SLOs, Growth Models, and the Joint Committee Process Session III: Options to Consider September 18, 2014 John Gatta, Ph.D. President Options to Consider Hybrid of SLO and LGM Student Growth Rating (30%) LGM SLO (15%) (15%) Type I or II Type III Options to Consider Hybrid of “All-in” and teacher roster using LGM Student Growth Rating (30%) LGM School Average LGM Teacher Roster (15%) (15%) Type I or II Type III Options to Consider “All-in” with LGM Student Growth Rating (30%) LGM School Average LGM School Average (15%) (15%) Type I or II Type III Options to Consider Conduct a Pilot Study Pilot Project Select Sample of Teachers Assign teachers to SLO SLO or LGM Further assign teachers to “All-in” or teacher roster All In LGM Teacher Roster All In Teacher Roster How can ECRA help? How can ECRA help? Robust infrastructure and resources to support the development and implementation of both SLO and growth model approaches Other ECRA Updates Questions?
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