FRIB Experimental Overview Brad Sherrill for the FRIB project team October 2014 Outline § Introduction § Background on rare isotope production methods § FRIB rare isotope yield estimates § FRIB facility overview, status, and timeline § Experimental facilities and FRIB upgrade options § Isotope harvesting options for parallel operation § Summary During the workshop I will try to make a list of isotopes discussed and if appropriate comment on FRIB possibilities and/or if another facility is better suited. Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 2 Major US Project – Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, FRIB § Funded by the US DOE Office of Science § Key Feature is 200 MeV/u 400kW beam power (5 x1013 238U/s) § Separation of isotopes in-flight § Science program requires range of energies: Fast, Stopped, and reaccelerated beams § Upgradable to 400 MeV/u and multi-user Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 3 Facility for Rare Isotope Beams: Program Properties of atomic nuclei • Develop a predictive model of nuclei and their interactions • Detailed study of nuclear structure relevant to symmetries tests (DBD, etc.) Astrophysics: Nuclear processes in the cosmos • Origin of the elements, chemical history • Explosive environments: novae, supernovae, X-ray bursts … • Properties of neutron stars Fundamental Symmetries • Effects of symmetry violations are amplified in certain nuclei • Example: Enhanced EDM searches Societal applications and benefits • Medicine, energy, material sciences, … Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 4 In-flight Isotope Production Scheme • FRIB uses the in-flight production scheme to produce rare isotopes • Cartoon of nuclide production – projectile fragmentation, fission, Coulomb breakup, transfer, … projectile target • To produce a potential drip-line nucleus like 122Zr the production cross section (from 136Xe) is estimated to be 2x10-18 • Nevertheless with a 136Xe beam of 8x1013 ion/s (12 pµA, 400 kW at 200 MeV/u) a few atoms per week can be made and studied (efficient >80% collection; sensitive 1 out of 1020) • At the other extreme: 6He from 7Li (1x1015/s; 20 mb) could be produced at 3x1012/s Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 5 Rare Isotope Production Methods Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 6 Advantages/Disadvantages of ISOL/In-Flight In-flight: § Provides beams with energy near that of the primary beam GSI/FAIR RIKEN NSCL FRIB GANIL ANL… • For experiments that use high energy reaction mechanisms • Secondary luminosity (intensity x target thickness) x10,000 • Individual ions can be identified § Efficient, Fast (100 ns), chemically independent separation § Production target is relatively simple 400kW 238U at 0.2 GeV is 5.3x1013 /s • Good Beam quality (π mm-mr vs. 30 π mm-mr transverse) • Small beam energy spread for fusion studies ISAC SPIRAL • Can use chemistry (or atomic physics) to limit the elements ISOLDE released SPES • 2-step targets provide a path to MW targets EURIOSOL • High beam intensity leads to 50x gain in secondary ions ISOL: 400kW protons at 1 GeV is 2.5x1015 /s Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 7 Example: 209Fr § Disclaimer: Certain elements favor one technique over another. Fr is a good case for ISOL, while Pa is a good case for in-flight. § Current production of 209Fr DATA: ISOLDE Yield Database, ISAC Yield Database, LISE++ § Future facilities 209Fr NOTE: Values are approximate and not based on detailed simulations (based on I. Gomez, J. Nolen, LISE++) Facility Type 209Fr Yield /s TRIUMF ISOL 5x108 ISOLDE ISOL 1.3x109 RIKEN In-flight 106 NSCL In-flight 103 Facility FRIB Type In-flight 209Fr Yield /s 2x109-10 FRIB ISOL ISOL 5x1011 1 MW ISOL ISOL 1012 EURISOL ISOL 1013 Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 8 In-Flight Production Example: NSCL D.J. Morrissey, B.M. Sherrill, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A. Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 356 (1998) 1985. K500 Example: 86Kr → 78Ni ion sources coupling line K1200 86Kr14+, 12 MeV/u A1900 focal plane Δp/p = 5% stripping foil 86Kr34+, 140 MeV/u production target wedge fragment yield after target fragment yield after wedge transmission of 65% of the produced 78Ni fragment yield at focal plane The Reach of FRIB Separated fast beam rates* * Special cases can be 103 more O. Tarasov LISE++ Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 10 LISE++ Simulation Code The code operates under Windows and provides a highly user-friendly interface. It can be downloaded from the following internet address: O. Tarasov, D. Bazin Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 11 Examples of EDM Candidates at FRIB § Beam dump recovery during 238U beam operation • Parasitic operation of around 150 days/year • 225Ra: 6x109/s • 223Rn: 8x107/s • 208-220Fr 109/s § Dedicated running with a 232Th beam • Operation of a few weeks per year (?) • 225Ra in a catcher: 5x1010/s • 223Rn from 232Th beam stopped in water: 1x109/s • 208-220Fr 1010/s § For reference Project X 1GeV protons 1 MW (FRIB upgrade) • • 225Ra 1013/s 223Ra 1011/s Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 12 FRIB Facility Overview SRF highbay complete e Targ Existing NSCL t Fa cility LINAC Building Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 13 FRIB Construction is Underway: Ground Breaking March 17, 2014 FRIB construction site 17 March 2014 – Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 14 FRIB Civil Construction Progess FRIB construction site on 20 October 2014 - web camera at Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 15 FRIB Civil Construction Underway & 9 Weeks Ahead of Schedule September 1 October 1 Accelerator Hall, 1st Floor Support Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 16 FRIB: Cost and Schedule § FRIB project started 6/2009 § Total project cost $730 million • $635.5M Department of Energy • $94.5M Michigan State University and State of Michigan § Civil construction started 3/2014 § Technical construction start 10/2014 • Critical Decision CD-3b approved 8/2014 § CD-4 (DOE project completion) 6/2022 • Project managed for early completion 12/2020 § NSCL will continue to operate as national user facility until shortly before FRIB completion – funded by NSF • Integration of NSCL facilities into FRIB within one year in 2019-2020 Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 17 FRIB Facility Overview Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 18 Driver Linear Accelerator Superconducting RF cavities 4 types ≈ 350 total Epeak ≈ 27-34 MV/m β=0.04 β = 0.08 β = 0.29 β = 0.53 Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 19 FRIB: Fragment Separator Three Separation Stages § Three stage magnetic fragment separator • High acceptance, high resolution multiple optical modes Multi-slice rotating graphite target Water-filled rotating beam dump Radiation resistant magnets; example HTS quadrupole Final design substantially complete Magnet fabrication to start in Nov/2014 Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 20 Three Experimental Energy Regimes Radioactive Ion Beams are needed/available in three energy domains: Reaccelerated Fast à 200 MeV/u Stopped Stoppedà 60 keV/q Reaccelerated à 0.3 up to 20 MeV/u Fast Reaccelerated (equip. planned) Fast (planned) Note: darker-shaded areas in use at present NSCL. Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 21 Continued Science Opportunities at NSCL with Fast, Stopped, Reaccelerated Beams 20 meter MoNA LISA Sweeper Magnet K500 Cyclotron BECOLA LEBIT Laser Ablation Minitrap SIPT Positron Polarimeter Momentum Compression ANL Gas Stopper Cyclotron Stopper Cryogenic Gas Stopper SECAR (design) JENSA ANASEN, Cycstopper off FSU line SuN commissioning CFFD JANUS.. AT-TPC ReA3 Hall ReA6-12 Hall ReAccelerator Facility Space for future expansion of the science program K1200 Cyclotron SEETF A1900 Fragment Separator RFFS Fast Beams Gas Stopper SeGA BCS S800 HiRA NERO Triplex Plunger DDAS CAESAR CAESAR LENDA Proton detector (conceptual design) GRETINA (DOE national user facility) Stopped beams Reaccelerated Beams Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 22 Science-driven Upgrade Options Remain Experimental Area double space if science needs it Light ion injector upgrade 3He+, 195 MeV/u ISOL targets 3He, 400 MeV/u Multiuser capability with light ion injector Energy upgrade to ≥ 400 MeV/u for all ions (high performance λ/2 cryomodules) Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 23 FRIB: Isotope Harvesting Opportunities Make Best Use of Rare Isotopes Produced § Produce a rare isotope beam for a primary user § At the same time up to 1000 other isotopes are produced that could be harvested and used for other experiments or applications Workshop series on “Isotope Harvesting at FRIB”, 1st, Santa Fe, NM, 2010 2nd, East Lansing, MI, 2012 3rd, St Louis, MO, 2014 Harvesting of isotopes for applications is not in the base design, but we are making efforts to add these capabilities. Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 24 Fragment Separator Harvesting from Beam Dump and Fragment Catchers Beam from linac Target Beam dump Fragment catchers Isotope harvester Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 25 Harvesting from FRIB Primary Beam Dump and Fragment Catchers § Beam dump • Water cooled rotating drum • Beam stops in water • Limited selectivity § Fragment catchers • Intercept unused fragments • Water cooled, fragment stop in water • Limited selectivity § Isotope harvester (Harvesting catcher) • Interception of small magnetic rigidity band provides some selectivity (case dependent) • Water cooled, fragment stop in water Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 26 Beam Dump Final Design Includes Harvesting Provisions Fragments Primary Beam Isotope harvester Beam dump drum Fragment catchers Primary beam dump drum, fragment catcher, isotope harvester Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 27 Harvesting Space Claims in Target Facility 2nd FRIB Isotope Harvesting Workshop East Lansing, Nov 2011 Target Pumps Target IX Columns and Filters Beam Dump IX Columns and Filters Delay Tanks Gas/Liquid Separation Tank Off Gas Treatment System Space claim for isotope harvesting loop equipment Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 28 Space Claims Incorporated in Final Design Cooling Loop Water Harvesting Space for isotope harvesting loop equipment Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 29 Space Claims Incorporated in Final Design Cooling Loop Off Gas Harvesting Space for off-gas harvesting equipment Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 30 Water Collection Test § Test apparatus funded by DOE Isotope Program: S. Lapi Wash U, G. Peaslee Hope College, D. Morrissey MSU Water reservoir PTFE water target irradiation cell Metal-free valves Flow sensor Carousel Electronics box Linear actuator with magnetic sensors Collection/storage PTFE bottles A. Pen, T. Mastren, et al. Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 31 67Cu Beam Transport Efficiency § 67Cu collection and recovery from water test. A known number of 67Cu atoms are stopped in water and the extracted amounts are measured Method 1A 1B 2A 2B Average HPGe Transport efficiency Run 1(kBq) 549 (31) 516 (30) 531 (25) 494 (20) 523 (27) 460 (9) Run 2(kBq) 548 (31) 516 (30) 530 (25) 494 (20) 522 (27) 452 (9) Run 3(kBq) 524 (30) 492 (28) 501 (23) 471 (19) 497 (26) 425 (8) Run 4(kBq) 509 (29) 483 (28) 492 (23) 462 (19) 487 (25) 403 (8) Run 5(kBq) 530 (30) 490 (28) 504 (23) 469 (19) 498 (26) 397 (8) 88 (5) 87 (5) 86 (5) 83 (5) 80 (4) Average Transport Efficiency 85 ± 5 % T. Mastren, S. Lapi, et al. Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 32 Commensal Use of Mass-separated Isotopes § Energy degrader (aka “Wedge”) at the end of the hot cell creates mass dispersion • Spatial dispersion of different isotopes at downstream focal planes § Possibility to harvest off-axis isotopes § Example: primary experiment selects 82Ge from an 86Kr beam • Other fragments mass-dispersed, available off-axis On-axis beam Rate 84Se 83Se 81As Simulation in LISE++ (O. Tarasov, D. Bazin) ( 78Ge 82Ge Position Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 33 Options: Isotopes for Symmetries Studies § Detailed nuclear structure studies of relevant isotopes § Isotopes delivered as the primary user of the facility – maximum intensity (few weeks/year operation) • Pure samples • Use of gas catcher for efficient transfer into traps § Isotopes collected from the water beam dump – 225Ra, Rn available as a gas (4 to 5 month/year operation) • Considerable work to develop the availability § Isotopes collected in specialized collectors near the beam dump – maybe Fr-isotopes are an option (few month/year operation) • Considerable work to develop the availability § Special isotopes collected off-axis in the separator (44Ti – variable availability) • Opportunities will be available at all times during operation Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 34 Summary § FRIB construction is underway and is scheduled for early completion in 2020 § Broad science program • Physics of atomic nuclei • Nuclear Astrophysics • Fundamental Symmetries • Applications § FRIB can provide useful quantities of nuclides for symmetries tests § Several options for availability of isotopes for fundamental symmetries studies FRIB top Priority of US National Academies (2013) Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 35 Use Unused Isotopes at Focal Planes Off-Axis Collection in a Catcher/Ionizer System § Catcher foils / matrices at high temperature, gas catcher § Release, ionization (selective), and mass separation § Transport to experiments or accumulation Incoming beam from bottom Incoming beam into plane Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 36 FRIB Rare Isotope Production Facility Designed for 400 kW Operation • Accommodates first part of fragment separator with target and beam dump • Remote-handling of activated components (target change within 24 h) • Non-conventional utilities Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 37 World-Wide Rare Isotope Program Sherrill - Fundamental Symmetry Tests with Rare Isotopes 2014, Slide 38
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