh Home Address: 251 George St., #2 Fredericton, NB E3B 1J4 Personal Born: March 27, 1973, Winnipeg, Canada. Citizenship: Canadian. Areas of Academic Interest Algebraic combinatorics, representation theory of algebras, algebraic geometry. Education 1994–2000 University of Chicago, Ph.D. in Mathematics, June 2000 Advisor: William Fulton Thesis: An Action of Equivariant Cartier Divisors on Invariant Cycles for Toric Varieties M.S. in Mathematics, June 1995. 1990–1994 University of Toronto, B.Sc. in Mathematics, June 1994. 2011– 2006–2011 2004–2006 2002–2004 2000–2002 Employment Professor, University of New Brunswick Associate professor, University of New Brunswick Assistant professor, University of New Brunswick Postdoctoral fellow, Fields Institute Imperial Oil Postdoctoral fellow, University of Western Ontario Research grants, honours, and awards ◦ Simons Visiting Professor, February 2014 ◦ University Research Fellow, University of New Brunswick, 2012–2014 ◦ 2011 G. de B. Robinson award from the Canadian Mathematical Society for “Multiplicity-free Schubert calculus” (with Alex Yong). ◦ UNB Student Union Excellence in Teaching award, 2009-2010. ◦ NSERC Discovery Grants: 2005–2010, 2010–2016. ◦ Harrison McCain Young Scholar Award, March 2009. ◦ UNB Award of Merit, June 2008. 1 2 Papers Published and To Appear ◦ (with C. Ingalls and C. Paquette) Semi-stable subcategories for Euclidean quivers, Proceedings LMS (to appear). arXiv:1212.1424. ◦ (with S. Oppermann and I. Reiten) Quotient closed subcategories of quiver representations, Compositio Math. (to appear). arXiv:1205.3268. ◦ (with A. Felikson, M. Shapiro, and P. Tumarkin) Growth rate of cluster algebras, Proceedings LMS (to appear). arXiv:1203.5558. ◦ (with A. Yong) Equivariant Schubert calculus and jeu de taquin. Annales de l’Institut Fourier (to appear). arXiv:1207.3209. ◦ (with A. Yong and E. Clifford) K-theoretic Schubert calculus for OG(n, 2n+1) and jeu de taquin for shifted increasing tableaux. J. Reine Angew. Math. 690 (2014), 51–63. ◦ (with C. Brav) Thin monodromy in Sp(4). Compositio Math. 150 (2014), 333-343. ◦ (with N. Williams) Cyclic symmetry of the scaled simplex. J. Algebraic Combinatorics 39 (2014), 225–246. e Pro◦ (with G. Dupont) Atomic bases in cluster algebras of types A and A. ceedings LMS 107 (2013), 825–850. ◦ (with D. Speyer) Acyclic cluster algebras revisited. Algebras, Quivers, and Representations: the Abel Symposium 2011, in A. B. Buan, I. Reiten, and Ø. Solberg, eds. Springer Verlag, 2013. pp. 275–298. ◦ (with C. Berg, N. Bergeron, and M. Zabrocki) Expansion of k-Schur functions for maximal rectangles within the affine nilCoxeter algebra. Journal of Combinatorics 3 (2012), 563–589. ◦ (with D. Armstrong and C. Stump) A uniform bijection between nonnesting and noncrossing partitions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 365 (2013) 4121–4151. ◦ (with A. B. Buan and I. Reiten) From m-clusters to m-noncrossing partitions via exceptional sequences. Mathematische Zeitschrift 271 (2012), 1117–1139. ◦ (with S. Oppermann) Higher dimensional cluster combinatorics and representation theory. Journal of the European Mathematical Society 14 (2012), 1679–1737. ◦ (with F. Saliola) Oriented interval greedoids. Discrete and Computational Geometry 47 (2012), 64–105. ◦ (with F. Santos and T. Stephen) Embedding a pair of graphs in a surface, and the width of 4-dimensional prismatoids. Discrete and Computational Geometry 47 (2012), 569–576. ◦ (with C. Brav) Braid groups and Kleinian singularities. Mathematische Annalen 351 (2011), 1005–1017. ◦ (with A. B. Buan and I. Reiten) Three kinds of mutation. Journal of Algebra 339 (2011), 97–113. ◦ (with C. Lange and C. Hohlweg) Permutahedra and generalized associahedra. Advances in Mathematics 226 (2011), 608–640. ◦ (with A. Yong) Longest increasing subsequences, Plancherel-type measure and the Hecke insertion algorithm. With an appendix by A. Yong and O. Zeitouni. Advances in Applied Mathematics 46 (2011) 610–642. ◦ (with A. Yong) The direct sum map on Grassmannians and jeu de taquin for increasing tableaux. International Math Research Notices 2011, 2766–2793. 3 ◦ (with K. Igusa and R. Schiffler) Appendix to: K. Igusa and R. Schiffler, Exceptional sequences and clusters. Journal of Algebra 323 (2010), 2201. ◦ (with A. Yong) Multiplicity-free Schubert calculus. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 53 (2010), 171–186. ◦ (with A. Buan) Coloured quiver mutation for higher cluster categories. Advances in Mathematics 222 (2009), 971–995. ◦ Appendix to: K. Baur and R. Marsh, Frieze patterns for punctured discs. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 30 (2009), 376–378. ◦ (with C. Ingalls) Noncrossing partitions and representations of quivers. Compositio Mathematica 145 (2009) 1533–1562. ◦ (with A. Yong) A combinatorial rule for (co)minuscule Schubert calculus. Advances in Mathematics 222 (2009) 596–620. ◦ (with M. Moreno, J. Nicola, and E. Pardo) Numerical semigroups that are not intersections of d-squashed semigroups. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 52 (2009), 598–612. ◦ (with R. Schiffler) On cluster algebras arising from unpunctured surfaces. International Math Research Notices 2009 3160–3189. ◦ (with A. Yong) A jeu de taquin theory for increasing tableaux, with applications to K-theoretic Schubert calculus. Journal of Algebra and Number Theory 3 (2009), 121–148. ◦ (with N. Bergeron, C. Hohlweg, and C. Lange) Isometry classes of generalized associahedra. S´eminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 61A (2008), 13 pages (electronic). ◦ (with S. van Willigenburg) Compact symmetric solutions to the postage stamp problem. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 30 (2008), 55–63. ◦ (with A. Yong) An S3 -symmetric Littlewood-Richardson rule. Mathematical Research Letters 15 (2008), 1027–1037. ◦ (with T. Stephen) A quadratic lower bound for colourful simplicial depth. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 16 (2008), 324–327. ◦ Appendix to: A. Cojocaru, Higher dimensional function field analogues of the Erd˝os and Halberstam Theorems, Acta Arithmetica 131(2008) 336–339. ◦ Defining an m-cluster category. Journal of Algebra 318 (2007), 37–46. ◦ Tamari lattices and noncrossing partitions in type B. Discrete Mathematics 306 (2006), 2711–2723. ◦ An analogue of distributivity for ungraded lattices. Order 23 (2006), 249–269. ◦ (with L. Billera and S. van Willigenburg) Decomposable compositions, symmetric quasi-symmetric functions, and equality of ribbon Schur functions. Advances in Mathematics 204 (2006), 204–240. ◦ (with P. McNamara) Poset edge-labellings and left modularity. European Journal of Combinatorics 27 (2006) 101–113. ◦ (with J. Brown, C. Hickman, and D. Wagner) On the roots of open set polynomials. Annals of Combinatorics 9 (2005) 259–268. ◦ Graded left modular lattices are supersolvable. Algebra Universalis 53 (2005) 481–489. ◦ The number of terms in the permanent and the determinant of a generic circulant matrix. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 20 (2004) 55–60. ◦ (with J. Pommersheim) Cycles representing the Todd class of a toric variety. Journal of the American Mathematical Society 17 (2004) 983–994. 4 ◦ Cycle-level intersection theory for toric varieties. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 56 (2004) 1094–1120. ◦ Order-preserving maps from a poset to a chain, the order polytope, and the Todd class of the associated toric variety. European Journal of Combinatorics 24 (2003) 809–814. ◦ New combinatorial descriptions of the triangulations of cyclic polytopes and the second higher Stasheff-Tamari posets. Order 19 (2002), 326–342. ◦ Bounding the degrees of generators of a homogeneous dimension 2 toric ideal. Collectanea Mathematica 53 (2002), 277-285. ◦ (with S. Corteel, G. R´emond, and G. Schaeffer) The number of plane corner cuts. Advances in Applied Mathematics 23 (1999), 49–53. Submitted Papers ◦ (with A. Yong) Cominuscule tableau combinatorics. ◦ (with O. Iyama, I. Reiten, and G. Todorov) Lattice structure of torsion classes for path algebras. arXiv:1312.3659 ◦ Appendix to: C. Ingalls, A. Obus, E. Ozman, and B. Viray, Unramified Brauer classes on cyclic covers of the projective plane. arXiv:1310.8005. Invited Expository Talks ◦ Semistable subcategories for Dynkin and Euclidean quivers. Geometric methods in representation theory, Columbia, MO. November 2013. ◦ Reflection groups and representations of quivers. Maurice Auslander international conference, Woods Hole, MA. April 2013. ◦ An introduction to categorification of cluster algebras. Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems 2012, Hania, Crete, Greece. July 2012. Invited Talks ◦ Thin monodromy groups in Sp(4,Z). Introductory workshop on Calabi-Yau varieties, Fields Institute, Toronto, ON. August 2013. ◦ A reflection group perspective on c-vectors. CanaDAM, St. John’s, NL. June 2013. ◦ c-vectors of acyclic cluster algebras. AMS sectional meeting, Boulder, CO. April 2013. ◦ Lexicographically first subwords in Coxeter groups and quiver representations. CMS winter meeting, Montr´eal, QC. December 2012. ◦ Higher-dimensional analogues of cluster structures. Cluster algebras in combinatorics, algebra, and geometry, MSRI, Berkeley, CA. October 2012. ◦ Quotient-closed subcategories of representations of a quiver. Infinite dimensional Lie theory: Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics. CRM, Montr´eal, QC. August 2012. ◦ Quotient-closed subcategories of representations of quivers and sorting order on reflection groups. Maurice Auslander international conference, Woods Hole, MA. April 2012. ◦ Categorification of acyclic cluster algebras revisited. Cluster categories and cluster tilting, Trondheim, Norway. March 2012. ◦ Jeu de taquin for equivariant cohomology of Grassmannians. CMS winter meeting, Toronto, ON. December 2011. 5 ◦ Quotient-closed subcategories of the representations of a quiver. CMS winter meeting, Toronto, ON. December 2011. ◦ Quotient-closed subcategories of representations of quivers and sorting order on reflection groups. Hausdorff Institute workshop on the interaction of representation theory with geometry and combinatorics. Bonn, Germany. March 2011. ◦ Noncrossing partitions and applications. Colloquium talk, University of Regina. Regina, SK. October 2010. ◦ A geometric interpretation of the transverse quiver Grassmannian. AMS sectional meeting. Syracuse, NY. October 2010. ◦ A Littlewood-Richardson rule for the equivariant cohomology of Grassmannians. Fields Institute workshop on Affine Schubert Calculus. Toronto, ON. July 2010 ◦ A Littlewood-Richardson rule for the K-theory of orthogonal Grassmannians. SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics. Austin, TX. June 2010. ◦ A combinatorial approach to B-matrices for cluster algebras. International conference on representations of algebras and related topics. Woods Hole, MA. April 2010. ◦ Littlewood Richardson rules via jeu de taquin. AIM workshop: Localization techniques in equivariant cohomology. Palo Alto, CA. March 2010. ◦ Higher Auslander algebras, cyclic polytopes, and analogues of tropical cluster algebras. Homological and geometric methods in algebra. Trondheim, Norway. August 2009. ◦ Faithfulness of braid group actions on derived categories. CMS summer meeting. St. John’s, NL. June 2009. ◦ Higher Auslander algebras, cyclic polytopes, and analogues of tropical cluster algebras. International conference on representations of algebras and related topics. Woods Hole, MA. April 2009. ◦ Higher Auslander algebras, cyclic polytopes, and analogues of tropical cluster algebras. AMS sectional meeting. Champaign-Urbana, IL. March 2009. ◦ Cluster categories, higher cluster categories, and negative cluster categories, from a combinatorial perspective. Combinatorial algebra meets algebraic combinatorics. St. John’s, NL. January 2009. ◦ Oriented interval greedoids. Billerafest. Ithaca, NY. June 2008. ◦ Finite-type Artin groups via quiver representations. Colloquium of non-commutative algebra. Sherbrooke, QC. June 2008. ◦ Groupes d’Artin et repr´esentations des carquois. CMS summer meeting. Montreal, QC. June 2008. ◦ Coloured quiver mutation for higher cluster categories. International conference on representations of algebras and related topics. Woods Hole, MA. April 2008. ◦ Sorting order on reflection groups and quotient-closed subcategories of representations of quivers. AMS sectional meeting. Bloomington, IN. April 2008. ◦ A new partial order on a finite reflection group. CMS winter meeting. London, ON. December 2007. ◦ (Co)minuscule Schubert calculus. CMS summer meeting. Winnipeg, MB. June 2007. ◦ The cluster category and noncrossing partitions. Perspectives in AuslanderReiten theory. Trondheim, Norway. May 2007. 6 ◦ A combinatorial rule for (co)minuscule Schubert calculus. CMS winter meeting. Toronto, ON. December 2006. ◦ Noncrossing partitions via representations of quivers. CMS winter meeting. Toronto, ON. December 2006. ◦ A combinatorial rule for (co)minuscule Schubert calculus. AMS southeastern sectional meeting. Fayetteville, AR. November 2006. ◦ Intersection theory for toric varieties. Fields Institute workshop on computational and combinatorial commutative algebra. Toronto, ON. August 2006. ◦ Noncrossing partitions via representation theory of quivers. CBMS summer school. Raleigh, NC. June 2006. ◦ Matroids, antimatroids, greedoids, and orientation. East coast combinatorics conference. Charlottetown, PE. April 2006. ◦ Generalized Catalan phenomena via quiver representations. International conference on representations of algebras and related topics. Boston, MA. October 2005. ◦ The lattice of noncrossing partitions via representation theory of quivers. CMS summer meeting. Waterloo, ON. June 2005. Refereed Conference Talks ◦ (with S. Oppermann and I. Reiten) Cofinite quotient-closed subcategories of quiver representations (plus...) Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras. Oberwolfach, Germany. February 2014. ◦ (with A. B. Buan and I. Reiten) m-noncrossing partitions and m-clusters. Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics. Hagenburg, Austria. July 2009. ◦ (with M. Moreno, J. Nicola, and E. Pardo) A problem on semigroups with applications to the K-theory of C*-algebras. Franco-Canadian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms. Hamilton, ON. August 2005. ◦ Tamari lattices and non-crossing partitions in types B and D. Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics. Vancouver, BC. June 2004. ◦ Maps between higher Bruhat orders and higher Stasheff-Tamari posets. Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics. Vadstena, Sweden. June 2003. ◦ (with P. McNamara) Poset edge-labelling and left modularity. Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics. Vadstena, Sweden. June 2003. (Talk presented by P. McNamara.) ◦ Tamari lattices in types B and D. European conference on combinatorics, graph theory and applications. Prague, Czech Republic. September 2003. ◦ Bounding the degrees of generators of a homogeneous dimension 2 toric ideal. Octavo encuentro de ´algebra computational y aplicaciones. Pe˜ naranda de Duero, Spain. September 2002. Contributed Conference Talks ◦ Canonical decomposition and stability conditions for Dynkin and Euclidean quivers. XXVe Rencontre de thorie des reprsentations des algbres. Sherbrooke, QC. October 2013. ◦ Higher-dimensional tropical cluster phenomena. Combinatorial algebra meets algebraic combinatorics. Toronto, ON. January 2013. 7 ◦ Quotient-closed subcategories of the representations of a quiver. (Selected by the program committee for plenary presentation.) International conference on representations of algebras 2012. Bielefeld, Germany. August 2012. ◦ Canonically positive bases in the cluster algebra associated to an annulus. Combinatorial algebra meets algebraic combinatorics. Montreal, QC. January 2012. ◦ Higher dimensional analogues of cluster combinatorics and cyclic polytopes. Surfaces and representations. Sherbrooke, QC. October 2010. ◦ Braid groups actions on triangulated categories. International conference on representations of algebras XIV. Tokyo, Japan. August 2010. ◦ Cluster combinatorics and Artin group presentations. International conference on cluster algebras and related topics. Mexico City, Mexico. December 2008. ◦ m-clusters and m-non-crossing partitions. 20th meeting on representation theory of algebras. Sherbrooke, QC. October 2008. ◦ Finite type Artin groups via quiver representations. (Selected by the program committee for plenary presentation.) International conference on representations of algebras XIII. S˜ao Paulo, Brazil. August 2008. ◦ (Co)minuscule Schubert calculus. BIRS workshop: Schubert calculus and Schubert geometry. Banff, AB. March 2007. ◦ Tableau combinatorics of dual equivalence and its generalizations. CRM workshop: algebraic geometry and algebraic combinatorics. Montreal, QC. May 2007. ◦ A graph-theoretic approach to (some) cluster algebras. East coast combinatorics conference. Sackville, NB. April 2007. ◦ Noncrossing partitions via representations of quivers. CRM mini-workshop: algebraic combinatorics meets inverse systems. Montreal, . January 2007. ◦ The lattice of noncrossing partitions via representation theory of quivers. AMS northeastern sectional meeting. Annandale-on-Hudson, NY. October 2005. ◦ Defining an m-cluster category. 17th meeting on representation theory of algebras. Sherbrooke, QC. September 2005. ◦ Tamari lattices in types A, B, and D. AMS national meeting. Phoenix, AZ. January 2004. ◦ Tamari lattices and non-crossing partitions in types A and B. CMS summer meeting. Edmonton, AB. June 2003. ◦ A simple Todd class formula for toric varieties (that sometimes works). AMS western sectional meeting. Portland, OR. June 2002. Recent Seminar Talks 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Bielefeld (Germany), Western. (none) NTNU (Norway), Minnesota, Fields Institute. Memorial, Queen’s, Leeds, Bielefeld, NTNU, Toronto. York, UQAM, University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, Nagoya, Michigan, Toronto, NTNU, Waterloo. 2009 Toronto, MIT, Michigan State, UC Davis, Chicago, NTNU. 8 Extended visits ◦ Simons Visiting Professor, Bielefeld and Oberwolfach, two weeks, February 2014. ◦ Research Member, MSRI, August–December 2012. ◦ Bielefeld University, Germany, three weeks, May–June 2011. ◦ Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Germany, six weeks, March–April 2011 ◦ NTNU, Norway, four weeks, November 2010. ◦ Nagoya University, Japan, two weeks, July–August 2010. ◦ NTNU, Norway, three weeks, August 2009. ◦ Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Germany, four weeks, September– October 2008. ◦ NTNU, Norway, three weeks, August–September 2008. ◦ NTNU, Norway, three weeks, May 2007. Professional activities Service as external examiner/referee: ◦ Feng Xie, McMaster, for Ph.D. degree in Computing and Software, December 2011. ◦ Dagfinn Vatne, NTNU, Norway, for Ph.D. degree, August 2009. ◦ Nikolai Dichev, Universit¨at Paderborn, for degree of Dr. rer. nat., July 2009. Conference organizing: ◦ Co-organizer, Workshop on Hall algebras and cluster algebras, Centre de recherches math´ematiques, Montreal, May 2014. ◦ Program committee member, Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics meeting, 2014. ◦ Co-organizer, Combinatorial algebra meets algebraic combinatorics, Halifax, January 2014. ◦ Co-organizer, Workshop on cluster algebras and physics, Mexico City, June 2013. ◦ Co-organizer, CMS meeting session, Cluster algebras and related topics, CMS summer meeting, Regina, SK, June 2012. ◦ Co-organizer, BIRS workshop: Cluster algebras, representation theory, and Poisson geometry, September 2011. ◦ Co-organizer, Sage Days, Acadia University, May 2011. ◦ Meeting Co-director, CMS summer meeting, Fredericton, NB, June 2010. ◦ Co-organizer, Algebraic combinatorics meets combinatorial algebra, Halifax, NS, January 2008. ◦ Organizing committee member, East coast combinatorics conference, Sackville, NB, April 2007. ◦ Co-organizer, Atlantic optimization days, Fredericton, NB, October 2006. ◦ Program committee member, Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics meeting, 2006. ◦ Steering committee member, East coast combinatorics conference series, October 2005–April 2007. ◦ Co-organizer, East coast combinatorics conference, Fredericton, NB, January 2005. 9 Editorial: ◦ Guest editor of proceedings volume for Centre de recherches math´ematiques thematic semester on Lie theory, to appear as a special issue of SIGMA. Service to professional organizations: ◦ Member of scientific review panel of AARMS (Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences), September 2010–present. ◦ Chair of the distinguished lecturer committee of AARMS, June 2009–present. ◦ Member of board of directors, Canadian Mathematical Society, July 2009– June 2013. Refereeing: ◦ Journals: Advances in Mathematics, Annals of Combinatorics, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Communications in Algebra, Compositio Mathematica, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, European Journal of Combinatorics, Forum Mathematicum, Glasgow Math Journal, Information Sciences, International Math Research Notices, Journal of Algebra, Journal of Algebras and Representation Theory, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Journal of Combinatorial Theory (Series A), Journal of Combinatorial Theory (Series B), Journal of Integer Sequences, Journal of Lie Theory, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, Mathematics Magazine, Mathematische Nachrichten, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Manuscripta Mathematica, Order, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Selecta Mathematica, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics. ◦ Books: AARMS monograph series, Fields Institute monograph series. ◦ Grant applications: NSERC Discovery Grants, Canada Research Chairs, NSA, NSF (also as panel member), FONDECYT (Chile); Member of NSERC Mathematics and Statistics EG 2012–2015. Other: ◦ Reviewer for Math Reviews (2003–present). Supervision Undergraduate students: ◦ Mathieu Girard, summer research assistant, May–August 2013, May–August 2014. ◦ (jointly with Vlad Tasi´c) Calin Fraser, NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Assistant, May–August 2012. ◦ (jointly with Alyssa Sankey) Eric Webster, NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Assistant, May–August 2010, May–August 2011. ◦ (jointly with Barry Monson) Joe Kileel, NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Assistant, July–September 2009. Graduate students: ◦ (jointly with Eddy Campbell) Kaveh Mousavand, Ph.D. student, January 2013–. ◦ Josh Murray, M.Sc. student, September 2007–May 2009 (degree not completed). 10 Postdoctoral Fellows: ◦ (jointly with Eddy Campbell) Charles Paquette, September 2011–April 2014. Starting May 2012, supported by an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship and an AARMS postdoctoral fellowship. ◦ (jointly with Colin Ingalls) Xiande Yang, September 2009–June 2010. ◦ (jointly with Barry Monson) Daniel Pellicer, January 2009–June 2009. ◦ (jointly with Colin Ingalls) Alexander Kasprzyk, September 2006–August 2008. For 07–08, partially supported by an ACEnet fellowship. University Service ◦ UNB Putnam Training, Fall 2004–2007, Fall 2009, Fall 2011, Fall 2013. ◦ Departmental representative on Collective Bargaining Council, 2005–2006, 2009–2010, 2013–2014. ◦ Member of UNB Senate, September 2006–June 2009. ◦ Senate representative on the search committe for Dean of Computer Science, 2007–2008. ◦ Speaker at UNB-ESSO-CMS Math Camp in 2005, 2006. ◦ Departmental committees: Assessment/Hiring, Preparation for and response to external review, AARMS summer school, Search committee for chair (2010, 2013), NB math competition. Courses taught at the University of New Brunswick ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Math 1003, Introduction to Calculus I, Fall 2004, Fall 2011 Math 1013, Introduction to Calculus II, Winter 2009 Math 1053, Enriched Introduction to Calculus I, Fall 2009 Math 2203, Discrete Mathematics, Fall 2006, Fall 2009, Fall 2013 Math 2213, Linear Algebra, Fall 2007, Winter 2012 Math 3033, Group Theory, Winter 2006, Winter 2013 Math 3063, Geometry, Winter 2006, Winter 2008, Winter 2009, Winter 2012, Winter 2013, Winter 2014 Math 3103, Analysis I, Fall 2011 Math 3213, Linear Algebra II, Fall 2013 Math 3333, Combinatorial Theory, Fall 2004, Fall 2005, Fall 2006 Math 3343, Graph Theory, Winter 2008, Winter 2009, Winter 2010 Math 3363, Finite Mathematics, Winter 2005 Math 4043, Advanced Algebra, Fall 2006 Math 4903, Generating Functions in Enumerative Combinatorics (reading course), Winter 2006 Math 6053, Topics in Advanced Algebra II: Tensor Categories and Lowdimensional Topology, Winter 2010 Math 6053, Topics in Advanced Algebra II: Representation Theory, Winter 2013, Fall 2013, Winter 2014 Math 6903, Commutative Ring Theory, Fall 2005 Math 6991, Topological Combinatorics, Fall 2007
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