Leaders in Community Annual Report 2013-2014 Contents Chair Introduction CEO Message Delivering our Objectives Youth into Jobs Food for Thought Live Band Peer Leadership-developing champions User Breakdown Annual Activities Volunteers Reflections Board Development Treasurer’s Report Structure and Governance 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 16 18 19 22 Our Chair’s introduction It gives me great pleasure to introduce the charity’s Trustees’ Annual Report, which sets out for our supporters and our young people what the Leaders in Community has achieved in the past twelve months, and our future plans. It has been another busy year, with many important developments in our charitable work. The economic environment continues to be difficult, so it is particularly encouraging that our income and project expenditure have held up quite well. The section covering the charity’s Strategy and Plans on pages x to x highlights how we are delivering our charitable objects and our Chief Executive comments in detail on our projects and key achievements on pages x to x, summarising our work supporting young people build aspirational goals and exposing them to the array of opportunities and experiences that are out there in their local community and afar. So far as our Trustees have had continual support from our Corporate partners from Barclaycard, their on-going advice and support on our strategy has been invaluable to the way we as a youth-led charity function amongst our peers and the wide competition there is out there for small charities to survive at the same time stay in tune to their beliefs and ethos. I should like to highlight three particular aspects that for me demonstrate the range and quality of what we do: • Developing Young vocal Leaders • Support young people in decision making processes/ structures • Developing a young workforce, promoting resilience and developing the skil s to deal with them effectively All our work depends on the quality of our fund raising efforts, particularly in these difficult economic times, we owe a lot of our gratitude to PoplarHarca and their fundraising team for helping us secure financial support for all our staff. It’s fair to say our financial books could not have been sustainable without their support and guidance. Our staff team have also shown great creativity in generating support, as typified in our increasing working with local schools in the summer of 2013.Finally, I would like to thank our excellent volunteers and my fellow Trustees for their continuing hard work and dedication, and a special Thanks to Martin Pitcock, David McCahon, Emily Hutchings, Daniel Goodacre and the team at Barclaycard who provide first class leadership support. But we are exceptionally fortunate that we have so many talented young people, and that our new recruits have blended in so well. Aisha Lalloo Chair Person 3 Message from CEO I’d like to echo the words of our chair, LiC has been fortunate to work with some amazing partners and young people, we added 200 new young people to our 400 contacts on file. Together with our young people we set 3 goals for 2013 to ensure a longer term strategy that wil deliver quality youth led provision to young people aged 13-25 living in Tower Hamlets. Our 3 goals are: 1. To create a portfolio of creative innovative projects which empower young people to take an active role in the community. 2. A programme of volunteer opportunities 3. Develop a strong board of trustees made up of committed young people with the support of advisory professionals with skil s which match LiC’s strategic priorities We have focused a lot of our attention on systemising our collation of monitoring and evaluation data to allow us to present measurable quantitative and qualitative information, and provide evidence of the impact of our work, and the positive changes we have made to the lives of the young people we work with. This wil be used alongside case studies, which tell individual stories. Moreover, 1. We supported 2 staff to completed Level 3 youth work and is now a qualified youth worker manager 2. Development and deliver staff completed Arts Award assessor training to enable us to deliver 15 accreditations over 2014 We are also in the process of finalising our London Youth Quality Mark with City and Guilds. This wil ensure that we run our organisation as effectively and efficiently as possible, harness the creative thinking from the young people who are part of LiC, and those with whom we engage, and commit to a culture of continuous development. I hope to create a more opportunities which suit our young people’s needs. With all the positive achievements of 2013, I can only hope 2014 wil be full of more success for LiC. Momtaz Ajid Project Manager Delivering our Objectives The Charity’s vision is very clearly set out to inspire young people to become active leaders in their community Our mission: We provide 16-25 year olds with the creative opportunities, skil s and motivation to develop both themselves and others into confident and inspirational leaders within the broader Tower Hamlets community. Core Objectives: To deliver high quality youth engagement services to young people through our: 1. Peer Leaders programme that offers employability skil s and guidance 2. Centre for Creative expression providing the opportunity for young people to explore the Arts and Media Highlights and Achievements of 2013 • • • • • • • • • • • 15 young people into Employment 14 young people completed work placement with LIC 10 recruited into Youth into Jobs programme 4 Arts Award Total young people for the year 250 503 Twitter followers 244 Facebook members 180 consulted in the summer of 2013 134 hours of volunteering by young people Developed new programmes in Langdon Park School and St Paul’s Way Trust school 2 Youth work level 3 Awards 5 Youth into jobs Third year running Back in 2011 we piloted this 12 week programme, to support local young people gain skil s, knowledge and even work experience to better their chances of finding employment. The young people have been given real, practical opportunities to develop their confidence and job seeking skil s from writing effective job applications to reviewing interview techniques. During the 3 month learning programme, the young people have been introduced into the world of confidence and motivation building that wil lead to either further training or employment. Their engagement with our partners has enabled them to get exposed to the day to day operations of service providers and their decision-making processes. They wil gain an insight as to how they can make a contribution in shaping the services that affect them. Their gained confidence and widened horizons wil prepare them to the journey towards higher learning, part-time or full time employment. We have worked with 19 young people to date – but we hope to increase this to 20. A 3-month Job Ready course has been developed in partnership with ELBA’s mentors, and is being delivered by our Peer Leaders. • • • • • 4 young people have been referred to ELBA’s training into work with 1 young person secured 4 week placement at Thompson Reuters. 2 young people onto Building lives construction apprenticeship 1 young person onto Alpha apprenticeship training 11 receiving on-going support We accredit this high success rate to the effectiveness of our Peer Leaders as role models. (Two of our Peer Leaders now work in recruitment themselves, and can give excellent feedback on the qualities, skil s and potential that employers are looking for.) We are seeing increasing numbers of 6th Form leavers who want access to internships and apprenticeships/employer placements, because of the fear of debt from the large fees incurred by going to university. LiC has started working with East London Business Alliance and Barclaycard to access such opportunities for our young people – our plan is to increase the range of companies that we develop links with (both the corporates and their supply chains). We want to capitalise on our proximity to Canary Wharf and the City, and ensure that our young people can stil have the chance to gain experience and to demonstrate their qualities to potential employers, despite not having the informal, personal links to gain entry into these companies. In Youth into Jobs I have learnt a lot of useful tips about how to apply for a job, how to sit a interview also how a CV should look like. It has helped me a lot especial y when I didn't know what buzz words were but now I do and I wil use it. Also working in a team and testing each other on our weaknesses like for example; I find it quite difficult to speak up in front of a lot of people, youth into jobs has helped me a lot by giving me a chance to be more confident. Youth into jobs programme, has given me a lot to learn about the way the work industry works, such as I have learnt what buzz words are and the importance of them whilst applying for a job, also the do’s and don’ts whilst being in an interview such as how to act, speak, body postures etc. Youth into jobs has also helped me with my cv, alongside how to apply for a job without making sil y mistakes. I believe youth into jobs has helped me learn so much in such little time that now my confidence level has increased as to how I should act and present myself and my achievements in order to get a secure job Tahmina Sultana, 18 7 Food for Thought Our partnership with East London Business Alliance has meant that we were able to successfully run another term of F4T. With mentors from Caitlin and Financial Ombudsman we have been visited by 15 corporate volunteers. Aims: To encourage young people to realise their full potential through linking them with inspiring members of the community, who wil share experiences, support and inspire them to make positive decisions around their education and career path. Objectives: • To encourage young people to communicate with professionals, to develop their listening skil s and ability to build relationships • To develop skil s and confidence in areas such as communication, team work, organisation, leadership and project management • To encourage young people to really think about their future path, potential career options and personal aspirations • To build lasting relationships between young people and professionals within the community and to raise awareness of LiC projects within the corporate sector Output: • • • • 13 sessions since April 13 young people participated 13 young people gained an insight into The Financial Services Ombudsman service 13 young people increased confidence in interview situation Food For Thought LIVE BAND Aims: Provide young people from Tower Hamlets with opportunities to learn musical instruments which introduce them to music outside of the genre of music typically associated with young people from the Tower Hamlets area. Objectives: • Break stereotypes of young people in Tower Hamlets which are directly related to music. • Create a situation where a diverse range of young people from different backgrounds, genders and areas can come together to share their passions. • Develop young people’s individuality and provide them with opportunities to express themselves creatively. • Develop young people’s teamwork skil s through collaborative composition. Our Achievements/Output: • Performed at Money for Life event • 1 Community Festival • 3 recorded songs. Poplar Harca project • 5 Attainment of intermediate standard of skil s. • 19 regular attendees • All registered and completed pre evaluation forms • 7 AQAs awarded Live Band 9 Vocals/Drama Aims and Objectives: the aim for this project is to give the young people an opportunity to have a creative outlet and explore different current issues such as ‘the changing roles of woman over time’. How do we achieve them: Through researching issues topics affecting young people today, such as the welfare reforms and writing/ producing drama performances relating to topics they researched Output: Drama performance at Idea store, Streets of Growth (SOG) performance, supported 6 young people do work experience Girls Work Currently, we are working with about 73 girls a week in specialist sessions. We run two in Langdon Park School for Year 7 and 8 girls, which are particularly targeted at those girls who have found the transition to secondary school more difficult, or who the teaching staff have identified as being vulnerable in some way. We also run a session on Burdett Estate for girls aged 12 – 15. Activities include Creative Arts and Crafts and Vocals for Girls. We have started to work on developing the entrepreneurial and leadership skil s of young women. They have been selling some of the products that they have made, and are ploughing this money back into the project – items sold have included cards, silk paintings, and friendship bracelets and decorated cakes. With the opening of Spotlight, we hope to take a lead on girls’ provision there. This wil include bringing all the trained mentors together from their different centres at least twice a year, to share experiences, plan future activities and events, and raise the profile and voice of girls taking part in youth services. Developing Youth Champions Supporting young people to be active through Peer Leadership We have formalised many of our activities – sports, arts and leadership – through accreditation (AQA and Arts Awards) and wil continue to encourage young people to commit to programmes and gather the evidence of achievement required for accreditation. We know this is very important for young people who find formal education challenging; the experience of success, and of gaining a qualification and participating in a celebratory occasion where certificates are awarded, can be a great motivator and life-changing experience. Our Live band workshops an example of how young people have transformed part of the Centre into a proper music space. Youth Champions wil receive business training so that they can organise music events in partnership with Blast Beat in 2014. We wil further develop the leadership training and accreditation by introducing the Duke of Edinburgh award in 2014. It is valuable for young people going on to university, as well as those who want to be active in their communities, and as Youth Champions, supporting their peers. We wil train a further 30 Youth Champions each year. They are very effective at motivating and encouraging their peers. 11 user breakdown: 13 Annual Events 2013 Saw the return of our high profile annual events that gives our young people the chance to manage youth led events for their peers. Money for life challenge saw 4 groups of young people apply for £500 each from the Money for life challenge with Lloyds and Toynbee House. Each group created their own money saving project. Projects included Cashm8 mobile app that helps young people save money and find useful deals. Poplar pound group created their own information film about local currency and finally we had ‘getmorehere now’ fitness on a budget group. Each group were entered in the national competition Next Top Role Model: approximately 80 young people attended our awards ceremony celebrating young role models within our communities, we had an overwhelming response to our nomination stage. This year we were able to award 2 young people for their outstanding contribution to their communities. Your Choice- was a summer long event which allowed our young people to choose the types of summer activities they wanted. With that effect LiC hosted a summer Monopoly trek, trip to Brighton, table tennis competition and an Olympic park visit. 15 A strong programme of Volunteers at LIC Our volunteers are the back bone of all our work, they not only help us deliver quality provisions, but also help shape our future. In 2013 we worked with 20 volunteers supporting them develop skil s and recruit young people onto our programmes. ‘Volunteering in LIC has given me a lot of opportunities to gain many skil s such as communication skil s and leadership skil s. These skil s come into hand whilst I am working and communicating with the young children in order to get to know how they feel and whether they like school or if they have problems etc. Also I gain leadership skil s as I help my supervisor Hasina with leading the session, this helps me as I follow to see the way she works and handles situations alongside the way she leads the group and I follow the same way to strengthen them skil s. Also working in LIC gives me a good experience in the work field I would like I join in the future which is to do with young children. Overall volunteering with LIC is enjoyable as well as it helps gain further skil s’. Ruksana Begum, 18 Since working with Leaders in Community (LIC), I was given the opportunity to use my own initiatives from day one. I felt extremely welcomed to bring new ideas into the team and would say that the work experience as well as the social environment of the work place was pivotal to broadening my horizons. Aside from acquiring an array of skil s and learning how to apply myself in the professional world of work, the fact that we are always working together to create a sense of positivity whilst applying a modern approach to daily life has been key to providing a good service to young people. The placement has given me the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and adopt a better understanding of other cultural perspectives. I have learnt so much from this placement at LIC, which has allowed me to apply my own theoretical understandings to the social world. In addition to this, I have overcome personal confidence issues and developed a strong work ethic in the process of it all, a fantastic opportunity to prove to myself and everyone around me that I can do it! With this placement, I aim to continue my learning so that I can develop myself and reach higher levels . Rio Roberts, 22 17 Board Development Developing a strong board of trustees made up of committed young people with the support of an advisory group of professionals with skil s which match the strategic priorities of LIC LiC have recruited a new board this year and have successfully managed to form three different sub groups; marketing, strategy and finance. The groups have all made great progress within the last 5 months. The finance group have introduced LiC to a new banking system, the marketing group are working on re branding LiC and the strategy group are constantly looking to achieve all the goals LiC has set. ‘The journey from taking part in LiC’s projects over 2 years ago, to progressing and becoming a board member has allowed me to understand how LiC works, both on a micro and macro level. It helped me understand how the projects I had participated in are funded and the process of applying for funding for the purpose of sustaining project delivery. I am grateful for the responsibility of being in the board and feel accountable for LiC’s future’. Sheikh Abeed Rahman,18 'Being the ‘Director of Branding and Marketing’ at LiC and taking a lead with the re-branding of the charity is very exciting. I am enjoying putting my design background to use and helping to develop other board members and getting them actively involved in the process. Having access to the marketing team at Barclaycard has also helped with my own development and guidance as a designer.’ Kadeza Begum, 23 Tresurer’s report ‘Given the size of our charity it is clear how limited we are in securing large scale grants, however with a lot of in-kind support from partners such as Poplarharca, LiC has been able to ensure that it has built up a healthy balance sheet which wil enable it to meet its aims for the year ahead. Income for 2014 was at £140,905, which is slightly more than last year’s figure of £130,468, the slight increase has been due to securing funding for 3 members of staff, 1 full time and 2 part time. With this LiC have been able to build a strong and healthy income stream for the year, highlighting the strength and sustainability of the charity. After Expenses have been taken into account for the year, the total funds carried forward for the year amount to £41,203, which has reduced slightly compared to the previous year, but nonetheless provides a comfortable figure for the year. Out of this £41,203, £16,099 wil go to the restricted fund and wil help bolster the reserves during this period of uncertainty. For the remaining amount, £25,104 wil be going towards a designated fund which wil contribute towards staff costs. I along with the rest of the board aim to ensure that the finances of LiC remain healthy for the year ahead; with the aim of using the money that comes into the charity on a multitude of quality engagement services for young people’ Antonio Cisse Treasurer 19 Statement of Financial Activities for the period ended 31 March 2014 Incoming Resources Incoming Resources from generated funds: Voluntary Income Donation / Other Income Investment Total Incoming Resources Resources Expended Direct charitable activities Goverence costs Total Resources Expended Net Incoming / (Outgoing) resources Total Funds brought forward Total funds carried forward 2014 2014 Unrestricted Restricted Funds Funds 121,408 19,465 32 19,497 121,408 17,747 1,350 19,097 400 24,704 25,104 121,962 121,962 (554) 16,653 16,099 2014 Total £ 121,408 19,465 32 140,905 2013 Total £ 87,751 42,672 45 130,468 139,709 1,350 141,059 (154) 41,357 41,203 132,032 1,000 133,032 (2,564) 43,921 41,357 Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2014 Fixed Assets Tangible Assets Current Assets Cash at Bank / in hand Debtors Less Current Liabilities Creditors: amount falling due within a year Net Current Assets / (Liabilities) Net Assets / (Liabilities) 2014 £ 1 2013 £ 966 42,605 23 38,375 5,300 (1,426) 41,202 41,203 (3,284) 40,391 41,357 Accumulated Funds: Unrestricted Funds Designated Funds Restricted Funds 15,104 10,000 16,099 14,825 10,000 16,532 Total Funds 41,203 41,357 21 Structure and Governance Leaders in community is a registered charity (number 1137183) which is entirely youth led, managed by a dedicated team of young people from the local Poplar area, many of whom helped establish the organisation in 2006. Management Committee Every Year LiC runs a peer leadership course which helps train and recruit young people to become our management committee member. These young people are now training on the job as they manage the whole organisation and its projects. Chair Person Aisha Lalloo Secretary Kadeza Begum Treasurer Antonio Cisse General members Rukshana Aktar Javed Zoha Shiekh Abeed Rahman Shahid Miah Aminul Islam Advisory Members Barclaycard Team Where young people build success www.licprojects.org LiC is the trading name of Leaders in Community Ltd, LiC is a Charity, Registered Number 1137183 and a Company registered in England and Wales under registered number 6806199. Registered office: c/o Aberfeldy Neighbhourhood centre, Aberfeldy Street, London E14 0NU
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