Stage 21 Derivatives / Word Study nomen:_______________________ I. Directions: Study the derivatives for each Latin root word, then fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Latin Words English Words (Derivatives) jussive a, ab abduct, abhor, ________________ adiuvo _________________ annus annual, biannual, biennial, centennial, bicentennial, sesquicentennial, millennium, perennial, _______________ precious ascendo ascend, ascent, ascension, _______________ barbarus barbarian, barbaric, barbarity, _________________ celo _________________ circum circumference, circumnavigate, ___________________ confido confide, confidence, confident, ___________________ deicio dejected, _______________ expert durus endure, durable, _________________ circumlocution efficio effect, effective, _________________ replenish infelicitous hour ablution preoccupied extraction morbidity dejection adjutant extraho extract, __________________ ascendant fons fount, __________________ efficient gravis grave, gravity, gravid, grief, ________________ fountain hora horoscope, _______________ grieve infelix _________________ anniversary iubeo _________________ morbus morbid, __________________ occupatus occupy, occupation, occupied, __________________ peritus experience, ________________ plenus plenty, plentiful, plenitude, _________________ pretium price, _________________ sapiens sapient, homo sapiens, ________________ Barbara sapience duress confidant conceal L.M.P. II. Directions: Using the words in the box, give the derivative which is implied in the following phrases. A. an assistant or helper = ______________________ ablution B. to pull out, to remove = ______________________ adjutant C. commanding in tone = ______________________ D. the act of washing away, cleansing = ___________________ E. to sail around something = _____________________ F. pregnant, heavy with young = ______________________ circumnavigate extract gravid jussive III. Directions: Match the proper definition to each derivative. _____ A. ascendant 1. depressed, feeling “down” _____ B. biannual 2. rising, dominant in position _____ C. biennial 3. wisdom _____ D. bicentennial 4. relating to a period of 150 years _____ E. circumlocution 5. abundance, the condition of being full _____ F. dejected 6. absorbed in thought; mentally busy _____ G. duress 7. harsh conditions, a threatening atmosphere _____ H. efficient 8. seriousness, heaviness _____ I. gravity 9. a roundabout, indirect way of speaking _____ J. infelicitous _____ K. morbidity _____ L. plenitude _____ M. preoccupied _____ N. replenish _____ O. sapience _____ P. sesquicentennial 10. happening twice a year 11. sickness 12. to fill again 13. unlucky 14. relating to a period of 200 years 15. happening every two years 16. able to accomplish things without wasting time or resources L.M.P.
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