MALDI Biotyper® Galaxy

MALDI Biotyper ® Galaxy
Automated MALDI Target Preparation System
Innovation with Integrity
Improve Traceability and Throughput
in a Standardized and Automated
The MALDI Biotyper Galaxy automated target
preparation system frees laboratory personnel from
routine work whilst ensuring the highest preparation
quality and complete traceability in a paperless
Full traceability
Seamless integration with the MALDI
Biotyper system coupled with on-board
barcode reading ensures that MALDI
target plates are matched to their
corresponding projects so that every
sample is correctly prepared.
So easy
Just load the target and select the
preparation method – the system
reads the MALDI target plate barcode
and every preparation step is then
automatically performed by the MBT
Galaxy system.
Under full control – sample by
Latest spotting technology guarantees
that each sample spot is coated with
the identical volume of MALDI matrix.
Quality control of the entire preparation
process using integrated optoelectronic
sensor technology ensures that each
sample spot is optimally prepared
for subsequent MALDI-TOF Mass
Spectrometry analysis.
Flexible sample preparation
The two-channel spotting system
facilitates flexible and individual sample
preparation including two-step procedures such as formic acid spotting
followed by MALDI matrix spotting.
The system accepts barcoded disposable and reusable MALDI target plates.
An efficient and clean affair
Integration of the MBT Galaxy into the
microbial identification workflow frees
laboratory staff from cumbersome
Contact free pipetting eliminates
carry-over. The system operates without
pipette tips, reducing costs and the
environmental burden significantly.
Bruker Daltonik GmbH
Bruker Daltonics Inc.
Bremen · Germany
Phone +49 (0)421-2205-0
Fax +49 (0)421-2205-103
[email protected]
Billerica, MA · USA
Fremont, CA · USA
Phone +1 (978) 663-3660 Phone +1 (510) 683-4300
Fax +1 (978) 667-5993
Fax +1 (510) 687-1217
[email protected]
to change specifications without notice. © BDAL 04-2014, 1828756
MALDI Biotyper® is a registered trademark of Bruker Daltonik GmbH
in the European Union and USA
Bruker Daltonics is continually improving its products and reserves the right
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.