Tennis Wollongong Ladies Mid Week Competition Rules & Conditions for Competition One of 2015 FEBRUARY to MAY Format - All Divisions will play the following format: HOME TEAM AWAY TEAM 1v2 1v2 3v4 3v4 1v4 2v4 2v3 1v3 2v4 1v3 1v4 2v3 2v3 1v4 1v3 2v4 up to 3 points will be deducted for Players numbered 1 & 4 double up on both teams. Players doubling up are entitled to a five (5) minute break between sets 1. Late/Non receipt of result sheet 2. Team or Player's name/comp. no. not listed 3. New players and Borrowed players from other Competitions or Associations not being approved 4. Failing to insert Borrowed, Pool or New players names to appropriate area 5. Unsigned result sheet 6. Failing to forward result sheet for wet matches (HOME team to forward if match called off over phone) 7. Unfinancial players/teams 2/4 weeks ALL MATCHES MUST START AT 9.30 a.m. otherwise RULE 8 will take effect. LUNCH BREAK: Please keep to 30 minutes LATE REGISTRATIONS or borrowed players from other current competitions must be phoned to Liz 4284 3551/0411 988 112 before they may participate in the Ladies Mid-Week Competition. Failure to do so will incur loss of points. BORROWED PLAYERS: When a team borrows a player/s from a "higher" handicapped team/s in their division then the team handicap shall be adjusted to reflect the standard of the borrowed player/s at the discretion of the Ladies Midweek Committee. The LMW Secretary MUST be contacted before the match commences for the adjusted handicap. Failure to do so will incur loss of points. Players are NOT allowed to be borrowed more than three times for any one team. PLEASE NOTE: Should teams borrow from their own division then a maximum of (one) player is allowed LAST MATCH: Please phone Liz 4284 3551/0411 988 112 with the results by 7pm on the day. RESULT SHEETS: Completed result sheets must be received by The Ladies Mid Week Secretary by 5 p.m. on Friday following the match. Post to LMW Secretary, Tennis Wollongong PO Box 7025, Gwynneville, 2500, leave at Control Room, or email to [email protected] or Fax to 4226 2784. (Please keep original sheets until end of Competition). Please ONLY use WHITE sheets supplied with this draw. Extra copies available from Control Room. INCORRECT or LATE RESULTS SHEETS: will incur a loss of up to three (3) Points - see above. POINT SCORE: All divisions - 1 Point per set and 3 points for a win on games. ALL COURTS: All court surfaces must be cleared of debris before play commences. DO NOT play on wet or unsafe playing surfaces. HARD COURT SURFACE: All Teams playing off hard courts are required to use 4 balls per match. Loss of 3 points will be incurred. UNFINANCIAL TEAMS/PLAYERS: will lose 2 points per match until financial. Lost points will be returned if payment is made in the first 4 weeks of competition for teams and in 2 weeks of first match for players POOL PLAYERS: Pool Players must be financial members of Tennis Wollongong and Tennis NSW Pool Players Dianne White Kath Jones 4237 8489/0403 338 017 4283 6720 Division 2–3 2–3 30/01/2015 LADIES MID WEEK COMPETITION One 2015 (Feb to May) Division 1 Division 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Wiseman Park 1 Kiama 1 Stanwell Park 1 Kiama 2 Meadow Eagles Warilla Bowls 1 Meadow Sapphires Gilmore Park 1 Dapto 1 Nareena Hills 1 Aloha 1 Berkeley 1 Warilla Bowls 2 McDonald Park 1 Warilla Bowls 3 Meadow Rubies Division 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Nareena Hills 2 Wiseman Park 2 Figtree 1 Stanwell Park 2 Gilmore Park 2 Meadow Gems Gilmore Park 3 Webb Park 1 Draw - Divisions 1,2,3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3-Feb 1v8 3v6 5v4 7v2 10-Feb 2v5 4v3 6v1 8v7 17-Feb 1v4 3v2 5v7 8v6 24-Feb 2v1 5v8 4v6 7v3 3-Mar 1v7 3v5 6v2 8v4 10-Mar 2v4 3v8 5v1 7v6 17-Mar 1v3 4v7 6v5 8v2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 24-Mar 8v1 6v3 4v5 2v7 31-Mar 5v2 3v4 1v6 7v8 21-Apr 4v1 2v3 7v5 6v8 28-Apr 1v2 8v5 6v4 3v7 5-May 7v1 5v3 2v6 4v8 12-May 4v2 8v3 1v5 6v7 19-May 3v1 7v4 5v6 2v8 26-May 2-Jun semi-final 2nd V 3rd FINAL 1st v winner of semi-final NO PLAY: 7 & 14 April (school holidays) REGISTRATION: Captains, please check that each member of your team is registered with either Wollongong, Bulli or Kiama Associations and that Association Fees, Tennis NSW (Advantage Receiver) and Club Fees are all paid by each member. TENNIS WOLLONGONG, TENNIS NSW & KIAMA ASSOC. - Due 1st July each year BULLI ASSOCIATION - Due 1st January each year. ENTRIES for competition TWO of 2015 close 15 May 2015 Competition TWO of 2015 commences on 9 June 2015 30/01/2015 TENNIS WOLLONGONG LADIES MID WEEK COMPETITION ONE 2015 February to May 2015 DIVISION 1 TEAM HANDICAP 22 TEAM HANDICAP 25 TEAM HANDICAP 23 Team 1 - Wiseman Park 1 Ph: 4228 8306, 0438 721 107 0417 445 360 Team 2 - Kiama 1 Ph 4232 2251, 0414 945 479 4234 0220, 0418 487 033 Team 3 - Stanwell Park 1 Ph: 4294 2860, 0410 574 298 4261 1236 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Cathy Benson -c Natalie Murdoch -vc Wendy Nolan Sharon Watts Anne Rouse Sandra McMahon Kylie Player Team 4 - Kiama 2 Ph: 0422 824 300 0417 778 160 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Lynette Poole -c Jane Jackson -vc Karen Del Solar Naomi Watters Dale Vaux Louise Webb Team 7- Meadow Sapphires Ph: 4271 6132, 0413 260 191 4284 6701, 0402 318 229 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Maureen Baumann -c Lydia Taylor Margaret Lynam Letitia Potts Janelle Cole Robyn Parkin -vc Samantha Cole Merrilyn Glaister -c Kate Sharpe -vc Sue Bailey Vicki Pritchard Kathy Wallace Tracy Ellem Annette Rudd 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Anne Woodward -c Sharon Hol -vc Brooke Dent Loretta Fiumara Juliette Brookes Rebecca Ninness Nicole Geldart Nicole Sproule TEAM HANDICAP 30 TEAM HANDICAP 22 Team 5 - Meadow Eagles Ph: 4284 1393, 0402 066 510 4284 7171, 0429 910 774 Team 6 - Warilla Bowls 1 Ph 4256 3146, 0402 900 654 4297 7477, 0411 755 276 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Sharon Dorrington -c Kristy Collyer -vc Lin Bayly Marianne Bleakley Liz Hurley Leanne Fulton Team 8 - Gilmore Park 1 Ph: 4272 4689, 0404348969 0409 319 971 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Kay Snowden Audrey Tucker Lyn Osborn -c Marion Owens Connie McAnally -vc Judith Volcich Kerri Steidl – c Jenelle Watts -vc Marian Summerside Carol Devenish Sue Roche Diane Jones All teams must contact competition secretary before using a borrowed player from another Competition or Association SEMI FINAL: 26 May 2nd V 3rd FINAL: 2 June ENTRIES CLOSE for comp 2 on 15 May 2015 Competition 2 commences 9 June 2015 (to be confirmed) 30/01/2015 TENNIS WOLLONGONG LADIES MID WEEK COMPETITION ONE 2015 February to May 2015 DIVISION 2 Team 1- Dapto 1 Ph: 0418 484 489 4225 0005, 0413 595 970 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Renee Green -c Outi Rutherford -vc Caroline Turner Julie Stapleton Junita Sawyer Tammy Davidson Tarryn Davidson 10 Team 4 - Berkeley 1 Ph: 4274 2917, 0422 023 515 4229 3103, 0402 452 918 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Jan Royan -c Barbara Murray -vc Cathy Smith Jan Wonson Jenny Cummins Debra Yates 10 Team 7 - Warilla Bowl 3 Ph: 4297 1782, 0466 011 695 4233 1036, 0450 222 616 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Louise Lacey - c Heather Cashmore - vc Michelle Brownlee Vera Westra Sue Franklin Melanie Westra Chris Scott Team 2 - Nareena Hills 1 Ph: 0411 377 354 0411 466 195 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Janelle Johnston -vc Hilary Powell Sharon Neilson Pauline Boyce -c Deb Holdsworth Deb Bloomfield Deb McGavin Lisa Greedy Team 5 - Warilla Bowl 2 Ph: 0417 667 352 0418 478 593 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Sue Sinclair - c Debbie Southgate – vc Michelle Duley Katherine Stubbs Sue Veigel Janet Parker Sandy Evans Team 8 - Meadow Rubies Ph: 4271 5904, 0422 315 585 4267 3682 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Sandra Beath -vc Carole Kerr Helen Skeers Dorothy Lucas Magda Van Rensburg Gusta Bennett -c Team 3 - Aloha 1 Ph: 4283 2420, 0415 555 889 4284 9455, 0408 637 782 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Sandra DeLuca Marion Dill Kerry Whitehead -vc Jodi Burton Renate Walker Judy Simpson Pam Simpson -c Team 6 - McDonald Park 1 Ph: 4256 6212, 0438 566 212 4296 5909, 0412 359 905 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Roxanne Bull -vc Colleen Burns - c Linda Machan Brenda Davis Jenny Clarke Jenny Bettini Wendy Turk All teams must contact competition secretary before using a borrowed player from another Competition or Association SEMI FINAL: 26 May 2nd V 3rd FINAL: 2 June ENTRIES CLOSE for comp 2 on 15 May 2015 Competition 2 commences 9 June 2015 (to be confirmed) 30/01/2015 TENNIS WOLLONGONG LADIES MID WEEK COMPETITION ONE 2015 February to May 2015 DIVISION 3 Team 1 - Nareena Hills 2 Ph: 0412 324 424 0414 491 381 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Suzie Kollaras - c Julie Chiaverini -vc Anna Kokiousis Sarah Smithies Tracy Koschny Team 4 - Stanwell Park 2 Ph: 4294 2895 4294 1125 1. Julie Adams -c 2. Kay Godfrey -vc 3. Avis Andrews 4. Kerry Nichols 5. Liz Vodicar 6. Leonie Parker 7. 8. 9. 10. Team 7 - Gilmore Park 3 Ph: 4229 2202, 0419 407 434 4228 8473, 0428 847 300 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Dorothy Allan -c Barbara Taylor Jill Bizeray Gail Lacey -vc Janice Gardiner Ida Mulhall Team 2 - Wiseman Park 2 Ph: 4296 6115 4229 9597 1.. 2 3 4 5 6 Ruth Williams - c Ronda Bique -vc Faye Kirkwood Maureen Gripton Vivian Boolton Monique Gilmour Team 5- Gilmore Park 2 Ph: 4226 2238 4229 9419 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Lynn Soldi Helen Cameron Lynn Deane Chris Clegg Jean Thompson -c Jan Wilkshire Jill Wilson -vc Dale Wood Team 8 - Webb Park 1 Ph: 42613848 42611989 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Jan Paull -c Lynn Whalan -vc Betty Callaway Sharon Dunn Shirley Salter Carolyn Wells Team 3 - Figtree 1 Ph: 4225 7321, 0402 212 659 4229 9589, 0406 961 080 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Kris Lynch -c Marisa Neto -vc Sue Barrie Wendy Harris Lorna Bradley Ann Kershaw Wendy Lucas Team 6 - Meadow Gems Ph: 4283 2784, 0466 283 208 4229 7240, 0413 489 968 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Janette Jones -c Margaret McCabe -vc Peggy Johnston Jean Watton Gloria Brown Carol Cleaver All teams must contact competition secretary before using a borrowed player from another Competition or Association SEMI FINAL: 26 May 2nd V 3rd FINAL: 2 June ENTRIES CLOSE for comp 2 on 15 May 2015 Competition 2 commences 9 June 2015 (to be confirmed) 30/01/2015
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